THE DANBURY REPOHTER-POST. VOLUME XVI. Reporter and Pest. rVSUIHEI) TTMKLV AT DANBURY. N. C. PEPPER 4 SON 3, Puts. * Props RATH or KIBM lirrillV I Oae Tmj, paaabla n a-Waree, • IM> Meftta*, . T.~ 75 RATBfI OF ADYKRTIKIVCi »• gqaare (t«n llnfs or le*») 1 , i 00 •r eaeh additional ; insertion Coatraetafor lew time or more space can bt ■Mil la pre portion to the above rate*. Tr»mleot advertleer* will be expected to remit aeeerdinf to tlie»erate» at the time tliey Mend Ihelr rarer*. Iseeal Nettcee will *•« barged 50 per cent.higher tkaa aWeve ratee. BaslaeNK Cartie will be Ineerted at Ten Dollars | ermmmurn. PROFESSIONAL CJIRVS. U HAYMORE; " ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N, C. Special attention fciven to the collection of el el ma. W. F. CARTER, dtrro&.Yßr-.iT-lr* r, MT. AIUY, SOKKY CO., N. L Practlcea wherever hiaaervlces are wantd. MefliU rHon sam l r. eoonwiN. IUIV HKkOEKSOS. Illtu'u W. BACOX WOOD, BACON & CO Importer* and Jobber* of Dltr GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, ETC. No». 300-311 Maiket St., PHIL ALELPHIA, PA. Partial having CUT MICA fer Mil will find it to their interest to ***respend with A. 0. SO HOON MAKER, 158 William St., New York. «. X. LKfTWICK. with Wlßfit, ELLETT t CRC.MP, RICHMOND, TA., Wholesale D»*lors is BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, AC. Promptattention paid to orders, sad satis etiem *a»r«nt»ed. P&. Kifyinta Slati Prifn Onodi « tfiertalty March,«. » eeaaaT w. rowsas, kdoss d. TAVI.O. R W. POWERS A 00., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealer! In PAIMTS, OILS, DYES, VARNISHED French and American WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, fcC. SMOKING AND CIIEWIMI (iIGARS, TOBACCO A SPECIALTY ISO! Main St., Richmond, VaJ Aa(asttm26— ~GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Warehouse. WIMNTttN, *. C., lOIFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING ' dene at ahort notice. ' Keep* constantly on hand a fine lot of | Ceekiac and Heating Stoves. n , WINTER MILLINERY AND STAPLE NOTIONS, oontisTiKtt or Toys Jbc Chrint maa GToodS. Trlwaaeed Hall Beaaeli, T* fait Everjbed;. First door South of Hotel Fountain, WINSTON, N. C Mrs- N' S- Da vies. The Wilmington Star. REDUCTION IN PBICKA. Attention ii called to the following re el used rates of subscription, CASH IK ADVAHCR : THE DAILY STAR. One Year $6.00 I Three Mouths! 1.50 Six Months 3.00 | One Monthe 50 THK WEEKLY STAR. j' One Year SI.OO | Six Months 60 Three Months 30 cents. Our Telegraph News service has recently been largely Increased, audit is our deter mination to keep the ST A it up to tbe highest standard of news-paper excellence. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington, N, C. LOOK OUT! fompar*) this with jonr jiurrhaeoi I «ESTIJ!SMNF.SB. |rS I A HIHCTLV V rORTAALI SUs rAUtTLCtt rAMtU MgOICINI. [RJ; 1 I BASON, «A. I PHILADELPHIA. p|gj % 1 Doliar As yon value health perhapn life, examine each package kivl b* Mire yoti j:ct the ;on>'iu . See the ruil Z Tru«lv'-Mu>k and the full tU!e '»■ front of Wnpptr, ami on th«' *l«le tlio *oul and «i| of J. U. Zclltn A C»., \% In the nbfwe fac- nimile. RemrmUr tr«ert lanoothcr gt-nuluo Simmon* Liver k.-ula?.»r CHEAPCOFFEE. ROASTED COFFEE: AT 18 CTS A POUND- PUT UP IN POUND PACKAGES. Every Package Contains a Present. In Tulue from 5 cts. TRAIIK SfPPLtKI) lIV §outtier(( Charlotte, N. C. OTir*Mentiou this paper. THOMPSON'S COMPOUND H«5 sim A MILD TONIC AMU— A ppirr i zi]R. A cure for Dyspepsia, Indirection and Constipation, it promotes the secretions ot tlie Liver ami Kidneys, and give* a gentle '.one to the Organs, ltelicves Nneeick Prostration following Protracted Scrvouss. and enfeebled condition of the genual sys tem. MANl'ir VClt'Hr.O BT Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. T3OIV'T BUY YOUK TOMBSTONES UNTIL YOU SEE I, W. DURHAM, Winston, N* C Qjp"Desigus mailed freo.^J fl' H. CARTLAND, And dealer in Cassimeres fine clotiih And Furnishing Goods Greensboro, ----- N.C. Uader Central Ilotel. "NOTHING SUCCEEDS I-IICE SIJCC'IWS." DANBURY, N. 0., THURSDAY. JANUARY 5. 