VOLUME XII. Reoorter and Post. rrBLIUIED WIUfILT AT DANBTTRY. N. C. I'KPPBft-A BON."*, Put,,. T v /v, v ,, RATU OR si usM'Kirriox I Cno Year, paoablo in advance, ~..BLK> Blx Month*, 75 KH UN Or ADVERTII^IU: One Square (ton linen or le*s) 1 time *1 00 For each additional insertion AO Contract* Tor longer fciino or wore space eu bo made In proportion to the above rate*. Trausicnt advertisers will bo exnrcted to remit according to the»e rales at the time they send their ftrnrs. I /oral Notices will be charge*! 80 per cent, higher than above rate*. Hitwtnetw Card* will be Inserted at Ten Dollars per annum. H PMPESStOJfA L CARDS. ROBERT D. GILMER, Attorney and Counsellor, MT. AIRY, N. c. Practices in the courts of Surry, Stokes, Yadkiu and Allegheny. TF. F. CARTER, tilTFOSsrsr-F-L ir. MT. AIRY, BUERY CO., S. C Practices wherevev liiasrrvlceoarc wanted. R. L. ~HA YMORB, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy- N. C. Special attention given to the collection ol cluijns. I—l2m H. M. MARTIN DAL E, WITH WM. J. C. DULAXYS• CO., STATIOXKBST A.V 7) ItOOKSKLLKIts ! iVAitKiiorst:. 00l llnok* a Stationery of all kinds. Wrapitiiij; paper, | I'wines, Hon net Hoards, Paper lliiiida. *32 W. BALTIMORE ST., IIAI/l'lMottE. i/f> J. S. HARRISON, x WITH A. L. ELLET &CO., DRY GOODS & NOTIONS 10, 14 & 14 Twelfth Strce', A. !'■ Et.t.tTT, \ A. )m*ON WATKISS, r B. 11. llroit*:* slUchm'd, 7a B~ V. KING, WITII JOIIXSOX, SUTTON $ CO., l>liV GOODS, N«»*. T» ami 2f» South Sharp, Street, T. W. JOHFSON, H. M. BUTL'ON. j J. H. H. ORABBS, G. J. JOHNSON. P. DAT, ALBBET JONES. IPsty & Jorxesip manufacturers ot SADPI.F.RY .11ARNKSS, COLLARS. TItI'NRS No. 33U W. Haitim«>restreet, Baltimore, .Vd. W. A. Tucker, 11. O.Smith, B.S. Spragglns Tucker, Smith & Co- Manufacturhra & wholesale Dealea* In VOOTB, *W)KS, IIATS AM) CAW. No. 2W Ilnltiuore Street, Baltimore, Jfd. U. J. it It. K. BEST, WITH Henry Sonnebom A" Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Aanoyer St., (betwoeaderman & Ixi tabard St*) BALTIMORE Ml). H. BONNKBOUN, B. BLIMUNK. C. WATKINei, W. S. ROB Kit TSON O. L. COTTIIKLL, A. S. WAT KINS. j Watkins. Cottrell & Co.. ltn|tortei*H ami dobhersof HAROWAH E. 1807 Main Street, BIdIMOXD, VA. Agent* for Fairbanks Standard Scales, anil Anker Brand Hulling Cloth. J.. II 1 Hair W. 11. MILKS, WITII STEPHEN P UTNEYS CO., XvhuleMlv dealer* in Boots, Shoes, and Trunks, 1219 Mam Street, ,S«j>(. 6-81-t'm. BICUMOXD, IM. J. ». ABHOI'T, OF N C-, with WIXGO, ELLETT & CRCMV, RICHMOND, VA., Wholnale .D.ulcrs in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C. Prompt attention puiil to orders, anil salis fsctiou (jnurantecd. V'iryWiW Slate Prison Ooodt a eyfcutlhj M.rcli, 6. in aoßmtT w. poiraaK. KUOAH D. TAVLO . It \V. POWKIiS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealer* in PAINTS, Olte, DVEH, VAKNISIIES, French and American WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, &.C. WOAHS, SM'OKINti AND UIIKWINIi TOHACOO A SPKCIALTY. i 130S Main St., Bichmond, Vu. A ugnat 28—Sm I*. Hi W inston, jr. j ATTORNEY AT LAW WINSTON, N. C. Attend* ttH courts of l">»ricUan, Yad kin, Surry, Davis, Stofcoi and Forsyth, anilcti. iVj naw ani K« ientl courts. Por,, y"P®P ß ha t JIIJ Vl«'iulActio, Chronic i>iar« y ,lmiTitl4ee v \ Impurity of tho lll.»oU Fef e» arvl Malaria, ( raiigcinaut of Liver, liouels and Kidueya. I SYMPTOMS or A niffi \«M» T.TVKK. Had Mrcath; lam in the Sale. »>mrumQ» the I nalit is fill uudcr the Shoulder-Made, fur I) Rh'.umati.m; general lo« of appetite, B»wct« " generally cuiivc, weictinica altcru.oin({ with lax; j tnc hc4o fc tr-'i.McJ With pain, i» dull and heavy. with tgMWcra!