Ijfl-E i i *OST a . w VOLUME XYII. Reoorter aid Post PIBLUHCD WCKKLT AT DANBURY. N. C. PKPPEB ft SONS, Pubs. # Prou ■AT kh OR itmcßirriti f • • Te-kr. paoable In advance, SI.Br Mouth*, 7J ■ ATI* OF AUYt.lt l I»IJ|4J i Oao Square (ton linos or k*») l OHM 41 «*> Foroaeh Addition il iuaertiwn, Ui Coat ran to forlougartirao or mnn si»ae»> «Hn be ■ado la proimrtlon to tlio above rate* fraa*J«nt advertUer* will ho «x|Kctud to rcut to eordlag to tho»e rate* at Hit titnv the\ *end tolr favors. tOmane** Oar-t.H will a; Ten I) toll a aanum. PROFESSIONS L (. IRDS. R /.. 11. n\ u o/;/:, ATTOIiNEY AT LAW Mt Aix'y N, C. Special attention given to the collection of j claim*. W, /•'. cjirn-i;, tfTTQ£jn?r~XT'J';i \r. MT. Ainy, 3UKUY CO., X. L Practices whereve;- h is services arc waiitd »»IT W. POWBBS. Stlllllt ». TAYLII. R W. POWERS & (JO., WHOLESALE DRU G CISTS, Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, DVBS, YARNISIIK.S, French and American WINDOW ULA3B, PUTTY, &C MMuKINU AND CIIKW INU OIUARS,TOBAOCU A SI'ICCIALTI 1306 Main St., Richmond, Va. GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Warehouse. WIXNTOSI, N. t , WOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING doue .it ahort notice, comrtautly on laud a tine lot c Hooking and Heating Stoves. O hZ RIDGE INSTITUTE. DO TOU wish to pat.onise a good periimutiit JUI tt profffetilvc' tcboot. i>i»)uu wisU toget a t«liiplvtf rciuu 4e«l education 'i Do you with to learn to be a Teacher, («• eep books, prepare tor the University,V>r fiui-h a jjood course of sttldy ? If so addretss, J. V & M. 11. IIOLT, o*K. UtHUtt INMTtJTI «, OAK l%iD(iK, S. C. Next term begins August bth. The Wilmington Star, KKVUCTIOK IS PKIt'EM. Attention ii called to the following ic dueed rates of subscription, CAKII IN ADYASCH : TIIK UAILV STAR. One Year SO.OO I Three Monthasl.so Six Months 3.00 | Oue Mouths 50 TUK WEEKLY STAR. 0»o Year SI.OO | Six Months t>V» Throe Month* 30 cent*. Out. Telegraph Heirs service has recently bean largely incrcascl, ami it is our detwr minalion to kceptlic !Si Au up to the Indn-a lainlard of ncws-paimr cteellencc. Address, WM. 11. KEN Alt I>, Wilmington, S. C. Unirorsity of North Carolina. CIIAPKL HILL, N. 0. The NKXT session begius August 30. Tuition re duced to S3O, a halt year. Poor stu dents may give notes. Faculty of fifteen teacher?. Three full courses of study leading to degrees. Three short courses for tho training of business men, teach, •ra, physicians, and pharmacists. Law school fully equipped, Write fur cata logue to HON. Kkmp P. BATTLK, Pres. WAY GO OUT OF TIN-: COUNTY FOR YOUIi SUIT LIES II 'HEX You Can Get Them Of W. «. VAVGHS, "VVulnut Cove, IV. C. FOR AS LITEL* MONEY' AS IN 1 ANY OTHEH MARKET. . Stop and sec for yourself when pasting M'ahmt ('ore. TMI DOCTOR •AY3: M l 'X'OMmunti t\r*s ua e $ FOR mm W UK 5|# B R^^Jl That WonUo."ful t>ombir.^ ! !'.n TAYLOR S ; i SWEET aim and It cfofffl mora than a»ir pr x- -'- H r i v -It ter.| both piinte aro hip,My mocSicln.il*'* K. 3. llic Jwoot C t.:t vOio« a IV. j 'kin'iirnc B«raiwp cml id W 4 :.iy Ui;^.iJTtlt, vUlf ilo in Xuciloctncic and tiIVR vUc.- u* 3 APCHFKCr Sf.WiiDy. A OOLD n: i tOKrtoiu r«.uol?rt, CIIOTTP aUacKM yotu Uomvr v-ttnoul . WIIOOI' T N J OOUOZI »o anuojrloft ».o-i pcluiu", AI.L •o tho oeomlnoiy f'OWCW ci V*y flwwt Qum and Mulkt >. OKOJic aoA iDirjl.. MA '.rii MMAttoadod to. xrill !«od lo and »hoo" it r«,Ui!Vcu aorf ocrt". iNai&T OH HAVirJC *7. Dr. QnUltan, ILo ♦/ * i.