IW *4 .» : RRXOSTA I.~P _ ~ -- • —-- . .. . _ JP ~ R _ U . , . , THE REPORTER AND POST. WW *#W *» WW «.> .1 WIHK-IS' " ■" ' "JSRGSAS -' J , VOLUME XI. m >4TM •RWIMWRTI*X I «J« IIMIIK. AI-W TSSS -2RC««2N&RT(FR-~ * TNN«I«»L .DV.IHILL «TT)H. KlMlnl to rum!! ACCORDING to HC J AMD KNSFFSAMVUI H( alnrf*« MY«R «nl. hl(b*R MTTTUN *&. ■M ■ I ' ■ JLMLVU - - CARDS Y 'lti 9^LMICS, FrarUces inJli* oourta OFPU rry, Stokes, I Yadkia 4nJ .?FOGL>»NR " W. F. CARTER, JtTTo*jrsr-*r-&dt w. MT. MKT, SUIIUY CO., N. O IWLICURW hereto- lit. SERF LENS are wanted. "It L. HA YMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy, N. C. Bpeal.l attention given to the collection nl -claims. J»— ITTN H. M. MARTIKDALK, wrra WM. J. C. DULAXY $ CO., HTATIOSKRS AXD BOOKSELLER* j WAREHOUSE. tgfScJuiol hooka «z Stationery of til kinds. Wrapping |iaper, Twiwi. lkuinet Board*, I'aper liilud.. ««. BAL.TOtOBB 8* M UALTIMOUK. Mt> J .ITWIIITTHFE ' FL* ™ *l** A. L. ELLET&CO., DRT GOODS * NOTIONS & I®, 11 ft U Twellth Stree'., RICHM'D, Va «S, 'OX &• CO., >DS, TRTM, HLTI:ON >IIN SON. joSti A J MS manufactures! 01 ; * »A.M>I.«HT.H ARNKSS. CRTM«»RB.T*CTFKB K«.»W Btlunan atn.l, ITTLRTMORO J*il. ~~TF.C.B«Ith, B.S. B|>R»ggin» Tucleer. Smith FC Co.. , J*»nufMiu*r.* D#*Ur» TIL BOOK, MOBS, OATH AXU CAPf «« MW)LAM «mt. Wltatn. *l. 11. J. * *. Jt- SSST, . wtt* Bmry Sonttebom 4" Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. St I MI ft at-. ON»MB«MM * LOMHARD STAL BALTIMORE ill), m. MKUNFLM, a. BLUILIM. SRHSSU.,.. MJMBB*" Watkins. Cottrell ft Co.. LIPWNII and JUKBTRI of HAROWAIi^. ISO; Main Street, RICUUOXD, VA. AMU. FW F.lrk.nk. MTAAS.PL XC.TON, and iiw BITAD Bolllwf CLAA. MI* KEN Vuln»v, Z. U Blair //. MILKS, WITH ATEPHEXP UXXK Y* CO., MHhialt tmUMIH Boots, Shoes, and Trunks, 1219 Mam STREET, ' MCHMOXD, VA. . n >. I. a: ABBOTT, or V C., with WWFI«, ELLETT ft CKPNF, ■ ICBMQND, V^, Wtwltaaie !)«»tar« ia oovs, raroKs, TBUHKS. &O. 'mj(l|HWT>W paid U) •C4«T. A mi aati»> lull Pri—m MI tftmlty DttcGGi'xrs, Dialtr. II Ill'Wiil'll TIN, VAHNIBHSB, JKFLMK UD ABMRIOBO "FYYT-* 1 * PUTTY, *C. k WL, LN eourJ. ' , I*or FTAJVLTT.ITT* C.utlTf neii, H-»J « B route L>Ur. ""F* ■ lmpurttx »F U.a NIOOD, r«MUD r*l)|Ul«HlofU(fr, UuwelawiKldMTi. SYMPTOMS OF A DWKASKD LIVICR. IMMI: P»TN TVTHR Side, the PMN LA fcU under THE SL>4ilßeibbted#, aiiiukcn fur KKCUMATIMM': gnteral T»>A OL nppeme; ItewcU FU*R»UF CO*nv«. »onctiinca ALTERNATING with LAX; «IDI a painfularmati II ITI|R RF VINP tMMione tometKinf wiidi nftil |0 have been .iua«; a »Ugi»T, .lry cough AND «UHC! FACE ia »OTNTLIA« aa atupdaat. often Mhukan FIIR TONA—TUFQITLIF F adent complaina lat »ejriar%T mui tWiility; nervoat, «tartled; F burning, oatdmaa prickly acmatioa TM ilte tkin e»UI*. IJ.inu are low AND ileaaomicnt, and, although aati .tied (hat cxereiae WMILD V- SEME filial, YM AAE ean Hardly iummoi up fctrtUude to i'Y ii-4sx fat, OLMRUAU «rerv nmt y STVCRJ U Ihe AH«TV gymptonu attend tne diseaaa. buft caaca have O«« urrad WHEN HUT few of them ajvatctl. yet ciainmayaa ft/aer DEAB haa thoefn the EJtcr K> hav% beea eatenatvv-IY AFCRJMGCD. U AHOAM be UM4 by all prraona, old and FOUNT, * twuevrr at; of Ihe ABOVE ajrmphtnu appear. . TRAVELING ar MTIHC In rn. healthy Loaalitlea,L>y TAKING a d«.»e uceaainn- ALY to kecp.th« Ijver in healthy action, will avoid »LL Malaria, DllWua atlat-ko, Hlnineaa. NAU aea, 1 »row»»he*l, Deprc»Al.M f Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a GU*> cf NINE, but hi no In. TOXLOAUACR beverage. If You have eaten anything hard of digestion, or M heavy after meal*, or nli*rp leaa at night, lake a doae and you