Reporter and Post. A PAPE R FOR THE PEOPLE Meeti at the iUtnbnry N. (J., Ponl-oJ/lci as idscctui Clamx Mattel. THURSDAY, AUGUST «l, IBSS. ns paper s&sjes ■Stripes are coining iu yogue. 1 It is aaid that J udge Fowle is held is reserve far n place is Washington. Crops in Ashe ciuiu tj this year «xeept wkeat, are tbe best e-vor known. Geaeral Fitshugh Iee has beau aoui jaaltrd by tbe Democrats for Govcrnoi at Virginia. Mr, J. L. Stjue, of Raleigh, was thrown out of a wagou whilst the horse was making very lively tine, and badly injured. r j » One widow in Lenoir oounty is ap plieaut for a double pension on two one legged husbands who lost their legs iu nr. People should rcinombei that all deeds oiust be registered by January, HUM '.bey would save trouble and Jawraiti. Three sous and t«to daughters of Gen. Lm survive him. Ilis sous arc farmers in Virginia, aud bis daughters are both j gtttX travelers. A young couple from Louisiana are making a bridal tour through Arkansas to JCansas in a two-wheeled cart drawn by four bull yearlings. Senator Ransom has been designated by Viee-l'midcnt ileadrjeks as uuo of tk committee ta represent the Senate at tbe funeral of Gen. Gram. Herry Ward Beechcr said in bis ser mon Sunday that at last the South and North wore firmly united— that tbe 4eatii of Grant was neucssary to secure that result. Barnaul's large elcphaut ''Albert" tilled his keeper, James Sweeney, at Nashua, V. 11., Jast Saturday. On Monday he was sfcot to death by the Keene Light guards. JLIc was valued «t $10,01)0. There is a darjuy iu Mockleuburg eounty whs makes a business of raising dogs. He raises chiefly setters, poiu teis and bounds. i*st year lie sold J 80. His prioes range from 50 jto ♦l5. John Jonos is proprietor of the dag ranehe. It is aaid that President Cleveland's wdnatrious littlo secretary, Col. La moot, will be promoted to tbe office of Marshal of the District of Columbia in October. The latter position pays about 910,000 a year. Tbe duties consist principally in presenting visitors to tbe Pr etidwt, Tbe time has not come to determine Grant's rank among tbe soldiers of his tory, SJuch must yet be known of the war before an ultimate judgment can he formed.. lie was great in offensive war fare, trusting in repeated assaults rather than in £|u results of strategic move ments. He Iras never elated nor de pressed ; rietory and defeat were alike unable to disturb biu>. When Grant was ja command, the personal equation Was aa immense force. He never coun ted tbe eosU after a Utile, »nd when beaten be did ppt know it, John Sherman is proud of tbe infa mous Rart lie played in the robbery of tb« Presidency and the fraud upon the American people in placing Ilayes in tbe Kxecatire chair The whole world is now oopvinptd of tbe enormity of this erimc, and yet Sherman boasts of Ms participation in its consummation. He lays : '-1 don't know what Ilayes thinks a boat tbe election disputes of 1870; for my part I vn proud of tbe parti took ia that contest to provent tbe Democrats from declaring Tilden tbe president. I think every mqn who assisted in preventing the crime that the Democrats attempted to perpetrate ought to feel honored in haying an op portunity to bo a national policeman to prevent an infamous outragp." Were it possible for Sherman to descend lower iu the depths of mora! infamy, tjijs ■if his orime would tend liim there. NEWS OF THE WEEK CMIKFVI.LY CVLI.KD A\l> COKnS.X.SKI) FROM TIM KtI'OKTKK AXI) I'llST S HJTVIi.ISOKX. Statu News. Charlotte is to have a new opera house. Salisbury is to have another tobacco warehouse—making three. Mrs. Aslieraft, who wan found dead in Mecklenburg, committed suicide by taking poi*>n. Cajit. Albert Worth, of Itladen coun ty, will raise 5,(100 