■■■■ U ' - - * : ■">• : -?>-■ "*• VOLUME XVII. p »• i • • ■ - • Reporter and Post rDRLIIHKP WKBKLY AI DANBURY. N. C. PEPPER ft aON6, KJ a- I'rtv | i !■ i i ■! —v .T.tami _Lja.--ruaa . r>f ACBftCKIITIOn 1 ®§TJ. *• »* _ .I; Hi *ticv> ...... HATV" vf tItTSB'UhIHIJi n w i h AIAK .»• ii Hn#» or v . i Urn©, MW ; yor9M> «m iuu»l tc»9tiion r - I *.r. t.iu- r niv»f »l«»et tit l-c ' r -• j-»r •'» • !•« K'uo • t »M:. r. . jv' imiiilMj oiiM»ct«u f« r*tu if , •i tini 1# tlior-i itei it \iii tin.-* tbij »«m«! . i«lr IU *»r>. iMtuttl vwet-ivit! M«a*igoJ9o;-ora)i.t.iil«kct> , lIV M»i.u*n. * = | PMOPESSIOA'AL CJtRDS. r: 'I'HAH ■MOUK," j ATTOKNHLL'ATLAW Mt Airy N, C. Sj*' v»i. • mention given to tho collection ol vUilttfl. W. F. CARTER, sir 7 f > *. y\ r-.tfr-j&tf r, MT. .\lKi CO., N. O I'll 'i ..-•- wb"r»ivtir Ulnservlces sro wantd |:U : .ill RAU L I'. 000 'Kl.v. lUWKT . ifU .Wlj. Hlelt'D W. li.Vi.-OX WOOT>, B \ CON & CO i-. I'* 1 -fftM-cll. Ol Ditr poods, WHO As WJJfTii GOODS, ETC. >-* 30*.' *1 MAikcl SLi " PHILADELPHIA, i'A. S®? 4 Aft\ 9 W MI liA I V AKTXU hKi •>:!!> QIAUIT »U''A, BPOT TBI'OR CUI> UNCU'T. KBNI> tAHI-I.Eti Al> PCICK. A. O SCHOONJUAKKR, 168 William St., New York. U E LFJ'TWI'.K with Ef.LKiT t cirwr, HIO.VVOHO, TA., VT.UI.SMO Deoleti it BOUVG, SHC?. THUMKB, AC. rr.>ti|)J "••* •' " ' 'J"! } -^Sw-ja X.MCD.U. , Ul # OKPtT W. 10 TBttP. k. a*a 0. TATU). * W. FOW KItS 4 CO,, WBOLUS ALB DRUGOtSTS, D"s!«rs ill PAIKI", #*HM, M3B, Fr»a&J> and Amorionu WIKBOW' 6T.AMB, Vlh-Tf, AO KMGIUNy A ** f OfIEWIIIrt 01CAHS,,T0B At'CO A Hi'KtHALTt 18#» Main Pt., Biohtaocd, V»; « kmilrft- GEOTSTEWARTT Ra AND Sheet Iron MUUU- j facturcr. rmatTk 1 WarohoufkM. W»FIM6 CufrrMiS AND SPOUT-1 INC • i -♦*! C. SL*o4#' .**•**:» It. ' •», ; \ til If, l,»t O ! CA2 RIDGE INSTITUTE. ■■« *»• 1 ■ D.t) YOU v.,l' to jv.'i-nnlic * co»»«l ' ptrtuiiiiciii Kitd iiiKri'iih« ! Hi'bwol, i>« yoll V>i>U * C * "nf-lflc £ OHM 4«l) «dlt«t!UiL * Uo you wi»l. !» Iron to lit » Tinckcr, to e*p lioka, |ir«{ai e for t!» l'ui»er»ity, or .«trnitli a food coUrso •! JtU'ly t If no adUrtci J. .1 X ?I. IS. MOI.T. O.M. li' >aki UiV-ltTt'-11., \\ 11. oK, N. C. I Xi**l w » ":1 . A.V. ■ I'tll. F J"HE Wilmington Star. . I kAuuciH'S ?' nuc>:s. •• *' -T " j Attcntijii i» oalka :o i("i fp'Wwiog tc* iluocj r-'toit of snlisurtjitien, c..nrt IN At)v.t».'-B: lUH UA! Li i' ST All.- 0u« \ .>u J Tbr-c MoDt.lit9l.so Bu M«aths SOO | One Month? M) fllß WHKKI.T STAR hi Tnt H.OO | «ix Moutb* AO Teri-o Wuu'.bt- SO ecctn. Om Telt jr.iph N«wt *crvioo hiu reaintljr IM»« largely iiiervMwl, anil it ii> our delsr •iruiMon to kou ( > llw f I T.\R op to tin lilglK'st 'Uudari uf m- ift pnp.-r o^cfllltiiica. JkAlrwk WJi. H. UKXAKO, -AUuiuiftoa, W. C. ! TMB 3CCTOK BAYS- "I (WC"«M«I •«" i 9fOH I ».\ ' • .* ' *vV** Thnt Wandorfvl Cot iB T/WI nSJ'f CHEROtCKC ' !Al Lul\ 5 H£M£OY ct i SWEET GUM ?>nd MULLEIW. j ft rtr en ttinr any f»rt-»o Option welt* ton| Doth nro m&ltnitwi*" 11. n. Tta t!-r Ovn' eamm P-ntn uo flouthuti awAinp Miu M Wirhiy JhpoOtMMl, WtiU«tioiffui:.-u IB C M ooiibhtwl W-*y •ittj'lj A FKRFKCT RBM3DY. A (XILD >43|i'ii Uhl l«v.d» to vvt r.wulO', f .-Oir aiviokj your IWIDP lliiout worui.vf, WHOv>PIXO OOVOiI »o n-nvtii, oni pulixAit, AUj yi«UI U> «hc o.»