!fEW*PAl>i:n MWS. 1. Subscribers who do not GIVE PXPRCW ll>- lie* to tlie contrary, an- considered im uisli iDf to continue their Biib*crip!ion«. 2. If tiibscrioert order the discontinuance i of tlieir periodicals, the? publisher may con tinue to send them until all arrearages arc paid. 3. If svhscribers neglect or refuse to take their |M»riHtit'iils from the office to which they are directed. thev arc responsible until they have sot tied their hills and onlered hem ditH>Mtilined. if Subscribers move to other places, win Mit informing the publisher, and the 1 papers an sent to the former address***, they j are held responsibly. 5 Anj person \vh » receives a newspaper | and n» i!; use of it, whether lie has onlered It or i.ot, is held in law to IM* a subscrllier. 6. If Uihscrihers pay In advance, they are bound to Rive notice to the publisher at the snd of their time, if they do not wish to j continue taking the paper, otherwise tin publisher is authorized to .M-IDI it on, and *he subscriber will IK: responsible until ex- j press notice with (Miymciit of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. Topic* at Home. Commissioner's court next Monday. I But one prisoner in jail at this place. Court is in session at Dobson this week. Only one week from next Monday un til eourt. , The Daubury Sunday School will lave a picnic lilth of May. Messrs. R. B. Glenn and A. 11. Joyce j arc attending Surry court this week. Danbury offer* the best opening that we know of for a first-class wagon ttak- j er. The closing exercises of Mr . froy's school will take place on the 17th prox imo. Womtar if that man who fit lie* by the midnight toreii these has i . luck getting ' A lianliury youth -\.vs IK likes to get rick—too sick to go to school ai:d no' tao «ic!c to go fishing. Don't forget the RKPOKTKH AMI POST ofljee when in need of anything in the Job Printing line. We guarantee you the two things you desire—neatness and cheapness. To know how to say what other peo ple think, is what makes men poets and sages ; and to dare to say what others only dare to think, makes men martyrs or reformers, or both. Maj. Sutherlin, ef Danville, gave, a few days ago, one hundred bushels ot corn to he distributed among the desti tute people of Patrick oouuty, Va. The merchant* of Richmond have since given liim three hundred bushels for the same purpose. At Dr. V. Thompson's drug store, Winston, may bo found the largest line of Trusses, the greatest variety of gar dea seeds, with he best selected stock of Dru£s, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco to be fouud in the place. There is aoiuc complaint about rust on wheat in some parts of the county, but wo hope that it Ls like the cry about the fly destroying plants that we hear every year. Those complain most who have tobacco for sale. Some men have not gold their wheat. A. Marks, Root, Shoe and Harness maker, having located in Daubury, of fers his services to any aud all in need if work in his line, lie guarantees his work to compare favorably with the best workmen in the State, aud hopes to re ceive a liberal patronage. Terms libe ral. ► Don't wear your lives out, and waste your pneioaa time by using such worth leas tools as you have, but when at Winston stop into 8. K. Allen's, where you will find everything you need about your wagon, your farm, or anything usually kept in a first-class Hardware store, at prices so low that you cau't help but buy. Some uien must have a quarter of a column to express a well-defined idea, when writing for a newspaper ; but it it astonishing bow concise they can make an advertisement that costs thirty cenu per line.