AND PST ■ 7fpP ffm .;-v jt r -- -*«- _JL VOLUME XI. «ad Post. FBBLISUK) WKFICLT AT DANBURY, If. C. fKrPER & 80N1, r*bs. «• Jrop. 'l* >■ -•»«' *»** X.-T .'-V---.1.. -T *--u BATHS or uranmiPTioit Sffrkt*-'' * «»g SATE# «r A^YWITIHIKOt *** (mi> IMrs or le*aj 1 time,,...*.sl Far aa;a iid«tWnnai In»uiittti, . '4 •antr-arU for tongnr tf •• *r mart v* 1 • can l>« Mil la proportion to tho nbove ratav Tr»n*.«ni airortlKir* will be oxfwulrl tn to th*i# raT*« at the ibcy Mjcd •la+r futri . La—l Halloa will ba okorpxl 30 par Mat. hljler ikMakaTirittM. ""■■ * —' •' i CAMIM. , Attoraoy and Counsellor, JITAIS/.K.C. I* tixi «*aiin »f Surry, Stok«*, W;i". CA KTEII, j§rr»sxjEr-j£T-£fii tr. ... .in. AIUT, HtJRK f CO., N. t, k|lKfHM.wl)*r«vot-htaMrM«MN'« wants.'.. 1 R. L"IU IwonE, ITTOKNEYATLAW Mt Airy. K. C• attention giran f> t-h« r«illon4on a/ •WEmJI" 4 1-uw ZrtTx:. MAKTIKDATK, tu j! , WITH V €*. DULdAT $ CO., STAlßb'ifXJtfi? A\n ft hf) JTK 'MlJflVttS HAitrUOUJE. Bf>ok* a Sjneimlhi. _yn Stationary of fc H k*ndi«. Wrapping pajwM\ Twines, B«uMt Board*, Pap*r hliiids. m w. B ALT! If OKU ST.. HALTIMOUK. MP ' j7k>. HAKKISON, WITH A. L. ELLEY &CQ., DRY Q-OODS Si NOTIONS j . 10, It k 14,Tw»lflk Street, j Ijtichm'i, Va " B. T. KIWQ, WITH JOHXXOX, SUTTO.Y 4 CO., DRY GOODS, *,«. n m>4 ta RorHh .*U»r r . «W, ». W. JOBTM*, R M. SVTIVW 9. M. ft. 4MLAVHK, «. 1. JOHMfIOK. I. RAT, ALHIBtT JOJIBe. ! jgt.. 33*7* fc *w®®fc*«rer* «*f • a peuot T, ■ A mtr*«*. com. a* TO k • *». M W. BaHtVkova «traat, P»aJt:aiore, A«. Smith fc 00.. j 4KB. f4P&. | W». KM »aKl*f» IHr»aV, in. f l c 0.7! in wla i 41 wtoUiW Va MVfCM.TVOMKVIT. ASWUrrSASD j FAVcf oaor»s. S». Hbimr itn», R*Jth*Ar*. M! Htmry Sonnebsm #• Co., WSOLESJLK CLOTHIERS. H A#*®rar St., (Nm««4iiiiian St Lvmhu.r-1 giro BALTIHt'kK MD. \ I Kitoiiwwi, i. Bum.oi*. •i*i^iivswiL •*^if RDWAUK , W * l "* mTMWfcSira^, ■» IL^— Awa ltraa4 Olntti. Mrykmi Put*r\, L. U Pi** ! r. R. MILKS, WITII &TEPHK.YP UTXE I'J- CO., j W\ok fU4 d xUrrt m _ JBeo&s. Shoes, and Trunks, ; vrrnirn. ♦ VDMTIE f>KVR4TS, KObOifOK U:«J/Al,,| WM. DEVRIES * CO., j laif>ort#:-* a»d Jobber* of romtlON AND DOMKSTIO DRY 1 GOODS AND NOTIONS. ■noiHii ♦nil mIiI flt / J (fl ,l 8. T. DAVIS y ~ * WWH b®*f!f*2SiiS£LSS dCO jnoi.l, BIIOEN AMU HHOCIA.VK, *' j >d. | j; J, r. or *. c. aan . M" '"Jlft.ijufi, And*'rson St Uttnl, j *'f|OWhcjloßate Gruccj's, •P r» T T • -' ; *" * :! • v . On fkv; win. | ii. inyc;ir io » >•,•■ j liAve H.iytliiny: you j : !l. i Wfl im\c OfbMcil bc:«', \» i» :.*. i i ' ( f.-; nh'.rviili nr o \ qui, ihi pS to N i ; rot* thai.v tnil up kh!.' t» ji. : !;*• . J ahonlti vra li\c to lc o!d uiri>. «!i«! l a»»* ' fiAtisfttttSon of knowiug t»r * ■ lii! Li -wntit at« iionuAt llvinc • >' . r ; V;;vo ?1»" t 1r..« nr rf Pt*-* tftttt \»»*'" l».:v bwn of lOißi tdvantiigi : our fe >; ■t»«l iMatociiwß ci Li:v . i ..v nensi wo propose to u l--t li> ' * .• i' u. . live. To accompli i "hi, \ r*. odsln :b« b*\u n;a'k n i'i f .1 avs, aad to tV* a ;. • - !••• t' 4 as ?*»\r a* a ?!mUnr .-i-.'Ac .u. • any market at rct:*U. As iTi'viously uv'i'Hrn *. \. I' hi 'or. j cv. .•,. iii.. i' . . . | infjsont ft*-. «\*rd «, •*• • : ;i; 1 | jut * its (ab» .15 th'. !«j I r. tl» a> d wiil oo* tiin- •t. harA in c'-' • . .. t bt (ifmniidq yl llii» - '.ii in kfs|>ip£, hi 4tor»! kf >• i«|x L tl* -n !v ■!»*. if toll* iJ. ,r . | kft N«nh »v .Ml-. if Lhtt.P' vpW 'j • •'! .1' toxk at i; rv» 1. . .» ! !,. fton *»vlit t*v». it. -!•• . flit l ! o. r »wn UviiiH, i ; ..•'»!!. . i oui own lalior w .