Reporter and Post. The People's Paper. tutored at the Danhiiry S. Pont'Ufflnt tu Seauitl Class Mutter. THURSDAY MAY I, IHJ4. SKWIPtrtR IAWJ. 1. Sukecrlkers who don t ;.ve 'ixpreseuo tlce to the coutrsry, am considered »i wisl - lag te continue lhe(r siibscri|illoiis. If tubeeri»ers order the discontinuance 4t their periodicals, the publisher may uuu- Usus :o MDU them until *u arrearages are MI4. , I, if ,Tbecrifcers Bejlcot or refuse to tain' lhair p»rlodicml» fiouj the office to which MMT *r« dlractod, th«v »re responsible until h»« Bottled the 11 bill* *nii orjereil IWH dia'oMinueii. If subwTiber, mov# to other places, wlfeMlt informing the publisher, ami the ptp.r* » r! unt to the former adUrcsses, tliej ar, held reaponaible. I. Auy person wljj reeoivesa newspaper uS make, use of It, whether imhasordered ll et not, l» held In law to be a subscriber. t. If subscribers pay lu advance, they are •eund to pse notice to the publisher at the tad of the*r time, if they do not wish to uatlmi* taking the paper, otherwise the ■okiisher is authorized to Mild it on. *»'' the subscriber will be responsible until ox yress neuca with parjjieut of all arrears, is MBt te the publisher. We h»T* juit fitted up tho REVOR YHA AND POST office with new rollers, •clored ink«,note and letter-heads, 1' lat eap, and rarioui othor firstclaM printiug Material, »nd are prepared to do jour Job work as neatly and cheaply as it «u be done in tho State. Take Ayer's SarSßparilla in the spring •f the jear to pujify the blood, invigor ate the sjatem, cxeits the Jiver to action and restore the healthy tone and vigor of the whole physical tneehanistu. Dr. V. O. Thompson hae the oldest and largest drug house iu \\ instou, N. C. Any article in the drug line not feund titers, will he hard to get. When la Winston he will b« glad for you to Mil, and see what he has got. Merchants of this section will do well te buy Notions end Dry liootln from J. W, Scott A Co., Greensboro, N.C. No bexing and drayage charged, and freight to nearest railroad station very little. Saall Pox eradicated, Stnull I'ox eared, Pmall Pox pitttngs prevented by XWbys Urophylactio FJuid. ALWAYS BRFBIBIIINO. —A delicious •dar it imparted by l-'lorcston Cologne, wkieh ii always refreshing, no matter ba* freely used. I CB«AJ , »PT FASHION MAGAZINE in the | •arid, ISO large pages, 4 page? now j vsasio, 1000 engravings each issue, oO | •eots per year: single copies lf> cents B*»Awßim>oit k OLOTUIKB, Bth & Mar ket Bts Philadelphia. Ho fear of small pox if Darby's I ro phylaetie Fluid is used freely. It does strays the Teiy germs. A WORD TO MOTUIRS. —Mothers rt«*M r««lf*uTicrn tl a nVost important daty at this season to look after the bolth of their families and cleanse the malaria and impurities from their sys tem), and that nothing will tone up tho •totaaoh and liver, regulate tho bowls aid purify tin blood so perfectly as Parker's Ginger l'onio advertUed in our •»lumni--Po«. fee other column. A WOMAN'* Kxrr.Rtrs.-E.—Mothers m 4 Daughters should feel alarmed when weariless constantly oppresses them ••If I am fretful from exhaustion of vital pewers and the color is fading from my faes, l'arker'a dinger Tonic, gives quick raliaf. It builds me up aud drives away pais with wonderful certainty."