VOLUME XL Reporter and Post. ! PI'BLIiIIKD WKF.KJ.V AT DAITBTTRY. If. C. nc u .... i ■KM h SON?, Pub,, it Propt • '-''"i i •rirMtdPtiMi . Kr U»l» I* advnc* »IJW * 1 M »T» 1 «r AVVKBIIMIMU , 7*«t ' .are (tan line* or !*•*) 1 time...... .01 00 i additional luaertlon,. « vrta for lo»|fflr Uw> or IHOTP ipacc can b« •» • proportion to the *b«vi r»U«. teat advertise re will l»e upwtnl to remit • >tj M| than rat— at the Hike ihej tend . al N'oiii-ea «1U Ue charged ."iO per cent, higher 14 nbive rate*. U.iwnoM lards «IU be luaerted at Ten I>ollar» mam " ■ - ■ fIiOi'XSSIOJVAL CJKDM. ROBERT J). GII.Mi: 11, Attorney and Counsellor, MT. AlttY, N. C. Practices In the courts of Surry, Stokm, Y'adkin and AUegbmy. " Jr. F. ARTE It, jtTTQO.YKir'#r-£.* FT. MT. AlttY, St Kit Y CO., N. 0 i*rutix-s *Hcnev*. hisservluts are wanted. /.'. L. HA TM9WE, ATTORN EY-AT LAW Ut Airy. N. C• Special attention to the collection of { claim*. I—l2m 11. M.MAUTINDALE, WITH WM. J. c. DUMXYS co., UTATWSKUST ASD UOOKSELLKUS It WA H £7/0 VSK. W*ScbotA Book A a SfucMtv. sr\ Stationery of all kind*. Wrnppinc |««|**r, C wines, Bonnet lioanU, Paper liliuds. 481 W. BALTIMOUE ST.. UALTIMOKK. JN> J. 8. H AUIUSON, wini A.L. EULET&CO., DRY GOODS * NOTIONS 10, k U Twelfth Stroc*, A. L. RVLKTT. \ A. Jrneos WATVIVN, f sßichm'd, Va B. V KINO, UITIi , jomvsox, SUTTOX 4- co., DIIY GOODS, Hon. 17 and » South Sharp, Street, r. w. JP. H. E. OttABBB, G. J. JOHNSON. r. DAT, ALBERT JONES. 11l Day & Jozies, manu/uctnnrs ot SAPDf/EKY.IIAUNESS, COI.LAIIK.TIM'KKS He. SM W. Baltimore »treet, Baltimore, Jfcl. W. A. Tackor, H. r. Smith. U.K. Npraggine Tucker. Smith * Co.. Maoafacturhr* A, wholesale Peelers In BOOTfi, SHOhS. HATS AM) CAPS. Ne. VA Haiti mare Street, Baltimore, Jftl. n. j. * h. /;. juwr, WITH Henry Sonveborn f* Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. M A«aor«r SI , rm.n A Lunil>»r'l Sl*i j BALTIMORE MP. ■ . SONNKBOftN, B. BI.IM LINK. C. WATK!x*(. w. s. noHK.nrioN O. L. « - OTTI«U.t., A.K. WATKINS. Watkin«. Cottrell * Co.» Importer* ami .Mikri of HARDWARE. 1807 Main Street, Kirimn.xn, r.i. Affenta for Fatrhank* Mtandiird Hralen, ami Ankar Brawl Bolting Cloth. SUfhtA tiiUuy, L. II Mail ' h*. it. mum, »ITII STEPHEXrUTXE Y,} CO., If Ao/AeaJt' dmlrrn in Boots, Shoe#, and Trunks, 1;{19 Maia Street, frfl. WWW RICHMOXP, VA. J. B. ABBOTT, or » C., "with WIX6O, KLIJCIT 4 CRUMP, RICHMOND, VA., WIIO1cm)« l>*KKsr« ia BOOTS, BHOKB, TRUNKS, AC. Prompt aKMiVian paiil (o urdert. and iati>- taettaa piaraaM«t. - ruyWM Stall Prut a Go»di a i ptnmlty liar eh, «. ia aeaaar «. ruwaaa. MIL D. T*YLO . K W I*OWEHB k CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dtalmfl FAINTS, OIIA Dr«a, V AHNIBII BS, frwoli and Amtriaao WINDOW GLAUS, PUTTY, AC. dUAKS, MWIIMO ANOCHKWINU ToUAOCO A SI'KUIAI.n. liot Kiln St., Biotuuoad, V». Au*»»U»— «m „ P.H. Wlu*ron, t jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW WINSTON, N. C. AUtada tbi court* of P*Tida»B, Yad kw, Sam i OfctM, tHek«i and Foray ib, t*itb« Mt, nw Air« Ural ooarta. Por nyi^popaia, TTatCoiti ven VII, Hou«laeh«>, Chronic Dter y rhcoa. Jaundlw, j an*! uil DIMIWI Jtv t-nuneil by 1>«- raiigvumnt of lAhter, JJOWCIB aud Kidaeya. BTM PTO JIS or A nt*KAKKn IJrVER. Bad Brenth; Pmn m rh« Si>\*. i.w »*« th® pain ia fdt under th« Sh"imci-v«!»dc.. eu»takra fur RhcumaUM* . general !«»*• «if BowbU Cncratl* eoklivr. B'-uieti UCA ;.licriMU*K wi|h Uk; e hca«l It troubUJ with pain, it doll und heavy, with Considerable iota of nienn.ry, neonnpani. J with• painful Bent-tiU n• f leaviou«n'lone aomctlune wiuch uuitht to have Ucn J-.ue. a aliyl.t. dry o>inth •eid flukliwd fiice U aoakctluioi an auar.dant, «»iun ntimkea for coewmvike; the p »ii. ti complrfina ol ami (hdality; tirrvoua. canity atartitd; l*:l onW+T burn nir, uiiiiiinin a prickly *e.