The Renorter and Post Thursday nsu, e isss. Topics at i lonic. tfnirrtiM* Ininit \ round Itnnhnrv, ■«' l t'Mnly HaMera llrivfiy :olil " V c!. : • .italic \.>-i irtVf'u Atul, faith, he'll profit It." Any tuberibcr who fails to receive the P ErottTFß AND POST every week IS requested to report the failure. \»« wait to see where 'lie fault is. rs . New Moon Saturdaj. Sun rises 6 44, sets 5:10. Court at Winston this week. Length of to-day ll) hrs. 82 ntin. Tuoidnr noxt .till ba Valentine'.'day. Go to Pepper At Sons' for your gar. den soeds. The llegister of Deeds has issued • ! licenses to marry since our last is.-uo. There are three prisoners in j til, two for trial and one far costs all colored. Brown's Dru» Store, Winston, N". C., is Headquarters for drugs, medicines Ac. I'r, Alonis Pringlc is preptiri'vr to put up a saw mill on Dr. l-'ratik I', in gle's pond. The C. P. fi Y* V. Kiiilwiiy is fast approaching Shoals Falls—eight utiles from Mt. Airy. At Brown's Drug Store, Winston, N. 0.. you cau gat special prices in oils, varnishes, paints etc. ♦'Troi-ses'' "Trusses" "Trusses," every one guaranteed to fit or no sale at Brawn's Drug S ere, Winston. A large lot of fresh garden seeds just reoeived from D. Landreth & Sous at Asberaft & Owens, Winston, X. C. Peerless Harness oil and imported Castor oil for cirt iages, buggies &c. at Asberaft A Owens, Druggists, -t instou, N. 0. It ynu wnnt your weights and meas ures sea lad take tbein to IVpper .V ins' stnrc and get a ijurtifierito that they are right. A man's cbaructcr i like a fence— it cannet be itrc igiliened hv whitewash, but ho can strengthen his volee by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. If once you bust n (Pilar, Like ice it tnel's away : A quarter in Bull's Cough Syrup, Will keep for many n dr.v. On dit a certain young mm of our town contemplates makiug a trip to I lie i •Mnon in the near fill lire: we have seen no balloon s>> it may bi lie expects to go! by rail. A useful invention-is anything (lift will make the lot of mankind easier- Dr. Fl iut's Cough Syru;> yeaily -rives thou sands of dollars in Doctor's Bills, br side saving much suffering. A large quantity of tobjeen is ben;; gent to Greensboro by the \ I". & V. V. Railway wc do not whether the far mers take this courne to avoid luuini" through the tnul, or whether they ob tain bettor prices :it Greensboro. We are frequently asked for informa t'en regarding the whercabouis of Kx- Representative Jam i \V. Hoid—all we knew is what wo note in a floatiiii item from which it seiius that he is living in Gardner, Idaho, and has formed a part nership for the practice of law wi!h Patrick IliWinston. T«e One I'rico llouso of Cjeensbnro, Sample 3. Brown's, is enjoying a fine run of trade, especially in clothiug, shoes and hats. The corkscrew diagonal suits in cutaways and saoks which this bouee is selling at fifteen djllars equal a groat many that are sold elsewhere f,.r eigh teen or twenty dollars, and thev also have a complete hue of the .cheaper corkscrew suits at §1*2.00, fi 10.00 and ♦7.50. COL. COVIXCTOt DEAD. •lames Madison Covington died at his residence, iq. this eouffy, on Friday right. 