The Reporter and Post THURSDAY AUGUST 12 lHßti. Topics at Home. •eenrrenoffi In and 4ronu4 Dmhnry, And Vounty Mnllcrw Brlffly Told. ••A ohlel'a imong you take'n note*, And, fattb, i»rout It." Any subscriber who fails to receive the llwortku and Post every week is roquontcd to report the failuro. Wo want to sou whoro 'ho fault is. State Dciu. Convention, Kaluigh, Au gust 25th. Sun rises 5 15, bcU 0 53 ; Full moon 14th, 1 10 p. m. Please don't fail to pay your sub scription to this paper while you are at oourt. Use Oweas compound Blaokborry cordial a sure ouro for Summer com plaint. t Get your machine oil at Ashoraft & Owens, Winston, N. C. They keep a good article cheap. The Sheriff brought P. H. Torrill up from the Forsyth jail Sunday and his trial has been set for today. A man by the namo of J aokson was sent to jail Tuesday for going into the oourt-room in an intoxioated condition. If you would have a really fine spcimen of flexible sandstone for your parlor you can get it by call. 3 on Pepper Hi Sons while iu Danbury. Bishop Lyman has an appointment at Winston Sunday Sept. 12, aud at Walnut Cove Tuesday Sopt. 14. Holy Cotmnuuion and collections for diocesan missions at these servicos. Tho August two weeks term of Su perior Court began Monday, Judge Me Rae presiding. There were 157 cases of tho state dooct on Monday - a number have been ainco added. If you are in need of a truss go to Ashcraft & Owens, Druggists, Wins ton, N C. They carry Iho largest and best assortment in Winston aud guar antee a fit or no charge. Vaughn k Pepper Winston, N. C. hereby give notice to their many friends aud customers in Stokes, and other counties, that owing to the very small profit at which tlioy arc selling goods, from this time on they will be compell ed to adopt tho cash system, or tho pay down system We will always he glad to sell you what you want at bottom, or a little be iow bottom priees ; but must ■ell on tho pay d«iwn plan. { Farmers say that If tho present fine seasons contmuo a few wocks longer the corn on uplands and sandy bottoms will bo fairly good. They say tobscco is too far spent to make a orop, and that tbe continuous rain this summer has cx ' haustod the strength of the fertiliser, and you know it is too hot uow to asc elbow grease. But according to our thinking tho impression that tbe sbun danco of rain has exhausted the fertilis er does not admit of a scicntiCo explana tion. Dorscy of ih« Sentinel and Mastin of tbe Ropublicau arc here, right jolly good fellow* they arc and desorve success ; give am a lift fellows, lets have more newspaper reading, if we are in the baok ground that is no reason why we should not keep posted as to what tho great outside world is doing. Says the Asnc ville Citizen : "We venture to suggest that tho people can make no better investment than in the support of thctr loeal and Stato papers. Tbo press caanot prosper at the expenao of tho people; prosperity of tho one simply enhances a most active ageney in the prosperity of the other." The first issas of the Ballot a prohibi tion organ published at Charlotte is be fore ns. It is a 32 column and very aeatly printed papor of which Mr. R. E. Blakclay is business manager. It has quite a eharactoristio well mitten " 'Baiutatton of over a column defining its mission which if persned in the same ■pirit in wbioh it has been coneetved should secure a goodly patronage for its management. We