The Reoorter and Post. THURSDAY. M \Y 1, l«8l. Topics at Home. Ufrarrrarn In and Arnund ll mtmri MIMI Count.) Matter* lold •A clih-l M mnaag you take 1 * null A")HI. faith, he'll prcut it.** ■Court next week ■Farmers are busy this week planting «eorn. Monday was the warmost day of the Season. • Xggs and chickens are scarce and kigh. What are our farmers doing 1 There is one capital case to bo tried at Danbury next week. A very large crowd is expected. - f/ocal news is scarce. We bad to toe our taters, aud didn't have time to catch ii before it got away. When you come to oourt, please be kind enough to call aiound and pav your ■Mibsoription, if you are behitd. We learn that tbe I'odd Bros, could plant now 25 acres ia wbaoeo, many of the plants being 4 inches across. ' A strange crjzy woman who says she killed her "husband in Stokes county, lias been arrested iu Mecklenburg aud is in jail. Pepper & Sous buy goods in the best wiarkcts, from manufacturers in many cases, and arc thus enabled to sell tlx iu os low as anybody daro to. l'cpper & Sons are now receiving their spring stock of new goods. 'I hey ore getting in u number of tiling; now to the people in this part of tliu State. Remember this is ideetion year, and *beti you come to town next week, lay' 75c. in oui and wa will send you the RKI'ORTtn AND IViKT until after the election. In another column will be found' R. V. I'ctree's advertisement of his Fruit aud Vegetable Dryer. It certainly is a good thing, and we think it would be well to give it a trial. THE lJiiinjiK.- We need and must have a bridge across Dau river at this place. It is to the interest of the peo ple of tho whole eouuty to bridge nhc river at tho courthouse. Mr. Washington Mo anless, brother of our townsman, Dr. W. W. McCab less, died at the residence of the lattev about 1 o'clock Monday morning. Mr. McCanlcss had been in bad health for BOIUC lime. They are trying to igui » imrrow railroad froui Reidsville to Madison.— Weutworth is put down lor SIO,OOO and titoneville for the same. A meeting was lately held in Rindsvillc to grapple with the subject. By all means let it be built, and extend to Spencer's, north ward, and Durham eastward. THE FRUIT Citor.—lt was thought but a few days since that um«t of the peaches and a large portion of the ap ples in the countjr had bceu killed by tho reccut frosts, but ituow appears that neither crop bas been injured, except in very low places, and that if there is no other mishap the crop will the. heaviest known for fears. Our town, sayi the Winston Xmtiiirl. takes its name from a native ot Sloktui aud one of tho hcroo* of the Revolution Rupert Winston. He was the first representative of tho new county iu the Legislature. Forsyth county was formed iu_ls4B from a portion of Stokes, and named in honor of Col. Renjainin Forsyth, a native of tbs lat ter county. THE lint ON —There are more birds in this section than hare been seen sinew the war. If TOU would have an idea of tho number, get up these warm morn ings before they can see to catch a lug or pick a seed. They groot the first dawn of day with their songs, before commencing their day's work. Hun dreds and* hundreds of tben may be beard singihg and diirping along tbc mountain slopes with tho earliest sign of day. THE STATE KX POSITION. —WhiIe most of the counties are jri&kwg ar rangements to have their advantages represented at the State Exposition, we hope Stokes will not bo behind in the matter. We suggest that a meeting be held on Mouday of court for tho pur poso of getting the thiug uuder way.