The Reporter and Post THURSDAY JAN, IS) ISSSB. Topics at Irjome. •Murj-CMMN Inuml \roiu»l [lnohnry. ami County .11 tiller* Briefly loltl •'A •kiel * tutting you tako'tt nute*, And, fuith, too'il It." Aay subscriber who f;.ils to receive the Kkportkr AM) Post every week is requested to report the failure. We wait to see where 'bo fault is. W 1 1 Moon quarters 20th. Sun rises 7:3, sets 4 57. Length of to-d»y 9 hrs. 54 miu. Mr. Ham Joyce returned from Win ■tou on Tuesday. Mr. A. H. Joyce returned fro*- Wal nut Cove on TuesJay. There are two prisoners in jail, one awaiting and on ) for costs. The Register of DeeJs has issued four licenses to marry siuce our last report- Mr. it. W. King returned from Win ston, Greensboro and Walnut Covo yes tcrdiy. Quirterlf Meeting will be h etd here next.Saturday and Sunday, Jau. '-Ist and 22tid. Miss Mamie tipper returned from 311. Airy Tuesday, where she Iris been going to school. The Spring Term olOourt for this distriot begius next Monday week, Jau. 23rd, at WoutWorth. Thorn must be a hundred pigs in Oan buryj they are soiling at SI.OO to 50 four to six weeks old. Jim Kites* hog weighed something loss then 4 0; it might have weighed 500 had it been well fattened You can get the very best of garden secdi at l'epper k Sou's, either Nurili era seeds or seeds of their owu raising. The Criminal Pocket fur the Spring Term contains at this date, 31 indict, ments 7 for costs, 30 presentments, li* sci fas and ( eight warrants. I've done my duty, and I've done no more, as (he dealer remarked when ho advertised a largo supply of Dr. Hull's Ceuifh Syrup at the low pi iic of twen ty-five cents a bottle. • Feller & Wagner. Druggist, Itook | Island, 111 ; pule: l'r. Bull's Cough Syrup i» the loading v!eu>;li medicine iu our city. We sell ui'>rc, in fact four' tiuibs mo re, than of any other. The Grand Jury at tho last ter-ji of! Court found but three b-.lls on preseni iuiints, this is possibly tho ramlloM number of iu liftmen!* over returned by any Grand Jury tn tho county. Kuitors says work will bogiu next month ou the rebuilding of the hotel at Pieiluiott Springs: a giod hotel there would bo a boou for the county and a good investment fur the stockholders. We are sorry to hear of l ho d.-atli of Mr. Fletcher lieid Deariuin at Ml. Airy, a young lawyer who formerly resided at this place, ho leaves a wifj and two children wtio have the sympathy of the people here. The earlier corn isplaute 1, the heavi er the oar.-; it is moreover, a surer cr->p than that of late planting: therefore liavo your land prepared as soon as u may be iu conditiou to work; upland corn should ba sown as early as March. Subscribe fcr the 'UpoRTKtt; tt will give you advice this year whieli if fol lowed would bo worth a hundred times the money you will have to pay for it. Wo are never afraid to make nn asser tion when we know '.hat we cau substi tute what we say. The Ono 1 rice House of Urea»sboro is doing a lively business in etching, bits, shoes, dry goods and all kinds of notions. .Everybody likes the one [rice system, especially when the? uotiee that Brown's Ono Priea is just a little lower than anybody else's. Tho public is bo ginning already to call him tho low prite, one price man. During tbo J>iat week tho Winston ' market waitllbcrully inpplied with to- j bacco and all grades sold tor high prices. Brown's Warehouse as usual was *head in pounds and prices, selling 119,838 pounds for $15036,89, au average of $lB por hundred. .So fancy und but few fiue wrappers on tho market. Cut ters and rich Stokes fillers are very high. Don't forget that Browu'b is the place for good prices when next in Y\ inston and that a eordial wolooiuo