The Reporter and Post THURSDAY MARCH., 10 1887. Topics at Home. TEFARRMRFR IIIRIKI AroitiMl llntilMiry, and Manly Nnllen Vtrlcfty Tol«l. "A chlel'M amatig you tukc'u notes, And, faltu, heMl |>rcnt It." Any subscriber who tails to receive the Rkpoetkb and Post every week is requested to report the failure. We want to see where 'he fault is. ( - Congress has adjourned. Sun ri»c: C 12 ; sets 5 48. Day's length 11 hours 117 minutes. The Legislature adjourned last Mon day. Tobacco continues low in all the markets. Bread stuffs are scarco and high in thin section. Do not neglect your kitchen garden, • good garden u half liviug. Head us $1.50 and get tho PKPOUTEU AND POST to March 10th 1888. The Register of Deeds has issued one narriago license since our lust isaue. You can get clover seed, onion sets and fresh garden seeds at I'epper & Sons. Service is held in the Episcopal Church, near Walnut Cove, every 3rd f»e«4aj. Q« to Pepper & Sons for VVntt plows, points, landslides, &c., clover, potatoe aud garden seeds We Want one peck of little black oaion seed. Bring us what you have, many or few. Pepper & Sons. If you do not get jour potitocs plan ted this week, plant jus>t as soon as the ground is fit, Wo learn that the sociable at the McCanless Houic last Saturday evening waa quite an enjoyable affair. We are told that quite a number of ' men northward from Lawsonvillo have ' not sown tobacco seed tins season. We hear from oiliians on Town I'ork tliat tbe farmers in that section will have I to buy corn to keep up their stock till harvest. Now that planting time is here re member that you will want something t« eat next Summer; bo sure you plant enough to live on.' If yon cannot turn your pigs on your elover cut and feed to' them in the pen as soon as it is high as your liea-i, it is healthy and they will well un it. William Hilton's mill, four miles northward from Lawsonville, was bro ken into last Friday night and robbed of a bushel and a half of corn meal. ; The Jforth Carolina Farm-r for March published by J. U. Euniss, Ral eigh, N. C., at SI.OO per year is on our table. It is one of !be best farm jour nals for this sectiou and shout ! . be • regular visitor to every firm houso in the State. There was a man of our town aud he waa wondrous wise, lie juuipud into a bramble bush and scratched out both bis eyes. And when he Aw his eyt w jre out, with all his might and main II : b lugbt a bottle of Salyation Oil, and rubbed lb ni Hi again. We undorstand the track on the C. F. k Y. V. Railroad is now laid within three miles of Walnut Cove and that tbe cars will scon run to ilairston's mill, where * turn-table will be built. That point is less than a mile of Walnut Cove. Tbe Eliraboth City Falcon states that ' Gov. Scales has called tbe legis lature to meet in ctlra ; iou March 16." Wo do not know for what purpose unless to find some way to get rid of the surplus in the State Treasury. It ia to be hoped, however that the legis lature will do somethmg should thut body meet in extra session. It may bo of interest to those intend ing to start in the tobacco manufactur ing business this Spring,' to learn that tho Salem Iron Works Salem, N. C., have a few retainers, shapes, hand and ■team pumps, box screws, pot mills, lioortee boilers ko., such as are used by tobacco manufacturers, which they will sell at very low figures for cash. } A man up here sold his crop of tobaeoo for enough to buy two sacks of fertiliser and had twelve cents left. Another up the south side of tbe mountain had forty five cents left after paying for his fertil iser and hauling. Two others after paying all expenses except what work they did had five cents eaoh left. Two more bought 400 lbs. of fertiliser each, one made 307 lbs. of tobaeoo, the other •boat 400 lbs.,— abeut a pound of to baoeo to every poumd of fertiliser used. Wbo says it will not pay to grow tobac eo with whioh to get money to pay for everything we require ? i _ : ; WANTED.— Wo want a competent -1 printer to uko charge of Tbe Town 1 1 j Fork News, cither for stipulated salary, 1 1 j .i part of the profit, or we will sell 4he i press and fixtures. Address this of- ' • fiee. . 