VOLUME XVI. Reporter and Post. PUBLISHED WKEKLY AT DANBURY, N. O. PEPPKH k SONS, Pubs. * Props rffcTN Oft- ftl HMt Kirno* ; CalTetr', paoable in advance,., §IJSO Moatba "3 MATt.M OF AOVr.RTIMI*CA: ■ a Aaaare (ten line* or leu*) 1 time #IOO • reaeb additional insertion, 60 Caatraeteforlanjrertimaor more»pae« cnu I e saade ia prcj »rtlon to the above rate*^. Tran*ieutauvertl*er» will bo exueeted to roiult aeeardlng to ratea at the tirno thev aend their fa vara. Local Soth-ea will be charged Itfber BUHIOPHU Carda will be Inserted at Ten Dollar* er aanu m. PROFESSIO-VA I. CARDS. ~li. L. 11.1 YMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N, C. •facial attention given lo tliccollection i f eliima. W. F. CARTER, jiTTQSJrSV-.IT-I'dl tr. MT. AIUY, SUKUY CO., N. C Fractiees where verbis services arc waiitd BISOAKB WOOD RAM I. P. tOOUWI.N. MUKV HK.NOERSO*. Uiait'l) T, . liAC O.N WOOD. BACON & CO liaportera and Jobber* of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, ETC MM. ii»-;in llMkotst., PHILALELVIIIA, PA. Parties having CUT MICA for M 1« will fiud it to tlieir intere»v to M'ropind witli A. O. SOUOONMAKKK, 158 William St., New York. 0. E LK»'TWI„U. with WIRCO, ELI,Err & CHIMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholenle Doalers i» BOOTS, SHOES, TBURKS, 4C. Pmptattention |>*iJ to orderi.aod .ati,- etiaa tnurinteeil. Virginia S'.alt Priton Qcoit i iptri.'ty March,«. ui aaatKT «r. por*ii«, «»«*« I>. TAVI.O. R W. POWERS .V CO., WffOL USA L K Dlt i'O (11S TS, Dealers ill PAINTS, 011.3, lIVKS, V ARKISIIKf French and American WIKDOW ULAKB, PUTTY, &C, BMOKINT. AND CIIBWIMi 010ARS, TOBACCO A SPKCIAm | LTOFI Main St., Kichmond, VA. I Aa|Mtß«n26 GEO. STEWART. " Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Formers' Warehouse. WIXMTO*, H. €., ROOFING. GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done »t short notice. Kaepi constantly on lntuU a line lot of Cookiag and Heating Stoves. WINTER MILLINERY * AND STAPLE NOTIONS. CONSISTING OF TOJH Ac Cliriwl lUllM GoodS. Trlmuied Hat* and.. Hiinnrts, To tult Everybody. Tint door South of Hotel Fountain, WINSTON, N. C Mrs N- S- Davis. The Wilmington Star. KEUUUTIOK IX PRICKS. Attention it called to the followiaf le ilnced ratee of subscription, CASH IN AIIVANTK : THK DAILY STAR. One Year SO.OO I Three Mouthssl.so Six Months 3.00'| Ono Mouths 50 THE WEEKLY STAR. One Year SI.OO | Six Month* 00 Three Mouths 80 cents. Our Telegraph News service has recently been largely increased, anil It is our deter mination to keep the KTAR up to tUe highest standard of news-paper excellence. Address, WM. H. BKRNAKI), Wilmington, N. C. Unfailing Specific for Liver Disease, WMPTflMfii ,mtpr or UiHlc VimriUlViOi nioutli; tongu" roultU white or covered with n brown fur; pain hi the hiu'k, aides, or Joint**—often mUtakcii for UheumuUKia : *our atomach: lo* ♦ of appetite; aometlmen aiiusca and wnter bruah, or IndlKeation ; flatulency and acid eructations; howHa alternately eostlvo and lux; heudnch.-; loan of nu mory, with a painful Kensutlon of having failed Lo da something which to have l> «*u done; debility | low Nplrite; a thick, yellow up pearuncc of tho hit in uud e;oS; i» dry I eou«T»;'fever: the urtrnt In scanty and highcolored, ami, ii allowed to atand, deposit* u aeditneut. !' SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) I IH generally lined In the South to arouse J tho Torpid Liver to a healthy action. I It act* with extraordinary efficacy on the TIVER, KIDNEYS, J AND BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL STECinO FOR Malaria, Bowi'l Complaint*. DyNprpala, Sick ll«*alat he, C»n*tl|»atlnii, Itlliouflii**N>i, Kidney Affection*. Jaundice, Mental Depression, Colic. Endorsed by the use of *7 Millions of Bottle?, at THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE A r Children, for Adultand for the Aged. ONLY GENUINE * hat our Z Suunp in red on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin A Co., Philadelphia, Pa., tout moraiaiuas. Price, &1.00. CHEAPCOFFEE. HOT ROASTED COFFEE AT 13 CTS A POUND I'CJT IJI* IN POUND PACKAGES Every rmUi-sc Contain* u Present in Value IVoin els to»3.0O TIIADC sri'l'l.lKli IIV {Jo. ; ▼' t v Charlotte, N. C. this paper. THOMPSON'S OOMrO U N 1) tons Blifi. tr7ftt* ? t t » J A MILI) TONIC AM>- APPI2TIZKII. A cure for l)vspe|te}a, Indigestion and Count ipatic-n. fi promotes the secretions ot the Liver itrnl Kidneys, and a gentle one to the Organs, IMicves Nncsick Prostration following Protiaetod Servousg, and enfrebfed condition of the general sys tem . MANI K VCTI ir*:i> ITV Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. DON'T MJY YOUtt TOMBSTONES UNTIL VOU SEE I. W. DURHAM, Winston, N* C H7""Pi-sign, mailed freo.