wUI be relieved. Tinte and LECTORS* DIIU will BA SAVED by ALWAYS keeping the Regulator In the Houaet Foe, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly SAFE purgative, alterutlve -nd tonic CAN NEVERBT out of a4sce. The rmedy 2A hnrmlraa and does not Interfere with buslneaa or pleasure. , IT M PURILT And haa all the power and e!TT**cy of I'aloinH or Quinine, without say of the injunvus after etiewta, A floveroor'* Teatlmony. Sinaont Uver Krguhitnr haa been in use in my I fain- 1 V for »»me am*, and lam *4tiatted it ill i valuable addition to tho medical science. J. TIL LI. SMOITIH, (K>veraor of Ala. ! Han. Alexander H. Stephens, of (In., ssya: Have ilerived aomc beiielit TR M the T»e UF T Sifnmon* L.lver REGULATOR, aud with to give it s further UTAL "The only Thing tliat never fklla to ItelJ*w#.H—F have tued ittanv rvmedir« fur Dya- Cpeia, Liver Aflectioa and 1 *ct>ility V but never ve fouad anything to benefit roe t» THE ritcnt HUMOOOS lavcr Keguiator iua. I «-M Coin Min- I Dcaota LO Georgia lor it, and would lead further for ■A FUCH a •AD*. iue, asid would adviae all who ate aim- Uarly affcrted to jive |T a trial as it aetau the only { thing ihat never (lit to relieve. P JANWST, Mlnnrapolia. Minn. L>r. T. W. Mason sajsi Krtun actual ca pernnce ia the WC of Simm r,, IJ WR REG»| ATF> R IN MY practice I have L*ea and am aatisfied to uae auU PRESCRIBE it as S purjsiive medicine oaly the Genuine, which always has 00 the Wrapper the red 7 Trade -Mark aod Signature of J. IF. *EI LIN Si CO. _ P)T SALE BY ALL »W;nr.ISTS KOSMTEIFT HIFFINS Atvalids W)IN are r«-rnvering vital stamina, DECLARE io KRALVATL term* ihrtr apprecia tion ol' the merits AS a lonir, of llosietter's Stomach Bittrra. N«»t ONLY does it impart Krenylh \O the Weak, but It also corrvettf FT» irri-Rular srlil state of Ihe stomach . makes THI' boarlaact nt proper internals, fires CM* to those who suffer fi »M Rhen malic ami kidm > trouhlcs, and conquers AT Well a* prevent* fevrf and ngtie. For sale by all DrugrUu uod I>e alert genwelly. EARS Tin: MILLION Poo Choo'A Balsam cf Shark's Oil. Positively Urntoren the Ifcarintj, and i* the Only Abml*U ihurfor Dwj'mtm Knoini. TLIU Oil ia AHSVROCLIML from IM.M*ULINR cit*B OF SMALL White Mmrk, CAUGHT in VHLOU Siea, kuo«rn AH C.VBCBAKADO.V HON DKVJCTII. Every (*MWK fuhmimn knows It. 1U virttios as A N*Ht«tratiVH of HT-ARINU were dlaeovervd by liuddhist I*ri«*l»t about I|M« year 14KL Its curat were so numerous I and many so smnintfly mlwulutut, that tlx? remedy WAS oflicially pnx'laimed over tin* entir» L Kinpire. LLA use beeauie so universal that for «wr ;MK» YEARS no Vrafnrw hit* r isted aniong the Chinese j**o/*/e. Sent, ehaigea QREI«AIU T to any address at SIOO I«r bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say. It has p»rf')nni-il .1 mirack' in my FU«>. I have NN unearthly NOIWA in my heiul anil lwar MIU-LI IwUer. I have bwn GN-JUL.T Iwnfttti'D. My drafiM>si liclpril a givat deal— think another bottle will cure lue. U !f» virtim ar» unq?*tionatlr and iu cur attrr cKarurtrr aJb»Uulr, I« the terixrr can jMraaaoUy Inttfg, both frvm nrnrrimcf and obterratluH. Write at one* to II.VYUH K A JK.VNCY, 7 I>ey .Street, NEW J' OR 'vt' Nl ' l U»i"G ai.Oi, IIMT yon wUJ recsiie by H-turn a rem edy that will «N»>VYOT> to H«ar like any body »lae, and wboaa I-nrative «FL*cta will L>« permanent. Vno will never ivsrrvt doing ao."