VOLUME XI rtfctn AT ar i^l^lS&f.is|M: , il •At» *mvpTiwm t i|| w 1 Sriff for Mch addlttaaal tiaartiM,.,.iM SO ••"Wtrti for le«g«r tint or n«ra spuco cam ba toad* la proportion to tba »bov« rilw TraMloal adTortiftor* wit! b« wxpootfil lo remit HMTli u Uwi ralM at the tim« thaj aeud Mr fiT«n. Laaal XotfeaawUl baafcargad Mperoaat. htfbor •kaa abova rata*. Inlaw Card* will ba Laoartod at To* Dollars jkmammmMmmmmmmm rHfrtSXIO.VAL C.IRDS. ImriFifMi«T AtUmey and Counsellor, UT, AIRY, N. C, PthUm* Um aourtt of Surry, Stvka*, W. T.CJRTE*. 1 jirr§mP*r-*F-lfs*w*. MT. co., K. fYvaUM w Um»«' hit »or r|o» are * Anted. AUM YMORH ATTOftKEYITLAW Mt. Airy. N. C. f Sfedel attention glvtu lo lit* e»ll««lion ol Ate. * M-lftn J H. M. MABTIKDAIK, M . WIT* «MfH * > ■-.• WM JH? DVLWrtCO., ITATIOIttBT A lfD FobufiCCLlKS WARKHOt'BK. fgp-K»*»0l liuak* aSfmeuUty.^a StMlcMrt of *ll kinJi. Wrapping paper, Twtaw. Bonual Board., I'apcr Ulinda. M* W. B A I.TDtOKK ST., II ALT I Moll K. XI) J. B. HAKRIBOX, A. L. Et-LET*Cfe, DRY OOWDB #ftO|riO*lß IP, is 4 14 Twelfth Stwe"., A.W»u.rHL \ 1. JfUMS W *Tfl»* ( r h:^ r ißichm'd, Va B P. KING, WITH JOMX&OX, SUTTONS■ CO., DRY GOODS, Mm. SI and W tooth Mbarp, Htrrat, 9, V. J#HF*Ofc, R M. SVTrON. 9. B. E. 011X1011, O. J. JOHNSON. V. IUT, ALBHAT JONES. D&j k Jo»@s» maavfarturera of IAMUBT.IAEIIMI. U«IXAHB,TRII!RR ■*. aaa w. liMaar* imi, lUihbot*. JM. •B* A- H. C.Baaltti. 11-3. Ipragjtiia Tvolcar. Bmith * Co., »llBlUilir» A irhntauls Ooalnn In mn. tanas, hats and caps. W* m Bdtew H*wt, BaUkaora, JM. MLHAJIT, WITX # CO., fcnulm * wWlaaule doalar. In »»■—>». lWtMfcY.O>»TiiS, WHITK AW> rAKC i iOOl>». M. J. • M. K. BEST, 9 »n« Mtnru,Sanntbom $ Co., WttOlfajlUt 'CLOTHIERS. m la»ll II ri |* II I 'I I I I " A Ltaihard Kt»t BALTIMOKK MD. B. HMIMM, B. BUMLIRB. JTSWiuJ w^t %»ssk tx 3fi c °\ HAHDWAKE. lio7M*ih Street, KlcjmoifD, VA. lanll fkr f.Jrt.«»k» Standard Raalaa. ml A*» twM Wten CVHB Cr, *. STXPHRXrUTXM Y.\ CO., — k^fiOM*W; VA. WJH. DjSVRIES * CO., Iwf >m and Jotkm of pmrnie* AMP oomkstic DRY aOODS AMD NOTIONS. tm W—t BmMmm i Strtt, btiwten Wot car* mt ia«r%, BALTIHUKI'. , S. T. DAVIS WITH 9. J MAQHUDER and CC HMufM-ll.rin and Ileal.,m id MOTA. BimOAJtn, tx Mb. St Bißrp BkMimum, Md. J. F. TATKB J{. C. Bwyms, Anderson $ Bard, Wholesale. Grocers VB. M VM Pratt and 63 8. Howard St BALTDrOHK MO. a fTvlv'waf i«8 ol , V 010 Jm3 > | Again. " T h«jL#%rt'inn«f r » Hit- lr«j»rfc of fr>n a*®f# of. a h#av7ly loa- ' tied wagon ia heard ««av over hilU, ami tli. * *}*radVi efi*jM*ue, tfev«p~ flmchYng team ((Jeorje and Hob) first 1 r.tvo in aight and drav rtp with proud. firm stop in front of Pernor *. Soii'a old kfur.d, won j occupied by N. M. I'El'I'KK A (.'O. We do mean buaiuos, and you minht do mM to u*um when we talk, aud U> r*ad | wTme we write. if we do not **> ail we j will do, Au.o* Mainly mean to do aJi we aav, i *A4 W) I(* tereat to hear, wotell you tliatV4 will make 11 to your infcerot, if von hive to buy, or have Im'niftlß you wiali to aell. W&havr OJTTHM| her*, uottobnild a trade 1 foe a anontli or\ year; but hope lodoa huM n**s tbat we will be nlde to point b:u k to, should we li\«• to hr old men. Am! l».m the . "WHfitttion of kitowivt* ihat while "we have I made an honest lining out of it, we may al«o , have tb« pli xsnre 1 1' feeling Ibat «i i..i\> of Xnffce flfWuface to our f n* « and this se • I B»n» V \F' |h w It 4. U»b* IY ' ! "»« 411 I buy ' goodu in ttie b* *t market* from tlx- beat hou sell for a piotn m i • aa low as a id mil ar article rnu \>- any market at retail. As fNiHiweir awtvmmce 1, 