The Renorter and Post. 1 - ■ - = : —~ - m. - r. Tin RSDAY. MAY 22, 1881. Tropics at Home. OfcnrtrnrM In mill Arntiml Duulmry, Mild County Muttrra llrlfdy I old ••A ohlftt'F MIIIIK Ton fitke'tt uotvo, And, fulfil, he'll prcht It." Tfcis is the warmest day ef the sen- AO! I lie who honors not age, is unworthy of it. Everjbody is wise after tho thinj has happened. Mothing is more like an honest mad than a rogue. He that does you an ill turn will novor forgive you. Rev. P. Oliver will preach iu thus placo next Sunday. Mr. E. W. Ulair and family aro vis iting relatives in Surry. He who exeuses himself, without bc iug accused, makes his fault manifest. There is not so much sickness in this County as there was a fow weeks back. Most of the farmers in Stokes planted a part of their tobacco crop this week. Our farmers are planting too much tobacco. Wo fear that it wilt be very, low next year. We have several communications on hatld' whiih wo will publish as soon as we can spare tho space. The hate which we all bear with the most Christian patience, is the hate of those who envy us. • Rev. C. 0. Dodson, pastor of the Methodist chureh in Winston, died in that placo on last Saturday night. If the seasou is favorable there will bo an unusually large crop of cabbage and Jrisli potatoes made in Stokes this year: ' i'iie Statcsville Landmark has been enlarged to a thirty-six column paper. It was before one of the best papers in the State, and it i* now better than ever. A mortgage was recorded in Datibury last toe6k on 12 acres of corn, 10 acres of wlicat, and twenty acres of tobacco — : The system of farming practiced in Htokos would soon ruin any people. We learu from the mail carrier that tlio engineers on the Capo Fear and Yadkiu Valley railroad have passed (lormanton, running the line on the south side of the town. How about tho State Exposition ? - Will wc havo a meeting here tho firsl Monday iu J une and petition the Cora luihMoners o make a small appropria tion, or just lot the thing pass ! Surely uot! surely not!! A Prestonville correspondent writes »is that Winston's subscription of sl,- 200, for a bridge across Pan river at llairston's ford, will be supplemented by tho private subscriptions of the citi zens of that community, it is thought that enough money can be raised and llio bridge let to contract at an early day". i ■ ; "Dpcs Science Destroy lovo of Na ture?" asks ata exchange. It does. Once upon a tiino a scientist invented a flying machine, and after his first trial not only his love of nature, but his lovo of art was also dostroyed. A fa'.l of CO feot, from the roof of a building, in tho interest of science, is apt to destroy anybody's love of nature. FOR REST OR L, fcAsr.—Pepper & Sons having more business on hand than they can well attend to, will rent for one year or leaf# for several years, their tanyard at this placo- They have iu tan about 600 pieces of leather, which is over half tanned, and several packs of hidos to work in, which thuy will either vol) or pay for tanning. They will also their Circular saw-mill near the taiggfi. We inadvertently failed to mention in our last issue the death of Cul. A. J. Steadman, of Patrick Court House, Va., which sad event oocurred at that placo on the Bth inst. Col. S. was for a number of yoars a citizen, of tliu place, where ho followed tho practice of law and teaching. He is a near rela tive of Maj . Charles Steadman, ot this I State, who is very prominently men tioned as tho Democratic candidate fur TTlint-liovarnfir. It is proposed to organize a company for the manufacture of fertilizers at Danbury. No doubt it would be a good move, as the people seem determined on using it. If our farmers would manu facture their own fertilizers it would not cost'inore than half as much as it does at frwent. Tbo chemicals to make a ton will cost only about sl2, aud if bought in large quantities can be had for even less thun that. The State Chemist, who analyse* every brand sold in - the State and knows which brand or what ingredients compose the best for »ny crop, will furnish a formula. WEEK'S DOINGS IN DANBURY. Neighborhood Gossip end Little Nothings. Thursday, May lfttli.