THE DANBURY REPORTER-POST VOLUME XVII. Heoorter and Post ri'BLMnitl) WLKKI.Y AT DANBURY. N C. FKPPKR A SONS, Pub*. & I'r^v IttTkS •»• Nl HNI Kl rTIMS s ■ • Yo»r. paoal>!« .a aftvaiu'e,. «!."♦ Months, TO BATKM OF Al>% k.HUHISU: On* Square i ton lliie» or I tiiut«, f| gi >"#r aarli additional tufortion, .... >• Cantraoii lor longer t .me or inure »|.ace cau I e ■ na4e in proportion to the above ruton. rran«i«nl aUverthera will he ex|»ectad to remt tc oerdiQg tn tbe*e rates at the time they n-iul telr faver*. Notiren will be charged iti per ib than aliotre ratoN. Uitr-lu will be ihnerted at Tou 1> lull a annua. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. L. HAYMORJS, ATTORN EY AT LAW Mt Airy N, C. Special attention given to the colleetiuu ut clainu. 11*. F. CARTER, &TTQ FTJFK R-XT-L>* IT. M r. AIKV, SI.'RHY CO., N. C Praclices wherever bisservices are waimi MSIST W. POWSH« V SOUAK 0. TATLU. U W. POWERS k CO., WHOLES ALK VJiiUCUSTS, Dtulers in PAINTS, OILS, DYKS, VAIINISIIB.-t, French and Aroerienu WINDOW OL.AMB. PUTTY, | 6MOKI.Su AM) UllhW ISO CIOAUS, TOBACCO A SCKCIAI.TI 1306 Mam St., Kiohuiond, Vu, | vf UISirJS— GEO. STEWART " • Tia and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Fanners' Warehouse. WI.%NIU\, 91. C WBFIHC, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING dune aa short notice. lee|M constantly on hand a tine lot o •ookiag asd Heating Bloves. ' RIDGE INSTITUTE. s •* | ili "• fa |i.iinin"/. "*i good i 1 ' ptrnianeni un J |tr»Rr«»lvr irhsol, Usyuu wiiU toget a ca lliplfti* rONU 4r4 ailitcalion t Uo you w iili to learn to be a Ttiuhir, to eep tto»k«, prepare fur the Uulversity, or .c Sunti a good course of study If so aUdretss, J. A. a M. 11. HOI.T, OAK UIDUK IMSTIYCTK, OAK ItlliiiK, N. O. Vest t«rui begins August »tli. The Wilmington Star. iKDUCTiO* IV PKU KN. Attention is called to the following te> duccd rates of subscription, CASH IN ADVASOK THE DAILY STAR. One Ycar I Three Montlissl .50 His Mouths 3.0U } One Mouths TiU THE WEEKLY STAR. One Year fl.oo | Six Months GO Three Months 30 cents. Our Telegraph News service has recently beun largely increased, and it is our deter mination lo keep the STAII up tn tin- highest . laudarU of ncws-pa|>er excellence. AUiUum, WK. 11. UKNAUD, . Wiiuiingloii, X. V. University of North Carolina. CHAPKI. HILL, N. C. TIIK NEXT . session begins August 30. Tuition re duced to S3O, a halt year. Poor stu dents may give notes. Faculty of fifteen leaders. Three full courses of sludy lcading to degrees. Three short courses fur the training of business men, tea oil ers, physician!, aud pharmacists Law school fully equipped. Write for cata logue to llos. KEMP P. HATTLK, Pres. WHY GO OUT OF THE COUNTi' FOR IVUR SUPPLIES WHEN You Cnn Get Them Of W. li. VAUGHN, "Wu.lnut Cove, N. C. FOR AS LITKLE MONEY AS IN ANY OTURR MARKET. See for yourself' Walnut Core. I TMt DOCTOK IAVS: "I r+€X>mmaKC nnd I FOR Nlßy i mstm That Wonderful Combination TAYLOR S BS&KV3 SWEET CUM and NiULLEiN. ft does moro than any preccrl»>t.on writ ' ton; both plants are highly medicinal.** M 1) T*i? 'W Our- oom «e from tha flout h.-rn Swamp n«id lit highly Expectorant, while sio Mullein la Mudl%rlnoua and thua comWnod they oro aim ply APE&FfCT *CMROY. A OCLD 1 i* *o aaricus rosulta, CROtTP a**A- Vn your h-no without warning, WTIOOriN-j WUO'.I «o annoyiu* -inl patrfttl, ALL ytotd r odily I te t\e AEAX:U«4JR M.TGIC POWM • A TnyWa I Gum aad MullaL-. EnCHeiTfJ IBand ASTH MA I*ft u::atucded to. wfil l id to OC XISUXXIXOK, and thoau it Quic>Vjr relieve* and poaitlvety ottptM. JNCIBT ON HAVING IT. Dr. Quillian, tlio IrvxdJnf phyalcL.a of (lm.t Brit •tin, OU LUUFF and Bronchial TWJONMENDA "Mullein" QI fifty percent tcttor then Cod Liver Oil for Couiump'-ion. IT IS PLIAffANT AND PALAT*BLF and U thcCnoe; known rcn.ody in tfco wcrld for aMh Throat and