1? win \r • -.» poasibh- to get everything at , ■. kit , inaaent forward Jarc*- orders, w« vill fill \i\. J.i* k» f«»t «n he lii'ilt'll I; "in The depot, anu will yoiitiliuc to add to o:u . at#«'lc entil xve liar*' In Wort* (Mer\fbitiß thai ' the littnunda f tbt* section will jti«tif> w* in keying, and any article not uaually kept | fn a jwuer^jLatere l»ke mm, will ix* procured • rioltHf, If to be fouud in .WIN inai ket Nertb orTSoutb. I If ifce people will *av a«id* all preimltr*. I look at it aa it really in, theN can S«v no KM- ' aon why we cauuot aell good a here, hauled j with our own teams, in our own hou«e, by j our own labor, an cheaply an tho«e who do buaineaa ip ri|i)road towna. and lay heavy renta. emwmou* local taxes, and high cleik aalariea. All that we a>k ia that wean* paid aa mueh for gooda brie a* a similar article can be bought at in miv market in the State, unleftft it IK* for salt and one or two other heavy article*. We will do bufliuesshtpon a strictly « % asli HI cAtfliaiae* lor |,.od. 1 pPdiJWbf hfttj tftno at fall nnttpcf pi b c-4 aM we UW'.'t w|th tbc p.d:VM;ip- wfl I inu nd our sflb t* Nhall mei tlii people appreciate an honest eflhtl ou our part to bnild tbcin up while wo advance our own interest*. w« bqa t» make i MARKET FOR TOBACCO here at their own doors, wldeh w ill IKI of ia oauuiabk to the count v. * N. M. I'EPI'KU Sl CO. l>anbary, N. C., July ilrd. IPH2. KMMk.ni w. I-UWKHH, KNAR i>. TAVI4 . ! K W POWERB A CO., WHOLESALE VIiUGC ISTS % Dwalerf la PAINTS, OII.S, DYES, VARNIWEB, j French and American WINDOW (iIiAMS, PUTTY, &C 01QAR8, HMi»KINt; AMP GHffiW INO TOBACCO A BPKCIAV.TI. . 1806 Main St., Richmond, Va. August 26—6 m NEW RICH BLOOD! P*ra* »i«' I'uruutir* fill* luako N\v Hi oil Mnod, *a6 will completely t liW'i lu tl»«fW«tr#»irH»rio ta thr«-o"ri oath*. Ait' pcNin ■ WlM> will txke 1 pill «wch uigitl tnnu 1 u> Univki miv bo rw*ion«d »• n«tnv>l lipulth. If HII'II a tabig W *rntby mail f*r M le''er litjirrp^. I. A. JpJimir & CQ* Jio.non, Mmaa. t formerly tlinffor, Mr. IOCVTQ ii/ffUTWI v> mi Mtllo WAll I tu tnehtMK.iiuli> Miilt tlDK Mnehiiifl fVrr luaaut* ! W: .MO tuprfil t 9o It wtil a to knit a cirat *nn*t:- ot tuirt wwk)'» w-Mih in .i fewl* w»arliei *«•* • ; for c4rrunr aj»l WOiitU> tromNj Kmll' 'U4# mm i lilm Vo M ivvialilyiitußli>«iw>hw, aU* I EKROHS OF Vnl'TH.-A Reutlemaii who anH'»*red tor veara from Nervoua VK RILitW Pit SMATV HK l)i:c t) aid all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake-of aufterlnghumanit\. s*nd fret to all wholieed It. the recij>e atid direction for makinc th«'aipiplc remedy by which he was cured. Suflfcrert wishing to profit by the advertber's efpcrieuce can do at/by ad dressing in eonflilened, JOHN* 11. fiGt EN 42 Cedar St., X. T. Feb. J6^-ly. VLw««*£:St\ A. r.f, N.,- H ; »; i,IK M, JWKR TW.v.I Nwifr I«M .r-*4r *.a iwi«uu«'-t xz t; riMPLßrt.—l tr.il mail (Ff.ilhf iwi|it or » »im]tlf VKiETAHI.K IIAL.\f wb rataov t TAX, F/tNIKLM*. l'litl"- i.i r.s'«tid ni.orrnr.x, iMvinsiii,. dear and boautifnl; »l»y nu«tpicti(ma lf». pur tu«!n( a luxuriant growili of httir on a lutld heai or imooth farv. Address, Sc. | damp, BEK. VANDtLK A CO.. ia Bur, I clay N. T. Felt. 1« i- J. R ABBOTT, or K r willi WlJHitf, EI.LKiT & CRUMP, | RICHMOND, VA., Wholfrtt. Dratpri I. BOOTS, BHOEB, TRUNKS. &C. ! Proaipt attentloa paid to orders, and satis | (action gaurante**d. Mffinia &« Prison Goods a tytttaVy March, 6. m ~ NOTICE. By rirtiic of a decree of the Hnpcrinr Court of SUtkes cuunly, I ivill jell at public auction at Uw eoiirt-hnmie d«wr in Uanbury on MiMtdav Ntitr. Olii, isf2. a tract of land lying on ibn Little Yadkin, adjoining the lands of 1). N. Dnlton, llattliaw 1 hllllpsand others o,lll*l ning 1(10 acraa, luoi« or leas, •old U the bind of Ihf heir* t>f Mar)' B«l»s. doeeaned. Tenna one tbird cnali, tbe re- BiaijMti'r on A credit of aix rannlhtt. WM. B. WATTS, Com'r. DAXr.I'UY, X. THUKSDAV. FEBHUAKY !