buslmls of corn this year. A horse attached to a wagou iu Sa lem tin' other day ran away, threw the colored driver off and kilted him. Kliiabcth City Keon imist : T. H. Jcrqignn, of llnrrelUville, lias received the appointment to a consulate in Ja pan. Wadesboro Tiiueii : Lightning kill ed eight hogs U|> u the place of Mrs. Sarah lioxgau, ucar here, on Sunday night las). Aslicwitlo Citiien : Our dis'iuifuisli ed townsman, General T. L, Clinguinn, celebrated his seventy-third birthday' yesterday. Conoral News. There is swuie talk of running Geo. John IS (iordoii for Governor of Gcor gia. The Western Union Telegraph Com pany has contributed $6,000 to a Grant monument Fund, and has opened a list for subscriptions by telegraph. A grand-nephew of Bonaparte lives in Baltimore and has so much of the fightiug blood in his veins that no one dares tread an his coat-tails. Boston bad (iO,OOO watermelons dum ped ou her wharves in one day, and yot uicu went around jawing about the weather and crooning over short crops. Birmingham, Ala., continues to boom | and expand. The uuder writers have petitioned the eity to purchase ten new fire cngiues, the present supply being deemed inadequate. How llcary Oluy Faced IH'uth When lleury Clay was debating in bis mind tho nature of bis disease, and as yet had not |uitc renounced the hope of a renewal of his days of action, he sought counsel of Sauiuul Jackson. lie was greatly iu earnest, and wuutcd to knjw tho truth, tbe exact and whole truth, His question was, if tho evident decline in hi? strength was so far beyond relief that he must surely die soon. He required an explicit answer, without color or reserve however nnplcasan'. it lnigbi be for the physician to an nounce an unfavorable result. Dr. Jackscn made a eareful examination, of his condition, found the case to be a clear one, and had the courage to mako to the hero of a hundred parliamentary battles a faithful report. The great statesman received the communication that for him life wus near its close, not without concern, but yet with Uie fortitude of resignation. He declared that be had no dread of death, but he was still troubled by one fear, which was probably suggested to birn by tho recollection of tbe magnifi cent constitution with which be bad started in life. Tliat fear was not of death, but of the mode of dying : be had a terrible apprehension that his last hours would be hours of anguish in a long, agonising struggle between life and death ; this and this only, be said, was the thought that now lay heavily on bis mind. Dr. Jackson explained to him the nature of lii« malady and the smooth aud tranquil channel in which it was to run, and assured him with a sag acity which did not admit of question, that in bis last hour be would die a* quietly as an infaut falls asleep in its cradle- "Yra give un infinite relief," answered Clay. The chief terror which death had for liitn vanished. Cliiverlu* Mr. Collier, of Mathews county, ar rived in Richmond on the York River train lust Monday, lie came in com pany with Mm. Tunstall and Willie Cluvcrius, brother of the convicted crim inal. In conversation with a reprcsen sative of the Whig newspaper be said that the grief of Mrs. Tunstall at the sad termination of the trial of her ne phew could not be piotured. Regarding Willie Cluvcrius, he remarkod that the affectionate brother of tho doomed man had given vent to toars to tfucb an extant that his eyes appeared contracted. Mr. Collici visited the prisoner in his «pl), lie found him in • bright and jo vial humor and lenrned that he ate heartily of wlift might be termed luxu rious food. The |Hrjxi>ncr was iij a happy humor on accoont of the many remembrances sent him by far-away and unknown sympathisers 110 