THE DANBURY REPORTER-POST. VOLUME XV. Reporter and Post. rUBLHHtD WEEKLY AT DANBURY. N. C. JPKPPER A SON 3, PubsT* Props *irn #r m mcßirTio^i Cms Tsar, pmbli ill adrsnco Ilk Months 75 ■ATM »r A»TI*TIMR« i *>• (t«n line* or I«m) 1 time fl 00 Mch additional insertion,., .*.30 Orttractt for longer time er more tptoe can be taade in proportion to the above rates. Transient advertiser» will be expected to remit Meerdlag to theee raten at the time they seud *Leal Noticee Will be charged 90 per cent, higher ma abive rate*. Bailnww Cards will be Inserted at Ten Dollars P*rannum. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A, J. BOYD, J. W. REID. ». B. JOHNSTON, JULIUS JOHNSTON, BO YD, RE ID% JOHNSON, Attorneys - at - Law, WENTWORTII, N. C. Messrs. Rcid ind Johhson will regu larly attend the Superior Coarts of Stokes county. R. L. HAYMORE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Mt Airv. N. Special attention given to the collection o> elaimi. I—l2m W. F. CARTER, &TTQA*VM7R~.'IT-&.IL IT. MT. AIKY, SURRY CO., N. C Practices wherever hisservices are wanted f. BAT, ALBERT JONES' Day & Joaesp manufacturers o( ■ A»DLERY,BARN ESS, COLLARS, TRVNK Ha. J34 W. Baltimore .treat, llftltlmore, MA W. A. Tucker, H.C.Smith, B.S. Spraggln. Tmokor» Smith * Co.. ■aaafaatarfcr* * whtlaule Dnlm la MO9TS, SBOIti, IIATS AND CAPS ts» Raltlanorn Street. Baltimore, *t. JT. J. * rt. K. BEST, WITH Henry Sonneborn $ Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. . §1 Aaaorer St., (between German St Lombard Sta) BALTIMORE JfD. U. SONNEBORN, B. BLZMLINB Mttykn Putney, ' L. !1 Blair W. 11. MILES, WITH s TXPHEN P UTNE YSCO Whoit*alt iealtrs in Mtots, Shoes, and Trunks, 1219 Main Street, gft. Hl-Om. ItICHMONI), VA. fiflßißD WOOD. liV'L P. GOODWIN. ■KNIIY IIKNDERAON. ttietl'D W. BACON. WOOD, BACON & CO Importer! and Jobber* of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, ETC. Km. Mft-311 Market St., PHIL ALELPHIA, I'A. Parties having CUT MICA for tale will find it to tlioir interest to •onespond with A. 0. S'JHOONMAKER, 158 William St., New York. r. s. ocslesbyT WITH C. W. SCOTT. WHOLESALE MOTIONS AND WHITE GOODS, 612 Main Street LYNCHBURG VA. 0. X LEFT WICK, with wm«o, ELLETT 4 CRUMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers la BOOTH, SHOES, TRUNKS, ftO. Prompt attention paid to orders, and satie ctiea faaraoteed. TirfinU 9Ult Priton Ootdt a iptnalty Match, S. °> HUM W. rowvms. BDIAa 0. TATLO . R W. POWERS k CO., WHOLESALE DRUQQISTS, Dealers in FAINTS, OILS, DYES, TARNIBHBB, Frenoh and imsrlosn WINDOW OLAbS, PUTTY, AO. SMOKING AND CHEWING CIGARS, TOBACCO A SPECIALTY 1805 Main St., Biohmond, Aa(ost6ml — WILHO3, BURN* k CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND OOMMIB BION MERCHANTS. •O B Howard street, earner of Lombard: BALTIMORE. Ws keep constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of Oroeerlce—soluble toi Southern aad Weatern trade. We eollcHcon ■if omenta of Country Produce—such as Col tea; Feathers; Ginseng; Beeswax Wool; Dried; fruit; Fun; Skins, etc. Oai for do UM bastueaeare such aa to warrant quik aalel ad prompt returns. AU orders will hare out Hi HhaHn. yi GO TO f. I !«■*«» TIHE BLOCK, "WinstOn, TV. C. FOR GOOD Tobaoco F'ues, Sheet Iron and Home made Tinware at Livings Prices Also Roofing and Guttering at short notice, at BOTTOM PRICES. Sept 16-ly J. W. SHIP Corner Mala and Srd Street. WINSTON, N.C. Under Jacobs Clothing Store. MANUFACTURER OF Harness, Bridles, Collars and Saddles, Also dealer in Whips, llames, Brushes, Lap Robes, in fajt everything in the Har ness and saddlery hue. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Will sell my own manufactured goods as cheap as you can buy the Western and Northern city made goods. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Has a stock of the old army McCldlan Saddles on Land. Come and see me Sept 26 1-y. Brown Rogers Co Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE Largest line of SHOES in Winston. Agricultural Implements MACHINERY of all kinds HARNESS SADDLES Sic. PAISTS, OILS, VARNISHES, be Special attention invited to their Whites' Clipper Plows. Agents Dupont's old and welt known Rifle Powder. Sept 26-ly Doors, Sash, Blinds. Ilaviug rebuilt our Planing Mill, Door, Sash and Blind Faotory, snd fit ted it up with all new machistry of the latest and most approved patterns, we are now preparod to do all kinds of work in our line in the very best style. We manufacture DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, Door Frames, Window Frames. Brack ets, Moulding, Hand-rail, Balusters, Newels, Mantels, Porch Columns, and are prepared to do all kinds of Scroll Sawing, Turning, Ao. We carry in stock Weatherboarding, Flooring, Ceil ing, Waiosooting and all kiuds of Dross ed Lumber, also Framing Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Plastering Hair and all kinds of Build ers' supplies. Call and see us or write for our prices beforo buying elsewhere. MILLER BROS-, WINBTON. N. C. GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Wait-house. WINSTON, N C., ROOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at short notice. Keeps constantly on hand a fine lot of Cooking and Heating Stoves Oak Ridge Institute. A FIRST CLASS HIGH SCHOOL- With Special Business College De- partment ADMIT BOTH SEXES. A FULL and tlioriigh i years Academic Course of Study in Classics, Natural Science and Mathematics. One of the moat flourishing and succcsstul limitless Colleg es .South of Washington. 200 students from various States last year. Special classes, Fall Tem of 1880, In Elocution, Vocal Mus ic, and Pedagogics, under the instruction of expert and experienced teachers. Depends for patronage ou its thorough methods, and refers to its students In all departments of business and vocation. New Literary Society Halls. Rending Room Ac. FuM corps of experienced teache ers. Location in every way desirable. Fall terra opens August 10th. For Catalogue Ac., address J. A. 4 M. H. BOLT, rrtnelpala. Oak Ridge, N. C. "NOTHING HUCCEEDH LIliE SUCCESS." DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1886. ADVF.WT, The time is drawing near When Thou, Lord, shalt appear. My soul, in coming near, Approach with holy fear! Soon now the call shall come ; The dead shall hear and rise- To all the call shall come, To stand before Thir.e eyes! Oh, look, Thou, uot on me With a consuming firs— Blasting what is In me Before a judgment dire? Let Mercy own me Thine. Through Faith in saving power; That makes my poor cross Thine, And brings the Christian dower. b'o shall I reach the joy before Thy sacred throne— Thy promised holy joy, The bliss of Thee alone. —[Rev. Dr. Charles Frederick Hoffman In the Churchman, A SURPRISE AN EPISODE—FROM LOVE IN DEATII; BY WILLIAM 6IIARSWOOD. Ida. (Aside.) 'Tis sttrangc—lda Ameloc- -but then my taver'j name was Lichacl Bonasse, —not Michael Cabale. Mioh. And I continued, without leaving uncle time for childing me, that lor all her name is Amelot, she nas a mud and heart! "Ab, yes ! I don't doubt but you think so—and if our family used to bavo sad wranglings, it is no reason that the effect of the evil should descend like an heirloom to our childien. Rut is your affection paid in returu, as we used to say ?" Really, uncle, that is just what I wish to learn; for I do not know that she even suspects me