—Tboduy in clear and cool.=l''ariuers complain that thy ground is getting dry and hard in many places.= Not many people in town, aud nothing of general interest to uote. Friday, 10th.—The day is blight and plea»aDt.=Scverat strangers iu town, looking after the undeveloped resources of this section. A Pennsylvania miner and chemist is here, raid to be in (he Interest of a New York Iron company. He has examined the initios, and ex presses himself as beiug well pleased with the prospccts.=Cousidcrable num ber of countyaien in Uiwn, talking to bacco, fence law, &c.=:Tradc seems to be improving, and merchants tell us that money appears moro plci)tiful.= The Pepper Mining Co. received a load of fine mica today froiA the Hawkins mine. They report prospects very flat tering at aevoul of tbo mines. Saturday, 17th.—I'lcasai.t today,but not so warm as farmers would like it to be.=Considerablo number of couuty itien and strangers iu town today, inclu ding several drum mors.—Trade seems to have been brisk today. Fertilizers cannot be delivered fast enough to sup ply the demands =>Jr. T. It. l'eppcr, of the fir.u of Yaugh and Pepper, to gether with several other young men of Wiuston, are here, on their way to Russell's Creek Association. Monday, 19th.—Yesterday was a pleasant, quiet day in Dunburr. Sun day school in the morning, after which a number of our citizens attended prea ching at Flint Hill, ttev. Mr. Mournin's appointment, one mile south of this plaec.=Today is warm, with heavy banks of elouJs hanging above tlio hor izon on every side, or drifting before the wind. The indications arc for rain. number of people in town.= Mr. James Ilierson, si., passed here today on a visit to his old home. Mr. R., though nearly ninety, seems hale and hcarty.=Trsde seems to have been good today. In additioh to the goods sold, a considerable quantity of fertilizer has boen hauled away, and a largo amount sold to be delivered at the depbt in Winston =T)clightful rain late this eyeniug.=Mr. R. C. Taylor left today to join the corps of engineers lo cating the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad west of Walnut Covo.=Mess. W. W. King and A. 11. Joyce have re turned from Fouyth Court. We are sorry to learn that Mr. King's horse was so budly foundered that he could not get hiui home. Tuesday, '2oth.—The day is bright and pleasant.= The shower yesterday cveuing seemed to give now life to veg etation, and everything looks as bright aud fresh as a May inorniDg ,=juite a number of tobacco plants were trans planted yesterday evening ami this mor iuuf-.=Some of our people are having HOT Irish potatoes. Onions and let tcuce are about all most of us can have. =Mr. R. B. Glenn returned from For syth court this evening.=ilut few peo ple in town today. Wednesday, 21st.—Cool and clear this morning, but warm later in the day are in a rush, cleaning out corn and getting tobacco land ready. =Th« river is very muddy today, show ing that there was more rain higher up than here.=Uut few county men in town and locals are ecarce.