VOLUME XV. Reporter and Post. PUBLI9IIED WKEKLY AT DANBURY. N. C. PICPPER k SONS, rubs. * Props KATEH ar MMBiniOI; One Year, paoable In advance, fl.so Six Months, i 73 MATES OP ADVCRTIAIKti: •ne Square (ten linen or 1 tUn0,......91 00 Per each additional lusertion 0 Contract* for longer time or moi e »pace can be ■aade In pn>p**rti«»n to tbe above rate*. Transient advertiser* will be exuteted to remit accerdiog to thene rates at the time they send their farem. Ljcal Notice* will be charged 50 per cent.higher than ab*ve rate*. ...» _,, BB&IUOM Cards will be Inserted at Ten Dollar* p6r InHum. m 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. J. BOYD, J- BEID. r. B. JOHNSTON, JULIUS JOHNSTON, BO YD, BEIT) .?• JOHNSON, Attorneys - tit - Law, WENTWORTII, N. C. Messrs. Reid and Johhson will regu •lrly attend the Superior Courts of Stokei county. R. L. HAYMOW!, ATTORN EY-AT LAW Mt. Airv'N. O- Special attention given to the collection i claim*. 1 — JT. F. CART Ell, t&TTOftvVEr-tfr-J'rt w» MT. AIRY, SURRY CO., N. C Practice! wherever liisservic-s are wanted I, DAT, ALBEItT JONES. S&y & J paaes* manufacturers ot )JA»DLERT,HAUNEBS, COLLARS,TRrNK xo. 3M W . Baltimore utreet, Baltimore, .Vit. W. A. Tucker, H. C.Smtth, B.S. Sprngtiltn Tucker. Smith k Oo«> ll»nnfa«turlirn & wholesale Dealers la MOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS Be. U« Baltimore Struct. Baltimore, Jfd. K. J. t n. E. BEST, witii Henry Sonncbom Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. gl Annoyer St., (betweenUerman ft Lombard St») BALTIMORE Ml). ■ . WNNIBORN, »• BI.IMLINE UUyht* Putney , L. H Blair W. It. MULES, WITH STEPHEN PUTNE Y $• CO Wholesale dealer* In foots, Shoes, and Trunks, 1219 Main Street, gift. Ml-6m. ItICUMOXV, I'. I. BICBAHl) WOOD BAM'I. I'. UOODIVI.V. BKSKV HKSI'EKSON. lUeß'l> W. BACON. WOOD, BACON &CO Import*™ and Jobbt r* of DRY GOODS, NOT TONS, WHITE GOODS, ETC. MM. 309-311 Mai ket St., PHILALELI'HIA, PA. Parties having CUT MICA for talc will find it to their interest, to cTeapond with A. 0. SOHOONMAKKR, 158 William St., New York. R. S. OGLESBY, WITH C. W. SCOTT. WHOLESALE NOTIONS AND WHITE GOODS, 612 Main Street LYNIMIBURU VA. O. K. LKTWICK. with WINGO, ELLETT k CRC.MP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers is BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, StC. Prompt attention paid to orders, and satls ctlon gaoranteed. yiryinw Stall Priiom Ooodt m iptnally March, 6. 01 llinr w. rowaa*. soeia d. tavu> . R W POWERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealers )n PAINTS, OILS, DYES, VARNISHES, French and American WINDOW OZjAHS, PUTTY, feC. SMOKING AND SHEWINO OIOARS, TOBACCO A SPECIALTY 4805 Main St., Biuhmond, Va; A*gu«t6niM— " WILSON, IftRSB ft CO., WHOLESALE QROOBRS AND COMMI.S SION MERCHANTS. >0 8 Howard street, earner of Lombard; BALTIMORE. Wa keopoonataatly on hand a large and wall assorted stock of Groceries—sulUHe fot Southern and Western trade. We solicit cor situ meats of Country Produce —anrh as Cot tußi reathers; Oinsen(t; Beaowu Wool;i>rl««; Frail; Furs; Skin*, etc. Our focilitxs for do af basiaussre such as to warrant quik salel ■1 prompt returns. All orders will have out »yt aMsoMoa. J* GO TO I. i iN^a TINE BLOCK, "Winston, IV. C. FOR GOOD Tobacco Flues, Sheet Iron and Homo made Tiuware at Living Prices Also Roofing and Guttering at short notice, at BOTTOM PRICES. Sept IG-ly J. W. SHIPLEY, Corner Main mid 3rd Street WINSTON, Bf.C. Under Jacobs Clothing Store. MANUKACTt'UEIt OP Harness, Bridles, Collar? and Saddles, Also dealer in Whips, liaiucs, Brushes, Lap Kobe*, in fast everything in the Har ness aud saddlery line. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WESTI.RN NOIITH CAKOLIN A. Will sell my own manufactured goods as cheap as you can buy the V, en tern and Northern city made goods. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Has a stock of the old army McClellau Saddles on Land. t Come aud see me Sopt2C 1-y. Brown Rogers §f Co Wholesalo and Retail HARDWARE Larges*. line of SHOES in Winston. Agricultural Implements MACHINERY oi'all kinds HARNESS AJs D SADDLES Src. PALM'S, OILS, VARNISHES, be Special attention invited to their IV/iiUs' Clipper J'tows. Agents Dvpnnt's old .7 nd well known RiJ'lt Powder. Sept 26-1 y Doors, Sash,lilinds. Having rebuilt our Planiug Mill, Door, Sash and Blind Factory, xnd fit ted is up with all new macbiolry of the latest and most approved patterns, wo are now prepared to do all kiuds of work in cur line in the very best stylo. W« matiufacture DOORS, BASII, BLINDS, Door Frames, Window Frames, Brack ets, Moulding, lland-rail, Balusters, Newels, Mantels, Porch Columns, and arc prepared to do all kinds of Scroll Sawing, Turning, ke Ue carry in stock Woatherboarding, Flooring, Ceil ing, Wainscoting and ail kinds ot Dross cd Lumber; also Framing Lumber, Sbinglea, Latlis, Lime, Cement, Plaster, l'lastcring Ilair and all kinds of Build ers' supplies. Call ana see us or writo for our pricea before buying elsewhere. MILLER BROS-, WINSTON. N. C. GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Warehouse. WISMTOtf. * ROOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at short noti sc. Keeps constantly on hand a tine lot of Conkinjf ami Heating Stoves Oak Kidge Institute. A FIRST CLASS HIGH SCHOOL With Special Business College De partment admitTbothsexes. AFULL and thorugh 3 years Academic Course of Study in 'lassies, Natural Science anil Mathematics. One of tin- most flourishing ami successful Business Colleg es South of Waalilngtou. 200stndenta from various States last year. Special classes, Kali Tetn of 1880, In Elocution, Vocal Mint- It-, and IVdagogii s, umler the iustru tion of expert and experienced teachers. l)epctils f"r pat rouage on its thorough ine'hods, ami refcis to itssludents in all ileiurtmeiita of business and vocation. New Literary Society liall;., Heading Hooui Ac. l u'l corps of experience (cache era. Locution In ever) way desirable. Fall term opens August lOlh. For Catalogue SLV., addri is J. A. A M. H. HOI.T, Principals. Oak Ridge, N. C. "NOTIII \(i SI (X i:iODB LIlvl: SUCCEBS" DANBURY, N. C'„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 18S6. WHAT IN HEAVES? "What is heaven?" I asked a little child : "All joy T' and in her innocence she smiled. I asked with her care oppressed; '♦All suffering o'er, oh! heaven, at lust, is rent V' I asked a maiden, meek and tender eyed ; "It must he love, she modestly replied. I asked an artist, who adored his art: *ll av'T is all leauty siK>ke his raptured h* art. I askod the poet, with his soul afire; is glory— ylory!" and hestruck his lyre. I asked the Christian, walling her release: A halo round her, low she murmured: "Vcaee r So all may look with hopeful eyes above, "Tin beauty y glory, joy y rest, peace ami tore! J'hihklelphla Call. A Surprise AN EPISODE—FBOM L.OVF. IN DEATH. BY WIU.IAM SHABSWOOD. The characters in this scene are Michael a valet to Baron H ieJ, and hla an at tendant on Levangeline Count ess .Min ders! cm. Scene—A woody