I.AWS. 1. Subsorlhors wl\o !o'i >t iv xprataiio llfr to llic ■ untun'y, arc ruiisiil- tvil .id wish tu* ti> their S'lbsi'llplidU'. If stttoi i im'rsori'er UlO (liHOOutimumce of Uif ir |»ri.Htir«l.S, llic publisher limy ClMl tlnuis to aMSd thoin until all urr pniil. 3. If '-vteeriliers ln-clm-t or rcflisf to t.tKi' 'their jierliulioiils fmra I In* nfflii- to uiiirh k!icy arc Jiri'i-U'd, tlu-v are n-ipnnslblo mil.l khi-y have «ottl«l thuir bills anil oril-'i. il hem lisvmtiiiwM. 11" suW'rllK-rs wove to otbrr places, papers arc sent to the foriuur ailihv.sj-.», the* aiu lu-hl n&ouslble. 5. Any pcram wliti receives* noV-tpnper siul ni.tkiw use rtf It, whether hwhasonltsreil it or not, i» MM in law tii V a ir.bsciiljer. C. It' subscribers iu advance, tin y are tiouml to give notice to tin; publisher at the »ml lit' their time, if they tin not wish to continue taking ilu iwpcf, otherwise the publisher ft antlKimoil to WIKI it on, anil flu subscriber will be responsible until ex press notice with payment of all arrears, is tout to tlio publisher. Wo have jnst fitted up the Kvpoit- TER AND I'liH'r office with new rollers, 'colored inks, note nnd letter-heads, 1' lat eap, tod varions other firstolass printing material, sul are prepared to do your Job fto'k as neatly and cheaply us it cau be done tu the State. Take Ayer'« Sarsaparilla in tbo spring of tbo year to puaify the blood, invigor ate the s\stem, excite the liver to action aud restore the healthy tone and vigot of the whole physical median is in. Dr. V. O. Thompson has the oldest and largest drug house in Winston, 0. Any article in the drug line not fouud there, will be hard to get When ■in Winston he wilt be glad for you to •all, and see wbut he has got. Merchants of this section will Jo well to buy Notions and Dry Uoods from J. W. Scott & Co., Greeusboro, N■ 0. No boxing aud drayage charged, and freiglo to neatest railroad station very littic. Small Pox eradicated, Small i'ox eured, Small Pox pitting prcvoutod by Dartivs llrophvluetic Eluid ALWAYS BIEVRKSUIMI— A delicious odor is imparted by Floret-ton ( 'iogui;, which is always rofroshing, no uia:tcr how freely used. CHKAIT.KT FASHION MAO.V/.IN K in the world, 120 large pages, 4 pages new music, 1000 engravings each issue, 50 eeuts per year: single copies 15 ceuts. STRAWUUIHIIR & CLOTHIER, Sth .V Mar ket Sts Philadelphia. No fear of small pox if Darby's Pro phylactic Fluid is used freely. It de stroys the very germs. A WORD TO MOTHERS. —Mothers •hould remember it is a most important duty at this season to look after the health of their families and cleanse the malaria and impurities from their sys tems, and that nothing will tone up ihe stomach and liver, regulate the bowls and purify the blood so perfectly as Parker's Ginger Tonic advertised in our eolumns.-iW. See othor column. A WOMAN'S KXPF.RIKNCK.—MotherI and Daughters should feel alarmed when weariness constantly oppresses them. "If 1 am fretful from exhaustion of vital pewors and the color is fadiug trom my face, Parker's Ginger Tonic,gives quick relief. It builds me up and drives away pain with wonderful certainty."