EX-SOLDIERS SlttiT JK'K sfiS»toflop v el'that wonderful paper, the »torld and IMtldler. pobll»hed »t Washington, !>.'. It contain* Mtorkw of the War, Camp Lit*#, Scenes from the Battle-Held, and u thoMttand thin g*of lu tere*t to our ••oantrv'a defender*. It i» the great •oldlem paper. It contain* all the Law* ami In atructtoiu* relating to Wnalona ami Bonn tie* for ■ohliera and their hoira. Kvorv ex-*oldter xlmuUl enroll hi* name males the A orld and Soldier banner at once. Eight ptgea, forty column*, weeklv. *1 a rear. .Sample free. Addre**, World and Soldier, Boa AM, Washington, I). 0. I An mltraly Niw ««4 poult**!? «4fc«l.vr I f«r ih* «r*«4y *«t |wrinw nt tMtw Suuiaul EmiMiant *ud Imp >tena> t> «h --mmSm. P*»» ■ Ufcfr*—»P»Tfcn * u* ft».» tb» iNHMtHh ptmu JTm. mtit »f tl i ■ i«* ■> WT >%«• ***. »oil» —• a ►rti owr.". J TS ~t fallUll l • I—T il*ctK«lti*nlUu.uUlM'4 •MtW) >■ -•»■« * ""U tt»» ■*!»»■ «■ a«• **• Sm k» U.* »Xc »»**. *..« «« d^T lg| gf ntrtitnf Mt lwvy AM »•' »•• wt»4j ■ V # Market m»l Hih **T._ I.OtT-. MO. _ sssems puMP This Pump is of great power and simplicity, and will draw water from any depth of well. It can be arranged to fo/ee water to lion**, Ham, and J'Wd, aud will throw twice the amount of wator at each atroko of any other pump. Water can bo drawn fYoro spring or distant w*ll Into the hon*». With a hoec attachment it is a fire Knaimm, and it the 6 vst Well J*utnp made. Specially recom mended for deep w«lls. Send for circulars, liauulsclurfea by 3. W. CABDWZLL & CO., lUclffiead. Vs. I X L WIND MILL A I LEADS THE WORLD SIRSVFSLFI . FOR REALTY, STRENGTH, SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY, ASlf )POWER: ' / */j SFNII FOR OUR HEW PHELPS & BiGELOwWnmJiIiLL Co., • KALAMAZOO, 1 MM wumi—mum*j J'^wgw—Mfc——■——J For COUGHS, COLDS, SOKE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA; PNEU MONIA, CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS. BALAAM OFTOLUiiipiiitl 4;)NBi MPTION in its Incipient and anv:t:ici»d status,su*d of tUqIfIIHO AT, Cljl'-ST and LUNGk>, hutlt linn never b**»n so advantageously compounded aa in thoTIMA I , HOCK and RYE. lr sootUiun Balsa miv prop* rtivs aflVnl a dijfuiive Mimutant and tonic u> build up Lho aystem alter Uio cuugii lus been re lioved. Quart size bottle** Price 81.00. A I I"f 3 Wtf ? Do nofc b* deceived by fcalerj wlto try to palm off Rock and lye vAU I BUBnUS in place of our TOLU. fIOCK AND KYK. *rhic]i Is the fiNLY MKIHCATKIi article—the jcenulue ha* a PrWate Lr.e Promietary Stamp on »*nch bottle, which permits it to bo Mold by Uraßcltia, tiroeeri and DealertETcryvavre, W WITHOUT SPECIAL* TAX OK LlGfiffSii. The TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St, Chicago, IIL r iron prrftg ration/'. liavc im. Hari I-It's 1 K»N in tay pneue*, »ud in «a «jkP«rtt-uco of " ynars in moaicine, have ncvar found anytliUur lotfve Uk: result* tliai Du. 11A urm'n Irox To vie dwi. In many caws of Non-owi Prostration. e'eai-ic DUttW. l)> »p p«ia. aadMi im- Kverlidird conditio* of the blood, this peerless r«c:« dy. has la luy hands, made *>iuv woud.irrtd cart*, .ics that have baffled some of our most eminent phyweians. havejUUded