3rd inst., aged abiut snventy-ninc years. No one in this oounty need be told who was Col. Covington, for he was ai well known to its citizens as any one wilbin its linea. H.n'onk a lively in terest in politics till his death, aud was elected in the Stato Assembly before the war. He possessed a very social na ture and mild temperament, and dispens ed hospitality freely. His knowledge of the antecedents of the citizons of the county extended almost to every family, his memory being very retentive as te names and dates. During the last year be bcoarne a member of the Episcopal Church, having been confirmed a few months ago. His death was not unez. pceted to us for be bad been sullariiig from an affection of the heart at intorvaU for several years, and wc were not igno rant ef the frailty of the cord that bouud him to life. With these few words wo Tery imperfectly characterize the lifo of ono of our oldsst and best eititons. We need not say more, we could not say lew. "Seed" "Seed" "Seed." A fresh lot si Brown's Pri'g Store, Winston. I A mm may go to heav»n and have ft;ttl «rs on liis winjjs, but nono of us seem 100 ttusioa* to pet there ear ly. The timely use of Dr. i' lint's Cough Syrup nill frequently detain us |no eartblv shores. Sold by Asberaft & j Oweas, Winston, S. 0. { MHTOr JUKOita. The following jurors were drawn for I thu Spting term of Superior Court. Sandy Martin, Wiley A. Shepherd, Jas. Tilluy, liubbml Brown, N. G. ; Watson, John 1. Joyee, G. W. Lancas ter, John l>. I'jtsiz, Sauiual Kiser, l*. IJ. I.eak, Jr., A. J. Kdwardj, John 15. ! Hurge, C. W. Saads, E. J. Styers, I'eter Slate, J. M. i'orrcst,J. W.New I 33:1:1, Virgil Grubbs, E. K. Vernon, !M. F. Over by, I'ink V oung, Peter !Si itli, Jr., W. L. lilky, llcndarsnu 'M. -c Id, J. W Lambert, J. K. ! iilajkwell, Nathaniel Howies, Joe Mar , tin, Jas. Wall, L. H. Grubbs, M. T. i Glenn, .••quire Vetuble, J. I'. Dal toll, I. A. Scales, J. D. Covington, William I Wirt Mitchell. thi: rifisi' ntv of lest. Wen I n sdny next will ba Ash Wodne-day, the first duv of the forty i days of Lout which is a fast generally ! regarded u- a preparation for busier or : tlio Ko-urreciiou of Cl.ri't, and a liiue j especially st apart for repentance cwcr the situ of the past year; while the num. , ber of f.irtv d lys devoted to it has refer- I cneo to tin; S vior's forty davs fist in : ; the wiMei-iic-s, to the forty days of the' : deluge, tha forty years wanderings of : the Jews, the forty day s granted to the ; N'mcwks for repentance, or the time I -pent in fastings by Motes and Klias. Easier coutes ou the fortieth day after \*h Wednesday the iutcrvonning Sun days not b -lng counted as part of Lent nor observed as fast days. Kaster : eotuos on April Is' this year. wi:ti i:::!::voi.KK'r. Why is co'd productive of benern !e:n:e? It makes people put their hands in their pockets. It also produces coughs, colds and croup. Take Tay lor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet uinu ui«d Mullein. Hbuirkagu licenses. Tiie following marriage licenses wore returned 'o the Kegi-ter of Deeds dui- ing theinoiith of Januaiy : W.A. Hry jiit to All lift Moore, col'd.; Charles F. M'ils to Ijoe'»;'y Jojee; John S;.nds t» Sclina Yoiinr; Ja. M. Fsgg to Martha A. Fliueliuiir. T. M Martin to Cornelia Murtiu; Henry M. Leach to Man K. Hooker; Ferryman K. Hooker to Harriet K.i'uiith; Jus It. S. Kod gi i. to L.vjr* Sli veus; /.ebulon \ r . Marti'i ti Laura E Hawkins: Watt A. Sirup :to Mary S opli'rd, col'd.; Joliu W. F1.(• jiiu toLuitaS. Collins-: Wui. B. K it? 11 M iry Smith, col'd.; Joe *l.l to Fa my Chandler, col'd.: Geo. H.Witk Hto Lulu Brown: William I'. Noal '> IJula Carter; William li. Heas'ey to Atioa V. Spenocr John K. Johnson to Lulu M Joyce: K William East to Ni'i l Ward. There is no monopoly in this great I'nun T>, nor we believe in iho civilized 1 will, if|Mils the tobacco monopo ly, brought about bv the Internal lluv enue t ix, and the'ppressivi' manner in which it is collected. It has driven aci.'y every manufacture out of the! country into towns where thoy can