—liuila tolady The extraordinary popularity of Ayer'» Cherry Pectorial is the natural, result of its use by intelligent people for over forty years. It has indisputably proven itself the very best known specific for all ••Id*ooughi,and pulmonary complaints. To Advertiser- The REPORTER AND POST offers the following inducements to advertisers who may wiih to reach the peoplo of Middle and Western North Carolina, and ether sections 1. It goes to nearly every State iu the Union, circulates to » considerable extent in Surry, Forsythe and Rocking ham counties, in thin State, as well as the adjoining oounties in Virginia, while its circulation among the 10,000 of Blokes county's population, is nearly as great as that of all other weeklies combined. 3. It is in a prosperous condition and growing in favor, its circulation *o 4ay being greater than at auy tim ■ince the first number was issued more than ten years since, and has nearly doubled without the last two years. 8. The rates offered by Ihe RE JORTBR AND TOST to advertisers are as Um as are offered by any paper with a •ireulation as large as its own IMPROVED AOJUCCITURAL IMPLE MENTS AND MACIUNKRV—In our day •f progress and advanced ideas, to suc ceed at all you must keep pace with the times. To do thu, advantago must M 0 f the latest nod most improv ed implements and machinery, it Dcing fidlj demonstrated that the farmer doing so, gets far ahead of hi* neighbor, who fails to keep up with the times. You should therefore provide yourself with the very best Plows, Mowers, Reapers, Rakes, Grain Drills Harrows, Cans Mills, Threshers &o Ac. Moss Allen k Allen of Winston, N. C. make a spe cialty of lipprorfed agricultural imple ments and Maofcnery, eid are anxious to open correspfclileoeo with parties con tomplating the pnrehase of anything in tkatline and it «U1 pay you to get their prices before bttyuigeUwlioru, Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Tlio Rev. Z. P. Wild*, wi U-knnwn c!ty niinn.oititry in Now York, and brother of th« Into umlnrnt .1 ndpe Wild*, of tho Mn«MnvhiHPttii Supremo Court, write* nn follows j " 7i A'. !Hth St., Krw York. May Ifi, 1882. Mkhhui. .J. O. AYKH A C 1.., . -NTI :1..0n : I.aat winter I VHH troubled with n most uncomfortable ltohiii£ hutnot uirci-ting juoru especially my limlw, which itched »•> utolurahly at night, ami hHrtiwl HO iutt tu»'> ly, that I could boar any clothing ovor tlmin. I was also a from a •uvero catarrh ami catarrhal cough; niy Appetite \r \9 |K>or, atul JUV sy.stciu uo.il run down. Knowing tho value of AYEU'm si.vHMAi* vitii.i.A, by ohgervmion of many othor caa»-n unci from personal nfvj in formor year.', i began taking it lor tho ab>v,«-uame-l tltaordvrH. My a)>p'tit* im proved alnost from tlio thst «ir«.. After a »hort time tho fover ami itctiing wt-ro allayed, ami all sigoa of irritation of tho Kkm tli.Hr*j.i«e.ai«*il. My catairrh and cougli wore cured by the KIUIIO lueailf, ami jny gonoral health greatly improved, until it in now excellent. 1 feel a hundred j• r cent stronger, aud I attribute thotto results to tlio UHU of the Sau^a i'auii.la, whi.-h 1 recommau t with all eon(ileuco its the best bhx*l metlioiuA «vcr derim«d. 1 took it iu HIIINII IIOSM three times* a day, unl nsetl, in all, less tbau two bottle*. I pUee thoau facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. The above imitaitoo w but oue of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Aykr'9 SARMA PAH ILL A to the core of all liseases arising from hupuro or intpovei ished blood, au.l a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthen* the blood, ftir.uilato3 the action of tho stomach an ! bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist :uid ovorcomo the attacks of all Scrt/a* 1 lout AIMIM, Eruptions of the akin, /iheu miititm. Catarrh, Ccncrnl Debility, aud ail disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. I KLI'ApKP bv Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass. Sold by all I>ruggist'-: pr!e« $1 nix botties for 35. Best Purgative Modicino e ire Consti;v\tion. lr.dig ion. Headichc, and -ii Jiiiious l)is«»rders. Sk>M everywhere. Always reliable. TO THE PJ3LIG- The « .HIO (M N* irth (Holina. sectmn "ill, re lulies Ml | *oisiuniitf we' ila ui tsuri • - •:ii«! ti «i liiUaneex • » 'tuviui. .»» m n 1 a!l m.:i. , i> wiuiU" .iud m«'.