HEWMPIPGU LAWS. 1. Subscriber* vlto do not give express no-1 ie* o tbo contnuy, are considered as w foil ing to conthuie I'udr subscription*. 'J. If *i|hscrii>"r*order tin* distvutinuance of their periodical*, the pnldlslicrmay con tinue to tK'tid ham until ill arrearage** arc paid. 3. If tvlwrUten neglect or refuse lo lake tlieir teriodictls from the office to which tlicy mth direct* I. they a*"* 4 mponiiblt until they nave sottied their. bills aiul ordered Item dU •outlntted. If suto'Tibert move to otlter places, win tut inf..lining tilt* publisher, and the} .»re s*»nt t«.> the former addresses, they an* held responsible. ft. Any pi«r«n wh» receives a newspaper' and makes uw of It. wltelhsr l»* has ordered j It or not, is held iu law to be a subscrilwr. H. If subscribers pay in advance, they arc '3OIIINI Lo £iv« notice to the publisher at tile •nd of tbeir time, if thev do not wish to continue takip ; the nai»er, otherwise the puhlishef is autliori/.ed to a«nd It on, and »he subscriber will be rcspomlblti until ex press notice with payment of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. ToptcM ot Home. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION There will bo a Democratic County Convention held in tbo town of Pan bury on Monday, 17th July, at I o'clock, I'. M., for the purpose of appointing dele gate! to the Congressional and Judicial convention*. Let all who can, attend. * JOtft F. BILL, ■CA'm'n Dtm. Ex. Com. July 8, 1882. Cora look* well. Night* v* getting longer. Glad of it. Sco notice of Democratic eounty con vention. X. M. Pepper & Co. are receiving j new good*. The Democratic State Convention met : at Kuleigh yesterday. Pepper & Co. arc paying 6 cent* a I pound for dried blackberries. Iter. P. T.. (iroom preached in Dan bury Sunday evening and at night. Hotb of our "devils" attended the! 4th of July celcbratioi, at Winston. The county Commissioners met last Monday. Very small crowd present. Mr. Will Pepper has discovered a bed , of .'jccellent mica not far from Danbury. Our townsman, K. 11. Glenn, Ksq.,l delivered the fourth of July oration at I Winston. I The wheat and rye harvest is about' over. It is said the crop is better than ever known. The crop of ipring chickens is a short one in theee dtggins. Guest tlicy got frost-bitten. Listen out for the tooting of the Pan- 1 bury brass band. The boys are expect ing the 1 mrns 'hit week The pntatb erop is now safe. Wc arc told that potatoes will be more abubdant than usual in this county. The ease between Sheriff Kstcs and Mr. Abe Lewis, in regard to the railroad tax, has been postponed until the 17tb inst. The Peppers seem determined to make thing* lively in the geods line for Dan bury, judging from the way they turn things around. The Justices of the peace will meet in Danbury en the Ist Monday in Au gust to levy taxes for this year and elect County Cwumissioaeri. Mr. W IT. Kerr, who visited Dan bury for that purpose last week.oollect ed several specimens of Graaite, Mar ble, &c., for the Department at Wash ington. Frog legs are in the market. It u said that old Jove used to feed on the hind-Ljp of biilWrogs. Jove was a sensible old heathen god, and don't you forget it. Among the late additions to our ex change list, we ire glad ki find the Ash ville Citizen, Statetville Landmark and Tarboro South trnor. AH three are first class Democratic papers. Mr. J. Y. oounty superin tendent of (he public sehools, will be in Danbury on Thursday the 13th of July, for the purpose of examining applicant! for school teauhers' certificate*. Ap plicants will be required to produce cer tificates of good character. Tl>o proprietors of Wagner's mill de sire to inform the publio that they have reoently bought a new imoot machine and bolting cloth, and are prftparod to do as good work as can be done in tbii section of the oouatry. Everybody is to give then, a trial, llye and obup will be ground only on Fridays. OAK RIDOK INSTITUTE AND Bcst- Jtrss Cor.LkOfc.