place adjoining Ihc grounds attached to Count Manderstem's Mansion. Michael. Didn't know that it was of anv use, —scratched on it, —and burnt it far waste paper. l"i' u i Mi, with a bouquet of yellow roses iu her hand. Ida. Good day to y° u > Monsieur Michael—how passes the day with you ? Mich. Ask of my note. Ida. Where is it t Mich. Ask of master's coachman's daughter, —ask of the fire. Ida. It's uot burnt ' Mich. She did not know that it was of any use, —scratched on it, aud burut it for wasto paper. Ida. Of what did it speak ? Mich. Of waotul abseneo from tliec, to be sure, for the last twelve hours. Ida. Truly ? Mieli. As you are an angel. Idu. Not a fallen one, from whom you have any liariu to look for ? Mich. Nay, nay, an archangel. Ida (Observing for the first time the difference in the color of his stcckiiigs.) Oh, my ! Mich. What's that' Ida. Ob, you'll kill me with laugh ter ! Mich. You don't understand me ! Ida. Did eyes ever behold the like ! Mich. The like!—why I was hand some yesterday ! Ida. Ob, Micbacl, do look at your stockings ! Mich. Yes—l've lost another stock ing- Ida. How, —not by that dog again ? Mich. This time, it blew off the clothes' line, and master's coachmau's daughter lost all sight of it. Those stockings, the only rclio that my grand sire left when ho was forced to leave bis native France, on the revocation of tbe edict of Names. Ida. But still you have got ouo pair remaining. Mich. But how ? Ida. Why the dog tore one hose of the first pair,—and the wind took one of the second pair, and still there's two remaining. Mich. Yes, hut they arc each of a different color : and apropros, lot mc tell you aujther morning's incident— Ida. 1 bis daughter of your master's coachman must have some designs on you. Mich. Believe me, you have no need to fear jdalousy now : but when I was seated at the table, where she sat at my right hand, I could not help observing that Iter eyo was constantly and steadi ly fixed 'jo mo. It was not for me to take notice of it at first, judging, as any one would, that it was due to the at tractive power of my personal charms, yud that time would induce her to come bolder device. But findiug that tm faoe was still the object to which her eyes were directed, I began to grow inueh abashed at my own moicsty, when, 1 to my soriuwfnl satisfaotiou, master in formed me, that the eye whiob 1 thought had been so steadily Gxod on mo, and excited my vauity was only a glass eye, and was as unmeaning in in its look by day, as it was quiet at night, when it rested on her toilet table, by (bo side ot her glass. Ida. From high expectations oflen comes ground and lofty tumbling. Mich. (Kneeling and taking her hand.) As bwly as lam now:—the sight of those yellow rases has made me feel years younger, for since I have seen them in your hand these five minutes, I have become in love with a woman, who, if she be still alive must be five years withiu my own age. Ida. Then you have—have loved be fore? Mich. Let me tell you the story— it is tba remembrance ot which, v^ ? t re freshed by the sight of that rose, that, even now, does not fail to agitato tuc to an extreme degree. I was tweuty years of age ; that was thirty years ago, wheu uiy uncle announced t r > me one morning, that he determined on placing lue in the army, in a regiment that had been raised in our village 1 must con fess to my being greatly shocked at this, —not that I had any distaste to a military life, for I should have wished to have seen notuing more to my taste, than