•; TirJt. ■in, on Liutg ird Bro&chlu: ir ■ "Mullclu"ujflfty por .»nt • v " •- * -iL!v t r -J forCon«i.n:ptlon. tr. ; Itl i'/io . IT 18 PLEASANT AHL> e-ALAT «BLs£- and !■ the - All Throat mul trouhlu. 1. -■ ... u'.iinul? tho threat a». 1 onablo vctt to thrt • T c .tin: • ( cxpecu>r.--Un i iv?:ci u'.l> -j-», wl. ! at onoo. Aakyosr "- l ■ ' "«• ili'ta 1 If ho doeo not only, cxi icrjiuAr^iui in.■■ bu • ,'t V .I:l;'pi.rt Of tho V. a «lpto!f 1 00. The WkVTlltt A* T-. H.CIH q„ | FOH ti ~ a. T U .-Tu.Xl fnf, DM Uiat #FR»-4.1 .-OL' -.tr' Vr. i-' IFC-gwro 1 Hucklob»r*. > i - at * .'mgr-gta. TIILOB'S PREMIIjy"CFLOE^T^ThF"3EST. THOMPSON s C () M V O U M 1> fDitic Sffil, A MILD TONIC i A IM»10TI/.1JI{. : H ruTt* for Oyvp'psri hidiu f 'oiwtijMt »()H. it I'l-Hllt.'* ,• tho I,i\t*r aittl 'ono t«» the tirgaus. T. ';•••»• • >f, - U j lYoat ration follow in:; Pi ' .»•■! .N x. and enf**rblc4 coip!:?ii»n i t li;* * it-ral - » torn. MAX! Y irrt lil'.lj liY Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRIjiKiLHT, Winston N. C. H" H. CAETLAND. |}|' m&k aa I ii. v? m, And. doaler in riM-: ji.o r rii And Furnishing Got-ds Gieensboro, - - - - IJ L ruder t'cnlrat I lot* ! CN'WARD! IS TEE V/OUI! The ritOdIiKSSIVE I AKMKII Tilt is is VOLI'MI-: .it the follow ii t . m 1 siilhHcriher, 1 yar 1 *. 6 stil»eiibers, 1 Jen: ■• io suWnboii, 1 TIM • «*) One copy, 1 year, • • t« 1- l.ii'j a club of t'Mi. Kij;h* *i> co'i.nu.., \v«\ J'y Sml r.v-u pit p.iith t > I. !.. *MH 14. i Ai.nn M. N*. « NliW HIILLINIUIY S T ) R E . MRS. L, W. MASTEN, Maiu Street, Two Doors liolow Allen'l Old Sianil Latest New Yoik■styles a specialty Hats, Flowers, Hibt ons Etc. as cheap as can be bought Special inducements to tho COl'N' TRY TRAI>E ORDERS by mail promptly attended io. Don't fail to call and exaiuiuc my stock, "NOTHING ST'CCEKDH LLLCK SIJCC'KSS." DiVNIHJJtV, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER C, ISS 1 mun ffiiM. ALLXAM'KB AKLF.itS X. ' i i !»t tiri tlie- W.|M& with linscen fcot I'itsH up ihc lvM.g fiiitl we.uiy duet; iv SAJV:'. cftiu' from hill nntlglon Hi LI iliajflr Ti Hitii i " '^•wep> TS.al c-»e!i may knot>* .>ntl feel I i liCJi ' taint b; at tings of thd Spiiii.',. J To sw •♦'!» u lano, and ami sqtbr.**, j A?.d "hten all the diwty air. | l i.', hilfs t.oni which we eme lie bright i In «otiieU)itigof richer light. The lor.g, i!«v p glens nut woodlands lie I 1M softe. shadow* to llieeye. T!:»* i'inls liavo caught a finer note T-. tlii-yb witli joy each tvatiiereti throat, j I Tl.'- 'tiertinlet ev-hotissv.eot and clear i he hqutd pui.->ii:_, of the year , And ev* .'v when? you iook > sii*n iiif'-: li rviiing !: t a ofgnvn." 1 hus iiu tiie v.'tmVi as up the street j To y ; with ho.trd, hut ut.seen,feet: ' I And, -«J ey w-ni, a cl'ntd above j Sv ;.i djwiiw.-.r'l V'h: t filing and iov ! j % -(hail Words. | THKOJ.D PINIiTREE. i This mighty tree ol' eat forest, wbien ' has grneed our laud t'"r bondrcds of; years, brine thought fit tir no other j thau its lumber, its fat knots of ' wuod and its quick burning qualities, is i daily being !U.idc to develop* wonderful , result*, it is kcomuing daily u tree ol j great importance. In addition to the spirits and rosiu it yields it been !• 'i:id in be productive >f greater possi j b.titles. 111 Wilotingtoir .urge quauti- , ; lis ot pni" are bein used in the Oreo- I Soto wfiks where it is tnalo forth ! \ i. ■ j tha, i large quantity of pyroligneous j «>H't «n-i M«aiii>w>M«oia ib»uh^r '■ 1 TIP. a sjtill r.ni iuijt f i;.i aint we , ; .i ihat tho pyroligiu i-u.i a.'id by a new 1 of dUliltatioc ufurd.