*!:«r.;|*i> ..* ■: btfair.m In raiiioart o .i» ~ /.n.l j rents, ei» mo ta Ih tl t#j -.. j aalari' ". All r t &ak if ; : a* much for £«« -is lieia a.i ;. i j CAD bt bo .*.in *'•. m irk he fc 1 ( iwlfto it bt* for »alt a'.i'i on*- or r\ ». , I h*avy a. 11 ■•!»>. . , \Sa K-ii i-i biiaiuc ' upon > , basis, but will ta. • o: : produce of «v.\-ry kind . ' luil nn k**» ; »•>. ! j au4 kSmiM fv« in-.*:w if ii tJn j ir.-« *. . {intend oar ef irts shall intrit, ui..i •• J tut jKf»n!a •ppt'i'. is.c anlwru»>i : • ( t tl) bulla thrill Up .• adv-iu r OUI own interest*, wa hope to m-«V ♦ a 14 ARKiiT FOR VOL \( CO •totr* nt their o *n doora. which v II l a of iu «atiinai»l« advant&ur to the cor.nt.?. N. U. I'KPPEW & ft/. Danhury, N. 0., July T it, !s ROSKKT w ronsa.'. »«•»**« r. r„v:o . K \Y f ( OWRRB k CM).. WJJOL ESA L£/ I) Hl' .7 (/ IS 7\V, r.tal*ri m PAINTS, OII.S, DT >'S. TARN •• j FroncU and American WITfiIOW (jLAKIJ. PUI'TV, to. UI«AnR, aJIOKI'f ANDCHKV T.atACCO A Ht\-:rui.n. : ISOS Hbic St., £.i&Uuond, Vu. ( Antuit 1 rW-'WHa' /'wr(i»Nt* J ».'» .» .. • V ■ 1 I k-IU > . ~\:WJC J •* V- I tU« *At ,• n*wni> . 1 rhiro '"crtt* . ".i- •«. ♦' vtliulo l p'll -x-.i, '.rem* I >'•l* ;• l ma> aw v> *- »•*, :t «i.- it if J 1 MiNMatla. *!r.i V.v n«! ♦>' l .'r.' 1 7. .*. .n>rrvt.rx s co+ js*.-- x: . ' /V»wV . .W*. ligßiwiirritC ■ ; 1 tit*r »• 7 lnv'ti 1. * • - f I etoeAi:*. mUI it V' i I\SK ; ao "titoir- -, 11 Nti.. uii« 1 « rj- . : liriYkw tbcvaMa'wii»« a .1 •*i v T v.j«*'«'} Hfc. '• • •«» I ■UrciJui Qo., UP LA.. ... ' »' , j ihKOK.s ok Voi'"lV: A;• ,:!#•• -t*. | I who surtte.-ed ftr years !Vo?n v ; X!L!TT. ruEMArmr !■:■ /i r, * : s aH fh# affectaof youthftil i:» n . :l! I for tha sak« of 1 nghni to all who need it, 11 rivin an.l fsr inakiiii* the simple 1 •*?.>•' l; ;v, n ; waa cured. Buflcrers \si>hir»4 to r r. the ndvertiser'a experience can do ...» h .vi dreasin;: in jK*: eonfldeneo. JOHN If. 0» ;i»£.N 42 Cedar St., N ■ V. Feb. lfira-ly. ; ! An"ll'«hfH«» »4»Ml».iiirA* «»*• f 3Mtr?zX*.. I R«w«r.'- fir Ik* lp*«4> •»! »»■«»■.u.Jt 1 )«•• • n»m«i Smtustoo i and Jmjowic;' » •* J "ii^'' •'** H 1 •' *>• J | V? i ' r— mi; Mn>"m 1- >i « nil ,-!•• |«it« »w.«tlt « •:» . ; j • i« I riMPLES.—IwBI nudl (Krr.)lh» *eo.rt , •or * aimple VKGKTARI. B BA I Jf liisi | will nwmi Tyl.Y, TRUCKLES, ' j /-JTSund H/.Oy I rl.'Hi »n(i l. 'aulifu); al«ouv'.rii'tiunWi.i ■hiriiigs luxiiriint growth of hair on . ; 1 twad or,m«ith f»w. A.ldrts>, . 1 UMiapb BKK.-VAKllEl.r A CO. Jt'Kc, I clmy St., K. Y. F«h. 1f.'89-ly. . J U AJIUOTT, or N 0., with IFIKGO, ELLETT 1 CSPMP, I RICfIMOSO, VA., P>4« Wbolssala Deatm la BOOTS, SHOSy, TRUNKH, &C. I Protrtp? M'ar.tiiia paid to older*. luU sati#- ' faction qimtntf. fitt" i' ryirua Stale Prison Goods a */>an4?r p March, rt; m i NOTICE Bt M A of tho tinjierior • Cuurt of bU'k'"« eouniT, I » 11l i M »t p>ibl. •' ni»i'4 r il« w v 4*.. !• i m r, ■■ lon Monmy tro'v. '.TI. 'S-.'. n I. .4 of lan jtjiiwpii (h i Li;ti», Vii.iiii.i, :;j;nir;r. ; tin • hinAwK'-l. H Uu>r. Mtiliii. Mili»p.aml j o;bw, coiiUinin- LT)O JTH, nioi-s or )»•. •, ■j.M a, I J*' l;ltirl of thr feri.. of 4Uf,V BulM, I (l'N'a.vil. Trmi) or» IhlW rath, ih« re r.uJi'.t!* 'J-, a nr.lit of n\ m.Nths. J WW. U WATTS, Own'r. j lA.N.'it.HY, N. (;., TgUii'-'OAV. (>!•; '.'i I^'. W -{Mflisr r •: JsaHfHHAr /Wj+i . - cmilU3V £\ f I ' » STRONG FACTS! tt* ' ' jy |» A rrrV jw: ;' r.r l. iinj; 5jT «.ci.:-r i. • • 3 • lows'; .."f > UtiTCRS ii jj-x-il for. f I t ' rare 'i ■ I-, raral '*[. 'jti*, Jluln- yVu .•&•.