— KBITOB AMERICAN RBVIKW. AY To svaid LOEA iu tlw Mailt, pksa«e tend money by. KogUtKreil letter. Ouiy innwrteil by lIATX.OCS * JERSEY, (late Haylock A CO., M>« AOmtm POK A MB HI I A, 1 Uty Sit., New York. OEO. KNISSEN& CO, ! SAXEU, it. c., WAGON MANUFACTURERS, lining only the heat of materials, we make the beatpr WORK, and warrant every job,— WE IMIVC HK oidaatand lagrtt Wagon Works, and our Wagom have the beet re|HiUtion ol any in the title. Kvery Wauou bw*M tlie uame "J. I'. NISBKS', Salem 1\ 0., N. C." Write lor PRICCI JUFIR to all who A reining «UR Wafou*. 'Y' DANBURY, N. 0., THURSDAY. AI'KIL 12 1883. Mllarlal Expression '•I I • An etprtanion oommon in t!»e»c ilayn of nouiiniitions in, "while n portion of ticket in not KUCII an we aliouM have | uouiimUttd, we shall give it our liuart; support." Tins means that the editor s | moat hitter enemy, who will give .the j printing to tho other paper if he can, ia ion th# ticket, and the editor hopes that Uio low-down reptile may be beaten out of aight. In tlft! case of distinguished orators, tho remark, '-The Ilou. MR. Blank was attacked with a sudden indisposition I and did not speak," means tlmt th"! venerable statesman WAS too drunk to | hold his head up. The observation | IMMII the sauie jUing when applied' to j the lights ot the Aniciiean stage, j "We failed to catch the lut words of I tho speech," means that the eloquence I at that critical period was drowned in "budge." "Wc regret that we have no space to publish the gentleman's eloquent effort in full" means that, iu the editor's opin ion, the speech would have made a re flective uiulo leave his oats and that it would be an outrage on tho public to print it. " We may refer to the address hcreaf er" moans that the newspaper man feels happy at getting out of it tin* time, and j trusts that perditiou may seize him if he | ever mentions the matter again. | In obituaiy notices "congestion of the j braiu," when applied to a gentleman (if | easy views iu regard to drinks, means ; delirium tremens, aud "he was his owu , worst enemy" means that the deceased was a drunkard and the worst enemy lof flie people who loaned him money. '•He had his faults, who of us have not is an equivalent expression. In regard to performances, dramatic aud otherwise, "those who failed to be present missed a rich treat" means that everybody failed. "The audience was small but appreci ative" means that noboay was present except the holders of conipliaentarics. "Owing to the inclemency of the weather the audienoc is not what it would have bccu" means that nobody I would have been there had the sky been clear as crystal aud the "neighborhood been fanned by spicy breezes" that, ac cording to the hyui-book, "blow softly o'er Ceylon's isle." Iu the way of dramatic criticism. '•Mr. Montgomery shows some crudity and inexperience, which will doubtless disappear with time and study," nicuus that Mr. M. is a hopeless aud irredeem able stick. Finally, "a scandal in high life has been brought to our notice of which we will have more to say iu a few days," that means —well that means business." The Cireat Wall orChina. An American engineer who, being engaged in the construction of a rail way in China, has had unusually fa vorable opportunities of examining the famous great wall, built to obstruct the incarsious of the Tartars, give* the following account of this wonderful work : The wall is 1,728 uiiles long, 18 feet wide, and 15 feet thick at the top. The foundation throughout is of solid granite, the remainder of com pact masonry. At intervals of be tween two hundred amd three hundred yards towers rise up twenty-five to forty feet high, and twenty-four feet in diameter. On the top of the wall aud on both sides of it are masonry para pets, to.enabl« the defeuders to pass unseen from one tower to auothcr. The wall itself is carried from point to point in a perfectly straight line across volleys and plaius and orar hills, with out the slightest regard to the configu ration of tho ground : sometimes plun ging down into abysses a thousand feet doep. lirooks aud rivers are bridged over by tlie wall, whila on both banks of larger streams strong flanking towers arc placed. COME Horn.