awaits you. The following are the buying prices of produce in Danbnry: now oils 2;> cents, wheat 75 oetits to sl, rye 75c., oorn 40 to 50, potts 00. ehei rios , bluck berries 8, raspberries 121, daiusons 6, J unpceled peaches 3, blight peeled ptaehes ?, I unpceled 2, fancy peaches 10, 4 apples'2i, bright tlloed apples 4, fancy sliced apples 5, honey 10, beeswax ts; chickens 10 to 10, butler 10 to 16, eggs 124,ohesinuis$l,guber* (peanuts) $2, vinegar 25 to 40 (scarce), green bides 5 and dry hide 10 cis, tal low in oakes 44 cants and Goose feath er* 50 cents. A WORD TO OUR PA TRONS. Thanking yon for the lib eral pal ron age received in the past ire add the old home like san'ing, "One good, turn deserves another," and ask subscribers who owe any thin"' to send us sane ntOft• ei] as WE WEED IT AT Til IS T/, ME. If, th ere} ore., the reader of this is due us am/thing ire hope he will ('(LVSIDER JT AjY AP PEAL TO 111. V. Send us any zmouul you are willing by registered letter at our risk, for which we will re turn a receivt and change to refund for registering the letter. ]Ve dislike to pay and beg too, but w -want to give you a better paper this year than ever, but cannot d(> it , vittout some help. rimv :t tsn.:» Alwajs follow the sale of Taylor's Cher- ' okeo Remedy of Sweet ouni and Mul lein. which is a strong testimonial for any cough medicine. It sells well with; us and parties using it always recom inend it, is the experience of Davenport, the Druggist of Ainoricus, (ta. L:s.iL The Pdlowiig are legal holidays in this Slate: New Year's Day, Jan. Is;- ' Washington's Ilirthday, Feb. '-'2; Mock- j leuburg Declaration, May lOih; Deoor aii ni Day, May 20ih; Independence Day,"emu only called the Fourth of Jul\; ThauKgiving Day i» appointed by the Governor every year lo be observed on list Thursday wti'o'i fal s on or near November 25th. M y i' r:. r.j uim. llml a Ircaifulaud .1 very alarming cough, licit at one time after trying »ivery prescription we fcated lrom her j not receiving any benefit that I | results w.mld follow. 1 was advised to j : try Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet ' Gum and Mullien. A permanent cure was ttie rc.-ut. T. 15. Cox, Big Islaud, k. The UtatUrr j The open,springlike weather of tl.o j forep nt ' f last week gave way| n Thurs day to a threatening occraast sky which dissipated itself bp afternoon iu snow j lhat covered the ground to the depib of jau inclr hail fell at intervals fur several i hours between midnight and day. Rain j set in I'iiday mornin2; the si,our had lu-istiy melted bv Saturday; the sky re i niaincd obscured during Sunday; the theimouicicr regis'cied 30degrees Mon- i dity nnnii about which ti:ne wo were vis j ited by ruin followed by hail wbieli con tinued throughout the cvoning and night. r. r &. X V R St E\TE!IHIOIt The tJomiii issiotierjf appointed by the i Hoard of Alderman of Wilmington to I arrange ("ape t'eir k Yadkin Valley tUilroa I Company in regard to j the extension of the to Wilming ton w.-re in conference last week, when, an us uii lerstood an agreement wan rcaolieJ upon t. r.ns which were perfect ly satis!',let >ry to all concerned, and which it is expected will prove aecepta qle to the authoiities of Wiliutngtun and meet the approval of the puMi'i. It was agreed thai tiie subscription of sls ',OOO by the city al all be paid to the company in money, the city to marks' its bonds for tho amount at such , rate of inteicat as uiay ho agreed upon hy tho Hoard of Alder man and Hoard of Audit and Kin nice; ami it was further agreed, that the construction of tile road 'is to begin at ilminglon. lIVTEKNUL. RKVK.HIE j Some of out 1 Democratic papers, try