«, Cou j"*_ iur.i*ion, bysfrpjr.. iOiCUi: If; M cat' rf"! f J ».wrr's • I f'nri'i' ■>■'"•'it l ii.iii. '. ar.'l en lie?', i thr ! ll -• i. at , tbc ! ■ ~:ion, l,y up , j tlx s;: .rn, drive: cut ail li^taie. A Lr.dy Cured of P'^cumatic.Ti. ■| i . ■ : /'?h y m m n«nccl . 'i. -IrM r.M.,.»cd l • ■ , 1 to tend .my daily V. » schr.ti d^rici. 1 Mill IIOA « ... /. .I.ct'.i J f : »« r r wvi •: pth c .ilv. -Mt I «. -r rriuJ'y itrCom.T « aU it *7J Viw.uuoasL Kii: :y Dhr'-s C'jrcJ. C!—-. Va., ,»,. f. ".!• ,i . '■■ -tLr-v/'i ■ • . . .. -i r Blum, v hiLk t " ' 1 ' . '''• ! ' 1 •■ ' ' ... lrca J. i-.L.. liloKlM-KiiU L'ltCCWi*. Via* Sl. f JI ■ Pa. i i «C. , 16'" T, I • 1.. : r'-r.v-it i M>n« • rKr h t « -••• . tiv'. ; r.ny j K^ M r,l W ;,-.Jv y l:i vr. \ ! *.v» I>io»i . l baveU'.i twoU»>.- I ' • •••• •■• • - • •»:• i ;.i,y.t U.ui j X4s. )**uid Hkjs. For the pecul? *" trouble; to which I laoic arc «.ul»j •I, }."o\vr;'; IruM j , JUitxuu; u invtiuablc. Try It. i 33 :urs git the Genuine. I us*.»■. mroni jcruaoß vrrtsi ton - & °rze** j. -fm. "v.f.. ■ yr;* -' -V ■ '^mr^ Vr l Ji £ r 7 ' V • ."• • j 1 c ? ■- j••A ll . •i- •-1 : •' VI.I .1 j t-.o -4 .: ; m i ihv- utn»va ef u. • 1 , f V o • - n1 an&| • 1 ' h ... ' J : . if .» of ih. t • . i.l \>i *. a toe true |J«... T i> ?i;roe* iu si.-' i • ~i. . in j • ' . : . •.• i an en r ow.»n, ecrara#ac« .i eoarse «r XS4t« rs. | i'er »*v Drn/gli: nit'i i i > ulioci i ?l, ; tc: :so«Uiu*r , « A!:.«»ae icr i:.-;. EARS • '*™ e HILLIQJT | I V-. rv„.'. -Cl-1n,,, „r ni-. . . AM ! l J!Cu V '«» « *»'*. -k"' A*. A '.IA.A L ... j 'r ( ttheli /. . ,v., ■ tkt 11 . • ' • This* 1 •• s'v-.ra. -d r.rr.i fv.ii . k ;- ■-i • '»•«! r Mii;,)| YSh.'d , ■ .ttiiT? « : Vrlii-u T.:. i iv»wn.i (!ai; oatii If«. i»i-.' 'rn. Kvejy (®hine>»' i:4liec;i:an . -ah, it. 1 virtu H if ? 'AfU" of I wi.•. •••... .bj . . Mhist . . • aL-out jiha j ii i iiO. Us cm s wer so nuu • • « 'aidir my .•« > In ,'>/ m/r' ». •• s. :1 .-.t I • , !:en»'..y v>j\ Olflt'liiilv p:» ' it • ! ovi»r - ont.if Em ■. •. Its nsa ••.•.;. o anivi ki that for n • > • ira • Veaj U u .-; .'."/tii i muHtj i}n Chiiifyr /»♦>;» i'c. Scut. prap ii..!, ;• any «• (re?** at s!o' j#cr , belli •. Eccir What tho Deaf Say.* I a H Im* * n i.*ac!ii in i-iy • a J i.rivc n » un. artldy «» «• . iua.y L.v dfl':d | hear inn h better. ' I Uavtt r»-eo 1 • ''ally ifr»d. Wv dciifneai Im !|h J a deal— tliiuk i ;.:iotiiti' bottle u .il cure ni •. ' 4 Its virtues ir- % and rtrr- j nfiti cAur- cr abgo!ult, Uu yrliter mr. j ( prvumiuiit ii ••i f, bi.thfrom c.>j .iMoe and , qUsevraiiun. \. i,itc al eI ♦ k , .?!.:• VKT. "i i iv .V u- '.Ne v Vo L.meif uuf • SI.C r.n 1 you t\ ; i recr;ve by i m:i r rem ' eriy thiii will enable yuu to he*- i • nt.*;. j j hrdy Hso, and .vljotc cur.itivo etl Tts \ ill h« > 1 perw. leu'. You will n« ver '« . 4' | SO."—Ki>-TOK A:a' r.\r\s I.'rrvrv. avoid i fi in . • • Maitu. pl-?aso w.ri j | moiwy i'V Ilf*isf'i d Letter. Only hv ! ii\YUX K JHXXKV, (] ; i* Uay'o\ S V 1 0., •OI.E AC-I S «a feu WIKM' j 7 I>ey .St , W Vo.k. j ; G EO. E.WISSE2T&CO., j S A UK, NT . C 1 WABON MAHUFACTUSHG, t'tinj; lira h* r t of material.", v'p imij-1 ■ Hie t'>l ■ >v. it; warr>o. P\«t\ I*.'. J •We hat.! thr oldi>«t : > tspsl Wagon Woiki, , and onr \V* :n.u !.«■ r li« lwst irputation i .! *ny 13 the a. t; ■.;. .. .■•:... .*••!» tb« j i-ain# "J. IV MSSK..V. Mleoi I*. (>., >. C." j | Writ. lor p.i l{if.