VOLUME XVI. Reporter aid Post. rUBLHUKD WKKJCLY AT DATTBURY. N. C. PKPPKR k SONS, JHRTF. * Prvf R ITU or I •aa Year. moat!® iu adtauce. 11 '-* Mji' ■* 73 MAT EH OF ADVKRTIBIXti I aa ttqaare (teu llue« or te**) 1 tune %l 00 eaeli additional luneitioii M #0»lraot» tar laagor time or luore»|ace cmu be ada in ptepwitlau tu two abo\ • rttei. Ti as uudt *d*ci tinor* will ku expected t > reaml « aar*tag ta tlaosa raia» at tUe urn* tivy toudw «lr tavora. r% Juaa*l Hatlca« will bacbxrgnlSOparaeut.bigljefc ifcao abava r ut«i. Bu»ip 'a* Oard» wtll Wo liwirled »i iiu Dollars aifciia. PROFESSIONAL CJIRVS. * L. HA I'MOME, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW | Mt Airy N, O. •po«ial aiteouon gneu 10 me collection u! j olajaas. Ik i\ cAurjsjt, &TT9XlJVj&r~tfr-&d! IT. MT. AlctT, SUUKY Co., N. C Fi-HoiieM vb«riv«.' hitservices are waiitd ; utiAna w#o» iau'i. r. H'Dimi, • IM;tr UIkMUIkRbUK. KtelTb \f. liACfcN ' WOOD. BACON & CO * lM|>arter» ana Jabtvra vi DRY GOODS, AOTIOMs WHITE HOODS, ETC. Mi»». JW-ail Jim ltd *l., RAILALKLPHLA, PA. Parties bavin* CUT MICA f«r salt will tiad it to their interest to j i-weapaad with A. (). SCIIOONM AKER, 16i William St., Now York. • £ LBPTWILK. with WiKCO, ELLEI'T & (llfrHr, RICJ HOh I), t A., Wkiluili in aaoTi, SHOES, taujn, ao. Prssapt alUaliea paiS I* ARJUL, *>4 »ati«- 0 lien caoraaiatd. ?tril*ito di9t! fruia S-»vd» « tp9*\€ t f Barak, i. ra Mint W. P9VSK, Kl>«A| ». TATt.O. ft W. POWKBS k CO., KMOLESALt: l> ft C G (11 i> TU, * Haitian in fAiST.i, oti.a, 1)1 r.s, Vakh'shm yruncli and American WIKUOW UL&nd, PUTT*, tilt, I 8M ,'KIMi A .til UliEWlfctt CIuARS, TOBACCO A et'KUALTI IBol> Main St., Richaumd, Vs. Aa»u«ttm:6— " GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu-. facturcr. • OpfMitl Farmers' Warehouse. N.r., IIIFIN6. GUTTERING AND SPOUT- : ING dan* at aliorl notice, tatfi MUUniljr oa haud a tim- ' lot o •oekiag au4 Ueatias Stoves, WINTER MILLINERY f f AND STAPLE NOTIONS. r CiIXSIBTtXU OP Toy# £c Chri«(>| naas Oood.S. 1 rim'nfd (lata and Kouitrls, To lull Etcrjbttdj. Fir* door South of Hotel Fountain, WINSTON, N. C Mrs- N- S- Daria j The Wilmington Star. . XEUUUTICX IX I'KlCKft. AUobUsb is tailed to the following lu daeed rates of subscription, CASH IX ADVAIICI : » THE DAILY STAR. Oa* Tear $6.00 I Three MontJiss I .40 lix Mouths 3.00 | One Months 50 X THE WKIiKLT STAR. Ome Taer SI.OO | Six Months 60 fine Keiths ao eente. Oer Hew* aerTice baa raaantly heee largaly lecraaeed, and It is our deter aaisa:LJ* te kaapma STAB ap to tha hi|beai «Mra.s WW. U Wilaiinjton, 5. C. tee* • j OnftlllDg for Ll*er Dlsem ayaaarnMa« m"" "•*""• '•> 1 lilflQ n mouth; (olimio i'oaUn! whltooroovcred wltli a>»rown lor; pilnln Uie I'Hck, vhlcH, or Joluta—oflen • taken ' lor Klutiinfitlani ; auur atomucl .•»» of •pp. tlt. : aomptiineN imuU.ii ntor brnHli, or tii«lUa«tlon; flulir lon y aiul arid «riM)UtkMi«; boMfelft aMernatiiiy cohllvh »nl lax ; he»darh«>; loan Of memory, with a painful K'uvntlnn or lihviuk falh'tl to tlt« ■oinetlilng v. Li oh ought to hawlH-oniaone; debility; low aplrlti; a thlfk, y«vllo-u nt>- pAtiranru of the rklu un.l erod; iv dry couuh : frrar; re»tlaaan«-o««: tlw usluu Ut •oaiitr and hfet> cok>rt>«l. ami, If allowed to ttand, depoaSi a aodlment. BIMMOfffUVBR SEffftftTMt (PORtLY VIEBtTA Lf) I' la generally uaed In tb« H- utli tc» ;aroUM tlio Torpid Llvor to u hculltiy aclum. It acte with extraordinary efficacy on tha TIVER, J^ICNEYS, JL_-rf and Bowels. *1 EFFECTUAL SPEC f'C FM Mai :irla, Ilowt-1 Complaint*. Kiel. ll*Hliarho t ■ Constipation, r>iiioUNin'(t « f Kidney Atr«c*lona, Jaundka Mentul i>4>praiMit>ti, C«Ue. Bndor»c«l by ihc use of 7 Mlllioua of Bottle*, u THE BEST FAMILY MEUICiNE far Children, f>r Adults, and for the Agrd. ONLY GENUINE I fcaa our Z Suoap in red on front of Wrapper 1 J. H. 2•//in It Co., Philadelphia, Pa., teca rufkUtHl. i'rioe, 81-Of* CHEAP COFFEE. j HOME ROASTED COFFEE AT 18 CTS A POUND : PUT I PIN POUND PACKA . ES. Ever Cnntalut a i'rcscut in >alii«- IVoiu ."