THE DANBIRY REPORTER-POST? VOLUME XVII. Itspsrter and Post ! rtBLUBIb WKIKLY AT DANBURY. N. C. PBPPBB ft SONS, Pvbt. A Proo ■itu or m bsi'ki rn#N t ae Year, javable in a«lvai e .... 30 iM«tka, » t *ATW or AUVCKTIMUMs •ae tiauare (ton linen or ICM) 1 tin* 91 00 Fereacb i.Uitlaa*) Uaertion AO Oeatraata for longer titao or mora apace can be aada ia pr«p#rtiuu ta the above rate*. l'raß**ut advert© re trill ha eK|*cte«l to renit tc aar4i«»K lo theae raiaa at (lie titnw tbev artul lau faveta. Local Kettoea will be eaarged 5«^bcL I Uaa above ralea. v iluMnau tarda will be Iwaertrd al To* IMoft* ' •».. -iiatai. r Pft OF ESS I O.YA L C-IRDB. iT35 r.voifK, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N, O. Attention givab to ilxrolh't'tiou at eiaims. ft: r. cahter, 6wrom#Mr-*r-£ni r. MT. AWT, SUKKY CO., M. t rr»«»ic«« wliaiava: Uitaemues ma wautd ■ Milt WOOD. HAM'I. I'. IOO >TtIK. MXST ■ KNbKJtloy. Klalf'u w. li.vco .\ WOOD, BACON & CO lapartare au4 Ju> tf ra of DMT GOODS, JfOTTOXS WUITK GOODS, ETC. Ka« IMIII Mnikal HI . PHIL ALKLPIJIA, PA. MICA! WANTED HtUMSIt Ql AI.ITV MICA, BPI>T SID Ot SPKCKCD UMCL'T. SEND •AMPI.CJI AMU ruci A. O. SL'HeoNMAKKR, lit William St., Sow York. «. ■ LErrwj K. with • WlfM, BI.LBTT 4 CKVMP, RICHMOND, TA., Whalraala Dealers ia aoars, shoes, tbujtks, a -. Jfwaiyt atUaiianyT*" 4a4 tat.A j • ties f a*r*nt«4. \ aa* i'trf tntj St*t4 Prif m GttJi i tftctaUy March,«. ■ jasaaT w. ptviatf. IDS, a a. F*Tt.o. R W. POWICIIS It CO., MMOLKSALK DRUGGISTS, bailers is TAIUTi, OILM, DTU, TAMIfcHKS' rrenek And American WIVIOW GLAOB, PUTTT, tC ■ MUKIKa AMD VHKWINa liaAU, TOBACCO A SPF.CIAi.TI isa* Main at., XieWtfad. V*. a GEO. STEWART. Tla and Sheet Iron Mauu- i facturer. Opposite farmer.' Wareliuuot. WINSTON. X r , ItIFING GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING daua at short notice. K**fa fonstauily oa Uaini a flua lot o Ooukiuj au4 Uratinji Stoves. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. D.O TOU with to patronize a good peraaicai aaa preire«l»* ■cfeaal. Dayau wi,U tojai a canapl«tr roisn a«a education t l)» yeu with 'a learn to Iw a Tnulrr, to boaki, prapa.e far th* t uiiTajlJ, or a good course ef atu.iyT If a* addrasss, J.a a N.H. HOLT, . . OAI umuK msrrrt'Tt, UAK Uiuuk, N. C. Xext taras begins August Uth. The Wilmington Star. RKWUCTIOM IX HtICES. i Akteatiaa is eatled to tho following 10- daeed rates of subscription, c.un IM ADTAHOI i TUK DAILY ST All. 0„ y,» r $6.00 I Three 111 Moatli* S.OO I One Months 50 fill WWKLT STAR Ib, f 1.00 1 Sis Months 60 ft*w« Months tO cents. > ■ a«r Talsgiaph Mow* aartloa has recently - | - tergrif iacraaaed, and it >» oar deter >iVy.. kaaf tlx Si As a|> to tlie hijtu-H af •aws-papor eieelUnoa. mc. n. RKMAKD, IM K. C ▼MI DOCTOR lATti "I IMMMMWI Ml That Wonderful Combination TAYLOR'S g?^°o K v £ o E t SWEET CUM and MULLEIN. It dot* more than any prescription writ tent both pl&nts are highly madioinaL" Hf B Tho Gwiwt 'luiD onnue fK>m the Southern •wrrp mn d ia Xy Sxpeetonuit. *l.ll# the Mullein le and ibua oon.binod they aeo aimplj A PKRPBOT PKMKDY. A OOLC nrglMied laeda to aerioua rcaulte, CBOUT aitaoki yoiu ho«uo without wramine, WOOOiXMO OOUUH eo aauojrluf ftftd padufnl, ALL yield readily to tho MAQIO POWIK of Sweet Ouxu and MuiloLi. UROIf 6HITIS and ASTH MA left miiAMMulod to. will leod to OCMSUXFROM, aod Uieeo It quickly rolievee and poeiUvalj etWI INSIST ON HAVING IT. Sr. QulllUu, tho leading phyaiaiao of Oreat Brit ain, on Luiur and Bronchial Trouble*, rroeanmeode "Mulatto '* ia fifty pcroant batlcc Uian C A Li TOT Oil tor Conaunptton. UTlUop It in Uut hoo*>. IT IS PLEASANT AND PALATABLS anil U tha fln«vrt known nmxmXj in UlO world to a all Throat and Lull* trouble. It will »tin.ulata Iha ttrott and anabla you to throw r tT all obatruotlooa aaally, aldiii* cxpaotoratiua and "ellanuf tha oough atonca. Ask your drngflatfor ft. SOc. OOa. & fl. site*. If ha doaa no* kMp it, w* will pay, tor on* Uma botOaatoauj part at tha U. 8. en receipt oftl 00. The WALTET A. TA\ Ltli CA, AUmU, Ua. iron ILL DOWTTL TROUHUM and Childrau Twto to*, UM that Southern rerr.rdy Dr. Uaohiabarry Cordial. 