«r to til who ap> ti ! o'..r WjjiuJ. • rr Ft fisifj 4 ! comes to dwell in ino.tal fii »!i t He coin"* iu cliih'.lioodY. for.ti; Not. with i:ii|K>rial p«:mp ])> c 0,.» , Nor riding on tl est im. mi ion 01|» w 'to r. I lfoit til • 1 ;!ori. , Vet In no liut a? .. Jia'ie \» »i vi The light thntsr 1 « sd'gj 1 'v. ih!el: .:i' | 'm!U, )r. rathuut, j !».-•• and caltu; I h'' hea enly , s.i tuittcv. yti'ai:i Mti... f rth ' joy':! iplt.;. *1*1» y tell'of 'hi' 1 of_b» i*iriiw.*, Whust- Wt i.-Uutil *'«*i :i n»u '.»% I : i" ■! v • : 1 ' m N'"vv ia» i»;an..-r i Mi: v.-H» like li.3t 11.4y Child, .*.:: !! i'.V!; u 11-l j I bat vt (kklta i hi! Utflj n>) 1 o alkd, j Jiis :'.t .• In si e! ; Th?eo Christ/nas Eve:*. i Tho grout; 1 wan tvhita with pile* ... l ifted !i!i,v.-, and f.'a.' erj iUkm llcw I dbffun-ard ia b?attil'ul cor.l'urion. ia u; calling tiia auft wl.ite covcriug of tho | i!artU. ' fields, thf diataut, liotv l.l'.is, . ba 1 ' ua'..' d wuodlaoda v:itii ba; ;.y, dreamy J - avi : a busilj and confuti'.n a'! ■ivci' liio L>»Uft!, and withta iiL-r ..»>ri fair ; •...«.über a alow hu a o' utcr-v I voisas. j ".'larlo, d.) look at tbi*robt and the 1 ! pea: ! ;." i Mane turnsd her r.retlv f.- frrs.i l . | Mseacrjrjof * - a:;e w.tboat, ..uly to be n: ' i nitb another icowy pilo on lbs bed, a I k«ap ut wlute eatm laea and i I blooms. i "Zi-u't it beautiful ?" J "Yi>*," said Marie, carelessly, " , how iiti'.e luatttrs of dress ali'ict ma." | "You *i'! so queer, Marie." '•So muoh in lof," Dcbbv | i'. oti, Mnoo'.hinplo'.it leuderly'the catiu ! of the :rjin. Kvening came lights, | flowo •.», music and handsome bridegroom, ! but just astbf wedding party descended [ 'bo long stairway, there came a sharp, ! piomiig cry f.-.-ualw !ar('« j ir!o , where ' ; the invalii father had botu wheeled in . ! hiji easy chair. | \\ bat d'il it uican, that sharp ery of j DBgni.h and horror ! and as the- burned : forward they fouud the guusl* iu wild , confusion. I " What is itjt" erierl Marie, pushing j lie.' way forward. "What has happen-' ed ?" ••/our father!" some one gapped; j "they brought biat a telegram a:.d b« j I faintod." l'aiutsd No, not fainted; it «a* , di.tb! and .M-:ris ii»r eyes fell upon hU calm, shite iace. "l'apa, dear, dear papa she ir.on i;,>d ; « down beside, r.«. . hi-r | trailing s.nin and snowy teil. Tin was still clutched in his j ! a'd, »r.d, taking it from out lis cia.p, I Mano read, in blauk auiazs.ucut: ••! ■!'.'■ •. ail as iv:;uoitcd and, all !■■ i lot. J. F:.-I v :i." | t*he know then tho . atue of ibis sud den dca.b. i'o.r old father, ho bad been trying to patch up his broken for tune! by rpcculaiion, anu hs.l 1c st crcry- 1 li ii.:: ; fcho was now an orphan and pun u.lhss, 'iittlo such thoughts troubled Murie. What was loss of fortune to Ler bclofed ' jarsiit? jint, her handsom.i betrothed lead tho telejraui, and, wi'U a muttered ! cures, thrust it iu his pocket. And tho dav that promised i>o muoh ! . joy ended iu sorrow and death. j Christmas Kvc, two years later, open- j 1 od upon jnile a di!i'erent scene. A littlo country ichool-houso nestling in a woodland, and half bnri.'d iu drih t d suow, frotuwhoeo uo. rs ijsucu troo,.i ! of merry, rosy-fueed children of all ages,' j and last, with tjuict step, and serene I faie, .'sine forth the lady teacher, i Down the road tho merry jingle of s j sleigh-bells rung nut, and a soft pink ■ . canic into tho sweet f'ico of the teaehrr as she recognized tho handsome grays I : coming nearer at a sweeping trot. | "(Jood ovenini;, .M.iie," said the gon- s i "It's delightful sleighing; • , wou'tyon got in and out be sprung j and soon had her t jck'il iu smong the : bufi'alo-robes and sway they dashed. Jlarie .Strong—for it was the—raised her bright eyes shyly to he/companion's la e: it iri i a remarkable faco, not for ! beauty an much as (?r slrenglb, power anil manliness. Not a city dandy, with I superfine clothing and smirking ivjw : nu, only an koi.est country farmer, sensible, i well re id and true to !.» heart's ti re. Rarr-rwr flnw ,%s* -rn." | ;!o dlfforont f.