$£ ! , Know r That BROWN'S I RO»; BiTTTn* | 1% will cure the \vfc>r£t' da.lii ' of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty npfx-tito and increased digestion. I Cures general debility, l--\ cives a new lease of life. { .Sh Dispels nervous cL'p/essiqrj * - ftrtd teff spirits. * R:' tores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full sttenjrei and yfives abundant sus tenance for her cli Id. Strengthens the muiclcs and nsrveSjCnrirh' tlv M J. j Overcomes weakness, wake fuliiess,..iui lack of energy Keeps oh&il cl-.iiJi, fevers, aii .oi.u.i malarial uoisen. V.T! infuse with new life t is weakest invalid. 37 Wntlcf r St., Baltimore, Her. iP9r. I >r «u.t y tr * I h*v- hrrn a jr.e.»t tilfc r*r from Htood Hiw-c, llj-^ pcpitA.audConMipMtion.aii it wean 1a r • debilitated that I co(il) not retain frvrnln* on my stomach, in f«rf. » .1 :>l:noi| l .on.i a ' urJm. I in.! y.wfcci i»f« if i.-. :>»«• hui w,P I* i in liiuut in r : i «prr, InduCeil mr t {t »trial. 1 am now taking the third Mttic i.mi h*ve not fr't so Well in six ) c-;r. I Ut» .it t '.o].r(M!i.i t. nr. Mis. L. F, uuuiik* Brown'S IRON- RrrrF' , «; will luve a better tonic effect upon any one u lio needs " bracing up," than an>' medicine awue. L . 0 v j " l$J ' 'Jyl vJfc srriv Invalid*. bmk'ii ilmm in brnlth nnd spir it.* liv «*luhm«: «l> or hiiHi-ii i>. Horn thr Irrriblo i*\li.m-»tiua that l"lb«u Hi • attack* of in'iitr ilitt aM-. Hit: . i I thmmamU wh'i li.tv •• t-•«:» rai»»«»i . I y j ft llliruclt' i' 1 •(*! :i '•I! I I:• • »>'■ • I | V trati'iu by ibi >;..m:o-i l-.ln • . is a MIJV {tmr ni ••• Mint bj it •• .mu l iu«nn§ vuii, u»•, m:».» IK* »i u|rili* 'ifil mikl I re~Mr»'i Por ttklt b) ii' I l unci L>i al« ra K atr rally • EARS «•» T '"- MILLION Foo Chso's Balsam cf Shark's Oil. l*PaitiVfli/ H' ft.y s the lfi.ar.uff, (inJ is tin i Only Also!utt fun for Dta/nt Known. J TD'* Oil i* IVi 111 peculiar i-i* 1 - ' eie* of* Miiall White Mvirk. caught iii the | Yellow St-a, known as (jAl(( UAl!\i>on H«»n --i DEf.f in. Every . ■ rn in I mwi j it.., it* virtue* ' ' I v-lb •! ' s*i: ' - ■' t .tn«i many «♦> >"oyly , -.1 ilons, lliat I!»«• iciii- 1> f»l!i i.tilv ; Mii'lailii'-I t»vi*r list i eptir« f? uvj » . • I HMlui I y- i Mil "•» i ' . ! bottle. I 1 Hear What the Deaf Say. I II ho* jvrfor n- J rail a !• u my . I have no unoartlily licit*?* ill my head ant) ; j hear run«'li holier. I ffitVi* l>«'cn b:nn*it«'d. 1 My dtMfno»4 " | another lx»ttlo will ••nre me. ' i "Tltrirtnes .irt* unqeativn(tble nnrt il« mr afire chiirartcr abnolnte. oa th writer run 1 J*!•§)*QlIy testify, both from > .rj, wnrv and nb*er*iulon. \\»ri?e :»t nirf to ll.wi.«» n A I 7 Dry Stiivf,Kow York, cnekwiii: i sl.on, .iii*l you will r"tiw hv n'ttii n a I«MII j edy that will enab'e yen »«' hei.* lii any . body «*i.se, and wiiuw curative clients will ' ■ i ptnnaneiit. Y'ou will never regret ■o."