Luna trouble*. It vrUi stimulate the throat and enable ycu to thrcr eff all obetructione eoalW.aldinjr orpeotorrtion a-.d relieving tfro C'i«h r.tor.s- A«lryeo-dTO*r.i»tf *r«t 2fto P«v\ f|. «:ace. It Lo docs rot keep u. wc *»• •11 p.vv. f-' on«* Or's . orprfNohUfNrr. Lan; . L ~t:.iwtc any pert of the IT. fl corrupt t fil 00. Tb* WALTFU A. TAN 1.6 ft ik*., Atlas. U, «la. ———mmmmtm m ■■■■ I ——»> M« #• WMM FT 1 AIXBOWTtL'tTtGUUUtriauI' ht:4i«n Tenth- In*, use that #rrcut £tmUa*rn recuodj Pr. re" 1 Huofcl* berrr Cardial GO eentn at Drt'tfgiet*. TAYLOR'S PREMIUM CCLQGKE IS THE BEST." THOMPSONS . C 0 M P O U N D Wis 8i!» A MILD TONIC AN ll . A PPKTIZER. \ A euro for I>\ in yjsU. KAliin'y'ion .■ ■ TfiilTK'er ami KMiwy.% :tk»«l nTu*s a guit!«• I'ONU IN tlio ORGANS. LCT*LI»*\«*.H Nn«'sick Pits! rut i n following T'lotru'lod SITVUIMS, ami eiifcvbletl rnuilitloii «»l the general itys tOlH. II AN I'K 44 I*l' I:KI» I?Y Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DIIIJIJUHT, Winston N. C. B" H. CARTLANJ), Smbm, | And dealer in Oastmneres | I-'IM-: ii >'i » i And Furnishing Goods Greensboro, - • - N. C I'ntler t'ciitrjtl llojel. ONWARD ! IS THE WORD! Tin' I'IUMiKIiSSIVK KAUM KK I'lilus ll> TlllliM vol.! »IK .11 tllv lilt I MibwrilH'r. I year. $ 1.2S h (iilwciilH'iH, 1 j i'iir •> W 111 sulwrilMTs, I roar lU.ut) Oiiu oipy. I year fnr t.t tin- nin. vitOii>K u club of tun. EigtU 4" •'• w T k!y. SI'THI I'AMi |iii",ii!il) 'o i. «.. enm, l; .VI.I !i .H, N. I NKW MILLINIHIY KTORK. MRS. L. W. MASTJN, Main Street, Two Doors Uelow Allcn'i Old Stand. Latest New York styles a specialty. Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Etc. 1 as cheap as can be bouglit Special inducements to tho COUX- TllY TRADE ORDKRB byfiiail proinptiy attended to. Don't fail to call and examine uiy stock. "ISOTHINU FCJTJCCEEDS PLLIK WRCCKKH." DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ij, ISBB. I *ii>nnu vrir*f»s. wiipoMoit. I M"ar J ih' wm.U M' iill unncen feet l'riss l:p tlio iohf wc.avy ilie> ":uif, "We enine ''•in lull ninl g!«n I l'« toiu li tlie brows ot toiling men, 'f luu taeii may knour uuil feel we liring The liisi laint lirealliiugs of thj Spritiat. To »weeteu lane, and street, ami square, And The lii 11 ti out wliicli we touw lie bright In nuiiietliiiigof ticher light. The long, dei'ji glens and woodlands lie In sufiel shadows to the eye. The birda have cnught a liner (into -Tu throb with joy tealheiud iliroat. 'I'll'" streamlet echoes sweet and clear The |iul»iiig «f the year ; And everywhere yoti look is seen l.ilo dawning in a tinge of green," Thus sung the winds as up the street They p.uueil Willi ho.ird, bat itnscen, feet; t' ry went, a cloud abute s otil d>'.viiwnrd tears nf ."jjiiliv and : ® —' otni If,if J*. THE OLD L'INK TKEU* Vbw mighty treo of our forest, wiiicii j bar graced our land tor hundieds o'' years, beiu» thought tit tor no vtbei use | than its lumber, its fat knots of light- j wood aud its quick burning qualities, is j daily being made to developo wonderful results, it is becoming daily a .tree oi great importauee. In addition to the spirits and rosin it yields it has been found to be productive of greater possi bilities. In Wilmington large quanti ties of ptn« are beim; used in tho Creo sote rorks where it is made to give forth na|it!i&, a large quantity of juiid jud wood cre#.-:oti> l«nvA : 2 ehar-. |rja! anu a a a.*.-. bear that acid by a new procosß of distilhltiou affords a large quantity of w«od alcohol which is very valuable, and then near Wilmington the I gruen needles or pine leuvei arc manu factured into matting, mattresses and other useful articles; and many useful | essential oil, are by this process extract- I od which aio ofgieat utility. And now ' iti our town, soiue wonderful 'results, have been mado ( o appear, bi Mr J.ll. Underwood, who >.