—We bad a brother, who travelled over many of the Western and Southern .States, California, Oregon and Mexico; ho said to as, MC da, : j "The ralleya of tho Dan and Staunton river* uuito as many advantages as any country I ever saw." A paragraph in ono of our exchanges, stating that GO persons who went to Texas from Wythe county, Va., about a year ago, had re turned to their old homes, reminded us ot it. That'a right, boys. Come home when you get tired of roving. Your parents, j your friaada, your acquaintances, will all 1 welcome yon back.— Danville Turns. ! 1 After Many lauar a Human Hunts Her llailiaad. "Here's the room, boss," said Wood son, the porter to the Cordon hold, aud in company wilii Robert L. Walker,our excolleut druggitt, the Cluumcle man entered, and wus bowed down to Uncle Nick Lewis (who married 'eki ten yeais ago) and .Mr. Priudle from liuik'dule, Va., aud Miss L'anuie Hancock, his daughter, who sat dressed in black and bugles, and chewing a stick, aud in one corner of tho room, and though .she said shu was just '2B, aud was married at l'> and now the uiullier of three tpiys and one girl, she looked youuj,' utiugk for a second wifehood if please God a bettor uuil worthier man came to her. It seems that on the 17th of Decem ber, Sunday evening, 1872, .Mr. Alouxa L. Hancock, a bl'ic-cycd black haired blacksmith, at Mt. Airy, Va., enticed J Miss Fauuie Priudle, only Ift, the young blacksmith, himself only 10, into a bug gy, and they started for North Carolina lino to huiit a Magistrate. They travel ed two days aud two nights, and fiually lauded in Milton the (Jrctua Urecn of America between eight and uiuc in the luarning, and 'plied at "uuclc Xick Lewis'" oliice, who has married more couples than auy other uiau in the State —to marry tbein. Mr. l'riudle, a gray haired solid sensible looking gentleman, held au extract from a Pittsylvania pa per iu his hand, eopicd from the Chron icle, saying that tho bride, Miss Fannie squeezed tho hand of the grooui and laughed happily through tho ueriiuo ny. Now Hancock deserted his wife last September a year ago ; she said he was u drunkard and was cross to her; and lie was reccutly married to a Miss Uras «o iu the southern portion of this coun ty. He lias had a child by his first wife aud three boys and a girl by his sec ond. The reporter asked her : " l'ou were erassy in love with him !" j •Yes, 1 loved hini.' 'Hid he have black eyes !' 'No, blue.' , .1 'l>id lie sing ? f •No.' 'Well built, and black hair and blue eyes, aud- was wild V 'Yes.' 'l)o you want him in the penitentia ry!' 'I don't care.' 'Wouldn't you go two handed for his second wife !' 'No, uot at all.' llerc uncle Nick suggested that the reporter might be questioning the lady too broadly and with a low reaching bow he retired iu company with Robert L. Walker. Mr. l'rindle is a solid looking man. So is his daughter. Our impres sion is decidedly that llancnck should be huug, but not getting that, let him go to the "pen" lor ten years.