^J^] H - H. CARTLAND, And dealer in Cassimeres FINECLOTIIS And Furnishing Goods Greensboro* - • - N-C. fader Central Not*), "NOTIIINi srCCEEDH LIKE KUCCESS." DANBUIIY, N. C„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1888. ap^fE TO TGLIiTIIE 4tiK OF 4 HORSE. T: 101 l the »s e of any horse, Inspect tlm lower Jaw, of course; The sixth fruiiL tuoth the tale will tell, Ami every doubt ami tear cxpsl. Two mlildle '•nippers" you behold Before the colt ia two weeks old. Before eisht weeks two more will conve," Eight months the "coiners" cut the gtiiu- The outside, grooves will disappear From middle two iti juit ouo year, In two years from t!io second pair; In three the corners, too, are bare. At two'the mlildle "nippers"' drop; At three the second pair can't slop. When four years old the third pair go&, At live a full new set he shows. The deep black spots which pass from view At six years from the mlildle two. The second pair at sewn yeans; Al eight the spot each "corner" clears. From middle "nippers" ii] per Jaw At nine the black spots will withdraw. The second pair at ton are white ; Eleven finds the "corners" light. As times goes on, the heraeman Knows, The oval teeth three sided grow; They longer get, project before Till twenty, when we know no more. PATRICK HENRY'S DEATH. In an age when it was fashionable to avow sceptifal sentiments, Patrick was always ready to defend the Chris tian faith. A member of the Episcopal Cnroh, according to his biographer, Prof. Tyler, lie not infrequcully re ceived the communion. Ou such oc casions his habit wan to fast uutil ho had been at the Lord's Tsblo, aud the# to spend tho day in retirement. One hour, at tho close of tho day, he sponi m private prayer and medita tion, and during it no ono suffered to intrude upon his privacy. While be was Governor of Virginia, he was so alariucd al tho spread of infi del sentiments among tho young men of the S'aie that he printed at lit* own expense, an edition of Soinue J enyus's "View of Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion," and an edition of Butler's "Analogy." When he met a young man of sceptical tendcuoics, he would give huu ono of theso books. Doubtless the fact that the book was presented by tho Governor of his state secured it an attention ftoui the young Virginian which lie have paid had it brcn distributed by a more hum ble oolportcur. Patrick Ilctiry wrote out an elaborate answer to l'aiuo's "Age of Reason," but, being impressed by tho replies to Paino then appearing in England, lie directed his wife shortly before his death, to destroy the manuscript, which she did. In his last will, written by his own hand, he conclnded thus : "This is all the inhertitauco 1 can give to my dear family. I'ho religion of Christ cau give them uno which will make them rich indeed." On the Gth of June 1790, bis kindred being sent for, found him sitting in a large old fashioned nrmohair. Ho was dying from an incurable internal dis ease. Iliii physician, Pr. Cabell, was about to administer a preparation of mercury. Taking the vial in hi* hand, (bo dying uian said, "I suppose, dootor, this is jour last resort." ■•I am sorry to say, governor, that it is." replied the doctor, -''Acuta infla tnatiim of :lie intestinos lias already taken place; and unless it is removed, mortification will ensue, if it has not already commenced, which 1 fear." "What will be the effect of this med icine, doctor t ' "It will giv« you immediate relief, or"— the dootor could not finish the sentence. "You moan, doctor," ;aid tho sick man, "That it will givo relief, or nil' prove fatal immediately." 