copy: ' "The Ballot has oomc to occupy a niobe not already ocoupied. It is not ■o muob concerned to know what public Opinion is, ss what it ought to be. To help make it what it ought to bo is its ohief mission." A hone was sold for fifty dollars in Dsnbury a few days ago wbioh tho own er assured us he bad lately refused eigh ty-five dollars. Here follows the explanation. He had to pay a fertilizer mortgage. This fertiliser business is get ting you 00 tbe road fsst, so that yon ean spend jour old age comfortably in tbe poor house and won't it be nice. Soma men can use fertiluer who get 16, 20 and 50 dollar* for tobaooo but the farmer who never get more than three to five dollars por hundred for. his to t>aoco and knows that hta land is such that it will grow no other kind, is acting the fool to continue to use it. Tin: ms vr.xno.N Pursuant to a vail of the chairman of the executive committee, the oounty convention met in the court house on Monday and selected candidates for the various county offices, a representative in the next General Assembly, and ap pointed delegates to attend the senator ial convention to be held in Gcrmanton. The convention was called to order by Joel K. Ilill, Esq. and on motion, Dr. R. P. Moir was made permanent chair man and A. M. Stack secretary. A motion was mado and carried to allow each township one vota in the eonven; tion for every twenty fivo Doinocratio votes oast in the last Gubernatorial election. It wad also agreed that each township send three delegates to the Qeruianton convention. After these preliminary arrangements Chairman Moir declared the convention ready for business. For the House of Representatives, l>r. W. A. Lash pat in nomination Dr. E. Fulp; Mr. A. J. Bro«n nominated T. J. (iann , Mr. Thorats Cullum brought forward the name of Mr. J. Y. Phillips; Z. S. Alley nominated commissioner J. M. Lasley. Mr. Lasley declined and put in nomination Joel F. Hill, who refused to run. Mr John Vaughn nom inated John L. Smith Esq., who also declined. A vote was taken with the following result: as the Srst ballot Dr. K. Fulp, twoutwy two ; C. M. Laslcy, one and one-fourth: J. ¥. l'hillips, twenty-six and three twonty-scoiids ; T.J. Gaun, seven and fortj-ono forty fourths : second ballot Fulp, sixtcoti, Phillips thirty-six. Mr. Phillips was declared the nominee. For Clerk, James liieison, Jr. received th.rty votes and Crawford Marshall twenty-two. K. 1 Dalton was re nominated by acclama tion. For rcgia'er, A.J. Brown J. G. H. Mitchell, J. E. Ilill, N. A. Mar tin and J. M, Gatewood wero nominat ed before the convention. On the first ballot the vote stood, Brown, thirteen, Mitchell, twelve, Ilill, nineteen", Martin eight anil line- foilrtli, '.intewood no vote The seeoud ballot siood lliil twenty-six and one-hall, Brown, fourteen and tlircc fjurths, Mitchell, eight, Martin four and thrco fourths. It was announced that Mr. Ilill had just half of thu votes in the convention, township cast her entire veto fur him, making Hill's vote twenty-nine when ho was declared the nominee. Mr. Gideon Goorge was rc-noininatcd by acclamation for surveyor and Mr. J 11. Can oil for coroner. On motion, alt nominations were modo unanmmous and then the nominees were calcd on and made short but good speech es. Hon. J. C. Iluxton was also call, cd on and made a routing ppcecli which was heartily enjoyed by all present. The following delegates were