-oui th:it . !'. r she had kucirn. sn-'. who bad lei', her iheu he;- I loss of fortune caiji». j "Marie," ho snid, a sudden grave ; ligiil oeuiing iui- hie fine ey»s, •-I—there is iu your dear ui ;!.:it :»»kea J nu 1 bi Id. I kuvw yn>i are s lady bom and bred, an 1 I oann it off-f you the ; homo }.: ii eould f:U j•> f.;.;? j , j love v- u v-ry '■ Parly. I've a 'id fir:.i } *" m _ *- | nnu there's plenty of poor gi. 1« wmld I of Ihc h • •a: I «ag [ could i pay, and y ur 1.• r,. I not b" hard : oue. Im you tbiuk ;, iu cc.'.i!d o;r? f.T ' uie, Mario, darling !" "* jCTWJT'StnSi*" r»i.- d h»r tlr.>o~irj{ | eyes, ;tad they were full of harpy tears ! us e!.:' answei' d : i • Tin uot tho spoiled child you think j u.e, and the borne you offer ni« is a beau tiful one; but oh! the louder, honest ' ! veil dearer than all." , And js.) lliH Chm.mas Hve eloaed la : J withouly j. y and thanksgiving. ; Twelve years later : another Chri tmns ' Kve. The city s p>!n dress: the ; , cHilar, ii dance along niib hsppy, merry j t.:et; a. n Corfu i.n and bu«y mo-j ; tioo. Au open carriage rolls slowly d rn j . tbicrowded thoroughfare that i . gr. a'.od | j h- >; Mr of vic gtiltlf U. . ..o ili i: askril a se'dy-lociing i .. 'ivi iuul lea-' g ;• : •»; a lam[ ! j pos!.' j »'ii«v."i»rtr Irf •." nsverod som* one i ; >* !.'. rib"*, "aud I > wifs nsd jbildrcn. 1 I >' •' a 1." as.» the (.tiildr-.'i aie : ove!y, tw.i boys tnd a ; "Ooverror T iee," lxued the first ' | .ipcater. "Ah !'' tn . sfnr'.lirgchange | |■" oc ~vi r li'sti'n . coontensnee, s> ihe i • i,: :e of ;! lady wi uir&ed in hi.- dirse- j , "Marie .Slroiig' yes, it »• Marie.! i i And the 'ji vemof's wife," b» muttered, 1 I in su'.azoaient. ; "lie was. only a "j;uieo:i isrmer-boy," i eantiuued tbj v.icr at elVow : "but i the people w to,lovo l.i.- and know him, and 1 shouldn't be surprised if he i was our President some day, ami he de- ' serves it. 3've kuown hiui since lis wa' • a lad." A ' bnd il:. hsada * ; n-s; 1 ou, \ , and Marie never knew that the glicvt of | | the old love hud looked at fr'r from j : uni .r the old li.-.i. f:i>.> . .'edy individual, I shrank ba.k fioui' reeogni- j J tion. I Happy Marie! Thus ended the 'tale r j ( Christmas Evo ,for time brings wonderful j | changes. IT is not surprising tint we rejoice in ! die Chrir.luiss tree : that, when the I . ; I ieavif, which reveled in russet and eriin- : j -on tud ,eld in the autumn have ail d:s- j appeared, we should welcome, as a snb fii;u(o, a (r«n whose psipetual preen is only indicative of the eternal nature of ihe Eentimcnla ils being. iJivirio or human heneßcence planted it j I in (Jcroisuy, whero it illuuiiiial s everv j dwellicg, and from thencu it is now fa^t j .; readiog orsr the civilized jdobe. M®w bo det lltea wltii ihe I ic zu I A little boy called at on.: of oer - ' jnn Christmas laorniuc, 'ays tho '■ ford ((hi nn.) 