«oiinai.T MAGIC POWIR Ol rnyW'e ! OUM MIV*I MIIIIWIN. AUCJRRNITIFIAUO .VTTH. MA 1 R xviil Itnd to c*OKßinil TIOW, .w.d ».»* liqvWl* t TVrvm a» w '. "5-• :*JB*BT ON HAVJWaiT. Qi.'V'/vn, ttk*- k>f.Oire p. v vjtOaiau of Utfi' i'n»- H.' oc\ I-ur.T • '-d T r.vauiUi Xx " inu . • la ' --»i.ry * •«««.* l- turtiwr. Uo»i W.ixiAX forCon.'.usi|rtl9.!. JJTK x»p It In tho h .iuto IT 18 PLFAftAIIT AKO PALAT/.6L8 % Md •- V.»flnp*i Id'. r»a fwaoily in tUo wui.d fjr uU Throat enl L»mfp tmiMoc. W **l»r Vw»u> tfca thr -Rt &>:>' •-mtio yov. to Uui'r .ii l* ofcotTuoil-'-.w ornj.v, cxpv;tH:ntlc- .trd xcllcv'ivt vto co'ijh *• otin*. A»l->-ourarnrir»t(jrlt. K>. v e. rl.'««. If d 'X* k*-v »i. w • W. - r ' r , !»r>-sr.i " ln»*.'*o ciiX Hot . •»'-? ♦lit r I. on rccc!;»i A „ i -4* v% Aiiji.h A. : a jLrii'.'.L: jOB AT.T# OOWKTi TU»>Um «Ki» *»vl 0l»lU5tvl» Too'l inf, *tf- *>v 4st.*i»t Vu"a.* Trr n * "*»*» HmskkXrv Cordial. 60cciio- I fifLOK'S PREMIUM COLOQffC 'S TK K?T. iCHEAP COFFEE. HO MB ROASTED COFFEE AT !■' CTS- A POUNS FO' NP PACKAGES. Kvery l'Brfcac t'diitnlß.* a Prcseiit, Ih fttlt-o lr«SM| » cts 1013.M. |#*%*.( ft Charlotte, N. C. _.y*"Mention thia paper. ' •• I wfc- :: 'in.' '",'T V () M POUND WW tT * * * r #' ♦ ♦ r^" A MILD TONIC ASP \ . lire lu. lihli : «-! CVtlutl I'll'lllOlff .In* «jl tliu I«iv«*i Hf;(l Kldi'i'yii, :u»t! ivfß '»mo to tin* Oij-.iiis. KollcveA Nn«*sick rnoitrnticM f.illnv. inj* I'rotKu til N-IVIIHHK, and liiifc'fbl'.U cotidHiou ol ilw sv*- tcm. rata UV Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, r>IU!GUI«T, Winston N. C. w H" H. CORTLAND, 'fuilbz, I And deaioi* ~n Cassimcves. j i FLXK ( l. n IIS ' And Furnishing Goods j QrCt'n.boro, - ... f C ! futloi CCUU-JI lli :N. % r ! OKWARD! IS THE WORE! no ntOOKESSIVK FARMER entOH iU TIIIKU VOWMK .it til* followi:u; rates: 1 auhM-rlbur, 1 year $ 1.23 k hitbsciibeis, 1 year... ".00 ID Mih«ci ]U>r.'> 1 10.00 Otic copy, 1 year /ret to tlio on« scwling a club «f ton. Right pages, 40 columns, wck'y. Send IAHB t'cliargeajiropaiil) to V, U FOLK, Ralli#U, N C. "IVOTHINII SUCCEEDS I-IKE MIJCCKSH.' DAKBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, A UGliivilJ T .ifeK.-.'- • Mflf* ' ' ' \ S " LOVE." ÜBKRV ». BUTIOX Wl;il'J lhau :i 1.1 y-wli.il iwv IK Vl* ] 'i I)'n{ tu Mr lw' f;■ • »irw>/ j vtot-o rotistfiit to man'* heart "inn s.miiu , o' 111' »ea. To tlie ctirl'd inlet of a sva-sliell's bo.-n t Wb.it'a qtl'.eter Uian death of lloWer forlom, t ;i!QOU>U wiivirc tin.- iritUa.-» sun can 3*:' Or t'aeile wedding of the facile ]iea I'ii.tt r**-its n rtng on "very llng«ry tliorn? What's ye nil -r than a young rllt'a luururar iliga •So singing thro' it* meadow way* ? i OR sil.-nter tlwn tin- aim's unsparing RHZH The iiiiiidua lilood 111 clwrries' cheeks that In ing»?— O 'lis young I.ovc; for lie a ue»t can raise !n lieaitb th.i' never guess his busy wingt. —riiititile'.phlu Hecoril. PASTURES AND FKNCING SiA TE 111 All. At my tiuin ol life it is impo.-.iiblo t. | cou:iunt J. far:u up to tho uioden pr-I --; idau> ;>f an ue ~ i tboorioa, ticn' ideae, new plait uiJ syr. tctLs have boon advuucei'. ut. -1 oarricil ' into pructio'j by u'atty, which arc so di; - ferei t froui the old tiiuu "tiotliods, «.'ltic!i I do not protend to rntifi.seor condemn, .