to find myself in a un. iform, surioundcd by the toll of the drum—but I was in lovo ! nor, indeed, did I venture to speak a word of this to uncle, f»r I well know, as there was au old faction between the families, he would have urged uiy enlistment, if for no other reason than to thwart my at taining the thought of my days and nights. But I fixed on another plan. 1 had another uncle of nearly the same age as I am at this time, who had much fondness tor young fo'k, and had the good sense to be never better pleased than wheu be was the occasion of pleasing others - he uiade buuself the confidant and piotector of all the youth of the neig borhood, — assisted every worthy applicaut in cases of debt Ida (Interrupting.) But what did be do in your case 1 • Mich. As I was jusl about sayiug —1 went to bis house, and said to him, —Dear uncle, 1 had fallen into a mis fortune. "You don't know what that means,'' said bo. Don't joke, uncle. "I will bet you, that you have met with no misfortune." Now, uncle, 1 have too much consideration to be the occa sion of your losing, which you most un doubtedly would. "Well, till me, then, what has bifallen you ?" Uncle Joacpli has told uic, that be has decided that I shall enlist. "There's no misfort une in that, —for settin{» aside the risk of life, you have always promotion in view." Yts, always iu view, answered I. "Are you wanting in courage?" Oh ! no. "Well, then, I can't under stand that you have any reason for not wi-1 ing to be a soldier." The reason is —that—that—l wish to be married. "Bab!" that is no consolation fur one in love! "1 should like to be in love myself, once more, up to toy neck.-- llut, tell uic, who this girl may be !" I iiele, she is an augcl '. "Oh ' yes, I don't doubt but she is an archangel— but what earthly name does slio auswer toHer name is Ida. "That is bcr christain name, I want to koow her fam ily name." 1 hesitated at this, —know- ing that there had been years ago, a faotinn between the families —I never theless answered his demand by telling him her name is Ida Amelot. TO BE CONTINUED* A FINANCIAL EXHIBIT FOU THK FISCAL YEAH ENDING DE CEMUER IST IfMJ. THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS AUDITHD BY THE BOABP 01' COM MISSION KHS, VIZ: 1 J A Peppor, repairing road, $ 32 87 2 Wui Moran,services to pau per, 200 3 W R Carter, oourt offiocr, 30.00 4 J H Covington, keeping poor, 676 82 5 J G 11 Mitchell, clerking, tax list ko. 270 00 6 J R 1' East, oourt officer, 4.50 7 1' W Robertson, court offi cer, 9 00 8 J S D Pulliain, court offi cer, 3 00 9 K W Blair & Bro. pauper coffin, 2 50 10 R I Dalton sheriff, insol vent cases 6 20 11 John Bojor sliff, insolvent cases, 30 12 W R Carter,d s, insolvent cases 1 65 13 J W Davis, j p, insolvent oases 57 14 C R Lawson, j p, insolvent cases, 1 55 15 J II P Kast, d s, insolvent eases, . 15 16 J F Hill, j p, insolvent eases 05 17 11 11 ltcid, d s, insolvent eases 1 82 18 G L Burton, d s, insolvent cases, 15 19 W T MeCanless, j p, in solvent cases, 35 20 W A lSstes, sheriff, insol vent cases, 30 21 J It Janes, d s, insolvent Oases, 50 22 J P lteid, j p, insolvent cases, 65 23 Jas Rierson, jr, clerk, in solvent oases 93 50 24 R W Mitchell d «. insol vent cases, 30 21 II D Duggins, d », insol vent cases 50 20 W M Cook d s, insolvent cases, 1 85 27 M L I'atterssn, d s, insol vent cases, 15 28 Jno II Dsbson, solwitor insolvent cases, 9 50 29 1' II M/ibe, j p, insolvent cases, 2 50 30 1' W Robertson, di, in solvent esses, 10 55 31 J D Pitlliain,d s, insolvent