of loving her. "You know very lit tle of the sex. to know so little--she knew it as soon as yourself," said he. "Well," he continued, "there are somo chances against her beiug yours. You know of the family dissensions, and I doubt if y-iur undo will bestow his ne phew upon her." Well then, uncle, there's only one course for me to choose. "Nonsenso !" said he, "don't commit any folly, but follow my course." Veiy well, uncle. "In the first place you can not marry at eighteen." he continued. Why not' "Because I wou't allow jou, and if you cross my admonitions you will lose my aid, and this marriago will never take place at all." He continued— "now, if the girl lovea you, and should be willing to wait three years for you—" Three years! said I. Uncle reassured me, "if I began to arguo about it, ho would desist from lending me any aid whatever," at the same time declaring as before,that "without Ins aid the mar riage would never take place. If she will wait," he went on, "you can join a regiment,' and thus fulfil your uncle Joseph's wishes. But not at Cherbourg! I will contrive to have you put in one a few leagues from town, where you can return at times." Well, unele, the only question is, if she loves me—how am Ito find this out? "Why simply, by asking her." I dare not—l have often wished to tell ber that I loved her, when I have been abashed at my own timidity, though 1 have tried to obtain courage in all ways ; I have even writ ten notes avowing my intentions, and burnt tbem undelivered ; and when an opportunity offered for speaking to ber on tbe point, the first word always cho ked me—and I abruptly changed my talk to some other subjeot—it it always the first word that is the difficulty. Dear undo, a sudden idea strikes mo. "What is It Y' I bavo determined to write to her. "Do so." I returned home, and sat abDut writing my note at once. There was no difficulty in the writing, but it was tbe delivery of tbe note that was to be planned. 1 lost no' time, however, in fixing upon the means of its delivery to her; I proeured a bouquet of yellow roses, loosened tbe string, and placed the billetdoux in the middle of the bouquet, and tied it up again. Ida. Of what did it toll. Mich. Of tho avowal of my love,and of tho desire to bavo her acknowledged return, that sbo would wait for me till suob time as i asked her, if she listened to mj entreaties, to wear in ber bosom, on that evening, one of my yellow rosoi, which I would take as a signal to speak with ber, and I would tell her all that would bo necessary for ber to do to to cure our happiness. Ida. (Aside.) 1 become bewildered what! did you place a bi'let within the bouquet > Mich. Yes. Ida And what followed ? Mich. In the evening Ida did not wear a yellow rose in her hair. 1 was Irantie. I told it to my uncle, who de clared, that, "I had been deceived from the first, that sho bad never loved me." To which 1 added, that she bad always actel as though she did, —she uiwavs looked so mild, and seemed so glad whenever she met me, and gently re proached me when I cauie a little late. "Ab, women are but women, and love to affeot love, for the sake of having it," said uncle. In tbis condition, 1 will ingly consented to be ouster,' in tbe service for three years, ip tl "if my being able to forget irilj fia, but it was of no uso—at the end or the three years I returned to my uncle's house, and found that she had even left the country. And, do you believe, that I still at times think of ber, not as she must now appear after twenty yeais, but as the youthful dame of seventeen, with her beautiful brown hair, and, as 1 used to call them, velvety black eyes. Ida. Did you never leatn