Wtlus ifreatand incompar able remedy. I prescribe It in preference to any Iroa yur«|MtfaUaa iuaat. In U* t, such a conipouud MM Da. iiA.JiTKU'd laON TOKHMS I/in difjrMlvr orrjnn* and! IgF j!w &Jm 1 ■ticrvouA atfatetrt,rnakitfi' JWJ W Mjk J\>wcr» and Tmpotr-,trr.l MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARTER tttCCflOlflC CO.. *l3 H. MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS. WHOLESALE LIST "TO R MIP JlLmerchmits ! _J? ™J. li SEEDS ! Sr "• W■■BO ■* W ■ VP%- PHILADELPHIA. gravls'swarehoTjse, DANVILLE, '.VIRGINIA, FOR T(1B SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. FLOOR MANAIIEIt : JOSEPU 11. BLACKWXLL, of Hoc kin eh am Ooanfy, N. 0. FLOOR MANAOKR : A. N. OHOWKKR, of Halifax CuUory, Va. AUCTIONEER : OKORGK KD COLK.MAN.of J'ituylvauia Comity, CLERK : JNO. A. HKRNDON, of Puttylvaoia UoMty, Vs. AHMHTANT CLKUK ! STKPMfKJT T. NEAL, of 0««well, N. C. TkM«f«l fi«r »*• liberal patroaige gi TCS ~XI V into J yoars, I shall eodc»?o m»nt it ioithafurore " WILLIAM I'.OKAVKS. A'jvembcr, 3, IBSI jl. I'rcftittn. PACE'S 1 WAREHOUSE, I ' i For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco, ! -• WINSTOE N.C, ; I BOItBRT W. PoW*M. KDCAK D. TAYIO . K W. I'OWE 118 & CO., ; WHOLESALE DJUG'GISTS, Dmlir, in L'AI.VTS, OILS, UVBS. VARHISHEs| French aud American WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, &C. ! CUiAIU*, SMoKINH AND RHKWINfI TUBACOO A SPECIALTY . 1308 Main St., Richmond, Va. Auguit 20 —6m R W. I'OWEItS 4 CO., Wliole«alo Druggist h ' Vj. nos Wnln and o and 11 Kith Sis.,' ] ft. W. l'wutra. I D. T»i lor. RICHMOND, Va. j April 2*, isgl-om- J . K. ABBOTT, or N C., with Wixee, EIt.ETT k CRUMP, .■ RICHMOND, VA., WholeF.ile Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C. I Prompt Attention paid to orders, and satis faction pan ranted, j /a#"* Virginia Slate Prison (Joeda a tpemmlip March, #5. m u, , I VALUABLE PROPERTY j FDR SALE!! rr|>*«r A Sunt Mating contl»!«d la dMtolvrth* eo|.artiM>r.lili> okli-h !>,. oxlilo.! »l-»t»r> n thorn eta.-e now ol»i ritt| l'ur aatu l>rtv»lrl» Ilia lollu.iu,: valuable moiwllt at \ei) prise.: I'hnr entire Hiwk of , (icnrral McreliandiMC, t.tlood at between §?.•**> ntul fl,*** Much tbe lartaat portion of tliew» cwN ar« new mi.l 1 fresh. Country men hunt* ako \» .h t.» tecruil Hum slocks «annul da ktU'i lliau^to ev.imine • goods and prices, as the* ail) !•« sold q At About or Under Cost! Th«v will also *ell ctie ftrw proof aafe, 2 uair Fairbanks ptntfbrr, a.-ale*. owe *e gaifcwi ml taaV or ran. | . «rn nh, l»«r. 1 cktor aiill with a life:. t haads ran make «»• pi*.* out Jim to f*ihM» of eider | .at i»v. 1 tiraw cutter. 1 nvka*«* two bona. 1 ♦hrac %eattsl tw..-horse back nearl* a- i;«»o4 *«• W*. I two-hOr«e carrri**a ami barren m gisid . on.utim, »hapc aad l*u lx>& arn'Us. I tvu and 1 taelvo incli act ahapo rs. dryers, Jfco., an ! lo.ua? leaf tot:wwi*. One Printing Press, Type, ni»'tbe w hole outfit necessar\ to running a S-ecluinn paper. doing Job work &«v: 1 printirg pre** ami out: t M - v foe running an e .jai column pa-.H-r, s inn* •. v \ fine t viand *t»tna Imp". ain»ut 34' *t»e«p. in- r..liUi» 2tjrt fine uie.nno buck», 1 Souihd.