1 "I havo a wretched cold " is now heard frcqnentlv. If the sufferers 1 j would use Dr. Flint's Cough Syrup, ' they would soon be able to tell a differ- j ent tale. 4t | Just bear it in mind that you can 1 > | savo money, tunc and annoyance by ' | buying what Hardware, Crockery, and i Glass Ware yon wantof S. E. Aliens, ( cor. Main and 3rd street, Winston, N. C. Goods as low as any first class house | can sell them. tf. j i Why arc you Coughing ; a cough j j allowed to continue means consumption, j I A bottlo of Dr. Fliut'g Cough Syrup | 1 -1 will relieve you ; it has never been j' known to fail. For sale everywhere , ant) by Ashcrat't & Owens, Druggist, | Winston, N. C 4t Mess J. A. White k Sons, Winston, N. (#., have patented their little "Tar Heel Road Cart," and are receiving ' large numbers of or lers from nil over the . country. It is the best thing out for [! doctors, lawyers, aud officers. tf. If you have sore eyes call at Pepper & Sons store and get a vial of that ccl i ebrated eye water manufactured by for mala used by I>r. Jolm Pepper in his practice for many years, warranted to cure or money returned. Ouly 25 cents i per bottle. i Having been troubled with a very i j bad Cough for about two years and hav- i ing tried almost every cough mixture that was ever made, I have found none that has given uie such great relief as J i Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup a'id I earnestly ' recommend it to all a flic tod. HknJ. F. ( Diooan, 14 Park PI., N. Y. The pleasant weather of last Friday ' gave way to an overcast sky after sunset followed by » raw drizzly morning on ' Saturday. The temperature pcrccpti ; bly fell Saturday noon but the sky ba j came obscured by clouds after sunset ' j accompanied by a light ram fall during | the night of that day. The sun roso ou ' j a cloudy morning Monday with April llike showers all day. Itcluarcd during ■ night and the sun rose on a clear sky and spring like temperature on Tues- : day. lie sure and sow some elover and orchard grass seed this month. We I may not have the fence law this year, but it will come and "don't you forget it" tho people have seen its many ed ' vantages und will not rest until they i . have it. We see some orchard and clover patches that even this early in the season would furnish right good 1 ! grazing for a cow, and pigs would thrive I | well on them, this is really nice to the j i farmer who is short of rough feed for j his horses and cattle, or corn for his 1 | hogs. i . I Tbe following remedy against the cab ■ \ bagc worm has been tried in this county , j and reported to us as having proved '■ . 1 effectual Dissolve three table-spoonfuls ! of salt in a gallon of water; and sprinkle .' ] the buds of the plants with this solution ! every three or four mornings, beginning ' ' I its soon as the butterflies that lay the c I I eggs on the j lants are socti coming about f 1 the cabbage lot. The plants should be I spnnHcd after every rain, but ordinari- I \ ly oneo in thtee or four morning# is | often enough, it is said the caterpillars : will uot eat the salted buds of the ' ■ ; plants. We aic not q lite oertain but, | i think the buttcyfiy that lays its eggs ou ' II the cabbago plant in this county is the f white cabbage butter-fly, Known m en • | tomology as Ficris rapae, Linueus. t Our informant who tried the above remedy last season says he in , resisting tbe ravages of the worm ou his cabbage plants when all bis neighbors , failed in their cabbage crop, s PrarpcJluf •( I'it iimrd of CrtumlM ' louerN. The Hoard of County Commissioners t met in regular mouthly session at the Court House last Monday. Chairman C. M Lasly, and Commissioners A. M. . Boyles and Caleb Hill were present. Ordered that all fees regulated by t tho lioard be reduced '2O per cent, from > the soventh day of Dcccmbor one-thou j sand eight-hundred and oighty-scven. Ordered that the sheriff shall deduct j the expcnces from the regular fees of y all jurie* of tho county who do not agree | to a verdict in any caso before the court for trial and thereby boeomes a county 1 0 ohargo. r Ordered that a number of pauper aud I 1 other claims, and some releases be al y lowed- Ordered that Gideon Gcorgo be r granted license to retail liquor in the town of Danbury, and Lathe Knight in 0 the town of Walnut Cove. Q. A Carroll was qualified as deputy olork of Superior Court. Tho reports' of tine jurios for laying out public roads in Yadkin township, | from Dalton'i mill to Sycamore ford, from Pulton to the Forsyth line j were confirmed. , The Inter state Commerco bill lately passed by Congress, distinctly forbids a railroad company to grant a pass to auy person not connected with railroads upon a penalty of $5,000. Rut the law is supposed' to apply only to roads