In d die togethor, asd by foul or fair means, keep out of the clutches of unpr noi pled revenue officer*, and the poor op pressed farmer, is now compelled to haul his t lucid in many oases twenty, thirty, or even fifty mile.) through the mud to market; aud after he gets it there in m my. jes wo say in very many cases docs not get enough for it to pay for ihe hauling and selling, nor i'or hi* hard work in producing, and getting it ready for market. Yet our free trade politi cians My keep it up. It is not quite so bad with the brandy men; there are al ways =o many fellows who never saw any bad, ('-it is all good and better,") that the distiller con generally realize enough to pay the tax, provided he can block enough to pay for hii fruit. \oirlisic nntii: M vTliao a iiig!«eted cough " is what Dr. J. F. Hammond, professor in the Elec tric Medical College, says "and os a preventative remedy and a curative a ifi-nt. I cheerfully recommend Taylor's Cherokee HcmoJy of Bweet Gum aod Mutiien. COII HI IS (OSIERS WnETIHO. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session !ast Monday, present C. M. Lasley, Chairman, and A. M. lJoyles. Ordered that sixteen claims be paid. Ordure 1 that seven reloads be grant ed. 1 A petition numbering ono-fifth of the riualillcd voters iu tciwitory in Quaker (jap township, herein below described, that is, liegiiiuing at the Cuunty line of ! Stokes aud fiutry, near the wido# Bul j ltngton's, running with the road by 11. Venable'f, striking the towr iip line be tween Martin and 11. Vcnable's, then j east with the said line to the east side of | Hiletgh Brim's plantation, then north with said Brim's tonco to the the roek j house road, then east with said road to j Mr. Marshall's, then with the Lyneh i burg road to the forks of the road n-ar Duiievin's, then north wtili the road ! running by '.lie way of widow Word's, then on with said raad near Dilworth McKinuey's, then wit thu dividing fenee i between him and Harrison Nun to Joe [Nun's line, then with Joe Nuu's Luc fence on tlio west side of his plantation to the northwest corner of his feuec, then j northwest tu tlio Ayersvillo rad ruu j uing betweeu Jerry Beaslev and John | Dearmin. tlio best and nearest way, 1 theu north to John France's fence near Dan Stevens', then witU said Franco's I fence as it meanders on the east aud ' I north side of his plantation to Z T. | Smith's plantation known as the Pell place, then with his fence to John i Lowe's, then with Lowe's fence to tlio Itu rlll west corner, then south with the It-aid Lowe's line between Lowe's, Jes- Mip's and Neal's to the southwest cortier of Lowe's plantation, then south to the road near Jane King's, then west with said road by the way of Suiith Fiance's to county line near L:vi .letup's Surry line; it wasotdored that an election be ordered for said territory to be held on j tha 10th day of March 1888, to ascer-j tain the sentiment of the votois on plac-1 ing said territory under the Stock! Lawit Taylor be appointed Registrar tliat | and M. O. Hull, John E. Pell, Sam j Jessup and Abe Jessup, judges. In the matter of building a bridge! over the l.iitle Yadkin at the old site on ' the lloliow Hoad near Dalton, it was or-' dored that D. N'. Dalton, J. M. Uut leugo and S. M. Golf be appointed a committee to draw up specification ac cording to plan aud bills heretofore laid ; before the board aud let to the lowest i bidder, and report their proceedings to j the Board at a future day. If you have core eyes oull at l'epper •it Sons store and get a via! of that eel- j j e'jnttei] eye water manufactured by for iiulauscdby