=Soujo of our people are grass, which appears to be fine. DJII'I Don't shake a hornet's nest to sec if any of the family iro at home. Don't try to take the right of way from an express train at a railroad cross ing. Don't talk back to a woman who han dles a (lie shovol with grae.o aud dex teiity. Don't go near a draft, if a draft coiuos toward you run away. A light draft is the most dangerous. Don't blow iu tho gun your grand father carried in the war of 1812. It is moro dangerous now than it wan then. Don't try to persuade a bull dog to give up a yard of which it is in poscssiou. Posessiou to a bull dog is ten points of the law. Don't eat things after JOH have en-' ougli becauso you fear they'll go to { waste ; such a custom will bring you too | much to waut yourself. Don't go to bed with your boots on.' This is one of tho most unho.althy prac tices that a wau, especially a married man, can be addicted to. Don't call a very largo, sinewy man a prevaricator, hire another man to break tho news to liiin Don't put an old bombshell in the Move to amuse tho tudionce. You may not linger hero below to enjoy the ap plause, even if you should win any. Don't, when gunning, put the pipe you have been smoking into the pooket where you are earrying your powder, unless you have a very strong constitu tion and another suit of clothes. EI.EOANck AND Pl.'RlTV.—Eadies | ! who appreciate elogunco and purity arc | using Parker's Hair Balsam. It is the i , best article sold for restoring gray hair to its original color, beauty and lustre. 1 Pepper & Sous buy goods iu the best ' markets, from manufacturers in many : I cases, ami arc thus enabled to sell tliein ! as low as anybody dare to. A CAltl), Whereas I lost some money in the house of A. Marks, and wherein some thing was said ny me in anger against the house of.Marks calculated to do liiin injustice, now this is to certify that ; 1 have recovered back my uiouey, that 1 found not in the possession of Mr Marks, but upon another person, and 1 do hereby say that 1 exonerate Mr. Marks from knowing anything about the taking ef said inonoy, but believe in all things pertaining to tlie matter that lie lias acted failly and honestly. I write this that no injustice may be done a man who never wronged inc. O. It. FRY. Signed and acknowledged before me. This 14th day of May, A. D., 1884. I'. 11. MAIIE, J. P. Newspaper Outfit for SAI.I: ! ! W« have at Patrick Court House, Va., a good Press, small Job Press, and ev ery tiling necessary for running a paper, which \re will .*>*ll at tho very low price of The press is already in position, and any one desiring to into the newspaper busi- . neas can hardly (ind a more favorable loca tion than Patrick"C. H. Address PEPPER & SONS, Danbury, N. C. you do not wish to buy, proposi tions will be roccived from practical prin ters, with good ref renews, to start a paper at that place to be run in copartnership. THOMPSON'S COMP O U N D m MtftM. trT*♦ T J T ▼ A MILD TONIC —AND— APPETIZI^It. A euro for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation, it promotes the secretions of the Liver and Kidneys, aud gives a gentle out! to the Orgautt. Kt'liews Nervous Prostration follow in*.; Protracted biekne&s. and eufcoblo l condition of tlie genetul sys tem. itANt r.vcTinr.n nr Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, WiiiKfon, O. With pleasure I announce TO MY FRIENDS of Stokes county, and tie public generally ' hat 1 have connected myself with the Farmer's Warehouse), where I will be plco*' Ito see and serve 1 you, and where you will receive fair audi impiirtial dealing and also realize the high est market priee for your tobacco. Earnestly hoping that it may bo your 'jooxl pleasure to sell W ith me, 1 am, Tour Friend Trulv. jo. ii. VArenx. rWjHSIfS /I | tony tou.H«». A certain cure. Notoxpenslvo. Thro* Inoiitnn'treatment In on* iMcknße. OXM| for fold In Hmd, lli'iulitrb*'. Dlnlnna, Hny Krver, .Sc. Fifty CUUIB. lly nil Drutrui". rr by inull. E. T. iIAZI.LI INK, Wurreu, Pft. THE COMPLETE HOM.. a Moll. N.-* eiltti'in.— lnulm* V-NE * illustration* from NEW dekigut. Supcmly KOUUD UP. SUNS I * price. | Ada'tel TO all CMM. *«IU AT fcitflit. APCIM lotn big •ork. SXCBLIFINT TBHMS. LLIC hin.konicvt PR.