«ution of 0i« rkla caiala; are low and Uespor.Ucnt, •nd, althuUfli Mtikficd that exercise wxadba UeiM ficwJ. >«t «nr can hofdiy uuawton op i ..*lt»d*rtv try k-atC* i, diatrusta every r. mo.y Several of the ab»ec •ymptixn. attend the diiteaM. hut ca».B have C'Ctirred when but few of ihcin e\i*trd, yet eaamui.4ti«»n after death hat «l>o«ku ihc bitti lo have been extcuaively deranged. It rtl)otil(l bo tiftrtl t»y all peraonM, old mid young, whenever nny of ttie übot e aymptoina appoar. Ferwnt Tinrfllite or I.lvlntr In Fn | fttMalthy LatCMlit !«•«*, I>y taking a «loae o,:«,a»iin»- lally to k«ep the I.iver in healthy acii>-n, will .iv, i.l all Malaria, ltllloiiii Hllatika, Idxiinex, Na?i aea, Drowsine**, iJeprrnn. n «-f SDlii». etc It will invigorate like a j:la»* of wiuc, but U uo In- tvlicallug b(\«r:igo. , If You hav«> outfMi anytblni; hard of I ditSCMtlon. or feel heavy after nv.-jiU. wr »l»»«-p --| lrae at night, take a dose and you will be relicvwd. Tliuo anil Doctor*' 11111 A will bo iavrd by alirays ko«*plnic tlio Regulator In th> lloitMtl For, whatever the ailment may be. a thoroughly •afc purgative, altornlivi* and toulr cut j never be out of slare. The fmo'y is hnrillb-«M and do oh not interfero %»llb bu*iur.ia or plu«aar«. IT IS rrRFT.Y VFOET.Iin.K. And hat all the power and elli-icy »«f I'aloinet or Quiniuc, without any of the tujuiK>U> ellevts. A fjoeernor's IVtl'mony. Sunmont IJver Krgul.-itor has U;en in tine in mv fcnulv Ibr *.-mc time, and 1 ant «ati»i»cd a i» a valuable additluo to the medic.tl Kivtice. J. CIA.I SHUATBK, G.vernor of Ala. Hon. Alevanl«*r If. fttfphrui, of Oa., ' : Have derived totne beneltt lr«>m the use of Simmon* laver KiguLuor, aud wi*h to giva it a further (rial. "The only Tiling that never f»iiU to Relieve."—f have utad tn.mv rnnedn.* for l)yi. Cpaia, l.ivct Alfrctton antl f *cl»i!ity. Vut never vr U und aa>ihing'to benefit me tw the extent Siimnun* laver Regulator hat. I *ent t «ni Min netcta lo t>eorgia f'-r it, and would *end further -.>r •och a medii me, ami wnuki advise ..II who are sint> Uarly affected to give it a trial as it sceuu the only that acver (alls to 'elieve. F. M. JAKMEV, Mii.neapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Maaou anyat From actual ex perience ia the ne -if Simmons Liver kegtilau r ia my practice I have been and am *ati*ficd to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. fey-Take only the Genuine, which always I has UW die Wrapper die red Z Trade-Mark and Sigtmturo of J. If. ZEII.IN* Jk CO. FOR SAI.E BY AIT. MUGOIS I » HOSIiTJESj Fitter 2 Whst Ihe gre.-U rretoratirc, S:«»much Bitter*, will tlo, muxt '>e galhereil front what it lose tlom-. It han etferteil rad ical ourea in thousands of ra-«ea t>f «l) *p« p eia, bilious disorders, intermittent fever, nervous nQpctioiii*. gnneral dehillly, ron » vtlpatlnn, sick headnche, in-nt »l de§jH»t»- deqnv. and the peculiar complaints and j difsbilitics to which iho feeble are 00 I aublect. For aalo by all Drugji«tj aud Dealers gvue rully. EARS KO,: MILLIOIT Poo Choo's Balsam cf Shark's Oil. PoMtitfly lUntoren the //rarfn;/, and in the (July Absolute Cure fur l>enj'nv** Known. This Uil i* ab*.ract«'ii fmin |>«MMili.ir s|w cieaof small Wltiu* Shark, f.uiulit in (in* Vfllow »Sea, known its ('AIK 11 ar.\l»O.