The Reporter and Poet. THURSDAY. AUGUST 10, 18*5. Topics at Home. , DFRNRRFNOTHI lIINIKI Aroutcl Pnnlittry, MIKI tonal) Mutter* Told — i "A rliicr* anmiig you take'it Hutu*, Anil, fulfil, he,II i»rent It." Any subscriber who fails to receive . the REPORTER AND I'OST every week is , requested to report the failure We wuut to see whore 'ho fault is. Superior Court ts in session this week, 1 Judge Graves presiding. Stewart, Va., is on a boom, so much ( for tho narrow-gagn railroad. ( A Dumber ot our people wont to Davis' Chapel to proachhag last Suu lay. , It is probable that a darly »ail will ( be established Wetwwu this placo and Stuart, Va. Mrs. C- J'ratlier, with Mr. J. ti. l'rathor and family, are visiting rcla- , tives in Dunbury. ; This papor is mostly the work of the little devils the foreman bemg some- i what indisposed. 1 The Lawn party and ball at Piedmont last Monday night is said to havo Lo n quite an enjoy able affair. I Deputy collector Waugli is in town. He has so for taken bonds from forty : seven brady distillers. Mr. James W. Rcid, the Old Fifths gallant representative iu Congress, is in { town, on,professional business. Rev. J. R.Soroggs preached to the Danhury people Sunday night. I!is -sermon was much complimented. I tVork will commence as soou as court -is over putting up buildings at Cainaca. The Co. are selling lots almost every ' •day. Rev. C. M. Pepper of Loesvilte, N. 3., and Dr. W. K. Pepper, of Chris-! tiansburg, Va., are visiting relatives iu j this plaeo. Wo regret to learn that several clul-1 drcn of Mr. Wis Sbeppcrd, of this: county are dangerously sick of scarlet! fever. We learu tlmt a joint stock co, will probably be formed this full for the pur pose of manufacturing tobacco iu Dan-! buiyT The general complaint among farmers ! here tliii week is, that the corn and tobacco crops arc better than over known. It is said that there are 75 sumuiorvis- 1 itors at one of our hotels, 50 or 00 at the other and considerably over 100 at the Springs cabins. Tho crowd continues to come in to the springs. It is now estimated that the crowd of health aud pleasure sockets in and arouud Daubury will uumber more than 250. Wc understand that a farmer of this ■county was relieved of several dollars Monday night, trying to fathom the mysteries of old sledge, ies lie is a sadder, and we trust a wiser man. We are glad to sec out young friend Frank Bynum, back from Mitchell Da kota, looking halo and hearty hope he may have a pleasant stay among his old friends in Stokes. Why dont you tell your neighbor that the REPORTER & POST, is working for his interest, the interest of his coun ty and section, and it is not only his du ty but to his interest to help support it. WehawheaTd persons who listened to the Hon. Jake June's discussion of the taniff last week, compliment it very highly. The fool killer has never visited in Jakes neighborhood if ho had, there would have boen one less nigger. We learn that a boat has bceu placed on the river at Seven Island ford, which is so arranged that it oan be drawn by means of a rope running on pulleys, from one bank to the other. This is a great convenience, and we think that the commissioners should have similar boats put on at every ford on tho river. Thanks to those subscribers who call ed aronnd this week and paid their subscription, and it giyes us pleasure to eay that of all those who paid up in fall or part but one man, ordcrod his paper discontinued, shows that our subscribers Believe that we are giving them the worth of the money asked for the paper. ANOTHER CSE »»K MICA.