-i a large ; •ju • • it v of sv»od tthieh is very ; i valuable, and then ncsr Wilmington the | gr«en needles or jinn leaves arc uinoil | fiiMnrW into matting, mattresf.oi and ! other useful artirlos; and many useful ic s. lit ial oil, are by this process extract* ,e . wi.ich aro of gieat utility. And now i in -a- t.inn. >• n;C wonArfu! results hav been ;:iado 'a appear, bj Mr J. H. who is ni-vei weary of iiives j tigi'ii-.y. Ac he has not rntirolv por i fee ted bu plant, or patented his procjsn, ii would be wrong for us to dudoia, if wo fjlly undoi food the many woi.derfi'l result 1 liis e.xprrimoutii hare revealed, hut we are led to bolieve that all of tbc wonderful uses of the pine are not yet fctiowu. Ills Investigations have at tra :ted consi Jcrablc attcntiou ar.d the 1 eheiuieal discoveries will surely opct. a ucw field f>r the rosin. Among tho many minor things found is a curative • salve which has a.:ted lik ia charm wher ever applied Surely this tree, which , y-a; iie j could be purchased by tho hundrcdi at lift v cents'an acre, will If ] .s.'icntis!- take hidd of it, be made to ro. ' v.-al il.tt- it is fit for use? never dream- 1 ed of, ii is even so now, but even those ' discovered may biit (bb small begin- nitigs of what it contains. But the for- ] ■ ■is in this section are fast disappearing I and ere many years too laud will bo j completely denuded of tbeui. Theu tbc , jhll di -u of thoto who held fiue foiests : will b- a;jt to say, as young people now think, "old fc >p!e are fools." Wa io. ' gret 10 n . tho great de.truetiou, for | i we believe that ere many ycais roll j round our forests of pine will lie tnvalu- i able. —l'ayuttevillo Obnerver ! I i WETTING KKKI) IS WASTEFUL, j i A witter on this subjeot says he chang- 1 cd from dry feed of grain for his eow to 1 putting it into a pail of warm water , night and uionutig. At the end of three i uiouths'she had lost 50 pound in* weight .• of flesh, and bit' milk had fallen off, I no-rly one half Sho Seemed t# bo get-j little benefit liaui her rations, and I ) there was a general running down in her i eandition. He then changed the food ' back to dry. and in thtc* months the cow regained all he had lost in flesh ( and ni'.lk during the preeeeding three « lu'-nths. While feeding this he could j t iioviii detect any waste of food in the 1 feeds: but in the wetted fowl he could j Feeding horses wet food sometime* pro- !., duces danger, us attacks of e'lolic, but t m oows there is u> danger of it I NORTH CAROLINA ity.MO.IUA OY. j I'I.ATFOKM OP PAETV A'i .l'Tku IN h>A r* OONv E.-rtio* a r r..«.i - MAV, JSS^. We sgaiu condgratui{|to tue pei ' | North Carolina on the euniini'"l . ! mciit of poacc. good govorin . ni i .it j general pr--;>or«y under} D.- or.'. i Inlijiiijsrr3tn.il r»f tho Stata t.!» .... ' now been nnKrokfii ivc *« tn» ! iv >*. i. I upon the tttot and V fe>:no 'it I iof the law. 'Ojtetr the iin: -• --v>z |V|.-: ' ' Tey of our cr uiiii":i selie* ' I the prcgr -s: made in popular c lueatii i . upon tho improve ton f ait! -nteij.ri- k manifested in all parts ot ttie-S' iie U'l again ehallenge a coippar..- e, betwt i-n II tho ita'e of und tin- outrage--, ; crime.- and soandals .vuieh attonded 1! publieati ase -ndaney iu ar bovdi r . W | pledgn nurse' •• s to ex.