« nevci weary of inves tigating. As he has not entirelv per fected his plans, or patcnfed'his process, it would be wrorg for u* to disclose, if wc fully understood the maiiywoidorful results his espoi-inienis hare* revealed, but wc are led to believe that all of the won JSrful uses of the'pine are not yet known. ILJ Investigations have at. ! tra -tcd eonWjcrablc attention and tiy; clietuical discoveries will surely open a . •ie» field for the rosin. Auiong the ! many minor things found is a curative j salve which has acted like a charm wlier- I ever applied Purely this tree, which j years agu could bo purchased by tho hundreds at liftv cents an acre, will if scientists take hold of it, be ntadc to re veal that it is fit. for usos never dream ed of, it is even so now, but even those discovered may be but the small begin nings of what it contain*. But the for ests in this section arc fast disappearing aud cre'tnany years the land will be oinpictely denuded of thcui. Then tho children of those who held fine foiests will be apt to say, as ynung people uow think, "old people afo fools." Wo re grot to sti the great destruction, for we believe that ere many yeais roll j round out forests of pine will be invslu- i able. Faycttovillo OAsc-iu r- WETTING FEED IS WASTEFUL.! ' A writei on ibis subject says he chung- , cd from dry feed of grain for his cow to putting il into a pail of warm water night and morning At the end of three mouths - he had lout 50 pouad in weight of flesh, aud her milk had fallen off nc-rly one half She Soeuicd !• be get ting little benefit fraiu her rations, and there was a general in her condition. 110 then changed the food baok to dij, aud in three months the cow regained all she had loat in flesh and uulk during the proceeding three months. While feeding this ho could nover detect any waste of food in the feeds: but in the wetted food ho could. Foodiug horses wet food sometimes pro duces dangerous attacks of cholic, but iu cows there is no danger of it. NORTH OAKOUN^OKMOCKA } ♦ CV. ' P(..\rrlKU OF RAUTV ADOPTED ;* STATU I'ttNVBNTIOS AT RAL EIOII, MA'., Wcaj-'um condgrntnlate u,c of North Carolina u'.he retimed oitji*y . uient oi pe ie , gjcd runout ami ; ,'coeval UI'I»PWR:T\ UUUJT l>o.uec;utic adui'ni nation of 1 lis Si»7i which h:ts I now boeu antrvkc: • >rv-««-'m yearn; I «Tj«t»n liie just jf the law. upon the cy ol" our oouimou tbe progress made in pof Vui. atlucaiioii: upon uie improvement «*tl enterprise manifested in all pacts of the Stale Wo I igaiu cbalieuge a couipi at' between | the atate of tilings aud t'. ! crimes and scandals wiiicli ulteudeu lto | publican -lacetiUuU'') iu'j'lt'.buidcri". We i pledge aurselvo to ex«rt iu the future jas m tiie post our best elt.irli to pto moto the best interests of tin- people of | alt sections of the State. Allrming our , adlierennc to Democratic piiaoifk-H a.« licrtoforc onuueiated iu iL ' pUtioiui* of ! the party, it is hereby I Resolved, I'll at llu govcrtitnenC lI.IS | the right to burden its pco| .t wuh taxe. levoud t no amount requiry! to |. ly i:.-. necessary expenses and gradually ex tin guisb its public debt; ainL' mat when eyer the revenues, liowevdt | c.icd this amount, he, i!io,n\ . re-i.e ; -id. :oa; 1 to av >ti am. I iu- 'he treas ury. TLai tin j i'Vftt Di •! : . .xatuu which necessitates the paytnuit .i a li\1 i\ m.uiu of §2j() bj ilie s.»\. im.i' ..t i.i . "■' M I'J of its bonds, mkti! a; » .t'. ibt mil i bong woul 1 other »!•«. ..o > lie in its I vaults, itiiu puia to none notev.l.o j putchbsed in uia.ij iastaiv e&, ai leas thau par, is uudcmocuti- , oppressive | and iniquitou. md should Jo refunded. I The course of our Democratic Hepresen i fatu-cs in Uoiwresa, in thcii efforts .u j give relief to the people fyoiu burden saine internal revenue aud tafifi taxa tion, meets with tho approval of the llemweiatic party ot this State and wo respectfully recommend that i.s they find it impossible togivo to the people all the relief »they demanded, the;, support r.ny just unpractical measure presented in Coiigrcflkliat «ill aiford a ptfutlica! re lief lioflpieli cxistmg bunia'^W.'