—We learn that a largo manufacturer of tobaeeo in this state is working all his tobacco with windows made of mica in tho sides of his boxes, which enables him to show the tobacco without openeniug the box es. It is said that smoking tobacco sbows splendidly through the mica. Mica being very flexible and elastic can be nsed to show many goods without opening the paokagc. FgnJ u, the news lrom your neigh- j boiliood. 0 Now is the time to sow yonr turi.i| : seed den't you forgot it but sow plenti fully. Kittle Snakes ore only worth $-2,50 per doson in Danhury if the buyer docs the catching. WANTKD I—SO,OOO good heart pin. almigles delivered at "Cuuiaca" 2; uiilca Writ from Danhury—soo N. >l. & W. K. Pepper. The Camaea company have made ur rangements with a building company who will commence at onco erecting a saw-mill, &c., on Indian creek, ucar t'amaca, and work oty buildings in the town within a few weeks. GARDEN Sr.ri's.—Just received at Dr. V. O. Tnompson'a drag store, a large variety of fresh garden and flower seeds, consisting of i.audri th's, Deist's, Ferry's and Sibley's. All orders for seeds can bo filled. The County Board of Fiducation will meet in Danhury on the first Monday in September to elect committeemen for the several school districts of Stokes, and all interested will moot the Board on that day with recommendations, &c. N. A. MARTIN, Sec. It is rumored on the streets to-day that lion J. C. Buxton has purchased the Piedmont Springe property, and at an early day begin the erection of a hotel. Wc do not vouch for the above, but if true wo congratulate Mr. Buxton and also the people who wish to visit the above springs. OI K KKI-lIO.V. It seems more than strange, to us that this section with all its natural produc tions, has nevor produced a man with energy and enterprise ei[ua! to the task of bringing to the notice of t ho out-side worlJ her vast undeveloped resources. Taking minerais, the day will come when Stokes county will stand at, ov near the head of the list on Iron aud. Mica, her coal is fine and no doubt but I future dcvclopuicuts will prove the supply iucxhaustaUe, while every min eral with but few exceptions, found in the State, or a., to Unit, in any other ! state, arc found here. As to timber, water power, scenery, boalthfulne-.s, j tuildm s* of eiimat as 11 • .id lmat, all oau witness t" who have ever spent any I 1 liuiu in the county. But as to a health giving .i. ti, this Sauratowu country stands preeminent, ami a to mineral springs, the chalybe ate water is as fine probably, as any in thn stato; while others posscsing other j medicinal properties, will give relief to nil the ill's die llcsli is heir to, and tho day is not far distant when tins will he the loading section ill N. ('. for health, j loasuro, and enjoyment generally. A woman's safeguard is to keep a mans hands off In r. If you need hi a.- istance on walking take his arm in stead of his taking yours. Just tell him in plain English to keep tiis hands off. lie may not like it at first hut lie will respect you ten fold more. Men will do just what tho women allow them to do. Men will not do to trust. Give a man your arm and you will find him very confidential, and he will take a great many privileges he would not take if ho was not permitted to do so. Ila will give your arm ninny loviug sly twists and sijuoezcs that he could have no opportunity of doing, an