—This popular Institu tion for training young men and young ladies, has jest closed its spring session with over 100 studeuts. It wtH reopen Aug. Bth, with increased facilities, Ml corps of teaohors, newly furnished halls and reduced rates. "Only firstclam busmen school in N. C." For cata logues aud ppaoiiuena of penmaaship, address J. A. ft M. H. Holt, Oak Ridge, Guilford Co., N. C. Itefcrs to James Kiersou, jr, E»q. I We have on our (able the Southern j I Planter for July. It wilt be well for 1 ' tlio South when a journal of so much merit as this is more generally circulated i and read by the farmers of this land of agriculture. Published by Messrs. T. W. Oruiand and W. C. Knight, Ilicb uioud, Va. | Do you know that the labor required to inuke one hundred pounds of tobacco ! worth in market $5, will raise sls worth 'of corn ? Yet some people continue to raise tobacco year after year to buy corn aud meat with. The old saying is that fools will only learn from experi ence. What do you call a fellow wben he won't learn by experience. The Danbury Union Sunday school on last Sunday elected the following of ficers for the present terra : Superintendent—E. W. Blair. Vice-Superintendent—S. B. Taylor. Secretary—J. W. Ditggins. Cor. Secretary—lt. B. lilenn. Librarian and Treasurer—W. L. Mi- Cauless. The July number of that valuable old fans journal, the North Carolina 1 farmer, is before ns. As ever before, it is chock full of valuable information. We wish more of our Stokes farmers would take it. We think it would have a tendency to do away with the ruinous one-crop system of farming, which is so rapidly impoverishing our county. It is published by Messrs. Jas. H. Knniss k Son, Raleigh, N. C., at the very low price of $1 a year. Guiteau was banged sure enough last | Friday. It may bo right, but we never ] thought so ; or at least never thought thai he ought to hang alone. We thiuk ; the American bar acted cowardly in not furnishing hiiu better counsel. Ne | donbt Scoville did all be could, btft it 1 was due th« American people that the | best counsel in the nation should have j managed the case. If insane, he should not have been hanged ; if not insane, he, bad accomplices, is the way we put it. The twice telling of a good story is not too often, more especially since it ia calculated to do all good who kear it. ' So deviating from the old style of "Once | upon a lime, etc.," wo will come right to the point at once, and say unhesita tingly that if you, or your sons, brother!, | sisters, aunts, cousins, or indeed any one, j are in need of Hardware, and yon want i to purchase it at Jeep down, bed reek, bot torn prices, there is no oeeasion to hesi tate or look round ; you will always find it and at tho very lowest prices at S. E. AI leu's Hardware Store, Wiaeton, *K. The following i! a list of the jurors drawn for the August term of Stokea Inferior oourt: W K Turner, Jerry Sleughtcr. 7. 