what be came of Ida Amelot ? Mich. Only ibis mucb—that she became the wife of one of your country men, whom she met in France, and settled in bis country. Ida. But your name has not always been Michael Cabale' Micb. No; that is Ibo name I adop ted while under my Uncle's roof. My father's name was Michael Bonasse. Ida. Is it possible ' — Michael'. Midi. What means tbis ? Ida. Yes, she loved you ! M ich. She —who—told you so! But what of tbe yellow roses ? Ida. She never saw the billet. Micb. (Aside.) What is tbe meaning of this—there's witchoiaft at work. Ida. Your sudden departure threw hor into such a condition that her life was for a lime despaired of; but in course of time, litre you, she married Straleuheim—and ij now a widow. Micb. Stralenheiui! Ida. Yes, whose widow I am? Mioh. What, are you!—you!—lda Stralenheim ? Ida. As sure as you are Michael Cibalo, and onoo were Michael Bonasse. Mich. And the day has come when we should have met, and loved afresh, without rooogniiing each other ! Ida. Yes, sirange as it appears. Micb. But tdl me something of the bouquet of yellow roses. Ida. The bouquet—l have always preserved it in a drawer of my bureau, though it has years since faded. Mich. Briug it out—biing it out. (Ida exists hastily into the house, and re-enters wilh tbe bouquet in her hand.l Untie it—untie it. (Sho unties tbe bouquet, apparently with emotion; when the bi'let falls out; botb remain for a whilo silent.) Ida. Will you see me ogain to-day— at another hour, Micb. 1 uuderstaud you, Ida. You are right. It is best that this renewal of our hearts in youth should not affcot an event, which is to afford us happmess for tbe rest of our lives, and thus at least atone for tbe misfortunes of the past. THE END. A FINANCIAL EXHIBIT FOR TUB FISCAL YEAR SUING DE CEMBER IST 1886. THlt FOLLOWtHO CLAIM/VUDITED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, VIZ: 1 J A Pepper, repairing road, $ 3287 2 WM Moran, services to pau per, 200 3 W R Carter, oourt officer, 30.00 4 J H Covington, keeping poor, 576 82 5 J O H Mitchell, clerking, tax list Ac. 270 00 6 J R P East., eourt officer, 4.50 7 P W Robertson, eourt offi oer, 9 00 S J S D Pulliam, court offi- cer, 3 00 9 K W Blair & Uro. pauper coffin, 2 50 10 R I Dalton sheriff, insol vent cases 6 20 11 John Bojcr stiff, insolvent casee, 80 12 W K Carter,d s, insolvent easei 1 65 13 J W Davis, j p, insolvent cases 57 14 C RLawson,j p, insolvent cases, 1 55 15 J It P Ent, d s, insolvent osses, 15 16 J K Hill, j p, insolvent cases 65 17 H II Reid, d s, insolvent cases 1 82 18 OL Burton, d s,msolvent cases, 15 19 W V McCanless, j p, in solvent cases, 35 20 W A Kates, sheriff, insol vent cases, 30 21 J R Jaaes, d s, insolvent oases, 50 22 J 1' Ileid, j p, insolvent cases, 65 23 Jas Ricrson, jr, clerk, in solvent oases 93 50 24 R W Mitchell d s, insol vent cases, 30 25 H D Duo.~ : ns, d s, insol -!!©»- vein tiises . . 50 26 W M Cook d 8, insolvent cases, 1 85 27 M L Pattcrssn, d s, insol vent cases, 15 28 Jno H Debson, solicitor insolvent cases, 9 50 29 1' 11 Mabe, j p, insolvent cases, 2 50 30 P W Robertson, ds, in solvent cases, 10 55 31 J D l*ulliain,d s, insolvent eases 1 40 32 W W McCanless, boarding jury, 26 00 33 W V McCanless, wood etc for jail, 16 00 34 J H Covington, burial of pauper, 2 25 35 E W Blair & Uro. coffin for pauper, 2 50 36 W S Boyles, services to pauper, 5 00 37 Pepper & Son's, puolishing exhibit, 37 50 38 Pepper & Son's, burial of pauper 1 79 39 Dr W W McCaules, one year attention to prisoner* and paupers, 40 00 40 J P Dunlap, setvices to pauper, 4 25 41 A T Edwards, services to pauper, 6 00 42 P U Johnson, services to pauper, 2 00 43 Jatnes Rierson, jr, clerk, I insolvent cases, 148 30 44 R I Oalton sheriff, insol vent eases, 4 20 45 W A Estes sheriff, insol vent cases, 2 10 46 P W Robertson, di. in solvent cases, 11 65 47 P D Watkioß,ds ; insolvent cases, 1 20 48 J M Gatewood, j p, insol vent cases 15 49 B *' Pringle, d s, insolvent cases. 