— Exchange. Yes, souio like to spread when it doesn't cost a cent. That class of meu are so Uiiu that they don't amount to uiuch in the world. Married at Wilson's Store, in thi: oounty, on the* titb inst., by Joel F Hill, Esq., Calvin Kiaer to Miss J uiiu A. Kiaer. On the 13th at the same place bj same, Sam'l Luusford to Miss Minna Kenedy. On the 10th at the same plaee by same, W. Y. Rodenhanimor aud Mist Elizabeth Tuttle. . On the 16th, by same, at Mr. Le Rierson's, Alex. Tuttle and Miss Lauri Kierson. It is hoped that our people will con sider what thev are doing, now that it is I about tobacco planting time, and not | put out more than they can well attend 1 to and nicely manage. It willl not pay to cultivate common tobacco. Mr. Elijah Blair, of this place, has in , his garden a peach tree, the fruit of , which is a real curiosity. The peaches j, j are about as large as beans, growing in , ) clusters, occasionally as many as four | having sprung from one bloom. In some ] ! instances they arc almost perfect twins. 1 , while iu most cases they seem to be j joined only about half-way up. I Tlie larqp muitlier of black bas put into 1 I Dan river three s-'asom a,o is ti zoning i" ■ pan out ill lilies /.eti fish- Jim Bet e' caught j a buss las' week ai w.e river oil M.ij. Hcttiel'-. j plantation lliat weighed -i pounds.— ltchU-, rill' l Times. If some of the fish dams in the river botweerf this place and Danville were torn out. persons in this part of the county who born their part of the expense, ' of putting them in the Dan, might get a part of the benefit. We have received the April number of the Original English Chatterbox | from the American publishers, Messrs. j Estcs fi Lauriat, Boston, Mass. This i is the best children's magazine in the | worhf; containing B2 paires, nod 10 j flill-page illustrations each month. It has a world-wide reputation, aud more than a million children in luig-l I land and America read its charming ; stories. : To receive/our dollar's worth for on" I you have only to send one dollar direot ; ly to the publishers,, and tlicy will send postpaid, Chuttcrhoi . and TO KVIHV I NEW Sr iisritnu.it a beautiful steel cn -1 graving (iNx'JI inches, price *>:i.Oo of a ! little gil l puzzling over her first sum, I and entitled "Ought and Carry One." Do you know that the hard times are f-'t by tho printer as well as by the farmer, nicnehani.; and tradesman 1 It just e msider how long you have been :• s ling *!ie *•' port r, and how much you ' lia* e paid to keep it up. Wcappri iate the kindness of all who have spokeu a .good word torus, and especially those 1 subscribers who have lent a helping hand 1 i . . j to enable us to overcome the difficulties . j that attend keeping up a paper in this { | remote though highly favored section of I the State; but at the same time there \ arc subscribers on our list who should i remember that we have to pay money . for paper, money for printing, money for I postage, money l'or press, type, ink, &c., and that subscribing for a paper is doing , nothing to sustain it, unless the subsenb . er pays a little sometimes. The hard j times are upon us, but there is not a ! subscriber on our list who could not iu I the last year have helped us a little. . Plcasi tell your wife when you see this, : not to let you forget to bring us a little , money when you come to court. ! ONK TIIKVST DID IT.