1888. new fßaa'i r»a MIBH 1,. R. I.AWDOI*. There is no change upon the air, No record IP the sky? No pall like storvn comes firth to shroud The yew about to die. A few light elouds are on the lieaven, A Ikw far slara aro bi iglit; And the pale inoou shine* an she signet On nuinyNi coinmou night. Ah, not In heaven hut upon tarth; Are signs of change eaprest; The closing year has left its mark On human brow and breast. llow much poet with it to the grave Of life's most predout things! Methinks e;ich year dies on a pyre, Like the Assyrian kings. A flections, friendships, confidence, — There's not a year hath died Hut all these treasure* of the heart Lie with it side by side. The wheels of time work heavily; We marvel day by day To see how from the chain of lite The gliding wears away. Sad the more change of fortune's chance, And sad the fiieud unkind; But what has sadness like the change That in ourselves we find? I've wept my castle in the dust. Wept o'er an altered brow; •Tis far worse murmuring o'er the tears, "Would I could weep them now!" O, for mine early confidence, Which like that graceful tree Bent cordial, as if each approach Could but in kindness be! Then was the time the fairy Hope My future fortune told, Or Youth, tbe alchyinist, that turnV. Whate'er he touch'd to gold. But Hope's sweet words can never be What they have been of yore: 1 am grown wiser, and believe In fairy tiles no more. Youth has spent his wealth and bought The Know let '*■ he would fain Change for forgetf ilneas, and lite His dr**nniing lifesgain. Tin weal j, weary, day-dreams, jvars, I've seen aliKe depart, Anil sull -n Care aud Discontent Haug bnNxling o'er my heart. Another year, another year,— Alas! and must it b^ That time's most datk and weary wheel Must turn again for mo? In vain I seek from *ut the past Some cherished wreck to save; AfTection, feeling, hope, are dead, — My heart Ij» Its own gntv«l HOW THE TWKLVE PIED. The following bnef history of the fat# of Ihe Apostles may be new a* to those whose reajiag has not been svangelioal St. Matthew is supposed to bavo suf fered martyidom, or was slain witb a sword iu the City ef Elbopia, in Egypt. St. .Liuke was hanged upon uti olive tree in Greece. St. John was put in a cauldron of boiling oil at Rome and escaped dealb. He afterward died a natural death at Epbesus, in Asia. St. James tbe Great was beheaded at Jerusalem. St. James tbe Less was thrown from a pinnacle or wing of the temple and then beaten to death with a tulle's club. St. Phillip wss banged up against? a pillar, at Hierapolis, a city of Phyigia. St. Bartbolemew was flayed alive by the command of a barbarous king. St. Andrew was bound to a ctoss, wheoee be preached unto t'ue people uu tii he expired. St. Thomas was run througii the body witb a lance, at Coroinaodel,in the East Indies. St. Jude wss shot to death with ar rows. St Simon Zealot was crucified in Persia. St. Matth'as was first stoned and then beheaded. St. Barnabas was stoned to death by the Jews at Salina. Bt. Paul was beheaded at Rome by the tyrant Nero. WE CANNOT ALL HAVE HER. Tkera is '« girl in the treasury de partment ot Wilmington who oan pick a counterfeit bill out of a pile containing $20,000,000. There is a prise for some man. Think of being able to sleep o'nigttts wiihsut tbe haunting, fear hanging like a swork ef Bunker Hill over yonr head that them may be a oouutei ftsii bill in your $80,000,000. -Ex THE GOOSE BONK. l'on may demand opon it, said a Rook land eounty fanner to a New York Tri bune reporter recently, we will have an ayes winter and a good wheat |nr, the fMee bone says se. Tbe goeeft bone is »ssyud by any Hoekbae eouaty pMple as better Mtherity than Wiggins or than their Haokensaok neigbbn De Voo. In many fan* bosses it will soon be fonnd bunging in tbe ball, end upon its prediction* suuie men place tbe full, est reliance. fne real prophetio bone, it is claimed eau only be obtained frras a«p e*a that wa>;!)atohed out in tbe spring, and tbe goose u>u*t be not be killed uutii the Indian summer has passed away. A b"ne t&kou front a goose hatched in May year has a row of dots around tbe keel of it indicating the teinperature ; and tbe darker tbe spots the oolder the weather. It is claimed that the mark« dividing the bone indicate the three winter months, December beginuing at the front. Those who have read this year's bone carefully, say rt indicates more regular weather than that of last year,'and not so severe. There will bs many days during which running wster will freeze. The coldest weather will occur during tbo first half of Jauuary, aud in that time there will be several days of freezing. It will be the severest part of the whole season. Near the point of the bone the discoloration is a Utile heavy, thvs showing that '.be first day of winter will give proof of tbe sea's change. January will be ushered in with