>le lost of memory, acc-inpanied t with a puianil %rntatioit Heaving undone Aonvthing I whieh ought t - have been done; a slight, dry oxigh and tltt»h«*Uace « somrtimrs an an iigant, ottea r nu»takea fwr comaaptiost the )tati«-nt complaina of wt-yrlnca* ami debility; nerv.u». easily al-irtlrd; j, voltl «r burning, ractinick .1 prickly of ih" kkia cm»43; apirm ire hw ai»J.«;rtf»v)iv!ent # »«>;;W*Ba f.fct tnat**»!rc\jc J»..nu: .-■ fi. ial,\ i one c:mi hardly aumm«>n up fortitude to Irv ti—in furl, distrusts every remoly. Several of iht? above nvmptoms attend the disease, but ca»-.-s have o#*isrr««l when but f'*w of them existed, yet examination after death ha* shown the Liver lu have been extensively deranged. It Khoiild Imi IIHCII by n!L persons, oM mid I 1 young, ahrncvcr any of the übtte ayiiiptoma appear. Person* Traveling or T.lvtnir In Fn > In ullby l.nealltlua, by toking a dose • -cas: >n ally tt> keen the Liver iu neahhy ictimi, will av ij all Malaria, ItllloiiH ntt:irk%, Diisiness, Nau »t t, I'ri •w*inr I '«• *it •. 1 Il' etc. It I will invigorate like a gla>s of wine, but la 110 In toxlraiiiig beverage. If You have eat on hard ot I difceatlon, or fed heavy after m j!«. or f>l>«>|»- | I«\SH at night, take A dose a*.ul you will relieved. Time and Poetora* llilli will bo anveti by uiMa>a keeping tlie Regulator in tho lfouio! F-r, whatever the ailment may Iv. a thormighly safe purcutlvo. alterative \nd tonie cm never Ik- -jut of place. The rrntr !y i« harmlrsa mul doea n«»t interfere with business or pleuNure. IT IS PFItKrY YI'OKTAHTiI?, And !kis all the |. t iwer and eflir.icy « f (,'alomcl or (Juiuiiic, without any of the injurious after effects. A fiovernor's Te*>flinony. • immons liver Regulator has been in use in my 1 family some iin»e, and Inm saticfied it i« a . valuable addiii in to tin. jnetl. .1 n.*j. J (itLL SifoKTaa, Governor of Ala. i Hon. Alexnnder 11. Stenhena. of C j sa\>: Have derived some benefit from the use of • I Simmens l.ivcr Regulator, and wish t-» give it a further trial. "The only Thing that never falls to Relieve." I have u»ed n.mv rrmeilics for I )y%- | pepsia, l.ivcr Aliectiun and Debility, but never i ! have found an> thing to nie t«» the extent ! Mtrnnons lav. r Regulator has. I sent from Min- 1 I aeseta to (Jc f r it, and would send further for 1 *i UC f 11 T""- ,M '''■ unil WouW n,!vl * c alt wh " arc Sim- I I ilarly nfitcterl i,» t -..e it a trial as it seems the only thing that never i.vls to rellave T' M. JANNUT, Minneapolis. Minn. j I>r. T. XY. Alanon Kay*: Fr»m a • >1 c*- | eriem • in the m- • ol Sittinu .is I.lvrr R»r i'.u»r ia my pr.« tice 1 have l«en and am satisfied ia uso and prescribe it as a puigative medicine. L ' rake • ulv the Genuine, Miich always j has on Lie v»'r pjnr the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature rf «I. 11, Zi:iLIN AC O. FOR SAI.E BY ALL DRUGGISTS. STREETS SMITH'S I NEW YORK WEEKLY F >R IK:' FREE TO ALL j STND YOUR ADDRESS AT ONCE, 1 AND GETSPECIMEN COPIES OF THE HPII fill or j* mid Skoteli Paper In tar ; World TIIE NEW YORK WEEKLY is undoubtedly THE 15EST LITEKAUV PAPER PL'JJMStItiD. It is oj»|iivei«tM, ns its im mense circulation aifords ineontchtable prooi. Tlio Now York Weekly is in every