apportunity is just what he is after. A few more words of advioo and I will close. Kocp yoiu girls off the street, except when they have business. Teach them it is unnecessary to go to the postoffice every time they go out. Your girls can go home alone just as well as your hoys. If possible instill into their v ry nature ; that they aro safer iu own bands thau they are iu the hands of any man— preachers not excepted. How to liny HOOIIM- A well known author recently rcoom mctidcd tho following rules to be obser ved by youthful readers who arc begiuning a collection of books First—Sot apart a fixed sum, weekly or monthly as the case may be, in pro portion to your income, and spend that aud no more for books. Second—Always devote a portiou of your money to acquiring books of reference. Third—Never buy a worthless work or oditiou. Fourth—Take caro not to buy too many books of one class. Fifth—Do not, at least until you have a fair show of book«, he deluded into buying sets of an author. Sixth—Do not spend too much on magazines. Seventh—'lie particular us to the bin ding of your books. Kigth—Keep a catalogue of your 1 books, entering in penoil iusido each the date of purchase and tho cost, and . in the catalogue all particulars as to i loans. Niuth—Take care to read what you Imy, and buy only what you will read A. J. BftTD, 1 '?. REIQ, l;t> 1 LHiJiUJOILVXOX^ A. i rricyK -nt - 1 ,n\v. 11 WUNTWOKTH. :■-. r. McfSlJi. !{.•!•! AND H ' 'I 11 R £U larly attend (lie Superior . trls of S,olc"s county. MICA, MINERALS, Stones. IUCIIAIID DAKKit ,NC CO., General produce Brokers, 9 MINCING 11 Lane, London, England. Advan -I U ml. IM ESIGJN uts. Banker. Agra Bank, London. L'avties having CUT MICA for sal? wi'l find it to thoir iutcrusi I | corridj* »ii«l with A. O. SCiIOQNMAKFJI, 168 WllHam g t , Now York* ;?:Vlc. \ly viri i- . I'.i M.i.' .; •« \ - *1"- 1 ' • .1. Wilson hurt Waiter \V. kirqr 01 7tli«lay t.f June IS7B ly Julia Tilly '.in! i (istor ! ''\ Book -i 11 "• • ■»"•! *H ters offidß of Btokos county. Wo will sell for caOi at the court 1 uso »«»r in lutilmry on Mon.lay t?i»* 22nd day of July I s7. 'IV.. huoilt'od acre* of laud on tin; waters of Mountain (V'uk and Sut'h Double i r-.-L in Stokes county ad.ioli.irig tl.o, ! r Is of William Kim:, i.UNvll East, Wii.. (Vil.r otliei s a-.d known i.s tlio place- whore » Jiili:. T i!c 'I- •, !\ •!. sdo a! '; M. I i i! > . WIUSOV. WALT Tit W. KlMti. Mortgagors. JVOTIC 5J3! Having qmtlilfcil as « \ee»tor of O. If. Mat thaws, deceased, all peisotis owing the estate are n quired to ooino forward and set tle, and all |x roii.s having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me within one year from date or this notice will br pletolcd in bar of their rer.n- iy. This .1 »jy i w ;li, \\ U. MAI iliUW.s, E r «J (\ It. Ma; her,.,, .1. c\l. \OTK; E. Theundcraiguedlm\ing qnaliHed re- Ex -0 rutor the h % til and ta nt of 1«;• 1 i le dei • -.1, Into of Stele s portly, \. I !.e:ohy notify ,tl! persons indebf- I to :?.dd e»-»a?e to cone forward and inakeitniue di • « ptvin uit eid all p . soil-* havingefaims a ..«;U'-r 1 . tale will |iv- - • it ibeoi fo: j ay tnent duly authetiticaU'd aitl.iii twrl\c mouths from the 2nd day of April l. w s.~ or otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their aeeo\cry. L. HIX.L, E\T. March oOth, 1285, It Stands at the Head. ■■■ ■ ■■■ |..l {: " U k ... ,Y ..-JO ill JsMj THE LiGHI -111 N NINO Ti) it i; is iln k owc'd.