£z^ Resolved, That while th.. tllL which £*, tuiCJg - 4,c ft»af:ir ; - ''' - aio the rcpre?Brtaii»oii ol our our peoplo at the natiould capital must btMustcd IO adjust, wcl think the custom Wtiep should be levicld for the pioSuction uf public aud the discriminations in their Adjustment should be such »s will place too highest rates on luxuries and the lowest oil the necessaries of life, distribute is equally as possible the unavoidable burdens ol taxation, mid Oonlcr the greatest good oil the greatest uutnber. ' Tlut we, ns heretofore, fa vor, and will nevor cease lo demand, tho uneotiditional abolition of the whole in ternal revenue system, as a war tax, not to be justified in times of peace; as u grievous burden to our people and a souree of annoyance in its practical op erations. We oali tho attention of the people of tie iMaie lo tho. hypocritical pret'-nsir.s of the Republican paity in their pl.itforiu# that. lliey uro in favor ot the uepeal ct this onerous sy.'lem taxa tion. enacted by their party, while tnc Repibluans ii (' ngrei-.- arc taxing tbe ir enerpics to obstruct all in auguruiffU Ooihc representatives ot tho Demdfciatic to relieve the peoplo of all or a part of this odioudsystem. Hesolved, That the COUKC of the Democratic party, iu furtherance ofpoo ular education, is asutlicienj guarantee that we favor the education o the peo ple, atid we will promote an! improve the present educational nilvaltages so far as it can bo done without hi domng the people by excessive taxation Resolved, That to meet u existing evil, we will accept, for cduc tional pur poses, from the Federal ti.,v inment or pro rnti share of the surplu in its trea sury I'mvided, that it hi disbursed through Slate agents uud tie bdl for the distribution be free objection able features. RcsoWcd, That the Unit|l Slates be ing one government and ouu a national party, we denounce the clfrts of tho Republicans to tore, fectifijal i.isuei in Congross ami olirwhci -. n| 'r piomote dij.-Lijiii.ii an i ill will beiwl n i'. • jso ple (tf ihe different ;eetw:i>jof nur coui inon coun'ry. Resolvud, Tljat it is di'.ijte tin': |eo ple of our eaf - rn com lir-sj w t>o have >n ehcorfully borm lhei» slnri of our nuiu burdens, that the present or smni' joally eftcetivi- sjsteu. of 'ounty gov eriuacnt shall be maintained Resolvi d, the I'emJci.i'.J party is opposed to any further extension of the "" law, utiles- surch rxten sion shall liuve first been suthorired by majority of tho qualified voters wlthm the territory to bo affected thereby. Resolved, That tho Democratic party ha 9 ever beeu tlic parly of tho workiDg man, and has never fostorrd monopolies, nor nave "trusts'' or "combinations'' or "pools" CT«r grown up under laws en acted by it. The contest iu this coun try being between aggtegutod capital, seeking to crush out all couipction, and tho individual laborer, tho Democratic party is, as it has ever bccn,agaanst the mouoQplist and in favor of a just dis ri bution of capital, and demands tho en actment of lawa that will bear equally upon all. Ilcsolrcd, That all luxation bear* I " heavily ur|...» ,1m laborer, it in tlx : duty of the U-gi-dator, >ik a diree* Iteticli ; t0 1,16 workiligiuan, to keep the expense. •of out public institutions in (4ti; loWil [ limit consistent with wise und rflieienl I management. The Democratic party opposes any competition hi** | »ud convict lutwi, but, n iiiUbtn thai j convicts .••Li.i tot iciaain ni the n ' | poriu-of honest IjVt, , Resolved, tin.t i ur-i being on neiioul | tural Stat.., ; t is ,ur duly „s w , !