— doubt several jnemfcgn Of the bar, and others who would aee the county's interests developed, wiil uldresi the people. fe I Danbury bas another brass band. The small boys, of fr6ra~lo to jcars ef flge, form i',, as follows : % " Kb Goroot—Kugeue Pejipar. Ist Kb Alto— Burt ftarrn. 2nd Kb Alto—-Joe Wbitten. 2nd Bb Tenbr—John King. Kb Baas—Jiaon tinaro Basi Drum ani Cymbals—Frank |'«pper. ▼ "I PW There are Mreral mere bom* to be •* ' • ' .' WEEK'S DOINGS IN DANBURY, Neighborhood Cossip and Little Nothings. Thursday, April 24th.—The day is damp and showery ; but little sunshine uiixed in.=liut few farmers in town.= No dog fights, and nothing of iocal or general interest going ou. Friday, 25th.—Warm and showery today.=Uut few couutymcn iu town, and locals arc scarce iu fact, this is about tho dullest day of the season, and the rattlesuak# market not having fully opened, trade is rather dull. Saturday 20th.- -Warm aud plcnsant today.=Couutymen, as if ashamed of their conduct for the last three or four days, came in two drovos, and they brought Johu Barleycorn and Apple Jack with theui, and are having a lively tiino with these two noted characters.= There is much news and gossip afloat, but like au oyster can full of fish worms, you can hardly tell where to take hold of it.r=The mining hands are in this evening, aud report tho finding of some uew veius of mica of superior quality at the Steele ■uinc.=I > «pper it Sons' wugon i* in tmui the depot today with a varied assortuieut of glass-ware, tin ware, groceries, fie. Monday 28th.—Yesterday was a re»l Oanbury Sunday, bright aud pleas ant.=-No preaching, consequently most of tho young people spent the day ram bliiijr over the moss-covered, (lower-; bedecked hills around Datibury, which I are so beautiful at this season of the year. A few of the more pious wont! •out tt fcW uiiles in tho country to hear tho Mormons preach.= Today is just delightful. The air is warm and loaded I with the odor from the crab and other blooins.~=But few farmers in t >vvi), and ,trade rather dull.—Mr. Washington McCanlcss died here about two o'clock tli • morning.= Mr. W.W. Kiugroturn froui Surry court today. Tuesday, l!Uih —Today, like yester day, is another boauiiful day. Guess the winter is gone, as the croak of the full brog is heard along the creek banks, the froad tug is busy catching bugs, and ihe patty killer Las left his nest and roams over tho apple tree, browsing up on the ydung loaves.:—: I'hcrc are but few country 'people in town. Every body seems busy, but some of our town pet'pl* aro very busy doing nothing. May they never loaru to do worse.— The remains of Mr. McCanloss, the gentleman who died hero .Monday morn ing, were carried to Patrick 0. 11. for intermont today. WeduesJay,, ilOtli.—This is tho last day of April, but such D day would •rem uioro tilling for the middle uf May. It is warm, bright aud pleasant, while thousands of birds are singing through the woods, and ten thousand wild (low ers load the atuiosphero with their pleas ant ordors.rrllow fast tiino flies! We can hardly talk a little nonsense, gossip a little, and write a few wee bits of nothings, before the week isgone.