sense an entertaining FAMILY | PAI'KK, and ineiu-.H liouseintid wle-ro A copy . is taken every mttiilt »• ef t,\e family rctulu it, ! ami the contents are discussed ami critieixed | while the readers are scattered around the I choerfu! lircside. The great succe&s and unexampled pros- j p'rily "t The New Y'ork Weekly 1 is due to the excellence of its stories, its nu ' merous entertamininu features, and its t fiv.sh aul varied attractions; but not lite : I least among its recommendations is the lact | that unuMial care is exercised in revisingtiio | contents,'that all objectionable wcriU and phrases may be avoidce. lleatii ol families are aware that we never |H unit in our columns any word or expres sion likely to oHe;nl even the ino>t fastidious guardian of youth. Tim Sew York s\ eokly contains the BKST STt'Kli s, the Uncut |o«ms, the moat eutei tatu ing «kiftcl.' , >, a» well in* a choice . . tlct vof e\- treutely Interentiug matter, ayd in thoruioie pop* t ularly conceded to be the BEST STORY and SKETCH PAPER. ! The New York Weekly regularly prexentM, j In th* "i.AlMlta' WOIIK-BOX," plain atld auiiaible regard:iik the iiinking of gaimcutM aiHltbe choiea of niatormla. Tbb •tepaitinant U invaluable (o every frugal hou»ewU'e. The NEW YORK WKKKLV also publlahea Do- MKHTIO KKCIPMI teated and approved by esperta The NKW YORK WKKKI.Y, each week, prenents a number of t're?di and uparkluijt humorous ancc datf;. in the column of "PLKAHANT FA*A oiiAPHa." The NKW YORE WEKICLV IN constantly preneaf- Ing the works of new contributort. NOW 18THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR The New York Weekly The NKW YOHK WEEKLY will be Nont to any add IT s in th» t?nlte«l States tree) 3 iitonliia lor 75 cent*, 4 mouth* 9I; G . ■uuullM, sl.."»0. I y ear, $3. Tlio.-c Hsmling |2O lor a Clitbof Eight, all sent at one t.iue. alii be entitled to a ninth Uips CHICK. (ietteri* up of clubs can atteraaid ami aiugle copleai ut s J 50 oarh. All letters should be addnwed to KKAXCIH 8. KTRKST,I HTRLET A SMI HI rKAECia h. KMirn. V Proprlelarii. I».O.B«>x«T14. 83278l«31 RwUt.,ll. Y. PATENTS KtTKV ft CO., of Mn* BtTrjrnrro AintßicA.v. enn tlnuatonct a* Solicit >rs for l>t«»nta, Oavcata. TmJo Marks, Oopytfsht*. for the United States, Canada. England, rr.into, Gertuany, etc., Hand Book atnuit Patent* aent fre«. Thlrty-#«»ven experience. Patent#ot»talned thronch Mt'NN ft Co. a.o notices InthoHctKHTivio AMERICAN, the largest. l«ej»t, and most widel" ( ircnbstosl scientific pniw. |S.k>a jruur. Woekly. tlPh.-ndld anil Into'roat ing In- | formation. RpeMmen eopf of the Relent Ine Amer ican sent free. AfMreca MUNN ft CO.. SEIKNTINE ! AMEIUCAX Ofllce. ad Broadway, Now York. a&asKazs: iTsr>2j-,^A etcts «»II «U ttsi FAILS* fa 4 M g DANBURY, N; C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1883. County Exhibit. I Tho fonowing is an exhibit of all claims au'litoJ by tb« IWrtl of County Cuuitoissioncra of Stokes County, after 1)10 September meeting in IKR2 and pri or to the I)ec3mber,moeting in 188.1. Also a statement of oouuty revenue de rived from all source*. 