| :i , Pur pleasure !c uns and all legi.-da | U»a !hat .s I \ calculated to ud\;,iu}«> j the iutero- .of ;>o r ; at . 10i aU ,i • »» ,-u doing we will r-i ,%■■■ > aili'a'iec j the internet of •• umnufuftur .•r« noil i»oor.Tn. itesolved, That the Democracy of ; North Carolina, coru ally a|pro\* the adminiettul'on c»f Iln Alfred M. Scales I m Junest, patriotic and conservative, Pcaolved, That the ability, wisdom, i honesty, patriotism, independence, faith j fulness 10 luty and uianly courage uf Preside!] i Cleveland have w-.-n the nduib- I ation of all gul men; anil the in forests I if t'.o country demand his re-nomination i and re-election. | A SMALIj FAHM W'iSLL TILLED A Georgia correspondent of the Com: Iti y lie 1.. Una a g:vu.j au altercating ex. j ample ('I the proht to be derived from . tliu t.ireful aad thon.'igh euiuvat'Oti of | smail furu. . ilv a.iys "\V 'i.ivc in • ouiisy au old farmer who I.iin ? ZO , • • ■ >)V' iiiVi::.tod i.i iailioatl a total, every W'.war ' i erliich ae iiaj made on a fittcet*. I acre fuim, since the war. Farming it ■ urn only occupation litis land was orig ! pool pmo laud, c'.uy about twelve ' irioliCw under white -and, he utider i drained it all, and raises throe crops to ; the acre every year. He has not the i advantages *t being near a city, he is oil in the woods, lie otvns no a about one hundred head *f cattle, nine months tboy feed theuiselyen in the woods, the three winter months they are fed every night, but winter and summer they arc under shed in the let every night, and all the manure is saved, and all tliey make i» put on that fifteen notes. A# ' ) him ol liiLOiatiiii*eiiieni l he sows AfliniW >*nbcT in beds' sis feet ripe be plants norn in the alleys between harvests the peas and when he gives tin oorn the last working sows uow pea broadcast between and harrows them in ' And in like manner he works all hi; I land, every acre making three crops. "This fifteen acre farmer has lived am, i laid aside $"20,000 in twenty yeais J ' know this to be the tsu'h. ASTKANUK ADVKNTUHK )»u afternoon lately a two and a hal! year old daughter of Millard Kill* j! lioiceville, in tl.o L'atslal! Mountains, j disappeared, ami no trace of hor could Ibo found, although searching purtios | were out all night. The next day ain au j who was fi-jhiug for trout Jiscovdred the J little girl standing in ilie middle of a ,brooi iliat runs through u deep lavinc between two mountains. .She had wan dered about iwo miles away from Ik die The parents wer.ioverjo)ed on recover ing the little one. And now comes tho strange part of the incident. The little girl oas never been known to tell stories and, in fact, is too young to invent and practice deceit. When her father asked her v here she had slept all night, she answered. "In the woods with a Lig bear, papa.' 1 She was closely question ed, but the child udliorrcd to her story that she had slept with a bear in the woods, ana i>-nplo in lioiceville believe that the little one renuj am i">.» bear, and, not kuowing what it, went •p to it, and for some reason the bear refrained froin hurting the wanderer- Tlwre are oilier people who bulicvn the bi ar came out of the mountains to the vicinity of Mr. I>uvis' house, :md the child, seeing the rtiaggy brute, ran af tei it and followed it to tie ravine.