Pr. Jolm l'eppcr in his practice for many years, warrauted to cure or uioney returned. Only 25 cents per botile. When passing WniuutCovo rcrucui her that you will be well cared lor by stopping at tlio Waluut Cove Hotel, kept by Mr. L. W. Lowis. A.ll 3iu Prudence is n commendable virtue, but it is never seen in such beauty as »lion a mother provides bcrselt with a bottle of Dr. Flints' Cough Syrup for cases of emergency. For salo every where. tf. I' Ncurlet MSIII Idlow FevorM. llipCtoriN, Mm »li pox, .chol era, Dirbys I'ropliyhctio Fluid will de stroy the infection of all fevers and all Contagious and infectious diseases. Will keep the utniospheru of any ?ick rootu pure and wholesome, absoibing and destroying unhealthy and conta gion. Will naturalize any bad smell whatever, not by disguising it, but by distroving it. Use Unrbys Prop vylac jic Fluid in every sick room. FT OF 100 Paget, containing n complete assortment of the V- '* A Plants. Roots. Bulbs. *Vin_ ■ Shrt 1)?. .\u d StCfTa i: i *l^V%3i* N^NZ&NEVN^Ri |Li V Louisville, Ky. Snl«». By virture of a deed hi trust executed to me l»y I\ 11, Mabeand wife on the UOth day of April lf»'K7 for certain pur|>flae* therein mentioned, I will sell for cash alt he Court House door in Daubttry on Monday the oth •lay of March, a tract of fort.v-.lve aeres i»f laud; lying in l'eters I're.'k Township, ad-* joining the lands of George ft. Smith, W. \. Estes and others. For full description sec deed in ( unregistered in Hook I'd and 20. This the lltii day o» .lan. 18.S8. n. i. i>\\ Trustee. J> Ol H'O. Having jnalilled as executors of the last will ami testament of Samuel 8. Wall, dc ceawd, we hereby give general notice to all ! persona indebted to said estate wh :thcr by i bond or account lo come foiwurd and make I settlement and all- poisons having claims I a'ainst said estate arc lequcsted to present tlumi duly authenticate I for payment 01 or j befbre the Ist day of March ISHU, or other i wis* this notice will be plead in bar of tli«ir i recover)*. Febuary Ist lJv»8. HOUKIIT I*. WA1.1.. ALUKUT J. WA.1.1.. Executors. NOTICE. llavlngqualfied as executor on tlio hut will and testament of John Itaker, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons ow ing the estate of my testator must coma foi ward and settle the same and tliose having claims on the estate must present th«m (inly autlwiitlcat -il on or before tlm Brst day of i Febuary 1881*, or this notice will be plead In bar of their ro*)very. This tin' 27th day | of January 18SS. U. M. Al,i.ks, Executor. ( iiHI LOoTCR li . •?? "I rtocnm«r.d and y FO a i *|§§®l4 1 %J>%l J|M, That Wonderful Combination TAYLOR'S MHSR SWEET CUM and MULLEN. it rloea »:-»or© than any praecrtptton writ ton; both p' aro highly modlelnala" Ji. n. Tbo f wort Oum comes from the Southern 1.1 wo:np r.iul lahlguly i-xpoot-jr..nt. wniio Uxo iilulli .r. i* Meetiaglaruj anil thus t'wy or© sunj>iy APufJFHOT REGARDY« A OOLD aeglectod !. to serious ruauits, CT.O 7P . i youi' hcmo T.'tli -nt warning, WiloGV.*:r3 I COUGH so annoying end poinftil, AI It yield rsadlly to tlio aeetn.niciy MACfC POW*R 01 iayv.-s ewcet Oum and MuluuLn. UIIONCIIITISantI Ahi it- JiA loft ujui*tended tc, 'w ill to COXdUJsITTION, and thtwo it quickly relieves sari positively cure*. INSIST 0»1 HAVING IT. r.\ Qaliliii!!, tha lending i>hyale..«n of Great Brit ain, en I u:i»f ard 2lrcr.cli.ul Troubles, rrcocunonda "Mullein" a* iHy i uroenfc better than Cvi -JvorOU for Conduwpttor.. ; '.rXrcp it in the hctua. IT 16 fLBASANT AND P At. ATAQuE and In the lineal ku.r.u ruinody in World for all Tl.roat and Lung troubles. It will Mlruulato tlio throat and era bio you to threw off nil £talruotions sully, nio-Tiif czpecu>raticn and relieving u-.. oough t i ont-o. Askrocrdrngtlitftwlt. lift.' ftoc. A li. aires. | If ho doe.» not keep it, w> v. ;.l j»vy. for one time only, expreso charituM on bctt!