>n,u uinl I'J or If. wry lino taul»s crossed with JSoutlsU .. Uk aad lfSrbi-v also Mules, Wagons ami Harness, :is *ve!l a« everr other Hpeclc* of p*r«»ial r>f»pert\ belonging t«» V:>- firm of Pepper s.»n«. All ot propty muni ai d will !>• sold and if a»t ilt«i>)«i>>l of iiruaivly in •* -a rt Uuw. will U l'uhli** Salo. % ' '• X. M. PKI'PKII, Piirlnrr, | «l. A. I'KITKU, (itmrdian lor J. K. lVpper. r J.X> okjl! PA L ItOINH. Asgne of the f.rm of Pinpar A Rons. ! j» niply min ibat I *b'i to cOntiu'ie the mercantile bill nfM at the ol«l ►tan 1. and tno imhbeai ion of the Uki.«ktkr AMI and ask, a 111 ..iu pay tb aiivmnf xon aie due for h'mxl* nml ran pnv 7 ai'tl will jron p*f all or :n kuotf a |.*rt of a lint y>iu'ai- Unr for tbe pi |*ir, t«i rnablfl tuo toi*>i\ ,»an>vk .'-l* pn-faarn tin* |a , A.*v« :iiml outfit that I may rofitfli uv tba pnhlfration of thia nnjier. The ainuunta an- ftu.ill to ; uu, but w..l vnaldc iuo, ai(U my part of this amount in baiut. to Continue the Business as Formerly. T rued tnoncv. or iVonlti not ask vou lor It tbe*e bard tlrnc«. N. M. PEPPER. Panbuty, N. C., June 1, 188" J. \VM. M. IIISBHAW. T. 11. PECIRAM. JR. Lule of Iliiwliaw brOtliers. Of Wluaton. W. M. lIINSIIAAV & CO., Winston, N. C. I 'V 41 i Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Old Town Street, Opposite Pace's Brick Warehouse. \V- have optnml in «nn new lirick In.use i nicely jusoitr.) ato k of lioo»U, ron»istiii({ in Dry Cjlooils, Groceries, Hardware, Wcodpu and Willow YV are, NOTION 8 , TRUNKS, BOOTS AND SHOKS, CLOTHING, Millinery of EvCrij Dt'scri/rtion. S'C. All Wlmli nf minitry piwliiw t!»K-i>n, nml the liigl.yst inarkd. rri'T ]nlkl. foinff :iml m ua one ami all. llemieiafnlly, W. M. 11l NMIAW J: C". M. W. XOUKLEET, J. S. SCALES, \V. A.S. I'EAJtCE. PIEDMONT "WAREHOUSE, WINSTON, N. (V For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. -I—tot c y\ E ' take this method of returning thanks to our friends and Customers for the liberal patronage extended to PIEDMONT during the present Tobacco Year. We have sold to date more parcels of Tobacco than any WAREHOUSE in the mar ket, and our average for grades sold we be licve is equal to any house in any market. As every effort will be made for a heavy crop this year* we think it advisable to sell the remaining portion of this crop within the next sixty days. Come to PIEDMONT, and we guarantee fair dealings and top prices. . Your friends, May 18, -S2-3j4 # M. IV. NORFLEET& CO. J S A ItITATV NERVINE. Samaritan Nervine Cutvs EpHoptic Fit*. Spa«m«. Convulsions. St. Vitus Dance, Vlrtigu. Hymerio, Insanity, Apoplcx), rurahsu*, lilt uniatiMn. Nfuial gia, and all Norvtilis Di.s.MS»-s. Tills InfalH ßLT' remedy will pmilt\«*ly erwllcatH overt sjavioa i»f >i-rvtius uivnl, aud drivo tlioin away from wboiin l tlwy cAmu, never to i rHnru atrain. It ulteily Ueairoyi th« p»ru»a ot' disoa.il' U) llie heit>dit{U> taint «>r |h»lm»h lii tbo syslout, and thoroimlily oradieaii's tin- disMMso. and utltorly destroys the cause. Samaritan Nervine Cure* Female Weakness, Oeuenil Debility, Wliitas, I'.tlnful Menstrnatlotf, t loDialioli ot* the Cieitts, luUrual Ileal, »ravel, lnflaunuation of the lslatlaler, ltri'.a bihty of the ltladder. For Wakefulness at N UM IO i» no better iou*ely. During tlie eluinp* i»t" lit • no Female should In* with out it. It quiets the Nim vou* and gives res!, condor; and nature's .