to console llieir readers with tho idsa i that those who will desert Mr. Cleve land, rather ' th»o sacrifice principles which they feei to bo right in regard to the internal, or what suits better, the '•lnfernal" Revenue .System, r.rc in the minority. That may be »o, but there arc caough of them who will not vote, or if they do vote, will vote the Repub lican tiek;t, to defeU Mr. Cleveland should he get the nomination, unless, lie , gives theui better satisfaction as to his view; on tho Internal Revenue question, j While tobacco loans, aud their papers, | may as the children say, m ikl like, it is all right, and thoy are satisfied wilh it; as a general thing if you ask llietu pri vately, they will tell you that it is an unjust, oppressive law, jut they cannot publicly oppose because it is to their interest to koep it up, it is their hog aud iioutiny, and if the country does suf fer by it, it can da as it has been do ing'for years passed, live on tho fat of the cattle, or land mortgages it liasgiv !cd. \Ve say, away with the Internal ' lioTcnuo System, and nwav with any 1 politician who favors keening it up; this is u great country, with great cities and | millions of square miles of territory, but this most obscure township has just as muuli right to tlio true use ol what be lon;;« to it, at the populous wealthy city lias to its rights. The Revenue Law taxes the few poor tobacco growers, or owners of applp orchards, who want to save their tbeir fruit fur brandy, to support this gieai government, or to heap up the already iuimeiise piles of surplus dollars in the treasury, to the extent that tin) people can hardly have money to carry ou' their legitimate bus iuesg. Away with it, and away with ev ery politician who favors keeping it up, unless there is a necessity for it. Wo have fought, and will flight while it or we exist, the lufernal Revenue System; first, it is unjust, oppressively executed, and the government does not now need the money, and if it did, it is more like justice to tax our sixty million* of people to raise it, than to put the bur. don upon a more handful of poor, hard pressed farmers, who must dig their hard earned livirg out of the ground by mak ing tobacco, and let the bulk of the peo ple go comparatively free. In the sec ond pluee, the Internal Revenue law has been the cause of more corruption, and done more to demoralize the people, than the war itself. If we must have an "Internal" tax, let the Western man's wheat, corn and pork, j the Southern man's cotton, sugar and rice; the Nottll em man's tators and cabbage: the Kas tern man's onions, lettuce, fish and the worm with which he haiio his hook; and the ships, tin t.tnbsr:ii til North, East and West, outs from his logs, all pay their part. Why lax a few poor devils oi us tobacco growers to "keep up a government in which all alike interest* Away with tho system «nd away with the politioal demagogue who says keep it up. Tho UKPOBTER-I'OBT should be.a regular weekly riaitor to every family in this county both for tho good ot the families and for our own sake, and for this-one, among a number of reasons; wo are endeavoring to do a good scrvico by acquainting the people with the county's history and resources, thereby instructing our people in what they ought to know, and at the same time drawing the attention of individuals from abroad who may be iuduoed to make in vestments here and mtmdueo industries among us. And while we are workiug for tho interest of the county, at large, we feel we ought to have its substantial support in the way of a liberal subscrip tion list, for a« Bradford who published the fust Bible in America under the colonial