> cln (• 93.00. I THAItI: SI IM'I.IKH IIT §!rot!pi} |u. Charlotte, N. C. 11/"Mentio« this paptr. THOMPSON'S CoMi > O U N D % M am ! A MILD TONIC AND— APi'iynzi A fttrc for D\-pepsin. Imligßy'ion ant! C.'tmstipJifinit. |» promotes l!..? sn u f]. i.- ot tlie J.ivfi .Hid Kidneys, and gives ft l .om» (a (lie Organs. IJelii-MM Nneaick T*roittralioii followin; J'roii.t. t. tl Nm VOUM. and eufcob!«-;l condilion of tLo ays toin. taa BASI P vcti i:bi> r.Y Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. H" H. CARTLAND, And dealer in Cassimeres FINECLOTI Iftrf And Furnishing Goods Greensboro, - ... N.C. t OadM rratrai Bawl. OKVJLID !IS TUI WOW)! Tha ricoeß MSI\ f r Alt MBK aalara Its tiibd To;.uua at tha fallen !a( lalaa : 1 aubecritor. 1 year t 1.23 i aahanibera, 1 fear 5.60 10 aiiba'ribara, 1 mr 10. to On* repy, 1 T Parlo ena aendin; a club of ten. lCight rae. 40 caimans. week!r. Bend cits (charjea pr«|w>i«l) to L. 1.. POI.K, Kaixish, X. C. "KOTHINO SI CCUUDH SUCCESS." OAM'.imY, N. C„ THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1888. - ■ . -- T r f- - n r - RETIKI. 11 fWI Nr.t'ISNK. '•KeUirUs we dare not us wc f:iirt Waul«t iry tit>m yftarn ; Lt.v«t dnix'« not bid ottr tiead again Heturn. 3 A M **• U hearts thai strain and bum As lires fa-Htfeltenr . burn and strain ! J—'WeC# * Jfu : The bcoit that hoalcci all ln.irts of pain No funeral riios imini; It while the stirs remain, lii'tmn. Tiir. rui.Tuuit or APPLES. > When iidviscl to not moro apple treos, j 'lio average farmiii' ausivort - "Orohar.is do not pay. If apple* «ro nlhtij at a good price, tt is the year my tries do uot bear, anJ when Ido have a gnod orep ap[.les are so ehesp that iliey | KCuroely | ay for (lie picking." Something of truth iu that, but it ia ] not qutitc the truth. Wnen erpleti ari at the lowest prices, a man eau mskc pretty good wages ill picking, assorting ; and barreling them, even i.lough ho has | but a siiiall share of the products of the \ orchard for his labor. A d»y's lal or spi'iit in an apple or chard usually \ .eld letter psy to the [ farmer than any oihe fariu werk that lie does. Compare the ti e necessary | to gtt a barrel of nr>| les ready for-mer ket and tli:tt required io jruw aad har vest a barrel of potatoes, Tlio inereased deaaod for apples is likely to moke ortter maikets aud better ]li o, tl.ii fruit in thu future i than tie have had in fears of pleaty in i the past. 'J'i.c evapori'ora or fiuit dryers, and tfcfl coßTeraion of into appla jolly, enables llioaw whose temper- : an?e principles will not allow (hem to make cidrr to be used as a beverage, to fet I that they csn uowr coiivci t tho r ci- | der apples into u wbolesoiuo food. Hettcr cul ivation nil 1 better vsrietiei of fruit will.mal a littler crops aad bet- j ter price,-., la the matter ef fruit, also, if.wsed supply seems to create an in- j creased demand. Witness the f|uanti- | ties of strawberries, eralibei nes and other small fruit now sold in our mark eta, and then think of the time thirty 1 years when seaicely