—The work of J ; less than one-fourth of a minute makes j two families miserable for all tiia", and 'j it may two souls for all eternity A j gentleman who was at Mr. Beasloy 1 Mabe's, the father of the young man 1 j killed by Nelson last week, says that! ' i house presented tlio most pitiful appear- ' " j ance he ever witnessed. The old gen- j j tlemaii, nearer dead tl.an alive, in otic 1 | corner, aud who from un accident has been confined to his bed or the house five or six months ; the old lady in au " other part of the house entirely blind, .while near the middle of the floor lay almost their only hope of support, the l soil, cold ami dead, stabbed to the heart i by a neighbor. | How is it at the house of the other " party, the nun who struck the fatal j I blow ! Even worse than at tho first. Tho head of the family gone, a refugee S S from justice ; the wife wringing her ' bauds in anguish ; tho older children " ] smarting uuder a sctfsc of degradation, and it may he, tinged with feelings of , remorse, while the youugest, a favorite I child, never ceases to pour fourth her plaintive wails, ".My futher is gone, aud ' I never will see him again and to add j to the already sore trials, the otliecr of the law steps in and takes possession of the corn, fic., their only means of sup- ®I port. ; This ca.se should be a warning to those who would harm their ueighbor's, aud 'cause them to consider before couiinit | ting an act that will bring such trouble j to themselves aud families. >. | m "* j WILL WtIHUKRN XKVr.lt CEASE? is i Wo have often heard of ministers e being watched, caned, pounded and even t. suited, but wo never dreamed, much y moro heard of a Colporteur meeting with such a mishap. Then imagine our i surprise a few days ago, when one entered is our town, who had been so terribly pounded, that even his buggy suffered ia m tho fray, judging from the collapsed | appearance of the springs. >y ( The butter used for the occasion ie | rivaled the gold of Ophir in color, and as for Bweutness, it reminded one plcas iy antly of May blossoms. «» The fowls must have been Egyptian fowla, or at least they testified strongly ;c to having come from a land of corn, — •a and the egg', well his good wife says, theywerc the very best. NI'BIXB. Spring hasasrain unl'iiM' ' - ...negat ed beauties to our anxious >ions. Who J would not love a spring morning in Dan- ■ bury, where the gentle zephyrs, pure ;»■ nectarine springs, play so dejigtitfully with the bewitching curl-: of our sweet mountain inaids,and j .in'. ' ■ cW' v ' with the vermilion tints i i ami beantv To exhiltrut. iu the pure | breezes, mellowed by a vernal sun, and I listen to the joyous carol ol nature's cho- j risters, must awaken iu a bosom free from j guile, and unfettered with the cares of life, a To Drum to lliiu who rules the seasons and so benignly sheds bis j varied gifts upon us. How beautifully appropriate now the! Song of Solomon : "For, 10, the winter! is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear upon tho earth ; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the j voice of tho turtle is heard in our land." | A writer expresses tho opinion that, while much has been writien for and | against the inspiration of this Song of Solomon, "no one will deny that as a j ; poem it is worthy to take rank among! I the greatest works which reflect the glor) ' ,of human genius. Surely not by any [mot yf any land or age have the voices! ■of spring been more exquisitely trans-1 I lated. We seem to hear the snapping j of the ico fetters in which winter has j held lake mid stream, and the glad out gush of the long imprisoned cascades as , they leap down tiic hill-sides. The voices of .singing birds nnd the perfume jof a thousand flowers fill tho air. Tho j spring brings us messages concerning I tiod. Nature is a perpetual revelation i of the eternal, not stereotyped as the i I Bible is ; each sermon is a new edition j and each opening flower a fresh leaf.