government, at Philadelphia, aid iu his subscription prospectus 'printing is costly," and when we my •'printing is cosily" wo are not taking into account any rememcration for the preparation ot the mailer foi tho paper, and lor conducting the business. We furnish a puper which to say the least will not sulTct in comparison with any county paper iu tlu State ; indeed there are orignal articles, covering a vast and vaiied range of -objects, regu larly contributed to this paper which we consider would do credit to the more pretentions oity dailies of the State, i Much attention is given in its coluius to matters of uiorc than passing interest to the farmer,-and the tanning interest ol this eouuty affects every one ot its in habitants it is as yet paramount to ev ery othei interest in this county. Tin vory latest, general and state news ii given on 4ie columns set apart for thai department; and Us miscellaneous so loot ions arc carefully sifted from its sixtj exchanges. Sample copies suit ou applieaiiuii Beud ou your money a'. emeu ami then talk to all your ueighbors »fterw»rJs and try to get them to subscribe. l)r Flint's Cough Syrup is a sure cure for coughs, odds, bronobotin, croup, ko&o. Sold by Asheratt' k Owei.s, Drujgis'., Winston, N. C. it. If you have sore eyes call at l'epper & Sons store and get a vial of that cel ebrated nye water uianufaetured by for mula used by Dr. John Popper in his practice for many year.- 1 , warranted to cure or uiouoy returned. Only -5 cents per bottle. Wlicn passing Walnut Cots remeui ber that you will be well oared for by slopping at the Walnut Cove Hotel, kepi by Mr. L. W. Lowis. A.ll Hm l'rudence is a commendable virtue, but it is never seen in such boauty as a ben a mother provides bcrselt with a bonlo of l>r. Flints' Cough Syrup for eases of «uiorgenoy. For salo every where. tf. Typhoid. Senrlrt mill tellow IVi'f'W. Icn>le>. Dlpturrln, > rrn, rlc. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid will de stroy the infection of all fevers and all contuj/ious and Infectious diseases. Will keep the atuiosphcr» of any fick rooui pure aud whulesouie, absoibing and destroying unhealthy and conta gion. Will naturaliza any lad smell whatever, not by disguising it, but by jdistroyicg it. Use Darbys l'r.ip'iylac tic Fluid iu every siok room. 'OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. DO YOU wish to putroiiixc n good perinauent and progreNlve School, Doyouwisiitofßt a complete ruun ded education ? Do yon v.-ish lo learn to boa Teacher, to keep books, pr Tare for the University, or lolinlsli a good course of study? If so adilressa, 1. 4 fc N. 11. HOLT, OAK IUDIIK ISUTITUTK, OAK HIIIUK, N. C. Next term begins August SKh. Valuable Properly for sale Dr. W. K. Pepper lmvlng concluded not to remove Willi Ills family lo N'"rl Carolina, oilers for sale oil v-ry rcaso irlil • term*. :* house ami about three a«-r sof Unit in the town "I r.anliury, N. 0.. known as lie- A i roil Wa'jner place. The house is a two story, six room building. wi!h kitchen and barn conveniently arranged for Hi" eom fort ofa tiniily, anil boarding bouse. Pur chaser will be expected to paj half the priif cash, and the remainder at li e cud of ni ' anil two years. Tallies wishing to |di chaseenu . all on .las. A Pepper intliis who will show them tlie pretty. Dlubury, N. C , Uec. Ist Hjil. if. LUMBER WANTED —UV TIIE- North Carolina FunmTVSJt OKKH'K AMI KAl.roll* SAI.KSIIOOMS S v i.i.m . x. r. « | SSIOS. n. t . Kt'l.E FOll OI'TTISO IIAUD WOOD LUMIIEU. Cut li'K-i with square ends and if even li. 14 or I«i feet 'o'lS- ~ : "" 1 ! ° •'"' Mi I .l'liuntalili', tint 14 t'iX I' l.r.MilllS AUDMObI I>ESIHAUi.E. WALNUTANI) CIIERHV PIIEKIiKBEI). Saw all I.uinlior full tlildtiM»», I a>»l inclifs llilek, with si[uai«> oilgea ami FOB IWSPECTIOSI StitcU— Mu>t l«- iwt !