1 You can "tily live a short time without it, and it may relieve you." "Escuso me, dootor, tor a fow moments " said Patrick Henry, drawing over his eyea the silk cap he wore. Holding ihe vial, ho prayed aloud for hn family, bis country and for his own «oul. "Amen said bo, and swallow | ed the medicine- Pr. Cabell, who greatly loved the old . patriot, had gono out upon the lawn, j where throwing himself under a tree be wept bitterly. Mastering liiniFclf, bo returned to the house, and found his patient calmly watching thu blood con gealing under bid fingernails. The old orator fixed his c es on Dr. C'aboll, with whom lie had held many discushious about the Christian religion. "Doctor," said he, with great trn dorne9*,'l wish you toobslrvo h»w real and beneficial tlio religion of Christ is to man about to die." FTo then breathed o gently for a few minutes tliat those nrmud him knew net-when he breathed out his sjiint.— J'O«/4'K Cunwaniun.^ WHEN SHE MEANS BUSINESS. "Clara has returned iny engagement ring," sighed Charley, "and all is over between us." "What kind of a ring is it !" nsked experienced Georgo- -"diamond ?" "No; a cheap -ifl'air; only cost a coup le of dolkrs." "Well, don't you give up the ship, old mau; she'll be all right, in a day or two. It is only when a girl lets go of a diamand ring that the really means business."—Harper's Baznar. TESTING EGOS. The following is a sfiuple French test for telling whether eggs arc fresh or not : Dissolve two ounces of kitchen s.ilt in a pint of water. When a fie.-h kid egg is placed in this solution it will docend to the bottom of the vessel, wlulo one which lias been laid the day pre viously will uot quite reach the bottom. If the egg be '.liree days old it will float in the liquid; and if more tbau three days old, it will float on the surface, projecting above the latter more and more as it happens to bo lighter with increased age.—Ex. WHERE THE HEATIiEM CAN TEACH US. Dr. Corbett, a returned missionary from China, says tint "the heathen never go their temples to worship with out carrying an offering ol sonic kind as a proof of their sincerity. Whoti they boeoino Christians this conviction : is not rooted out, but rather it is height- j encd in proportion as Christianity is i regarded as superior to heathenism. 1 have seen thorn give to such an extent that I felt it a duty to remonstrate, and remind thciu that tbey owed duties to their homes which must not be forgot ten." WAYS OF BREATHING. Thare are lazr ways of breathing and one-sided ways of breathing, and tho particularly bad habit of breathing through the mouth. Now, the nose was meant to breath through and it is inar yelously arranged for filtering the impu rities out of tho air and for chauging i to a suitable temparative for entering the lungs. The mouth has no such ap paratus, and when the air is swallowed through lh« mouth instead of breathed through the nose it has an injurious ef fect upon tho lungs.—Chicago Herald. SIIK TAUGHT HIM SOME I ETIQUETTE. "Madame." ho began, as the door opened. "1 am selling a new book on etiquette and deportment." "Oh, you aro !" she responded "Ga j down thoio on the grass and clean the j mud off your feet." "Yes, 'em. As 1 was saying, ma'am, I ain sel—" "Take oiF your hat ! Never address a strange lady at ber door without re moving your hat." "Yes'm. Now, then, as I was say ing—" "Tako your hands out of your pock ets. No gentlemen ever carries his hands there." "Yea'ui. Now. ma'am, this work on oti—" "Throw out your cud. If a gentle men usos tobacco be must not disgust others by tho habit." "Yes'm. Now, ma'am, in railing your attention to this valuable.—" ••Wait! Put that dirty handkerchief out of sight and use less grease on your hair. Now you look half-way decent. You have a book on otiquette and do portmeut. Vory well. I don't want it. lam only th« hired girl. You can como in, however, and talk rjtli tho la dy of the houso. :-bc called mo a liar | this morn ng and 1 think the needs something of tho kind. A THRILLING ADVENTURE. " ■ ii:V was the closest pluse vou were ever in, in your frontier experience?' 