8 Alloy, K S Laweon, Joel M Kutledze, Henderson Southern, 8 W Richardson, Leander Nelson, G W Farris, RI F Overby, John 11 Jewel, R V Petree, James T Fulk, R G Gentry, Nat Hntch crion, Jos. H Covington, B A Mitchell, James Robertson, J Calvin Southern, A C Rhodes, Vf R Carter, G B Moere, ■John T Martin (of Jere), T B Martin, , James Forest, 8 8 Priddy, W V Mc- Ganless, Squire Venable, Walker Genu, John A Martin. ANNOUNCEMENT, N. M. Pepper and J. W. Pepper having purchased the entire stock of goods owned up to the present time by Papper & Sons, will continue business at their old stand, under the firm name ' of N. M. PKPPBK A CO. The stock on hand having been very much reduced, wo desire to clean oat the last remnant of the old goodi now i on hand, whioh we propose to do by of i fering the said old stock at very greatly i reduced price* ; but in the meantime we i will fill up with new fresh goods, having scat forward large order*, and the goods having been shipped, will commence to come hi next Saturday, to which we will I continue to add until oar stock embrace* every article of general merchandise the requirements of this section of country may demand. t • Having had considerable experience 1 in tho mercantile buaincn, and with an i acquaintance and reputation more ex -1 tended than beginnera, we will buy many of our goods direct from manufacturers, " thus saving jobber*' profits. We will be to' furnish tbo*c who may ■ favor us with their patronage, goods at ; prices as low as a similar article can be i had in any market at retail. > We will do businesa on a strictly i cash basis, but will take in exchange for ■ goods country produce of every kiad. s Very respectfully, N. M. PBPPER A CO. Danbury, Jane 26,188' i. At Dr. V. Thompson's drag store, ; Winston, may be found the largest line > of Trusses, the greatest variety of gar > den seeds, with the best seleeted stock 1 of Dru|«, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Cigars, » Smokfag and Chewing Tobaeeo to be * found in the place. AithurM. Payne, Winston, N. C., ' keep* constantly on head, Harness, Sad ' diss, Bridles, Collars, Whip*, Ac. Fine »: harness a specialty. Priaes low. All [work warranted Order* solicited. >4 | A. Marks, Hoot, Shoe anil Harness 'maker, having located iu Danbury, of fers hta services to any anil all in need ( lof work in his lino. Ho puarantocs bis 1 ' work to compare favorably with the best 1 workmen in the State, and hopes to re. J ceivo a liberal patronage. Terms libe I ral. A young lady who has had successful 'experience in teaching, and a graduate, desires a situation in a College or School to teach Higher English branches, Elo cution and Music, or in Primary depart ment, or position in private family.— Kefercnces exchanged. Address "M.," care this office. On the Road Again. 4l Tl»ey mean business, H is the reuiark of ten heard as the rumblhu{ of a heavily loa ded is heard away over tlie hills, and the erect 1 leads of Iliad's ever-true, never- team and Hob) tirst hea\e in tight and dra* up with proud, firm stfp In front of Tepperufe Son's old stand, now occupied by N. M. PEPPKR A CO. We do (wan hasiuess, and. you well to listen when wc talk, ami to read while we write. If we do not say all wc will do, wc certainly m«an to do all wo say f and while you may not think it to your ln i terext to hear, wc tell you that we will make It to your interest, if you have to buy, or 1 have anything you wish to sell. Wc havf opened here, not to build a trade for a month or a year, but hope to do a huai ness that we will l>c aide to point hack to, should wc live to he old nie.i, ami have the satisfaction of knowing that while we have made an honest living out of it, we may also liave tlie pleasure of foe I lug that wc liave > been of some advantage to our fellow- men and this section of the State. In our busi ness we propose to •♦let live" ILS well as to llv*. To accomplish (hit ire 111. an to buy goods in the best markets from the best liou ses, and frwsell for a profit at the same time , as low as n similar article can be bought in any market at retail. 