1. W A Kstus, tiieriff, sum moning juror?, etc, $ CO 80 2. It W Sbclton, deputy * sheriff, conveying prisoners to jail, 30 8. Jos II Covi'igtor, keep ing paupers ono year, 571 26 | 4. .lames Traver, bridgo services, 25 00 j | 5. W A Lash, repairing ; bridge, 28 9fi j | !. A J Brown, assessor 'B2 j and registering, 28 40 . j 7W 11 Watts, court officer, 400 ; 8 F Pringle, Commissioner, ; 22 days, 330 miles, fiO 80 9 1> llailey, Commissioner, 82 days, 432 miles, 89 GO I | 10 L \Y Anderson, Commis sioner, 23 days, 468 tuiics, 74 90 11 l>r. W W McCaniess, attention to prisoners and pau ! pers, 47 75 I 12 P II Mube, registrar, 5 13 13 W II Gentry, tarrying lunatic to asylum, 39 15 j | 14 1' II Martin, court offi ! cer, 3 00 ; 15 J T Joyce, constable, insolvent cases, 1 25 J 16 Geo I'earee, justice of ' tho peace, insolvent casos, 75 1 17 P II Martiu, deputy sher iff, insolvent cases, 30 I 18 James Hicrsi>n,jr, clerk, insolvent cases, 74 49 . 19 J II Lowe, insolvent eases, 30! . 20 01! Tucker, insolvent cases, 1 02 , 21 \V F Campbell, juslico of the peace, insolvent cases, 70 | 22 A Fogle, sheriff, insol j vent cases, 15 i 23 u; A K.U*, in-. | solvent cuscs, 0 00 21 W II Watts, deputy i sheriff, insolvent cases, 1 05 \ 25 P 1> Watkins, deputy I sheriff, insolvent cases, 30 | 26 Wll Gentry, sheriff, iti j solvent cases, 75 i I 27 Jos Dobson, solicitor, | insolvent cnics, 4 00 J | 28 S Adams, commit two > lunatios, 2 00 S Adams, registrar, 1 80 ! 1 80 W N Blackburn, commit '.wo lunatics, 2 00 1 31 W N Blackburn, regis ! trar, 1 92 , 32 M T Hitchcll, registrar, 200 j 33 Wai Dliggins, pauper coffin, etc, 4 00 34 E \V Blair, pauper eof j tin, 2 50 I 35 Jos II Covington, pau pers two months, 111 54 36 David Poindexter, ma king ford 0. F. creek, 29 95 37 Gid George, survey of poor house land, 3 00 38 N M Pepper, two claims publishing, 20 50 ; 39 J L Redman, court of ficer, 2 00 ' 40 W W King, solicitor, ! insolvent cases, 6 00 ! | 41 G L Burton, deputy ' 1 sheriff, insolvent cases, 60 42 0 1' Heid, deputy sher iff, insolvent cases, 30 ; 1 43 J L Uodman, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 15 ' 44 W A Kstos, sheriff, in solvent cases, 8 00 ( 45 J W Haminon's, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 1 50 ' 46 P II Mabe, justico of tho peace, insolvent oases, 100 ' 47 M T Mitchcl, justico of tae poaee, iusolvuut cases, I 25 i ( 48 James llierson, jr, clerk, insolvent casos, 76 90 ; 1 49 W II Watts, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 3 50 ' 50 Jos Dobson, solicitor, insolvent casos, 2 00 f j 51 11 I Dalton, sheriff, in -1 solveut "'ises, 1 55 ( i 52 O B Tucker, constable, ! insolvent cases, 3 53 J 53 W V Shelton, justice of 1 the peace, insolvent casos, 90 ® ] 54 Alex James, conveying j pauper, '2 50 f 55 W A Lash, repairing bridgo, 9 31 f 66 W A Lash, goods for paupers, 731 1 57 J G II Mitchell, C 11 fl official, " 106 90 58 N M Pepper & ('», pub 59 J J Ada Hl*, court officer, :! 00 60 Joel K mil, assessor, 1(I 00 61 T II Buin, assessor, 8 00 62 W A Chaffin, assessor, 00 63 J \V Davis, assessor, 8 00 64 L W Anderson, asses sor, X u0 65 .1 FUnn, n -assur, S un 66 (J W Mo Anally, asses sor, 8 00 C 7 S Adams, r 4 fOO (!8 A M Biiyles, :i-«essor, 10 Ol) 69 J C Newsoiu, assessor, 10 00 70 W F Campbell, asses- I sor, 10 00 71 S M Shelton, assessor, 10 00 72 0 T Christian, asscss sor, 10 00 73 J L Smith, arsessnr, 10 00 71 M T Smith, assessor, 6 00 7'> B Bailey, assessor, 8 00 76 J B Tucker, assessor, 6 00 77 Jos II Covington, kitch ,en at. poor house, 114 32 78 P I) Watkins, court of- I licer, 3 00 79 W A lloyai, j i',l fees, j Yadkin county, 1 85 80 J J Adams, court offi cer, 2 50 81 OB Tucker, constable, insolvent cases, 80 ! 