-rt in the futuv t as in Uio past our best efforts to pio- , I mote the best interests of the people ol I all sections ,'t' the State. Attn in ; our 1 ' adhorciioe t>- Deiuocr itio * rineq ;. s as , hcrtofore enunciated in the i latfcrniN «! : j the party, n is hereby Resolved, That no government h j j the right to burden its people with t \ j hevoud the amount reqiiii' 1 to pay Us 1.1 -essiiry reused and gradually extni ; j-i iiili iu> (-uolio debt, :;nd that w! n- I i-ycr the r. venues, liuwevor derived, .• ' ! ."ed this amount, they fcb'-uld be rodue- i ] ed, s. as to avoid A Mir;'hv ill ihe tr AS- | ui v - . Thai any ysteui of t vaiton wr-icti • nccosjitatcs the pa' men', ot i preniiui of b) the government on each :">• - I 00U ofits bond*, taken up *ith the mil— ! i. us that *7ould .''le rwi e lie i lie >u it eaults, und paid lo boildh .iders who purchased in many in-'taeees, at ■« , thnu pai, is uiideuioemtic oppie.v-ive | and i.iiyuitous aud should be refunded. I I'lio course of our Doiuocniiu lieprescn- , I tatives in Congress, in their '.Hurts tv | j give relief'to the people from buiden | .-aine internal revenue and tariff '.axa- , I tion, lliuets sjitli tho afproval i f the i ! Democratic party of tins Slat and w. ! re: pcotlully ri .-.iiuiueiid t'i »' is they find ' I '• »,,to 11........ i' ik., I t impossible to give to the pti.ple aJi tr.c j I relief they demanded, tliey si, n.irt :iy | ) j'.:si and practiuul lueusuie j-ieseDlcd in | ; Congress that »ili afford practical r j ■ lief from such cxisiiag burden, ltesolvcd, That while tho i. :ails 1 i the methods by wh.'-h"th . on.-titaiioo .1 • j revenue slmUT>e giad-' .- v. 1 e.i | j ale subjects wliii li the rc{ rciontaiiri-s ■! I eoir our peoplu at the national capital . [ :nusl be trusted in adjust, we t!n >k the i : custom duties sli. old be levied for the production of public revenue, and the I discruuinatious in their adjustment | sliotild hs such as will place tho highest . rates on luxuries and tbe lowest n the necesfariee of life, distribute a: equally I as possible the unavridable burdens of. taxation, and cooler tho greatest geid i | ou the greatest number. HesoTved That we, as heretofore, fa vor, and will never cease to demand, the | unconditional abolition of the whole in ! ternal revenue system, as a war tax, not j to be justified ill tines of peace a a| grievous burden to oir people and a | source of annorancr m it.- practical op erations. We call the attention of the people of the ' : tste lo tbc hypocritical j preteusins of iliij Repahliean par l y in | their platforms that they aro in f..v.i !' tlio aepoal ot tlu» onerous :ys»eni tax a- 1 tier, eraet J l.y their party, wli-S- '.lie ( llopiblicans in 0 ugt-ss are taxing 'i. ii , energies t>i cbstruei ali legislation •\ auguratcd be the t'.'prer.-ntativ" t '• ; Deiaecratic party t; rcliuve the , pi'- of all or a putt of this odious .*y: Resolved. That the course '. th Detuocratin party, in furtheran •••. fpot ular eductitiiiit. is a .ulVo-ient gn,.!-:it«.- j that we favor the education of it.e pi pie, and wo will pr nioto an! iinpr-,v« tho present dueati»nal ailvantag.- >o fai as it can !"■ done without burden/ng the people by cxccnsivo taxation. Resolved, That to meet an •xi ipg evil, we will aeeept, fur education;:! pur poses, from the Federal U jveriimcnt or : pi o rata share of the surplus n. its trca- j sury: Provided, thai it be disburse-1 through Slat agents tind the- biil foi : the distiibut-. n be f:. ■ from objection- j able features Resolved, That the I'oited States be t mg one government and eiurs a national j l irtj, wo deliounei the efli.rts nf |(.u ! n«pnblicari to t ■ fef.