1 As previously announced, 1/ will be im i MMihl* to get everything at once, but hav , liuj sent forward orders, we will fill up Just as fast us the goods can be hauled from i« the depot, and will continue to add to our stock until wc have iu store everything that the demands of this section will justify us iu keeping, aud any article not usually kept 1 In a general store like ours, will be procured j upon shoit notice, if to be found in any mar ket North or South. If the |K'oplo will lsy aside all prejudice, , look at it as it really is, they can sec no re.-.- sou why we cannot .tell goods here, hauled I with our own teams, in our owu house, by . our owu labor, as cheaply as thoec who do business iu railroad towns, and pay heavy » rents, enormous local taxes, and high clerk salaries. All that wc ask is that we are paid as much for goods here as a similar article t can be bought at in any iftarket iu the State, . unless it la* for salt and one or two other heavy articles. We will do business upon a strictly I basfs, but wHI tale in exchange for goods . produce of every kind at full market prices, ana should we in** t with the pntromur we intend our etlorts shall merit, aud slkmid Hi* people appreciate au houeet effort on our part to build them up while wc advance our * own iut crests, we hope to make a i MARKET KOIt TOBACCO hero at their own doors, which will lie of in , estimable advantage to the count*. N. M. I'KPI'KH A CO. # Danbury, X. C. t July iird, 18b:!. r NOTICE • 1 will have three of the eelnbrated Pn«u . malic Evaporators In operation ill tlie neigh borhood of Walnut Cove, Mokes county, on > and alter the 10th ot July, and respectfully ( Invite all. especially ttie fruit growers, to call ami examine, ami see the quality and > quantity of work they will do. Tlie Pneu , ma tic is the champion. Come and see, or address J. T. WEST, Walnut Cove, X. C. GREEX3IK>IIO r Greensboro. N. C- This prosperous Institution has been plae f ed upon a |iermanent hasis, and oHers the auvantnges of o Itrst-cluse Female College. 1 The t all Session of will begin on the I %lrd of August. ('barges per session of SO weeks: Hoard, (exclusive of lights and washing,) and English Tuition, $75.00. i Extra studies moderate. Applr for Cata , lojrue to T. M. .TONES, I June 24th, 1882. President. ■ Piedmont Springs. ® Parties desiring to rent Cablus at I'led y mont Springs will please notify me before coming. A few boarders will be taken at my hause for tlie warm sesson. Kates re»- . son-vbU. My stable* will be run by Mr. B. 11. Py o er, of Leaksville, N.C., In connection with . my hons)j as a feed and livery stable. Rates reasonable. For furtluar particulars spply y to me at Danbury by letter. ~ July 3, 1882. S. Ik TAYLOR. I" NOTICE. it By virtue of an execution In my hands, issued from the Superior Court of Stokes 6 County, Spring term 1882, In favor of Hay wood Venable and against (leo. Pearce, 1 will sell for cash at the Court-bouse door In the y town of Danbury, on Monday the 7th day T of August, 1882, .10 acres of land more or less, adjoining the lands of J. H. Mltcliell aid others I also the J.nimle Moore tract of about 180 acres, adjoining tlie lands of W. J. Wilson and otliers, levied on as the binds of the said Geo. L'earce, to satisfy execution In lavor of