=Not many countymen in town today, and locals are as scarce as boon jugs iu April. I GOLD IN FI.OVD. — i gentleman from j Virginia, who takes great interest in 1 the duvelopaient of his section, reports j great enhancement of property iu Floyd ! couuty. Gold in largo tjuantities is rc ' ported, and a mining company has been termed to develop it. Nine acres of I bottom land bought at $l,lOO has pati- I ned out $36,000"in gold. The point maintained is 14 miles from j Jhristiausburg.. Northern men aro ta king options on lands at SIUO per acre, j and paying a bonus in addition for (lie j privilege of prospecting. The gold fe f ver is getting stronger every day. Tte ReVl osepli Cook says; "We i need less agnosticism aud more uierag j noaticisui." That's it. We knew all j uloug tliero w;'S something the matter with us, but for the life of us we couldn't think what il was. Joe must bo right. Somebody lias written a pocui to show that tho only happy woman is dead. It may bo possible that tho only happy man living is ber husband, but we shall not write a poem t» prove it.. The Republicans of Stokes ejpeot to hold a meeting at- tho courthouse .Mon day, nooli, for tb« purpose of organizing the remnants of their party, if such cau be fo#nd. Tho Daubury Cornet band has been invited to iurnish isutio at the closing exercises or Dalton Institute, May 30fh. The baud will probably accept the iuvi ta.tiou. „ The horror of moderate drinking is found in tho-fart that all drinkers be lieve tliemaolvea of .this class. , He tl*t cheats me oueo, shame fall m him | if he clioats me Uioe, shame fall on me. Friendship consist* not in saying, ••What's the best news 1" Of big words and feathers many go to the pound. The County OonituUsimirrs meet next Monday. jS! COUNTRY N KWSPAPF.RS. —The coun try newspaper is tlie most useful and ; least compensated of nil the agencies j which stamp the impress of progress upon ! villages and inland cities. Without the aid of local newspapers local towns are, ; as ix rule, thriftless and dead. It is common for small groat men to | speak with contempt of the local news ' papers, but the. village newspaper makes I more great men out of less material ' uiore bricks without straw— than any j other factor in politics, and it is the one ladder on which men climb to local dis stincuon as the beginning oi wider fame. The advent of the local newspaper has J always dated the increased thrift of the community. The iueal newspaper is the life of the locality, and tlfc mcasuie of its support, as * rule, measures the ad vancement of Ifac people. Not only sub scribe but pay fur your local newspapers. They ate the fiiends aud helpmates of all seasons. Suffer not your thoughts to dwell 011 the injury you have received or the pro voking words that have been spoken to you. Not only learn the art of neglec ting them at the time you receive them, but let theui grow less and less every moment, until they die out of your mind. We arc nqueated by Sheriff Dultoh J to say that the tax books will be placed j in the hands of his deputies after