82 PII Martin, deputy, in solvent cases, 15 83 S 81'riddy, deputy sher iff, insolvent cases, 45 84 W W Leak, constable, insolvent oases, 1 12 85 J A Leak, justice of the peace, insolvent cases, j 75 86 S W llierson, constable! insolvent cases, 80 87 Joel F Hill, justice of the peace, insolvent cases, 65 88 D B Mabe, constable, insolvent cases, 2 02 89 A J Brown, justico of ' the pcaeo, insolvent casos, 1 80 90 G W Priddy, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases . ,73 Ol G W Martin, : sheriff, insolvent cases, 50 92 L F Smith, justice ot I the peace, insolvent cases, 80 93 W A I'stcs, sheriff, in solvent cases, 1 45 91 W A Royal, jailer, in solvent cases, 1 85 95 J S/Kittle, deputy sher iff, insolvent cases, 50 96 R I Daltou, sheriff, in solvent cases, 4 40 97 1' II Mabe, justice of the peace, insolvent cases, 50 98 W 11 Watts, deputy sheriff, iusolvent cases, 45 99 James llierson, jr, clerk, insolvent case#, 37 03 100 W N Blsckburn, ex amining lunatic, 1 70 101 A J Brown, assessor, 32 00 102 Saiu. Martin, assessor, 8 00 103 O 11 Simmons, asses sor, 8 00 104 E W Culler, assessor, 10 00 105 J C Newsom, assessor, 22 00 10(i J A Leak, assessor, 24 00 107 W N Blackburn, asses sor, ' 25 00 108 M T Mitchell, assessor, 21 00 109 P II Mabe, assessor, 20 00 110 Joel F Hill, assessor, 26 00 111 OP Kiser, carrying paupur to poor house, 2 00 112 J A Leak, registrar, 2 ,3 113 11 D Duggins, pauper coffin, _ 200 114 T II Bain, registrar, 3 90 115 T II Bam, insolvents, 60 116 Joel F Ilil', Inferior court, 8 00 117 A J Brown, Inferior court, 8 00 118 J W Davis, Inferior court, 8 00 119 W F Campbell, blasting etc, on road, 25 50 120 P D Watkins, court officer, 3 00 121 II M Joyce, coffin, etc, for pnnper, 3 00 122 N M Pepper & Co., services to John Siiomurc, 22 64 123 N M Pepjer & Co., goods for S Ashby, 2 00 124 C L Grilliu, coroner, jury and inquest, 11 00 125 P l> Watkins, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 110 126 It I Dalton, sheriff, in solvent oases, 4 40 127 G L Burton, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 3 55 128 J U More field, consta ble, insolvent eases, 50 129 J Sisk to II M Joyce, insolvent cases, 80 j 130 M T Smith, justice of tlie peace, insolvent eases, 80 131 M T Mitchell, justice of the peace, iusolvent eases, 1 30 132 D 1! Mabe, constable, insolvent cases, 1 45 133 P II Mabe, justice of the peace, insolvent cases, 70 134 I) S Watkins, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 15 135 L F Smith, justice of the peace, insolvent cases, 60 136 Z T Smith, deputy sher iff, insolvent cases, 50 137 W Mitchell, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 45 138 W It Carter, deputy sheriff, insolvent casos, 50 139 G W Martin, deputy sheriff', insolvent cases, 50 140 J W llammoiis, con stable, insolvent casos, 2 10 141 W C Wilson, deputy sheriff, insolvent casos, 50 142 W A Estcs, sheriff, in solvent oases, 6 05 143 C I' lleid, deputy sher iff, insolvent casos, 2 65 141 James Forrest, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 45 j 14-> A Fogle, sheriff, insol vent case 3, 1 15 | 146 W L Saunders, deputy sheriff, insolvent cases, 50 j 147 James llierson, jr., clerk, iusolvent cases, 69 85 | 148 W VV King, solicitor, insolvent casos, 8 00 149 It I Dalton, sheriff, Thenia Tuttlo to asylum, 30 70 150 W A Estcs, shciiff, jail fees, 42 14 151 W A Estcs, shyriff, expenses to asylum, etc, 39 35 152 J G 11 Mitchell, C 15 C C» work on the tax books, etc., 292 70 i 153 C M Lasley, Commis sioner, 10 months, 17 days, 236 miles, 45 80 154 'A S Alley, Commis sioner, 10 months,* 16 dujs, 352 miles, 49 60 j 155 SS Wail, Commission er, 10 months, 16 days, 260 miles, 45 00 j 156 Joseph II Covington, court officer, 2 00 j 159 Jos 11 Covington, cof fin, etc, foi pauper, 3 44 ! 