appoint ed to attend the Senatcrial Convention at Gerinanton : Sauratown, Dr. Lash, W. N. Black burn and C. W. Ma Anally ; Quaker Gap,Z. T. Smith,#. M. Jessup and Jahu h Smith ; Yadkin T. (V. Galium, A. M. Boy lea aud W. 11. Watts ; Snow ('reck, YV. 11. Carter, J. 11. Ellington and T. M. Martin , Peters Creek, Powol Rolnu hod, Dr. J. B. Smith and A. J. Piiuglo; Beaver Island, L. W. Anderson, T. P. Carter and W. C. Wilson ; Meadows, J. F. Hill, E. J. Stycrs and S. B. Taylor. It was left to th« Forsyth convention to designate the tuno of holding the convention at Germ an ton. The Democratic papers of the county were requested to publish tho proceedings of the meeting. Tak ing it all in all, the convention was ono of tho most harmonious and enthusiastic that Stokes has bad for years and the entire tiokct will bo triumphantly elected in November next. Dr. R. F. Moir, Chrm. A. M. Stack, Sec'y G ueßth at tub McCani.kss llocsc. Hod. Thomas Settle, B F Bynnm, Mrs Ann Bynutu, Mr Broadnax, J 0 Broad nax, J Y Phillip*. H P Byuuiu, Poindextcr, Will Pepper, Mrs. J I.Vis sen, Fred Nisscn, Harry Nisscn, Miss Clara Niascn, Mrs Dr Smith, Miss Jen nie Smith, Dr S Smith, Thomas Scttlo, Jr., K M Oabill, Rev Mr Rice and wife, Dr Parish, James lticrson, J F Ilill, M Mabine, L 11 Wilson and wife, Wil lie Ntlson, Nicholas Rterson, J E Hill, Lula Hill, Jos. Goodman, J I Nisscn, William Marshall, L G Waugli, I' \V Robinson, J no. East, W K Birgc, Rulus Carter, W L Fallin, Jas. Vaughn, A C Rhodes, I K Short, liuf Smith, L N Nel son, William Edwarks, Squire Vonablc, John Williams, Jamos Flint, P 1! flol din, Jamos Norman, Miss May Moir, Mnw Bcllo Norman, II M Kirbey, G France, Joo Dillyn, Jessie Hall, Hon T B Taylor, I G JoycoJos. Vaughn, Rob Vaughn, J B Alley, E B Morgan, Dr Jas Smith, CIC Smith, l>r. B*iu Moir, Miss Nannie Fulton, Jas W lticrson, Shop Adams, A Bo»e, E T Wilson, N C Gann, S L Hooaer, P H Tiliory, Jaoob Fulton, John A Btt*fcr, T M Martin, J O H Mitchell W L Hill, 8 W Ricrson, J Y Blrchfield, W J Jaok •on W B Dodson, I) V Hall, Crawford Marshall, 8 C Hi'.l. Will Chafin, James ft Martin, Dr L Hill, P A Ovcrby, J F Hall Caleb Hall Dr L Pringlc Mrs W Martin, J M Hardy, J A Bycrley, R F Bycrley, D Smith, J M Winston, P N Scales, 1) Wilson, S M Jessep, R B Hart. Tuotday August 10. Buy yeu turnip seed of Ashcrafrt A Owens, Winston, N. C. They have just received a large lot t>! fresh seed. Superior Court, Dili dirt., full teirn— Judge Me Rao. Rockingham,—July 20 ,i! weeks. Rockingham,—November 8, 1 week. Stokes, —August 9, 2 weeks. Stokes, —November 15, 1 wejk. Surry,—August 28, 2 weeks. Surry,— November 22, 1 week. Alleghany,—September 0, 1 week. Wilkes, —September 13, 2 weeks. Yadkin, —September 27, 2 weeks. Davie, —October 11,2 weeks. Forsyth,—October 25, 2 weeks. I'MVIIMM Y Oi 1 NOUI'll i AKOl.ina . The next session opens August 26th. Fifteen Professors ofier a wide range of instruction in Literature, Science and Philosophy. The Law School and the Department of Normal Instruction are fully equipped. Special higher training in all the departments is provided for graduates of the Uuivcisity and of oth er Colleges free of charge. Select Li brary of 20,000 volumes; Reading Room of 111 Periodicals. Total colle giate expenses i'SS.UO a your. Board to $18.50 per mouth. Sessions begin last Thursday in August. For full information, address PnuMDENT Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., Chapel