•'o 1 an merely a iioki t- on !o v 1./.t ' jroiiiir on IU the ficUl» ( but .sti:;lf mostly te what I have becu accustomed to and have found «nd pruSlablo. 1 cnuduinu no no# nieihods. in fact, 1 like to sec them fully tested, for in ths.-.u days of wonderful progress and improva. cients, much good and beucflU accrue. New itnplcuicsts bavo been introduced ou the farms that sava time, labor and expense, that are valuable, new modes of cultivation that expodito"' tho work, also in fertiliziug crop*:, and above all, 1 tool upon the terracing of th* Mds as F|« n. ,t »uluiuno Ct ell nucut', tor it fiveu the aoil ar.v; ■ eav.'> ;R >ur land #orth cultivuttngi jjvciy farm in Georgia should bo terraced Ad properly ditched where the lands are too wet for proper cultivation. 1 con bidcr terracing and ditching as the ba sis «f sueeuast'ul farming. I have tor raced and'wlicro it has boen dotAi ' the sail han becu retained, and wbero there wero washes and gullies now there are none. This 1 cousiUur the acme of all uiodi-r3 farm improvements, the retaiu iug of the soil. We want another im | provcuient, uud that is doiug uway with ! rail and board fencing, and if wc must j fence, pive us a ehoap, durable wire | fence that will not cripple oi kill slock. Doing away wi'h tield feuetng is much to be desired, aud keeping up stock, but .v pas'ttrcs bacoaic necessary under that sy-:ie!U, wo wnut e cheap wire fcuoc, do and durable, and that can be re j moved u-' desired. A farm should have plenty ot stock, not only for their value a: work animals, for milk and butter, | but for merchantable purposes also, as well as to furnish manure for tho farm. Commercial manures are too expensive to depoud on. and we want manure from our animals, which make them doubly val .able to us as market stock, as well as fertilizers of our farms. We have the torraoc* that retain oar soil, so let us have the bonefit of our cattle to fertil ise Our Jariiis and this we eainot have until we can furnish pastures for them, and we cannot have cheap pastures uu til we haro cheap fencing. Pastures a:id stock ate next iu value to terracing, yet to accomplish this, wn arc depen dent on Legislative, aid, as well as the gui.iu« tf tha mechanic to furnish cheap in..toi iul '.hat will answer our purposes j Thi.- should be the efforts of ottr young farmers to have accomplished such nee- I .-siiry Conveniences and wsnts 1 can on ly make suggest ions to them. I am toe old to lead off, fot when .they liuvo uc I coiupli.-bcd the plalis through the legis lature m; i mauufaeturors, then tla: oldor laruiers can follow. It tukes work and porsi vet *m c to carry out plans, and that must be ihc task and dnty of our youug farmers. The Farmer's Alliance may do much iu accomplishing such things, so lo*. us persevere to tho end.— John li. Dent, in Swit/ien t CuJltvaior. Onions cut in halves or quarters, and placed near now paint, will absjrb tuo disagreeable smell of Iho paint. Unfortunately, the paint does not ab sorb the dUagrceable suicll of tbo on ions.-^Kx Subscribe for this paper. NORTH CAROLINA DK^OORA. ' t CY. - . | F:.ATFOHM or PASTT ATIOPTED IN MATH CONVFCNTLON > TR.- nan, MAY, 183?'. W'c again condgiuiulii , ".i>" r-.iO|>le ef North i'aiolina ou tit.