—liuffa ta k4j Tha'axtraordinary popularity of A\er'» j Charry Factorial is the natural,rcsult of; ita naa by intelligent peoplo for over j forty years. It has indisputably proven 1 itself the vary best known specific for all j eelds coughs, and pulmonary com] taints. j To iirertlieri The RBFORT*R AND POUT offers the following inducements to advertisers j who may wish to reach the peoplo of 1 Kiddle and Western North Caroliua, and other factions : 1. It goes to nearly every .State in the Union, circulates ti a considerable sxtent in Surry, Forsythe aud Koeking feam counties, in this State, as well as ike adjoining aounties in Virgmi>, while ita circulation among the 10,000 of Stakes ooonty's population, is nearly a* great aa that of all other weeklies ••sabined. t. It is in a proaperous condition asd growing in favor, its circulation 'o day being groater than at any time ■tece tho firat number was issued more tkaa tan years ainca, and has nearly tabled without the l»st two years. I. The rata* offered by the RE reiTia ABt> POST to advertisers are as Uw aa are offered by aay paper with a •traviation aa large aa its own Jones asked his wife, " Why is a bus bond like dough ?" He expected she would give it up, and he was going to tell bar that it was because a woman nocds him ; but sha said it was because he was bard to get off ber bands. '• Dis case has peen ferry ably argued sn both sides, and dors have peen somo ferry Jios points of law brought up. 1 shall dake dree days to consider these paints, but I shall evuutually decide for da blaintiff." Th« ball* of light arc so formed that oo« m»n'i ej»« >ro ipcclacUa to tpother to re»d bin bsirt wjtii. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Thn llfv. Z. P. Wlhl*. ifdl-kiioiTii city missionary in New York, and brother of tlio Utu cin in wilt Judge WitiU, of tlio Ma»Mrliu«ettn Suiiremit Court, wrilci ni fullonj : "7H K. SUA St., fitw York, .Voy in. I**2. MKMIH. J. •. AYKIt & Co., tienilemcii : Last Whiter I wa* troubled with a nmil uncomfortable Itching humor atfvoting mora otpeeially my limbs, which itched v • iutoler.ii»|y at ulgUt, ami burned so liitmso ly, tint I could scarcely bi-ar any clothing orer thorn. I wis itlnn a sufferer from a sc/erc catarrh an*l catarrhal cough; mv put it * was |>oor, nml my system H go«Hi dual run down. Knowing tho value t-f AYU'H S \u.Mt'AKii.i.A. by observation of many other c-uei. and from personal u««» In former years, f begun taking it for the above-named disorders, My appetite Im proved almost from the first dose. Afttr u short time tho fever ami it filing ware allayed, ami all signs of irritation of tho skin disappeared. My catarrh ami cough were ill* > cured by the same means, au-i my gim. rai health groat y Improve.!, until U is now excellent. 1 f"oi a hundred per ceut stronger, an I I attribute these rosuiu to the use of tli-j S A its At* Ait i i.i. A, which J recommend with all couQdenco as the host blood medicino ever devisjd. 1 took it in small dos-s three times a dav, and ns* I, hi all. Jen than two b»tt! s. f place lhasA facts at your service, hoping their publication may do R u»l. Yours respectfully, Z. p. WILPS." Tho above instanco is but one of tho many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of AYEB'S SAI;SA PAttIt.La to tho euro of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, ami a weakened vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates tho aetion of the stomach ami bowels, and thoreby enables the system to roslstand overcome the attacks of all ItHW />• tfitn, Rrvphnns f\K the Slin, Hhru moiim, Catun-h, dencrul /ability, ami all disorders resulting from |>oor or corrupted b.ood and a low state of the system. fRQI'AReU HV