Haywood Venable. Abo at the same time and place, I will I, sell *>r cash W. U. Gentry's Interest In 101) - acres of land In Reaver Island Township, adjoining the lands of W. W. McCanless, the hairs of W. 11. fly at and others, tlie V pJaee wliere Calvin Manuel now lives, to satis* au execution In my 1 lands in (kvor of •> W. W. King, Ac. . « Also at tlie same time and plape, I will sell for cash 130 acres of land more or less, on the waters of Snow Creek, adjoining the laiuis of Jno, I'. Smith, Hiram Smith and •» others, levied on as the land of Alex. Spen l- cer to satisfy sundry executions in BIT hands ie In favor of W. 11. Helves. II At oOce In Danbury, July 4, ISSt. " St. A. EST EN, Sherlf Stolen Co. SUFFER no longer from Dyspep sia, I ndlgestion, of Appet i to,loss of Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fever#, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never flai Is to cure i all these diseases. Boston, November 36, sttf. » BROWN CMBMIT AL CO. (jcntleinen for years I have been agr' . sufferer from Dyspepsia, a tad cou. no relief (having tried everything was recommend ed) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted by DUJWN'S IRON BiiTaitft, I tried a bottle, with most surprising results. Previous to taking JBKOWN'S I MOM lit i i bkh, everything I ate distressed m{, and I suffered greatly from a burning sensation in the stomach, which was unbearable. Since tak ing BROWN'S IRON UITTSK*, all NGR trouble* are at an end. Can cat any tins* without any disagreeable re sults. 1 am practically another person. Mrs. W. J. FLTMN, 30 Maverick St., E. Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the dlgesUve oitfty£, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such a." tast ing the food. Batching, Meat in the Stomach, Heartburn, ate. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Druggl.to. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. I See thai all Iron Bitters are nude by *evs Chemical Co., Bahisaore and have crossed sed tines mmd trade mark o« wrapper. \ BBWARI ORWHITATION^ * KOST|TTEH- s It Is the concurrent testimony of the public and the medical profession, that Hoste;trr'4 1 Stomach BUb-rs id a medicine which achieves results speedily felt, thorough and benign* Beside rectifying liter disunity, It iniriaoi utes the feeble, conquers kidney and bladder complaints, Mid hastens the convalescence of those recovering from enfeebling dis eases. Moreover it Is the grand speftillo for fever ami ague. _ . . If or sal* by all Drngjrlflts and Dealer* 9 1 generally. ,40 H CEBHMOEIY. FOB RHEUMATISM, Hoaratmm, Sciatica, Lumiago, Backacba, tiwmii of tha Chart, tmrt, 9mm*/, Sort Throat, . 1 iog* and Sprain *, Burn* *Mt Scald*, Sanoral Bodily faint, I Tooth, Car and Homdaoho, Frortod foot and Car*, and all othor Pain* and Achat. Wo PrMMttna on Mrtk -1—!» •». Jicot Oil. I u • mmfr, n>rr. mimtUr a»4 tkrmp UMwl * trial «>Mk k«l Ik. MIH«« "ULUY UT M Ca«A. •'T ' vilk f>ki mm kar. ihw u4 f* *"• daima. 1%-vetinas In *U*ea Laagnagee. SOLD BT ALL BSDOOUT3 IMD DEALEBS M KEDIOItiB. . A.VOGZXER * CO., amUiJLi.. JM. n. a. A. ! Sebert O. Oalloway, Jr., witb STERN A. CO., WUOkMALS ; Boots and Shoes, ( No. 9 GOVERNOR STRKKT, f sth Door from Main, 5 ip7mG RICHMOND, VA. J GEO. EL NISSEN & CO., SALEM, N. C., I WAGON MANUFACTURERS. JJ- I'aliig only the l*Mt of materials, we make the best of work. »n) w arrant •very Job,— We liave the oldest and ligeat W«KOU Works, and our Wagons liave the best reputation of n auy in llie .State. Kvery Wagon tieara the ' name "J. P. NISJSBM, JsaUm. P. >., N. C." II