considered the verdict of the jnry an outiage, and expressed fpll confidence that the Su premo Court of Appeals would give him a new t^ial. Miiirk I'lsliln^. Messrs. uiul Corbitt hnil i|uitc an ad venture with sharks >u Thursi lay. Wc incutiouej that thoy had taken oue liugo fellow in oHt of the wet. They wore fishing for sharks, and the monster »o«ed tlie hook about one huudred yards from the boat. 110 was then drawn in uear the boat and bad to be shot eleven or twelve times before he finally''keeled over." They had previously hooked one of tlitt same size, and he bad been shot six times with the rifle, wlieu ho sucecoded iit cutting the chain u«od for a liuo aud went off with the hook in bis uiouth. Tbo shaiks struggled and floundcrod terribly after being hooked, and great exciteuicut existed among the men, especially when the maddened monster would dart back and forth under the boat, and threatening every moment to overturn it and throw the inmates into the deep water, whore they would have become an oasy prey to their sbarksbips. Tbcie are pleaty of the monsters iu the neighborhood of where Messrs. Maffitt and Corbett were fishing, but they are not iuclincd, we bclisv«, to try theii luck any furthet iu that direction.—Wilmington Star. Ulvn lnit Ti ll>ute to the l'r«»» During our wanderings wc wore |uito surprised to sec young ladies wi'th mus lin belts 011 lined with newspapers, in one instance the Wilmington Star. Advertisements in it were easily reada ble. Wc feel assured that an "ad" in that edition of tbo Star was pcculiuly valuable. Hut few people realize tho wide field that belongs to journalism. A newspaper furnishes the best food in the world or goats ; a goat will chew a newspaper for hours and be pcrfoetly contented. A newspaper makes the, best bustle in existence, as well as the ! cheapest, and, as wc above stated, it is unrivalled as a lining for a bolt. Ver ily progress is the motto of the day.— Payottcville Sun. Gen Stuart'» Widow. The Philadelphia Tiuius says ■ "Mrs. J. E. Is. Stuart, tbc widow of tho dash ing Confederate cavalry general, is vis iting her father General l'hillip St. George Cooke, of Detroit. Mrs. Stuart married six months before the war broke out, and the father and son-in-law en tered the opposing armies. General (-00k was opposed to General Stuart only once on the battle-field." Mrs. Stuait is also the sister of licncral John R. Cooke,of Richmond, than whom thero was no more gallant officer in the Confertorate army. The TexMN Custom William Mathews clopod with the wife of James Seerist, of Comanche county, '1 clad, and when he afterwards called upon Mr. Seerist for the personal effects of the lady, that gentleman shot him dea l. It served him right. He should have known that his last act was an unpardonable breach of Texas eti quette. After you have eloped with another man's wife it is not proper lo look at htm except over the sight of a self-cocking rovolver. WATER AT CAMAPA.— As some anx iety has been expressed by parties who have uot seen tho location, in regard to the supply of water at Cauiaca, we would My there arc convenient to tho place fifteen springs, and that every lot will be convenient to a spring of what we oall pure mountain water, all of which arc, however, more or less im pregnated with iron or other medicinal properties. Ilencc the hcalthfulness of the location. Several of tho mineral springs proper arc immediately on Indi an creek, which will furnish ample wa ter power to fore tho water from the springs, or water may be conveyed by pipes from magnificent springs around the baso of the Sauratown mountain far above the town, while the stream which falls over the Grassy Gap, near 500 feet high, could be made to form one of the grandest fountains in the world.