«PC«.T>M tret tvMic-l Apply nu». U. F. JOHN-.' »N & Co , »N Main ST . Ri. hmoinl. Virginia. ALTO otner GRAU L new L>OWK» and Ull>let. Ot. Ml I*m> for %trrn(«. »««>« •«» s »«:n »»« » , ml). TH:W(R M*II LIIU oni"T« MWD llMorv. FNNIOU-. mill LLTWUHE KMIIIMOI llwHorlil W iiu- LO J. C. ,'lri UNLJ AT I'idUuilpUa, la. I All pmoiw uy are the ]*«• We ijk you to e*- i •raa«|wlaaineW*t.andc«abe»oklasch«ap. All»«*»»• ' UM»I. Cirtulan mailr.l Inr--. Newark MOChln# COM t Wwarkf Ohio* iu»um Dranth Houkc, lU««r»W«ra, Id. 860 REWARD \ will be paid lor any Uraln ) Fun of NAM* >lxr thntrun ! Ifjf cb mi anlb«K a* much Grain «»r . \4k S««lliion»ilay aaour l'ati-ot ■ VHHP MONARCH Ciraln rihl SE,D 1 rljinlarj an'd ; mU | ! SIOOOREWARD>Sy„K AYER'S PILLS. A largo projtortiou of tho iti«e.'Uici« which . I c.'OIMO human result from jleruiifO* liient of tliu eU'.uHoli, bovrwls, aiut liver. 1 Avail's CATHARTIC I'M u> act dtrc^ k ly u|s»u theto organs, aud arc sspeeiatty care the - diseases ca'used l»y their derunge liient, ineludiiig Constlpaitioii, Indis:«n« tloii. l>yMpe|»f»ia, HruUavlic. Dysentery, mi l a ho»t vl other ailments, (ur alt ol which they are a wife, sure, prompt, ami |>k':u«aiit remedy. The extensive use of Ihesu I'ILL* hy eminent |ihy»iclami In regular |»rae t'ee, shows (lumistakably the eslimattoii In which they arc held by the luudicut r»ofcs- Slou. These PILLS are compounded of regetablo suhMauccs only, ami are absolutely fit o fioiu csloiuel or any other injurious ingredleut. A SufTerer from Headache writes: "Avr.u's I'ii.l.S are invaluable tome, aud are my constant companion. 1 have been a severe sufferer from llradachc, aud your riI.LS are the only thiiift I could ltH>*k to for relief. One done will quickh move my bowels and free my head trom pain. 'lhoy are the most ettectivc and the » a>i *>i | hysio 1 have ev»r found. It Is a pleasure i» me to Speak In their praise, ami 1 always do so When occasion offers. W. L. PAoe, of W. |„ p ni :e & Bro." Franklin St., llchmoml,Va., .June 3, lhM'. 41 1 have used AVER'S PII.i.S In number* ICS# instanct-n as roeouimemled t»y you, aud have never known them to Uil to accomplish the tb-sirud rcsalt. Wo eonstitntlv keep Ihcin on hand at «jur home and prise them as a pleasant, s:»f", and reliable family mcdichio. rUll insl'EllilA they are Invaluable. Ji T. UAYIfI," Mexia, Texas, Juue 17, 188.*. The RKV. Fit A vns H. II uu/wie, wrttlnff from Atlanta. Ua., says: "For some years i>ast 1 have iK-en subject to constipation, from which. In spite of the use of medi cines of various kinds, I suite ret I incrcanlnir Inconvenience, until ttoiuo monthn auo I tiegaii luklug A \ Kit's entirely eorreotetl th> coktive halm, nnd have vastly improved my general health." AVF.R'S CATHARTIC PILLS correct Irregu larities of the bowels, stimulate the ap|»e tlte and digestion, aud by their prompt and thorough action t'ro tone aud vigor to the whole physical ecouomy. PREI'A RED BV Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold hy all Druggists. YOUNG, All experience the wonderful OLD AND beneficial etfecls-of MIDDLE- A V or ' s Sarsaparilla. Arm Children with Sore Eyes, Soro AjtU. Fain, or any scrofulous «i Mple llltlo taint, may bo made healthy end strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists; sl, sis bottles for ?&. TZi". ,'T-I:"..'^r~. 1y"... k , >' t $ % s l €$ ft i•y m: V»'.«n itiu couio t « ♦. 1 I ' ethl that lit. v. :y ; eo|'le | *i'f, ra;I,•• t' - | I t.n..r. It i* bandi.T to Lo | a: ■' v. ie.n/, jiil I-., in lit-h r!ur... r. I I A'.d it e: . k til (lie true o -»uc; | aud Uuvorof U»e t-»1.^.-:v\ ' !i. ! ... • :;t ■ : t -tl 1 : 1 I .ill 1' '1 . ■rr • « tl et ■n.■ 1 • . . ; !lelt of North C Una !■ J•- I lout a-)il rcf.nud ... •'ID • .I'.. ' ' '3 u Turkish • • 1 | 1 from nit «a ;1 • ''a.a ■ 1 J J i4her. It t« J*».st > ha', '.i.o c- • r ! 1 sand thebs I• • • 1 | ! | The very choicet t Uhae . - , 1 » i oil U'li IMt M- ■: Iby i'.aicK >•! . 1 tl * . np| -ar-t in Un-ir c»lebra!e«\ lla'! I . lir.rham RiuakimrTobncvo. It in J / ' N 'viowa ti'r worll o.or.r—/ M i Ui.; tl.,«pet:v.?ne.