Hill, N. O. Tho Rsporteu-IVht should bo a regular weekly Tisitor to every family in tho county—both for tho good ol the families and for our own sake, and for this one, among a uumber of reasons; — wo arc endeaveriug to do a good service by acquainting tile pcoplo with the county's history and resources thereby instructing our people iu what they ought to know, and at the same time drawing the attontion of individuals frou. abroad who may he induced to make in vestments hero and introduce industries among us. And while wo aro working fur the interest of the oounty, at large, we feel wo ought to have its substantial support iu tho way of a liberal subscrip tion list, for as Bradford who published the tiist lliblo in America under the colonial govcrnnicut, at Philadelphia, said in his subscription prospectus— •'printing is costly;" and when wo say "printing is costly" we are not taking into account any remeiueration for the preparation of ihc matter for the paper, aud tor conducting the business. We furnish u paper which to say the least will not sutler in comparison with any county paper in tho State ; indeed there are origual articles, covering a vast and vaticd range of subjects, regu larly contributed to this paper which wc consider would do credit to tho inorc pretentions oity dailies of tho State. Much attention is given in its colutus to matters of uioro than passing interest to the tatmer,-an«l the tanning interest of this county ulfccts every ouc of its in- j habitants—it is as yet paramount to ov- j cry other interest in this county. The I vory latest general and state news is given on the columns sot apart for that department ; aud its miscellaneous se lection." are carefully sifted from its fifty exchanges. This summer and fall will bo an exci ting period in county politics, the solic itor, member of the legislature, sheriff, court clerk and register will bo elected. This oounty will also vote for a Chief Justice aud Associate Justices of the Supreuio Court, and this congressional district for a member of cougress aud this judicial district for a Superior court judge. Every man should keep himself inform ed of the nominations ar.d progress of the canvass by reading this paper which will 5o sent to any address until November, j lbth, for 75 cents in advauce. Halo ol" I^aiid, Dy virtnro of a decree of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county I will sell upon tbe primiscs on tho 15th day of St«|»- leraber IWI a valuable tract of land known tut the old 11KNHY TKLI. homestead place. Said tract of land containing about one hun dred and seventy acres In btokos county lying directly on Big Crock adjoining '.lie lands of John Lows, John J. Fiances, I. 15. ■Short, and others. Tills Is a valuable farm contains several acres of tiift class creek and branch bottom land. It lias lino tim ber on It, a good orchard and fair Improve ments In the way of buildings, Ss well wat ered, and produces flue coin, wheat, and tobacco, the land will lie surveyed before the day of sale and plots mad" out showing the number of acres sud particular location. The purchasers will bs required to pay down ono third of tbe purchase money, and secure the other two thirds by giving bond with approved security. Title withhold un til all the purchase mousy is paid. August Dth 1888. It. L DALTON, Commissioner. McCanlcss House, DANBURY, N. C. This House is now open. It has been enlarged and newly fitted up for the espec ial accommodation of Stimui T visitors to Pkulmont Springs aud the Mountains. It is tho largest Hotel, and has the best arranged aud most airy room* of any house In town, with double verandas of 120 fuel promeuadeeai.h. Kls beautifully located on a hl«!