50 oeula at IVu«g-iata. TATLOB'S PREMIUM SOLOfiME iS THE BEST. CHEAP COFFEE. HO MS KOASTUD COFFEE AT 13 CTS A POUND I'lTtriN roL'.Nl) I'ACKAUks Cvtrr PackMie Coutiilna ■ Creaeal. Its Tultse f'rotu j & rt« t«9B.aa. TU |outl)oPH pernio! {[o. Charlotte, N. C. this paper, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND fttt S!f!sl A AIILD TONIC ANI>- A PPETIZEI^. A uri' for l)ys|iep«iA t ami ('oust i pat ion. li |»nnuotes tl»« wwrHionsol tLv Liver AIH! Ki«lnc>s, nul a gentle 'olio to tli* Orpins. It**lir\e* N'liwitfk I'roMration folluuiui! rrotru !»tl ami coinlitloii of llic general *>»- tent. MAVIK 4(-|'( IIKI» IIV Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DKI7GGIRT, Winston N. C. fl- H. CARTLAND, And deader in Cassimeres. 1"I> E CIiOTHH And Furnishing Goods I Greensboro, - ... N. C l o«l«T Ccntcul Hotel. ONWAED ! IS THE WORD! The I'KCKIKESSIVB PAH.MEIt enters iU TillHD votl'MK At tli* follow int; rates: I Ntbseriber. I year t 1.25 A aubari ibera, 1 year ...5.00 10 miWribera, 1 jvar 10.00 One copy, I year frr% io the one sendlnn a club of ten. lijjht fimes, 40 coliirana, weekly. Send CASM (diarges prepaid) to I. L. POLK, RAI.KICJI, K, C. "NOTHING HtICCGEIM 1.1 K MUCC'ENM. DAN BURY, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1888. tub Moor.'* riraaiTE .ion* james riATT. O »WI, «hy girl, with row. la Iter heart, And love-iighl in Iwr far», like UKMn up irmn, Kull of still Urr*ni» *ud thought. ttmt, liaiu-liktt, atart _ Frum bis of wil it ink when not alnn* 1 t»ay daiicer over thresholds of >lay., Tenr. quick t* lier e ves as laughter lips; A game of 1i1.1.' aiul wek with Tim* dm plaja, 'l ime liidliu; liis eyes fi-om her. in bright eciipse, O gentle souled ! how dear and pxxl she is, Blessed by soft dew. of ltfpphies. and love; Cradled intenWre>t arms I Iter mother', kis. Seal. all her good night prayers. Uri f.itlier's uuile Brightens her tnorniug. Through the earth ilia 11 uio\e Her child-sweet soul, not far from heaven the while! TFNDKRNESSOP MR. CORI.ISS. Mr. Corliss, the famous engine build er. of Providence, not veiy long before liii death, had occasion to build an ad dition to liis big manufactory, a big u L," for additional luuehineiy To prepare tlio foundation for this L it was neces sary to remove a ledge of rock by blast ing, The men to do the work on tha addition had been employed and put on the pay roll; the material had born pur chased and broughs to the building, and the work of blasting had begun. The next morning Mr. Cotliss passed by the place where the work was proceeding, when the foreman i> charge, knowing bis interest in pretty things, called hint. "Sco here, Mr. Corliss," said he, "here's a bird's nest that we've found, and that's got to go '* He showed the manufacturer a robin sitting up-") a nest thai had been bftilt, fast and snug, in a crevice ef the rook, among some bushes that grew there. The bird flew oif Iter nest as the men oime near, and showed five blue eggs that looked as if they bad just been laid. "('an we move that nest somewhere else *" asked Mr. Corlcss. I'm afraid not, sir. We'd tear it to pieces getting it out, and it isn't at nil likely tliat you oould get the bird to go to sitting agnm any whore clsa. We've got to go on, so we may as well rip it out and throw the eggs away." "So,'' said Corless," we won't disturb her. !et her bring bar brood right there." "Uut we'll havo to stop the work on the building." "Let it then." And so orders were given that opera, tions on the addition should be suspend ed. They were suspended; and the hands stood still, drawing their pa; for doing nothing, or nost to nothing, wbilo the robin sat on her nest with as air of great consequence and tealous attention to business, and bad her food brought by her Mate, and at last hatched hot brood. And then there were throe weeks n.ora to go by, at the loaat, before the young ones ooald fly, Corliss visit ed the nest frequently, not with any un easiness or impatience to bare the robin and young ones out ol tie way, but with a gonuiue interest in theu growth. Tbe old birds had all the tme they wanted; and when at