— Milton Chronicle. A SUICIDE'S SI.NO LLAK REQUEST. — Jacob Kulil, a shoe merchant, of Jersey City, N. J., shot himself through the head Saturday uiorniug, dying almost inslautly. lie left three letters, ad dressed respectively to his friends, his family and his wife, the lust oue saying : "The harm you have done mo through life Heaven forgive you I cannot. It has cost me my life. You asked me for a divorce. I will give Jou one now. In my life you would not bcliuvo me, now that I aui deud, you can believe me wheu 1 say 1 loved you." Tho oth ers refer to his business and family af fairs, aud express a wish that the Hchu ctizin Crops, of which he was a mem ber, should bury him with music and song, "for 1 always loved music." Kubi's wife was overwhelmed with grief' when she heard of his suicide She had not been living with him for some months, but is spoken of as nn affectionate wife and good mother. Kuhl was subject to tits of melancholy, uud it is supposed that he committed the fatal deed while sufl'criug from one of these. We don't kuow where the Secretary of War or the General of the army gets hit authority for detailing a guard fot Garfield * tomb, but that duty is getting to bo very serious to men employed 1 in it. One young soldier who was al ways a light-hearted, healthy young man until he went on H.uty in UIS ceme tery haa become insane and has been J taken to the asylum, and the whole de- ! tail have such a dread of it that several of them actually committed offences iu order to get punished and thus oscape it. One old soldior laid he could stand it, although ho droaded it, bnt that it was a very severe strain on the younger ! men. There has never boon a guard placed at any othor President'* grave and kept there. Is this to be a perpet : mil arrangement, and, if not when does I |t stop '-Journal-Observer. The Mmm With the Hornet'* Beat. A young man who liven on AVest Bpnice street, I'biladeljiliii, ventured out alone into the unknown regions of Lower Merion u tew day* ago. The young man Uiii not know much about the couutry, and it seeuied quite natural tliut he should wish to curry home to \V eat Spruce street as a uiemento of his trip, a specimen from natural history, lie saw hauging from a low bush by the roadside a strange object very tuuch like a small balloon made of coarse gray paper. Thix singular thing aeeotcd to be ju-t the specimen he wanted, lie broke oIF the twig from which the curiosity was suspended, and went to the station. He entered a \rell-filled car and placed his specimen iu a lmt-rack and sank into a seat. The car was warm. The warmth seemed very delightful to the young man, who had been out in the cold so long.— In a short time he was iu a doze. The car grew warmer. The young inau slept. uddenly the artificial summer atmosphere was rent by an unearthly shriek, and a lady rose convulsively and just as suddenly fainted. Before the startled passengers had time to discover the oausc of thoir alarm another lady re peated the performance. A third who began in the same manner would proba bly have finished it without any change in the programme Imd she not received a sudden shock that acted like hartshorn and saved her from losing consciousness for just behind her a man began to swear in a style truly diabolical. And, as if matters were not already bad enough, a baby set Up a yell and would not be comforted. The passengers soon got iuto a strange commotion. The men were dancing and some of tbeui swearing, the women | trembling, fainting and shrieking , the I children scrambling under the scats and j blubbering aud •whimpering. The ! vouug man awoke in amazement. For j a moment he thought that the ]>eoplr. were crazy and that some of them would t injury to his pro-historic