«w to any part of the t. 9. on tc.! i ;>t of S i .00. The WA LI f.K A. TA \ I.«H Co., Atlanta, Cs. FOH AX I. IIOWKL TROUBLBB and Children T*oth i liirf, two that k" st Southern rainciy Dr. Skffgen 1 I lluocleborry Curdial. 60 •enta >%i Pinnrjriata. ; TAYLOR'S PREMIUM COLOGNE IS TH£ BEST. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. DO YOU wish to patronize a ; r ool permanent and i»ro|reNive Hclioo!, Doyouwishtoget a complete roun (led •• lu • i 1 ion I>«» you wish to learn to be a Tcucher, to keep books, prepare for th« University, or to finish a good course of stmly ? If so addrcsss, J. 4 & 11. 11. IIOLT, OAK 1(1 DOK INSTITUTE, OAK HIHUK, N. C. Next term begins August Oth. Valuable Property for Sale Dr. W. K. Pepper having concluded not to renin* j witli his family to Nnrt Carolina, otiers for sale on very rea*o irbld terms l»is liou '' and aboui three tier; sof lan«l in the r *i t-t !.anbury, N\ 'lfiown asihe Aa ron Warner place. The housj i.-. a two story, six room lmiMing. with Uitclien intl barn co:»\ ••ni«int ly arranged for tlio com fort of a trmily, and boarding house. Pur eliaser will be exp -eted tona) half the pric«- cash, and the remainder at the end of one mid two years. PailieH wishing to pur clMwoean rail on Jus. A l'eppor ivtUiiw place who will show them tl»e property. Daubury, X. C , Dec. Ist 18*7. tf. LUMBER WANTED IIY TIIE- Norlh Carolina FtmmrwmE Co on u l: WD FAcroilY sai.kshhomk SAI.F.M, t'. wissros, 1(1 I.K KOll CUTTIN'U HARD \\.»OU LUMIJEH. Clit logs w '"' s, l" iir,i p »'' 3 al "l even loiiijtlit!, 12, 14 >r lii fi'et louj;. SSsnxl 10 are Merchantable, bul 14 KEfiT J.LNii'lllS Altl) MOSV UESIUAIIL.E. WALNUT ANI) CIIKRUV IHIEFERKKD. S.nv all Lumber full tliickticss, 1 ami 2 iiiclics thick withwinare «lj;.« anil omls. im,t;s s-oit INSPECTION XcltcU— Munt be lui! lr— llihii fl iuchon whlc wltli not luore Hihii 1 knot, t Inch In ainmotir or •J Indie - bright Coin in mi--Include* Lumber not up to *elc •»* nn-1 not U>s tltun ft InolttH wide, free from heart cheeks or rot, admit* of three 1 Ineh knots and nap on one wide. Citlli Include »nv length and width not K«H».i onuiigh tor common, In which not lews than one half is lit for use, I'KICKS PAID FOK LUMIILIt PElt 100 FEKT DHLIVKUKD AT OUK FACTOKY. Select Common. Culls Wnluut sml cherry ffl.QO 9'i.00 •l.(> 0 Vel. i»o|>lsr, a>h Idreh 1..'0 l.Stt sweet gum maj»la Jfcc 1.25 l.eo .«»•» I.tinthe. taken in exchange for Furniture hy the N C. 1 uriilturc Co. Bul»n> !*• t'l A PUZZLE C/VTJ YOU MSWZH IT P | WHY PAY Till: HEAVY CIIAHOES I l-'or freight, drayoge, commission, storage, etc, on furniture sliipiwil lime from the Nortl)ami We»', when yon can buy equally ias giHtil, if not hotter furniture made here at home,by the North Carolina Furniture Co., for much less inouey P Such as biulsteatis, bureaus, ward robes, chamber suits, waali stamls, china cUmcU, extension tablet, cen tre tables, pro\ tsioii safes, etc. Tlwjh I say liUY the FUII.NI'II'HE inaimfactuied by THE NORTH CAROLINA FURNITURE CO-- {(lore, Factory, WlutnonT C. Si*tc:n If C. Where tliey liavo one of the bast equipped furniture factories in the S.uith. Nothing shotldy. All woik waminletl. Write di rectly to tlio factory for pric«»s. ,C- F. & Y. V. RAILWAY JBTWSr-to- u- m \J*J Kit* COJYDEMSEDSCHEDULE .A'O 29 Taking effcet 5, a. in., Monday, Doe, 11), 'B7. 