- eofti i eojey UiCilt ol j-oaei-, good goVf_ I-im' and geueral prosperity auHe' i • tn- •«»»! u>Hiiii:ietiution- f tfeii .• ite„ . .«• uuw been unbroken tor .• :..n y "v?rs upon the ia:,i or.d en'eT -iiieut •if the ii.*'. up'-n tiio iveren.-,l'>cien ey of our common ystc'n, ucd mo progress made infCpu. ',> d icn:ioL uiiou the improvement iHK onterj tiM manifested in ail part* ol tic Mate. U'l again ohalienge a comparison between lite stale of things aud tie ontra;(e>. crimes and scauda's winch *' tended iie pui'ltcun asueudancy in our borders. \\ i pledge aur-jclves to exert tho I'eturs as in the past car best efforts to pto mote the best interests of tlie people of all sections of the Stofe. Affirming our ! adherenoe to I»enioorati« los bcrtoforc ennneiated in lb" pUtuum of Hie party, it it lioroby Resolved, That no gm rrawnt lias the r ; ':bt to burden its p". :;e »-•*;. t-iy t« vond the amount required to piy it t nottwfisry oxpciuw* an.. J el-i■ I v -2im gui il& public dsbl: "• at .-.ben over tint (' venues, however derive I. ev OC .'d lt|i« I unt, they vhu'iiu JO rd, r.stoavoid a -JIWHIII ihc t. •• •• I ;;ry. liiat any •>>.'•' ■ «r-«\-uie'i wit. !i I nee.-?-,itatc.' the «ii'a picmiuto !ot Si—7l) bv the pove-iniH i.-i .• MI- Si, I iW' of its bondf, taken >»»wt 1 * -' !• 1101 il nt would u'i r.cis-i ne 111 m.l ia.tU», wdpfiit tc b|xl!ii*ior;. who I i.i.rehnsed litany j iha'i a - , L undoiiKH'tatir, opji . .ivo .11.rt lntquitotts and slni;*!-; te cei'nn-.n;d. The course of our UeiuocnttcKi ,' •wn* tati\e» in Congress,la'theii effort ' te gtvc relief to the people Iron burden some internal rcvanue i«v! 'tarid t»sa tion, nioels with tho approval cl tho I'emofratio party of tb'. l - State nnd we respectfully recommenditbat is they find it impossible togivo "0 t?.v poople 'ill the reli"f '.Ley demanded, ftey support my just and practici.l inoaiCrj p;«snuu-j in Congresn that will affof.' c. \ r;ctical re lioffrom such existic^Jbniden^ Resolved, That wljflr tl'.j dutai!: ot the methods by v. 1 -'""'; > umtioiifi revmiw -fan bed uio snhjobts wmou iXud i Ail |Oupti> »*t tli sjt it». ... ri'.at muii bo trusted 10 adjust, we iliifck t» e custom duties shenld be levied for the production uf public revenue, and ihe discrimiiiatiuUN in tlwir aiijustiueiu should be such as will place the highest rates on luxuries aud the lowest ou tho nqoessurica of Ufa, distribute as equally -4s possible the unavoidable burdens of taxation, and ooider the greatest good ou tho greatest number. l{esolvcd ( That we, as heretofore, fa. vor. and will never wine to demand, tlm unconditional abolition of the whole iu. tei nai revenue system, as a war tax, not to be justified in times of peace; as a grievous burden to o'tr people and a source of annoyance 111 its practical op erations. Wo call the attention of the people of the Htaie to the hypocritical prctousins of the Republican paity in theil* platforms thai thoj are in lavpr of the aepeal ot this cweroUs system taxu | ti.'iu, enact I by their party, while th iv.'pi bliear.s m '' egress ai°o taxing thou cncrgiiM to obstiuot all legii Idiiou in augurated be Ihe representative? of the Democratic party to relievo the people of all or r. part of