balloon. Theu the conductor burst through the ! crowd and stood before the young man. |He did not speak. He leaned over in front of the young man and opened the window. The young man was surprised. —The conductor seiied the prc-historic specimen and threw it through the win dow with all his strength. '•lmperti nence," shrieked the young man. "How dare you touch my specimen ?" "Your specimen !" roared the conduc tor. "Why, you fool, don't you know it's a hornet's nest !" A woman who is to be hanged at VYiudsor, Vt., for the murder of a little girl, wroto to her husband and daughter asking them to visit her before she is "murdered." This virago of course be lieves she is to fall a victim to what some are pleased to term "a chaotic fragment from a primitive or barbarous code. That capital punishment is indis pensable iu the present order of things is n patent fact to every reflecting per son, and its utility is exemplified beyond gainsay by the past history of the world. Were it not for visions of tbc cross beam aud halter, murderers would be as nu merous as bankrupts, and penitentiaries crowded with characters the blood of whose victims would, like the souls un der the alter in tlic Apocalypse, bo im ploring the vengeance of heaven. In nearly every instance where law makers have allowed affected philanthropists and dreamy humanitarians to prevail on them \ to abolish this neccssaiystatute, the ful ly of the proceeding has too quickly been made manifest by the simultaneous in crease of murders, aud in all cases a re enartnient of the law wis found to be imperative. One of the flimsiest objee ; tiens to capital punishment ever promul gated in an intelligent community is the oft-repeated one that it is * Jewish insti ; tution, and destined under the theocracy to rank with the one punishing blanphe . merswith det'.h, but "barbaroni to sen sitive people living in the blase vf the oivilitation of our day." Pid it ever occur to such croakers that as soon as Noah emerged from the ark, several centurie* before the giviug of the Moaaic code, (iod himself gave the law from heaven * (Gen. ix., 6.) And the patri arch standing as the representative of our race, received what all sensible | eo ple should receive, a perpetual ordinance, , framed by Ilini who oaunot err. Danville will coon have three im mense cotton factories in opperatlon I We prediot for the growing town on I the I>an a bright tuture. We ejpeet to hear of its doubling its population j and business iq tile pe*t few j uaf S . t He LEFT Her. He left and stepped out to see a friend between acts. "Why Edward," said she wheu he re turned, "there are tears in your eyes." "Yes, pet," replied he solemuly , "I I suppose there are— I saw such A sad sight when I was out. ou did ! what was it!" she inquired "Such a sad sight," continued he, I keeping his head the othor way that she might not smell his breath. "1 discov- J ered a young man whom 1 hate known • for years, drinking whisky." You did!" Yer ; standing right in plain sight be- 1 fore me, parlaking'deeply and carelessly ' of the intoxitatinf glass." There was a little pause, when the i young lady suddenly said: "Edward, was standing right iu front ■ ofyou!" "Yes, pet," was the reply. There was anothor pause, when the young lady asked again: "Edward, don't uiost of the fashiona ble saloon counters hare great, uieo mir rors right on the walls behind thorn!" Edward flushed a little, and looked quizzical AA he replied that he "believed they did," and there he permitted the subject to drop. The Raleigh correspondent of the Fayettoville