«"• Hi a" « l">''- c ' »W« wUI ' not iiiurr than I knot, 1 IncU In Ulainctcr ur 2 inches brigltt sap. Cueuoea—liivludca Lumber not up to aoteeta and net le>s than 5 loc'ien uide, free from heart cheeks or n»t,ttdinlU of threo I Inch knots and sap on olio side. Cuffs—lnclude any length and width not goo.i enough for common. In which not less than one half Is lit for use, PRICKS PAll> FOB M7MBLR PKtt 100 PKET OELIVKUEI) AT OUK FACTORY. Select Common. Culls Walnut ami cherry *2.00 Hl.oo Yet. poptar, hj»li hireh I. • 1»8® ' Sweoti; iin maple Jfce 1.25 100 Lu.niv. ak «nlu lor Furniture he Hi.C urniture €o, Kalem X ! a puzzle; CM YOU MSWEB IT P WIIY PAY THE HEAVY CHAUUES Por ilr.iyage, comiuimioii, slorapi'. etc, on furilUlllo tlilpi»'il lierc Irora the North anil Wert, when yon can buy equally us good, if not lietter furi'Jture made here at home, by tlio North Carolina Furniture Co., lor much lev money ? .S.ieh as bedsteads, bureaus, wardrobes, chamber anils, wMlt stauds,china eloseU, extension taSles, cen tre tables, provision safes, etc. Then I say BUY the FUKNITUKE manufactured by THE NORTH CAROLINA FURNITURE CD - Store. Factory, Wlnt»onX. C Salem * C ' Wlierc they ha»'« OM« of the best eiittlppetl furniture fiictorles In this South. N'otliins slHiddy. All woik warranted. Write di rectly lo the factoryrfor prices. LOOK FOR THE j }j4l IdPfi, NHXT TO MR. 8. K. ALL UN'S II AItDW ARK STOKE, For anything you intend buying in the harness or saddle line. Bcceit ed flritt'premium wt State Fmi. Harness. Collars, Hridlas, Saddles, Halters, Whips, Spurs, Saddle Cloths, Home-made Wagon Whips and Lasbes, Mask Hands, etc., Lap Spreads, Kly Nets, Brushes, Curry Couibs, *ud every thing in the Harness and Saddle Liue. .r. W. Shipley, g. E. Corner of Court Houie Square, Wimten, - - - * * N. Ci Agent for Pat. Riveted Seam Col lars, best cellars in tbn world;* cannot slip off- -guaranteed not to rip. Cull at Goo. Stewart's ft r your! TOBACCO FLUES Winston, N. ('. s I !y C- F. & I. V. RAILWAY: COXDEXSEI) SCUM) VL E XO '2!» Takingellivt it. m.. .I-. i' «" Tl.AlNs .\lU\ iN«- si . 11. Pa* . .v: l r it! .M.ill 1 Lv BoniitfitaviUti * • Ar Maxton ' 1 » Lv Max: •. i'» Ar Favi: \ illr .. • 1 Lv Fiiyifi • ■ i!lo t ••■ pm • » m Ar > i;.r ii I |»» Lv t I.»r«l ' • Ar (irnenshojti ' • Lv tire •' .... ».i', At Pilot Mt J r ftt'U No I » •! IV*. & Mail No ll . »• »' I TUAINB MOV i.N*' H iIL 1* , v ." l-V* lit & .» • I i *;»>>. Lv Pilot Mt -i \ ' «»| Ar (•!'••MI 1a (i. Jena loro l" 1 ' Ar Ntnfor.l J •» ; :t .*» I* Lv iSaiilm'd ' I ' Ar Fayottc\';! 1 * ' ' * " • Lv Fayotteviil" 4■> > • "" Ar Maxtoii 7 Lv Maxloit '» ' Ah IJ 1., i*S I rs\ i! I j » I- *'*>: Passenger and i!a»l Dium-i ' Sai loul. PJISV : rami Mail Tr. • in !; iy r «sp Frehjli! -Iti• 1 Accom l.i': nt r i tw.i'ii Hei«iv*rts»villt* ami j '■'•! • on Moml.tys, Wi'tl uvsil iy .m l i . ;i*» ! ! l''ay!U«nillu au.l Ttu*s lays, "I*lmrsi«L*> • «i • i Traitii on Factory Ilran *!i run u .iiy - ce|»t s in lay. f 'l«>4o c »'»n M'ti ) i is ui.i.i i \ it!t Carol in i C' mtral lin Iw ngt r Trains to and I". >in Wili.t' r !«. A . K. Iv V Lti. «• I Pa . J. W. I'ltw H r.l'i Sup'l. TMB DOCTOJ? Q .1C: 1 Irocommor. :-and J\ s* USE V' | FOR jmF & M ' 'T />: ' ! That Wondorful Oombfnatlon col and IftULLL. J.. *t doc? rnoro thr-.n ■ pr- jor; v tc-ii p'anit nr© highly r I N. E. 9M Hwcfi Ou.n c • irt f -n ' ft rn Hv ft: !«!•.;./ V ■'» ■ ' run- - ' ! la liurila ; . 