— j Nothing brings back to us the sweet liu-j inanities of the old religions and discloses | to us the truth that the niytheologiea of: classic lands were deeper and purer than j they seemed, as does this spiritual per-| eeption of the meaning of nature. The j i fool savs in his heart. "There is no! I Cod." Nature says m her heart anil! every flush of her face, ''There is a Oou j aud He is here." The only sound many | catch in nature is the clashing of the! many wheels iu her wondrous median-1 ism. But to tho pure spirit every star 1 that burns and every flower that gems | the elastic sod is a voice of (lod. The I beauty of nature is a stronger argument | for the presence of a divine intelligence in her than even design. Nothing i more pitiful than the state of the man who can stand amid the breathing beaut;, of a spring day and neither sec nor hear, ItJod. Every bird that carols in the wyods sings the old song of tho divine faithfulness. Each spring our faith in tiod grows stronger, (lod is true. The: lengthening days are do Irin" it: tin flowers are*bloouiing with it; the whole | | earth throbs in a response to it, and it in 1 I "born upon every breath of the balmy j air." LOOK O.V '1 (3.: liKISJIIT KIOI". A writer in an article headed "Two , ( Kinds of People," copied in this week's ' I iU'.i'oitTKß AND POST, presents a striking I j contrast in persons who are disposed to' look oa the bright side of life, add those I | who have what might be called a talent ' 1 for wrctcheducss. We should remem ber, however unfortunately situated, that I there is no condition iu life that miglii ' I not be made worse. There are people j 1 ! who are apparently hap py under all cir- ; jeumstanees. Theirs is the habit of: looking on the bright side. However perplexing the situation, however hedged about with embarrassments and obstruct, ed by hindrances, they either see beyond! it halcyon skies and a smooth pathway,' |or they manage to extraot the present | sweetness from its bitterness. On the; other baud there are those who, rcgard ' |cd as IO outward circumstances, appear ' to have everything in their favor, yet who 1 I manage to be so uniformly miserable that "' it may be assumed they have a talenifor j i wretchedness. It is an old saying and we believe a i ' true ouo, that, "There is a bright side 'to everything that every cloud has a. ' | silver lining. "; There is uo pain or trouble without a | joy or pleasure to compensate for it. It ' | is true that sometimes the clouds scctu *; so heavy and our way so dark aud cheer- j less, that for a time we look iu vain for " one ray of sunlight, and think that we j j have become enveloped in one cloud that! iis all darkuess. But not so : All that ; is required of us is patience, and when s | we 'east expect it the clouds will break ~ away and tho light of symapthy and I, friendship wil stream down upon us in , bright gleams, showing us that life may r 1 yet bo worth striving for. You may | take the greatest trouble, and by turn- j ing it around find joys on the other side, j The gloomiest mountain never casts a 1 shadow on both sides at ouce, nor docs i the greatest of life's calamities. I.ook, „ 1 reader, on the bright side, and be of good j|cheer. | We call the attention of our readers |to tho advertisement of J. Monroe Tay n lor. This house has been established y nearly 40 years, and their goods are eel* _ : ebratcd for purity and strength. Wo would recommend a trial their Gold * Medal bVauda to all who want superior cookery. ■■■in Afo Whiskey! BROWN'S IKON BITTERS is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful 6oUrce of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. RICE, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron liitters: Cin..0.,N0..i6,i551. Gents:—The foolish wast ing of vital force in bnsao^i, pleasure, and vicious indul gence ef our people, tnak your preparation a necessity; and if applied, w ill save hu dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. i BROWN'S IRON BITTERS has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c., and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief |(OSTET|||M» P** CUMMCD \f . • « ■ ■' Jfe -fjnh jj,. v•/ ,v. *. y~ '• - • v:' -vf j STOMACH ' W I A A For a quarter of a contury or n.ore IIo»tot- , i ."