1 was tho conundrum lired by a ( /ironi eti' reporter at Captain Jack Crawford, "Thn l'oct Scout." Tho scout ran Ins lingers through his long, black hair, ro fl-Hitud a few moments and replied : "Well, I'll tell you, but vou mustn't give it away in print. It occurred about a year ago,when Gcroniuio was on the wir path with his murderous Apncnes. I was out deer hooting near a rango of mouutains west of uiy heme, and about noon iinsudtiled my horse on a rticsa, or piece of high table land, and altrr pick eting the animal out in the grass sat down to cat some cold lunch from uiy saddle pocket. After finishiug the lunch I concluded to let the horse grazo for awhile aud lcisursty strolled out to a long ann,of the mesa, the sides oi which were very precipitous—a sort of perpen dicular wall extending for fully 500 feat to the plain below. "1 stood there gazing from tho giddy heights for roveral minutes, uud then looked up. Imagino the uneasy feeling which crept along my spino when 1 saw a row of at least thirty painted savages between mo and my horse. There 1 was, utterly unable to defend myself, my ri fle and pistols back with my saddle, a great precipice on three sides of me, and that baud of Indians in front. To jump over the cliff would be certain death, to rush upon the Indians unarmed and single banded as certain in reiult. mid if I remained where I stood it would bo ouly a matter of a lew moments before they would advance and kil: me. "1 never was worse scaled in my life. My blood seomed to freeze in uij wins, uud my long linw stood up like a ii .p's masts. To me it seemed there was ab solutely no escape from sure and terrible death. 1 observed that the Indians weru holding z disoussiun among them selves, and soon saw il.ci'i drawing lots, lat ouce divined their purpose. They had discovered that I was entirely un it! tucd, and were drawing lots to see which one should advance and despatch me with a kutfe. The lot foil to a stal wart warrior with a hideously painted and with a long knife ID his hand he ad vance I toward mo. { "if ever a uiau made good time in ! reeling off a prayer I did it just then. 1 | think 1 must have beaten the record b, | several points. I thought I knew that 1 | must die, but just when 1 was about tn { give up in dispair a cold calmness came j over me, and 1 resolved that the ficud j should not murder me without a struggle ! When ho got near me 1 sprang upon i him with the ferocity of a tiger, and we i were .soon engaged iu a desperate hand to-hand struggle. 'llia savage baud ! stood quietly enjoying the sport, for they knew I had no weapon. During the struggle I observed to my horror that we were nearing the edge of tho cliff, and almost before I could realize it the savage grasped uie by my long hair, bent me backward and over we went, down, down to certain death on the I rooks below " ! ' Acd you fell on tip of the Indian, and jscuped 1" 1 "No; tho lnnian fell on top of me, with fingers still locked id my hair, and over and ov r we rolled, clear across the room." "The room V' "Yes, the bedroom. You sec, it was an ugly dream, and my desperation I grabbed my wife, and she retaliated by ontwincd her lingers in uiy luir. In Our ' desperate struggle we rolled out of bed, 1 and attar we awoke my wife bold on 1 with her deathlike grip until I had ex : plained. Then we both laughed until the t-shoes stirred up the whole Rio : Grande valley, forgave each other, and | weut hack to bed. That was the most desperate fight in which 1 ever took a hand,.but I have been in far more dan gerous ones."—St. Louts Chromclt. HOW HOVS CAN MAKE MONEY. I Kussell Sage's advice: By (1) gct ' ting a position: (2) keeping his month shut;; 3) observing; (4) boing faithful: ' (5) making his emplovor think that ho would bo lost in a fog without litm: ((5) :to bo polito. This is a good way for a \ man to begin after begets thare. If lie ' lives up to these rules ho will not want ' a triend at court for any length of time —in fact, not at all." I Jay Gould's policy: "Keep out of ■ bad compauy and go to work with a will' i The boy who does that is bound to get | on in tho world." Cyrus W. Fiold's scheme: "Punct uality, honesty and brevity," Mr. Field 1 says, "are the watchwords of life."