- iol issues in | Cougresj uud eUoaln i • am', to piotnot •, distention •»n ! ill atw ci; the pso- i pie tj'the different .■• 'ion et en eelu ! imn noun try, 11 Resolved, That ii i- di; ■tc the peo- ' pie of mil eastern counties, who have so cheerfully borne t!>. >r share of cm coui iiion burdens, tlia> the pri - tit or sum equallyeffoctwo svsiem of county g i. ermnent shall be maintained Hi'-olvtd, That the Deuiooiutis pai t_\ | is opposed to any further extension of the "No-fonee" law, unless sueh exten sion shall have first been authorised by majority of the qualified voters wltbic the territory to he affocled thereby. Bevolved, Thai tho Deuioei-alio party his over been tbe party of the working man, and has never fostered monopolies, m r nave "trusts'' or "combinations'* or "pools'" ever grownup under laws eu actcd by it. The contest in this eoun. ttj being between aggtegated capital, 1 seeking lo crush cut all coiupetion, and I the individual laborer, the DemoCratie i party is, as it 1 a- ever been, agaanst the i moi.opolist and m favor of a just dis ii. j billion of capital, and demands the i ii- ! aetmant of laws that will bear equally ' 1 upon all. J l liesolved That lie ali taxation bear L mo t heavily upon U.e lanortr, n is the ■ duty of the lagblittor, m direct benefit i to the wmkiiigiiia-i, to '.cop th expenses ;• -jf I -JI- puhiie ,11 d ilutions at the Ijwest ' . fin it eun.-i •—t .1:v. -i) and elhcieat j' I management. Th- Democratic party 11 oppo.-.ea any eotnpelitioit bctw ••••; free |ai d lonvtct bur, but it insists tint i ceiiviet" .ilial! not remain idle at the e . ' I pense f honest lubor. I'e-i.lvt -I, thai ours being an i»»te il 'eral Slat'., i' ' ur Je'. -s well . tour plnasi.veto promote ;.n\ and ni' IrOls.a --! tion itiat !■■ best i-aiculutcd to advance 1 I -.ho "leroal.. o( aprieul; lire, mu ii. il ,u I . ii. o.j v.- w'll i . ff- e.iua' 1 •ilv . • ■ ' ' - t 1,1, i ' ' - ' ' r»i\'at".l labdrcra - H It". Iveii, 'I i.at t'o I'ep vasy North t ei- lttiii, e" i all) a; ir. v. t5.-- , adinitil l " .- en e. f Hu . .t.; >1 - .» h •!!*•. pain ile- ana . n . »ti> : Rosolved, That the ability. > loin, ' I honesty, patriotism, indop 1.1, fuitb* ! I fulness to duty and manly • ra_o I I'ii-siiieut ( iei t isijU liave won the mi.m . ( | ation et ali good me.:, and :h iit'er- -19 ] if the country den and his r • nomination : and le.elceti o, : V SMALL I AI'M WE 1.1 Til LI I) ; j A Ueorgia corr -sinui lent of the (' i/ry Gf.t.'i 1 1- fc iv«- a. :n -resting t- . ample ftbe profit to b'- -'erived ~ .-ur | tli'-*:i:vi--.i and'.born o.'li (|iitiv',iiaii of > j small iarins. !.- .a;. -V.'o in j ( t - ' ;.iiy all eld i run ■ we ■ has s. .. i ■ I .e.i(l inv-iitv lin railr 'ad ste.-k, every ' : . -li il if . n'nicli I. • has made on a i.tteeu 1 . ' acre fai in, since tbc war. Firming is j : I.is only occupation ILs laud was or g .nally poor ptne : and, - lay about twelve | iuohof "in Iri white san 1 be on lei . 1 \ j drained :' ad, and taisca tbreu crops to ' . j »ho acre every year. He Ins at t the J,, advantages et ticitig n. at a city,ha is oft ' .:i the woods. 11'' owns liov. about .:e j : l uii lr: i bead »f lattb*., tiiti uir.-v , ' 'hej feed theniselyis m the wood;. the , I three winter m.mt is th«-y ar I I «ve« y ■ I nig! i, but we 'i; and »9iuu>er they ire ;. | under and in the loi e»cij n.gt.t, and all the manure ' . -.Ted, and til th. j .■..iu - put e-U that tit tee e ,-l. i. ' r ■ n ins' nee - f his m ! .i - lit. lie 5j t ■ • , i- .