-. Stomaeh HilO-i* has Urn the »t|Hi a ilie for imligeittion, «I\>|M|»l;l, fevt-r and anav, a pli\Mcul rl.uiuun, (hot* cum plaint ' an ! otlur 'lisortlors HJH! htu» liccn im I rn>- pliaiieally in IOIMMI In iiic«;it:iiie nu nOA a lu-uitli ; an I utrrngtli restorative. Ii counteract** a ten ik'iicv to liivniaturu «lecay, mm MIBIUILB ami roiuloi-ut the ami ituhiti. For sale by all nrufrgtaU ami Dealers gcuorally. TIIAD R 4 PI /fm (v.' V, % V> M t» ■ v §j r. ' t V ft I •• A>. v • d j > . S*' ■ tfo ■' •• \t »v : "AT nX'-fti*-." !,;j if L|* UC. I ' kitr jificlSti» -s- i-.-iWI • • it, J )J SH& *■ I (* BP J\\ 6^ Ncumigia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ' Bcckacha. Soreness of ihi* Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soi-a Throat, Swell• I iiigs and Sprains, Burns c,: j Scalds, General Bodily Pains, | Tooth, Far end llaadachs, Frosted Feot and Fars, and all other Pains and Aches. | N'» PropamUuii n earth HJIMU On. I i% mi f \ I nlmjtir »•. I t'hrttp Kxt-rt'-l ! H-m-ly. \ trial fontiu but tli« cun>i«milv«*lr iw.'.i.ij; i>u;Uv uO •■rt», f.nil »?t»rv »ni» I wliii "win nu'i h »v«j oLuap Mid |u.niiivo |»rw« f »>i lu > l'irwli.irtn 111 F.ltMftt Ijohtmukm. j 30LD liV ALL DKUr,OIBT3 AND DZAL2H3 IS KBDIOIHE. A. VOGELJ:r & co., Jtuttiutorr, VI/.. S. .4, Land lor Sitlc. I Iliivlng IHWI aptmiiilctl I'omniUiotn'r liy ! tli" l'nilnti' Conn >'l' Moki'j luiiiily l-x-'ll '|||« !:t:i.ls ili-siTilK',l lnl.«w fur pti'titlon I IIIIIIIIU; the lieirt ut law of IVrr'ni Joyce, .Ir.iHailil, I will .I 'll t» llie bidder, at lln' Court House dO»r ill Uuulmry. "ii Mini iliiy Stli nf May 1»-, it being :it S|>:'jiij{ li'nn of Ibe billK'liur omit, ilie li.llowlog tract of tiiiiil or il7 aen'9, mure •ir less, on till' waters nf Crooked (.'isa k. > IJoinlic: the Inn.;.- >f Palsy Winston l ads, : liuek Martill, and olliers. IKUMS —Six niontlm eri"lit, l">nd "ill) ' approved »e, uiity nt|iili-ed,.\iiil title n'Udtmd i until paid. 'l'lu» '/oili day ol Marelt l; ;-J. PK'i'liH O. NVATKINS, Com. ! QPIUM And >nfPh»ne H«hlt can Tn ftwn in to *» day*—no j»uv Ml eun«d. I ?'»hu»m»a 1« vciiT*. IJOOO cuiwl. Refer to patients in "II parU otiheev-uutry. Dr. r. B. Barak,Umncy. Mick OPIUM | ; lAHITAN NERVINE. Suituiritaii Nervine , 'iire«i Epileptic Fit*, Convulsions b.. \ una Da in*, Virtit'. », liys'e: I. s, i:;.-,; ,I'y. Av'H l'.s.\. i'.i:.,r,biH. lllu uituUisiii. .Neurul ui;i, ant all M« t \otw Dis-Mw*. 'rliU IntUlli- Wle wiil |i h :ive.y cnulieule c\ i \ . ! .-| ■ 'lea « : Nci'VOU** I M'l ai', !HlO l!. Ull«l driV«* t in lroin wliftuN* t» •> i-.inii-. iunt*r to j'• • i' i".' arly r»»ys lltw fiej , . «!i:.afi» ncutiuli/ n,; tin" horeititury ; :a.it or in thes.VAieiu,nnl ■ :;.«Ii 'iUed Lin.* ilibt'Ost*, all I uttltily UfsLio\> i j the cairn". 1 Saniantan Nervitic | « 'ttres I'.'iiiale WVakn. ( us .1 I) ' iiity. ; l.ft.co.i'.tt-i Whiter, I'.i.i.i.ii .M ii.Htr.iiU.ioii. 1 ! -iation «>f tl„. i terns. In.-rnial Heat. 1 I i ■ '*l. 1' Mamma*iiiii • l tin- Hlad.'ier, irriia- ' ' • of Uh . .-. i,j \\ ..j,. lUIIH •.» » ti . t!n»ro is no l». tier run • ly. l)ur>in; >' {.ic c.uuiue ft* I ni l-enirtle»hoii!«l IK? with- | ■ "Ut. it. it quteu the lN«rvous System uiul J -,'ivt-h i- st, con.- rt all'.! i:ut i;e*a sweet sleep.' 1 Samaritan Nervine 11 s M'*l -lism, Drunkenn-Hj and tto -' j i V->it »t' Opium 1 hoc* I l.uhiu i.iv ;-y 1.. ;i..- \\nr»t. e\ tl s tl.al ; « fan • i • litil • ing !i\uianlty. Thous j anils die aiiuually uom tliest* noxious tlruus. | : ue tiii tiik.t .i ililnl.iltjUoi' not txva'iso h« ! k •' if, but for the pi -asitre of Irinkiny and : I i r»Mi inu lii.s ti ie,uis, litt it* t that lie is i • : 1..h !oui to ftiiu. i.iue Uie t>p,nm iuiter. I .