one-tenth us j much wis told, liß-i yet price* have not declined vory uiueh. Of all our fruits none other is ns Tal- I uablo as the app'.s. It ean he had in perfection at almost all seasous of the year; it can be eaten tmv or cookod in a variety of ways; it ts healthful and nourishing, and it CSB be lound in the greatest variety of flavors, enough to I •uitull tastes. Therefore, we repeat, j plant out more apple trees. Get good, | healthy tress, grafted with good varie- \ ties of Trails Cut them iu good soil. Prepare the land* earefally, give 'he trees good care, and you will fiad that they will prove profitable.—.7*t ricau Cultivator • DEATH OF KMI'KHOsI WILLIAM. Emperor William ef Germany is dead lis passed away at I) o'clock I yesterday lie was born on the 22nd j of M ir 'li, 1797, and was therefore near. i ly 01 years old. lie was a man of! many good train ann loved hi.i German peoplo with genuine fatherly afl'cstion. ' lie recvived a military education anU took |>art iu the caiapaignt against Na- j poloon 1813 and 1815. In 1849 he be- j came Commander-.u-L'hief of the Prns- | sinu army. In ISSB, he was appoiuted liegent, his brother, Frederick William IV., becoming innate. Iu 18111, ho as cended the throue. In 1802, a oitil war came near beginning because of "divine right" ideaa. Ik 1860, he had nwar with Austria, and in 1870, France decilamd war against Germany. In both the Germans were vieterious, and the Goiiuan was formed, King 'A il llanv t'ceomifi| Tl'iiper ir. Prance paid $1,000,000,000 indeuinity and ceded j Alaaee and Lorraine to Germany. He ! was married in 1529. His eldest aon, the affl'etod Crown Pritice, married Vic toria, Princess Uoval of England, in 1858. He succeoda his father under ; the title of Froderick the third, and geea at once from Sau Beum to UerliA to aa- , j sinn« his higli and responsible positiou. ' —Wilmington Star. rl ** S * ar • ' * MAD DOJB. Meet pareoßS aappoie when ihey aeea deg ruaaißg aad fretbiag at the mouth and perhaps snapping at objects in ia cearaa, that it ia mad. This is not ~! ways, however, a reliabl eyaipioin of ra bies. "In the greater ntaiber of ea>ea," reaiarka Mr Yeuatt the distingoished Kngliah veterinary sargeon, ' tbare enlleneeas, fidgettiheas and coutinuil ahiftiag ef poiture. b'er eaveral stiee«a sive hum a peraapa be retreats to his baaket er his bed, Ue saows ao dispo sition to bite, uud be answers the eall upen bim laggardly. The deg sees im aginary objects, and e'ten springs at (hem with a furioui difi, iie is i -sllees, 1 . . and exaessiveiy irritablv, gti;ag wildly aronud, nad scap ( >.ag at ever} thiag with |iu hie reach ' 'I bit is tin appearauce of a Bad dog deg at tlio ooniaiaaoeinoiit of the disease; bat when the disease is iu J its last aiagt, or full foria, and tending I to a fatal issue, the sums ay herily aays "The maacular powers beijg gfeally ax haasied, the animal finds it difficult to ■uiataiu himself upon hie iiaabs; be reels I uud siagg«rs lika a man in a drnukeit iit; his tail ia dopreised, and the tongue protruded; the ayea have lost their j brightness, andlare of a dull, glaaay ap pearauce; the reaperation it hurried and pasting; fnally, wore out by hia aufifer ing, tbo noor creature dies, either frem convulsion, er frosi sheer exhaustion, the daratiaß ef tbe atlaekvaryiag from '.hree to five days." The thirst iu the dog is ittoDse and insatiable, the dog drink- : iag frcqacntly, and havisg no fesr what- , ever of wstsr, as is the case witji the , bhnaau subject in