\ H»X- I'KI.KTII . Ev«ry ChiiH'so fishennan knout it. virtue iu a it»ntt>r.illvti of hearing wore iliscovci'tMl tor Buddhist Priest utoont the year 1410. Its euro* were so niimcn : t anil nmny no ttenuint/ly minii'iitou** tliut tin; 1 remedy wus olliciitllv proel;tif|*etl over tlie entire Empire. Its use luMUtme so tmivenutl thnt for orer 300 years no Deafnrtm hn* x i*ted oniony the Chine*e /unfile. SIMII. charges prepaid, to any address at SIOO |K*r bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say. It ha* perfi>rmec! a miracle ill my «»r. 1 liave NO nm'aiihly UOIHVS iu my lieutl and hear mric.li IX'IIT. 1 but»' IKH-II gr--.itly henrflloil. Mv drafiiew lll'l|m>l| a Rival ileal—think another bottle will cure inc. "1(8 virtui'ii are UhqrxtioHflblr anil its eiir (llirr rharaJrr irh-mlvtr, fij l/ir trrftrr fiui ftmotuilly tratify, lint), from txiarirnee mill oWrrilton. Write iU one.- to ll.vyt.iK K A JRN'XKV, 7 1 >ey Street, New York,enclosing sl.l*l. anil you will receive by nnnrii a rem edy that will enjb'e you to fieiir like any hody "li*. aud wbnao curative cflecu will lie permanent. You will never regret doing »o."—KDITOR AUEIUCAN HKVIICIV. money by li%'i«tcivil letter. Otdy Imported by HAY LOCK A JEWRY, (l.ate IlayliH'k .11 Co., SOI.K AOKNTS FOH AMP.tlirA. 7 l)ey St., New York. GEO. E. NISSEN & CO., SA L E il, N . C., WAGON MANUFACTURERS, I'aing nnlr the hest ot materials, we make the bml nf work, and warrant atery Job,— We bare tho oldest and lageat Wagon Works, and our Wagnna luve tltu best reputatinn ol •ny in the State. Every Waaim bear* the name "J. P. NISSEV. Salem P. 0,, N. C." Write fcir pi leea. Itef.T to all wfcr an: naiiu* our Wagnna. I)ANBURY, N. C, THURSDAY. MAY 24 1883. Kcimiiiuuttllsm. The order of the day is sensation. Tlio public mind ia hut aud fovonall. There must be Houiutiiiug to feed il. What shall it be, argument, eloquence, logic, Muse, or reanou ! No, no ; thevo must be something that will feed tho unuatural appetite of uaturcN that de mand food that excites, thrills, mystifies or horrifies. Anything, everything- that arouses the imagination, that will ap pease uud satiate a reckless and waiitou nature. Tins sensation paper is tho uue that buceouds ; the blood and thuuder book is the one that is read; the liuf tklo UiM rouibiimiiuus ai« !i»« ones ih„t (ill the theatres aud mako the money. Ou ailsides we observe the signs, and even the sacred house of (iod is not free fro in the contaminating influence of seu sationulisiu. Men who wear the livery of heaven, who are supposed to bo the followers of a meek and lowly Saviour, who cure lor naught but the souls of men, who ure Divinely culled, who are the mouth pieces of the living (iod will announce sensational texts, will crowd their churches by meaus of sensational themes, by sensational luanriars and will even dare to offer sensatioual prayers. From the great throat of humanity comes the cry for some new, some great er sensation, anything no matter how terrible, how horrible. Au elope ment, a defalcation, a suicide, a murder, arc all hailed with a dc.iglit that must shock and horrify the calm and peace-loving citizens. It would seem us through there was a field open for the reformer us though it would be worth the while of earnest active ineu to erect barriers against this seething sea of seusatiouisui, to make an effort to curb the lieree wild waves that threat en to overwhelm and eugulf society iu all its form and to make u wreck of Im uiauity, of Christianity, of home life and happiness.— I! illimnsput Grip. An Inclpcnt I.egiHlntor. For some time past Mr. Haze has •««»pcetcd bio .Mm Wulliu of hating Uotl i grcssional tendencies. Tho boy had a wonderful faculty for finding tliiugs that were never lost by their rightful own ers. Like most incipient legislators, Willie is a very bright boy and is de cidedly humorous. Mr. Haze, how ever, appointed himself au investigating com mittee of one. The sessiou was hold with closed doors: "Where did you ncquiro this?" o.