^vj - !»l*i;il / trade mark, t'icn y>u will / 5 j b«; Nura of bavll.y aliwi / Jr ? I lut ly pure tobacco. / J STREET & SMITH'S NEW Youk WEEKLY FOUIBB3- FREE TO ALE SEND YOUR ADDRESS AT ONCE, AND GET S°ECIMEN COPIES OK THE 15e*t fttorjr uik! Klc.>tOli Paper lu tin* World TIIE NEW YORK WEEKLY is undoubtedly THE BKST LITEItAUY PAPER PUHLISUKD. It Is universally npprcciated, as its im inense circulation aflords illCOliteMable proof. Tlio Now York Weekly is in evejy sense an entertuiuiug F V.mii.V I'.vpeu, and in each household where a copy is taken 1 eery mt-nhtr *\f /' JUiuily r«a-/* it, and the contents are discussed and eriMei/.ud while the readers ore scattered around the cheerful fireside* '1 he great success and unexampled l-ros perity of Tho New York Weekly is due to the excellence of its stories, iLs iiu meious enteitainininjj features, and its fresh and varied attractions; but not the least among; its recommendations is the tact that unusual cure is exerci.vd in revising the contents, tint all objeilioliable wonls ami »s may be a vol dee, lleads otfantilies are f ' at we never pennil in our columns any won! orexpivs sum likoiy i»» olfttud even the moat fastidious guardian of youth. The Xew York Weekly contain** the I:I-: • V STOIt I Kfi, the tiuiwi poeuia, tlie ni i-l enl. la'n i«4 hkeiebet, as well a» a ehoiee varieiv •! t tremely intcrpfting uiattwr, and lalhoit iuie jm-t --ularlv conceited to be the BEST STORY and SKETCH PAPER The Now York Weekly regularly pi. ■•to-, in the "L\niics' WonK-lJox," idalu anil !i*lb, MiggenMena regardltig the making of g:trme. •« and the choice of oiaterlala. Tnin iepai tm«nt invaluable to every frugal llOUM;wire. The New YORK Wia.i. I.v a! .» publiahev !)•»- Mksiic Ilia 1 eas, leMedandappiosed by e\|ei The NEW YORK WEEKLV, each week, presents a mimbci of frenh and sparkling biuuoiM.i* am .loten. In the column 01 "PLEASAST Faii - OaAPUM." The New Vonk Wki;ELV IS constantly pruscn ing the works ron/rtT>a/ar«. NOWISTHK TIME TO SUUSCMBK FOB The New York. Weekly The NEW YoliK Wkkki.V will be sen 1 to anv addn*M In the Ifnlletl States (|Misiave free) ."t 1110111 li** fur 73 cent* , 4 iiioutlis k,l , o inoiit.iH SI..10; 1 year, Those sending fciO lor a Club of Fight, all lu-nt at I'lio time, will be untitled to a ninth Conv Kina.. (icttom up of club* can afterward udU coplo* at «"YO each. All letter* *h«mld be athlremeJ to KItAECIS S. STREET, ) NI It 111' I" A NUITII Kit A M cis s. SMITH. \ Proprietor*. P.O. Box '2751 BS»? 20 A3l Ur+c %i., V Y University of North Carolina. VT EXT SKSSION BEGINS Al Gl sT XI .'With, IrtH:!. Hegular Courses of Study lend to A. U.« Ph. H„ and B. S. .Special Courses are opeu to M udents. ftehools of l.nw. Medlctue aud Pharmacy attaclied. A Teai'ner's Course of two years has been es tahlislied. For varticulars, address Kemp P. |3ATTLE, F.T.. T).. Pres., ChojKil Hill, N. O. ALWAYS IN THE FRONT. KINSHAW & BVNUM, holcnlc mill Retail Merchants, I>HALKUS IN Field iind Wfur Kraiid I'crlilizcrs, —WINSTON, N. t'.— mtlE only niircnntllp home In WUiston llihl luu lal unm r*. license and that travels The oolj Kens* J. ill tliu cit) llui li.m lii'ly I'lrrks. t«-i -1! • »l I . tlil.V nhi FJIILIDELI'II/./ II.IM) MADE SHOES I'm- Men, Women, .\ii-~ , ami i >u|.- iij-cnid tor Him sale of tlie celebrated Bay State Boots arid Slioes. / • also liav.' f\clu*ivc control in this mario :• I .1. \. i. . a « ..'s 1 iioma.M'ilit miiuos. L. 11. «V L. S. Holt's Ilellemont IMaies, ' - •A. >:.• ;>,• i! !t • o's 1.