the i 10th of May, and that cost will be ! charged on all taxes-then due. If you want a sewing machine, you ' can save money by seeing l'eppcr & i Soils. They take machines for adver t lifting, and can save you from s■"> to §ls |on almost any machine you want. You ! wili find in their house now several of the voty best machines, including the Kerning I on, Weed, Hartford, &c. It is an old saying that a "penny saved is two made." Newspaper Outfit FOR ! ! We have at Patrick Court House, Vii., a u'ootl ILirui Press, small Job Press, ami ev erything necessary 1". »r running a six-column paper, which we will anil at the very.low price of Si(HM)O. The press is already iu position, ami am one desiring to go into tlie newsparwr busi ness can hardly find a move favorable loca tion than Patrick I'. 11. Address IKl'l'SH & SONS, Danbury, N. C. you do not wish to l>uy, proposi tion* will ho received from pradh-al prin ter#, with good refrrenow.'to start a pap«»r at that place to run iu copartnership. THOMPSON'S COMr 0 U N D fins siffiis. Tv t s-t ft t r T t t A MILD TONIC —AN!>- API'ETIZ^Ii. A cure for Dyspepsia, Indijjc*tion and i ('ouatijMition. It promotes tlvj sferrtiousw ■ ih: iiivt-r and Kidneys, aud givej ;; one t«» the Organs. Kclicws Nrrvousi iYostion following Protracted .sickness j .md iuif M' [ condition of the yencral sy»- '••in. MAXITACTI'HED HI Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Wii»«tpn,iN.C ! - With pleasure I announce TO MY FRIENDS »f Stokes county, and tl.e public generally ihat 1 have connected myself with the Farmer's Warehouse, where I will tie plenM 1 to wo and .servu : you, ami where you will receive fair ami l impartial dealing .'tint also realize the. high- | market prlee for your toliaoro. Earnestly hoping that It may be your j jjnod.pleasure to noil wltii nic, ) am, Your Friend Truly. JO. 11. VAI CIIN". Fuiytouee. A certain cure. Not expecislv* Thro* mi>nifin' unattut lit tn on«> pefkufff. U»'«MI for Cold Iu thu 11t-ud, lfradaotae, IMsaitif**, Jrty Ipmrer, Ac. THE COMPLETE HOME licnutyul I btwte. Si* trillion Wn.itu,> Ne* ikiufrtrhU&u I ftaiN new rte»i*«». gonca up. Sara. AUp>«l tn 411 tusw. «i A(t« l»t« tloinf iij wutk. ,: .xcgi l.i:*r l lU.Mi. Tk« luetKoiucit ever U^'.i- o«.w. ly • B F. lowtso* A CO . wn AUo other gi«u4 new sml MMm. . food •■!.} for V.. no |IH I. Jib JIIO. iHNtl>Mliliig nnrlUaiiit|V>u IllMtii J. ' I'Miuaimnittl Dft ll«iii«et>( ilicUMrltl Write u> J, f. Jlct uritv («., rm»*tirtj>]ii.i, ia- AYER'S PILLS. A large |>ro|»ortioii of tlio dteo.ves which ciiuxo liuuuui nutlcrtiig ri-*ult from ih-miigU' uioiit of ihu »loniach, I.I.WVIH, aiul liver. Avi it's C.uil vitiir I'n.w not directly IIJKJU ; orguiui, and are e specially Uc»|uucd to L fiirv the DB' .I.SCA CIIILM-.I F»y their dt-rungtt- Viftit, itu.'luiUiig Countljintloll, ladlge#* j tlon, l»3 »|ie|»*i:t, llrudftt lie, l>.\ M ilia ry. unl a liu*t of other ailiueitU, lor all.of ! which tin y arc a |»ruiii|»t t aiid re>.lastly. Thr cxtciirlv.' nto «>f tlicpc | J'ILL* by eminent eioim in regular prtte tict'i fllaiWH lllllili«t:«kah|y the « MiinMi"lVhl i uhk'h they arc held by the uitdicul i»iol«S --) Siou. 'J'lie.SO PU.R.S are compounded of v.