-»»r. -. •; «t ..«f once •V-. !|f, !. , ad: ;-• -rMI ! iir rt*v.'ll'\ ;.f Mix I ■ u; Il:iM»n»rv • . ~iiu.«t • •• exrue.no nil ■.vri'/'lts. .... , ui.v- I -.ill nlVise .ill ' V-. .v . ...« ' ! eltflflv ! 'i ,r>. *. li'.-.'-i i , . Kc:»n u*.fH4. N. A. MAli I iN. Mi. :., rn K.tiper. PATENTS MVSK a it*., of the RPIKNTIPIC AMKUICAN. con tinue tofiot iii« K.'!«eltors for I'.u ••»»», Caveat' '»*« site Copvjtyhtn. f.»r the I'iiited Statv.. Or. .nda. Rutland, rrtu .*. tKirmiuiy. ete. ll.u: : about sent fre«». Tlnrty-« v»n yearV exiH-rtt-nce. Pitt•MtMOl>t.tin -..thnMisnMLNN \( n Hf.-ni-ili-i'il In the Jri*NTirn- AMKIUCAN . the laniest, 1 ent. nnd Ui"sf widely clreulutcd srk>niitlc pnper. #8.90 a y«ar. \V.siXly. Spivmlid cnxr-vtiii-* a:«« 1 interowtinM in formation. siMieiUifit v»i>f of theHeleutltle Amer* lc«:i P.'i.t fiVf. A iNNA(V ,-i IKNIIVIC AM JZ ui I .vf Ofllce. V-\ Rroadway, N.-w WOW IN U5E—33,989. Ail perv -> «uty thnr •'.>• •» r.» »• «•♦>•«! V/r itk yObtorr AMINEMIR F I tprt T KI-U' R FARW mm\ r~muzinm Rriii • 'iiuv 'liid - v \J, v. i; vi »: v •• '■ '..iktnMai it.-f Al! are w»r r*n'.' i ..I*-. . :-i K't>».urk jw.ich'oe Co-. bittern liiviki. tlcou. WILBON & HUNT EE, >V I Til Siclcel, IIel!en s* Co. iui|M)rlt'tx aiul Jul»U'i> «.1 xotiojVS, II inn-: GOODS irosTKRY, ,fc. No. 'J'2 Havor Street, JNO. L- SICKKL. jBAL'I'IM ItK,M J NO. F. ICELLEN. ( Tlie eelebfutctl .1. I'. Xisscn Wsigon, uiuJo b GEO. E. NISSEN & Co., Salem, IV. C. fTVriiß UKAhO.WS WE CAN' ANI> IK> MAKE TIIE BEST WAOONS AHE Wo X keep a very lar#' ot kof seunoned lumber, xawiu-i im«l of it on our own mills, ami • :sing only the best for wagons; t!i* inm is naife especially for us by tli« U-st works in Pennsylvania; tlie workmen have had many yearn experience ; then it being a settled fact thai \r«- make tlie liflirt, we can make it cheaper than any one else, quality considered Our advantages arc sawing tlie lui.t'»er ourselves, buying Iron, paint, varnish, Ac., mostly by the car load at liottom cash prices. We are manufacturers* agents for the best Thimble SkHn made, iielng of liest wrought *tocl, pcrlisitly welded, ami cannot biv-ak. We inuku the only brake on running gear that i» worth hauling. % Write for prices. Every waaon bearing our name is fully warranted. (IEO. E. NIJSMLN & CO., Manufacturers, SAI KM, X. C. l\ S.—We will cp a food attoiliitvM ot Wi J;CIIS in tlie waiekcntv in nor f J. E. (aimers, and he will attend to selling them in our abaci**;. apHTSS \ ? >S 5 reacwwfwo ; 1 f-3® * 2, BJTt'tonkfUjMt > 1 q iL- g fi t»rrapi 'e. T; J (t > » «* t* ,J 1 •' p-ieal for IViltiy. Kt-. fir J / 1 3 J'VV3'I VALIWL:-! COOX-COOX, FRC2, 'A'RRI TC»Y CHOPPSR. PT>/ [ I h.lHii R| L; | if-a % ALS ; iss*#/iyiwvi villi idSr , ji/Jii! Jl! I ?1 i U * * i i | "I* la :: :: %%:: SNv : 3 O «"" *OS*S ''i I .. z\ .. \ ; § •» 3 'OJ'LJ 'o;r>u;n -q| I edoqo oi 'ON \ ' 4 ? ' AXTovciya 5 WEEK'S BEADING FREE! FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Cen l rear n*nu> and tV« PIW> and «DDM« of Are OF Jour ut thhh'.r** or fiieude on ■ po*l»l iiid and P«H for ywnself and isch of them a ropy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, I HA "Atlanta Constitute" OLr I "UNCIC REMUS S" wortd-fsw©* I UV.dches of the old Plantation D&rlty, THREE | « BIU ARPS .. H(iniftrwil Letters for H'JHOnOIIS I Hoir.e aatf He.irtt. Stone. toW In the "Cradw" dnitvt. p-.tr ISmnl, JVWs, | i'. i".» t fnm, .MitrnlnfM, w," ('iirii.