>wi et slovp. Samaritan Nervine Cums Al*Mu»hollstn, and the lubil of Opium hating. These habits are t»y far the worst evils that have tver Ufalleu siiflt'ilng li\inanity. T hot is snds «lle annually tioni lbos» noxious drills, the druekarsl drteks liquor not l>eauae he likes it, hut fir tin* pleasure ««f drinking and treat!nr: Ins friends, little thinking that he is ou his rood to ruin. Like the Opiuui Eater, l;e first us.'s tin* drug iu small quantities as ssi antidote. The soothing Influence of the dru; takes strong hold u|k>ii its victim, lead lux him on to his own destruction. The habits «»t" Opium Kiting and Liquor Drink ing are precisely what eating is to alimen tiveii'Ss. as over-eating ti?>t inflames the stuiiiach, which redoubles lt> cravings until it p.iralyzes Uotli the stomach and the spi»e tite. .So every drink id liquor or dt»«* of opium, ihstoftu of duly adds to its tierce fires, until ii co utiles the vital force and tlmn ittudf, l.ike the gluttonous tape-worm, It iTiCs •♦Uive, give, give!" but nevt r oiKurih until its ow.i ra|iacity devours aSiniaritau Nervine gives instant re- i li**l" iu all such cas s. it proiltH*es sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up lln* nervous sys tem, and restore* body and mind to a health y condition. Samaritan Nervine ('area Nervous Dyspepria. Palpitation of the tleiut, Asihma. iiroii' ltitis. Scrofula . Syphilis, diseases of flic Kidneys, and all diseitael of the urinary organs. Nervous de bility, caused by the indiscretion* of youth, i |H'nnanently enn'd by lint use of this inval uable remedy. To you, yoiKK*, middkwiged •iiitl old men, who are covering your sullei | iugs as with a mantle by alienee, look up. you can lie save i by timely Hlbrts, and make | ornameuts to society, and Jewels in tliej j crown of your Maker, if you will. Do not j ketp this a secret longer, until It saps your I vitals, and destroys both body and soul. It' you are thus alllirtcd. take Dlt. Ht II.VIO.ND'N ' ."aiiiaritan Nervine. It will restore your j , shattered in*rv*s, arrest premat urn decay, im part tone ami eucryy to the whole System. I Samaritan Nervine ; I'ureil mv little elrt of fits. She was al*« ilnnf ! MIMI dutub. bill ll > uiml LUU. Slit* I;.n udk and I bear aa well aa anybody. FhTK.It ltoss, SprliißwaiSi, Wis. SJM.MITJ.Y .YKIiI'IM: HAT hoeti tiio luaaim of ruriuj/iu.V wife of rheu- I matisin. J» LL FLhTCHKII. Fort tlolllns, Col. SMI. 1/11T.1.V .V ERVIXE I Mudo a suie euro of a vase of fitM for try sou. K. 11. ICABB.S # illv. I\ .11. S.l.\L IIU T.I.Y AERI'LYE T'urod me of vartiffo. WEURALULA and sirk HE.id- ARIIC. Muh, \V >l NLAAUNT luiou, 111. S. I.M. IRIT.IA .YERI LYE Wit* the mcaiiH of curing my wifo of KitaMiiM. USV..I. A. Ll>li;, Jicavii, i a. S.I.MJRITJ.Y .YERVLYE i I'utou mc of asthma, alter hpending mcr wrth oturr durtom. tJ. It. llolWuX. A!Ualij . lud. S.IMJRIT.LY .YER I'LYE Kiloctualiy cured aie of apa.Mll*. Mihs JKN.vIK WAltltKN. 