'ii/nes, ana, on! iipt eao that ho coult ju.t lock o- rr i the counter, said : "VV .sh you a mn.y j Chrirtiuas." The back oilise to whom iit was sddres=el, having bi . u gr->te i : I thus about six doze i limes in the last ! j half hour, paid ao attention. B»t, u«- 1 '.icing that tbc little Icliow still stood ' his ground as if n*p«ettng, tii: nun ?a : i I "Well, sonny, wbui is it ?" j " i ish you a uierry Cbrisliflas," re peated (he lad. j "Ob, well, I wish yon n ha; ny .ew j Vuar, a: 1 t!;a' vs sbo-af juue, | doew't it ?" answered the l.- .nlc man, Tbi.i wa« a fot-bafik to Ihe hoy, wii i ' stood for a moment evidently trying te j ! eolloet bis thoughts. Finally tha little i boy's eyes brighteucd sv though a hap !py idea had struck him, and ho s:iid . j "'lister, you wish rae a ht;;»y A'cw' Year," aud, reaching over the counter ! i as far as bis little arm could go, contin- ! , ued : "llere'ii a pcany for you." lie dropped tho coin aud ran out of the j. bank as fi.t as his legs could carry him, ' I doubtless fully satislied that he had done the proper tbinp. i The Klmira .'Jdve.iliurr says that were it not for Christmas, December would be j i the meanest mouth in tho year. The j . Advertiser is too bard on December. It I j is a good deal betlrr month generally j than citbar of its three successors. Be sides it ba* Ihe last day of tho year, md j that Intre lueci us to N >/Ytmt. I will li'.-aor .j •'i.. : j and try to keep it ail I lie j oar. -Iji-'k- I ' .H«nwfiir.MiVA. rn* - . • y .rr A CMur«teratoTii'» Christmas, I$G4. was the f'oufede.-ato j Christma., pareicollen.'e. Oetsido snp • j.iiea of all kinds had di'iippc.irea, pud whatever cujuforts vi r piovided were Ui{ home uianufacl iro. '! ! •(' nft .>rate - dollar wan worth just two cents jo sold, ' and flour v. as $(>00 a barr jl ; sngitr w. . a "iouud ; salt. i>l .. butter, v 10, and ; beef. to $lO a poun]. T* cod sold i at SIOO a ourd and caul was not lo bo I had, ctvo ill a few of the cities, owirig to ' f lareity of tr»n.[ioriation. The d»y w:u --j Sunday, which iu iiaeic wnuid have toui i pered tiie usual merriment. At a eottn i 11')' . i;./ul.;iii e below I'ie!;;:.'.id :r. i I" j i'ir from the lines of the ctr i uding rir- I lilies a party of seven—ladies and gen ; tleuien all in tho strietrsf Southern i use I of tho term —were assembled at dinner. | I ue mansion bed been prov rl.i ! fu i: I iiuspitaiity before the war. Novr t!;o i welcome wa* :. 1 cordial as ever, hut tho ; board was spread in uccordunce with the | necessities of tlie times. At the head of ilia table wan placed a Urge ham, worth §:ICU at the foot was the list tui'Ui y :!.» fa.e.i r uld, worth 5i:"i"». 'i he vogi lab! ei oonsistud j ofeabbagr, potutoes and hominy, worth, |at a i'';t ■ ir.ufclo calculation, StOO. Com-bread va ; rved,fiour having been j '..;;i;.i! v.:i i-i tl:! bouse for m nths. ' i*Lt ii. .1 r.f v.i.ieh it. was made was j worth $ >0 a bushel, ~ud the salt that led it fl a pound. Desert tliere ; was i:ou •, hut in its place tho liohtess t roviried u cu.'i. ■. l!a'k m da es, Worth I - 1 n Ti.e SAIUC kind huly, an i a r:rn treat for her guests, brought ou", .' i » a steaming aril of I reui tea—.ic . Mfras—(4ortb SH.U a jjonu'iJ »' :! ■' time warning the ■up jij-ieoe, tliis was the last of her , lore. After t!ii» '.ere w»s "coliec," i made fi' ;• w t potatoes cut into little j hits, toasttd oiown and ground to jow der. Such was a Confederate Christinas I .liiitier in tha last winter of Ihe war. I J'roui this suberb repast the scale de ! sccr.ded lo army rations—a bit of salt ! ; oik. corn oread and »-weet potato cjfiee | withoufiugnr. I The company consisted of three