thin cdious system. Resolved, That the course of the Democratic party, iu furtherance of |s)o ular education, is a sullicieut guaruuteo thai we favor the education of tho poo plo, and we will promote and improve tho present educational advantages .10 far us it can be done without bnrdeuiug tho people by excessive taxation. Rosolvcd, That to uieot an existing evil, wcwill accept, for educational pur poses, from ;bo Federal Government or jiio ruin sharu of the surplus m its trea sury; Provided, that it be. disbursed through State agents *ud the bill for tin* dist:ibutioa be free trom tbjociion ablo features. Resolvod, That the United States be ing one government aud ours n natioiial party, we denounce the efforts of tin Republicans to lorue eotioiiai issues iu ('otlgitos nud elsewhcrti. ami to promote dhsention nml ill will UetwiHiii the pso 'fie of the different sections of our com mon country. liosoUnd, That it is due to tho pi n ph: of out ensti rn courties, who hrivc so ehocrfuily borne thoir share of our 0 .m --iu>n burdens,'that tho present or *0111" equally elfisetivc system ot county ?ov. Ciar.ient shall Ic uiaimamod. Resolved, That the LMmoorati? psrty is opposed to iny further extension ot tho •'Nu-feueo'' law, unless mob cxieu. siou shall liuve first been authorii, d by majority of tho qualified voters within tho territory to be affected thereby. Resolved, That the Democratic party has ever been tho parly of the working man, and has never fostered monopolies, nor nave "trusts" or "combinations" ip "pools" ever grown up undfr Inwj en acted by it. Tho contest in this coun. try being between aggtogaud capital, seeking to erarli out all eompetion, aud the individual laborer, the Deiaooratio party is, as it has over been, agaanst the monopolist aud in favor of a just dis ri. bution uf capital, and domauds tho en. aotment of laws .hat will bear equally upon all. Resolved. That as «11 taxation bears I » oiost heavily np' . tl.obibiret it is tbo! duty c.f tho !cgislator •• ■ •- dirool benefit 1 to tho workinctuiut. j keeptl. i of our public institutions at tlio lowest! limit eonsisient *un v.e and effie'ent . managf .eent. The .' 'eiuoe: . • party opposes «ny i onii eVt -m ■. ti frao | ; and convict laboi bn*. it ii that jernvicts shall no i. nriti i-luat the ct ( pense of hone ' hib.. . Resolved, .! u i.- .»c si.icttl | ■ lural .'Mat*!) i » . c.l !.. ««u .j p! •?. v lt'e t»i ei.. i-i. - ' -.' ! i.o eg!.«H-j . 1 tion th'.t • •'. to • dvanei ' i the tutcrcsts of ;• • -•«»••*. ai-ai tna' in i i t«K> doiti;' we win .nou >.••' elu iliy :■ uvuncu ' . j UIC iiiteie-M of UecU&li.e-, HUM.' I ers ami ."byi i;. Resolfod, 'f" 'ho ''em era. y e-f J | North Caro' .ia cord: ity npptove tl.ei 1 adioinistr.-.tior of li-iu. Ai.'ied M. i'uaiei | , | as honest, patriot o ind '•an.'crvulive. I lie-solved, ft; the ariltiy, v/>- - o-.,i . i bonesty. (atfin ?u, i;:JfiiMtae-ioe, fiith-' 1 fnlnc.e- to only and niMily coar»e of! 3 1 Presidett Cievehnd have won '.be aduii t,! ut ten of f.'.l jo?d in'..-.- t.; f ihe interostn i j- ol theoonntry dtuiand it re-noti:tuati-0 ; r snd ro-olcction. . ! UNTUOUOHT OP* ' HOfU'l'il-. 