— lSniT«m Ami itirAN I.'KVIKW. I 07"To avoid lo** in the M tils. pl«?use se: •' - monev by Heglnterrii Loiter. Only iuipoib'l hv -1 HAY LOCK *.JI:XM:Y, (Late Hay lock «Sr I u., v ! SOLE AGENTS FOK AMEItICA, 7 Dcy bU, New York GEO. E. MISSEN& CO.. SALEM, N. C., J; WAGON MANUFACTURERS. f ■ rl I Using only the best of materia In, wo inaki m the best of work and warrant every Job,— ij | We have the oldest and latest Wason Works 1, j and eur Wagons have the best reputation ol (any in the State. I'verv Wagon bsars the name 'J. P. NISSKV. S ilern P. 0., \. ( .' Write for |»rieea. liefer to :Jf who are tisilij our W«fnns. lioixl Word* an I 'l'rue. To those who pick up a daily ] apet, read a column ur two of crituin.il netv* ami then jump ut tlio coucUwioa thai *ll mankind is hastening t» the li iuiul ! tii ii bow-vow*, ftp commend the follow ing from au observer : "The cartli never had so ninny gw •! ,turn and women i* to-day. NWer ■ll 1 I civilization no assert its power in wm of ttnevoleuco and in allcvietin•; human H'liferin;; ns now.— And yet, from t! • Seisin the daily'pnpars, on.' would get ; too Hi'.mi tHftt tlic? dovil had boon tnrtud j io.se iinil we* holding high carnival, and that the spirit of all good departed f ftoim tfi« «rnrT3. A trn)ns:i!un nod deeds } and a multitude ol blessings go unhcrtil i di-d, while a villainous crime flies on , the wings of tho wind, and by the tig.'tiey j of lightning to tlio utmost parts of the earth. Thero is n morbid publiu senti ! otent which -fir t'. fr "• , ... tiling li'iiitiiian, seusnlional ami hri . tal. It wants th" ' iri . ing ; irti -;tl i.- I of« murder i > tin; m otijcr at the '•l'akftist tnl It', ai.il tin: more uiitiu.. tli > i»-titr. The way of a daily paper | to quit chronicling these horrid event* is nut clear, and yet that such reports, 'might to be' curtailed is uiost evident. In a neighboring city, a short tiuic since, a trial took j Inec itt tho courts of justice: the facts as fold by tho witnesses, wi re til the most VtiTgar am! I'ebu.-ingcharacter A newspaper pubi 'cd verbatim reports. Teachers in the public schools and t u BU|»rint«nd«nt of publiu instruction re ported that they found large numbers of the papers pnblishing these reports, stow el awav it: Uic desk of both boys and girl*, and tltttt they had difficulty, even in school hours, in keeping th.mi Iroiu lining read, 'i'here is no mistaking the fact there is a large Held for reform in the reading offered to the vouog. tiood , books never so abounded. Novel - before were so many men usid women busy with I brain and pen anxipus to eontribute to the intelligence and eduuntiiai of the race. What these thinkers want nnd should have is the co operati n of (m- ! rents at d tcwihers, that the ."vticrathm coining into place tin I power may be clothed with tho pure habiliments of manhood and womanhood, fitted for tho grand work of closing up the nineteenth century. Duration or Dream*. It is claimed that tho longest dream lasts less than three minutes. A uian fell asleep as the clock'toiled the first stroke o| twelve, lie awakened ere tho echo of the twelfth strok; bad died away, having dreiuied in the interval that be commit ted a (friuie, was dotoctcd after' five years, tried and condemned. Tho shock of finding a halter about his neck aroused him to co tsoiousnesy, when he uirtcowrcd that ail ti -sc erectshad hap pened in a.i infinitesimal fragment of time. Mohammed, wishing to illustrate lite wonders of sleep, told how a certain man, being n sheik, found himself- for his pride, n:adc a poor fisherman • that he lived as one for sixty years, bringing ■ p a family and wurking hard . and up- ' on waking up from this long dream, so 1 short a time had lie been asleep that the narrow-na bottle !":!!' ! nv.i » .. itt •■ i u%3 tttil m.vi'p —had lint tiiuc in niiicli to empty itself. «. Man viim h;ia iiaU Mm n it en. An old gentleman residing in Sim moss" Gap, tia., has aboUt as wide, varied and full experience of domcstio ity as any mail since the days of King Augustus 11 . of Poland.