— No ono wc think has yet seen the loca tion and surroundings but is pleased with it, and is bound to say that if na ture cvci formed a place specially for a town it is this. There are beautiful groves of natuial forest trees, magnifi cent scenery on every side —tho eleva tion being some 1,400 feat above the sua level and . r )00 feet above the bed of the l>an. It is fanned day in and day out by almost perpetual breezes, while the celebrated I'iedmolit springs and I'eppcr's Alum springs (ire within easy distance, to give a remedy for almost every disease. A Horse Stolen! *»ecs REWARD ! Stolon from my stable* near Gcmmnton* Stokes county, N. (•., on tin* night of the •J"th July. 1885, .1 snmll dnrkchcatnut mnre (a TONI*# pony) atwu 7or 8 yciwu. Mane ami tail also dark clieatntit color. The mare has hrntolotl oo lefi jaw tin* letters **,!. »■}." and on left thigh the latter "A,"— Tlie s«i|>|m>s4**«l thief is 2JI or -1 years ohl, h«'avy Imilt, alxuit KM lIM., with light hair, small vuuatach, which he keeps «lye«t black. II in height b about •> ft-et 10 incite*. The alMivft rpward will l»e juM f«»r MM 1 delivery ofthr mare, or any Information which w ill lc.ul tn her riMionry. The is supposed to he in Pa:rick county or I ü countv, Va. I*. I>. NK \u tit"> i. V. « Taylor House, DANRURY, N. C. This house* I»;ls lieeii enlarged >ii«l refilled j and is now open i'«»r *iuiuu'i u aider*. A splendid line of hacks will IK I I to IVd moiit tinltigr daily, or twice a d»>. 'I duall ed, and t«» any oUicr places of Interest. — Terma of l»oard same as lust year— | M '» 11 .01 1tl»; $5 per week; transient custom, tin* usual priii*; children i charge*. The cab ins at I*i«*«liiiont ah* being put in Utter fix. allot widen liavt* rented ti»r tin* sea wm. We w ill ilo all we can t«» make \isit ors comfortable. S. B.TAYI.OK. July 8, 1885. NOIIT II CA UO LIN A—Stoked Count) IX TIIK BtI*EUIU« CDt'RT. L. 11. Hill, executor of IVter Tuttle, dee'd. plaint ill', Against Marciu 11. Lipuis and others, lieirs at law and devisees of IVter 'l'tittle, defendants. Petition to Sett LanJ for Jlssets. It appearing to the satisfaction of tin' *ourt tlmt Susan Ward, Ailgustine 11. Tut tie anil other defendants iu tin* above uaineil nuearu nonresidents of the Stat*?, it is or dered that puhlieatioQ ln» juade in the Mlle porter and Post/* a newspaper published in tin* town of 1 >anl>ury,Stokescounly. North Carolina, for six successive weeks, notifying tin* said drft'iidauts to appear at the office ot the Superior court Im o( Stoke* coiujtj till Monday the of August, ISB.V and answer the compisint which it I I*' til ed in the above entitled action within ten days from the date hereof, and if they fail to answer the plainlitl will apply to the court 1«% ro* relief demanded in the complaint. > JAM ICS KlKast )N, Jn., c. s. 0. June 27, 18ST>. y" Notice Having duly qualified as Aminisirator on the Kstatc of Luther«!. Oimhie. Deceased, all persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make payment to me at once, and all those who have claims a alnst said Estate ,ui* hereby notitied to present theui duly proven, for payment on or before the •20th day of June, 18;«'., or this notice will be plead in the bar of their recovery. This 20th dav of June, 1885. JACKSON GUTIIItIE, Administrator. NORFOLK COLLEGE For TpITHO LATOFSnfTWii nnpnrnlolted sdv«nUc*w n«wDutlt!iiip« f urntahMMlh evnry poitfble r«nv-n- , NUM. Full coll oirlnti* (fear— of each branch to charjre of » i-»M.»t.rBpeoii»l pruvUKm lor Ma*to Mid I*ftintinß. Ounvorwsion to French aud German, daily, Ftorcntftloinie adfres* it. N. WYNNE, 3uc'v, Norfolk. Vi. 1 Oak Ridge Institute, A Firstclass ITigh School a)id Dustiness College. Special attention aiveu to