lut they bad sternly help ed the clumsy, reluctant youngsters over the odge of the neat, and they show ed themselves able «o get about on their own orders were given to reenme the building operations', and the dall booiu of the gunpowder tearing the roeks apart was heard where the birds had peeped. —Boston Transcript. I'AILADKLI'IIIA MOURNING ]'ERIODB. Tiie usual mourning periods for tear relativit observed in Philadelphia (and they are very ligidly observed here) are: For a mother, father, grandparents, wife or husoand, twelve months, sis months black with orape, four months black without crape and two months half mournin;; for ft suiter, brother, aunt or uncle, sis months, black withesmpe three months, block without crape two mootos, and half mourning one month .Phila delphia Tissss. A washerwoman is a cruel ereaturo She daily wrings men's bosoms. NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRA CY Pt.ATrOMI or PARTT adopted in BTATK CONVtNTION At lULr HUH, MAT, 1888. We again condgratnlatc the people of Nirth Carolina oo the caotititied eojey aant of peace, good government and gofeorai proßpoiuy uuuer Democratic administration of the State wliicb has DOW hem unbroken for so nun; yearn; upon ibe jut acd impartial enforcement of Ihe law, upon the efficien cy of onr oummuQ n-booi j,.ui, and the progress .nade hi papular eduoatioti; upon the improvement and manifested in all parts ot the Statu. VVc •gain challenge a comparison between the state of thing* and thfc outrages, crimes and sepals which attended Ue publican an i jnour border*. We pledge sunelvea to extri in the future as in the past our best efforts to pto moto the best interests of th» people of all Motions of the State. Affirming our adhorenoc to Democrats principles as hertofore enunoiated in the platforms of the party, it is boreby Resolved, That no government has the right to burdei. it* people with tales bevond Ihe amount requires to pay- its necessary expenses and gradually extin guish its public debt; and that when ever the revenues, however derived, ex ceed this amount, they should be reduc ed, so aa to avoid a surplus in the treas ury. That any system of taxation which necessitates the payment of a premium of s'27o bj the government ou each $1 ,- 000 of its bonds, taken up with the mil lions that would otherwise lie idle iu its vaults, and paid to boodfitilders who purchased in many instance! l , at less than par, is undemocratic, oppressive and iniquitous aud should be refunded. The course of eur Democratio Represen tatives in Congress, iu their efforts to give relief to the people from burden same internal revenue and tariff taxa tion, meets with the approval of the Deuiscratio party of this State and we rei-pcctfully recommend that is they find it impossible togive to the people all the relief they demanded, tbey support any just and practical measure prOrented in Congress that will afford a practical re lief from such existing burden. Resolved, .That while the details ot tho methods by which tbe (> istitutional revOMM* tariff Ml tw reached are which the representative* of our our people at the national capital must be trusted to adjust, we think tho eostom duties should bo levied for the production of publio revenue, and tho discriminations io their adjustment should be sueb as will place tlio highest rates on luxuries and tbe lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of taxation, and COD tor the greatest goad on the greatest number. Resolved, That we, aa heretofore, fa vor, and will never oeaae lo demand, tbe unconditional abolition of tbe whole in. ternal revenue system, as a war tax, not to be justified in liases of peace; as a grievous burden to onr petyle and a souroo of annoyance in its practieal op eration*. We eall the attention of tho people of the Btate lo the bypocritioal pretensins of the Republican paity in their platforms that tbey are in favor of the aopeal ot this onerous system taxa tion, enacted by their party, while tho Repi blicans in C.ogress are taxing their energies to obstruct all legislation in augurated bo tbe representatives of