—This happy man, who has attained the patriarchal age el eighty years, has li.vi the extreme felicity of being married nine times and it is the ninth wile who is at present solacing—we can't gay his declining years, because there is no knowing what are the potentialities ot a man who had displayed such hardihood—but who is, at any rate, the present mistress of Simmons' Gap. hor in wives alone has this fine old gentlemen been well and extensively endowed. Fifty-three per sjnsarc entitled tocallhitn "papa," and nt a recent family gathering 800 of his descendants were present. lgnoranee is bliss : A country cousin found himself seated at one of our hotel tables, probably for tho first time, and the table girl, desirous of ascertaining the extent to which he preferred his steak cooked, propounded the usual qnos tion of "how do you like it ?" Ofcourse there wasn't any smiling around that board when the answer was returned, with oil tho simplicity imaginable, O, 1 like it fustratc. ' •mrarvraa v.- ay wwawi ■■■ i .■ i «mniaKiir»wmi A Schoolboy on i'orifeft. i Coins are of two kinds.—Vegetable! and animal. \ igetable torn ;?rows on j , rows au I animal corn grows on toes. j There arc several kiuiU oi'uoiu. Ti»crc , is the uuicera, t lie capricorn, |»oj» corn, j corn dodders, field coiji aud the com , whieb is ili«* coru your feet 1 «•* 1 most. It sai l, 1 l> that gopher* liJUc i porn, but persons laving corn* do not like ty "go fur," if they can help it. Corns have Ucrnojs and some colonel* ha7o corns. Vegetable coin on the ears, but annual corn grows on the feet at the other end ol tin: both, Another kind of c»m is the auorn tins pows oaks but there is no hoax about the coru. Tiic acorn is a Corn with an iudefiuito article added. Try it and see. : Many a man when he has a corn wishes I it was an acoru. Folks that have corns sometimes send j .. :■'c»• l r and it the doctor himself is ! •:orned hu j robably w n't do as well as j if lie iMi't. T.k doctor says that corns are produced by tiidit boots and shoes 1 w.uch is probably the r ison why wheu j a man is tight they .-ay ho is corned. | ll a farmer manages well, ho can get j i a good deal of eorti on an acie, but 1 j , know a farmer who lias one euru that is the biggest athcr ou his farm. The big- i ger cn j> of vegetable coru a tnau raises | the better he likes it, hut tho bigger crop of uiiiuia! corn he raises the butter lie does not like it. Auother kind «?f i corn is the corn dodger. The way it is made is very and is as follows,, that is if jou want to know . )ou go 'don;? the street a:.d meet a man who you know has a corn, and a rough char- i acter v , then you stop on the toe that has ! the wrn ou it, and sec if you don't have occasion to lu that way you will find out what a coru dodger i«. One Mep at a T!:tie I.onco stood at the foot of a S'wiss mountain wbnoj towered up from the loot of the Visba.-i- \ all y to a be v .~' of K»,OUO feet. It locked itVo a tv«» j doua |.ull to t:.e t n. Hut f-afl to mv rs(H'.. "Ob, it. will rf ' M iir ~r; nt " at a time J" Before sue • t It o ! « I {he summit, enjojinj the mags view of the peaks around wie, and right opposite ine tfi«hed the icy crown of the VVeir*e»>rn, which Professor Tyndsl was the first man to discover, by taking otic .itcp at a time. Every boy who would master a diffi cult study, every youth, who hope*: to ge't on in the world, must keep this mot- Hi in hand. When tho famous Arago was a scliooi-boy he trot discouraged over mathematics. But one day he found on the waste leaf of the e •• er of his text ' book a short letter from P'Alembert to : ; i youth discouraged like himself. The advice which D'Alembert gave was. "go en. sir, go on." "That little sentence," sats Arago, was my best teacher in mat hematics.'