Dr. J.C. AycrACo., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all Orugipst* pr\e 91, six bottles CATHARTIC Best Purgative Wodiclna euro Constipation. Indignation, Headache, ftul nil Bilious 1 Msorder*. Sold every when l . Always reliable. DIXIK (3II.MRU, of Xortli Carolina, wkh .I.l*. Yancoy Ai Co., (Suceemor* to Yaneey, Ki an kirn A Co.,} IMPORTERS of A'OT/OXS, No. I*W Mam Street, kichmond.Va. Marsh 27. P7». I A. CiTlll, W iiMHt-a SAM'!. T DAVIS. Catlin, Talley & Davis, WHOLKBAI.K LLOOTH, SIIOON, Trunks No. II Fourteenth Street RICHMOND. VA. r42t-TII3S^3-» -IGREAT FERTILIZERS - - ,% ♦ MAt MM* M ■'•/ a .'a »*h' m»> A w S$ BRIGHT TOBACCO V *• f vV f /•;■/ •/*;• ■/»•'/«• •-•/»»M>v^yi^nji K & a° J> "STAR BRAND" -•-■SPSGIAL^- SSiIIIIRI POR THE TWENTY YEARS during which we 1 Juivc boon selling ai«l manufacturing Fertilizers, we have made flic Teiucco CHOP tho subject of special study and ex tensive experiments, with the object of making the best pos sible Fertilizer lor that crop, without regard to analyses or hick valuations. The relative value of the different tilizing materials has been studied in the Plant-Bed, in the Field, in the Barn, and in tho Salesroom. Our special }^ TOBACCO MANURE is the product of the information and skill gained in this continuous effort to improve, and we offer it with great con fidence as being the VERY BEST FERTILIZER FOR BRIGHT TOBACCO yet made. Crops raised with it bring the highest average prices in all the markets of Virginia and North Carolina. We use nothing in its manufacture but materials of tho highest grade, which are known to be specially adapted to this crop. We use no fiery ammoniates, ground leather, horn, hoof, shoddy, or wool waste, or other inferior or in jurious ammoniates. , ALLISON & ADDISON,. Manufacturers, K.IOHMIOISrjD, "V"_A_. 99~F0R SALE by Agents at all points in the Tobacco-Growing Sections of Virginia and North Carolina, THE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL AN OROAN OF Live Issues, Living Ideas Anil Moral Force*. DEMOCKATIC AND FOR A TAR IFF FOR REVENUE ONLY. AN ENEMY OF Monopolies, Oligarchism, AM) THE SPIRIT OF SUBSIDY. AH KMHODIKD IN That Thieving Tariff. THE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL TIIE REPRESENTATIVE NEWS PAPER OF THE SOUTH Has uo superior its a grout family sad |*oUt cal paper in ilie new.sjMiper world. Its cir culation is MANY TIMES LA KG KR tlian any political newspaper in (be South, and is excelled by but few in the Cnitel Stairs, it coiitaius each week the most com plete "miliary of the news of the w«rld. aud its editor.alcolumns(HKNHT WATTEH sox, Kilito -in-. hief) arc always able, strong vid bright. Amoug the KSI'KCIAL FEATI'HKs arc telegraphic .specials from all the leaing points iu the lnited states and Europe. Serial and Short Stories, I'almauea SMTIIIOU the day alter delivery in lirooklyu Tabernacle, A/aik*H IteporU, fashion Letters, Turf and htoek Reports. Vnswcrs to Correspondents* Department, i'oetry and Departine it for Children. No Home ID the Country should l>o W ithout it. SUBSCRIPT!*'N TKUt/s. Daily, sl2 a year; Sunday, $2 a year; Weekly, Single * opy, one year, sl.6®; Iv K COPIES, one \ ar, s">.so After A club f tive has be«?n sent us the club raiser can, hro-iiihout the year, add sinnle subscriptions is receive*! at our lowest club rate—sl.lo :er yearly subscriptions. Yearly suhserip ions only can be received at this rate. Our terms for less than a year are $1 for eight nonlhs; lb cents for six months; &0 cents tor three months. A SAM I*I.K CuPv of Wee kly Coi RIKR • Jot' RN AI. is sent free of char ge for examina tion on application. Liberal cash couunis ion allowed caJivasssrs, ami out fit scut them free 4>f charge. Address W. N- H VLDK WAN, President Courier Journal Co., Louisville, Ky. wn.sow RIXI a P§M •V VOI.KS AI.K (JlttM tfKS A I) COIIMIS BION W KRCHANTB. 