cold, and the cold will strcngthes as the days lengthen, the coljest day of tbo winter about January Bth. Tbe severe weather will be brief, followed by ris ing temperature and heavy thaws, and the lust of the month will see many rains aod snows During Febuary there will not be any very cold weather, but it will be a rather disagreaable month with suows and raius A few cold days will bo all that Febuary will contribute to winter. Ad early and decided ,thaw is ainone the promises of the bone # The Febuary thaw will o'erflow the moun tain streams, aud disastrous floods n.ay be looked for. DIDEN'T HOLD STILL. Judge (to Pat, who had been arrest ed for beating Mike) —Well, you did pound him, didn't you ? Pat—Yis, yer Honor, I shtruck hiui on tbe nose, the ugliest part ef his onld face. Judge (in astonishment)—On his "ose 1 J ost look at bis two black eyes. Pat—Well, be didn't hould still whsn I shtruck him.--Epoch. DON'T RENT LAND. A man can't afford to expend his la bor, energy and time on rented laid. If a man does rent, bs should of course pay tbe promiisd amount, but he should not rent, for more than a ycarortwo at least. We advise our fritnd, although be must be nearly, if not quite sixty years of age, to buy him OD« aors ot land and erect thereon a log hoase—one acre, at least. (Is can surely do that much and then bis home will be bis own. He may rent a few acres to cultivate, but let him live under his owe roof. Next fall he can buy a few acres mors, and, if he livos five years, be can have s snug littls place ot his own, and have the fruits of bis labors to lay aside. There it no bops for the man who lives 011 rented land. The very cream of bis labors must go ink tbe coffers of 'be lsndlord. We find ne fault with tbis. It is all right —it is matter which, like the price of cotton, rfgulatea itself. Do not wait until you can buy a hundred or more acres and pay all dowu. If you wait for 'his you will wait too long. Now is tbe time—the goldsn time. Property will never be cheaper than at present. Buy one acre, and build you a home on it, ot your own, it matters nut how bumble it may be. It will be yours. Better live iu a lug hut of your own, than a man sion Belonging to your neighbor, which you may rent and pay for twice in a few years tijpe, but from wbicli you may it any time be ejected Wadosboro Intel. Itgencer. Pet«r Bennett, a wealthy old miser living it Njwport, Me., who distrusted banks and kept bis money in his house, was buateo nearly to death Sunday nigbt and robbed uf in cub. FARM AND OAlt DEN NOTES, A bog's shin is waterproof and baa no porca except those ou the inside of the front legs. Seven or eight weeks' old pigs should be weaned for their owu and their moth er's good. R** ohefjei tev aiii alxed with the fond tw"ce a week, are said to be a preventative of a bicker, cliolera. Reots are exeelleet for slieep in win ter and are espeeiahv important with beavy grain feeding to keeping the di gestive orgac in full vigor. Many ot tbe ilia affecting the hogs ire due to tilth) pens It is not so muvb in the amount of filth that tbe difficulty is met ss in the dstLpuesa caused by tbe filth. As sson as the crops have been re moved from the garden plot plow it and allow no weeds to grow, which will greatly lessen the garden work next sea son. To train a flock ot sheep raise a lamb at tbe bouse, teach it to eouie when called aud tnen put it with the flock. By oalliDg tbe petted lamb the others will follow. Give the hogs pure fresh water to drink; swill will not answer the purpose ef water •» very little salt, wood ashes and charcoal should be hrown in their pens at times. Keeping a close watch over the plough point, and having it shaip, or replacing it frequently with a new one, wilt often save ten times the cost of tiic plough in labor. A cow in milk should never be driv n faster than a walk. Uood cows have large aud well filled udders, which cause pain to them if they are hurried or driven on a run. Fine manure for crops is nmro valua ble than coaise. Hens can break up better perhaps limn anyone of the ma chines invented for the purpose. Scat ter some wh>at over the pile a d tu-n ibem on Run jireen clover, rye,, oats or corn through the feed cutter, set to cut iu ha.'f-ineh lengths, aud feed tc fowls confined in yards. This is tbe soiling system applied to poulfry keeping, and works admirably, as those koow who have tried it. There is nothing that will fatten a pig as quickly as swiet potatoes. 