tho Democratic party to lelievo the people of all or a part of this odious system. Resolved, That the course of tbe Deaweratio party, in furtherance of pop ular education, is a sufficient guarantee that we iavor the eduoation of tbe peo ple, aud we will promote and improve tbe present edueatienal advantages so far as it oan be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. Resolved, That to moot an existing evil, we will aoeept, fer educational pur poeea, from the Federal Government or pro ratm share of the surplus in its trea sury; Provided, that it be disbursed through state agents and tho Mil for the distribution be free from objection -1 able features. Resolved, That tbe Halted States be ing one government and ours a national parly, we denounce the efforts of tbe Republicans to force sectional issues in Congress and elsewhere, and to promote distention and ill will batwsen the peo ple of tbe different sections of our com mon oouutry. Resolved, Tbat it is due te the peo ple of out eastern eountiea, who have eo cheerfully borne their share of our oom mon burdens, that (he present or some equally effective system of oounty gov ernment shall be maintained. Resolved, Tbat the Demooratis party is opposed to any further extension of tbe "No-fenoe" law, no lest such exten sion shall have feat been authorised by majority of tho qualified voters within the territory to be affsoted thereby. Resolved, That tbe Democratic party has ever been tbe party of tbe working man, and has never fostered monopolies, nor oave "trusts" ot "combination" or "pools" ever crown up under laws en acted by it. Tbe oouteet i» this coun try being between age legated oapital, seeking to erusb out uf commotion, and tbe individual laborer, the Demoeratie party is, a* it has ever been.agaanst tbe mouopoliat and in favor of a just dia ri bution of oapital, aud demands tho ea aetment of lawa that will boar equally upon all. - s Resolved, That as all taxation bears ■tat heatily upon tho laborer, it is the duty of the legislator, •• a direct benefit to the warkingnian, to keep the expenses of Mr publlolnstitution, at the lowest limit consistent with wise and efficient management. The Democratic party opposes any competition between Ire. •fed convict labor, but it In.ists that convict* .hail not rctaaiu idle at the ex pense of honest. labor. Resolved, that ours betog an agricul tuml State, it i. oar daty m well a* owr pleasure to promote an; and .11 legisla tion that is best calculated to advance the interest!) of agriculture, and that ia 10 doing we will most effectually advance tho interest of mechanics, manufactur ers and laborer*. Resolved, That tfifc Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approrc tho administration of Hon. Alfred M. Scales as honest, patiiotio and conservative. Resolved, Thnt the abihty, wisdom, honesty, patriotism, independence, faith fulness to duty and inauly courage of Presidett Cleveland have won the admii« ation of all good men; and the interestn of the country demand his re-nominati.o and re.elcetiou. A HUMfKR AND 1118 DOG An old hunter in Mexico gavo to tbe author of "Sumiuerland Sketches" bis experience with a favorite hound, which exhibited teeliugs that would houor hu manity. •'You have no idea." said he, "how tbey get used lo you if you are alone with them for weeks together; the wors*. of if is tbat it oomes so awful hard an a fellow to lose a creature of tftat kind. "I bought a tine Scotoli dcerhound in Baltimore in '66 1 bad him aearly 8 years, and I tell you, sir, I felt like shooting myself *licn I lost him. Tho Mexicans poisoned him because lie wouldu't let tlieiu come near my smoke Louse at night. "No square, straightforward poisiu, either, for it took Iniu a whole week to dio. It just went through me like a knife to hear him wninc, and perhaps 1 ought to have put him out of his misery, but I was thinking of all the scrapes wo had helped eaoh other out o£ we had trulnn riU'J tvas To as aud Arkansas, and I couldn't kill bim while there waa a ghost of a chance of his pulling through." The voice of tbe old rough became in articulate at the recollcctiou. fie had spread the dog's oouah at tbe side of bit ewn bed, and patted bis shaggy coat till be lay silent and motionless. But late in the evening, when the logs in the fireplace had flickered al most their last, the bound raised bis head and placed it upon his master's arm, looked into bis eyes and sank back dead, like tbe last pressure of a human hand, a farewell mutely spuken, hut not easy to forget.