Observer writes as follows of a large and new industry which has recently sprung up in Western North Carolina : I was talking with Gen. iloke a few days ago and he void me that a largo trade had sprung up in ivy roots iu the country tribututary to the Cran bury road. The roots are matted iu the low grouuds of the streams and are dug up and sold for cash at the stations on ! the road for sl2 and sl3 per ton. | Some of the roots weigh as much as 600 pounds. They arc shipped North aud made into pipes, door-knols &'c. Gen. Pardee, the President of the road, is enforcing the policy af having every thing paid for at the stations where de livered. This puts cash into circulation, and is a vory satisfactory deal ing. There has been a greut deal of money set afloat among the mountaina ! rcocntly, and everything looks prosper ous in Mitchell county. "If you don't learn your lesson, son- J ny,your teacher will make you go to j the foot of your class." said MR. Peter- ' by to his eldest boy William, who is j one of the laziest boys in Austin. "No, pa, he is not going to put ine at the foot of tho class." "Does he favor you so much ! asked Mr. L'eterby. "No, it's not that, but he cant send | MO to the foot of the class, because I aui there already." "llilly is an awful smart boy," said Mr. l'eterby to a friend to whom he re lated the story.—Texas Siftings. TAKING THE BUIX BT THE HORNS.— Mrs. McKay, of Yreka, Cal., is said to possess more courage and presence of mind and strength combined than any other schoolma'ain in the world. While on her way to school through the open field the was attacked by an infuriated „tcer. To have turned and run might have been fatal, and no gallant man was near enough to rush to the rescue. She, therefore, did the only thing that eould have saved hcr-htcrally took j the bull by the horns, and so held on to him until help arrived. She is re garded in the vicinity of Yreka with much admiration. CARPR A.XO MCRHER ALL ROUNP.— 1 St IjOuis .TFO., M arch 26——A dispatch I from Muskogee I. T., says : On the | border of the territory of the Seminole nation, Brady Bretncy, Elf Pefrymafl, Billy Grimmitt IN 1 an Indian were en gaged in a game of cards, which finally ended in a lr«e fight, in which the In dian killed Brctncy and Pcrryman. Grimmitt, who took no active part in the fight, was accidentally killed during tba shooting by one of the three. The next morning two brothers named Mow and Gabriel Marshall, friends of the diaJ men, followed the Indian, who had fled, , and ooming up with him, riddled his ! body with bullets. A proof of the new two con t pottage stamp, wiob it to taks the place of the three oent stamp now M use, has been : received at tlie Pottofficc Department. ; : It onntains a portrait of Washington, ' and tlie ornamentation it different from ' , that now employed. It will be neccs- j sary to design a double ra.e or four j cent stamp, and do away with the five and fifteen oent stamps, »xcept for for- j eign correspondence. T Wnshington Territory U credited with I having lt>o,ooo/K)0 feet of standing timber, NO. 4:J KlltU. ■>TEI I A pit*.imnt trip—going to Harg»- AMI*. If you viiiit a young tail/ and you,jire won and slut U won, you will be butb one. .f ; "Julius, did you ever Bee the Cats kill Mountain*?'—"No, Sarnhp, bat . T've aeon cats kill mice. Internal Rgvebue collection* in th* . Kith Distrust for the week cu4frig Sat t urday March 81,1883, $3, 8;"> 1. 73. ' The reduction in tbc tobacoo tax j which taken effect May Ist, is tbe cauae of the great decline in receipts.