«k ed the chairman of the Committee, taking a pipe from William's pocket. •'Found it sir," "And this?" added . tho Chairman, unearthing a pistol. "Found it, too, sir." "And where did you get this half dol lar with a cross on it, that 1 have been using as buck at poker for the last four years "Found it, sir, found it." "And my pocket knife I won at a raffle, where did you get it •" "I found it, pa, I'll swear ou a stack of iJiblcs I found it." •'And where did you get this piece of leather !" asked the old man, plac ing Willie in a proper position and hit tiug hiin about forty consecutive times with a piece of an old bridle rein. "Now young scoundrel tell where ' you got it." ",I'le.ise, pa," subbed the culprit, af ter the session was over "please—-lock up—that—strap.—or you'll —think— I—found—it, too—boo lino!" Willie, who was not hurt much, af terward told a boy friend that his fath er would nut truthfully say, "Willie, I have missed you," for lie didn't missed hiiu at all, but bit him every lick.— IMUJI SiJtinjs. Artomus Ward has said a great many good things. lie delivered his opin ion as follows ou"niectiu'-houses aud preachers: "Show inc a place where thcra isn't any mcetin'houscs, and where preachers is never seen , and I'll show you a place where old hats air stuffed into broken widows, where the children air dirty and ragged where gates have no hinges where the woman air slipsdod ami where maps of the dovil's wild laud air painted upon the men's shirt bosoms with tobacco juice. That's w hat I'll show you. Let us consider what the preachers do for us before we aboose'em," The report comee now that tobacco plants are being pulled up by the crows, this bird having euUrely forsaken coin fields. This information comes from one of tho bmsl turuicrs of the Flat Iliv er action, f A Tate •I'Tclcgi api! Ticking:. I j A well to do young mail recently | ! married and started west on his l>ri ! dal tour. The happy young couple were j ' breakfasting at u station eating-house, j Ihirtog tho repast two snmrt Alecks 1 came into the cailtigroom and seated : themselves opposite tho contracting purtics. They wye telegraph opera tors. liy delicate -poising of ihfir knife j and foVk they wi-rottide to make sounds iin close imitation of telegraphy. In • the mystic languig. of ihe key ouc said ! | uulo tin) other: , • « ; 4 Aiu t nlie u s uvy though l ' * Th« pm ».Uil esseit replied lb. ' clicking off: 'Wouldn't I like to kiss her, tho lit- j tic fat angel!' 'Wondor who that old bloat is that she has married.'' 'Some gorgeous grander, 1 reckon,' 1 replied the other. The groom stood it until forbearance ! ceased to be a virtue, when ha uho | balanced his knife, and click, click it! went in ra id succession. It was intel ligible to the very cute twain that had ; recently made fun of its author. When ' interpreted it read •DK.VR SIRS:—I Ain superintendent of \ the telegraph line upon which you work. I } You will please send your time to head- j ; quarters aud rcsigu your position ut ' oiitso. SIIK Wol i.hn'T lIE A Nl N. — A young lady in Montreal entered a con- | vent in that city, but she soon tired of the uionotDny and pettiness of the dull! life she was leading. She now wishes to j be released from her vows but the church ' refuses, and under convent laws she j ! will be excommunicated if she enters llie world again without a dispensation i | from the Pope. This is really a matter j iu which the civil law should interfere. In a period of despondency and physi j cal weakness, such as frequently occurs iu the lives of young women, they arc | | peculiarly susceptible touhuorui.il rcli- i gioiis influences. At such times they ' i enter convents, a step they soon after I ] very bitterly ri gicC' '1 hey then become ' without any crime prisoners for life. > There should be a commission in every ! Slate to make annual visitations of all ' | nunneries, so n.t to see that no woman is ; l kept in bondage who desires to live in j tho world in which she was born. Notli- I ing is so cruel as a life-long imprison -1 inent iu a cheerless nunnery, shut out | from the love and sympathy of one's fellow-beings. No doubt many nuns find a relief from the monotony of their j life in charitable and religious work; but ; | all women shut out from ties of home, I aud doomed to live without husband or | children must suffer from their untiat- | | ural isolation, nnd the community should « j see to it that if tliey should wish to un- j shackle their bonds they should be al lowed to go free.— Drmoresl's .Monthly. | Tho Cape l'ear & Yadkin Yalley | ' syndicate are at work. We learn that J ■ the iron aud everything else necessary j to tho completion of the road to Greens- j born have beau ordered. As soon as | j trains can run through from Fayette- ; viile to Greensboro, tho company will j be iu condition lo market its bonds, and we may then look for further progress, i If they ever make a through Western! connection, which we think probable, j believe they will find it to their inter-j ! est to run u diieet line to Wilmington, iln fact,a gentleman of this city who at tended tho I cent meeting a' Greensboro , informs us that a leading member of the I syndica'e sahVto Idol that as soon as the line was completed to Greensboro sonic of the principal Stockholders cx-I , peeted to visit Wilmington for the pur- | ! pose of conferring with our business uu-n ! m regard to an extension of tlio line i this way. A through Western connee- ] I turn, with \\ ilmiiigion as its sea port terminus, would be a "big thing," an I and we trust the day is not far distant; when our highest hopes iu this direction may be realized.— Star. FI.OWEKK IN POTATOES. —A gentle man from I'tica in Louisville, who' ' wished to send some beautiful buds to his wife, was at a loss how to do so. A , 1 florist friend said ho would fix them. Ho cut a potato into two pieces and , ; bored hoios in them into which he inser- j , ted the stems of ;ho buds, and placed thominabox with cotton to support them. A letter from tho recipient I acknowledged the remembrance and 1 , said that the buds had developed into | full blown flowers. There is sufffioicnt \ mo'sturo in a good sized potato to sup- ; port a (lower for two woeks in a moder- \ ately cocl temperature. Flowers for bou qucts or baskets may be preserved in | ' tho sauie way. Tho potatoes can bo hid- j j den by leaves or tnOsscs. Uui c II On l'|i. I>r. Ike was culled to see old Ned's \ i sou and after several visits tho doctor | said to tho anxious father : "Ned, I doan wanter distress yer, , but dat boy can't git well. De con glomeration ob do muuibrens hab duu sot in." " Wall, I reckon dat will kill hiiu," Ned replied. "I don:i see how u chile wul his weak constitution au' conven tion can get ober such a onciistiess ob do flesh. So you gius him up uoc ! tor >" j "Yuas, I issues my dccrcmont right ■ .-'cvdi. Li.it boy eau't live live hours." I About two weeks after Ned met the j doctor uud said : | "I thought you gin that boy up?" '•I did. Ain't ho dead yit !" ; "Dead," repeated Nod, cuiiteiupUius , ly, "why he's choppiu' wood dis morn- j i W, l The doctor reflcelen for a moment, and said, " I hit's a nice way to fool med ical science. How docs yer cxpeck folks i to hab confidence in do advancement ob i I medical diskiveries when a boy acks ! that way Dat boy, sail, lifts hissclf up j to dispute de stublished rule ob de school job physicians, l'se done wid him." ! "l'se glad ob it, sail, but yo'self i must hub made a mistake." "No, 1 didu't, 'ease I uudcrstau's my business." "1 mean dat yermoi|thub left too ! soon. Kt yer'd stayed dar awhile long er ver might hub'stublisbed de proof ob ! yer proclamation." j "Look heah, Ned, you'd better let me ! go and »ee dat boy agin." \ "No, I'.