whom every efort at 1 driaking, nay, the very mentioa of flaid ef any kiad, sad evta the attempt , te raise the giaes te the lips, caase vio- , | lest ooavolfioaa. ladeed the ckarae-' Isrißtio sy®i>iom of hydrophobia is man, j is a drsad ot water, as the term by whicb this peculiar disease is geucrally ' ' deaiguated (bydrophobiaj literally signi fies—a dread of water. We bave heard persons remark tbattbey would ceaeid 'or the saliva of a rabid dog to be fatal if swallowed, bat there is good author.ly . for our slating that the Mlivoof a rahid deg is pclfeoily harmless if mjeelod in. to a veis, atd that the contact with the , nerves ia iudeapeasably necessary to . predaee the disease. liector says that in one instance of twenty-ouc person* bitten by a rabid | | dog only one was attacked with hydro phobia ; and Dr. Hamilton is of tlio ! opinion that the proportion ia one to j l twenty-live. W» have no faith in the! use of the uiad stone m cases of Ultes by J rabid dogs, lor the greater number of j persons so treated may be caiuposed of ; those who would have eocaped being ! attacked with hydrophobia though 'hey j bad not been trea'ed at all a« may be I seen'from tho stateinnit we have given. The period tuat elapses between the re. ! ception of the bite ef a rabid dog and I tlio outbreak of the disease varies much, ! j the greater number of cases o;cur be tween the 30th and the 39th day ; same j occur earlier, and a few as late aa six, ! seven, nine and even nineteen months j after tlio reception of the would. If we j except the uew laeatuieat of Pasteur in ; Paris, the only sure means is tho com plete excision (cutting out) of tho part ! bltuu, eigther by takiag a bit of wood sharpened to a likeness of .the dog's tooth j and thrusting it islo the part and then cutting but withont letting the knife . come in contact with the wood. Where I . this oannot bo done, eaustici such ss ni tric acid, strong liquid ammonia, or lu. ! mr caustic, may be freely employed to ! burn out tho part bitten. DIVERSITY OF CROPS. lleceut even/s tend to show that the : system of exclusive devotion to wheat raising, which has prevailed among far mers in aome sections of the Weat, it rapidly drawiug to n close. The land, from coatinuous cropping, is giving a way under tbe constant pressure, and, i besides, it i« found in varioas looalitios, i that oilier articlos will yield more valu able returns.—Ex. The llaleigh Visitor says The fol lowing was handed us for publication. It is from a convict in tlio penitentiary; |To tho editor of the t'isetor : I am a prisoner, bat feel that 1 am a aewbnra oreature in (Jbrist Jesua. lam ttriviag it seme G*d, and earnestly atk the the ' readers of tbe Visitor to please prtv for | me, that I may hold out faithful uuto I tho end. | Snbserib.' f r your eonnty paper. j HOW TO tiium YISL LOW : TOiSACCO. Col. James li. Hobgood oftirsnville 1 oounty, N'o-th Carolina, ia a sucoesjitul grower ot biiyht fobacoo and Iris had 60 years experience wilh the Wfed 15c- : 1 j low arc his directiuus for starting a crop 1 of bright yellow leal. fl. iNT ntnn The Sir t woik ia preparing lor a crop iof tobacco, is to burs and so* iu good j time plenty of plant land, in warm, j Bioist situations. Select land that will 1 : no become ao'tdeu by too much rain, and. if i«i»" «!