'i i ' ' f, PEIRFEOT RC^-DV. A 001-I> D a.taeUi ••our licmo with it v. \-.c ■' • V* 'JOI'" CODOIIuocn: . J •' ' to Uio aMKingly M "ilO t*Q y ■ "> ' f.w et Guni and Bin. .in. 3HO.S' " • I-• i • MA left ».nattend A *J to, will lead to C 3U?li -10 IT, and tUMt it quickly rcliovwi rid j. a ;. cly onvei. INHJrtT OH HAVIKO IT, Dr. Quintan, tfco loadlr rtij • 71 oln, oil Lull* nrd Ut. %1 T on" ' ♦ "Mnllelu * iu» flity i" for Coniumpttoa. I IT IS PLEABANT A' V r> '-AT and la thcCncft kno-vn v .J i rail Throat oiul trauhl. f,. t • '. ?- tho threat and eaMble you \ - I i i«'truetionf? •atUy.airi-ujf «pec«:r-tt • atonoe. Ask your drui*»*' '• : -• atrwi. If he d(K« v ' v .1 >•-.- i t only, exi>rctm ohJtfgM 00 I of the U.S. onicclptofC;'"o. The W ALT I'. 15 A. T\M.. *? _*•« Q»» JOB ALI."io"vFL Ti> v. tn«r, iJO that Oouthera r- '. .ty DP. BI.TIT' »' Huokmborry Ctordial. 00 oont'i nt I igtifto- THUlll'S HElliiatiSaEisiiE IIESi. at Mexic&n Mustang' Linlsißßi ounß© Sciatica, Scratches, ! Contracted Lumbago, Sprairiß, Monies, Bbenmatiim, Btrains, Eruptions, Burnii Btitchta, Hoof Ail, : Scalds, Stiff Joints, Scraw Stingi, Backacho, Worms, I Bites, Galls, Swinney, Bruises, Sores, S.iddlo Galla, Bunions, Spavin Piles. Corns, Cracks. THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY •ccorapUshefl for everybody exactly v.*hnt i*«-ialmed for It. One of the ii?woii.. for the; jiopularlty of the Mustang Liniment Is found lnlt« universal apyllcalililty. Everybody need* such a medicine. ' The LKuhrrmnn needs it in case -»f accldout. The ll«u.,ewlit* needs H f»r generaifamtly u »• The (taooler needs It for It la teanwand hl;» men. , The Mechanic nc«Ui» li always fit hi* work bench. J The Miner The l*loneer need* it—can't got along without It. { The Parmer need* it In W*> house, bis atahle, and his stock yard. The Hteniaboiit man or the Bontoion needs It. in lll>eral aupply afh»at nuH ashore. The Bloree-ftinclcr needs it U ' friend and safest relianco. The Htook-grower needs it—lt w.ll savo bhn thousAiids of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man long as his llf« Is a round of acoldontsand». The KNckwooiUinun ueodslt. There is noth ing like It as an antidote for the dangers to life, ' limb and eomfort wWeh surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs it about hla store among his employees. Accidents will happen, ard when these come the Muetang Liniment 15%% unted a'onee. g Keep a Battle In the Ilouae, *TUthobebtof gconomr. j Keep a Bottle In the Factory. Ilalmmediaii use la case of accident isares pain and l« .f»s of wages Keep a Bottle Alvraya la the ®tt-ble for aae trhee wanted. ? T f A P B D^ l fiu J i V bS U 'wTsLii Js'] eS tiJa i Ws !- Wholesale n«(i Hetnil 2 >»:ss»i-rx hi— GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Arc now receiving and placing in position t lie most and varied stock of Fail asii Winter goods ever oiiere'J by any one honse in that market. Thaking their _ •£ itianv friendsan'* customers for the libera? patronage given t!iem in the past, we assure J '£ allin need thai *« is the place to get : 'uost for the least inoday. to UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL., K. C. 'j 1 : Mux I.J UIVIIHII) JXTU TWO 'liiiigtlw list Tlmrsili.y in A ti- Jit ( iuifjtmas, ilii' second i oh iik 'l imiary ami vznti 11*4 lirat ♦ in-, i'u tioii. s■)* i«ir " 1 "I roam lout ami service, ui. 1 liosounible ?;• pay tuition arc tliHi notes, i if possi ; I ill tilt* Noi Ilia I >• i I iVr;-. 1 ' u«: i«•! 1 aif> free. J lie ' sutii .'leul,l j strong t« glvo : ' !s: '■'•> ! in a will** ranii; ot'stmlies. ' !:|S i" Mi«* I. »u School apply to » 4 • ! '>i « • -lifi. U,. i). For 4 ;st:i i'i"\ to W, i\ Patterson, Bursar, • 1 ' ** i, N. ( . For information i iippyio KI-.MT I\ BATTLE LL. I). LAiND \V AUIt AN i' WANTED. • A- »to T!:C U.. ACT passed by ( 011- t j _n'» alums!.every j» r>.ni drawing a l'en . *i»u • entillfii to a Lau I Warrant of 100 .i.m s. 1, the undersign •.!, will pay eighty ' ! •• • y 1..1 t i iVarrant ofoll • liuu ■ ; !