-ed I.KADEit i". : it- Trade is a fact that cau not be disputed MANY IMITATE IT NONE EQUAL IT Tbe Tiftrj/ost Ann- d, the hi litest 1; tn ninqt, the most lxiaut.ful wood-work, AND IS WARRANTED To ho made of tho IHV, nrjerial. To do any and all kinds of woik. To he complete In every respect. FOll BALK 11V "YV. 3 Ornisby, WINSTON, N. V. TO MINERAL MEN, Do you Want. 5 >1 I IN Id It AIiSS OK iltttt mis. VtVtVT -rt t -rtT T so yon e\ill do will to coriyspond with '.lie , IVppcr Mining Co., DABURY, .C. Miners el COAL lIML lUON.atso miner, • ( ami diutlei, in CL'T Ml'. V, FLL.XIiJLF SANUSTON'K. ami mineral QX-einu'llA. THECOWPLETE HUrti •' ""X, I , ,i «. 9 f a 1.1 M'-~ ' * P'V ' |I . ■ I . 1 . »T ArciM* ■! -IN.' woik. I XCIILt.T N R I V** p.. SA«.H .. >• -UFFI T»RR t\xuc '■ AIN 'V L. • , , B V. LO'FN • ' R Atv. "Hii » I.'*- ' ' vV » 1 1 a frfl WIIL HUY ONE RICHT ySB ' u Mir.n C,l. HT KA w A I ifMT 11 v v * ; t/T ri'.u. The k«ifc« n s»«i. *oa trwtc t *i«4 •I HAP Ilia 11 !. U • TO letcr With itir«-E I•• I li llm 1 mhe-'AMtf uken • ** vh»r|Kn li II 111 l-nil'h • u ' repulAM Iby lh« I TI. VHUH CIC koiiv* II W IH. JI I he HIEHEF the »«*CI I« will fit. AH »I -art «EB 1 % *» I9ML IN. I/.W >• ■ will L ON!'. I FLVEB Q - . OBK.NLWAMA HACNRNVR: to NR»..K, ». Diixbury Market : Appl. * 1 j« i-lumli' l I.'HI 11. it'll, p«l ih .. itei-rle. Innek u ; '• i t he II" »i 1 ISJaSO I I»aIf. 1, iclics, quartan nonuMl I alii fcimdiinl . ~,| u dual Bacon "alii Lard WaWl Ih'eswax . ( oflbi, lies! Hal". : ;.. k! ' ) prime, I lal e I'"' 1 1 Sugar, lr 1 v. 7al" ! "r.! 2 V. : 7 i • i'i Cot 10 4iid VATT/TH"K T £ PT?.PPT?.T "NT f* \ {-J Wi i&amni m &:m&a ■ dMibwj VV IsLlm sal e t^a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX GENERAL MElfliiiMßlsE, _ Tlirir «i\i: fe has steadily increased since they commenced business in i'ss*2. They defy compel it ion. and invite you to call and sec theni when in their Jowu. LAN I > SALE!! A.s C'tinri.sshnu r, I will mP «m the pn-m -iscs mi M««nda- flic 17ih dny of Augnat 1SN"», a tract of laud lying on Neat man Cro'-U, containing 12d acres more or !«•**, bebvg lota jfo ltd pa f'lot No*4 it • div(si • of tj i-iamb v»f B« ig.n 1n L Ics : • I Fi I land-' i- -"tohl f"i partition* Title good, t ;. .•. 1' . 1 l.i • on Gnu Th • na-hii.; as; " i home, had bettor buy. This Uth day (f July «l.' IIITK. CN»iniiiissioncr. 1 > SALE. On Monday 7th day of S' ptutnht r 1885 I will sail at tin court dooi • 1 Daub try 115 at .es of land, known :n lb * Molly Ci • ' 'ravLand lytug on both of South Double Cn k. Said iuini'i ur- >» Id for par tit g it. Title good. Tcrmt cash. Those wishiug . '('Oil l inn had \ "tu dicnd { .iid satH. Sal. commences at lk o'clock, M, This (sth Aug. 1-8.5 It. 11. (iLLNN. Commissioner. VV. B. GLENN, K. 3. GLENN. GLENN & GLENN, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW.z WINSTON, N. C. rractice in the emmfies of Stekns, Kor svtlie, Ntrry, Yulkiti, Davie, 1 lavirtsmi ami U.nkhighaui. Siiei iai attention given to ail business igtriißteil to them in Mokes. (1 SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO.. Hr Greensboro, N. O. fWHj J 's--»3Pf St IKTJFAGTtTIUEM OF /?M FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, / COOK AND HEATINC STOVES, Saw Hills, Gauss Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, x.'And Castings of livery Description. - *f»- Send f .r Price- List |s, : * . iJ Mfci? -i ••*2 2? 