which run from one Statu into another, not to roads which aro entirely within tho boun daries of a State. It secins the railroad companies are disposed to obey tins fea ture of tho law though it may uot be long before tlioy will not Dud it to their interest to keep it up. The Printer's Circular, Philadelphia, says : "They must stop to consider whether they can afford to pay in ready cash for the notices, advertising and general reading-matter, whioh they now pay for in passes. As tor tho editors, it would be money in their pockets if tho rail roads paid in cash for the advertising wh eh they receive in the couise of a year. Thomas A. Scott once said that no railroad could be run without issuing frco passes." Superior court, 9th dis'.., Spring Term 1887—Judge Boykin. Rockingham—January 24, 2 weeks. Forsyth—February 7*, 2 weeks ; May 23, 2 weeks. Yadkin- February 21, 2 weeks. Wilkes—March 7, 2 weeks ; May 2, I wcuk. Alleghany—Match 21, 2 weeks. Davie—April 4, 1 week. Stokes—April 18, 1 week. Surry—April 25, 1 week. If you want a fi?st class sewing ma chine for money than you can buy it at any other place in the State, go to I'enpcr & Sons and tell them what ma chine you waut. Farmers don't fail to call at the North Carolina btoro for furniture, ou tains, and carpets, parlor aud cham ber suits. Chairs, sliairs, chairs, cheap, cheap, cheap. It. STEVENS, Winston, N. C ll' Y«n Wloh » UOINI Article Of Tot; vr o, a U your dealer for "Oi l! KI »•.** C- F. & Y. y7EAILWAY CONDENSED SCHED ULE NO 18 Taking elfect 1, p. in., Sunday, Feb., 20, 'B7 TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Pass. A Fr'lit & Mail l'aas. Lv liennettsville ] 840 a m 130 p m Ar Maxton 10 00 j3 35 Lv Maxton 10 15 i 4 10 Ar Kayctteville 12 05 pm 7CO Lv Fayetteville 12 20 10 (Ma in Ar Stanford 216 12 40 pin Lv Sanford . 2 4.» . 330 Ar Greensboro 0 15 j 0 00 Lv Greensboro 10 15 i Ar Ilelew's Creek !12 30 I Passenger and Mail Dinner at Sanford. I ft BSfS MOVING SOU i M. r in. v'c Fr'lit $ .Mail. I'ass* Lv Belew's Cieek 4 SO p in Ar (.rectisboro y 4o Lv Greensboro 10 00 a in 730 am Ar Sanford 130pm 200pm I a Sanford 1 56 800 Ar Kayetteville 1 10 3 00 Lv Fayettevjlle 4 25 045 am At- Maxton 0 20 022 Lv Maxton 0 :10 10 15 Ar Beunettsville 7 45 1220pm Passenger and Mail Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Passenger Train runs be tween Kayetteville and Jlennettsville on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Freight and Passenger Train runs between Fayettevillc and Greentboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ami between Greensboro and Fayettevillc Mondays, and Fridays. pAMeiiger and Mail Trains runs daily ex cept •Sundays. • Tbe north bound train makes close con nection at Maxton for all points Soutli. W. K. KYLIS f Gen'l Pass. Agent. J. \V. FKV, Gen'l JSup't. NOTICE. I will sell for cash at my shop on Satur day 26th day of March, 18H7, onft buggy the property of D. W. or A. \v. Dodd for re pairs done on the same. This the 9th day ot Blanch 1887* W. P. LANDKETII. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. Aecordlng to the late act passed by Con mess almost every person 1 rawing a Pen sion is eutitled to a Land Warrant of ICO acres. 1, the undersigned, will pay eighty dollars for every Land Warrant of one hun dred and sixty acres, and desir every per son who draws a pension and has not ob tained a Land Warrant to communicate with me. (i. L. BURTON, Deer Trail, Colorado. Lund lor Sale. lly virtue of an onler of llie Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, as ailniti istrator of James Frailer, deceased, L will sell'at public auction at the Court-house door iu Danbury, on the first Monday in April 1 one tract of limd lyitifl and l»Mtm in tho county of Stokes and Snow Click townsliio adjoining tlic lands of Hiram Smith, Joel Hawkins, W. J. Moore,and oth ers. containing about one hundred acres. The above tract of land which is to be sold for assets to i«iy the debts of the into James Fra zier, and is a very desirable place, well adapted to agricultural purposes. Terms, one fourth cash, and balance on six months time, with good security. Sale at 12 o'clock. A. H. Fhazier, Adin. of James Fbazikk. Glenn, Glenn A Stack, Attorneys. WINTER MILLINERY! AND STAPLE NOTIONS, Consisting of (llores, Hosiery. Zephyr— and (he bent and moNt relia ble coitsirrs. Fancy Mood* aud Toys. In great variety. Frst door South of Contral Hotel, Wlu; ston, N. C. Mrs- N 6 Davis -1 SIOOO.OO Will buy a