la lies end tour gentlemen. Tho ladies' toilets I the writer csnnot. venture to describe, | but they were largely made up of »hoMc- I lunde' articles iu the fashion prevailing nt the commencement of the war. The ' tresses ot one were fasteued with •'Con federate hair pins," luade of long black tiiorns, with tho heads tipped with seal ing-wax, and the dress was of simple | home-spun. With tho exception of the master of the bouse, whose age compel led him to pursue the ways of peaoe, tbc gentlruien wjre iu uniform, two be ing (Dicers nod two privates from the neighboring lines, 'ihc country road j beyond tho farm was Haed with slowly moving trains of«r".y wagons, and oc easionslly a small party of cavalry would by at a sharp trot. From the win dow* of tile mansion, thin, light clouds of smoke could be seen rising from the camp fires on the linos, aud now and then th i dull thud of a heavy gun would !> the stillness of the scene, an 1 a fleecy cloud would rUe ovor the trees' tojs and uklt away iu the air. On the liues the v-terau of rcmnv a bard-fought field w .re watcbin? their antagonists with sleepless vigilnnce, some en duty ia ihc work ami otb-rs gathered uhuut their lire touting bit' f army p rls. roasting potatoes or Irving j to links corn ' read in .he aahes, aud re- . cailmg uu'iwoi u'.: of home aud other days when Christmas was not wont la wear sn . stern a look and life was . u>; r, aud the J land wa' it \ esee. liven then, RUIO" I the ruins of a litl g canao, these stout J hi '.rts cherished high hopes that the j next Yuletid - would see tlwm safely at' home oneo mo.e happy and peaceful un- ! dei' the bri::'nt foldj of the rla ,;s they fought so well tn ny '.old—h pas that j were destined to perish cro Ihc grins oi ! anolhcr spring shnnld be The J.viichburg .'L. ivnu: ■ says tbiTt Mr. H. \V. Allei, ef Nelson county, hs« in vented an implement for making tobac co hills. After tho iand is fertilized and | harrowed, thu machine, drawn by two ' horses, leaves a row • f perfectly formed tobacco hills behind it, doing the work of eight (8) men. A fertilizer attach ment is provided which deposits any re. quired amount of fertiliser iu each hill. The thing lias been thoroughly tested for several seasons and works like a charm. Tho -upremo Coisi't of Miwmi has issued n peremptory with ■ Ho- in.: the ' ' ee(Miter* to onuut two disputfd 1 :'tO Ninth it. 'j'hi: "'fc-ts-Jsltnts 1 : (I, CVoiilheud t.i «r.d difiitt*' t N>. 23 WW* l - -" "rmM. 1 Kie«HrjT* \zmnmrn iihsri»lm!iu Eve. ' j If t/m ia !;•«», and there be - ! f»w that disputu it, th;«t "there is uiore i I pleasure in tuuiuipption limn in reuliza n | ticu," tiwa Chiiatiuan Kve ought to t>° e | uiuc* c wj. ji'jlr. 0 tn\ Cjristiuas. What , Jrsiiw-- have MP uot of things to come, rua.and poor, youpg and old ? Whotb ! er oar hopes are "still Luuiided by the vi l y sbup in any of i!» grs lations of i-odt, c fro.n i penny whiaile to a guinea rooking or du}l-liop»Oj or if we ore grown •it children mi l can still nee bappweaa i- j i i a gold waicji, oi a #.