-gctiiblo FIIILMTAIU'CD only, and are übßolutcly free froui calomel or any other iujuriuiw ii|grediei»L. A Sufferer from Headache WRITES t "AVKU'S PILIJ are luvnlttublo tome.nud [ NN* my OONAO ANT companion. I have Wen A ITEVA-I-E mtllVrer from lltuilnche, and \our 1'11.1.H are tlie ouly thing I could l«K»K t«» | fur relief, one do»E will (|idckly morn my BOWELS anL free my head froui pain. They are the LUIVL otlective ami the enai«*at | H\>io 1 1 have ever fa»und. IT LA a pleasure U» me to speak in their praise, and 1 ulwayu do 10 When occaxiajn oiler*. W. !. I'V.I ...»f W. 1.. PAGE & Bro.** Franklin St., KteUmoud.N a., DUNE 3,11±'2. "I have useal AVKH'H I'll.lS in number-" LA SH iimtauceh AN reeommemled L»y yon, and liave never known tlieui tai fail t» areomplieh the ah aired result. We e«>iißtantl> K«*ep them on LI.IIUL at our home, and prisa- them H* a ple:aMiint. nafe, and rvfifthh- family medlcUlS*. RULT L>VSL'Ci'.ilA they are invaluable. J. T. HAVES." Alexia, Texas, Juno 17,188-'. 'JLI* HP. v. FU \NIS It. llMu.owr, writing from AHnnta. (in., »**>»; "For some year* I>iut 1 have liven suliject T«> concti'p&tlon, rom which, in suite of Ihe use »>L ineali cilia.S of various kliulh, I sullered INCREASING luconva'iiience, until some months IIHO I be-all taking A \ Kit's 'l'he* have entirely a-oiTtict.'.L the »>»TI\O hnhtt, -and have vafclly improved my general htultb ' A vru's ( ATIIARTK' I'll. LA correct irregu larities «»f t!ie bowels, stimulate the ap}o tite and digestion, ami by their prompt ami thorough action gtva tone and vigor to tho whole physical economy. . run*. \ BCD DY Dr.4.C.Ayy 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. .Sold by all Druggists. T ! YOUNG * 6*|»crience tb.' TV !.a|«.rful AI n I tin" * beneficial effects ol ULU, ANU •- . ~ ... MIDDLE- A V er s Sarsapanha. INRN " J Children with Sore FY«s, Sere AIJLU. Kara, AIR any scrofulous oi B'J H llitic taiut, 'may be made licailhy andstioiig by ITS use. Sold by all Druggists ; 31, six bottles for £5. nssrsr 'irvrL.v ****** ■iZ /s-. y " W ill Uie COIUITIK MM sina ke 7" V A«- • *- R tlu L !•> I'Fl't. ILBK 'll LU* A-'irtrinll.'!,* |:I M } RU-.-t lloravs. montovrr.that thirati- I' \.-a> TO UM - t I '.EN H t'ar. uh tho |r A'l I/r. r TLI'.AT «I ly the t-- .T t.- 1 •• LIE n-« I. V« UI« » in th • T ? 1 It: t V. wlile.l 1| licttnflbVorn. Blnehne i'ia bull l>'.ir*t. i Str.okimr 'fohjta.voiiM i the *>i.l enmplct' :v Kesi • on tne Ciol i»u'j\.brtiv tIM .ttij Nortl*- Uns mm lutotl • tusoufstt-'ijr of J" • a»*ll, nt rmrJntiii. Tiicy !>i:> the pt« I: .. j i I———— tie entire re. ti«ei. if. . j iiiv " !;h r ■ j ' I ' I TIVJ DnrJism Hull tra.;.*- 1 i */' BUFIOV 41'S Genuine Bull Du- HITN I 'VT, U ULF fhaalC.a A f all JUI KL' » F I * Smoku.g TuUtceii. STREET & SMITJ rs NEW YORK WEEKLY FOIIISB3. FItEE TO AM.. 3LND YOUR ADDRESS AT ONCE, AND GET S D ECIMEN COPIES OF TIIE HOSL Story A:>il IWH I'ajifr IN ( VT'orid TIN-: NEW YORK WEEKLY U undoubtedly TIIK BEST LITER All V i\VI*EU PUBLISHED. It IS nnivei-sally apprc.iated, XS ils LM liieuHecirculationafibrtLs inconte&tabl" proof. The New York Weekly is in every sense an onieitainitig r vMii.v i-Ai'i.i:, and tiMMclilmuM'linld wiiot- a eop\ is TUKEA crnj utemlnr cj the family mitf * #7, a:ui the cuiihMtts are disi'iis.s n d ami tjriliei/.vd while the readers are seattered mo;unl tli • lUesidc. 