740 \Vc*l Van liuivn St., Chicago, Jll. ILIMARITJiX JV ERYLYE Cured our elilld ot 0t«« after given up to Uie by our fwtbllv ph v.slt'ian. it HAV inn in 21 hour*, ill- SII V \ itrrillu, Waneii Co., 'ivtiu. 6AMAKIT4X A Kit i i.\ i: Curel me of servfula after aniferlng for ft rears. AHBKHT Si.NLI'S I.\, Fivriw, l»i. 6AMAIt 11 A\ MKli I IXK Citriod my mm of litn, alter spending »»2.4rt0 with j '»TH«R doc 10r... J. W. TliOllM'UN, Claiboin, Mia. SA WAItrTAY XKK} r\'E Cure«l me perm mentiv OR EPILEPTIC of A atub hoiti thaiaear. WM. MAKTIS, Meeiiainsiitoaii, Aid. SAMAIiITAX XL it VlfW Cure.l my W»n of fits*, sfter having had tuonihii. .VI US I; WUM Potsdam, X Y SAM A RITAS XKK VISE * Cure.; mc of •uilapav «>f nine yeafs* ».iaialing. MINS HI; I.KNA MAICKKA Li.. tlranby, Neatuu Co, Mo V. I Tl IT A X XFI! VJXK Aas permanent!', eared me of en lie pay of mnnv years duration. .1 ACtUI .St'TKlt, St dosepli, >lo SAMARITAN X Ell visit Cui-ed ine of bronebitls. i ami ffcne/al «te bfbtjf. J run tod, Ohio. SA MA HIT AX XKK VIXE ' lfs« mr»i| me of astl'.ma ; alw> screAilaof manr years aland log. ISAAC •! h WELI., 'oviiigtou, Ky .AMAI:TTAX XERVISE •inr«i! me of fits. Its\ e hem well ovef .1 vear». cHAIILKS t Ct KTI.S, Oaakb, Minn. SAM A ItITA X XEH VIXE Cured a friend of mine who bad dvapvpflla very j badly. MI (*tHEL O'CuNXOft. ifldgway, Pa.' SAMMtOAS SEJtVIXE Has pernuoieutl* cured mo uf epilaptic ftta. I'KVin TntMHLY, lies Moines, lawa. SAMARITAX XEli VIXE Cured my wife of emlapa} of 3S>years »t and Inc. 11KXHY COltlC. fairfield, Mich, SA MA RITAS SERVIXE Cured my wife of a nerrotts diseaao of the Head, K OUAMAIT, North llo|ie, Pa. SAMARITAX XER VIXE Cured my non of Ilia, He haa not had a fit for akOui lour yc*r». .lOl|N l>AVth, WOOL bum. Maeoup.n Co, 111, Samaritan Nervine Is for sain by ovrn whrtr, or may !*• had 'lircrt from its. Tlhma wlio wish to ol.t&ln fuitlier e\ iil.'in* of the rumlivt. pru|. erties of SamarlUii Nervine w ill ]>H w en close a 3-eent poalug* stamp fur a eopy of our lllmtrab'.l .loumal of lUmlili, K" in K himJmla of Iratinionfals or CUM from per son* who have us«l ,li« meilirinr, and al*o tlwlr pieturm alter their resto ration to pel foil health. Adtlrew DS.S. A. RICHMOND & CO., WorWs Bplleptlc Institute, ST. JOSEPH* James 1). Chamberlain, WITH C. W. TIIOIIN & CO.. W lilesale Hat Dealers, ILLCHMOSI), VA. gpeelal rtton glvdn to order* and setlafaetson guaranteed. Dixie gilmer, of North Carolina, with J.P. Yancey Jfc Co., (Succon*or* to Yaucey, Krsnklrn & C 0..) IMPO HTFJM Of NOTIONS, No. 12MU Main Street, lUchiuvuO, Va. March -*7, IWO. If You Want .1 GOOD PJA&'Qor ORG JJ, Write or mil m W. r. Or nub v. Wla*ton. who csn *upplv uny make or »tv le ma«tc in the rutted staiea.it price* which Hill del'* eoinncutmn. II jon want ihe HKST NFNVINO M \ Oil INK cyer itul before the public, fall on W. Qruiahv for U» ♦•l.miir Rt NNIN'O DOMESTIC" the Music S'. i. \\ u»toju Okl piano* ■' naiaondnMoJUiiek exchanged. W P. OHM*BY. 1:1 nr.K.i r'uxr cirs~ Ready Mixed Oil Paints. 2.1 different shadi ». from fiOo- to I«0 per gulloa KNUUSII Ut x»KI»A INT, Mfc. |>er gallon, HM It row n or (Imm niste 1.1 VI ll> si.A re PAINT tor leaky root*,7sc. per gn'.lon. Hod. Hinwn or iMiocotato. lIpHF.KA Hon.