1 hey are superior to ecru for that purpose. Pick out these that are marketable and boil tbe culls for the pigs. Tbcy may be given to stscrs also and can be fad taw er eoeked. ABOLITION OF TAX PROBABLE The great fnroe brought to bear on members of Congress tv; th reference te tbe tobaeeo tax has led n large number of them to express their views thereon, and tbe result is decidedly in favor of a repeal. In the last of Tobacco published in Ndw York City tbe opin ions of a large numhor of members are g'ven on the subject. Tbe number of members who replied to inquiries were 280. Of these 243 were in favor of re peal. 4 opposed to it. 43 in favor of repeal with reduced tariff aud 52 non eommittal. \ casual glance at the fig ures shows that a majority favor a repeal. This nuiubtr is made up of members from both parties, and as the question has some to the point o a demand for settlement one way or the other, it is likely tha' a cotnpr nuise will be made, in which both parties will acoeed some thing to the other. This all absorbing ! question hangs in a balance witb the points decidedly in favor of repeal.— Southern Tobacco Journal. We do not believe the people of this immediate section aro so mush interest ed about the tariff as they are the inter nal revenue. The taiiff ">n tobacco and distilled spirits—fruit brandy especially concert's thorn more than anything else. On this question we doubt if they *ru in perfect accord with the views ex pressed 1 v the President through his message to Ccugiess. Gold Lrif. Holly aud Ivy are tlie most esteemed Christmas greeui ir Kugland. A large trade is found in New Y'oik and Phila delphia and elsewhere, just before Christ mas, lor holly wlii* '1 is shipped fretn Virginia and ev-11 fro u England. The English fpocies has a I*, er leaf than that in our country. Holly is also krtown under the cause holm-tree. PUNGENT SNUI'P. A HAMDSOMS COMPLIMENT. Mies Ethel.—"Mr. Fsalbsrly paid you a very haedsome compliment last night, Clara Miss Clara. -«« Ob, did he ' What ■is it t»» Miss Ethel;—"He spoke of your new black-velyet suit, and thought be never saw you look so well. 'lt is wonderful,' be said, 'what a diflerenoe dieess makes with some people V " WHEN SHE MEANS BUSTNEBS. "Clara has returned my engagement ring," sighed Charley, "and all is over between us." "W hat kind of a ring is it !" asked experienced Georgo--"diamond ?" "No; a cheap affair; ouly cost a coup le of dollars." "Well, don't you give up the ship, old man; si "1 be all right in a day or two. It is only when a girl lets go of a dismand riug that she really means business."—Harper's Bazanr. A MAIDEN'S MISTAKE. Bride—"Did you reoeive the piece of wedding cake I sen', you ?" Schoolmate—"Yes; dear." "Now, tell me what kind of a bust and you dreamed about." "I don't like to think about it. lie was an awful creature, with hoofs and horng and the most horrible face conld imagine. Ob, it was terrible." "Meroy iue ! Did you'put the take under your pillow J" "No, 1 ate it."—Omaha World. DULL TIMES WEST. Eastern Man— ,: llow is business iu Prune City 1" Western Man—'-Everything's Head; don't know what the country is coming E. H.—'*V> hy, I beard ten new lac tones were going up there." W. M.—"Yos, that's so." E M—'• Atid t new board of trade had started m opposition lo the old ] one." W M—"Yes, I believe so." E M—'• And 1 was told four hun dred houses were. in course of con struction.'' W M—"Yes, 1 s'pose that's about the number." E M—"But you say thiugs are dull." W M—"Dill's nename for it; dead, absolutely dead. Hhy, sir, I staked out a suburb, only fifty miles away, into tweaty-foot lots at SIO,OOO a lot, an' I ain't sold a blamed one of 'tm."—.T>d Bits. We cannot recall ip the Su-th any such destructive forest fires as srs now raging over a great area. The ex tent of the damage already done is not definitely known, aud th.e fires are still- I aging with unabated intensity. Tbe loug dry season has rendered it possible for those fires to extend with with ex ceeding rapidity, aud it seems to be almost impossible to stop their ravages Oue of tbe annoying features of calamity by fires is that so many of tbem arc tbs result of sbee- carelessness or dsvilish ness --Ex. . BE A MAN. Tbe highest attainment for a young man ts to be a man. Tbis world is full of counterfeits. But it is a grand thing upright in defence of truth and principle. When persecution oomes, some bide their faces until the storm passes Oy; others can be bought for a mess cf potlage. From such u one tnrn away. But stand by a friend: be a man; do not tun away when danger threatens to overwhelm him or yourself Think for yourself. Uead good books and dread niert's faces The eye is ihc wiudnw to tbo soul; tiso your oyos and hold your tongue. If opposition comos meet it manfully. If success cro-rns your i fforts, bear it quietly. Do your own thinking and ke> p your own secrets; worship no man tor his lineage ot bis wealth PiDe feathers don't always cover fine birds. Be sober, bo honest be just in all your dealings with the world; be true. They will ecll you for money or popularity; don't trust them. Wear but one face and let that be an honsst one.