-o much obleeged ter yer. l'se got a heap ob work ter do an' I i nei ddo chile. Go off somewhere aud ! pizen a cat." Tobacco I'luiis A reporter of this paper interviewed ' | quite a number of farmers last week as j to the prospects of the next tobacco ! crop. Dr. McCauly, a prominent phy ( Dt.Mn ».C Al..,Mntivu--t/MtftlJf, nnja 11.c.c are uot 50,00U plants in ft miles square in his neighborhood. Charles Mayuerd \ a leading farmer says the flies have ru ! ined his plants, that he cannot plant j cue-third of a crop. David Yarboro, one of the largest tobacco growers in Person, says he can uot set out more than 5,000 plants. Mr. J. A. Hays, of Stone Creek, says the farmers have but few plants, and that the farmers are planting corn i where they intended for tobacco. | Capt J.A Hotmail, of Person, says it is impossible for his ucighbors to ! plant one half of a crop. The report 1 from every section of country brings tho distressing complaint that flies and ! grosshopjers are ruining tho plants.— 1 Durham Recorder. Quarreling- If anything in tho world will make ' , a nun feci badly, except piuching his fin gers iu the crack of a door, it is a quar rel. No man fails to think less of him- ' self after than lie did before, it de grades hiiu in tho eyes of others, and, what, is worse, tends to blunt his sensi bilities, and increases his irritability. The truth is, that tho more peaceably and quietly wo get on tho better for our neighbors. In nino enses out of ten the better course is, if the man cheats you, to quit dealing with hiiu; if lic slaudurs you take care to live down his slanders. Let such persons iilonc, for 1 there is nothing better than this way of dealing with those who injure us. .Yrir Orient is, Lit.., May 10.—.leffer- : Son Davis is much better this morning. . When the dispatch was roceived by l)r. Wiiliaiu G. Austin yesterday from Dr. ! Hurry, of Mississippi City calling him j to Boauvoir in consultation, there was a feeling of apprehension lest the ex -I'resident of the Confederacy was dan gerously ill. The alarm has boon un settled, however, by the receipt of tolo grams giving tho particulars, and which states that Mr. Davis has had an attack , l of throat disease, which grew worso ! yesterday and impeded his breathing, bnt on the arrival of tho doctors his i disease was promptly relieved. 110 is somewhat weak, but considered to be in no immediate peril. The San Francisco Post is responsi ' ble for tho story that during the lattor part of the war David Davis was clial ' longed to fight a duel by a fire-eating j Southern ex. member of Congress. Tho S former, it is added, very properly de- J clincd, becauso his antagonist refused ,to permit liiui to stand three-fifths i behind a stone wall. A ( in ions Kal Story . | The Hon. Neul Dow contributes the j following which he culls a perfectly true I story : One evening a young lady from a friend's family, living in a large, fine house, neui ly a mile away, wus with us, I and the talk turned on rats, as we heard | ours galloping in the ceiling and scam- , pcring up and down the wall, j The young lady said that llono had : ever been in their house, and she did ; j not think there was any point ut which ! i they could cuter. My eldest daughter, a great wit, siiid : "I've heard that, if ! POLIMY DO E. IN WRUIUJT, rut*, will leave any house, and go to any oth- 1 j er to which they may be directed, and I will tell ours that at your house they ; will find spacious quarters and an ex- 1 ccllcnt commissariat." . At