* lirst ;. «;s the drug in sin t ? S juautities ;b J an antiUote. 'I• toutl .it • uenoo of tlie «" u„ tuke a stiong h». iJH a letiin. lend- j iu.u him on to his own «l M.uction. The habitit of Opium Katiny and •IJijttor Drink- 1 nig aie precisely .-thai eating io uliuien-! ';\ene>», us ovor-eatiinj tiiM inilaines th diiach, which i loubles its cravings nutii j •t paral;,t«oih the «uh and tl c . .itc. ,s »ev i v drink of liijuor or dose «>i ' ' I'J.Mll, iost'litl Of ..it i.sl\ lit rc»' fill's, until it eo .laimes* thn vital j t'oix-e and then itself. Like the gluttonous I i :j».•-•.vorni. it erics • i% «>, give, •jive!*' hut ! j ..ever enough until itsmv.i rajuicity devou:> I • M'. iSauuuitau Nervine jjives instant re- ; j »i' I' iu all such c.e+es. It, produces sleep, j i !''• ts tie nerves, imihls up the nervous s; > ' j i« in. :iud n-stoivs hotly and mind fo a lienlih-! v condition. Saiiiaritan NervJiie j Cures \mo!i« Dysp'«psln, ! alpitation «'f ! j the Heart. .\ tdn;t. iiio.j iiiii.t. .Scrof»iii», J disease; ■t' th" Khlu a::.I ;»1. ! «iise:tses of the m iliary o:\:.t s Nervous lie , dliiy. c.aiscd by tla* iinlisc;. tion.» of yo.ith. i ; • • maneutly cnr*>tl by ihc use- of this inval I liable roniedy. To sou, youag. middlc-a •••! I and old men, who are crtveriug your sillier- • insfs as with 8 ma nth* by silemv, In. k up. j >«»u can be st.ved by limely etlorts. and mak'* j oriuiiii" u-t to "-H'hity. and jewels :u the. jci ov. n if your Maker, if you will. Do n»»t . !l • ••;> Ill's a s • -vt longer, until It sans your vitals, and destroys both body and soul*. 11"• you A us at ct I. tale ! H. Kit MMOKD B .-amir.'itan Nervine. It will restore* vonr shattei-ed nerxr . au -st | : ematured» -ay. im- I pait tola; ttll.l » tt» tile whole System. Samaritan Nervine ! Cured my little K'rl of Nho wiut ul.v> d«;if out tl'tiub, t'iit i: cured lior. -.nr c;iu (filk and I ( h»*ai sin \vell HJI anybiwly. I*KTKH ItOSS, Sprln^wntv:r, Win. | S.IM. JRIT.LY JFER VIA'E ♦ been Hie mo m* .>f MiriTij; inv wife of rheu >n tluiu. .1. B. FLKTCHKIt. l t»rtt'olHnn. t'ul. S.OMRIT.I.Y A ER VIXE ; Mut!c a atire cure of n cnte of (its for inv mm. K. U. UALLS, lliatti-ville, Kan. 1 SJJM.IRITJI.Y XERVLVE Curctl me ot* vertigo, nouralvia HII«1 sick hea«l- Aehfl. Mw. \VM IIKNS »X. Anr»»rn. 111. SJIAURITJIA .YERVLYF. j W.i# the uieausof curing inv nll'e of spaam*. Itßv. .1. A l:i»n:, Be ;t \.-|, fa. S. IM. 11l IT. I.Y .YE Rl7. \'E Cure I in*' of asthmi, ftftcr over with other tiottor#. s. It. ItollSUN, New Alhttin. I ml. S. f M. IRIT. 7. V .YER VIA E Etlu. tualiy cured me nf Hp-t«m*. M i JENMi: WAUK IX, 740 Went Van Ituren St.. Chicago. 111. S. ■/.>/. IRl'l\flA~ A ER VIA'E Cured oar ehild of fits after given up tt> die hv j.«i n ui.lv phvfilclan, ithavUigovtn i M»iu2lhoar HENaY KM;! - , \• : la, Wirrcn • .... renn. SA MMil TA y y Kit Vish' Curitl me of «cr\Tula after Niiflerlng f«»r s vearn. AI.HKUT >I.MPSOK, I oria, PI. SAM AH IT A y XJCH VIS /v Cunsl my mm of lits. after #netHllug -2.400 n ltli other doctor#. ,l. \> . THtUiNTuN. Chiiburn, Mis#. SA MAIiITAX SFITRISE Cured me pcrnnmeutly of epMentic til# of a atub ' born eliar.icier. " UKV. W.M. M VUTIN. Mechanlcstown, Md. SAMAHITAX SKI I i 'IXJ£ , Cured no Bon of fit-*. after having fcad 2,200 In 1s I months. Mi:* I' FOHIIF.S, West I'otMiarn, N \ HAUA.It IT AX A ' HLLX IS j Curotl me of epilepv? of una' \e ii -' r>la:uliiig. MIMUBLKN \ MARSHAI !.. liranb>, Newton Ce, Mo SAM A UITAN \IK VIXE AHe perpriticntly cured n»c «»f euHewny ol inanv >» :irsduration. JACtill Sl'TFat,St ooseph. Mo SAMAHITAX XMtViyK Cure«l mo of l»r« a.-h ti •*. a>?htna .inl ipmcral de bility. OolYMt MYKKS. I , it*in. i.ihiu. SAMAHITAX XEH VIXE Has cured ine of a.