1 00 50 J S D l'ulliam ds, insol vent oases, 9 55 51 M L Patterson, d s, insol eases, 50 52 J R Johnson,d p, insolvent oUses, 1 00 53 J R P East, d s, insolvent cases, 15 54 A M Boyles, j p, insolvent cases, 65 •55 D F Tillotson, j p, insol vent cases, 1 70 56 W F Campbell, j p, insol vent cases. 25 57 C R Lawson,jp, insolvent eases, 524 58 J C Newsom, j p, insolvent easts, 75 59 H W Perdew, constable insolvent oases, 65 60 R B Qlenn, sol. insolvent cases, 2 50 61 W R Carter, d a, insolvent oases, 6 00 52 E W Blair A Bro. repairs in court room, 16 50 63 P W Robertson, eonrt offioer, 7 50 04 W R Carter, co»rt officer, 750 65 J G Ross, burial of pau per, 4 25 66 P B Westmoreland, burial of pauper, 2 50 67 P H Mabe, jp, trial of lunatic, 59 68 C R Lawson, trial of lun a tic, 59 69 P W Robertson, d s, trial of lunatio, 1 25 70 J U Wr : ght, witness in trial of lunatio, 50 71 S A Hill, witness in trial lunatic, 25 72 L W Anderson, coffin for pauper, 2 50 78 J 8 D l'ulliam, oourt offi oer, 7 50 74 J T Birohfield, bringing lunatio from asylum, 36 75 75 W F Campbell, aervicoa to lunatic, 115 76 G W Merritt, sorviocs to lunatic 115 77 Dr F l'riiigle, services to lunatic, 5 00 78 1' 11 Mabe, insolvent case, 80 79 P W Robertson, insolvent cases, 2 10 80 Z S Alley, Commissioner, 6 day* 100 tuiles, 20 00 81 0 M Lasloy, commissioner 7 days 96 miles, 18 80 82 A >1 Boyles, commissioner 8 days 224 miles, 27 10 83 J 0 11 Mitchell, clerking for beard &c, 87 85 84 J II Covingten, burial of pauper, 2 20 85 K W lllair k Bro. coffin fyr pauper, 250 86 6 C Nosrsom, assessor, 22 UO 87 W 15 Dodson, coffin for pauper, 2 50 88 11 M Joyoe, shroud for pauper, 1 35 89 J B Young and others oof fin for pauper, 2 60 90 11 1 Daltou, repairs court house fence, 10 80 91 KI Dalton, carrying Jake June to asylum. 44 75 92 R I Dalton, carrying Joo Priugle to asylum, 45 80 93 W F Campbell, assessor, 20 00 94 C B McAnally, assessor, 22 00 95 T J Gann, assessor, 22 00 90 J J Priddy, services to pauper, 2 50 97 Jauios Bicrson jr. clerk, insolvent cases, 166 27 98 P W Kobertson, ds. in solvent cases, 10 60 99 D Poindexter, j p, insol vent cases, 70 100 A M Boyles. j p,insolvent cases, 974 101 W A Garrett,ds,insolvent cases, 30 102 P D Watkins, d s, insol vent cases, 45 103 S P Adams constable, insolvent oases, 1 55 104 RI Dalton, sh'ff insolvent cases, 15 60 105 If R Carter, d s, insol vent oases, 12 85 106 G W Martin, d s, insol vent oases, 50 107 W A Estes, sh'ff, insol vont cases, 4 85 108 W H Watts,ds, insolvent cases, 95 109 J R P East, d s, insolvent cases, 4 25 110 P 11 Mabe, j p, insolvent cases, 1 10 111 Jff Dayis, jp, insolvent cases, [lO 112 J W PiUer, constable, insolvent cases, 1 25 113 J F Hodges, ds, iniol vout cases, 2 40 114 J 8 D Palliau, d e, insolvent cases, 30 115 J D Pulliam constable, insolvent oases, 1 95 116 R B Glenn, solicitor, insolvent cases 24 50 117 J C Newsom, j p Insolvent cases, 50 118 J M Easly, constable, insolvent cases, 1 25 119 8 Adams, j p, insolvent cases, 63 120 C R Lawsou j p, insolvent cases, 62 121 T J Nelson, constable, insolvent cases, 1 42 122 B F Pringle; d 8, insol vent cases, 1 00 123 G A Carroll, j p,insolvent cases, 70 124 E W Rutlodge, d s, insolvent cases, 80 125 J H Gravitt, bringing S Overbv from Asylum, 38 55 126 P W Robertson, court officer, 16 50 127 J A Mitchell, services to pauper, 2 00 128 W V MoCanless, board