3o S Howard street, rerner of Lomhsrd; BALTIHOKR. We keep constantly on hand a largs an-, well assorted stock of Groceri»B—suitable ft I Southern and Western trade. We inlicil coa- of Couutry Product—seeh as Cot ton; Feathers; (tinseng; Bee*wax Wool;Urieu; Fruit; I urs; Skins, etc. Uur ferilit.e* for do in? business Are such as to h«i runt quik jj.ilel snd prompt returns. All order# will Uurc our otnpt attention. yi Not a Year Old, F. FISHBLATE'S IS THE LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA IN THE FINE j Choice, Now an.! StylUh (Iflmls, Heady-Made, equal to Cuatom-mado Oar merits, at prices much below the usual rates, HAS DONE IT. o New Goods and New Styles For Fall and Winter, AT I, FISHBLATE'S. McAdoo House Huilding, (JREENSBORO, N. i Mv Trgr'tMcMd Fl»w#r Seed th« I ! ■ I I.'Nj*) i . . k, ♦,* 2X'"" j jjjgg ' P |354-IBS4^^^^^' ,mes '• 6l,EGonY ' s,ed C,c " or ' UarbUluid, Ks»J. Baltimore Mill Furnishing Works, Mnmifnaturcrs of j Mill Stones, I'ortallr .1 fills* Smut Machines, Pulleys, Sha/iing, Gearing, fr. *'Anchor Brand*' Bolting Cloth and General Mill Supplier. Send for cota loguo. I tu - . North and Centre Su. t Haiti-more, MJ. li. F. STARR k CO. THE J. P. NISSEf WAGON, Gko. E. Nissen iV Co. ManTs FACTORY AT W'AUCH TOWX. SALBM. P. 0., X. C If you want the bent and a warranted Wagon see fhat it bears the above address. Wi arc coitstatiliy improving and claim be«»t Wagon marie in the country, and think the demand f.»r them—«mr sales dniitg the jiast six months hating been more than double m«y previous year—thows their popularity. Having reduced our prices low as a gooii Wagon can be*made we solicit your orders, believing we can please you. All inquiries promptly answered. >*and for circulars and sec what those who luivcused them havetosay. GEO. E. NISSEN & Co. ?71 "• 2 m / B3i / 5>J" t . K M 2.- r ? =rS° e !«/ » / OrS F® B ! sw V s '*/ B ■/jsjal" ?5 r i!/Wl £SU°SI J- j'i.gIBLEY'SgFEQS, j, , \.L FOlt AI.X. CXJ.'.IATCS, AU. MOII.M, A 1.1. t'ROPM./K S£S l , V\ CATALOGUE FREE tiittvs sttis. HIRAM SIBLEY £t CO* Rochester f N,Y. Chicago, IIL PARSONSSPILLS MAKE NEW RICH BLOOD, And will crmpietely rhtn;f ih* blood In thn entlr* ojntem In Uare« montht. An j p«r --i non who «iU UUIA 1 PUI each night from ISo 19 ww-ki, may b« raatored to sound health, If mirh a thlag bo po»slhlo. For curing Female Complaint* the* Pills have no equal. Physicians nse them In th«lr praetlre. Bold ererywlirpe, or sent by maf! tor •Iffhtletter-stamps* Send for clrrulnr. 1. S. JOHNSON A CO., BOSTON, MASS. D H CROUP, ASTHMA. BRONCmfl^ 81!52h m fiia E! ''.l ANOnYNE 1111,111 KNTwßn ® ,u "- 9 ReV f J in MS HJ rj P ® laiironaiy ium terrible dl**a«M. mid «H1 pnmireljr tj }■» N j i fTy ri |i | o«ra alna run out of i«n. Ine>nn«U«>n o>» »tU «n\ • HP US H QS H 9f| t r- I «**anT b X ®sll. L>UH t U«Uj a iwKMni. Hn OR y Is L?S liAbiH ti pt««caUot> la be4t/r Ui*n oure. ANODYNE LINIMENT iZJlZr'Ttfc .I.S t*v«Mtnry. Ij-tto. Ita. of tk. • Hj .