first class Kcngln Roilc and Saw Mill outfit, that will cut from -*Vo( m > to Sims) (feet of lumber per day. Ail dress imix woliKs,, k.c. : |l I Wj »nO®* Uto " ° * vf&Q A y i r P yy BEST TONIC. ? Thin medicine. combining Iron with pure s TcaoUiblo tonics, quickly ami completely Curei l>}K[H-i>sla, Imllgmttoii, Wralt ■r«ii Impure lllond, Jlulmia, C lillla and Fcvera, and Neuralgia. ' _ It Is an unfailing remedy fur Diseases of tbo Kidney niul Liver, r It is invaluable for T>lsooxe« peculiar to , Women, and all who lend sedentary live*. ' It docs not injure tho tcoth, cause hcuriaehu.rr r produce constipation— other Iron medicine* do. It mrtoki and pnrlflci the blood, I stimulate* tho appetite, nids tlm a-similation of food, relieves Heartburn and belching, and Strengthens the muscles and nerves. r For Intcrmttteut Fevers, I.auttadr, Lack of Unerpjr, etc., it has no equal. II 1 nr The genuine has above trade mark nnd I crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. T Bafeaalj kj MOWS UtSAJiAL to, B&LT110U, SU NOTICE. Having duly qualified as Anministratt r on the estateofWilliam Bailey Deceased, all • persons Indebted to said Estate art' request y ed to make payment tome at once, ami all those who have claims against the said Es tate are hereby notified to present litem du ly proven, for payment on or before the IHh , day of February 1888 or this notice will In; '» plead in the bar of their rtcovcry. This Dili day of February 1887. A. (J. .JONES, Administrator. North Carolina, { Stokes County, $ Superior Court, W. W. McCanleas. Plaint 10', vs. Jeremiah Duulap, defendant.—Notice of action and order. This is an action brought to the y next term of the Superior Court of Stokes countv to be held at the court-house in Dan bury on the sixth Monday after the first - Monday in March 18 s 7 on the part of the plaint ill'to recover of the defendant the sum ofso74.r>o, principal money and accrud in terest, due upon his three several bonds in i the respective sums of SIOO with interest e thereon from the 20th October 1881, $517.50 with interest thereon from tho 20th October • 1881. $237.00 with interest on same from the - the 20th October 1881, subject to the follow , in# credits, June, 1882, ; October ' Utli 1882, $18.00; October 20th 1885, $200.00; said bonds having l>eeii given for the pur ] chase money of land aim the defendant is required then and there to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint which will be dul) filed in said court as required by law. N. o. PETIUfiE, C.B. C. | Order. Ifi this cause it appearing to tl.e court by " affidavit that tha defendant Jeremiah I)ni»- • lap is a non resident of the State of North Carolina and hna departed therefrom wit h intent to avoid the service of summons and cannot after due dillicence befouud therein; Ordered that notice of the action be served by publication once a week for six suceess ii ive weeks in the KKPOHTEI: A\II POST a newspaper published in Danbury in said county. This the 21st day of February, 1887. N. O. I'ETREE, '* C. S. C. u Gold and Silver! i I „ Money, IVToney; I) " IS NOW THE CRY n How to maks it is the Question. II I) I Head this and act as you arc told, and wc quarantce you to make it. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Ist.—Always patronize those who give ~ you the best quality of goods for the least ft moneo. That person is i The Original Cheap John l) - AT WINSTON N. C. s i. 2nd—Never pay big prices for shoddy cotton goods, when you can buy good wool goods for less money, l>y ealliug at the B II e ORIGINAL CHEAP JOHN'S ii d v " 3rd —When you are in Winston don't al i. low people to follow you and drag you into r places when you have to pay extortion pri •7 ees for shoddy goods, but go with your own , free will to THE ORIGINAL, CHRAP is JOHN'S - THE ACKNOWLEDGED LEADER OF LOW PRICES; where yon can buy the Itcst of clothing, I loots, shoes, Hats, notions, hardware, lamps dry goods of all kinds, and anything yon call for, at such prices that will a/wavs In i; duce you to call again. 