eases 1 40 32 W \V MeCanless, boardiug jurr, 20 00 33 W V MeCanless, wood eto for jail, 16 00 34 J 11 Covington, burial of pauper, 2 25 35 E VV Blair & Bro. coffin for pauper, 2 50 36 W S Boyles, services to pauper, 5 00 37 l'epper & Son's, puolishing exhibit, 37 50 3* Pepper & Son's, burial of pauper 1 79 39 Dr W W McCanles, ono year attention to prisoners and paupers, 40 00 40 J P Duulap, sciviccs to pauper, 4 25 41 A T Edwards, services to pauper, 6 00 42 P B Johnson, services to pauper, 2 00 43 Jauies Rierson, jr, clerk, insolvent cases, 148 30 44 It I D.illon sheriff, insol vent cases, 4 20 45 \V A Estes sheriff, insol vent cases, 2 10 4'! P \V Robertson, ds. in solvent cases, 11 05 47 1' D \Vaikiu3,d »,insolvent cases, 1 20 48 J M Gs'cwood, j p, insol vent cases 15 49 11 K Pringle, d s, insolvent cases, 100 50 J S D Pulliam ds, insol vent cases, 9 55 51 M L Patterson, d s, insol oases, 50 52 J It Johnsou.il p, insolvent cases, 1 00 53 J It P East, d K, inirolvont cases, 15 54 A M Boyles, j p, insolvent cases, 05 55 D F TiiloUon, j p, insol- lunatic, 115 76 G VY Mcrritt, services to lunatic 115 77 Dr F Prii.glc, services to lunatic, 5 00 78 P II Mabc, insolvent caso, 80 79 P W Robertson, insolvent cases, 2 10 80 Z S Alley, Commissioner, 0 day 100 mlltf, 20 00 8V C J1 Lasley, commissioner 7 days 90 miles, 18 80 82 A M Boyles, commissioner 8 days 224 miles, 27 10 83 J O H Mitchell, clerking for board ke, 87 85 81 J H Covington, burial of pauper, 2 20 85 K W Blair A Bro. coffiu for pauper, 250 80 J C Nowsoin, assessor, 22 00 87 W B Hudson, coffin for pauper, 2 50 88 11 M Joyce, shroud for pauper, I 35 89 J B Young aud others cof fiu for pauper, 2 50 90 It 1 Dalton, repairs court bouse fence, 10 80 91 K I Dalton, carrying Jake June to asylum. 44 75 92 K I Dalton, carrying Joo Priugle to asylum, 45 80 93 \Y F Campbell, assessor, 20 00 94 C B MoAnally, assessor, 22 00 95 T J Gann, assessor, 22 00 90 J J Priddy, services to pauper, 2 50 97 James Hierson jr. clerk, insolvent cases, 106 27 98 1' \V ltobertson, ds. in solvent cases, 10 60 99 D l'oindexter, j p, insol vent cases, 70 100 A M Boyles. j p,insolvent case*, 97 i 101 W A Garrett,ds,insolvent cases, 30 102 P 1) Watkins, d s, insol vent cases, 45 103 S 1* Adams constable, insolvent cases, 155 104 It I Dalton, sh'ff insolvent cases. 15 60 105 Wlt Carter, ds, insol vent cases, 12 85 100 G W Marl in, d s, insol vent cases, 50 107 W A Estcs, sh'ff, insol vent cases, 4 85 108 W II Watts,ds, insolvent cases, 95 109 J It 1* East, d s, insolvent •ases, 4 25 110 P H Mabc, j p, insolvent cast.:, 1 10 111 J W Dayis,j p, insolvent cases, ( 10 112 J W l'itfcr, constable, in»ei ent cases, 1 25 113 J F Hodges, ds, intol vent cases, 2 40 114 J S D Palliam, d s, insolvent cases, 30 115 J D Pulliaui constablo, insolvent ca.«s, . 1 05 11C K B Glenn, solicitor, insolvent eases 24 60 117 J C Newsom, j p Insolvent cases, 50 118 J M Easly, constable, insolvent cases, 1 25 111) S Adams, j p, insolvent cases, 63 120 C R Lawson j p, insolvont cases, 62 121 T J Nelson, constable, insolvent cases, 1 42 122 B F l'ringle; 1 8, insol vent eases, 1 00 128 G A Carroll, j p,insolvent cases, 70 124 E W Rutledge, 4 s, insolvent cases, 80 125 J 11 Gravitt, bringing S Ovorby from Asylum, 38 55 126 1" W Robertson, court officer, 16 50 127 J A Mitchell, services to pauper, 2 00 128 W V Mcl'anless, board of jurors, 52 00 129 M T Mite bell, assessor, 22 00 130 W V McCanless assessor, 26 00 131 W R Carter court officer, 0 00 132 Jas \V Rierson, court