— Farm. NO. 24 PIKINGB. From the Wilmington hi or. The President is said to work fifteeen hours a day when tn Washington, lie i» toogb and san stand it, Seuth Wales is so overrun with rabbits that it eSers $125,000 for the invention of un eiterminator. Seud for 60,000 American boys and their "dsugs." Tlie elephant Alice who was burned bad a "curiosity abop" in her stomach. She was cut open, when it was found as described in the World : i ''Littlo did this particular elephant dream when she deinnrely stole and swallowed pennies one by one, outiery, etc., that they would bo recovered. Tbe stomach was found full of hay, and in the bay was found between three and pennies, part of a jaek-kDife, a job lot of caue ferules, a coil of lead pipe, snd a collection of assarted pebbles." The National Democratic Committee will meet in Washington soon. Will it undertake ko formulate a platferiu for the whole party and thus remove tbe necessity of having this work done in a National Convention ? If they should do this, will they not be good enough also to nominate the candidate* I They enn thus get ahead of the Repub licans. A big thing on ice. President Carnot is nothiug of a gen ius, it is said in Paris, but a man of solid parts. lie has a domestic wife and n son-in-law. Tbe prospect of a reunion of tbe Lib eral party is uow regarded as hopeless. Lord Hartiugton now sleeps soundly in tke Tory lap and tbo venerable queen is keeping the flies off of him. In Clay County, Ark., and in some of tbe adjoiniog oounties, tbe black dip theria is raging with fearful mortality. Thus far over fifty deaths have occurred and eminent physicians from abroad have been£sent for. An eleven .year-old boy in Philadel phia died from the effects of "narocotie poisoning from smoking cigsrettes." Boys, bewaro of the weod, and cspeo allv in tbis shape. Thero have been 3,043 new post offices established during tbe year and 1,600 discontinued. Duriug ihe year 13,078 postmasters wore appointed. Pennsylvania leads. There arc 7,745 money offices in operation, au increase of 481. It i» ssid to be a fact that during the orange seasou (Philadelphia 'alone receives weekly between 20,000 aud 30,000 boxes, and New York oven more. Tampa is happy. What [medical science could not do* Jsck Frost has done. Yellow Jack retreated before the other Jack. Philadelphia is now enjoying tbo sensation of having two genuine lepers in one of its mother and daughter. The Boston Post says that this country is now shipping 800,000, bar rels of apples each yoar to Loudon, Liverpool and Glasgow. We have publiihsd in our State nam department from time to time some gratifying reports as to the produotion ef sorghum molasses Mecklenburg couuty seems to have led in tbia pro duction. It is well that the farmers are returning to the growth of the sor ghum cano that was *o extensixely cul tivated during the War. It is an exoel lent thing to have in the household. When well made it is appetising and wholesome Tbe Star has notod the experiments in the Northwest in wakiug ► ugar from the sorghum uane. Tbe expsriments made have been satisfactory and tbe production is extending. There is a sorghum sugar null at Fort Scott, Kansas. ' • • •« e.v * Seoator Chandler has introduced a bill to regulate the holding of Congress ional elections in South Carolina, Flor ida, Misitsippi and Lauisiacna.'some thing after tbe order of thiugs which | prevailed ID reconstruction days. ! The President's annusl mossage to the Congress was laid before that body i yesterday, and was presented in full in 1 our excanges this morning; it is devoted > entirely tos discussion of the revenuo question, wbiob beholds is the abaorb- I ing one of the day, and a sweeping re i ductinn in tbe tariff etetoius is ably. I n'gued.

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