•> let the spois be on eiretjjoi br:.neii«s, (far enough off to guard against ovm fl s inj), wills a south or south vest exposure. lJurn I lis land well. My plan is o put down on my ' bed, about (cur feet apart, what we i term '-skid"—pol -* the sine of a niau'a arm. These aro to keep th« wood off ' the ground. When 'liens skids are binne lup one may know, as a rule, thai tho laud is burned hard enoug, and that it ia time to inov # hit tire oa l'utiher. '1 his ii* '.lie best guide 1 call give te tho f inexp. i ieheed as t« tho length of time | the lsnd sUouid be burned. The bast | time for burning land in the latitude of ! North Carolina and Virginia, is from I the first of. January to tha firtt of March. Good, fine stable manure, fee ! from seeds ef any grass, oats or clover, with some good commercial feitilizer, ia what 1 thitk best to use on plant.bods 1 i After burning, rake off tbe aahes, eev- i j er the ground well wilh stable manure, 1 j hoe up the bod thoroughly, and inako it | j fine by repeated boeiag and raking ; j then mix the tobacco teed, using oae aad a half tablotpoonfuls in every u ca ' ty-five pounds of fertilizer le every one I | hundred square vards in tiie bad, and ! j '.hen tread in wilh tho feet or pat with ; tho boe. Tobaeeo seed requiro bat lit- j j tie covering, and if cevercd too deep will fail to came up. Cover tho bad with fiae brush, (dogtvjod is tlio best if! convenient), to protect tho plants from : fiost aud to keep the bed niuiot. Some- j : times it becomes necessary to force the ( | growih of plants in order that they may jbe iarge caotigh to transplant at the | proper time ; tbis is done by using sobio I quick, reliable fertiliser as a top dresa. | iug, cure being takei. not to apply it . I when tho plants are wot with dew or j rain. Gray, friable soils--fresh from tho j forest, or long out of eti' iltou—with | J a dry porous aubsoil, are u t best adapt- ! j cd te the growlli and maturity of yellow 1 tobacco. | Plow your laud and put ia good con dition before bedding, ran the rows off j three feel four iuebes each way, usiog j tccording tu tbo strength of the latd, I from niacty to one hundred i.ud ten lbs. j ! of good fertilizer to every one .hous.ind ] hills. Use farm pea manure in the drill i J with the fertilizer, it will be found of I very great advantage, even if it is aot j e meoient to use it exespt in small! qus*tities. I'LWTl.vil. Plaat ill Ihc hills at early after tho ' first of May as the plants and feason* ' ; will admit. As soon as the plants take { J good root, cominenoe cultivation, wlictli- j ! er in a grassy oondition »r not, aud eon- ! ' tieuo to stir tha land with plow ami heo j until the tobacco bepins to come to top, i using short singletrees as 111* plants in- J | crease in aiie, t3 prevent bruising audi braakii g. After the plants become too I I large to admit of tlio use of the plow, ase only the hoe to keep down tho ' grass.«l lauvillo Tobacco Journal. Tho Tarboro Southerner hat been Barking anagraas. Tbo following is to e%rte, vivid and correet : Corß option. Fi j\ud, Deceit, Th|evcry, ' IgnoranQe, High TA"s, BpcciaL Taxes, Jir|bery, Exhausted Judiciary beizlemont. The tpesoli of Senator Vest in eppo- j i aition to tho peasiou aical was obc of i tho ablest to which tbe Senate, has lis- 1 j teaed lor yoara. But there has never ! beoß any doubt that tbo S>aute would j I pats the taeaserc, and it is still more uafortnuatc that it it piobable the dc*- j i agogy wili carry the bill threugh the i I lUaise ef representatives. Would that j | j t few able filibusters ua'qtit scae upon [ tbe job ! 