'i hO|::eat success and uuexau»pl« I pros ol ' Tlio New York Weekly is due t» tl.e ex.* 'Hence * l' ils stories, i.N uu inerous l'ealui**^, a«nl it* fresh and varied altra- ii»u"; but iu«t the Seas! among its recommendations hurt iliat unusual,care is exaMvis.»D in re\ .S;JI.: ;H • eo tit eats, that ali objectionable Word.t and phrases may bo avoidoe. Heads ol families are aware that we never permit in our columns any wo.-I or c.j.ces sion likely to oll'oml even tae moat i.wt 'Uoa-. gtiai 1 la.:i oil > outll. The York IVREULYAINTALNS I!I« UEST STtHtltS.'lhe HIIHST |>IHIUN. the IUJ»» cuterlslu inj: snetCT«CM, »:• RTFTL'N* !1 vhni.E . .»I 1.1 Y UT F\- tietnoly "htftri -tinj; matter, and IN t\erclur# |M,i ttlaily eon- FLED to he thw B£St STORY and SKETCH PAPER The Xew York Weekly oiv presents, in the '• I. VI»IK'H WoitK-llox," nlui . .is«t MinsiUlc suaua«!.tlon» regarding the a»f and tlio elmicoof nmletlalrt. Tlii# • j-a imciit b. InvaiutiViC I" every frugal hom^win-. Tlte NUW-VORK WKKKI.V also P iblinhe* 1 »T>- MKH TIC ITKTFIFBS. tested anda|'pio\. IL h\ exjert» The KTW YORK VTKKICI.Y, E ich ek, |>reaouU » numher «»T t'reith and sparkling humorous snee ali»|a->a. ill tilU CoIUBIU ol' • 'I'LKAN *ST FAMA UIUNIL." T . The NKW YORK WKHKLT IS DWMLANTLJ presen /- ing the works of nna cQntritntvrd. NOW 18TIIK TIMK TO .SL'IISCUIDF. FOR The ITev/ York. Weekly The NKW WHBKF.v **itl be MI At to an\ III till* (,'nltoa ?st:ita»R» I'rwi) IT IIIAUTLIK for 7A cent*; I inoaliii MI 0 tuoaUis. Sl.itO; I ysar, I'ho*IW»*»HIIIIT: f.iru riubof Fi ht. all sent I»t ono time, W FL be eutltlcil TO A ninth Conv VUTK. tletters up ot Ili tis euu sttcrwanl add singlir eap'.OS at M'-I AO eat h. All letter» Mldraasod to - > VA.vsc-!H H. STUKKT,/ NTREKT A *WTB ! RIUYTHI.#I FCWTTH. \ L*r R. O T. SA «7 A»«% A I ,N. Y University of North Carolina. NEXT SKSNION IIEOISS .uroesT 80th. L S- «. I{ES»L# R 4 of Stmiv lru.l U> A. 11., I'll. 11., to( It S Sp ; . c bJ Ctmrsfi .«ro.i>[*:i lo ." 'IHHJN »1 IJUV, AioUmliie mi'l Plmrmuy mimliOtl. A Tencncr'i Couiiie tf two jf.ns LIA* Icon ca- ÜbltiiluM. Kur *;irtiv»]:ir», iulih«s4 K*MR r. BVTIIJI, ix. I) I'LT)!., CUoi>el ULN;*N, c. | ALWA - IN THE FRONT. Wholesale ami Kelnii 3lerehants, i»i;m,i;us in . S 7 ifld Srcds and Hhic* liraiid l\ k rHlizerN, —WINHTON, X. C'.— 7 1 ril.ll. «»nly m-reatiti!.'l o ts-,;i \\ a.|v» ~, ;j , ~,, , \|, and thai tra\.'ls a lieiNw?'! salesman. The only honso A In the t&jr tlut lio* luly clsrka. 8ul» AJJMIM f.r lli>- »il> ot I . tfiln'Muiw rji/liu/:/./•//1, / //./.\ /> .]/.//>/■: smn:s for Men, \\ ome-n, i - »t• •* « ■• i. >■•. for the sai.» «.f the eelebratcil Bay State Boots and Shoes. • " .ai-' hav- in i!, n:.u„ ..| a. v i. •. .. .v . ... i i,L. \). \ L. S. II ill's iJclleitlont rlaidi, Isoae A. dia 'ijiai a| Co*# Excoliio ' k -• '' J. J l*. Coats Six Cord Spool Cotton, F. All. tries' Jeans, Arista Sheeting Cotton Yarn; L: .. . I'ln ii> J « i k iji and llutl Hewing Cotton; UoUtein Woolen Mill# .111 \\ ooi ( a.Ssj |||e! a'.», ()iir gnodn being bought cxcliwlvel) for rash, In l.u • i tilies, '• • • am iblti to oflbr Inducciiionts to tho ptoyt# a-Mlii,-. .mtlion not . \ 11.