- ' "rcnflH^T .ut lied* HI fcot apart wueii they ue I , ! rtpe he plants corn in thealli-vs b. tweail I. • t I harvests the peas an i whan e givi -.he | u I corn tbe last working sows eow peas j i broadcast bctwei u and harrows them in. I I I And iu ii 1c manner he wi.rks all hit I t land, every tier" malting three er> us. M 1 bis fifteen acre farmer has live I at.il! laid a-id'- in twenty year* I; ; know this to be 'be truth A STRANC.K ADVBNTURK ill I I 0 t)ne afternoon I taly a two ami a half i r year old daughter rf Millard DaVis i' , n ISi-'i evil, iu It e Oatskill Mountains,' !1 disappeared, and no trace of In-r could w bo found, although searching parties 1 wen ut all night. Tbe next day a man | who was fishiu? f'-r tr-ut discovered th '' littli girl standing in the middle ot a' 1 ' hraeik that rnoa tlirotgh a deep r.v e'| b.'w en tw mfltin'oin-- She tiad w ..i • dered about two utiles away Atom )■ mi Th narenl : were overiotcd i n r - ■r r v..i • . a in.' tiie lit; 1 • one And now .: ines ih :' ® ~ strange part afllie it.eident. The litti ail I has never been known to toll ior.es ,' and, in fact, is to \ nng to inv -n' an i practieo deceit. Wle n her father a . i | 111 her where she had sicpt all night, -lie auswerod '-In the woods with a t ii: j hear, papa " She was closely question- I " ed, hut the child adherrod to her story that she had slept with a hear m the - " woods, and pe pie in I'm .-villi* l.c'iev i ' that tbe little o':- really did ina -t with i ' - i bear, and, not kuowing what it was, w.-ni op to it, and for .soni reason the beat l eframed from burtii „ the wanderei ■ i'hure are othci pooph. who beliey lh« J bear eauie cut of the mountains to Itu-j , vicinity of Mr Davis' tioi;,-.*, an 4th , child, a'cin-; Uio rhaggy brute, ran a. - .. ter it and followed it to tie ravine. ' Wi L * " f i to . l-'riiii tbe Scientific .inter icntt, oue of; o« the foremost journals in the country oil ;»» that order, we copy tbe following recipe j vi whioh is thought to be a safo and s :r- Imt remedy fm ibat little pest, tho aio iui- th to, w'm-li is r w priming itself for the !in seasor.'s visitation "Tale, of a uu camphor a piece about one-third tho si/.e ol a iicn,s egg, and I tit evapor ite it >»y plaeiug it in a tin vessel, j ob holding it over a lamp, tailing care 'hat.; hi it does not -gut' 1 he-smoke will soon 'IS fill tie toom sn'i expel the mosquitoes, ! th and, even though the windows should be j th left opeu all the uight they will not en-1 fu ter the room as lougu.. th- • dor remi ns ja ' Ex. i /'i ll 111 ROAD'* WALKER. The man who itaiatiie largest suit ofelirth iia Pittsvnrg tailor ever mad » •irinks thri-.; quurti ef water at each iu I, uud ivbo has tie qualities sup |o.~.d t. n villi latundity and tem |. OK , ug' 'to furnish a good olinr- K ii. I'*O !aieio.ici jio I neidcd ii the pi: sodality of this ui an , tr he iii,alv.'.td with tiie the naked ye ..r fear '.o malt" bia acquaiti •aaae, .[ ty ar hand may ache a iui'f .aft i :;. giajp it f,o'., or your siitos !"* so. 1 a t.tok f-Om the very ut- IVO murrimeiit yen -would like t la-' biiti. Well, gj to the i'it'g ii'e po; . ii ; ' saa 1 as'; to BO- Captain '.lam VV t'a: " xTj, Int-p'-etoi for tho i I'iitshtig ! ivis : "ii. i m'l! find him, I provided he is not t.i the woods after I ' a 1 at work i.i u .'it'le len b:r;k j tliong books lotter racks. Tho I ui postal inspector is no sine- I ir 1' ■jos . l ilittes are many, and j :! • ititi . arduous It taki-s broad j i! • like tlios-i of esptain Carra i . i ' 'l ar them gracefully. \ 'i • . typical Southornor when u -. -Mector Carl away. He was n a j e.atatioii in Lenoir county, North t) i;-' l:(ia, iv'ier he was a plau ter at n 1 eaking out of thu war. 