of jurors, 62 00 129 M T Mitchell, assessor, 22 00 130 W V McCanless assessor, 26 00 131 W R Carter court offioer, 9 00 132 Jas \V Rierson, court officer, 13 50 133 R 1 Dalton, summoning jury &c., 93 12 134 RI Dalton, jail account, 346 99 135 R W Simpson, coffin for pauper, 2 50 136 H F Burke, jail account, 12 30 137 J S D Pulliam court offioor, 7 50 138 W G Slate, coffin for pauper, 2 50 139 J H Covington, furniture for poor house, 14 15 NO. 23 140 E iy Blair, two pauper coffins, 5 00 141 Z S Alloy, commissioner, C days 192 miles, 21 CO 14ii CM Lasley,commission er, 6 days 84 miles, 10 20 143 AM Hoy leu, commission er, G days 192 miles, 21 60 Amount of promiscuous claims $2837 30 Outside pauper allowances, 1 SydQey Vernon, 7 00 2 Tbos Mitchell's children col 20 00 3 Nancy Terry, 34 00 5 Sam Hill, 001. 14 00 5 Green Stewart col. . 11 50 G Harrison Bullcn, 20 00 7 AdJine Fumuel, 12 00 8 Chas Beasley's sisters, 63 00 8 Sally Covey, 11 00 10 aud M Hart, 16 00 - 11 Wash Clark col. I 1? >o 12 Susan Mabe. 12 00 13 Gracie Moorocol. 11 00 14 l'aulina Bullen, 13 00 15 Frank Lappin, 1(1 00 16 W H Lunsford, 10 00 17 Prudy Hall, 16 00 18 Holly Duggins, 9 00 19 Cole Davi* col. 6 00 20 Isaac Fulk 16 00 21 Nelson Shelton, 12 00 22 Sally Hutclierson, G 00 23 Jimmy Covington 001. 17 00 24 Thomas llill, 14 00 25 Theophilus Kiser, 10 00 26 Johu Sizeuiore, 18 00 27 S A Mounts. 20 00 28 Sally Shelton, 12 00 29 D W Robertson, 32 00 30 Sol Fulk, 17 00 31 Geo & Zilpha Shelton, 28 00 32 Peter Mosor, 51 00 33 Pink Blackburn, 2' l 00 34 Puss Spencer, 9 00 35 Morning Cox, 13 00 36 Kosa Kallutn, 13 00 37 John lluirs'on, 6 00 3& Fred Going, 15 00 39 Polly Sauthern, 18 00 40 Step Clay brook, 3 00 41 Katy Redman, 19 00 42 Jobuson George, 13 00 43 Rebecca Slate, 13 00 44 G H Mabe, 10 00 45 Mary Robertson, 20 00 46 Jim Martin col, 8 00 47 Liizie Keid, C 00 48 Lethv Ashby, G 00 49 Bettie Moore col, 4 00 50 Thos Benton, 4 00 51 Roena Glidewull, 3 00 52 Nat Shelton, 3 00 53 Jos Edwards, 4 00 54 Lincy Powers, 3 00 55 Leborn Goin, 2 00 56 Betsy Mounce, 5 00 Amount of Pauper ClauLs, $ 814 50 Amouut paid Jurors Nov. Term 1885, 330 51 Amouut paid Jurors April Term 1880, 327 00 Amount paid Jurors Aug. Term 1880, 610 00 Amount paid witnesses Not Term 1885, 152 55 Amoant paid witnesses Apl. Term 1880, 133 53 Amount paid witnesses Aug. Tern 1886, 222 11 Amt. in full pd. jur's & witn'i $1782 33 Total for outside paupers, 814 50 Total for promiscuous claims, 2837 30 Total Expenditures, $5434 1 3 Net amount of revenue from all sources in 1885, sec Commissioners minute book page 270 $5020 94 SCHOOL EXHIBIT TAX OF 1885 Amt. paid white teachers 2774 '»4 Auit. paid colored teachers 784 I I Amt. pd. white build'gs& rcp'rs 343 08 Amt. pd. ool'd build'gs & rop'rs 127 l S Amt. pd. County Supt 84 - t Amt. paid Board of Education 30 10 Total disbursement of tobool $4140 60 fund Net amount of revenue from all sources for School tax of 1885, see page 271. $4953 91 Balance due Schools of this tax SBO3 53 lialanco due Schools Sept 2d 1884 see page 212, 260 95 Balance due Schools Sept Bth 1885 sec page 245, 491 14 Total Balance due $1555 02 Stat of North Carolina ) Stokes County { 1, J. G. H Mitchell, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said county, do hereby oertify thai the foregoing is a true statement of claims audited by said Board from Peel, 1885 to Pea 1, 1886, and also a true statement of tho amount of Kevunue from all sources for both County and School purposes, also the true amount ofSohool fund dis bursed for said year. Given under my band and seal Doc I, 1886 v J. G. H. C, B. C. C. 8«A&.

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