the uiouieut. before us all, she ! , wrote a most, grandiloquent letter to i the large fuuiily of rats that had so long j favored us with their presence, poiutiug | out to theui that at No. 05 Pearl street was a large, line house which had never , been favored with the residence of any ot their family, where they would find j j ample quarters and a fat larder. When I \ finished, she read tho missive to the I company, and we had a great laugh over it. As au old superstition, she thou put lard upon it aud carried it iuto the attic where it would probably be found ;by those to whom it was directed. A few days after tbo young lady was at our house again, aud burst into a laugh, . exclaiming : "Our house is overrun with rats !" That recalled to uio the fact that we had heard uone in our walls.— My daughter went to the attic and the letter was gouo. While they were talk- i ing aud laughing over the curious affair a friend came in, and hearing the talk ! said that two evenings before, in the | bright moonlight, he saw several rats 1 running down Congress street. We have never been troubled with them since, but I have not heard how it has been with the house to which our bene ficiaries were directed. IVliat >llicrs Say. Ducks can be raised with profit. All root crops really require garden ! culture. Dairy products arc the most reliable of all crops. Color in butter and high flavor genc ; rally go together. j If you make a garden it pays to en rich the ground liberally. Economy in feeding should be one of the first principles. Plenty of manure and patient labor will bring onions every time. More clover should bo grown, and the land seeded with it oflener. The judicious breeding of sheep will help out many a farmer's income. | No system of fanning is complete thut dispenses with clover us a rotation j crop. I In England nearly one-half of the i \ laud is in grass and iu Ireland three- ' 1 tonrths. ! Bean meal is recommended by some ; dairymen for cows troubled with garget | The only paying sugar-beet nmnufao- j toiy country now is in Califor- ! nia. Wet lands should not be plowed deep until they have boon thoroughly drain- j ed. If a common cow has the marks of a good milker it is wisdom to breed from her. A Kentucky man has found a for sniait wood, which is lo cure chicken • cholera. | Onion sets should be planted about , i as early in spring us the ground is dry j enough to work. Wood ashes, bone dust and such like fertilizers, are bost for grape vines in I low ground. If a fanner expects to got the most value out of a crop he must necessarily take extra pains. Money spent for good seed is well in vested, and will be very certain to pay a large dividend. A WORD TO MOTHBM.—Mothers should remember it is a most important . ' duty at this season to look after the health of their families and cleanse the malaria and impurities from their sys tems, and that nothing will tono up tlio stomach aud liver, regulate tlio bowls 1 and purify the blood so perfectly as l'arkcr's Ginger I'otiio advertised in our columns--Ton/. See other column. RLEOANCE AND Pl RlTV.— Ladies I who appreciate elegance and purity are using l'arkcr's llair Balsam. It is the ; best articlo sold for restoring gray hair i to its original color, beauty and lus re. ! i I NO 50 \o E\cu«o. A quiet looking man went into a :i loon remarking to the bar-tender : "I would liku very iimeli to hiiva n drink. 1 liuveu't any money, and it ia , unnecessary to make a promise.' "Are you pick!' "No, sir." j ,«'iot a pain in your stomaoli !' ! "No, my stomach is all right.' "Haven't got the rheumatism '' "No, sir.' •'Toothache '' "No.* "ltoen disappointed in anything ?' "S», fir.' 4 ' » "Here, sir, allow me to make you a j present of a bottle ot' fino whiskey.