— 1 Interviews in Washington Post. » HAT IT LOST. A quaint and pleasant talker of tlio old Heboid is Miij .r S.nitli ("Kill Arp"; of Atlanta, Ga., who is now del'veriaga lecture. The Major wa« a slaveholder in his younger days, having received three families of negroes, fonie twelve persona in nil, as Mia wodditig portion of his wife. In talking about the slave question lie said. "This talk that the South 1081 §400,000,000 ht the Kman- I cipation all nonsense. 1 am prepared to show that the South did I not lose a dollar. In all my experience as a slave owucr, if I ever wade a dollsr |by their labor, Ido not know i . We 1 got their labor in exchange lor their f*iod and their clotting, the rearing ol i the young and the oaring lor the old. vVe £'.'t their labor for thj sjme price now wiihou'. having tho burden of responsi bi'ity of the young aud the aged snd sick. " e used to pay their doctors' bills; now they fay their own The dif ference is already seen from thj fact that many men arc accumulating wealth through the employment of ntgroes who never got ahead a dollar in the slave days,although they weie owners of many .laves. TENDER FEET It tho fe. t arc tender or painful great relief can be had by bathing them in salt and water. A handful of salt to a gallon of water it the right propor'it'U. Have tho water as hot as can comforta bly be borne. Immerse the feet and throw tho water over the legs as far as the kneea with the hands. When the water becomes too cool, ru'o briskly with a fresh towel. This method, if used night and morning, will cure ucuralgia of tho foot. All reports from Washington are to the tame effect as to the reduction ques tion- that it will be a compromise be tween the Randall kickers, who hold the tort, aud the Democrats. A Washing ton special to the World of "sth iust, says Mr. Randall, after his visit to the President said this: "A tariff bill will be introduced in the House that will not affect the indus trial interests or disturb the business ol' the country, it will pass the House, and if it fails to become a law tlio re sponsibility will bo with the Republican Senate. It will provide for tho repeal ol the tobacco and fruit brandy tax. A bill, too, very much like the Henderson bill of the Forty-ninth Congress will pass the House. There is a misappre hension as to the President's position on the internal revenue question, and he limy deem it nercssarp to send a supple mental message to Congress on the sub ject. He duos not oppose tho repeal of the tobacco and brandy tax, and, fur thermore, lie believes that the internal revmiuo laws aro oppressive as enforced under existing legislation " The President ought to write plaiuer if ho favors uny such repeal for there is nothing of it in his very able menage— Wilmington Siar. CAUSE OF DIPHTHERIA. According to l>r. Hunt, Secretary of the New Jergoy State lSoard of Health, diphtheria is largely dne to damp cellars which are suddenly heated in the fall, and Ins theory is rerified by various ro port wbero the disease bus raged. It is claimed that during the summer in many cellar* a good deal of vegotablc mntter is allowed to decay, and when tires are started in the full this decayed matter is stirred up and mingled with a. pecu liar dampness which must be in the col lar, and it pervades the entire house. If a non-partisan contest could be fought between protection and free trade, protection would carry every Northern Stntn :ind several Southern States. It may do that even in a partisan contest. —Dctroi', Tribune. > e never heard that IMIV such eon'est was proposed. | There is no free trade party iu the Utii | ted States. Hut a contest between a i party proposing to pilo up surplus reve , nues by war taxation ar.d ono that pro poses to out the 'axes down to tho ade \ quale revenue standard - how will that light oonio out I—Washington Pott. The Constitution differs with Presi dent Cleveland on Ins message. Tho message was unwiso, in our opinion, and i involves a wrong political and business i pt.liey —Atlanta Constitution. NO. 25 Til K TOBACCO TAX. rii ore is evidently a growing