| null., so,. per gallon. Mt'UKKA HAW 011..4.V. per gallon M A I'll IN KllY OILS. Patent Snerm Oil, ----- I.on j»cr pal. I'ngine >ll» .T."» •• '• KiUcrai ltock Lubricating Oil, • - .00 " " bow ing Machine OH. - - 100 |*r dor., hot*. >mimic « ard* ot Hie diflerent eolora, with te*ti tiiuii'ulp and ci.. tent free on application to I T • I:I- K A PAINT CO.. Jan 5 '*2 3m !'•" Mm.ten Lane. New York. THE GREAT Unfailing liver COMPLAINT. TIirNVVOTOMS or I.I)CKCOVPLAIM ! are otienxtnc** awl pain in the side, sometimes I pain in the thoul«.er, aid \» mistaken tot rhcnuii | lihin ; the stomach t*at?'ccted with low» of anpe- | tile and Klcknc>»; bowel*, in general, cuative, i Niractiuin alternating with Ja\ ; the head in trou- j tded with pain and dull, linavt aenaatloii ol hav ing left ntidltne something wllfeh ought t«» have beeudoue; often coiuplaiug of weaklier. deluli- J ty and low spirit*. Sometime* ninny of the above j si iaj»t*)HiH attend tlicdiM-nnc end ai other tnneai very few of them—dut the liver Is gehcn»lly thi organ most involved. Regulate the Liver and Prevent l>} M !"'l»»ln. .luiuidicc. Bill ion* Attarkd, « hilt* mid tes«*r. UcailiM'iie, Colic. l>enrc«*i ou ol MpirJH Konr Slilnmek, Heartburn, eie Ton>c, .liternln'e and Cainarltr S.nitnouH Liver Regulator. purely vegetablfe,!» the inHdieiuo rally n»« d in the Svuth ioarou»c tho torpid I.iVer to bcalthy action. 1 it nets with extraordinary power »nd I efficacy uu tlie Liver and Kidncya. I The aetihn of the Regnlator i* free frotu uau *>ea or MN?ret orn* lit the Mver. eattHing the bile to ant «» N cathartic When there laan excowoi bile in i the Stomach, the Uecnlator i* an active purge ; i alter the leinorul tf the hile It will regnUte the IKJWCN :IIIU ltnpatt vigor and health lo ttiu whole ; »y«teui. Sec that you got the Genuine in While Wrap per, with rid prepared only fey J. 11. ZclUn A. Co. Sold by all l>tui:guit». Consumption Cured.' Aii old phyftlelim, retiring front active practice, hating had placed in 111* baud* bv an haM India l/i«nionary the t'oimula of a M tuple xegotablr r«iac«lv tor t!ic bpecd) mid per mane ut cure ot Coiiauinpllon, Urouchltla. 'atairh, Aathma, and all Throat and alMia pua«tivc(Uul radii al cnre for general Debility and all nervous • oiuplauiuut i«r haviug tiuooutibly te»teti it« won derful curative power* ill tln>at>:uuU of CMM. tecU it Uo dutv to inakv it kuow u to hi* ftutiei ing fellow?. Tlic'rei ipe will ►cut free of charge to all who liucire it. with lull dire>'tiwii* for pr«- , paring and hiiccesHft'lly u«lng. Kvery pAlient i* I .il*o entuurtt to a copy t iee ot "T»|g' Ctutri K i t. j I'HYfIK IAN." a work* Ol nearly WK) page*, eon ! turning over irno formula*. The and l".o*t tainlly kledical work out. wiil.atwmii, ; «>r*tami»ed >elf ai'.dre-MVt envelope, I»it. .V. K. liKI.L. lid N. Culvert St., DACTIMOKL, MU. I>CC. ?i->l-ly. % | (iicat chance to tuakemonev. ■ ■■II II I hi.s# who Uway* take ad , au : B«EB D 1 I I 3 I'v l ' l,u ' g ,MN I chance* for 4f BM BP leaking m. iiey that aro orteroti t;c:,ciallv while tnOMi who do ; not impiore vaeh obanee* reoiaiu in povcrtv- We want many tnuu, woincti, tKiva and g'rU to work itue UN rtpht. in their ow■». toealitttw. Anv one can oVtbe wuik properly from the tlr*t *t»rt. The bUHineef will pav m.