^ndMci, A WoHd of h itadloti IOJ Entertainment j T*»-lv" rum;*. Tho Drtntitwl aM Dmt V. c*)li|y. I I'U .UMJ bicuihef «>1 tbo Family. BIND A PC'SIAI fOR A BKCI*EN COrY, FRCB | AJi.-tw "Tus CeaaiiiUTiaa," AUauia, Go. AF' TP* -Y THBOHLT TH3B OTONSC W • I*sl P r l f V *''■ 81.000. -eru t.i:.» I«I.' i * - li.»t . 11.1 1 ' ' ; and VXOOH of VOUTS. !>•»- VnWlffV . WantM /.piietltc. ln 'ilo k oi ytrvnrth, tsuri-d. lioi.vc, mtKcies and eflfcyjL i.t-t ves receive new force. . k Rnllvens the mltid au.l ■ a ■ lull ,f*v sup nllcs Ural ii l*.»w*r. S B 1 5 |5» SUIT I •nt:fr»ui cemplaliita 0 "»■ jiccnilarto tl.rirav* will fird in DR. IIA.\:1 F.RfC iRON TOWICa od I jp.fly cure. it cl«»n . I in.tl.j • .Mnpl.-zinii rrequent atlt ripts m unti rfrliliij? only i,u4 tu the r».»»»n'a«■'»}• .if thi )>n uot uX a pcriUiCUk— ift't tilV t'UiUINAt. AM) Busr. HARTER'S om.; Ann.consrwirtn ■ m bk n SSB s% PiLL IN THC WwILO. LIVER PILLSCTSRSS^V. BO*ELS COMSTISATKB. l'Mraoua •• (I.Tt.n, fr .n. TOVPIDXTY of tha LIVER cr luactlv lty or t!-»> Bt'-weln. will Mod a p«rinu ul OtTRK t>7 the nt-n «yf tri'«r« H'.lk No mitdictao should taken Mthou: tl I t ! - air.u :h- Siomneb and )ina ir wltn * d ae» TIARTV.Ji'S I.TVRR PII.La t3«.nv>le loe» i'- a. i • 4 ;■. .»Uuo b> pu»t.il. reur ' T'aHerMed fo.V I n-n«. oar-D-fEAIJ OCOK. M B M' -Hof uui! a- ein, iu/ u ;oi4t> Ju./rvo.^ 5 . 2 B 'f s a • •a v, . Z m I q,CQ !§ a I®. e: s eg J* § 1 ** 2 ■* > c a 3 c; 2 J £2 -S» "*» r. -? g i > w3 cj 2 •= Y 8m T3 I £ u •2 cf m ~o r ~' £ o 5 s ** CI) . F\AGENTSE'SIS ! (\ M. Reflecting Safety Lamp • i»» an . ■ v> * ,n fT «- r y family. Ulvts liJrVIP •' ■'■ 't !!>.", ■ .in -• v lirini. *i v ii • "•I' 1 "' iiiwp «fnl r«»r Any r j>'TV W 5» t ill W. niv^oU^r { i• Cin ulnra t ».•. j U -J* f oßrilEt» ¥ACkiN, Clnclnnati.O i i I Clto. W. HINSIIAW. WADE If. BVNUM srerne HMBHAW & BYNUM, Wholesale and Retail Dealern lu —General Merchandise, — Star Brand Fertilizers, Seeds and Country Produce, —WINSTON, N. c.— WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. GENERAL STOCK. WE (TAKIm* A 'sCKFIfirXT STOCK TO MEET THB WANT* OF TIIK TRADE. a n.l air prrtHiied u> aril all llucsof as low a# they pun 1.0 nought Iron* any Jobbing house and deliver*! lieie. *ll w»«v article# at #amc prices for whii li they nre Mild In Northern elties. Thl* part of our business will be represented on tl«c roail by one of our sale»m*n- Mu. J. C. GOOD MAX. Tlie Most Complete Retail Stock in this part of the State. n • Everything needed ran he found at the right #ort of price#. VjrOCCl C W(| alwav , have the bent that ran be had at lowest market prices. Mackerel in barrel*, half barrela, quarter barrel* ami kit*. Herring* In season. I FATHER S'.l/i' oils. WHITMAN!* RED LEAD. B»>PKB, BUCKETS, Tl llS,'KtS,li ' tiI.ASS, PITTY, BROOMS. ETC. DrUgS k " f ll,e morc l H, l»ul* r Patont^Modlclnes. —HARDWARE— Nails, Horse am) Mule Shoes, llorse Shoe Nails, Axes, Shovels, Spades. 