> well shaded elevation, where the pnreali and n.oubtaln breezes liavo free access with nice view of the grand mountain soonery r.urronmXng the town. It has a large and well vouiilatod parlor furnished willi pUno aud other music for the use and plOMUie of tlx- guests. Since last season the proprietor bus built new cook aud pas try rooms sepurnte from thu largo ami air, dining room. ■Situated af Miles Atyn I'iod Montsprln:?-, jl miles froth rwppM'f Ahtm sprlhft, urn within easy distance uf Moore's aud oilier mineral waters. A lino ofpood l acks w'Oi itood teams will be run from the Hotel to the springs at all times, or when desired rates. Mlnurnl water Sud Ice lcept at Hotel at all times. Doardsixteen dollars per month; f:vc dcl lais per w«ck; one dollar per day; children under leu years of ago and servants half p.Sce. llaesfare to tlie and return Uicta. Dr. W. W. MoCAXLKSS, Ju1y1.1896 Proprietor. Danbui'y Market*. Corn,... . Ml I'yr .... w» Apples, cnien, tlilod, H'. Uuttcr, l'iiirJO, £•o 10 J'c tches, quwtors,.. nouiiua? lmlves, ...nominal paml, ....nominal Ua?on, 7 i 10 Lnrdt 1" Coos wax, • 2o CoiUiu, beat l-« good to prime, 0 a 1:' couinion, Ha 10 .Sugar, bn»wn t ............. - > * H grunulatAtt, 10al^ ShfUiLlna, 7 a 8 ('of ton checks 7 a Calico, -IJiih W. 1?. OUN'X. 11. Ms OI.KMN. A. M. STACK. GLENN, GLENN & STACK, Attorn©ys-at-Law DANBUBY N. C. Practice in tl»«' wunties of Stoltes, For sythc, .Surrv, Yt*llcin, Davie, DavidtoKi and iiocklnslunii. Sjieclal attention given to all businew intrusted to thein in biokeH. Ofllco, at Taylor House. Taylor House, DAN BURY, N. C. My llnav will 1* open for tho reception • tfbumiser vtsltorn, the 13th of lww. I have more room tl»ii ever and vUU> bt i pre- lo take care of more vi3 wPS than hithcito.. Danlniry ia certainly tfeo most pleasant resort for summer recreation t!iat ran ho found in the Piedmont section of North Carolina; it is surrounded by tho hu rst mountain scenery, and the finest miner al waters to bo found anywhere in North Carolina. JJoard in the House pei mouth, $10.00; l>er week, *5.00; per day, SI.OO ; t«*»d for horses, s!f>.oo: p«'r month. As fiL'cmt fur riedmont Co. I will ret • . ins o( In ad ei. je . For |ai tictUai .I• me Du - . fl. li. T I\ LOR IVO'X'J.OE. l!u n . .. m iblratorof John K. Pepper deceased, all persons owing the i? i qui roil lo comtf forward and stHtl'% and ail persona having clalins against aaid estate are required t» produce them within a year from '.lu' (late or tli' notice or the same" will be plea do 1 in bar of tjieir re covery. This August 2d, 18y5. T. K. Ki r.NKn, Adin'r. GEO. STEWART. I Tin and Sboet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Warehouse. WINttTOJV. N. t'., ROOFING-GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at short notice. Keeps constantly on hand a flue lot of Cooking nnil Heating Stoves. Oak Institute. A FIRST CLASS HIGH SCHOOL -Tif With Special Business College De partment AD MIT BOTH'SEX EB. AKULL and tlioriitth .H years Aeadende Courae of .Study in Classics, Nattual ScieiiCi' and Mathoinatlca. One of the most flourishing and succcntul Dusines. Colleg es South of Washington. 