-, oli : ( k St(H -• do. \Y »••!! it 11 t r> lith• s AP. Joats six Cord Spool Cotton, T, k\ 11. I rii-,' .1 in*. Arista Nliucting «*t:o»» a;n :Ka ;! l'!i.ui\ .1 \uis, Ti«-k:ant Ball Sowing Cotton ; Ilolstcin Woolen Mill* all Wool Cassiiin't'cs. Our ««mmls bclm; bought #*x*lusiv«*l> I : • i lir : -i . i i I>\ «-x|M>ri*-r: ■ •■! bnyrs, we are able to offer Inducements to the people : tloiinot oxcsll Oi:r I)i Goods aud Xo ;) laaiilt wUI be tiksdeaspeeUliy* JJ*ery other department will be kept complete and in I In* li mis of« \j» • i »ne i salesmen. , TO THE ft HOLE&ILE BUYERS tve will say that wo are determined t« mi. - ■ . .ml H 'am nl competition, treitfht and all tilings being duly consid ered. Wa lmve increased our trade about. 'l:l iierccnt each st and we appreciate tlie patronage we have had and intend to continue to make our business worth. • i \>>ui •;i;• j» a!. ... mir patron* >.»ni«* «U*i of our business we give the following Flie flight paid into Salem depot dun , coal, grain, licorice, mecltandise and tverytfilng rooeired at this dejM»t mounted to |07,3( Our I : i.we it ;eived more than one eeventeonth of all the freight tlrat came over th id, paid hi *e than o . i.. ... received at thi* depot fttld did more than one seventeenth of all tin l bush. -of tin two ; tad ail tin ai .i\ ivin» freight here. have inm'aM-l t1..-ntunU;. i on, , .a. i,! ; i-..: ; . w..i! on our customers promptly ai.d invite all to come and S*C us. price for Star llran I .t!f >: - o j >.. !?. *»• Tohaceo Manure, s4.2sper bag, cash, and s4.'i6 per bag, on time. Our Fertilizers liave ha ino equal a ■! are IN tier - -asou th »n «'v«»r before. 1 i I Nh>i lAW & BYNUM. J. r. UANXAII, of D.ivi Hoii, >uuty. 1. ji. XELSOX, of Stok«« c»uatf) J. P, HIIMAE Co.i HANNAH'S 13ACi8,E W AIIKHOUSE FOlt THE SALE OF LEAF TOIUCOO, Winston, N. C l . UriillEST MAIiKKT I lll |]! (. Op ( AMP ItooMs, ~,| |i„. |;;>T I.ltllTKl) WAIiEUOI'SE in llie place, tbc in iUlaJaf directly over tin* warehouse, giving a uniform light iluni., mL's. 150 (j«OOJ1 New Stalls, Dry Kot, Horses Locked up'at Night. S. p.v.iU» rftonis for harness. l>:u-.»-e and provi»i«»:»s with 1 10.-K .. .\. !K«nt well of water, also water conveyed by pipe* for berw* i Kooiii in basement for packing tobacco leli \vit!i j Mr. Manual. \\ the only farmer in the waivl ou^ 1 n.sinews in the plae.*. C. a. Matlaek, late ol : N'elsott, fStok« county, CleHc; TTnriil Fill! nf Fnim|li mrtj, ut C!'i k : J. M. J* np, « l >aii\ •.iiniy, li. H. (ml in . .11 Wall of Stokes are also with the LauLK and will be glad to sie their friends* 1: » i-ttiii!' , .T. P. HANNAH & CO., jal. w J— ly lioprletorti _ .. . A— JO MY JHUEXDB AND PATKONS: Thanking von Vm \ Wndl\ f.»r the h M-etofore re.-eived, 1 the new toha/eo year vvltli renewed energy, ! «-.l to leave nothing undone, to work e»ii\ and lab* lo nnke this a pt'ditalde >aar for von. So much of t !it* aw h his 'i ,v i sill !nshr*i»ux-it vtv v»' K|'ii*h»ry prie«*s. ant. I confidently expect piniec for all grades during and especially for nil m- dimn, »«»»1 ai»d line wrapjvrs, rich, wu\> I at'and tillers, and all grades of smokers. | I have experienced and compelivit nu nin the ofli « an«l«» .1 the lit» »r, w l -»s ! pleasure it will he t«.» do everything in their {tower te mote and protect your best interes'. A cordial weh»on»' :vwait yeu :il| at Fa' ier'\ v l. ! )eu will find land «nd ) 1 ite treatuieut, unetiusled nceo|»,hnl.'ition« bot stock, iimmu side and skylights, most unifV»rui lit ; I sal - liiMtr, most ex •alleut rooui furtoba ceo l«f-oad futiim sale, aii effi ient. nlsht w itchman to look nfit r yoar proiM»rt \ during 1h" and where you w ill have your tobaeeo haadi luste-lnA slifle. and realize the highest 111 uket pri for tin- uus whother or la-t sale. M\ |K'rso:iaf attention will b • i»iveu to the unloading, and lo the sale of your toba«*o. K irliwtly lio]»ing that it may be your plensui-e to wH w ii *; 1110 this year, I remain. Your Friend Truly, A B. GORBELL i'mpriot«f, 07" T. A. \\ ili>s. Floor Manager ; Joe E. lie'.il, Aintioi cer; S. S>. llson, Took Kei'j^r; J. I', liyiium, \V. A. Uia 11 Jii.l ,f I, i. Mcadowi, Nlj,lit H'atel man.

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