scnti inent in the country in fuvor of the re peal of tiic tobacco tax Those who have been investigating the views of Congressmen in Washiugton, and tilso th« views of tobacco growers aud manu facturers throughout the tobacco pro ducing are*, are that Cungrjss will certainly abolish it It is widely believed that president I levclaud will send to Congress a supplementary JUUK ■ fage in a tew duys, recommending it. We fully agree with those who think if the tax 4 to be rafcioveil, tlufsonuor -Tie better. I'litre is no valid reason, it oc curs to us, why the matter should be de layed until the Ways and Meant, com tnittee makes its report, thereby deter ring the matter at least until Spring. The tobacco trade will bo seriously in jured by the delay. Purchasers of man ufactured goods i,re already, we learn, buying lightly. They do not want to have largo stocks iri store when tiie tax is rej enlcd. Although thero would doubtless he a rebate, yet it would in volve trouble and t*ke time for its col lection. • Ti;e work of tax reduction would not be impeded by the instant repeal of the tax either. J'bo abolition of the tax would make a reduction of a given num ber of millions, and starting from this p.nnr, the commit tea could carry on its work of tariff reduation until the needed aggregate is reached.— Ch-irlotte Chron icle. A LITTLE THING MAY DECIDE A Cunnrder put out from England lot New \oik. It was well equipped, but, in putting up a stove m the pilot box, a nail was driven toe near the com pass. Von know how 'hat nail would afTejt tho compass. Thu ship's officers, deceived by that distracted ccmpnss, put the ship two. hundred miles off licr course, and suddenly the man on the lookout cried. "Land, ho!" and the I ship was halted within a few yards of demolition on Nantucket shoals. A sixpenny nail came near wrecking a great Outiarder. Small ropes hold mighty destinies. A minister, seated in 80-ton at his table, lacking a word, puts his hand* behind Ins he ld, and tilts back his chair to think, the ceiling falls and crushes the tjble at.d would liavo crushed him. A minister in Jamaica, at night, by tho light"of an insect candle fly, is kept fr.im ! stepping over a precipice of a hundred feet. K. \\ . llobcrson, the celebrated Englishman, said that ho entered tho ministry Iroui u train of cireumstauces started by tho barking of n dog. Had the wind blown one way on a certain day, ihe Spanish Inquisition would have bccu established in England; but it blew the | other way, and dropped tho accursed in | stttution, with seventy-fivo thousand j tons of shipping, to tbe Uoltoiu of the j sea, or fluug the broktn or splintered ! logs or the rooks.—Selected. RETAINING FFUTILITY BY ROTATION. The glass soil, when llio hay bngina to fail, still contains a great amount of feitility. The clover and other root# have brought much up from the depths, and if crops have bcon ut tunes some what encouraged by "hand fertilizers," though the original heavy dressing of manure may hare been all used up, the soil would have improved both io tex ture and fertility. Toe grass may, in deed, be kept up by top dressings, and on rich bottom land «c find, not unlre quently, "peruiaueut meadow.*," which jield paying crops your after year with out manuring, und others which do so with occasional top dressing of bone, lime, ashes or similar munur is. Wheth er these shall rem»in or shall be plowed up is n question of profit, and is often tho very worst policy to break up fairly profitable meadows. Wlies again laid down to grabs they may come full of weedi, that will give a bad flavor to but ter, or the catch may be irregular, and i it-may be years before a good, even sod ■ can bo had and tio same is csptc'ally ' true of old pasiuics. Many different rotations have been recommended, but | tho principle is the same in all, and ! what rotation* shouid tie Allowed, and | hint they should b(i broken in upon with commercial crops, and whether or not I to repeat our crop several year* in sue— cession, etc., are mat tors of policy for ' individual* to determine. Aqericqti I Agriculturalist.

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