Write for price*, llefcr to all who are using our Wagons. npiiiM—— "OTW SScegsS PUMP FORCE AKD SUCTION UUIUs TM& J*ump Is of R*rat pow r and simplicity, , snd will draw water from any depth cf well. Ucaa f* ■ rr *op«-d to foree water to Jloeaa#, Aara, and hl+itl, aud will tbrow twice tk»«* amount of water at each stroke of any other pumti. Water esn be drawn from spring or distant well Into the house. V» ill. a Lost-si tach me u tit is a Fir* Engine, and la the IntMt I fmli J'iimp made. Specially rseots mendtd f rdtep wells. Send f->r streulars. kiauulaciurid Ly J. W. CA&DWZLL * CO., Jichmtod. Vt. V ALU ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE As surviving partner of the Arm of Blai k A Price, I w«II sell to the highest hklder for caah, in riwwt nf the «y>«rt-IMMtM donr In iNmbbry, aw the 4th day of September, IHKJ, one trait of land containing 3LL£ acre*, KM the iirt>t»erty of A. *l. Fair, sii-1 mortgaged to the said lilsc'k & Pr e* hyA.J. Fair and wife. August 19th. li7«. atnl roeordrd In book No. 2*. pages 140 and 141. This traet is altuated In Stokes eounty, on the water* of South Beaver faluiid, adjoining the lunda of Itohert Wall and others, and la known a« the .loe l.iiulney plaee. I will al*o sell at the saiue time ami place one other traet of land In Stokes eounty, N. C., ad loining the lamia of Dr. I>. C. !>leks ami other* rontaiulug 'Jf)i» a«- ea. This isronsldend tie finest toha*«'o lands in Stokes eounty, ami la well Urn hered. Titles undoubted. PKTKII I>. PKICr. Surviving partner of the Arm of Black Jt Price. (,»EO~ VEN. ABLE, of V». with Ilettinan & Younger, Wholesale Grocers, No. |:J "IVorl lJlock; - ' 14th Street, lietweeu Main and Cary, RICIIMOXD, VA. TARISB ll l ' YOU WANT JOB PRINTING . Of any kind, from the smallest label t«» a mam moth show poster you should leave your'or kw ders at the office of the Rrper«erMMlP«Bt. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to •*-LK4AL BLANKS A SPECIALTY.^ OPIUM HABIT-S i H DOES MMFRTN MWONDERFUL |FL|L ■■ □ CURES t hsD ■ llmmltKhn tk. I.ITKB, BOWKLsI Q »dKI»MKISaI UiiuMjlm. j ■ Because it nleawsa the system of Uwpolseo-H R ous bumors that devslope la Kidney and On- H IK aary Diseeeee, Btliowsneee, Jsundloe, ConeU- Q M pat ion. Piles, or In Aheumatiesa, Weuxalsta, QNOTVOBS l>i#ordore and Female Compiainls. ■■ BKB WHAT PEOPLE SAT t Q Eagene H. Hlork, «f Jnnrtlon City, 4Cefisas. W Hsajr.i, gldn^r-Wortcured hint after regular i%y Ml ■■■a liuia had heea for foar ysars. Q Mrs. John Arni.ll, of Washlagtea, Ohl», WsH hoy wasgtv«n untodta liy fsar prontlaeot M P|iud ,U , w" T' 114411 *** cur * J H I H ■. M. H. (loodwla, an editor la Chardon. Hears he riye-tcd to live, be4ng bfeetedM 1 belief, but Kidoey-WuvSearwlliiM. ■■ ■i Aaaa Jarrett of ff4>iith Raleas, N. Y„ saysU Hthat #ev> u ycametifffrlng fr»iu kidney trwUeeH **dwd by the aae ufQ JOIOI n. Lawrear" nf J*rk»«n. Tena., ■■far yt-arsfroMi h»«r uml kldary troiitiUa aiolHl taking "barrels of wtb«r n»oUKtue», rj E9 kJduey Wort muu htm wvll. ■H MlehaH O»to of Ceater, Tt..l |JPSllerf«i ui((Ht jmni Willi kltn*-r sto'.Q ■«u unable to aroik. kidney Wort »uaSe hin>H weltasevor." ■ OHMS □KIDNEY DISEASCS, LIVER CONII»LAINTS,B H Constipation and Files. B U irit .in>p » *r> H.lu citse. one pa«-Va«e «*f whira laakvesis yumrf K« fjof iaetkn>«. aim in IJ|«td FslW, » "•«*- •*,. ■esstjetsd, for .hm Ual eaaoos re»dUy prs-H Olr'lisdtiHa rquml tfcUne y Is oilkor fsna.l ' ■J on IT ATTitr. inti iut«Ts. PIUOS. I I WRLLH. »r«mgrni.TT.p I jamM]w K. «iib > SliaßHilSiiiiißi i ITO LADIES ONLY! I I dMilMeldbli le# lbsrbEl'iA'tiMSSiaSl ■ PUao arcMspaakaeat. MSefl b.