158 U 11 Glenn, I fee, counsel for county, 12 50 159 Dr L II Hill, post mortem examination, 10 00 160 Dr J 11 Islington,post mortem examination, 10 00 161 G L Burton, court of ficer, 19 50 162 I' 1) Watkins, court officer, 7 50 163 J 11 Covington, court officer, 7 50 i 164 11 J Petroe, coroner, inquest and jury, Hi 00 | 165 8 C Rierson, constable, prisoner to jail, etc, 2 50 i 106 S C Rierson, constable, prisoner to jail, etc, 4 20 | 167 W W McCaniess, board of jury, etc, 26 00 ] 168 Dr W W McCaniess, attention to paupers and pris oners, 40 90 169 J 0 Newsom, Esq., services in lunatic case, 2 00 ' 170 Wui Edwards, lunatic to asylum, 60 50 171 W W King, counsel in l'.phraim Moore case, 75 00 $3069 291 Amount of witness claims audited, 278 25 ! Amount of jury claims au dited, 722 49i Amount of i claims audited 150 79 Amount paid to paupers outside tho poor house, 762 75 Total amount claims audited, $1993 57 i N. B.—This does not include jurors, i witnesses, and officers claims of Fall ] Term, 1883. I Kxtract from sheriff's settlement of County Taxes colleri'cd from various I sources for the year, 1882, viz : To tax of 291-6 on tho SIOO valuation of property, 3056 83 To J of poll tax for support of poor, 1005 00 To tax on property unlisted, 615 To tax under schedule B & C, 413 95 To balanco in banil last set tlement, 2628 16 1 7110 09 lOr by releases J, 57 30 | Paid fur stationery, 43 12 jßy commissions, SHJ 07 l!y vouchers, 5323 31 t)G42 80 6042 80 I J'al. now in hand Sep. 'S3, §1407 29 [resettlement not complute. OFFICE BOARD COMMISSIONERS, ) December 4th, ISS3. j Shite nj J\Tort/i Carolina—Stokes Co. 1, tI.G. 11. Mitchell, Clerk of the Hoard of Commissioners of said county, do hereby certify that the fur going isu I true exhibit of claims audited by the I Hoard, and of the amount of revenue I chargeable to the sheriff in his annual | settlement of taxes of ISB2. In tcsti | uiony whereof I hereunto set my hand, | this the 4th of December, ISB3. J. O. If. MITCIIKI.I«, C. II C. C. l'!ir:ip Teacher*. Your little boy is a dear little trcas- ' urc. Your heart throws out every day j the tendrils of a flection, and they cling ; to him. At night you kiss him and j tuck him away in his little bod. Then ; you pray the Lord lo lead hi:u and make i iiiui wi>o and good. But towards day | | you hear him groan. You light your | lamp and find him burning with fever, j m his delirium ho does not recognize you. j Vuu go for the doctor ■ But there arc | two ; one is a Scholar, a gentleman, a i physician, and a student, distinguished among men for his learning and conspi cuous ability. But ho charges a living price for his services. In the outskirts of your town lives a cheap doctor, a quack, ho cracks jokes, ploys dominoes, and chaigcs little for his ignorance. Which will you employ ' You love i that boy too well to trust him with a I j quack. You prefer to pay a high price I for a doctor who understands his busi i ue.'S. But when you employ a tcacbcr i and a man charges a living price, you j forgot that love for your boy and give preference to the cheap teacher. A man | who tcauhes for ton dollars a month j | a i.