-^Kx. TOO LIBERAL Tourist—sWliat are your leruis Mr. Browne ! Landlord IJrowue.—Twenty dollars a week, 6ir. Tourist,—And what am I expected to do!" Tourist—Why, you surely don't in tend paying me twenty dollars a week just for staving here, do yeu ! It's too high- Fifteen dollars would be enough. Bazar ABSENTMINDIDNESS "I'll never give up my seat in a street oar to a wemaa again aa long as I live!" be said emphatically. ."Didn't she thank you for it'" asked hi* wife. "Mie not only didn't thank for it, but two minutes afterward she shoved a nickel at mo and aaid: 'Coaducter stop the car at Forty sceood street.—N. Y. Sun A SUCCESSFUL WAY TO I'UT IT. "No, Mr. Suiitb, she said, gently but firmly. "I oan never be vour wife." ' Then he struggled to bis feet, and aaid in btokea tones: "Are all of my hopes to be daahed to pieeee! Am 1 nev er ta be kaowa as the husband »f the beautiful Mrs Smith!" This was too muob for tho girl; and aheasaeumbed.— Harper t Meekly Ba aaar. A GOOD REMEDY. Citiaen (carelessly): Ob, by tbe way, doctor, what do you give in the caro of a cald nn tho Inngs! Doctor: Advice. — Lift. PUNCKNT SNUFF A 310 HT TO SEK. A carious tight wa* to Me daring the rain a wut umbrella leaning against the Wall outside a railroad office on Wuh. ! ington street. A country visitor did ! not with to carry the dripping head pro ■ tector within tho precincts of the office | and there it rctnatne.l for fully a half 'hour withoat molestation. Hundred, were the qnestive glance, cast at the templing article, and some ' pedestrian ftusupplieil with suVii protec tion would adv.nco a step or two to ward it, but would then draw back and go liia way, evidently thinking it wa. a trap. Had tho oouiittyhian left it in side the door in any lea* prominent plaoe it would undoubtedly have dis appeared almost immediately upon leav ing his baud, but there it wa. secure, uud has probably settled the vexed |iiostion as to the sifest place to leave an umbrella. —Boston Butlgtl. QUITE A DIFFERENCE Mistress (severely)— Mine, didn't 1 hear aou make use of the expression "you litlls brst" iu ths cursory just now ! Marie (a French bonne)—Yoes, mad am ; but Mres Flossie do wexes me Mistres* (less severely) —Oh, I thought )ou woio speaking to Fidol Send Flossie to me at onco.— Upoch. THE LAST STRA Y He had been walkiug up aud down the room with the baby for two hours. "John, said his wife, from among the pillows, "you don't look very well of late. I'm afriaid you don't got ex ercise enough." John laid the baby in tbe Crib, with its feet on the pillow, and font lo aleep. —Harpers Uazar. \ KKKPING UP APPEARANCES "Now, John," said a wife who was goiug oo a journey, "when you bid me good-bye ou the tram, you musu't lift your hat or kiss me." "Why not 1" " Because people will thiuk that you are not my husband " LOOKING FOR THK BOUNCEH. Friend (who is entertaining Mr. Bam, tbe eminent tragedian at dinner) —Ham old boy, why do you cast ruch furtive glances over your shoulder! Mr. Ham—S'doath, rn' were it aot so I wonld not tell ye. It comos from eating ftee lunches.—N Y Sun. SETTLING. "I Think an egg would make that coffo nettle, Mr. Scadgcrs," said the impecunious boarder, lieedlossly. "If the recipe is a good one, pray let me offer you an egg, Mr. Slops," said tbe landlady severely, and then the con versation languished. A WARM PROCEEDING. Brown What's the matter, Dum ley; you look hot about something ? Dumley (angrily)—. Hot t I ah..uld say so. I was around at tho Eaglo just now, and that fool Featherly drop ped a chunk of ioe down my back' Enough to utako any man hot !