200 students from various States last year. Special classes, Fall Tem of 18.SII, in Elocution, Vocal Mus if, aud I'etlagogies, umler the lnsUuvtlon ol expert and experienced teachers. bepends for patronafio on its thorough methods, and relers to its students in ull denartmcnts of business aud vocatioiu New Literary .Society Halls, Heading Room &c. FuM corps of experienced teach ers. Location in every way desirable. Fall term opens August 10th. For" Catalouge, \(J., address J. A. Jt M. H. IIOLT, Principals. 0„k Ridge, N. C. Vauable Town Pork Lands For Sale. By virtue of a Decree of the Surerior Court of Stokes county made at spring tarm law; in case of Mrs. M. K. Gibsou against L. ti. Lewis, I will sell at public out ciy tg the highest bidder FOK CASH at tlw Court llouso door iu Danburv on Monday ilia 2ml day of August 1W! a valuable tract of 187 acres of land in Stokes county ou the waters of Town Fork and on the line of the C. F. A Y V. ltallroad, iiuiaodlately on the pub lic inad from Stokesbnrg tnGermanton three miles west of Stokcsburg and tlm" miles E ist of (JeruiantQii and known a. the place where Sirs. M, E. Oibson formerly lived a\joining tLe lands of Ju lgo >V. I*. ilyiiiim, T. J. V'uiomiiie, David I"oTni!ext%r, iw.d oth ei's. til a good neighborhood. «- It is a nice location with coo 4 dwelling and othi r houses ami improve"juiiV- . and the land is fine for all kimlsof 'IV trie eo and grasse., wlUi a large portl .n of heavy pine and oak tiiulier land. WALTF.HW KiXG, Coni.ilnioiier. Tlds June Otli 16?fl. ■ Siew'iSLwf Im!>»•««, Brnl MP JNr> •nd ii mt>lim. iWIMIiI - k-r tram iPrtm U*> (nwottaa u.i* cmnu« tatrr- s%l 1 PIANOS AND ORSSS FROM LUDEEN4 BATES SOUTHIEN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH,OA., | WANGS,—Clilckcring, Mason A. Psmliu Matliusliek, Bent & Arion—vaiymjjt to>m saio to *i,ooo. ORGANS—Mason A Hamlin, Packard and Bay State—from SOO lo S7BO. A Orders ami corn'spoiideuoterit'iteiwJtM.i for illustrated catalogue, pcicea aud turns. PROF.C.I. WILSON, »K"nl, Olllce Sening Machine Co., opposite Pot: i 'ttice, Winston K,fftj t , Prof. Wllsob will also train Vocal .l.vssea, Chmch Choirs and .Sunday .SCIhmiIS iu,ciiy or uuuuUy. Mki jiui»—strictly tiy n»to. Alwi gives K-HSoni on Guitar, FluW and CH>'iiet. Musiclai InstiumeuU tuiual and n*(Mire>l. WAITED -UDY^£ n^hi;^«L,s wold Irm. Kcfen Md KOOd MlU7. OAYAIUOf.IHIvrBUr A.W-T. *BVERTlS£»is"rr:^^r~ cn Lds+rUiir g sp»co whoft in CtoC9g>>, Will cA 4- /it LORD ft THOiAS. A QUESTION An OUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. sjLVK,'i_. y «" t. But It does euro any diM'a»-u RjSMi.y l i* o I>L , ; ' nn *'» M pmKtttn !»:«!• fpV f • 1 «* tin ho«t rMrtorattui Mffi BWm to tjio j.r«fr»»lon, nnil toxin try uf B nv toil 1-1 mm ur*u 1 :i.iS ul frrai lliui of «n» SfiSSiS'JfcS !"*7 '" ■• '■ ■' '">. Tbjn iSltt CM. M,m u " nb,cnlit * 1 b«duvw bttoo found. BROWN'S IRON BIHERSiMS or otknrlro. awHi-lnm do. lIHUM ,N>B IKON IIITTEItS nrea ladlscatlon, IHlloohikmx,W nkut«.» l>r»i'i'i.«l.T. lUnliuin, (lillin und P«ver», «rcd J »elinß, Jcn. rnl DcbllUy.PiUo la U.o VMfi> Hark or IJmbn. II «>udurh«; mid Neurit U Imo I. pmeiilwddaily BROWN S IRON nITTFRS.^^ 2™ all other thoroach medicineo, ttacf* K£!