*• *»l .ui«l sixty a res, ami tlusir every per , .«»nv ~n iliM-.vh a pension a ui lias not ob ■ - * 1 * 1 t J. i.ul Warrant to conimunicatf , with in s. ... 1.. liURT UN, Door Trail, Colorado TliHh space Ss reserved for . k4, BAILEY, i WhO is now receiving at his store Wsilmit Cove, • LMWE 4SSfttTMJ : SI (MP I; QK\"Kl|Al VlVficmyDlSo, SiicliHiing a large lot of «2©'iMsag, Ftrst-elass I'tniii/;/ Groceries, Shoes Ttoools &c.* which will be sold ton) for cash or country produce. ; 00. ; Tl,r L«rJesi. Ma nuja during Establishment in the South, ■ 9 • 1.1 ave os'aMinhi'd m (ireensboro, X. C., a branch house, where tlicy will ke«p m , large sti" I; of their goods as will every other line kept in a firgt-claw l"urnit«r« House, viz : n' „ C/ 1.1. MB ICR SUITS PARLOR SUITS, , BED LOUXGES, WARDROBES, TABLES, , CLOCKS, PICTURES. FANCYAJVDPLAIJ* CHAIRS, of all kinds, which will lit sold cheaper than ovoi knovvu m (>re*Mbvr«. * *. • Don't Forget the I'lace, " NEARLY OPPOSITE T.HE MCADOO HOUSE, te I ir For City Trade Good« OP. Installment.", . n'. R. FORBIS, .Manager. A QUESTION- ABOUT Brozvns Iron Bitters » ANSWERED. I Tho Qatstian ha 3 jxrabably boon *skod t'masand* | or tlrafn. "Haw oun Brown'* Iron Bitten ctiroo?o«r ihinu ?" Well. i? doo«n't. But itdmtKi u;t AnydiMWH«» for which n rtipuuUn phynictan would prescribe t»©* Pliymcinus iu:\irniK# Iron bh tha MM r**torativo jm'U t known tot!»o profusion. and inquiry of «ny , 1« • l«n»f rhwuical llrm will ni:'/ftantu»tol!ip fccwtina tnut, liioiearo moro preparation* oi Iron tlian of any | otbur uno'i in nj(>di:uu). Thi* bhowa con clusively that iron is acknowledged to bo the moot important factor in Huccowiful nux'it al practice, ft in, howarur. a■ rnmarknl l« fiu;t, that prior to tho discov ery of BROWN'* I BUN IIITTKItMna perfect ly natiKfttotory iron combination h-dever boon found. BROWN'S IRON BITTERSr^asSS hoadacho, or produco constipation—all other IrM , medicine*do. ItUOWN'g IKON IHTTtMH cure* lu:ii«rHf ion, llUlousncM,\Vfnk«Mß, l>yaprpsin. .Hnlnrla, Chill#* mid Ferem, Tired FoelinjM Scnrrnl Urhilit y,l'uin in tb» hide, Itnrlc or IJiubK. I iendacko and Ncurnl fia- for nil tiic«n ailments Iron in prencribed daily. BROWN'S IRON LiTTERS^^S^ i minnto. Liko all othor thoron*h manHnoa. it acta slowly When tnkon by mm tuo first armptnaa of • l»oni-tit in rrnowod wwpr. Tho imincU* ilienbocoe* firmer, the dijco- t ton im.rovea, tho Itow^lsara acti*a. I In iromrn tin effect in usually mora rapid and Mrwd. j The eye* begin at onca t> brighten; the akin rtoars I up: healthy color cornea totl.« cheeka: nerrrmnneaa d««app">nn; functional riT»njr»- , n«nt« become rwgu lar. and if a uur»tog mother, abundant anntenanca i« rappliea for tho cblld. Remember Brown's Iron Bittrra in tho ONI.Y ir« n medicine tbat IN nut lojuriouj. I'hysicUih* and Jtruyjhti r,nmm*nil il. Tho Genuine has Trade Mrrk and croasod red Unas on wrapper. 'J'AKii NO OTUEU. SEISLKY TRUSSES Ilavc long boon tested, J often imitated but ucvor equaled - r unaffected Ly time, use or cli mate. llecoinuicnded by the world's most distinguished surgeons. At the London Ki positiun in 1881 there were G8 competitors, only award for trusses was given to 1. it. Seeley, of Philadelphia. We] sell Sccley.s t uuei and guarantee them. NVguurantec a fit and sat isfaction or no charge. ASIICRAFT & OWENS. I DRUGGIST WINSTON, N. C. 1 I _ _ * ______ J. & P. COATS i- I 10 1 YOU CAN BUY IT OFI -! "W t AT JOBBER S PRICES. " I II JLVRR COVE, x. c.