1 - ' 1 | i notico a strange, iank i "Ufct" s ; I Motueru" in your 711111 -■ »aiu.r. ifo. | 'ping u> •'reui. -iv t. :i. titer, I have | j compiled :> i\ .!j couicm-| '.isred lulos !■ r M*r t> . til 1 nursery 1 Molhefa ar. not J.'.v.y :..,m o ti.o;, i tr«fle*, which vtt ■ I. ul 'o !• ivni I : I suggc-ituo. ; _ Never use boiliuj} tater t. wii-h n:i j infaut. Itsciec. • w sU;u i« inj 1; - ; I'jUs. Uo nut atiaw » 70 Idi.l. .c j ! »r 1 wuh tu open . y.iu guv; ti j penknife to tlio child, sii .-i tlf worn |it cuu do :.s 10 aueh itn ■ ius.r I v ,r '- i you o.iu't use it n«r»in Ida best not i.. .ot 09 by remain hug at the bead ot the Stan -, tic i> opt to ge down suddenly. Never allow chili! to lean agninst a rod-hot stove, or to s>t i'. Care lessness m these ma'ters otter, loads to to painful consequences Do not pcrniit t'ie o'li'dreu to beat ont anotbfv with m r to throw ! liSt'i r»hf 0 flk'di t • .-'MI . disl ! e», o- , a. 1 j»s the 1 oct.. «.-»>•» J tions arc sometimes uie o ia. t' uin -1 acupoint. Marbles, jaokutoncs, aoti bu'U :is arc uot easily digested, isud ot.ier articles I more readily assimilated wtil be found' ! bettor adapted to the needs of .1 bab'j I stomach. ! Try to prevent the baby thrii.ning | u>barp stick too quicily .oto iti eyes Jor op itb nose. These o-g tus arc -I'.J --! icatc aud likely to b« injured by tuoh treatment. As babies an tender and easily bro ken, it will bo found best not to drop them vieleuUy 00 the 11 or, 01 t > leave | them unexpectedly 011 n li.iir or of ! a table, wborc they iny fall • J A voung buoy w: 1 require t ..ro and ! washing. The tuotii ' t r . : j her wind-Mime iu diivm y r,ilk;:j;», ■ • siktniH amusiugj herself. Uettiog up lat night however, is unpleasant, ;u,u 10 j jbe avoided if poMliblc liven Plato was | aware of this, aud some y ai! ago rc- I commended mothers ti. vcr 1 , do it. ! If the baby'a attention eould be call-: ' ed to the antiquity of Ibis opinion, it ! ajight bo of some beuefU N. B—l'aregoiic somctiujes produces j too same effect. Purk. THE NEXT STATE K.MK f' . j | Three things a good State Fair: a good exhibit, obcap means of going to , see it and the people to ..e« it It is j writicti down that all these conditions j wiil be filled at the next State V'air, jt only individual farmers, &u. c.„'. ruja ' '■ iim of faruitrs, an. cidi ted, mnkii . coinpvtivo txhibi's. Prepa-itioos for 1 j theiu ba.i b' guo, and they wiil ' > Ur j gcv and more eompl .i than ever before. 1 I The buildings wiil 0 : t. u h*d rp -••.«!! ! tb« surrouudiags of tlu i.shibi'.Mi -p* \ . ceh improved. 80 that wiial s exribtt- i ed will be sbowc to the best ul' .n'agp ' Tb. ratfr of pMCtteally one eui • in la 1 liai beon ajrtfld up.«n tiv al! tli U.ic* of ; railway. This is very oh' p riding. , To cone to Kaloigb aud return, .jy fr.nu : a hundred raiics, and a couple of doi~ ' lar«, is a new wean* of fawiluri«iug i our peoplo with the State's Capitol aud , and with each other There will be the largest crowd jvur ; seen a* a State Fair. With s.une spare | aeuay and cribe aud .sinßVo bouses with I plenty it heme; nothing should prevent j bur hardworking, self dwjing people j r rom taking a little holiday, seeing wbut ! tlicir neighbors are doing aud showing | tboii neighbors what they are doiii t , | Let tbo crowd only bo limited by ibe ! measure of the large ueeommodation to j be had —.Hi PUNOENT BMUFF HOSPITALITY. II«-ti»crt R sally, Miss Herbert, I urn vury sorry 1 Kissed you. I didn't tl.iufc 'v:»i>t [ w»« doing. It is a sort . ' t•iMMrnry insanity in our tuuiily. "lis". Cdith,— (pityingly- If you ',\.' fu'l ut\ more such attacks coming oil }i u had bo:loc come right bora where I y'tiu- n!u'in.y U known, and wo will! i.