'V'li -i 1 -e -tin ldorci at Appomattox ; und hi ms -if reduced to poverty. V tin. fumiiy estates wore swept away and young Isill was pnaosjad of little else than the title ot eaptain, well eara ] a'• head ef Company E, Third North Carolina Cavalry. Having a '.app'v pei.ehint for story tolling, the captain can spin some exciting yarns aho.it his war experiences, thi oueoc •asion he i id been sent by conveyance ti ■ irry a s eret me nage of great iin poitatiei- wi:"ii met a squad of Union if in a lark woods. They htmled iiitn ii ot' uc wagou and covered liim Willi their gunii •'Where are you going you d d roh ' i" yelled a big fellow with a rifle i at liu :i||OU.idei *"anT my phvysician thoi; iit a I t'g.;y ride would do me !»ood, ' reple i! i arra vay as lie Coughed up a lung The fellow scanned bis-six-and-a-lialf feet god southern statute. "You see thai road !" ho asked arrogantly. "Ye ," Carrawuy replied. "Well that's a dashety dallied fine dirt roud. Skip you I tut Cnrriway had skipped, and nev er In ard the pet epithet. In after years In- became a newspaper writer famed uli over the South for his wit. and racy sto ries ol tli" war. Tlu» was among the tirst lie ever wrote, and it gaVo him the name of "Dirt lload Walker," a name which has clung to hiin ever since. He used to sign all of his prcductions "D. : U VVsik r' tin ! many persons in North Carolina think iie was christened iust in that way. Mr. ('arrawuy did most of ■: his wriiinff for the Kalcigb, N. C. Dully ,S .»v Observer. 11c has al ways been an aotive politician, and l:ii >i-' every man, womau, child and lei. cut net iu N» rtli ('arolina. lie trav- t e i . Sta'. with Uovouiors Jarvis acd ' . ami '.• "it tti' iu many a vote by ! , w I.J »| aches and quaint oampaigu I - 'i tig is a neat feature in i i" . '.tea! i amptigus south of Mason and 1 i't ti'# line, i. it never fails t, at iraet the colored vole, t np'ain 'ar i'v iy A;i\ s he he- sung "Sweot Violets'' t in very towu and hamlet in tho Old North State. iu lHt''i General Vilas appointed . arra way i po-t-ofiiee inspector, mid ■it him,a. the captain puts it, "to arc ;.i Miunesotn to cool otf." After put .n - iu a winler there, he was transferi • i t,-. Fluritli, possioly to "thaw out." \s noted by the I- W. lis has been re- ' nit dat Pittsburgh for another term. c i> hen he was at Washington the other " reel; und liiatned that he was not one ' if'lie forty inspectors to be dropped off 1 ho list lo sent this characteristic letter 1 o th" postmaster at Pittsburg ; ' ■ All the clouds which lowered around 1 mr housa have blown away, and Nash ' ,tid I will soon bo with you. Our cor- ' •ieal vertebras have not been severed ' ml we have ben placed on the list of ho blessed, t .uvcy our kiudest to our c riends, and pull down tlia blinds. J CAHIIAMTAT. 1 Captain Cartaway is fond of his ac- c ive exacting calling, and urges but one ' bjection to it. It keeps hiin away from 3 ii North ('arolina Louie There are 1 •till Canaways down tbcro who I liiak the world of their 4UO-poand fa- i hi r. His eyes dim as he dcscoibcs tho niiiiy tilings cropping out of his brook, '•:ii;ei ■ I'.zti trong --Pittsburg, l'a., « "osf. 1 NO. 8 PICKINGS From the Wilmington Slur. | The present long session lit not the , longest. The longest was for 3U2 tj*v?