{ SuJ* biiinMif, is apt to bt worthless, : ; incompetent, and a very unfit model for ] J a boy. A oompctent teacher is entitled I |to a good price. Does the man love his j | money, when his stinginess makes htm j : prefer the cheap teacher Vou pay your ; | money freely to save your boy's body— j but save your money when it is your I i duty to train the immortal mind. I have spoken plainly, because justice to your children requires truth and candor— IJo n. J. C. Scarborough. K Peculiar Rvrunl. Mr. Geo. liushong, of Monroe county, ! lias a rather remarkable history attached :to his life. Mr. Bushong is seventy j eight years old, the youngest of a family j of nine children, and has lived in Mon- j j roc all his life with the exception of a ! ! year or two in Alabama, lie was never ! | farthor north than Glasgow or Columbia | j and never saw a railroad engine, lie I never bet but sixty-two and a half cents lin his life, and lost tliat. Fifty cents of I that were on a chicken fight and twelve • and a lalf on a jumping match. Mr. B ] never swore an oatli in his life, has been ! a member of the Christian Church forty j years, and nover had a suit in court. In I the satuo neighborhood, three miles this ' side ofTonq kiSsvillc, lives Mr. B. W. I Ford, who is seventy-eight years old, | has been a member of the Baptist Church | forty yearly and has nover had a suit iu j court in his life.— Glasgow Times stir fume ll.u k ia El>: Etiiriii I (lot tie* j The wife of a well-to-do farmer of Chester Oak, la., died a short time ago i ' ' " j leaving an infant child. The child was I very fretful. The housekeeper one night j exclaimed : "If there is a God I wish i he'd let this child's mother coino back | and soothe him." A few moments la ter the door swung upon its hinges with out apparent camo and a specter, recog | uized as the dead mother in her burial i clothes, glided into the room, knelt over ' the child with her hands clasped, as if in prayer, and (hen as silently left the ! room, apparently passed through the | closed door. The specter ha* appeared ■at short intervals sin?o. The father has j since married again and the spirit form is visible to the bride, while the husband cannot be persuaded to undover his' bend and look upon the dead mother of j his child. { Mrs. Laura lUall, of Baltimore, aged 23, cut the throats of her two children and then triad to cut her own last Fri day. The family stand well, Domes i tic unhappiness. ;, NO. 27. WHO WILL IIY Til IS T \ W«»*toru Mini wint !in«* Trlril Hard to uu«l Failed. A lad)' in St. Louis, who recontly lost a child, and who had vainly plead with the authorities of the church near her residence not to riag the bell on a Sun day morning when hor little darling was HO »iuk, wants to know if we don't think people would go to church on tiiuo just as well if no bells were rung. Well, yes, we bcliovo they would, if they wan ted to. W hen the same people go to a 1 threatrn in hell is rung, and tiny got j there before the curtain rises with ro ! marliablo regularity. No boll is lung to call those church members to their business, and yet they appear regularly at the appointed tiiim. No boll is rung to tell them that dinner is to bo served, and yet they all start in time to bo there before it gets cold. If a sociable ,is to take place, aud it is known that the lunch will be served at eight o'clock, i they all get there before the first plate l of oyster