4-Proug Forks, Grass Scythes, Scythes and Cradles, Trace and Log Chains, Mattocks, lines, Saws. Butts, Hiuges, Screws, Locks, Files, Spoons, Etc., l J o'ket and Tnblo Cutlery, Thermometer*, and a full line of Staple Goods at prices as low as the lowest ; Stoves and Hollow Ware. Wo have md«» several car#' "KsecMor" Cook Stove#, manufactured by Isaac A. Hheddejp'of Baltimore. So far a# wo have heard, every Sto%»• ha# given |M'rrect »ati#factiou. • I icn't buy a Stove until you examine our#. ... ~ We also keep a full line «»f hamlMiiue ilollow Ware, Ovens, Spid.ru, Hetties, I ota, st«. Tlu Ware or every description. * Trunks, d Books, Blank Books, • Paper 9 Pens, Ink, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Etc. 1 * FOR MEN A Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Jcans, Cottonades, Liniien Prills, Shirting ' Coat, Pants and Vc.it Trimmings ; the celebrated Globe Shirts and Collars ; Tics : Big Stock of Men's Ready-Made Clothing Mfrlno an ! (lame I'iMlrrwmr ; Hats „r ererr deacrtption to lit, at price" ranitlug from ton cent. to five dollar..; If c Make Boots and Shoes a /Specialty ! Cosr#e Shoe#, Coarse Ifcmts. llav State B*ot# ami Shoe# of all grade*—Every pair warranted. T Mile#' Sona Philadelphia llaiil-Malr Shoe*—none better. These good." are bought In large quantities ami will be sold at right sort of prices. —Ladies, Misses and Childens Goods, — fey- LAI)Y CLERKS TO WAIT ON TILE LADIES We carry a larfe Una of Staple anil Fancy l>re« io»l» and Trimming., coiuu.Uaf partly »f SILKS, CASHMERES, ALPACAS FANCY DIIESS GOODS, Worsteds, Dress, Flannels, Sack Flannel ; wkitc, red, griy, plaid, Canton and Cotton Flannels, Liudseys, Ginghams, Linen Suitings, Piquets, White Muslius, Victoria Lawns, Hamburg Edgings, Jaconels, Merino and Gauio Underwear, Skirts, Proof Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hoods, Shawls ana I loaks, and hundred. of other article., including l-arawln, Fan. ami Umbrella*. All Orades of Shoes. Cloth Gaiters. Oxford Ties and Slippers- We call st*clal attention to our line of Hay State am! T. Mile#' SOBS' .Shoes, handsome V* %r H/yle#, good quality and low prices. jt% Biv'pJ'ed£and Brown Domestic a Specialty ! It near .lelleve we oau afford u> give anuie Ind ucemeiil. In thi. department, and auk all to come and "lainiinour price* eleeely, arid Tf 11 fail to make It to your Intere.t to trade with ui, It will be our AT FACTOR'Yj PRICES : Fries' Jeaus, Drill, Arista Sheeting Cettonadcs, Cedar Falls Sheeting, Bel le mon t Plaids, Forest Hill Plaids and Towels , J. &P. Coats' Thread ; Gail A Ax's and llalpu's Snuff, and many other articles. 1 Red Clover, Sappliug Clover, Timothy, ORCHARD GRASS, KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS and HERDS GRASS SEEDS of the bi>t qualities at bottom |»rlces. 125,000 Yards Tobacco riant Bed Muslin, ht CoT « ri Plant lied#—mails tooer own order at Fall River, Mass. m* f f J/- r\ r 11 ra»»iv»l, It* n| Ht|. i\ i-v th%n tw» m llis-n. four hnn- J |[| LL («l »il »v* i r ' I- • 11»n%«l jinit* ~a »re?» % ndtse, on Hurch we paid more than seven thousand dollars freight.) : We bay the bulk of o«r good# of flr#t; • hand", In original packages, at Ix>west Cash; : Prices, and are thus enabled to otter In-; * dnrement* that mercliante who have to buv! ;of jobbing cannot possibly ofTrr. : Thanking the pnblio for our continued inorease of patronage, and promising to try to merit % still greater increase in the future, We remain Your Friends truly, HINSHAW & BYNUM. WINSTON, N. C-, February 25,1885. ( T. J. BROWN- W. B. CARTIR BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, Winston, N. C. Tlic