• t of jewelry, or i- j a die uer, or whether as wc have • t ; rann,older wr have gaown wiser and • K;:ir:_ ! Y.w much inuru blesS'd it is to i- givn to receive, and anticipate our •• ! "r:'!t«n -f! inra only in the happy ~tcu . gaatd'ul looks nud loving word* ! those er> >n! us, we all, (except rtio • r' : ced nu.i unfortunate,) have happy • ■ tl.'iigtits i I the morrow reflecting as " ' from auroral oiouds the coming light I upon to-day, • | Dwelling upon this feature of the hol ; id IT, the editor of the Charleston JVewa , / t 'n.irw, last yeur, on Christmas I I'.ve, h vised i;* readers thus impreseive . Ir "i.etusopun our hearts to that . j snd lot it make us as happy as it i I CjO. ],«t the ciders put away for a . j brief period bnsiness care* and ' ] nuili.lions, as Ih'j younger without bid t ; diu:' put away their books and elates, »| and L't each :a his sphere do what he can toiiii.ko to-uicrrew Christ tuaa in reality ',as * ■'■'! >s iii nuau. So far as in u* lies, ' 1 ' i! I•••' motto, Tiding*, * which will be Seen in all the churches, bo a utoek • i cry to nine. but let our families, our i ! friends, our depend ml* aud those within ! • reai h of our charity, feci that the event 1 i wiiieu we oidebrata alter the lapse of nearly nineteen ceutuncs did indeed ! b'inj; light and peaeu into the world, i I Then, having iaU'ufully performed our ■ duty to-day, if to-morrow by some uiia « our pieisuotest dreams should I vanish, our most cherished plats go - | wrong, we shall not be left without oou t Isolation. The plcubuie# of anticipation inay by irvitred in the pfcAMea of uiem '«•*», "fvl." of.R day ■ i be forgotten iu the calm coutcut of a ■ '' clear oonwience, whiob, after all. will be . ; the only earthly pleasure that we shall ■ enjoy in the Christ man that shall be ; eternal." The Saviour was deeply affected—so says the legend—aud, blessing them, left the good people iu a mate of supieiuo happiness and exaltation, lleinrich be carae a liishop, thereby adding greatly to the honor and dignity of tbo family; but the Saviour wept with joy, aud wherever a tear fell there sprtmg up a beautiful ove-£rcuu, so that now there |a« evergreens enough for Cbrist*j*s I trees th" .ugliout tha land : and ever | ; : r:oe time, when Chrißtmai eve eomi's, Christ revisits the earth; and j iWieraver tbu Christmas tree is planted, j a.'id thy Ciiristuias lights shine, in cot | Lsire :r iu j aUee, Christ looks upon them ! and fitful.—Jennie June. A ear has just crrWod Lwo from \Vas!.iiigtcu, I 4). C ,in which the United .-'•tates Fish has seat the Couitmssioner here tWU backels, con tatnir.;.' [(*,"!'(> (jeiinan carp, for the aupp'j.ii -of the Stato applicants.— lla liigh j. VM/or. the rhrfc. pleads agamst allow i"i; children to .pjo thair faith to tho I "ill'a Clans "wyth. There isn't much ia.ig'r—ws'al! grit cliti'laiicncd pretty i So 9 a ' , > To j The an J IVIST oilers the I laihji". '..'.a ytduceinc.its u Kdvertisere I •■ ! . I *i;«i uay WlS»i to reach the people nf j iiu'.-Ue ail \«* vstevu North Carolina, I and jsi . . I I, Uja paper published in 1.-ak population of which | '* , f I yV r ( to nearly every Statt in j the j. T siyi^cij^i r to a considerablo I estoL'. .11 duny, I orsyttie aud Itockiug i hau»«yt:utj'j.s, ju this "State, as well a.s ! the counties in Virginia, while its ciij«!.j.l>v u , among tbs 16,0(10 of 6Uikt> county's population, ia nearly as great as that of all othar weeklies com bined. S. it i» iu n prosperous condition sr.d prowiji* in favor, it* circulation to day liMnp- rreatur than at any time fVu-o Rio' si*t vualMr was issued more than i«n ytdn ettie*, and has nearly doubled 1 w'ttift ifco InsUtwu yam*.. •1 *ute%t)iljf , reiby the Rki>urt ' *». lef'dfcft t».a«v«riiiwr* are as low ri's •' rf ■ bV.iiiiv >ni; «r with a oiienbv 1' tlatv •H.tKoo'j.. .* llf f . vn . „ , ,!».? fit I. •fit - u !!.. ■ f, •

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