soup or tha first dish of ico i cream is served, and the church bell 1 docs not ring tor a soeiablo. When tlio i doors of a circus are advertised to opon j it two o'clock, we have noticed that no ! church member eouies stragling in after the clown has sung his song, and yat tho , bells do not ring tor a circus. We can | not account for the necessity of ringing a church bell that often frightens sick per sons in to convulsion. Hut there are so many things in tho world that nobody can account for. Who can account for the fact that a dii ■zy actress can get a thousand dollars a I week for repeating lines that another ! person has written, nben the scholarly, j eloquent divine, who e lifu has been I passed in study, oannot draw a houso i big enough to pay him a frugal living. \\ ho can account for tho fact that a girl who can kick high is able to draw fivo hundred dollars a week, while the good woman who goes about as a missionary, reforming tho vicious, is thrown a quar ter to get rid of her, often by the sauio uiop who pay a dollar toward th- »»1»- iry of the high kicker. It is hard to ac j count for the tact that a horse-race will ! clear a thousand dollars in one day, while a church fair, which should be patroni zed by thousands figures up about enough after a week's hard work, to pay for a dressing gown fur the minister. There is something terribly wrong about this world, but we can't untangle it. If wo had our way the prize fighters should play to houses smaller than the prayer meetings, and tho minister* should preaoli to full houses at a dollar a head, tickets sold at the box office, and it would be necessary to hang out a sign, "standing room only," and no bell should rir.g to call the audience, and to kill sick babies in an adjoining block. Wo j would have ministers travel in private | ears and nigger shows travel in ordinary passenger coaches. Wo would have tho ! horse race just pay expenses, and tho church sociablo make a barrel of money. ; But some of tho rest of yon have got to ! fix this thing, aud average it up. Wo j have tried it and failed. To Advertise™. The REPORTER AND POST offers tha following inducements to advertisers who may wish to reach the peoplo of Middle and Western North Carolina, ;lnd other sections : 1. It goes to nearly evory State iu the Union, circulates to a considerable extent in Surry, Foray the and Rocking ham counties, in this State, as well as the adjoining counties in Virgtnit, whilu , its cireulatiou among tho 10,tX)0 of Stokes county's population, is nearly as great as that of all other weeklies combined. 2. It is in a prosperous condition and growing in favor, its ciroulatioa 'o day being greater than at any time siuco ihe first number was issued more than ton years siDco, aud has nearly doubled without the last two years. 3. Tho rates offered by the RK POUTRR AMI I'OST to advertisers are t* low as are offered by any paper with a circulation as large as its own "Pa, did you hear that report that got out last night 1" "What report, my son 1" "The report of a pistol." I The old man was arrested for abasing i the boy with a hatchet, but wasdisohar • god when tho facts were made koown, I with the advice to kill him next tinio 1 - I Grit. I —~ JI —— i ; Walter S. Nelson, Esq., Monroe N. • j 0., says : "lu one week Brown's Iron • i Hitters cured mo of indigution and stok | stomach." I

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