•» vid I mr ' u*. •varyw.iorc. » v J«fl i f painpblet to I. h Jdrw^c* A to-. Uorrox. [JAKE HENS LAY la mantel r vihtble. MHiilna c*»U» Make hoe# lar Ilk r Rharldan's PnwtWa. l»n«a.l r*Y- MSI paa KwO. tk44efcijwfc***!or*aattoy mull forofcttor lUinps. L 8. «kou*u* * 00- t IWrue, T. J. BROW*. W. B. CARTI& BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, Winston, N. C. Tbe Farmers' Headquarters. FORFINETOBACCO To Ol!B FUJWDS AND TUB Pv&UC- (iIHMALLT ll Is barally necessarv to call jour attention lo this old mud wall-known bone*—lb. «w ng one iu tliis market for more than ten years, both In quantity of tobacco sold and n tgliiwt prima—yet as each year gives urn new ld«a of add lux to your coajforl' and «w enlence, would call your attention to our STOIiISO ROI)MS, one In the basement ' M r >' Übacco, tin! other the second floor of a large factory connected by platform forto ba >in good« rsi ft order. Wo keep your tobacco In tbla way locked up ao It cannot b* b " Al j ' obaoc :'« k ®l" full J insured. Have made a large addition t» on •>/.■( 1.1. HUtJM, and have also a large dry lot convenient. Our lot ia now well paved «itn rork. (Jive our personnl attention to the unloading of all tobacco, and every parcel lms close attention during sale by MAJ. liiiew.i who ia acknowledged to beia Ane exhibi tor of touacco, and tint hurdeel worker on sale to be found. I u J- W- A. Ha ICIIA m, we offer you tho best auctioneer on thia or any market. Don't fail to try him with your fine leal, and you will enjoy It as well as be pleaaed with | prices. Our sales to date much larger than ever before, and more than one-third of all Idm tol>ai co sold on this market. Possessing the confidence of all tbe buyera, always have a full attendance. \ our tobacco will all he together in one row, and when laat lot iaeold ymr cherk will h« ready. We cannot risil you In perton, but muat remain al our pest i that your interest may not suffer in our abaeace. We guarantee good handling and kick j priet*. Willi the tai reduced to 8 cents w« look for an Improvement In prices and better da , tuand. Writo oi any infoi mation dosired. Your friends, BKOWN & CARTER. rjrwhexi you start for our house don't be stopped by the cry, "you caa t get In tbev ue overrun," etc. We can always take care of you. M. W. XORFIJMT, j. b. arat PIEDMONT "WAREHOUSE, WIAHTON, IN. C. For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO Highest Market Prices Guaranteed'! PERSONAL ATTENTION giren to the salo of EACH PARCBL. ItTJir. J. E. PisTCO, tho old veteran floor manager, if with B(, and will pleased to aee his many frienda. M. W. NOR FLEET & CO. ! 11. J. CRIITK, Auctioneer. J. R. PIERCE, Floor Maaager. i 6. T. NEAL, i Late Graves warehouse, . k. tailor, UJ." A, ' P SMITH & BROWN'S DRUG STORE ..WINSON, N. C. Is headquarter* for everything in the drug and medicine line We keep the largest and best selected stock in the town, and defy competition. Give us a call and save i money. GRAVES'S WAREHOUSE, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. FOR THE SALE OF IJEAF TOBACCO. f-7oor i/rmagtr—K. it. Huhhard. of Pittsylvania Co., Va. H"rijf*na*ttr —" «. \ limit on, of Kockingham Co., N. O. I Autiionerr —Jaa. IS. Uicharda n, of Mecklenburg Co., Va. ! Clerk —Max Horn, of Halifax Co., Va. 1 its»iaf nnf Clerk* —Win. B. * i uerrant, of Pittaylvania Co , Va.; I. W. Smith, wt Dan Till • Thanklul I r the liberal patronage gifta _e fu Beat /oars, I ekall eadaavo i ■erit it io the futnra P. GRAVEB. November, 8, 1881 j 1 Pr«p*Utw. G3IAY AcMARTIIS THIRD BTRKET, WINSTON, N O. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumes, Tobaccos, Cigars Soaps, Paints and Oils. LAMPS AND LAMP «««»». PARSON^PIM