5? | ®0 - S > w - •** ♦ - i - - tr 5 Ryttenberg Bros. Invito special attention to their attractive line of Gonnine 1 Jui'gains in llicir well so'.ectoil stock of Spring & Summer Goods I a H ress Goods we display some of tin? I latest French Novelties; in combination suitings all the leading shades in Ariiiurofc. Albatras, I'ongees, l'ricot, Berbeu Cloth, Chcvilb- Dotted Nuns Veilings, See. Kle gaut White and Colored Embroidered Ureas 1 lobes. Beautiful Hue of Plain and Fancy Silks, from 50c. up. largest line of "W hito (ioods of every description over shown in this state. in wa&h goods we hue I.uwns, Ginghams and .Sustichers from f»c. a yard and upwards. Our Millinay Department iii"stock"fTTi:! ~ i 1 the hire"',tyli"iti Mats ami Bonnets. Elegant detigits in Fans ami I'arannls. The 4 Carpet Department is ouo of the features of our business, ami in it will he found the best stoek of Car pel(til Cloths, Mattings, Bugs, Jx.,South of Baltimore. We are sole agents for Sai lers' l'hila.lelphia Shoos (every pair war ranted), for JlutUlrii-k's Patterns ami the New pari" Vertical Feed Sewing Mftchinen. jtJ-Miive us a call when in town, and we miarantoe to please you. All order! by mail w ill receive pronip' and earettil attention. RYTTENBERG BROS. Gray Rlock. Winston, N. (1. .e . ... j ,"i»a I • /Vi t t^'L TO .'\"i * I ■ : J.\ . . ll' VOU WANT V' y;:. > • i V JOB PRINTING : ilh' ►-. ' ! "i\ " 11m . i'loin tin: i IVf i ' "»■ •■!»„„ .... fcT.W- ' ' ,v ? " * " •Ssi'M in or faV4P;V\ 1 " Reporter, an.l Orders I.y Mail Promptly Attended to S9"LKC2AL A >'l*l. ' A i.Tf J J. IULhOn WIT II 0 F. WEISIGER & CO., ■Mniiufartuierv ami .bibber* o( CLOTHING. Vo. 1215 Ma.»*i .s* ~ liichmond. Va. ftsrpi v'Bl-iini. M. AMBLKtt ULAZKBKOOK, M. MILLIIISEK & CO., WUOLWALK DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, 1300 LIAJN STREET, Sept 8-8 1-Om Hichtnond, Va. Jl. CALLAWAY, Ji:., Vv'lTll STERN & CO., WHOLESALE Boots and Shoes, Xn. 1217 Main Sire RICHMOND, VA. WILSON, K HNS A CO; WyOLEBALB SROCRR AND CO MM SIGN y z «.(. M A NTS. 3o S Howard street, corner of bomb . i: L.* LTIMOUK We keep c ••sin-illy »n hand a large ami well snorted «U»ck tf Groceries- mil foi Southern and We t. i'r • I W solhii con signments of C".v try Product*- . in Cot tou; Further.-; Gin eg; Itei war Wool: Drieu, Fruit; Furs; sS..i:is, etc. Our :a for ti.j ing I'Usiiicft. n-rich 13 to wurm>r piik sih 1 and prompt returns. Ai> o dura will have our Oinpi ■ ?.t -ntior THOMPSON'S OCM P 0 IT N I> ?MrS WPM 4 A ill M y i. tiJUIJ r T * 7 Y t T f'. t 'ft -F A MILD TONIC AND— \ ppiyrixi jt. A «ir fot Dyspt psia, Indigt * on and Const)potion. It p. ■».-\ tlk* ocretionsot the Livor and Kidneys, 'one to 'I- •• .c • il'-li N« ivous I'rostra*»o*> I i' r.\ * I'r • i-l si -ri"v. and oil' • led comiitii lof th« nurai tern .%fAXI'F.VTi t;KI> T'Y Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, wiiiKion. rv. The Morning Star. A FIRST-CLASS DEMOCRATIC NEWSI'AI'KR. PUBLISHED DA IL Y Jit ST U'l pt r anaum. THE OLDEST DAILY IM TIIK STATE. [THE WEEKLV STAR. $1 60 a Year. FULL AND nEI.IAIJI.r. MAI'.RKT REPORTS Tin Latent AV ica, I'otUical and CrncrU\ j from ufl jiartM of the B'or/d, Condcna | u fd and Arranr/ed in the 7nu*t At tractive Form. The Moat ('onipletf Sopvlco K'ui-uasl»«*4t l»> mu) llully id 1 lie* Mtafv Advertising Rates Reasonable. AddrcM, W« lI.BIR.VARD, Editor it Projm'ctor, WILMINGTON, N. C. - .. J 1 'ViMEW HOME- 9 ' j -SEWf^mCTWECT IN: h 1 i/AIiO.! LL .• ' 1 ORANGE, MAS 3. •I AKD ATLANTA, GAJ k :«7gxaL.. WHOLESALE JAM) _ CRETAILO , HARDWARE AND CROCKERY C 3 ! WINSTON, N. C.

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