-k • oa 10 of you.— Judge. UUALtPIKD. Mrs. Snith (engaging servant)—('an I joil wiito ? Servant wkes, Ma'am. Mrs. Sufitli—Wo I here's a card ; write my name on it. i Servant writes 'Mrs. A. B. Smyth ')! MM. Smith (looking af it)—»Yon aro j ottgag.id.—,7'ime. I'EM.MK SAGACITY. I 1 Bridget, i:a Johnnie como hr.tuo' j t'"" «bool yot »" ' lis, sorr." ■'Have you scon hiiu !" | "So, dorr." j ~ -1 lija ii 'W Jo you kuow he's liomo V \ I tho cat's hidin' under i store, &orr''—. B }'K LOST HEAVILY. 1 . v. ! bust swell--Yon aro not looking j well, old follow. You scum to hr.ve j loot 801110. • ' Second swell—Yes, T lost & hundred | anij twsnty pounds last month. That's not possible. . I Yes, it is. My wife ran off with a ! uiu-ic teaahcr.— Siftings. 1 SHE ".'N'PEKSTOOD THAT VOi- A*»T."v . \ Mie spiling liar ho ad out of the win dow at S .1. VI )-—,ls that you, John * 11. ' «ti.. u'dearr. Wishyou'Jeome dowiisiifiD.ltbinlik'hole. She Well, slop talking Volnupnk uitl I'll ho down ia a lmuutc. — j Judge. j MONEY THKOWN AWAY. : 'Mrs. Doioful—The morning papers I nay that thore'a no prospeot of cholera j ■-■oiultig this summer. Mi. Djluful —.Just my luck. Wb.it Jo you mean, John ? Got my lifo'iusuted the other day. j 11 :S POSITION. ! ti#or Well, Thomas, you have j graduated from college and arc tow • | ready '"or your lifo work. What will j ! bo > out gold ! j S'>c(lhouglitlully): Woil, to teil tho! j iruth, sir, it's a little hard to decide j li'itween the Left aud Centre.^— I Time. | THE CAUSE. 0923a1t: . liello, ('tituso, you look cn •irciy fogged ont. What's the niat i lot (' i iv.-ii will set uio up. Just back from | ■« j vacation. ONK WASN'T ENOUGH. Jiarh 'i —(ptirulj from tho furce of i i'• 'o:t i five a hair-euf, sir 1 \ ' lia. i-!;eudi»d Customer—Yes ; three] ' i four of them —I if ucss I've got that ; many left.— J.'dge. LOOKED LIKE"AN ISWTOU. ___ Stranger*— In Editor Hull stopping , here i Hotel Cicrk—Well, there was a gon ! tlouian whose trousers bagged at the i knees ennic bore this mormug. Frout take this card up >o lli— Judge. O.N HIS WEDDING TOUB. f]a- v >and : I want rooms for myself ar.d wife. Hotel Clork : >-uitc ' Husband • Of course she is—pur fcotly lovely. The sweetest girl in A:r;>i ica.— I mr. NO. 4-* Mum ii - PICKINGS From tlie Wilmington Mar. Mrs. Cleveland was twenty- four last Saturday. The Kepiiblicaiis are making ready for an active, vigorous ooai] aign in Tenuesee. Vive hundred Cbiucsc in New York, all friends of Hall'son, had a big ex. Tlioy shut out all Christian | Chinamen. The Augusta Vrkomcle says there aro nearly SI,OOO 000 being put into ! buildings aud improvements in that town. Ali over \\ iliuington there aro signs of ptogross. Several thousand persons are said to j have witnessed the bangirg ef Will ; Houstiu at Winston. We note this to | ask