/»w uU :, ' n l v cpn w „".' "»• BTTiptoin O* B* ao '".y Hffowod finnrjijr. Iho iun*r)M tUeu booonvn nrnwr. thedl - huprovw tho aotivn. Jui Ki«wttnK ~«ot bumiaily mm* rapid indrnvkod ** 0t "' 0 **> OP. 00k*>MBMO ia tho oh4Mh«. narruusuow n«VTMni roaetJucal dflt*D#upunti booomn wn i&r, ana if a Damn* Mutb«r abundant •, jo issf & oNt , F3^sa.?'ss''u ,r :ji byunuu*. /**jrffcJanf omd Iwtvyfcu rwnnmmi ITS. OfAotaM hM T.-ad* link And cramd red Uua - - TAKK NO OTIIKU. , SPRING MILLINERY" 11KS. N. g. DAVIS is now receiving her "SpririK stock of M til or?, * >U.t.K and Fancy (woods. Call ami examine before you select elsewhere. E7"Firsi store south of the Central lloj tel, Winston, N. C. R. S. GGLESBY, C. SCOTT. WHOLESALE NOTIONS AND WHITE GOODS, Cl!i Main Stroet LYNOHIWRG VA. A. J. UOVD, . J. W. HEID, P. D. JOHNSTON, JULIUS JOHNSTON. JJO YD, liRIDSr JOHNSON, Attorneys - nt - I^aw, WENTWORTII, N O. Mcssra. Reid and Johhson will regu larly attend tho Superior Courts of Stokeß county. F ~' -fi •-H if- 1> iim «=■ M o ifc"« L a r 7 ggg gxj || M fej I? > | iiP I s cl I. If! liftas & "TI i"i £j| « hj r|W l tJ ii|§ ft -S % » w nj» 2 5 TRIL S ■ l| | ~A f » I g □ ■ Big tf 11 S3 & nm * s O _ ■ NOTICIf. H*viin: ohulned an order of court lor that Suhxmo 1 will at administrator of Naiwv Tab® deeea«od sell a certain trait ol land I*'- hmgins to 'lio estate of my Intestate on the yist d»y of July list*) at 12d'cluck. said tract of land is situated in the county of sUjku* on tho waters of snow creek, aUoin llig Jla 1 lands of James Nlctiolson, f'. 1,, lim 34l otliers,eontaiiilnlng ho teres nion; or h-ss. A portion of this land is in culti vation W'l 1«>» utmu It a dwelling house and several good out MuaeiMii agooil orchanl. About OD« hmif of uld trw*i l« finely tlmtwr ed and in tiiit rat« tobeco iand. ' Tlie pfitfli.iser will be required to pay one fourth of thft pitrclmser money on day cf tho sutle, aud on lite remainder a credit will be giv«n of six months by the purchas er iMlu bonil and approved security. The s:dc will bo uvadu at the old place. r. ii. mauk Administrator. July 2ftth 1885 FOR RENT. J A ciiyail»eriwo Immug farms, lying jttti Town fork ami Dan Uivcrtu ivnt. I Ai'pJy at otice to J NO. STKADKIi, AtfJllt foi Exwutora of lVtu* VV. lluiivloii. HEADQUARTERS! S. E. ALLEN, Corner 3rd and Main Streets, Winston, IV. O. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AGRICUL TURAL IMPLEMENTS, G4ar;swaro- Lamps, Sec, AGENT FOR T. T. HAYDOCKS HI JO ! aiES, CAIiUIAOES. &0., CAll LOAD IN STOCK AGE\T FOR Champion Mowers,'Reapers'and Bin ders, Farmer's Favorito Gram Drill, Far mer Qirl took Store, Longman and Mwtinoi strictly puro pic pared i'ainu, King's Great Western Powder Compa ny's Powdor; Hcreole. Powdei or Dynamtto, load er Corn Bhellers, Victor Cane Mills, Cardwcll Threshors and Ilorso Powers, Parmer Friend Plows, Ac. STOCK Consists of a full and complete linn of all goods usually kept In a first-class Hardwaro and Crockory Store, Iron, Nails, Horse and Mule shoes, Steel Plows, Glms, Faints, Varnishe. Ae. Carriage and wagon makers tools ami material, Builders tools, material and hard, ware, kicks, hinges, bnUs, scicn'3, sasL doors, blinds, Ac. Pistols, guns, Ammunition, fish hooks, nsts, Ac. Farmers, blacksmith and me chanics tools. CROCKERY. China, Dinner and Tea Seta, Porcelain Whits Ctranito, Iron Stone clilns, c. c. Ware, (.lass ware, launps, wick,, Burr, ser Ac. g B %^ t > t» CJ H fc fc—di © b* f 03 W J o O 5° _ si fn ff o Si r/N li \~_ RHUM

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