—&i/e«« Prist. When nature makes n man we admire I liim. Wlien she puts the gilding on and ; makes u gentleman of biui we love i biui. I "Ilavc you much fish in your basket 1" asked a parson of a fisherman, who was returning. '• Ves, a good eel," was the rather slippery reply. Tbe old familiar advice, "Young man, go Went," should now be applied ex clusively to young wulueu. Tbere are at preient in Nebraska 7,000 wore boy* than girls. Tbe Gastonia Gazette says : People in this section are having thrilling ex -1 periences witb mad dog*. Hundreds of dogs are being killed, poiaoued and shot. Cattle, biitcn by mad dugs, have died. Lettuce on tlie table and snow 6 to 8 inches on tbu ground is something seldom seeu about here, but August Roggc, the Academy gardener, managed to treat tbe girls to a "mess" on tbe day the last big snow fell.— Salem Prtu. Tbe Boston CimmmwcaitA quotes Gov. Ben. Butler as saying in justifica tion of his continuing to attend to Lis law practice: "Guv. Talbot did uut stop his woolen mills when Qoieru- J or«" It is esiiiuated that 4ttO,tKX) ef the - 700,0'.'0 square miles of timber Und of this country are situated in tbe South ern Slate*. Muck uf it is being purchas ed by Northern companies to b« held in | reserve until the timber of the Nothwcst I gives out. Rev. T. H Pegrain, of this place, says tbe t\ instou Leader, recently kill ed a sow ten years old : she weighed 2t>o pounds, and was tbe mother ot 284 ; pigs, during tier life time. l*roui this | number tbere was realized sotue 15,000 I pounds of pork. Tbe analcps, viviparous fish of eas- I tern Asia, ha« a singular eye. it is di vided Uorixoutuiiy into two heiuisbperea by a membraneous baud. Kach half is a perfect orgau of vision. The two upper halves arc long sighted, and the two lower ones near signted. Judging from the number of peti tions prcseuted to tbc General Assem bly, the stoek law is becoming a popu lar movement. County after county is wheeling into line, and from appear ance. it will not be maiiy years before it will prevail generally throughout the State. Thirl) - inmates frotu the Lunatic As i yiuni at Raleigh passed through last night going ui the Wnttoru Asylum at Morganton. A Randolph man swore Ifccy were members of the Legislature, for he saw them in ltaleigh this winter, aud recognized some of them. It is : due the late lamented to say that Ran | dolph was slightly odfuscated.— (irern»- boro I'at nut. Josh Billings says : "VVlicuever 1 find a real handsome woman engaged iu the wiiuiliin's right busiuess, then I'm goin' to take mi lint under mi arm and jiue the procession'' Josh is wrong, if a thing beauty is a jaw ferever. A convention of really, h-todsouie women will never be ablo to agree,w-w Or" leans i'i ayune. An editor of a down East paper get ting tired of paying bis printers, resolv 4 tr> diminish bis help and put his own shoulder to tbe wheel. Here is a spec imen of his first effort at setting type : ! "We ttjink 3Se stA|l d Q most or j OUr own sejtiuNg tVl'e hejeafjei jnntery rnty t.\Lk oqoi,i iT» being j diffiel'jt to s* ) tips, but wa don,t eX ! perienoo 2 ueb dli>lcul|j," "1 saw you at the funeral the ether day" said one lady to another tie othei day. •'Trs, I saw jou, too." "Huw natural tbe norpee looked." ' Jus like marble." "I never heard a wore sffeotlnij funeral sermon, did you?" "And just think of It, wbei) I everybody was crying 1 reacted for my handkerchief, and found to tny horror that t was a red one I had In. my porket."— Hjoodness ! What did you do?" "Why,—. I didn't cry. Ho* could 1 when every uub el«e in church was using white?" V I