«*hma: alno scrofula of many yearsHt.im.Mng. ISAAC.I KWKI.I.. i'ovlngtou, K* S. I .V A HIT A X XEH VIXE Cured me of fit/-. Have been w ell over 3 v 'ars, I'll Alt LKS M CCUTIS, 0.-rtK V Mum. SAMARITAN XKHVIXE M'uiC'l a friend of mine who had dvs|>enaia very . i. Mil HBI O OXNOIt, Rklfway, Pa, SAMAHITAX XEH VISE Ha# permanent Iv curetl rao tl' epileptic tit^. I»iv v ll> riii' MBLV, Dc» Moines, lowa. SAMAHITAX XEHVIXE Curod m? wife of epilepsy of , 2. r » vejir* standing. II FN It V I'LAHK. Fair Held, Mich. I SAMAHITAX XI.Hi IXK ' Curod my urtfeof a uorvou# d!#eiso of the hea« f . BUKAHAM, North Hope, Fa. SA UAH I TAX XEIiVIXE Cured my won of lite, lie hu- net had a tit for S about fntr years. .IOHX MAVIS. ; WtKxiburn, Macuupin Co, 111, Samaritan Nervine t is for sale by drusuists every when*, or may I '• -i had direct from us. 1 liose who w lsli tt> obtain furtli -r evidence of the curative prop* erties i >n mar it an Nervine will pleit«o en close a -S-ceut posUu;e stamp lor a copy ol our Illustrated Journal or Health, Livin.: bundled-, oft timonials of cure from |ier sons who ba\e used the medicine, and also their pictures photographed after their rcsio ration to laufect health. [ Aditress ■ DR.S. A. RICHMOND & CO., J We ld's Epileptic Institute, i ST-JOSEPH, MO. . FACTS FOR Till: COXSI I >KR ATI ON OF FARMERS WKGGROW TOBACCO. Kvery lariner knows that it tloes not J' y to rale conn net Tobacco, and every one. U. ."W, I low dilliculi ii is to make t > ily line c,« pof Tobacco, even under the niMt R.ivoralde clrcniu.sianei SOIUH CMJV DM know that it is almost itnjiossible to make, i iel low Tnbueeo, e\. epl on IV i i.intl, iVtlhoul the n.s.- i I Ft!ltili/.ers. Our observa- , t. « HA-L ecn til tt ti.e HU V MI I:, | T« h;!.?co growers both ill North Corolina and Vir a;-'t!io?o win. u.* ! .til;.'. in •liberally, apply them projierly and work their | crops thotouehly. TIIIVM* I !tibeinj true i! is ,! :lie nJiu : that you make aselc-tion t>l tins i*• r: 11!i'*• c t..;. i i e>p ia ly ila •i to the growth "f line Vellow Tobacco and the one .if will inai.o the • est JM. 4 :• j■ in a wet. dry or t;«»od se;isoti. livery iitauul.ictiu'er . f fertilizers will tell . i that there lias lieeu a sha p aidvaHoe iu the cost of all standard r*rtili/i:iu uiate,iitls iiii> ..n. Tlien; are many «lil*ere:it materials used in the nitiiut facture of fertili/."! s )>nt onl\ a !'• out oflhe wboh* list that aits recognized ;is being si mdard. Tin- 'I » p'a st i i «-s a dillrient fertilizer from thai rotpiired by either Wheat or Cotton. Then- arc i. ir.nl'... :ured oil • o *der" a great many brands of fertilizers whV.i a -..'nl in North Cruoliii: ne u who l IOW little or cure less about the quality of the L'oodstlic\ sell. Tliey lum.* leciiiug to Ihm if they gi't pay for their goods, its they have no money interest ii !..• i " s|H*cial leput.ition, nor i»erinaneiit interest in the lei%ines at -.take. Nearh all tin* H'piiwnted by tnis eiass of men ait- made of what is known irregular matei u.l. shtaldy leather, horns, hair and such, which give a vaiiiatron In i!:«- books but very little result in the field. Again, there are mauu l'a.-infers of iep,;'.r on wl:o«!oa In- business iu the cotton section and who sell their Cotton Manure in Toba -co sections If the Tol.at?o crop. This is being done iu \\ ins ton a> is NIIOWU by I lie Suae licence lax. Allisw.'i A .»'