-tv tkun ten tioiea onilnarr wage.-. r.xf*o:ir-ivt oullit tiuinahed uec. No one whnenfapce laileto m.ike nwouv rapidly. You candovotc your whole time le the work, or only vonr epgte nwitnent*. Full hiiennnunn and aft that u ne. Jcd #cui free. 2>Til«bt>2v «1 t'O., PorvlatMl. .tntlne. { |fepA qni buhiuee* now before the public. U PL. I You can make money t'aMei at ■ ■I, A I work lor ua than at anyUiing ! liliV ■ clN Cijrital W( Willi Htarcyou. end upwanb made at home I»v the (ndiiHtrinii.v Men. women, b«»v» and girl* a**ui*i tivury wheie to work lur UH. SO*- ia tlit tine You can wora In spare tltnu only or Rvc your whole t.ine to the bii*ine»>*. You can .e at home ami do the work. No other l u.->nei.- will pay your nearly aa well. No one eatt tail to make enormous pay by Aiigaglng at once. Costly out At ami term* tree. Monov tuida I'aet, dually, and honorably, lhldrcs* Tut a & Co., Augusta, .Value, Germanton Instituts. An Englinli and Classical School For BOYS AND GIULS. Prejuire* for ('ollege and bualneM life. The oouraeof Krtnlv embrace* Knglish, Orcok. I.atln. tlertuan, .Vatl oiuatic*. ltot>k-keej>iug, Natural PhiloMi|ihv, Cheml*trr. and lt«itanv. braciAL attention given to the Kngliah branch**. Tultihn (Ave month*) to «20.0n Board, nor month e.oo •• y.uu A limited number of student* son obtain board with tho Principal, Fur circtilsr*. addieea 11. T.. HMADFIKI.D. Prinelf.al, Oe.mauten, Stoke* Co., M. V'- (1» s? (NMI vJOO '"t. No risk. Kvcrything new. Csp lul t.ot roqnlred. We Will furnish vo.i every thing. Many arc making Ladles make ;o> much aa men, and bov* uod guU make great pay. Header, if vou want a l>u»ineaa at which you can ni-ik'e great pay all th* time rou work, write lor paiticulat* to HALUUT A Co., I'ort 'aml, .tfatiie. Orcaai* 71 htopa 10Met Beetle owhr ifgftviy S &>o. Pianoe #1» np. Bare lloP idav Indueenent* Heady. Write or eall on ty, Waahlngtou, N. J. 179 A WEKK. 012 a day at home ca»ily matie, Coatly outfit free. True & Co., Angioma, JTaine. Pure Blood and an Active Liver ARE KCQUIMTE TO 800 D HiALTK AND HAPPINESS! Kvery one thoold hare boib, and all m»jr do ao by using N. CLARK'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS. Th»j atimulato the Liver, purify the Blood, . and tone up the syKU'in, Riving »trcnelh | and new Ufe lo the feeble and aick. They 1 cure Complaints, Headache, Dy»ep -1 aia, lodigealion,and alldiMawa ariitiugfrom 1 A TORPID UVER AND IMPURE BLOOD. Send your name on postal card for aampla doae and circular, free. PRICE CIF PILLS, BOe. PEn BOX, OP O BOXES FOR St.OO. For aale by all dealer*, or stmt by mail, prepaid, on receipt of |iriCe. ' SPENCER aa BROWR. COR. MAIN 4 DEPOT STRUTS, .aasuiEvuAiw Tcxniaaca The Morning Star, A FIRST-CLASS DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHED DJIIL Y .11 $7.00 /i«r annum. TIIE OLDEST DAILY IX THE STATE. the" weeklv star. $1.50 a Year. HI.I. AND PtI.IAIU.IL MACKET Rti'wßT^. The I.atrnt J'olillrul