— Ex. MOSyt!Tt)K3. From the Scituiijic . lmeruaA, one of the foremost journals in the country on that order, we copy llic following recipe which is thought to be a safu and sure remedy fer that little pest, the mosqui to, which is uow priming itself for tho seasoc's visitatiou. "Take of gum camphor a piece about one-third the sine of a lion,s egg, aud evaporate it by placing it in a tiu vessel, holding it over a lamp, taking care that it doc* not iguite. Thc-suioke will-soon fill the room and expel the mosquitoes, and, even though the windows should bo left open all the night tbey will not e»> ter the room as long as the odor icuia'us ' Ex. •'•I'llli' WALKKR. ( t I'lio tuitii w the largest suit [ of cloth-a ■ J'ittsvurg tailor over uiad i 1 ' Jrink* llireo i|»ar!i of water at each » meal, ami who l is the qualities sup posed u- go with rotundity and.teiu i perauce, ought to furnish a actei iKotoh No*lwie.i■ , fry of this man ; ' ' Vr.uiystoil with the the naked 10. For fear to make hi* ajqnain j :ui ec, except jour hand may actio a j iittlfi after the grasp it got, or your aide* b. Horo for a week fioiu the very excessive mcrriiueat yen would liko to meet him Well, go to tho Pitis | jurg OFFICE mid ask to SCJ Captain i William W Caraiwy, inspector for the ( Piitsbug divisi"ti. You'll fiud liim, provided he is not m tho woods aftar jaiuo, hard at work in ft little dcu ba.'k J li'ton;; book." and letter racks." The I jwtiim if postal inspector is no sine i v."in . Its possibilities in; many, and .t- duties ai-duom. It mkes broad , shou'dors liko thoßO of captain ftirra , w iy, tit ' rar thciu gracefully, I Y>u see a typioal Southerner when | you inoet inspector Canawaj. lie was | born on a p nutation in Lenoir oouuty, | North ('urlrtiiia, where ho wan a pton [ tc* ;it 'lie breaking out of the war i W en surrendered at Appomattox j i.' i urul himself reduced to poverty. i All tho family estates wore swept away ; and young Uill ww poscsscd of little .than the title ot captain, well earu • -d at the head of Company K, Third North C.uoliua Cavalry. Having a j happy penchant for story selling, the j captain can spin soiue exciting yarns about his war experiences. On oneoc oasiou lie nad been sent by conveyance to carry a s.icret menage of groat im portance when he met a aquad of Union Soldiers in a dark woods. They haulcil ' hit in out of tho wagon and covered hiu with their guns. • "WhiVoare you d c rebel ?" felled a big a f'" l j bought/- a b«gg|>tfiio r m good,"feplied Carraway''». coughe up a lung. I)he fellow scanned liis-six-and-a-hal feet god southern stature. "You se : that roail f" ho asked arrogantly. "Yes," Carraway roplicd. . "Well that'a a dashety dashed fin dirt road. Skip you I But Curraway had skipped, and iidv j e.r heard the pet epithet. In after year I he became a newspaper writer famed al | over 'lie South for his wit and racy sto . ne.s of tho war. This was among tin ! first he ever wrote, and it gave hiui tin i uawo of "Dirt Road Walkor," a nnm which has clung to hi;u ever since. Hi used «o "ign all of his prcductious "D U \\ nlkor" and many persons in Nortl ! Carolina think ho was christened just it Itbatway. Mr. Carraway did inosi ol of bis writing for the Raleigb, JN. C Dntly .Win*- Observer. lie has al ways been an active politician, anl knows every man, woman, cQd anil fence comer in North Carolina. He trav eled the State with tiovoinors Jarvis ard Scales, and won tin-in many a vote bj his witty speeches and quaint campaign tongs Sinking is a feature in political campaigns south of Mason and Hixon'e liuo, as it never fails ti at tract the colored vote. Captain Car raway says ho has sung "Sweet Violets'' in every town and Iruulet in the Old North Stato. lu ItSSS licucral Vilas appointed ficn't'himjas t« 1 ?fc i ius P tic Minnesota ro cool off" Aftor KAI : ." tiu,ij in a wiutcr there, ho was transfer!