1 RAINS MOVING v mil. I'ass. & Fr'lit & Mail l' ! L\ liennett.svillc 1 ?• .;•• ;• ui 1 00 p in \r Maxtou I> -l*» : '».V) ; l-v Max tun !• :.7 I Vo j At FayetU'vilJe ill oO S 10 ; Lv I'nvetft-ville Oopni 1 K *J%i a ill I Ar Sauford j -j 17 12 20 pin | Lv •- inford ! 'i 40 I :»ii .\r(»reenslion» (100 7 4»" I 1 4 vt ireensboro !1010 a m ! Ar I'ilut .Mt oop m | l'amtfuiscr ami Mail No 1 Dinner at Said'ord. | A:Mali No H dinner at (ienniititon- TUA INS MOVING SOV I It. Pass. »V: l i 'ht «v M i 1 5 a**. IA Pilot Mt ( I in p ui f I.m v-it en->lK)io I Jfi ! IA (trei!iist»rt» i'MiO ~111 : 7 4"» mi Ar Sanlbrd !• I 80 piu 'j. 15 pin lLv tauforil. | I .'»•) * \r Kayetteville I 4 l.» '7 Oo | I a I'Xveth'viile I i > t .]0 am iAr •• :.»:i 1 : ? 7 00 • 1a M.»\iun 0 Hi ! I'• nffettc• .il«- J> 0 12 6om Pussonger and Mail Dinner a sanlbrd. p.iss-'M'i 'r au«l Mail Trains run tlaily ex" j eept Niimay. i nit! \«*c,.ujf-i.iti n'i rain imis be -IV.I -mi 1 •••tut. *»vil|«- tn« I'JIV ;evill« on Moi In s, Wedi s and i-'i i Ia > and be !' -•• KayetUsvlllc and Ureeusboro on Tuesdays, Thtir»d i\s and Ratlin'.i.\s. I 1 raisis ii I -inry llrauch run dally «*x eejit .Situ lay. ' » lon Is raa 1-J at. axton ti Ith Carolina • itral ltailway Passenger Trains to and t's .i V»"iimin.*oii. • i VLK. t Jen'! Pass. Agent. J. W. Ki; v, -ui v: .i. Call at Goo. Stewart's for your j TOBACCO FLUES Winston, N. C. Aug Illy ! LOOK FOR THE to W Mh ! NJSXT TO MK. S. R. ALL KN'S i HAHUWAUBSTOUr., \For any thing j/o:i intend j buying in the ha m etis or saddle line. Received lli-hl premium nt Stale rail. Harness. Collars, Hridles, Saddles, Halters, Whips, Spurs, Saddle Cloths, Home-made Wagon Whips and Lashes, ISaek Bands, ero., Lap Spreads, Fly Nets, lirublies, Curry Couibs, and every thing in the Harness and Saddle Line. .J. AV. Mltiploy, s. E. cotnor of Court HoufO Square, Winston, - - - - - - N. C. j Agent for Pat. Riveted Seam Col lars, best collars in the world; harness cannot, slip off—guaranteed not to rip. ts Mexican Mustang Liniment cunua Sciatica, Scratches. I Contracted I Lotnbago, Sprains, Muscles, Rheumatism. Eruptions, Burna» Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, Stilt' Joint*, : Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Galltf, i Swinney, Bruises, | Saddle Qalls, Bunions, Spavin Piles, Corns, Creeks. ! THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY aeoompHsbes for everybody exactly what lie I aimed for It. oae of tlio reasons for the treat j>opularUy of the Muatnns? IJnlment U found In 1U untverM I 1 npplletiblllty. Evorybody needs such a modldno. The Luinbct-mnu nee«t« It In ea*e cf accident. J The llouhcwM' needs It for general family um>. j The C'nualer needs llfor lits teamsand his men. j Tim Mechanic needs It always on his work bench. The Miner needs It In cnae or emergency. The I'loucer need* It—can't net along without It. Thr Farmer needs It In lit* house, hla otable, an t htu stock yard. The HtentHboni man or the Iloutntnn ne*d« It !n liberal supply afloat and a*horo. The Ilorae-fanclrr need® H-lt U bb be*t friend and aafcxt rullonce. The Mteck-i*rower need* It—lt will nave hlra t lioumndfl of dollars and a world of trouble. The Itallroad nmn newls It and will ne«d It eo long as hli life Is a round of acold;>ntsand danger*. Tho Itnekwoodatnnn needs It. There la noth ing like It aa an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant need# It about hla store among hla employoea. Aocldent* will hnppen, and when theaocome the Mustang Liniment Is wanted atonce. Keepa Bottle In the llouae. 