1 Observe the above rules and we gusrnateo from s.">>.oo to SIOO.OO saved In one year. ! The Original Chean John, Winston N C. NOTICE.. Having l>een this day appointed Adn istialor ujHm the estate of Benjamin Waren deceased, 1 hereby give notice to all persons having claims against said estate to | resent them within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. JOSEPH 11. SMITH, Administrator. SUPERIOR (X URT ROCKINGHAM CO. A. J. .Smith 1 and others I'll*. I Sale vs. I of O. W., L. F. and Darian j valuable land. Smith admrs. of Drury I Smith and others (lefts. J I»y virtue of an order made in the above entitled cause, ;it Nov. Term 1880 by His Honor J. C. Meßae .Judtie Presiding, and an order of resale by Judge Jioykiu the un dersigned will otter for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Danbury in the county of Stokes on Tues day the "»ih day of April 18.57 a certain Intel of land, lyiiijx on Dan River, near the town of Danbury in said county of Slokes, I adjoining the lands of MeCanless* R. J. I .Main*, Colonel Heck and otheis containing J •JtW acres nunc or less being all of the erli»- inal iraei known as the Mube or Kstes tract, bought by Drurv Smith from Win. A. Ks tes: excepted acres, sold oil'to R. J. Mabe. About .70 acres theieof are bottom laud, and about 184 acres are well timbered. Terms strictly cash, and sale made subject to confirmation by the court. W. N. ME 13ANE Commissioner of the Court, Feb. 17th 1887. DANBURY ACADEMY. 1111 41® tiIUU JVWV DENOMINA TIOJYA L. A short Spring Term beginuiug Monday lltb of April, 1887 j and continuing 21 months, or 10 weeks, closing June 17tb. LOCALLON &C.-TOVABWR). the oounty-scat of Stokes county, is situat ed near the center, ten miles from tbo C. P. & Y. V. It. it. ; in one of the health iest portions of the State. The people are iutelligeut, cultivated and moral, i Persons of not very robust constitution, can attend school, and at tbo same time ' get the benefit of the colebrated Piedmont Springs. Spring Term closer before visitors for the Summer season arrive. E TUITION, per month, PRIMARY SI.OO « • « INTERMEDIATE 1.50 « « « ACADEMIC,(HIGH MATH.,LATIN, jt0.,2.00 2.50 Instrumental Music, (Piano or Organ) including use of Instrument 2.50 HOARD, including furnished room 7.00 Students can rent rooms, furnish their own provisions, and board for much lass. For any desired information apply to W. W. CRAVEN, Principal. Brown, Browner, Brownest. High, Higher, Highest, If you would get the very highest price for your tobacco, make up your mind, when preparing it for market, to take it to Browns Warehouse i Winston, N. C. Here you will find the largest, best lighted Warehouse in town, one of the best 1 auctioneers in this, or any other State, and larger buyers by the score. That is not all, if you would stay but a few hours, or over night, you will find comfortable r°oms, plenty of wood, cook stoves upon which to prepare your food jood water in abundanoe and every thing necessary to your comfort (if you have a clear conscience,) while the stalls for your stock are all thai you ooulJ wish for. Uring us your tobacco ; we will do all in our powor to make you comfortable while here, and get what you want most—a big price for your tobacco Very Truly BROWN & CAIITER W. T. GARTER £ CO, Winston, N. €. Arc Offering Extra Bargains for 30 Days TO REDUCE THEIR LARGE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAN DISE, PREPARATORY TO TAKING INVENTORY. WE CARRY A GENERAL UXE OF Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Hals, and Trunks e ' 7 * And a Full Line of Heavy Goods. Give ua an early call and save money. W. T. CARTER A CO., I>o A I BUY YOUR TOMBSTONES UKTIL VOL' SEE I. W. DURHAM, Winston, N* C Qjp"Designs mailed free.^j I HEADQUARTER S, E. ALLEN, Corner 3rd and Main Streets, Winston, IV. O. HARDWARE, CROCKERY. AGRICUL TURAL IMPLEMENTS, Glassware, Lamt>s, &o, AGENT FuR T. T. HAYDOCKS BUG GIES, CARRIAGES, CAR LOAD IN STOCK AG EXT FOR Champion Mowers, Rcnpers and Bin ders, Farmer's Favorite Gram Drill, Fa mcr Girl Cook Stove, Longman and Maitinez strictly pure pre pared Faints, King's Great Western Powder Compa ny's Powder; Hercules FoWdei or Dynamite, Lead er Corn Shelters, Victor Cano Mills, Cardwell Threshers and Uorso Powers, Farmer Friend Plows, &o STOCK Consists of a full and complete line of a goods usually kept iu a tirsUclass Hardware and Crockery Store, Iron, Kails, Horse and 3/nlc shoes, Steel Plows, (ilass, Paints, Putty, Oils, Vnrnishei &c. Carriage ami wagon makors tools and material, Uuildcrs tools, material and hard, ware, locks, hinges, butts, screws, sash doors, blinds, &e. Pistols, puns. Ammunition, fish hooks, nets, Ac. blacksmith and ma chauics tools. CROCKERY. China, Dinner and TOR Sot#, Porcelain White Granite, Iron Stone cliina, c. c. Ware, olass ware, wicka, nurn en.

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