11 PUNGENT SNUFF. It matters uot how worthless the book, it is bound to be read .liingham- ; ton Republican. A tree upro odd by a storm, like aj man in distress, it has its heart bougb ed down—..V O I'icnyune. •'Uaeasy lies the head that wturs aj crown," wild vol some unit will persist j in going t« bed with thoir hats ou.— Texas Siftiiiirs. ••By tieorge !" exclaliaoil Wagstaff wilh a ehuukle, as he looked his oards over, '-i don't oelieve I could improve ou tbis hand. "Perhaps you hare novor ; tried soap ou it ." saggeatoa Buck born ! ; Chicago l i \ Miiaa Polly (of Nevada.).—l waa sui prised to heal of your engagement j wall Bill Floauders, Kitty. i thought! you intended to rcftse him ' Miss Kit. i IV.—I did iutoud to, Polly ; but lio got 1 the drop ou me, aud hu had to say yes. litli is the quiuies. man with a guu west of the Missouri.— Epoch. STRAIGUTJCNED OUT. Teacher—Correct the aontcnee, "The j liquor whieh the man bought was j I diank." j Kmart Boy —Tho man whieh bought | ' ike liquor was drank. Haivsrd L m pOun. A COMPLETE COL ii APSE. ! "Yes," hersaid, "I trio! on;* to eat thirty quails iu thirty day but I found i>t impossible. Why, 1 lulled on tho ! ! third bird.'' I "Make you sick V' i . ' "No, it didn't utake me sick ; I rau i out of quail " —„\. Y. Sun. iiOOI) SPORT, BUT NO GAME. I First City Sportsmau—Just back | from a hunting trip, 1 see. Get any I j game ? j Seooud City Sportauian (who did con- ! sidcrr.ble uniuteuiional killing) — No-o, I had to oene homo . rau out of dogs. — Tul Bits. EXACTING. Mr. Jehusiug (speaking, hat risen to go, after having made a tender of his hand to Miss. Tompkins, who ahows ! | some natural hesitation—so unexpected, j I you know) —Well, Miss McNcrvy, I'd ! like to gel an answer rigl.t now, a« d»res 1 another young 'oouian wailing to hear from me. A MODEST REQUEST. j I j "Grandpa," laid Bertie, "You like ito sec yousg boys enjoy themselves, I don't you ?" J "Wby, yes." replied Grandpa. | "Anil yJB like to do all you can to i help 'em have a good time, don't, yout" j ! "Why, cer'aioly." | "I thought so. U ell, ntc and the ' | Tompkins boyu and tbo Clarks' are go iug to play' Life ou the Plains' is the I Clarks bam for the nsxt two sfU'inoons, ; and I thougot I'd ask you to let us take ! i your wig for a scalp.— .Tid Bits. SET A Rlli IIT. Coi kins (making another ineflfectaal | effort to light hit cigar)—Gosh-dnm ' these ehings ! They're the poorest I ! •Ber saw. Cost me 15 C(nts a box ; j too. McSab — Awfol prioo for tbem, Cork ins. Kegtlar Swindle. Corkins-.Yos oan bet I'll never buy j matches from a peddler again. MeStab— Matches. Corkins ! 1 i thought you were speaking ot the ei- | gars — Chicago Tribune. WHAT GRANDMA WAS DOING, ] When little Sally C., of Saloai, was about three years old she went wilh a party of grown folka ou the steamer to Nantasket- As we sat on deck she per- 1 sistcd iu climbing upon tho railing, much to her grandma's ' discomfiture. Her mamma said to her : "Don't do so, Sally, or Grandma'U bave a fit.'' Presently grandma disappeared, and when ber mamma said, "Where's gam ma gone 1" Sally promptly re plied : "1 guest she's gone inside to have a fit." - Boston (ilobe. THE FtQWFPS COLLECTION NO. 35 . „ l i. m i PICKINGS. From the Wilmington itor. fn tin- last two yearn Philadelphia has ' erected 1 ,-56 buildings. The Record \ thinks the present population la 1,04*2- j 170. . . , ltepublicans are beginning to talk »f 1 Senator Hiscock .if a probable candidate for the Presidiucy. lie in fratu New I Vork. ■ •* There ii fun ahead in Texas. Thar* is a "ceiubiuo" to defeat Senator