- ll the present sessston holds on uutil IBlh September it will be the longest known. Well, the members are paid to stay at Washington. Uen. Schofield, who succeeds Sheri. dan as Commander-in-Chief, is a Pein. oerat, as were Hancock and McClel lan. lie captured this t«wn in tiro war. He remained in command of the De pitTtuieut ot North t'aroliua for some time. I The very funniest thing in nil North Carolina politics is the ' Jlonor"ing of I candidates, the most of whom will bo | beaten. Nominate a fellow and the ! next issue liunngton R/owrr will r«f«r to him as the Honorable John Harkia j and the Hon. John will feel luigbti y | tickled ard will speak of the Hlowtr as I great newspaper. The Democrats raised a polo and hoisted a flag at Bakersvillc, in Mitch ell county. The Republicans gathered ! and cut it down. There weie at least a hundred shots fired. This is a law. h*Bs sort of county. When they do n»t like the utterances of a newspaper they •'gut the office" and destroy everything. I'be Kvpublicans of Mitchell are worse by a great deal than Itussell's "Slivngea " This is a nieo conditio! of utluirs for North Carolina. Jo McDonald is campaigning in Indiana. Chairman Mills is in Chicago. Ho spoke to a big audience. The crops in Kgypt reported bad. lioth corn and wheat arc short. Jacksonville's only hope now is frost and that may not come befoje De cember. The Old Human is in first rate j lll'-'llll. l">lU.r -Vrtp | 10 Port Huron did him frDotf. The Philadelphia Ledger, Republi can, considers the I'rcsidcnt's special message diguificJ, forcible, wise and ' statesmanlike. Harrison is not "lucky." He has almost always been defeated for oSee. lie will be beaten agai i in less than ninety dajs. • The Jackson (Cat.) Sentinel reports a tree, the Sequoia, in Tulare county, that is 44 lengths of a (.feet rifle, by which It was measured. The Jaekijonvile Ttms- Union has not lessened its matter because of the sejuragc. Hut who wishes t.j handle a nowspapcr rroui a stricken district * There are fourteen Representative* away from Washington who plead sick ness for absence. Mr. Simmons, of North Caroliua says his frit'o is r*rv siek. The I'acific slope outlook is reported as favorable to the Democrats. If Chinese Harrison can carry CuliforaM '.lieu the people deserve to be visited by a swam of Mongolians who shall fill all the houses and devour the substauoe ol' the peuplo. Klaine thinks the message "a meat sxtraordina document." Of course it is, and so think all the Kcpulican Sen ators It was a centre shot. A HINT TO BAHBER. (Ghlcncn KI'WH.) I am now, although you would hard ly think it, something over 70 years D: age. My hair as you will notice, is as black as it was when I was 20, and whether you will consider it a supemi lion or uot I will tell you what I have dune and what I believe to be tho r aaoa 1 have been all: to iaal e it keep its ihiukucss and its color. 1 neve invari bly cut it to some extent on every Fri day of the year, and on Good Friday I liave always given it a general cutting. Whether it is because I beliove in the charm, or whatever may be the reason, you can sec fojr yourselves the result. No hair could have better p e orved its color than mine has. 1 happened when I was a boy to hear of this system from an old man who was a thorough believer m tho idea himself, and I have been practicing it for many yoani with the greatest success. Lightning never strikes twice in the same place. Neither does a in 0, i hey dont have to.