the Classics and Natural Seicmvs. One of flic l>est equippedj Bufinness Colleges south of Washington j City. 211 st udents la>t Year from various States of the South. New Dtiildiug, new Literary Society halls and a full corps of experienced tea. hers. Location in every respect unexcelled. For catalogue. Aw., ad dress, J. A. \ M. 11. lIOLT, Oak Kidgc, X. C. University of North Carolina.: Six new Professors have recently been addeil t«»the Faculty, making a total of 111 instructors. All the Courses of Study have boon enlarged and strengthened. Post-' graduate instruction is offered in every de partment. The next session begins August I Kntnuice e\ami tuitions August 27. 28, j ■J'J. For catahieue containing iiiforniatlou I in n'iwl u» «iil, Mwfttt ufjOibuiv j sion, oic., apply to iiox. KKMT r. BATTLE, LL. ix, PlifcSllU'.N'T, Cliapcl Hill, N. C ; WANTED. Two or three good men, who can furnish a horse, to work ill :his and adjoining coun ties. lo men of the right stamp a good salary w ill U* guaranteed and paid every week. Address or applv to THE SINtiKU M \Nt'FACTUKIXG CO., C. L. CLIXE, Agent, Liberty Street, Winston, X. ('., Opposite PostolHce. f«»r the world renowned Singer Sewing Machines, where a C«MHI sun'k of Oil. Needles, Attaelintents, Jtc., csm always lie found. BUY YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS or Williamson & Cori'ie, BOOKSELLERS AND STEAM POW ER PRINTERS, WINSTON, N. C. Lil>eral discounts to merchant* and teachers IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR OAME BAG, AND MAKE BIC SCORES, USE REMINGTON iFLES-ajnd. SHOt GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., BOLE AGENTS FOR E.Rewington&Sons' Sporting Arm* »*d Ammunitio«, 281 & 233 Broadway, NEW YORK. WBSTBItN OFFICB, D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., n Sua Street, Chicago, Ilk ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. MADE II THE BEST MAIMER, IT MHIED WORKMEN. lEIERIEI THAT Oil S9ODS AH ALWATS lEUAIIE. One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BIAOL SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO., ILIOK* *. Y. Hew Yark 001. o. US Chuibvn Slrwt. OPIUMHABITS CAMACA!. To the Weary, Feeble AND J^EAS^IESEgvER. Seeing tbc need in thit section of a place where the weary, feeblo and brok en down may rocniit their health and rest; where they and their families way spend the hot season pleasantly when it is necessary to leave their homes or change air, that the failiug health ef some loved one may be restored, we havo laid out A NEW TOWN and aro now offoring for salo lots in probably the licalthiest section in North Carolina. The town is located on a beautiful Flat Mountain Jiirigc 2 1 . miles west from Panbury , about { of a mile from the oelebiated Piedmont springs; about the same distuuee to Pepper's Alum springs ; i of a mile from Smith's Chalybeate spring, and two wiles from 0. K. Moore's Sulphur spring, while tho location presents ( The Finest Views of Moore's Kuob, the Hanging Rock, uud other prominent peaks along the ' Sauratown mountain, Tbo lots aro ' well coyercd with large and small forest j trees, which will afford shade in summer aud form Itouutitul OrovcH. The whole is Surrounded by Springs of the purest mountain water, entitling it to the Indian name, "I'uuiaca," a land of springs, which, together with the pure mountain air, wouU bring col cr to the faded cheek, and streugtb to weary frame, even if tboro was no real mineral water within a hundred miles of the place. The undersigned propose also to oreot a saw-mill, planing machine, &c., that they may build cottages or furnish lum ber to those who wish to purchaso lots ; In this healthful locality, whero no ma laria srer comes, and a case of typhoid fever was