uud Grnerai, fronmfl vurh of the World, Comlm*- al and Aminfjfd in Iht mo»t At trite the Form. Hie H«l f«inph'te Hcrrlee l'uriii%lit»«l I > liny Hull j in tlie Ntulv Advertising Rates Reasonable. A.tilr€M, Ullll.Bl'Mlßn. f.'Jitur ,t I'i oprit or, WILMINOTOX, X. e. M J. RAMSEY, WITH PAPE & CO., WHOLESALE nn 1 r GG ISTS* ('II KM ISTS, f.'JS M Aiim.T, ST it K FT, Jan. f)'B'2-ly I'IIILADKLPIIIA. Pianos!! Organs!! $1(10 PP (Stool, Cover and ItK>k). Ei.k- OA.Vr aSltfCAllK CI It A N I>, o FTHINttS. I't 11. ApiUl'es, ovcry Cabinet (i ruin I Other Cirantl Holiilav llarpiina. Jt IIII.kk OHO ANN, sO*» UP (Stool and llook). KXCK.I NIOK .style *l'2. Five sola t»f HMKI.H, 1*» sto|M. oti'y s>7. 4, 0 i itMdal," style 103, Ten sets ol Hml.% stops, only sltfs. N'» "hogtiV' sell cf icons or •Mftimniy" stu|Hi. All sent on li> » lays trial, freiyht /Vet if factory. Fair anil lionosi dealingguarkitleetl, MIIKRT Music 1-,'t price, l'iaim. Organ, or Music Catalogue five. MLN DKIJS.SOIIX PIANO CO.. I;«ix n. V. BTE WART'S READY ROOFING 1 or S rKEP or FLAT HoofS of all kindii. ran be 1 applied by ordinary workmen having 116 previous [ experience, at one third tlie cost of tin. 6 eud for and circular. Ablrcsa. W. 11 STKWAHT. 74 Cortlandt Street dsn. S, *K2-6m. Nww^ork. 1 nod. I, POISI>k\TSK, Oin. K. P«HMißXii.it. til' PitUylvania. Uf l'wii\ilie. .PUBLIC Warehouse, KOR THK SALi: OK Leaf Tobacco, Danville, Ya. : John O. Witrhcr. * John A. tterndon, 01' Pittuvlv anis, I U Pitlaylvanta. ' ,V. Oska, ; W. 11. Pullc. tir Heidxville. N. P. J n tleihel liill, N. i\ i\ r. t'oviugtoli, of Caj'vve'l, N 1 . S. W. Itrown, of Olnde 11.11. T taukiie. \1 ; Pavid Toiry, Pitt sylvania Va.. I'ltMir Managers. J J. niLLOif, WITH 0. F. WEISIGER So CO , Mamtfailureih and Jobbers uf CLOTHING. No, 1215 MainSl., Hichtuond, Va. j Sept. S-'SI-Om. | Twenty Dollnrs Penna. Singer A better Machine than can be ! It II*M A L)ro|. I.ear, two larje Drawein, fim \ Half Gothic Coror, Castors and wind, j the iiolitiiu willinnt mr.nint: Hie marhine. WAKU.4X ''■■■' ' -U »'lv t YEA IIS. I Examination ol' .Marhine lie Cote ! 'aym»nt. Semi onlcr* or aililrew. WII.LETS A «> • 144 X. Seventh St., l'liiladelpltia, I'a 11. AMBLER (ILA/.KBUbOK, M. MII-LniSER Si CO.. nUOLK!.*!.!! DRY GOODB AND NOTIONS, 1300 MAIN STREET. Se|it 8-81-tiin liiilnnond, VH. NOW IS VOUII OPPORTUNITY! Tu StUet a COOK or 11KAT1N0 STOYK iVom tho Urgent and mont varied Ftoek in thin aeotion of the State, and al aa LOW PRICES as firat claxa goods can be sold. Wo have a lull atock uf MANN S and LIPPINCOTT'a AXES *j TRACES, . . J STEEL PLOWS, GLASS, BELTtNQ. SAStI, DOORS, TINWARE, HORSE SHOES. short, a full line ol It A RD WARE . Which w« are daily itioroaaiii^. 'PAINTB, VARNISHES, — lately added to oar atoolt BROWN, ROGERS £ CO., declGly Wioaton, N. C. eUAin T)TEt« the nfcet aul be«t; act, lu.tan taiMoualr. producing Uiniuoat natural .ti.uta ' ofhtack or brown .d 14 1 proporaflon ; f«. or ij every well a p- %J point-d t #i.et tor lodf or gentleman K4«i t.jr ill drn»tflata and s 4 h j pus& ftU lad/ re**cr*. t'ftNi'A 1h 4 - —-. „ a wuiiam «u«.-sw i\.-m j

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