— : Von are the only man I ever saw who makes no excuse for drinking. Wheu j ever you want anytliing come around," j and he turned away to wait on a man who was suffering with neuralgia. To Aitvcrllscr*. The lIKPOitTKR AND P»st offers the j following inducoments to advertisers I who may wish to reach the peoplo of I Middle and Western North Carolina, i and other Mictions : 1. It goes to nearly every Stite in the Uniou, circulates t> a considerable extent in Surry, FursytUo and Rocking ham counties, in this State, as well as the adjoining counties in Yirgtnii, whilo its circulation among the 10,000 of Stokes county 's population, is nearly as great as that ot all other weeklies | combined. -. It is in a prosperous condition I and growing in favor, its circulation *o ; day being greater tlmu at any tiuiu ' since the tirst uttiuber was issued more than ten years since, and has nearly i doubled without the last two years. IS. The rates offered by the He- I'oitTKtt AM) I'osr to advertisers ate as low as are offered by any paper with a circulation as large as its own. A Monster Hkitilk.—Two thor oughly reliable residents of the Jloore's , creek section. Messrs Win Uut'omuis and IS. I. ('room, write us an account of the killing by them of what is probably the | biggest snake which has ever been en countered in tins section. Mr. Gurga nussays that on 11th inst, while passing along the road near the head of Moore's i creek, in l'cuder county, lie saw some thing lying across I !»• road which, with I a careless glance a' it, be took for a log jof wood. As he was aboui to step over it lie saw it move and springing back he called the attention of Mr. Crooiu, ! who accompanied him, to the object. Mr. Crooiu thereupon got a stout polo and struck the monster across the head ; a terrible blow but it did not either kill or disable him. MrOurganus tliero • upon oume to his assistance anil together j they dispatched the snal e. These gen tlemen write us that by actual uieasure nien t the monster was 1.1 feet 5 inches in length and (> inclcs across the top jof his head but they neglected lo tell ' us to what species it belonged, tin ug!t I it was probably a rattlesnake— Wilmii*y i luil Review. Oak lllllUK INSTITt.'TE AND HfSl -1 xkss" Coi.i.KiiK.—This popular Institu j lion for training young men and young | ladies, lias just closed its spring session j with over 100 students. It will reopen Aug. Sth, with increased facilities, full i corps of teachers, newly furnished halls and reduced rates. "Only tirstclass business school in N. (!." For cata : logucs hiiiJ specimens of penmanship, address .1. A.«t M. 11. llolt,Oak Itiilge, Guilford Co., N. T. Kclers to Jaiues Kierson, jr., Ksip A Woman's Kx i> k k ienc k. —Vother* and Daughters should feel alarmed when j weariness constantly oppresses them. "If I am fretful froiu exiiaustioflof vital powers and the color is fading from my faee, l'arkcr's (linger Tonic,gives ijuiek relief. It build' mo up und drives away pain with wonderful certainly."—buffa lo lady. The Hosion I'ost asserts that out in Kentucky when they wish to raisu tlio price of land in a locality they build a distillery in the vicinity. Whereupon 1 the Louisville Courier-Jounvtl retorts, this immediately brings on a big colony from Massachusetts and business at once begins. Cheapest Fashion Mauajune in tlio world, 120 large puges, 4 puges new music, 10UO engravings each issue, .10 cents per year: singlo copios 15 cents. 1 Htkawrriihir k Cl.oTiilKit, Bth &, Mar ket Sts l'hiladelphia. lien Rutlcr advises negro voters to ignore party lines and just and ! tried men foi office, _ , , : v v.vJ*- wfiw -

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