* ' He did push ob steadily, until ho be came tho greatest mathematician of his ; day, by mastering one step at a tine. Freezing 1 James Humphrey, a Canadian, who nearly froze to death during a recent »now storm while driving home from a ! o man interesting account of the sensation* espericnc 1. \Vhvn he 1 felt no longer able to hold the reins with ' any grip, ho determined to neck .shelter 1 I iu tin* first house until well warmed, i His tongue became stiff, then his arms ' : sharp chills ran through his back nnd it 1 , finally seemed as though his whole body was being congealed, causing an altnokt total cessation of the heart's actjon. I This condition of extreme suffering and 1 despondency speedily gave place to a feeling of grateful warmth suffusing the system and causing an exhilarating glow. i)y this tine he had reached a house, j but drove ou, thinking that nothing wa.- to he feared. The sleigh* instead of ! ' crawling along at a snail's pace appeared j i to glide through the air with great swift- j 1 to ess aud the horses fairly flew like pig- eons. A sense of exultation filled the j 4 , farmer's brea>t as he urged the h rses ' t© a great speed, and tho woods on each side were passing so quickly that they became an undiatinguishablc black 4 i hue. | Theu the sleigh Veils s>uniid fainter j i and fainter, until tho chimes disappeared ! iu the distance, tie farmer full gradually , 1 into a delicious slumber, which cautc | r near being the sleep that knows no wak s ing, aud he knew no more until brought - to life under a rigorons treatment, [ l)ymg off. By the way, another of the ! Balaklava "six hundred" Ins just died, j I This reduces tho ranks to about nine | i hundred. I A HeddiiiK Interrupt*"*. By tho way, Ballard Smith tet'.s a ' j *tory of a North Carolina wedding. It runs this way • It was in the Carolina backwoods, a country couple and a. i ''ountry parson. Though a Baptist, the miuisrer wore an old surplice. \\ hen be had finished tho cereideny, he said : : 4 An' theiu'uu.s who Cud hath join ed—" "Stop thar, parson," said the grootfl ' •'don't say thetn'unf, av tliese'uns !" j ".John," said th? p*arsen, "I tech you nt. school, and I say them'uns." "Theao'uns," shouted the groom, j draviug his pistil. . _ |f T!ie parson seeipg the movement fired 1 through his surplioe and the groom drop -1 ped dead —winging the parson as he went j down. There was a lively fusiladc of j perhaps .'?t» . hots. When the smoke i learcd away a half dozen men were on j the floor. The bridl*, peeping ov t- till' r ulpit to which she had fted for refuge, gazed mournfully on the scene and I >.ai J : j "Them a-flclf-coekin' pistols is aj. 1 - I in* hell with my prospecks!" I Of course the story is an impossible I (.lie, and yet,said Mr. .Smith : "That is | the staple story of the South that is cir culated and believed throughout the. North. While such a thing could hard j ly have happened iu North Carolina any { more than in New York, the average | | Northern man smiles incredulously when \ou tell hi in that this performance is i improbably at a Carolina wedding." On r.nrly Marriage*. The editor of the Rixintf Fatrn (Ca.) Cnztlfc