if ihe civilization of North Carolina \ has not sufficiently advuucoi to allow | private hangings ? It is much more solemn, impressive aud doeont. A CUKE FOB LAZINESS. i A late revorend gentleman who re* ! sided in Yorkshire, and was as well known for his oceentrioi'.y as his talents, one day sent his son,ia lazy lad about |! twelve years of age, W catch his horsa. I The lad went sauntering along with a ' grain of corn in one hand and a biidle in tho dragging the reius along the ground. "Thomas," said the fath er, milling after him in a very solemn voice, "como here, Thomas, 1 want to say a word to you before ,-lpu go." The ; lad returned, and the parson proceeded: "You know, Thomas, that I gave you* great deal of counsel. Yon know that i huvo taught you, before cl&sing yonr oyes, tosaj, «Now 1 lay me down to t' ~p,' etc., besides a good mnn> C l ' "g» v in way of explanatioi. and ad Mtthisv js tlj e !«»«t opportunity I r : iof »;«'akisg to you. I C no*lei Upas* without giving yo 1 I parting charge, lie a good boy irWtft'Sjbthat ptecty prayer be f ing to aloep 1 teal I shall \ yon again.' As Ussatu una ° sad and solemn inannor tho began to be frightenod, and tears with this exolamation. never see nie again, pa?" » will probably die before you g with the horio." This quick Thomas' ideas, and gathering up i reins, he ran caught the horse in logs time than he had ever dono before.—' London Queen. A BABY KILLED BY A CAT. The little three days' old child of Henry Krooker, living on the cornor ef Martin ami Market streets, was kUled the othsr night by the family cat creep, lug upon the baby and sucking its breath. The mother and grandmother, who had watched and cared for the ba. by, fell asleep through sheer exhaus tion, aud when they awoko they found the felino lying upon the child's breast with its mouth close to the baby's, suck- . t ing its breath awaj. A doctor was sent for, but when be carae he pro]J nouncad the little one dead.-^Ex. Tho followiog is a brief synopsis of the provisions of the bill lately sigaed by • Cov. Hill, of New York, abolishing hanging for all murders committed after January I,IBB'J, and substituting doath by eleotiieity thorcfor: The hill consists ef elaborate and oare fully drawn amendments to the Code of Criminal l'rooecdure, providing that tbo : prisoner sentenced to death shall bo im. , mediately conveyed to oue of tho State ' piisons and there xept in solitary eon. tinomcnt until the day of execution, 'be visited anly by officers, or b relatives, physicists, clergymen r sol. Tho oburt imposing the shall name u.cr«ly the week wii tho execution is to take place ticular day witbiu such week be to the discretion of the principal of the prigon. The oxeoution is quiied to be partieularly private, or officials, clergymen, physicians aud limited nutubur otaitiiens being alio' to be present. After tye fu- ncral services may be held within the prison Walls, and tho body shall be do- 4 livoted into the custody of relatives, If ? requested, otherwiao it shall be dace ly intoircd within tho pruon grounds The bill is the ou o»ao of a reeo ■ueiidstion contsined in the first ann message of Goy Hill in 1885,

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