«es H tele c«h seek ■ ■ lacaths. yss» t>alS If M tkm-mmx west s*« seatß I -rj. ». »| KOLDEN STIR OIL STOVE STILL LSADS THE WORLD. 50.000 IN USE 1 TTaon Ordinary Ti cro«uj«o. B&kts ul Coota Kful to to/ Cook Itora SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. MYKKS, OSBORN * CO., •OLI MAHUr*OTWa>«*, I CX>VT«Z>AIIX>, OKfO. > *Mttn Br..rk, it LAKE RTBIR, CHIrAUOk I CALL OM OUR LOCAL AQSNT. PACE'S 1 WAREHOUSE, For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. WINSTON. N. C. ORGANS-: yn»oww.«—»4fc«i Klixu. »l|*lill|«. luciadlof Oihh C«'i»t»r, Staol. •auk Mi Xab.li kud Ik* WaUul On *8 - 3ft VMk offlfpo. TB. OmttM a Bph-t o» m On lu>. • n* liiwiMi a—«>—Tß*y» a 27 Stops, 10 Sots R«edi, S9O. soon to aamM K> (ll*. (Mirurnr. halttr I - • --—i -- ■ i —ijt nil Latur. DoxoJ aad itIHH wllfcotaWiiiiiiir. D&BUffS DISPENSARY. lalttUiM ItW tl U X. Itt Itrwt, ST. LOUTi. HO. mUK »*hy«ie.»Mit«eh*rgo©f tbw«»daii4 wrll known i institution or* iriulu itMtmlM u« nMi' is* snd •urr»ry. Yoara of Xxperioooe »m lb* tr«*iuoei of Chrooio ITliir-n b**o uiu-lo tbp»i skill shtlity »o uiuch •uMriuc »•» I hat of the .nllu*r« pr*». ili»««r, IbM lh«T bsv« •Miiiird » rr|»uut.uu inrough Ihotr ir#»»>n«nt nf ™r\. id ital **i *•«, without usimc M«rcury nr Poisonous M*«i»rint,». iSUttJßfia SSfIS: » - or uiarrieto, MnnM*ntlv enrH, •! mndsr ste bin of ■■■ralinii* •• W- »«• fc» psixiit* tf.ains* ■mIISJ Iff io »•? I'M'#* »i4»k 4hnnm>il i »«■ «»H»w-b—M Ikili Mi X Hl'TT*. I* IMk MkK.N. U>k "» R W. POWKRS 4 CO., Wholesale Drufftfiata IV*. 1305 MliaiMl9l»4U I3tbttfc. R. W. Powtn. U|>r D. T»ler. BICHHOHD, Vs. April M, illl-ta' EX-SOLDIERS umU MRTtf Utl«M4«rfttl Mfir, the #wM a*4M*)er. published itWMhliilti, I>. C. II saatalne Stories ef Ik* War. Umip Tire, »eoes tnm the Battle-field, end ttlimil Utlytf In terest to our rouatry 4 * defaadare. It to the great soldiers paper. It eaaflas all the Laws aw la- SIIIII lines relatlnc to reaatoat aad Bounties for askllere and tWrW Kre»r o« soldier alienW earul 1 his i»ae uadar the WwM ■■iltlilir banner at oace. Btfbt pafss, forty eala*aa, weakly. II a year. tarn pie free. Addraw, Werid «a* KlOat, Baa •«, WasbiagSea, !tSn!aHsp!o!iii| ii irriiiK Liqm MMI rsss I TkilimMlldHMNmH H rnimn, nxufu/J AMD tXM KIDWIJt. H WHJ ARB W1 aiCKj|i Humus t« atfew gmt *»H kwom clofgtd #r torpid, aad posaaaoa# lamert art thtrtf*r* forctd Into t\s blood || that ihtmldb* mi*Urt aalwrofly. K ■ WILL SliltlLY CURE £ □KIDNEY DISEASES, N H LIVSeCOMPLAIMYS.jp Hfilci. LMiTiriTwa, rtmiTr n munrntu vuniiiß, B iS> KUV.II MWIIItU) Ij . ' '»•» t liij M --tltiirt CM' fPilYr «n llmu f[/ ttm. Sf u *fc/ buffet aad ookeat W\ ■ wkfteraieatr.in:t!. files. ConstlpaMaaVV U Why frlakteaad ever dlnonlere 1 RUaefri F H Why sadava aerraae arsltk keedeekeat ■ U CWKXDNKT-WORTaad (a I Itts|w»apla 9rr TfsUltU Foeaa* tatlnH ■Hnm on* ft «kk.i aMkkse wit aB IVmedidud. y treSed, fwiaeeslkssseoaes rsediiy >aptw tt- f\ HIT lisrtawtth cquai ♦«- -.sr •« UaKTßortx rmrr :.r. rr"- H WII.u, m« «u# ;| »nci.,iiij n. |J |WIU »onJ the Iry pass »o»d.) WKMU.Vi> JH, r>. Tki IEST WM Mil M Eirtk. BROFT'S IP IMPROVED IRON mmm WIND mm ENGINE llmpl*, Strong, and Burnbl«. Will not Shrink, Swell, Warm or Rattle In the Win*. • UA»O»AOTUBBD BT I K. O. LIPFIL * 00. s*. Ho*o?T'« -»V». Lfci~ ■HFESWVMTTPUWS I 1 AID 7 IM A"®-****l I FOBCC Plfltt.