Cake and mud KogerMills iu bia stead. We hope the Texan* will long retain .Mr. Cake, who is one of the ablest of ! living Americans, is any one will ke ' convinced who will read one of bis , speeches in tAo Senate. Mr. Mills should i be kept is the House. Ex-Seaator Harrison, a talked of lle | publican candidate for the nominatisa i for the Presidency, was born iu Ohio in !83J. MJi» th i grandson of Preaidcat W. 11. Harnsaa, aad the great graad aon of lienjaoitii Ilarriseu, of Vir ginia, ouc c. the signers of the Declara tion of Independence. Kush Uaiversity, a negro soheol ia ■ Louisiana haa bean burne . It ceet $25,000. i A nonster petition against lb* ad mission of Utah has been presented in | the Senate. The Cf» Kmperer of Germany wee hern oh the 18tb of October' 1831. I He wa« fifty seven years old on hit last birthday. Mono P. Handy, atone time editar l of the Hichnibiid (Va ) Enguirtr, bat i now a Hcpublican, and late of tha Phil adelphia A'cws, has sued the Maw | l'ork Town Top in for slander, lay lag j damages at SIOO,OOO. Joseph I.lula, a Spaniard, ia ' dead iu New Orleans, aged 73. ilia | local fimo coasistcd lu his bei ag i a desperately duellist. lie fought innumerable duals and was second in a hundred others. iiow many men ha ! killed is aot stated, lie helped to murder a good many no doubt. ! Of the one hundred and forty-four nanus mentioned by "Maay Citixens" iu connection with the Uovernersbip. how many of them can poll the fall i strength of the Democracy and meet | "my son Oliver'' "on the hustings. Uudci Arthur it coats 3.77 per cent, jlo collect the taxes at the eastern ! house*. Under Cleveland tor the year ! ending 30ih June, 1887, it cost 8.16 ito colllect. Arthur was au improve ■lent on his Republican predeeessois, wo believe. j over ten thousand bills bare | been introduced in the Congress. Th ia is a nice way to waste time, spead mon : ey, and get a little cheap glory with iuuoecnt constituent* for excessive teal liu their behalf. Humbug is not I dead. * Russia is reported as beat on war. We wish three or foar peaeibly inclined | nations would unite and give it a drub. I bing, as was the case in the Crimean j war. Mayor Hewitt, of New Y'ork, says he does not desire to be Mayar, Governor !or Piesideut' He ought to be seat ta jho U. S. Senate. He is one of the i ablest of New York State politic j cians. | The Iloase Committee on Commerce | has reported favorably a bad bill. It j proposes to cxnend $8,000,000 to i statt n government telegraph. Tho men who rctc fur that bill ought to be j held to a strict accauut. Of eeurse it i will increase the number of appoint ments by some thoasands. The aray 'of office-holders is big enoug bnew— between one and two hundred thousand 1 strong. HKKKsIIIRE HOGS. Ileikshire hegs arc noticable for their j lightness of bone and offal parts ; for extrcmo shortness and dish af face. Their ears arc very fine, nice pricked, | and set wide apart. Theit backs aad , hams cannot bo excelled. For rapidity ;of growth, early maturity, and ability Jto lay on flesh and prodnce the maxi mum amount «f it, rom any given a. meant of feod, they ona be especially recoinmsaded. On account of 'heir boor aad offal, the Berkshire will, wa believe, equal if net surpass any other , breed in the natober af pounds dead ia cemparitou to live weight. The boars ase especially rtooinaaead ed not only for breeding but also for crossing on unimpfov«} stock.— .'lmriiam t'nrmn,

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