!!;• • n |ay a I coee ia\ on Star Hraiul Complete Manure for Cotton and \VI oat ft!id nnotl:«-r liciuice tux oil Star llrand S/iccidl Tohtuwo Maiinil'. Thei*e an* only two other Ii IIS d 'i'obacco Fertilizers sold in the State as is sliow nby I)r. Chas. Dabney s report of taxes paid. Allison «V Vldison have lieen dealing in and maiiiifact.uring fertilizers for the past seven teeM years. Ihe\ have a vry !ar*jc I n'b . Ilone Mills, Acid t haniliers and in fadt as complete factory as is i-. ae I'nin d Slates, situated on the right hank of the .lulin-s river just Melon iiichmnnd, v.i. They ba\ ampl • capital to conduct the business and get. all the advantages that mom y and e\peri n •• NV ill ouiniaud, they are practical men, attend to their business au«! have o make a ii-rtili/er that will gi\«' the Is'st results 111 tl» ti dd rather than hi ' bm.U valuation. Ti" in»ru-v. tlioir business and tlieir are all at 'lake, thev ai • not in the position d , j ••.-.! ion or joint stock euiiipauy where ino one's liono;* at •«. u'. '1 hey no. i\ tiie besi kliown joaterainin tins nian ul.i'till)! of Uie Stai 1;. .. Manures, anil bv p.*a"-iica! ex|HM iencc know how to inanipu -1 1.-le ihfin so n.s t«» vivo tlf l»esi results on each crop In all kinds of seasons. The grade il year of il.i Sjs- ial i obacco M-JUIUI* is as htgii ovliiuher than rt ever was hefoiv. and ,we eau s'i'iw ■ ;.• t..stiinoii> of ihousau Is «.t tanners of North t arolina and \ irginia that i! ■ •'S;.r.- ihaiid" gi\es as a rule laHtor results than any Tobacco fertilizer ever made. Prices are as l w ami terms as lilieral as are consistent w it It as ldgh grade gootls. ! xperience has shown the economy, and the lies! results MM only be obtained l>y the i i.fSj..- ial y\. 'vies for each ertip. lu Kuglaml and on the continent of Europe where 111'■ aj»pli« .i'iou td fertilizers has been rcilueed to a seienee this system is universal and it is I beiif.'. adopted to a t;r»'.it extent iu litis country also, beliifi tuidoi-sed and recommended by • !•!■ Directorso of tlie departmeiiui. Allison dfc Addison ooiuiud their manufacturiiig on this system Indicting it to be the best and cheapest foe the consumer. i For s;ile by Ilinshaw $ By num. April "Hi. IKS 2 4w. WISBTON, X. C. j T'uis Space is Reserved for W. M. lIIXSHAAV & CO'S New Advertisement. F. J. BttowN. W.I! CAHTKU. JR J R PIEUCB TilK OI.D KKIiIABLE BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, Tlie Farmers' liviulquarter.s, The Lumliiig Hou>e us usual tincc October Ist. iu QUANTITY ol TOBACCO SOI.D. in PRICES and in DISPATCH BUSINESS. Fariuero J > nut have In wuit unlii alter the sale for their checks, IiUT ARK PAID AS SOON AS TIIEIR TOBACCO IS SOI.D. Kauietubur lliis, when you want to get off early aul breaks are heavy. HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS GUARANTEED. 1' A Wii, hon, Jr., Hook-keeper. K. 1) MOSTSLKY, Auctioneer. T. J. BROWN & CO, Wiastoa, N. C. i 4 15 R O Wi\ & V AR T E R , ■ (SUCCESSORS TO J. h\ P RATHER CO 'S), Next dour to Brown, It Si Co.'s Hardware Store, ,KKKI # CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WKLL SKLICTTD STOCK OF • j !) RY-C*O OD S, GROCERIES, HOOTS, VSLIOES, SLIIJS, MOTIONS, We especially iuvile uur country friends to call on us, as our purohise* are made .villi special telereuce to their wnuts, auj WILIj SHLL AT BOTTOM PRICES. F J. BUOWN, Febin-iry S.'ISSL. W. B. CARTER JR. UItAY Ac 31A1 tTIN r THIRD STREET, WINSTON, N C. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, SOAPS, PAINTS AND OILS. TRUSSES LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS. GRAVES'S WAREHOUSE, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. el ii FLUOR MANAGER : JOSEPH 11. BLACKWEI.L, of County, N. C. AfiSISTANT FLODU MANAUKIt : A. N. CROW DER, ot llaiiUx County, Va. AUCTIONEEK : " GEORGE KD COLEMAN,of Pittsylvania County. '* CLIKK : JNO. A. HERN DON, ot Pittsylvania County, Va. ASSISTANT CLEUK : STEPHEN T. NEAL, of Caswell, N. C. •i • ' \ Thanklul fir the liberal.patronage for many years, I shall endeavor Jto uieiii it in the future. WILLIAM P. GRAVES. November, 3, ISSI-yl- Proprietor.

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