gives Ins idea of the msfringe ' «»f "green calves" and "pallets'* a* fol low* : • Nine-tenths of the unhappy mar ! riages that occur are the result of green ' human calves being allowed to run at large in ibe soeiety pasture* without any 1 okes on them. They msrry nnd have ! childt nb fore they d« aivu uehes j they 1 . • . .ithers ot twins before thev arc pro j .etors of two p-iir of pants, and thr 1 lit ! -n th-y miurtj* are old Vromeu i t"«v are twenty years old. Oe i a>ionaliy, it one of theso gosliug mar nages turns out all right, it is a clear 1 rase of luck. If there was a law .".gainst young galoots sparking and marrying before they out nil their teeth,' , we suppose the little cussos would evade I >t in some way ; but there ought to he a ! sentiment against it. It is time enough for theso batiiaius to think of finding a 1 pullet when they hare raised money enough to buy a bundle of lathes to build a uenho'jso. But they ace a girl who looks cunning, and they are i*fiaid that there is n«»t going to be girls enough to go around, and then they begin to get in their work real spry . and before they ' fcp* aware of the sanctity of ine marriage relations, they arc hitcheu for life, and ; I before tncy own a cookstove or a b«d- j ' stead, they have to get up in the night and go after the doctor, so frightened that they run themselves out of breath, | and abuse the doetor because ho doesn't ! run too ; and when the doctor gets there, there is not enough linen in the house to i wrap up a doll baby." >1 hat lie Hadn't Got A ecrliiin rich mnii po**esscd of great I wealth was wont to ho prouil pos- I Bunions anil to refer to them often, but withal, he was uot a man of intellect. ' One day ho h*il an old Irishman work ing for him a!»l_ ho went nut to oversee ! tho job. lie lonkuJ at l'at a uiiuutc, j hard at work, and Raul, "Well, l'at, it ii good to bo rich, ain't it 1" »'Yo.«, »ur," said l'at, who hud tha ! wit of his nation. ••lain rich, very rich, Pat." | "Vcs, sur." | "I own lands, house*, nnd bonds, and 1 stocks and railroads, and—:>"'l—and" j "Vis, sur,"' said l'at bhovalingaway. "And what 13 it, l'at, 1 haven't I fiot ■; ~ « /Not a bit of sinse, sur," remarked l'at, as ho picked up his wheelbarrow | and trundled it oIT full of dirt ; ana the rich man went into tlio house auu sat down behind the door. Anecdote from the "rjuarters." At 1 tbo marriage of an Alabama widuwoi 0110 of the s rvaiiis was a l;ud if his master would take a bridal tower. " Dnnuo, sab; when old missi's. alivo ho tojk a paddle to her, dunno if ho take | s bridle to de new otic or not." i A man named Punlop rc(|tii"tßd Thoo. I llook to aiake a punning allusion to his | natne. "Well, just lop oil the last syl lable," responded the wi(,' nnd its Pun. SO. ;u 'I lie (>real "I'old IVsuc "* Tin' "cold wavo" advancing from th« Reeky Mountains is mm ot' the irnmt'' *' pheiioiuontil areas of high prw«urA On ' record. Tho mMuI #f it on 8-iturdav ' " 1 (from ;ho I'aeifln const to the t««ai J> ' pi) indicated that it did not oriyiftttf* * Aritish America, although it may ' have received accessions from the vn«t (frigid region north wc*t of the I'pper -1 Missouri \ alley. Iu tho jreograpMmil J treacovered bv thin anticyclone it wilt *" compare with the great i'ooM wkv.