Farmers' Headquarters. FOR FINE TOBACCO 1 To OfK FLUKN'DS AND THE lVni.lC C.KNKITALI.Y J It is huril 1 > iiftifjjjuirv to ' all your attention to this old and well-known house—me g one in tins muikt t lor more tl.au ten years, both in quantity of mhaceo sold, and n uliest prices—vei a# ca«li year wives sonic new id, aof adding to your cou»!brt and coi enieiuc. Mould call ymr attention to our STOItISG ItOOMS, one in the Usemeut roi r\ tobacco, the other Ihe second floor of a large factory connected by platform for to la >in «IKK. or soft crocr. \N e keep your tolmceo in this vay |«M ked up so It cannot be Vi- JV i ttl SSKIi# A, l \ ol ™ i,co b kept ftilljr insured. Have made a larga addition to ou S I AH .LOOM, and have alxo a lan;c dry lot convenient. Our lot is now well pa?ed *mi rock. t»i\e our [>erbo;ial attention to the unloading of all tobacco, and every pawl has close attention during .vile by MA J. BROWN who is acknowledged to be a tine exhibi tor ol iobaceo, and the liardest woiker on sale to be found. ,^Q' 4 V BAIHIAM, we offer you the beat auctloucer on this or any market. Don t tail to try him Willi your fine leaf, and you w ill enjov it as well as be pleased with prices. Our Mies to date much larger than ever before, and more than one-third of all I the tol»aco sold on this market. I'nssessing the confidence of all the buyers, always have i attendance. our tobacco will all IHJ together in one row, and when last lot is sold I >our check v. ill be iv:»«l\. \N e cannot \ isit you in IMTSOIU but must remain at our post t l rirei " lU " l " a> " ot s " n ' ''" ur absence. Weguarantee g.xnl handling and liigh \V itli tin* t:ix irdumi to 8 wnl« u■ look for an Improvement 111 prices and be'tcr dr uiai.U. \» rite 01 any inlnniunoii desired. Your friends. BROWN & CARTER. By When you start f..r our liouse don't lie atop|ied by Hie cry. "you can't eat in th«r are o*crruii," etc. We cau always take care of you. M. W. NOKI- I.i:i-T, j. s . SC'ALK FEDMONT 'WAREHOUSE. WINSTON, IN. J. For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO —5 tOf 1- ■ The Bett Lighted Salesroom in Town. The only House Imill on plan of SKY LIGHTS and SIDE LIGHTS. It contains moie tlian J,mm panes i f gins.,, making lighi uniform all u\cr tlw floor. PERSONAL ATTENTION given to tho sale of BACII PARCEL. Highest Market Prices Guaranteed ! Conic (» Piedmont. M. W. NOR FLEET & CO. K7MI. J. ( rule, Auctioneer, will get you outside figures for vour Tobacco.^*) —SMITH & BROWN'S- I I t DRUG STORE, WINSTON, N. O. Is headquarters for everything in the drug and medicine line We keep the largest and best selected stock in the town, and | defy competition. Give us a call and save money. GRAVES'S WAREHOUSE. DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. Floor ilanager—R. M. Hubbard, of Pittsylvania Co., Ya. H'e\ffhmu*trr —Ji*. A. Benton, of Rockingham Co., N. C. Auctioneer— »Jas. K. Ulelwrda n, of McckleulHirg Co., Va. Clark—Max Horn, of Halifax 'o., Va. Aiuistont Clerk* —Wm. 11. Guorrniit, of PitUylvanla Co , Va.; K. W. Smith, of Dntrlll* Thankful for tbe liberal patrouago gi»cu a.e fir miui j«»rs, I (ball eadcaro merit it in the future. WILLIAM P. GKAVKB. November, 3, 1881-yl. PrepneWj, GItAY&MAIITIIN' THIRD BTREST, WINSTON, N. C. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumes, Tobaccos, Cigars Soaps, Paints and Oils. LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS. PARSONSIIPILLS

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