*' ' 33XJLX.SS4I IIC - WINDMILL MACHINERY i MMs Paroksdsf oay oihor WtnOmin, mmmS flbr Me* List. A44rMa, E.C.LEFFELACO., Springfield, Ohio. ttate where you saw thia ulnrtlnawl TUTT'S PILLS TORPID LIVER. Loas of Appetite, Bowels eoetlTe. Pels la RI.TWSJSJ£ blndo, mllnowoftor Mtißf, with * dlsin oil nation to inrtfon of bod y or wti4, GAGS Hoodooho fratnUf ortr lhs right m, BMIIMN|IN, with fltflU dioma, highly WIRFIRFTTT9WI icmnunt. ■ If ■ r laity adopted to ebeheaeee. eee 4oe» effecte e»ek» efc*nie ofteeU^^^^e aateeWKUiee■•>'■■. biS'lo qSTee rfiSfffiKtf >»«■ ie by th«JrTwwle_A 1 *_■ ■ oe tbe TUTrsiSSffiE. PEREAHSSJ&S bf PnicglsM. or sMt by «x press oa reeeipt of tl, M Ml—IT OTH IBW VMS. Cc£,TO.ts? WSWmLBE : M is* P'smmim zzz;-zz.rz zsr. PPPSMIKO T-IA-'IITF FAMFIV" J. R. ABBOTT, Of K 0., . with WIU6O, EI.LETT A fRCMP, RICHMOND, VI., Wholesale I'eaUri in BOOTB, SHOES, TRUNKS, fcC. Prompt attention paid to orileri, end satis faction gauranteed. Hryiiria Sail Priton Oviii a i penally ' March, (. ro . SOSSRT W. POWiHr. KDfIAR P. TAYLO . R W I*OWERS * CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealer! in PAINTS, OILB, DYBB, VARNISHES, Trenail and American WINDOW GLAHS, PUTTY, *O. CIGARS, SMOKING AND CHKWING TOBACCO A BPBCIALTT. 1306 Main St., Biohmocd, Va. August 20—6 m NEWJIUMP! Blood, and will completely ohanf o tho blood in the entire ir stent in throe month*. Aor pm«* who will take 1 pill ojwh i fhtfrors 1 toltverk* ■key bs rostered to sound health. If *t»Oh o thia«t bo possible. Bent by mall for 8 lrt»«r t, *. JQHSimt 4t CO* BMIon, AGEMTB WANTED K^tSaS.K.a' Rtiiilil Yt wUI slso knit s fftst *»risty of fiicj- ES32=S« S .VOTICK. By virtue of a decree of the Probate court of Stokes county, we will Or for wis on Monday tbe 7th day of August, 1882, at tbe late residence of James M. >llll, dee'd, in Stokes county, all tin real estate of said de ceased (subject to the dower right of his said widow* wlticb ha* heretofore Wn laid off and aaalgwed her) consisting of about four hundredacres, lying and Mug In said coun i ty on tlw waters of Snow Creek, adjoining ton lands of Wm. Hawkins, A. J. Brown, ' and other*. One-third of said laud remains uncleared and is well adapted to tbe growth of tobacco, wheat and corn. At the same time and place there will ba ; sold one small lot in the town of Danbury, i Said sale will be made upon a credit of «ix months, aad the purchaser required to give r bond and good neurit}' for the payment of the purchase money. Title retained till purchase money is paid. ft. W. SMITH, i *mm I. E Hi'A NOTICE. Having qualified at admlnlstfator of N. P. Samuel, dee'd, all person* Indebted to said eatate are hereby notified to enme for ward at once and settle, and thu* aave co*t*. And all persons having claims agriiut said estate will come fiwward and present them in accordance with law, or else this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recoreiw.— This 10th Jnne, 1882. W. N. BLACKBURN, Adm'r N. F. Samuel de'd. Lynch School, HIGH POINT, GUILFORD CO., N. C. M At. WM. BINQKAM t.YX'H, A. M., U«v. J. B. RICHARDSON, A. M. The senior proprietor, for fifteen veart a proprietor of MM Bingham school, established the J,ynch School lo reduce the expenaea of a thorough education to tbe lowest rates. Fall session opens Jnlv 11th. For term* address ITaj. W. B. 7-YNCU. KRROItS OF YOUTII.—A gentleman who suffered for vaars from Nervous l!K~ HILITY, Pit KM A TVH K J) KCA Y, aad all tbe eghcU of youthful Indiscretion, will for the take of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making tbe simple remedy by which ba wm cured. Suffer*r* wishing to profit by ' lie advertiser's experience can do so by ad, dressing iu perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGt EN 42 Cedar St., N.Y, Feb. 19-82-ly.