-d by .. •> ; .i t v >u 11 •' .ii I .No to jii ,»ir in i. ill be male a specialty. Kvcrf oth«r deiMtrlment will l» • U j>. t-ompbte an lin tli ha iU • i v|. • I •. n. 11. To 77/ 1] WHOLESALE HI'YE IIS we will My tlial wo are determines to sn ee&sfitlh uteoi Baltimo .. lUi luiioud com(H*tltlon, and all things being duly cousl4* aruti. We have iucreas 1 out triuJto about o-'l jieritMii. eatdi sueei jdirtg year atiU we appreehite the we have had ami intend to ■'ontiutie to inako our buaioi->> worib> «•! * i' f»u; • •»'. To ■ 1 i "««!is ' 'in i ! : el" our I'M.-iih'SS V e iii/e the l'oiiowiii^ Ol l l( !A!, I-"Kit B' IS BOSS : fjie freight p.i d Into! • |so and everything rectivtd at tlno d®P •' whom • ' • that wo »• ■ it 111 tlta i one i iveuUetttli of all the .i' l ' ' :ll ' •« • * i i * a|. j»ot .i l l did iMore than one |seventeenth of all the 1 ol »• ?•...• j. • . t freight here. '*■•• i . i; our cusiomers promptly ai:d invite all to^ctinie and *>'*' us. price fiir Slat liran-l ot . $ j cash, and I f-l.ia i«er lia-. on time, our 1' . ;.iiz\- i. , i j v lIIXSIiAW & IJYNUM. j *'• ft II v.N • 111, 1 ! . !. f»N\ of StokM OOQUIP} j p s»r B. mi r. if-i\ ,J S &&&& tji* gj| HANNAH'S 13 A OLE WAIftEMOUSE— /fui- ' A#' ¥Oll illi: SALF. OF LEAF \\)VACC(\ Winston, N. €. HIGHEST MAIM: i;T i i" «■!> v- !t:- i-.'.-T i.:a UTI-.d v.-.u;i:na.fsL in tw ti« Na s biai« . iltivctly over t lie Warehous:- .\. ai.i. Lo .. 150 Good -New Staliis, Dry Spparatemon.*£>r ImniPM 'm • • i p ustlcnt »isll of water, aim water eonveroal Uj nIPM* ft* kaHMh HOOIII in b:»> , ufa > :U lor j i I» :i i toiia • I*.-: i u Mr. 11 imtah i" 1 onl> fnriti'-r in t!i • u.. »Ms •l• u-?..«• >- in t' ;! ■ .s. Mil. k. lat• a I bal tif St ok r, Clerk; Darid Hill, of POIOTUI ninUL -I.nit Kk: J. M.. - tt • If ! \ , • I M.#k > ai. .!>, with tlie KAOI.E and will be ilad to SM iliulrlrloml*. I. if. . .f. I', t! VNNAII A CO., jal tvl—ly i'ii'i>rl«tort . . V. " V '"' J .... iiyif T> MY FUIKN'DS ANTVI'VI ljrrs^: 'lli»i»kin : >im \%i*v ki.iHly t f. • literal j» •:• •»• i ,«• 1 • •: • !•w ' iV» fiew U»l». . yc*ar wllli rpnwcil energy. determlß- Oil to leavo , ointne irtir.iw, Ift atwlc irly .-••» »!•»»••hi..k • ti. S.i « *' » -:\v f«»r \ • •!. 8o luui'l) - 1 |Jii? mivv croji .is lifts •• •••! I !» , . it} ■ •i 1 •. 1 •'•• "\p» :•( iKfiro for nil cnuloa during the >•••{» r, :i ul i.illv fi.r.-.n »*>r ... • 1.1 ' l if I HI: •!•.. I luv.- 4 \.r •1 a .it !..• ti :• * u: . • t ii- . uJ. \!• -ire il v. i:I !*• t»'do cvuryUihi.'; in il»i»ir powor to pro mote ami prolog your l»«-f A conHul w W'oiu' 1 ii\laftwou *' - ■ A VitvH 'i v -I f • I » >•! ? ! i"l'.to t .itn.n t, tinot)ual4*«l acconr.Kidntinat Lot f9QNilvt » in.l • ••-!v. «j:> »i! I'-.-" ' •'»• •»u • • »;»..« ''• in - • !'. »t ntoi »_• • room* for tohaiv* Utf futur 1 s .fc an ulli ni i• ' : ; in; \ ; I i u .. m. i.n.l win r»» v,u will have your totmcra Uotl Hi*t.-!a* stylr. ami jv;ili/» tin', highest :»i i .J '•'.. s.uo •. \ U\-\' o. l i 1 sale. My |tprso;inl attentioft will l» • 'jivcu t«> ils* 4 ualoafon", u:i 1 >jv i ill* .! • f >«>ur tol>.uv4>. Sarttestly hupi:i„ r tl».ht it ttiay 1"' :.i «1 pi« .;s \:v r»> •.»!1 il; »»;? this y.-.u 1 , 1 remain', % Vonr Frioml Trulv. A B. GOHPFL L Pi^lirietor.. CI7"T. A. WQj-A. l ioor Manager ; Joe K. li d, Aucliohvcr; N. S. \Vil 3 -y.\ f I>»Ki j-rr; J. J', liyrriai \Y. A. C. • a J. j*, Niglu H iitchiiuui.