- cd to Florida, possibly to "thaw out." As tinted by tho Post, he has been re tained at Pittsburgh for another term. Wliou he was at Washington the other week, and learned ihat lie was not one of the forty inipootors to be dropped off the list ho sent tliis characteristic letter to tlio postmaster at Pittsburg : ' All the clqjnls which lowered around our house have blown away, and Nash mi I I will soon be with you. cor, vical vertebras have not becu severed and we liavo ben placed oti the list of the blessed. Convey our kindest to our iVicuds. and pull dowu the blinds. CAUHAWAV. Captain Cariaw.iy IS fond of his ao tive exacting colling, and urges but one* objection to it. It keeps him away from his North -Carolina homo. Thore%arc 13 lutle Carraways down tlisre who think the world of their 40(i-pound in. titer. Ilis eyes dim as be desceibes tho fauny thiuga cropping out of his brook", a bakers doicn strong.-"Pittsburg, l'a., Pwif. NO, 8 PICKINGS I- row tli« Wilmington Star. I liQ present lung session is. longest. The IOIUVK: holds on until Jf it will bo the longest known. Well, the members are paid 10 stay at Washington. tien. behofieU], who succeeds Shcti ilan ii« Commander-in-Chief, is a l>eiu. o'crat, as were Hancock aud McClcl laii. He captured thi.i town in the war. lie remained in command of the De partment of North Carolina for some time. The very funniest thing in all North Carolina politics is the ' Honor"\ng ot candidates, the most of whom will be beaten. Nominato a fellow and the next issue llunngton Mower will refir to liiiu as the Honorable John ltarkis and the Hon. John will feel luigliti j tickled ai'd will speak of the lilowtr w great newspaper. The Democrats raised a polo and hoisted a flag at Kakersville, iu Mitch ell couuty. The Republicans gathered and cut it down. There weio at least a hundred shots fired. This is a law lisa sort of county. When they do n*t like the utterance* of a newspaper they •'gut the office" and destroy everything. The Republicans of Mitchell are worse by a great deal than Russell'* "Savages." This is a nice oouditioa of affairs for North Carolina. Jo McDonald is campaigning in Indiana. Chairman Mills it in Chicago. He spoke to a big audieuce. The crops in Egypt reported bad. llotli I'ornMiid wheat anr Jackson now is frost and that hj •!»> 1J„, 0 Jg The I'hi.'auvJ? .can, considers J! mp message - V stitrsnianli^S. Harrison is not "lucky." He has almost always been defeated for .WBce. lie will bo beaten again in less than ninety days. • Tho Jackson (Cal.) Sent in*/ reports a tieS, tho Sequoia, in Tulare oounly, that is 44 leugths of a t.fsot rifl«, by which it was measurod. The Jaoksonvile Times-Union has uot lessened its matter besauae of the sc 3urage. Hut who wishes to handle a newspaper trom a stricken district « There aro fourteen Representatives away from Washington who plead siek. ness for absence. Mr. Simmons, of North Caroliua says his «ifo is very sick. The Pacific slope outlook is reported as favorable to the Democrat*. If Chinese Harrison can carry California '.hen the people deserve to be visited by a swam of Mongolian* who shall fill all the house* ai*d devour the lubstaDoe of the people. ttlaino thinks tho message "a most sitraordina document. 11 Of oourse it is, and ho think all tho ltepulican Sen ntors It was a centre shot. A HINT TO UAHIJER. I am now, although you wouiu u.. ly think itj something ovor 79 yoars o. age. My hair as you wilt noticje, is as black as it was when I was 20, and whether you will considor it a supersti tion or not 1 will tell you what I havo done and what 1 believe to be tho rt MOB I have been alia to laal a it keep iU thickness and its color. 1 nave invari bly cat it to some extent on every Fri day of tho year, and on Good Friday I have si way* given it a general cutting. W bother it is bcoausc I believo in the charm, or whatever may be the reason, you can sec for yonrsclvss the result. No hair oould have butter p e crved its oolor than mine has. I happened when I was a boy to hear of this system from an old nun who was a thorough believer in tho idea himself, and I havo been practicing it for many yoars with the greatest success. Lightning never strikes twiee in tb« same place. Neither does a in 'e. j hey dont havo to.