officer, 18 50 133 R 1 Dalton, summoning jury &c., 93 12 134 RI Dalton, jail account, 346 99 135 R W Simpson, coffin for pauper, 2 50 136 H F Burke, jail account, 12 30 137 J 8 D Pulliatn court offiocr, 7 50 138 W G Slue, coffin for pauper, 2 50 130 J (1 Covington, furniture for poor house, 14 15 NO. 21 140 E W Blair, two pauper coffins, 600 141 'A 8 Alloy, commissioner, C dayi 192 miltt, 21 fiO 142 CM Lesley, commission er, (i days 81 wiles, 16 20 1 .3 AM lioyloH, commission cr, 0 days 192 miles, 21 60 Amount of promiscuous claims $2837 30 Outside pauper allowances, 1 Sydney Vernon, 7 00 2 Thos Mitchell's children col 20 00 3 Naucy Terry, 34 00 5 Sain Hill, col. 14 00 5 Green Stewart col. 11 50 6 Harrison Bullen, 20 00 7 Adalinn SainuM, » 12 00 8 Chas Bea«ley's sisters, 63 00 8 Sally Covey, 11 00 10 II and M Hart, 16 00 11 Wash Clark col. 18 00 12 Susan Mabe, 12 00 13 Gracie Moorocol. 11 00 14 Paulina Bullen, 16t'0 15 Frank Lappin, 16 00 16 IF II Lunsfnrd, 10 00 17 Prudy Ball, 16 00 18 Holly Duggins, 9 00 19 Cole Davi* col. 6 00 20 Isaac Fulk 16 00 21 Nelson Sh-1 ton, 12 00 22 Sally llutchcison, 6 00 23 Jimmy Covington col. 17 00 24 Thomas Hill, 1 4 00 25 Thcopbilus Kiser, 16 00 26 John Sizcmorc, 18 00 27 S A Mounts. 20 00 28 Sally Shelton, 12 00 29 I) W Robertson. 32 00 30 Sol Fulk, • 17 00 31 Geo & Zilphu Sholton, 28 00 32 Peter Moser, 64 00> 33 Pink Blackburn, 20 00 34 Puss Spencer, 9 00 35 Morning Cox, 13 0J 36 Rosa Kallum, 13 00 i 37 John Ilairs'xm, 6 00 38 Fred Going, 15 00 39 Polly Southorn, 18 00 40 Step Claybrook, 3 00 41 Katy Redman, 19 00 42 Johnson George, 13 00 43 Hcbtcca Slate, 13 00 44 G H Mabe, 10 00 45 Mary Robertson, 20^00 46 Jim Martin eol, 8 00 47 Lizzie lteid, 6 00 48 L/ethy Ashby, 6 00 49 Bettie Mot rj col, 4 00 50 Thos Benton, 4 00 51 Hoena Glidewell, 3 00 52 Nat Siielton, 3 00 53 Jos Kdwards, 4 00 54 Lincy Powers, 3 00 55 Leborn Goin, 2 00 t 56 Betsy Mauncc, 5 00 Amount of Pauper Claims, $ 814 50 Ainouot paid Jurors Nov. Term 1885, 336 54 Amount paid Jurors April Term 1880, 327 60 Amount paid Jurors Aug. Term 1836, 010 OCk Amount paid witnesses Nov Term 1885, 152 55 Amojnt paid witnesses Apl. Term 1880, 133 53 Amount paid witnesses Aug. Term 1880, 222 11 Amt. in full pd.jur's A witn's $1782 33 Total for outside paupers, 814 50 Total for promiscuous claims, 2837 30 Total Expenditures, $5434 13 Net amount of revenue from all sources in 1885, sec Commissioners minute book page 270 $5020 04 SCHOOL EXHIBIT TAX OP 1885 Amt. paid white teachers 2774 94 Amt. paid colored teachers 784 11 Amt. pd. white build'gs& rep'rs 343 08 Amt. pd. col'd build'gs & rep'rs 127 18 Amt. pd. County Supt 84 25 Amt. paid Board of Education 36 10 Total disbursement of school $4149 66 fund Not amount of revenue from all suurcos for School tax of 1885, seo page 271. $4953 91 Kalanco due Schools of this tax SBO3 53 Halanoo due Schools S«»pt 2d 1884 see page 212, 260 95 Halance due Schools Sept Bth 1886 see page 245, 491 14 Total R.ilancc due $1555 62 Stat of North Carolina ) Stokos County \ 1, J. U. II Mitobell, Clerk of the Hoard of Commissioners of said county, do hereby certify thai the forogoing is • true statement nf claims audited said Hoard from Deo 1, 1885 to Dec 1, 1886, and also a true statement of the amount of Revenue from all aources for both County and' School purposes, also the true amount ofSchool fund dis bursed for said year. Given uudei my baqd and seal Due 1. 1886 * J. Q. H. MITCHELL C. B. C. O.

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