>s** l of Siberiv 'Jut in the .nteiisitv W pre*- j sure it is less marked limn some which j irt iCCs(i.t.years havo *ravMM«V.M>g c-en 1 tr»l valleys. '1 he lowest temperature reported Saturday along it* line of ad vance was forly-two degrnes below rero 1 at I'' irt \\ ashakie, Wyemiug IVrrifory. li it great as this minimum t.i, it was twivo o.vcecded in severity bv the eohi of December 1880, and of January ' * 211, IXOI, on both of which' days, acOord '.ng to the Signal Service report*, thn thermometer at Fort iiuntou, Montana, sank to tiltyniuc degree* below tern, hven with the lotv niiniinuni tempera tures of tho present cold wave tho win ter of 188.'} co tar fulls behind that of 1880-81 in rigor. \« DMi like noniii There is on the part ef many a prejn ; diw against frogs'legs M all sriial* ot loud until they have been eaten in (lin guist, and found to be a« delightful an all persons of taste pronounce them i lO be. (i rasshop; «r soup was anuounc ud as delicious during the plague of those insects in Kansas am! Nebraska, , and if they were always plentiful, would probably become a regular article of di et. lerlain French epicures liaio dis eovored that the common earth worm .has usis w'ateh I'arwin, in his latest book on that subject, did nLt dream of. i lie is good for food. They put fifty of , ilio wo.'ros 111 vinegar, then rolled them iin butter, fried them, ale thein atid slauiored fur move. They declsru that i there is no dish like them. 0. jii !iie .*tales of ilio I nmn, s;\s the I'urhau liecorder, '•North Carolina alone has everything. In eliuiste she luns frrui the tropica to the pole's. In productions, she carries ono froai Bio to Quebec. In minerals,-he gives you i the gold of California and tho iron of \\ ales. She gives yon the gents of (tol couda and the precious ft onus of Assvriti , She gives everything iu fart. Ail that is wanted is intelligent industry and sagacious conception of what are tho ; capacities of tile Stale and then it w ill be the vi ry Central poiut of the hopes, atld all the capital of tlu> world which is Dow moving with >uoh rest less energy to make ttic nineteen century the climax ; of all human grandeur. 'i'o Advertiser*. The Hki'Ohtkk nr> l'lsr offers the , following inducement* to advertisers who may wish to reach the pcoplo of Middle anil Western Noith Carolina, and other sections : 1. It is the only paper published in Stokes county, the population of which is about HS,OOO. -. It goes to nearly every Slate in ( 'lie Lniou, circulates t» a considerable extent in Surry, Fnmytho and Rocking ham coinuics, in this Stale, as well si the adjoining counties in \ irgiuii, while ; its circulation among the 10,000 of Stokes county s population, is nearly , as great as that yj all other weeklies ' combined. Il is iu a prosperous condition ( and growing in favor, its circulation -o day being greater than at any tinin , since tho lust number was issued tnoi'o than ten years since, an.l has nearly doubled without (lie last two years. •1. '1 he rates offered by the Rk- I roRTtR ami I'iist to advertisers are us i low as are ottered by any paper with a circulation as largo us its own The Governor of Texas began life as a hostler and tho Governor of Kansas ' once earned his living by driving oxeu. As (either of them part tbior hair in the middle it is easy to guess how tbey 1 got ahead. She was plump nnd beautiful, and li 4 , was wildly loud ot hor. She hatod him , i.nd woman-iiktt, strove to catch tiiin. , | He was a lira. Personal Item: A Western editor • speaks of Herbert Spencer as "a thinker s from Thinkville." A rich deposit of coppir ore ha* been . struck in the heart of the city of Roan- '* s»okc, Va. f - ~ • • t-ixly-*cvcn counties in North Caro lina, clit,of uiticty ha\e*ii ; lr;idii.

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