—N. Y. Sun. EARLY TOBACCO CURING. Yesterday morning Mr. Bagwell, son of the late W. S. Bagwell, residing at Garners, this ceuaty, finished curing , his first barn of tobaooe from the pres ent growing crop. lie reports a fine suocess in this curing and a fair prospect for a good Raleigh JVew and Otterver. Tbe five stones erected to mark "Ma son and Dixon's line" between Mary land and Pennsylvania, have had their annual visitation by commissioners, who report one in good condition, oce lost, oae broken, oae dislodged by mining operations, and tbe fifth, whioh bears ou oae aide the arms of Pennsylvania, eo tbe other those of Lord Baltimore, bad ly damaged by vandal relic hunters.— Ex. NO. 5 PICKINGS Krutu the Wilmington S/ar. It is now .aid tnat 30,XK> men will be in the Blaine jeception proceuion to New York. Bell Boy, two jears oi l, time in trotting 5.20, «old at auction on ttlst nit at Lexington for S.V),OIK). ( t.veland carried New Vork iu 18- 84 by 1,017 majority and | r.lity. lie will carry it tn 18S8, in pfob.tbility. by t*W> tc lO,- XKXI majority. A man to attain to one hundred year, old is so rare iu tho North that when nrval one i. found it is tolugrapli ad over tli? country, and the big pa pers have loug accounts of it. Mr. Geo. L. Perkins gf Fail River, Mass., was 100 years old on the 4th inst In the South, according to the voracious .newspapers, 100 years i. attained by scores of people, and even lit J or 100 id reached Wliew ! PRESERVING BUTTER A California former write*- i havw learned by long experience about ma king wbat 1 call good butter and pre serving it uice and tweet »fter it it made. To keep butter good that is uiudo iu the fall m one thing, but to keep that good that is made in the summer in quite another. Our best and richest butter i.i made in May, June an 1 July, when the cows milk strung. 'Hie best of butlur may easily be kept pood till April of the following year, and here is the way Idu it: First it in nut be good butter when made. All the butter milk must be worked out. My practice for years has been to thoroughly wash the butter before it is taken out of tho oburn, and I am confident that the plan is a good one. Suit to suit the last* of those who are to eat it; balf an online* of ailr ♦« a iv»nnd jof i«. right. Keep out all voupsaltpetro, su gar or other ingredients. It will keep better without them, anJ, peihaps, too, without salt, but would not b« so pala table. Do up the butter each week, on churning, in neat, tound rolls of tiro or three pound* each, just what you hare to put down; cover each roll with a clean muslin cloth, large rnoug to go round it twice wr more, that it will be completely enveloped, and .sink it in a strong brine, as strong as the beat salt will make it. Stinc vessels are.the best. When tho rolls are in they may be kept down by means of oleau flat stones. When the vessel is full enough and the butter completely covered with the brine add more salt to lusure the strength of tbs brine. Keep it in your cellar or in Tour spring house, and see if it is not worth a winter aud spring 100 per oent, mure than auy winter made butter. In this way I have kept my winter supply of butter for many years, and have never yet failed, but mark, the butter must be good, well workod, and tlioiUd, by all means, be wrapped up and sink under tbo brine tho same day it is ohnrned, not kept lying about fo(, two or three days after ehurning.^— (Jbieago Ttmrs. NOT IN. Padley (who is not as big a fool as bo looks) Did you, ah, givo uiy card to Miss Hondclipper* Sorvant—.Yes, sir. Dudley,—Wbat did she say?" Servant—She told me te te'l you, sir, that she was vety sorry that she was not in. indeed ! I'leaso tell mistress that 1 said I was glad 1 did not call. h I « APPItKCIATJSD. "And you saw eordwood for a liy ing ?" "Yes, sir, and i* is an honorable em ployment." "No doubt, no doubt " "Yes, sir, so honorable that my la- i bors are univesal y applauded." ' "Applauded 1" "Yes. My work is always on o-rd." —.Uteton Courier. PROCEEDING GRADUALLY, "Well, Edith, did Mr. I ambrwjuin make you an offer of Lin baud lift nighl?" 'No, mamma, ho'i HO sliy, yon knon —.IMH never got any further lhan of. faring niu bis arm, no far."— Exchange