'TIs the best of ssiaoMy. Keepa noitlc In iheFaciory. It*lmrefdUt« use in case of accldont savca pain and loss of wagvs. Koep a Hott ic Alwayalu the Stable for use when wanted* $ fV A r ft "P* j as? w ss & \/ A ? H X* H - bJ M H r--" 4 A/ "W 1 f Y A U U %:& sis PiiJa&i eh V V I w and 2{»rui! s)o!ilcr«4 ju GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Are now receiving and placing ID position the most tfesi .-able and varied .stock of Fall and Winter goods ever offered by any one house in that market. Thaking their manv friendsand customers tor the liberal patronage given them in the past,we assure - allin need thai /« is the place to LAN!) \V Alt HANTS WANTED. An to till! 1 ;l(u ».-(jmssotl by Coll-' gre.w almost every person drawing a I V.i-' sion is entitled to a Lund Warrant of j *v>' acres. J, the imdenißiied, will pay eighty i dollars for every [.ami Warrant of om- huri nreil ami sixty acres, ami diwir cu-ry pit-1 ton who draws a jienslon anil IMH not 01-1 Mined a! Warrant to coiuiniuiicuti ! with inc. G. 1,. BUHTOJf, I Deer Trail, Colorado j FRESH GARDEN SEEDS FOR 1888 Lanclretlt's and Buist's, AT ASHCRAFTI OWENS, Winsion, - - 7ST. C t if SI3N OF THE EIG 3'JLD MORTAR. TJiisspace hi reserved for h M)L£Y« WhO is now receiving at his store WalimtCovc, JV. 4 L A s: iS |g A KHoETM E% JJ (£jj> 0 r w ii |{cfi Including a large lot of sssy«ss a3 'B -j? 3 © 1 '•& i% $ , «y" "•"tint WMWtthM s i'trlijfiffs|g 00. The Large,si MarmfaetnHno' Establishment in the South, Have esluMisbed in (iroensboro, N. C„, a brand, house, where thoy will k... „ How,' nt B ' S " eU e '" a Kurniur. CHAMBER St'ITS PARLOR SUITS, BED LOUJWES, WARDROBES, TAMES! ( LOCKS, I'/CTI res. F.I.YC)\ /) f'LAL \ CHAIRS of all kindt, which will be sold eheapor than ovor known in (Jreeiiabor#. ' Dou't Forget the Place, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MCADOO HOUSE For City Trade Goods on Installment.'-, If . R, FORBlS,.Manager, ! FWBPIEPBIA F 4 R •«.. I*.VU;A«HH 1 . (iank >'i i «H Mo".', iwi di*tr*Miin£ If nc'plocl"'! !♦ loudi !••• inipiirtif nutrition. sod do* i. ■ ■ira ili« i :t .f lL«'4i.. t-> : reyoxo U» s w xsm\ ° 1 d 1 mtfln IP* 1 u 6£5T T6NIC ? • Inn all »' ■:!...! '» • i i Tt'>iln« (he I'OO*I, otc J' : i .•• i«: 1 ;.«.-!i.-w (lie M->od.nißm« Hlfii l'ir «i»| .»«••• r.r>l ti'li . uo iiHNiiuilation of food. KKV .1 TK* i* honorod raptor of Ui« Kinit Rt»fni: Church., rid., nays: "H .* •:*: ' I lJro-.«i»'.» In n Bittora for Dynpepaia •ud In'.'. "X ' i I l«k«. i»l.a#urc In r-»*c na il .i ' •.,•'>• Alto rit n «|>l»ndid tooio m.; •* « *t• . t.d HiWftliorli'K." .s » .} 'k-i of Circuit Court, t i.. J • . .. "I I war inobt i li» orfol ti. i. ->f I'.ix.wu'u Iron Itinera Um C *ii .1 i. Tito Mark and croaard r« d lines 0.. v. . i i'ltti.- Utt u( bt*r> Made (July by |»UO\t :i HICUI' ALIO., Mlt. ,Jxo vu to4 J. & P. COATS YOU CAN BUY IT QFI i if, A« AT JOBBER S PRICES. W. ILXUT COVE, JV. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, W. C. 1 r |*n!; : SKSSION IS I>l VIDKI) INTO TWO .he lii I ln':;ilining the last Thursday IU AN- Ji- in- - inline r ( lii iatinii.-. dm seeond 1 'i:»!!!:•:: "iti ly in January ;uid ending first 11l 's >i.iy in June. '1 ttit ion. £IO.OO for eaflh U nu. For room rent and ?»rvic«»,ss.oo • |MT TIII. Tti imahle to pay tuition art ; ill'• ed:->: i' ir notes, secured if poss ible. Tuitiot in t in' Kortufll Course free. » "• '-. •«!n.if«• in-, ' in-tion also fit M*. The I \i > is 11«i■ Miftk'ii'iitly strong give instruction in wide range of studios. | For t IIIS in UH* LUU NCIKIOI nj'ply t* I Hon. J'lJin Manning IJ,. I). For Cater •V. r. Palterson. Kumar, C'lsu; 11 iII, N. ( . For special infonualioA apply to K;:.MI» I'. liATTLE LL. I).