never known, oxccpt it was contracted out of the neighborhood. The price of lota this season, 50x100 feet, will be $25 each. For further particulars addrei, N. M. k W. It PEPPER, May 20, 'B5. Danbury, N. 0. Is the place to have your printing clone, as they have the OFFICE IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA,^ and are prepared to give you EQW FIGURES £ NEAT WORK, TOBACCO FLI ES A SPECIALTY AT WINSTON, N. C. A large lot of lloiac-Mado Tinware alu avfl on hand. SHEET IRON AND TIN WORK OF ALL KINDS Done at bottom prices. Rooling ami Guttering at short notice l>y sttilleil work men. Come ami see me, next door to Drown, Jioijcrs & Co. W. S. KEMI-SON, Winston, N. C. .K, A NO. 7 COOK STOVK, cotu- plolo for $lO. -> \ . A full line of Dixie Plows, Av- Viix fry Steel and tl»e best Chill i'low iu the market; in fact everythingUu4»far mer, inocfianie or mercHant nccda in the line rtf HARDWARE ; —TOOKTIIKB WITH Nissen's Wagons, Columbus Buggies (tad Carts, Mow ing Machines, §c. Willi the above advantages, U>geUier with the fact that my hist year's trilde was nearly double the former, ami earnest request that a similar favor inay lie done this year, 1 aiu Very liesiiectfuUy, K. U. CRAWFOIU). DIXIK OiLKKIt, of North Carolina, with •T.P. Ynncey Co., (Sucreawora to Yancey, Fratiklrn A Co.,)J IMPORTERS of NOTIONS, No. I9M Main .Street, Kichn»ond,V*. March 2T. IH». S6O REWARD , Ivlfltx - \ *ill w paid for any drain S* I i'»n >f m»« •!?«• that.•'•a ! J rlwiD mul but MwvniOrijn ur t H 1 ,fA Ss«dla«aivday a* our l*ntenf >ri "iJp s a--' W* ,MONM:( H tiraln and r V H*cd supin ator and Da*- ■uU 1 ircr.wi'uli we nfler l>the »■»«»»- It ft,-at al»« price. Wend, for X circular and I*® l * >t&« SM» Stewart's Book and Job Printing Office, WINSTON) N. C,) I Areyou faili»>ir. try Wntxa* Ilr.At.-ni Ra- Im.wu.l, a pure, clean, wlioleauino TONIC, For Brain. Kenraa, Womarh, Mr.* KMnaya, | Lunira. Au lnvitf>raitl. ('un a DYSPEPSIA, a lleadncha, Ferer. Aj?ue, Chills, , DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nloe to tako, true merit, unequnled for I TORPID LIVER and Night Sweats, Nervous Weakness, Malaria. Leunn »>sa, Sexual Dccliue. I ll.«W per T...L, 0 for SA.OO, at Dm, wist a. ih Remarkable Cure a of Catarrh of the Bladder, Inttammati'W. Irritation of Kid neys and Bladder. Stone or Uravel I>ta eaaea of the Pr««atato (Jland, Proi aical I Swelllnra, Female Dlseaaea. I neon tin j ence of Urine, all Pisoaaes of the lenlto- Urinary Organ* In either in'*. For Un ' i healthy or Unnatural una I also "Chapin'a Injection Flenr." eachsl. For SV I'll I MS, either oontraetrd or ' hereditary taint, use Chapin'a Constttu tion 1 Utter Hymn, f 1.00 j*r bottle, and Chapin'a Syphilitic l'tlla. |2.OP; and Cha pin'a Syphilitic Salva, $l.OO. ft bottles Syrup, 4 of 1111 a, 1 Halve, by F.xpro»s on rcoeipt of StO.OG, or at 1 >ruiglata, B. B. Wku,h, Jersey City, S. J., U S. A. James 1). Chamberlain, ; C. W. THORN & CO Wholesale Eat Dealers, [ Kichmond, Va. Special fiten givdn to ordera and satiafaets gaarautced. ; IPf ||TC WANTED &5j t IK Ml VI I JlCoraatß. Sample Irw to tbokc br- HULIV lUromln* ajrant-. No rltk, qnlck aalaa 1 Territory riven, aatialactioa guarantr«d. Addrraa DR.BCOTT ,B42 Broadway St.,W.Y. Tiie Latest and Best. THE NKW RKMINCiTON Sewing. Machine 13 TUB BEST MACHINE for the finally Rum easy. lVrfeet in construction.— Beautiful in appearance. Ha* all Improve menu ami attachments, ami is v\ arranted fot five years. MARRIOTT fc HARSTOW, Soutliern Agents, No. 7 Sou lb Charles Street, Baltimore, Jlfd. n W POWERS ft CO., ! Wholesale Di'ujfjfisita Ho. 1305 Ma hi and 9 aid 11 13th Sta i R. W. Powers. I fclgarD. Taylor. RICHMOND, V». ■ April 28, ltSBl-6ur

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