sr>. ,1 Ik TFII Tl iwvpaqn ill ''J r« JP J| ■ I Filar 5 ! ! I it- 1 .t S 3 I •- i t ji J• • - - ,t W JL 'JL | VOLUME XV!!. Hcnortvr Pest prm.i i*!;;' > » .1 Y'.VT JT. C. PKl'l'JSa & . /•' • 7 r*. UATM. i> t* SC'iW-« :.*« . ~»*«, no ii. jat . iii atiyanrt .. §i.itn *f«.»*!Yi K A'l t•> u i %Jf i 4. • ♦»nt l'"f» »r !**■»• ! •'•pi*, ... fv '•"Hr 1 i,r« •.1 i-ri MI . »«.*••• t'v** « v•' ?%«: i. . ;. •! -j . ,J, J, • lUlWlf.!- - 1.. 0— A»M« .. ' • t ( f % 1 '••• :••• V JjM v)H r , • ;#.»■•; ,v v . t» Ml •. u.v • I! 1 • » r M'id» • I'.'. " ■ ■'. >M 1 > Ij'f.ij. ft. /..'■u.y.K-j. ■%' ATY)Vr '\' ;,:W ■ • il l'\ t ■! 1- Jr. r-.2*"t • * \ t •*.. •... **.;• YT. A' >V Hi IUV ' > •- Ft it is-.' . ... Hi- 1 ' JtOliesT rf. I • . • JH I> .7 f'.o. R W. V GO, waoms iL i .a 1> v (h ts, l'»ll.« 1 ill faint I *, u:r,«, im ::s, v an.-1.-; 1 : Krenah and i\mo> sun WINDOW v*LA.V PDT. s y 'Xi A■ ■ • M li MH, S !.N l_. CIOAKH, T A ttt'f' ' iao6 Hftlß >j! ~ .-..• I JD ' V GDO. S IEMBY. lij ami &hei!t iron ivianu uc'nr^t. U'l.liUiM % WOFIHGvtiJI itiVHiJA.iC {.v'CUT INC doll i It tfhott iiOli"Q. cons \.ily on 1.1.1 a a fl» • Ku .. aiiti f! • tthijf Ht'tVes, - QLZ Hfu2i ";;s T S ! riTljT£, : 1 \ " V»" ~■ 1 1 I u.i j L/pei . ....est -i t>ft .fftiii Do . i .* >?.•'. . ttiuplrlv iciiu 1 Ui*l Ill's 1 en I*o yvii m ~1 U) ! '.%i'i t-s So 't"trhir, to I c«|> InmliV|ii«i4ii fni :u" litu '.si lly, nr ] .nfluisli 1 gv>i 1&1. v- uf vii iy 1 If »u nil iif. J. V K X. M, 110E..2 , OAU KWISI 1 SS'l'l I !•», 1 \i Kuitti:, >.. V. KnUMkIMJIMA'jpwi -si. Udiu-A'. cf..': . .0:. .tar CHAPKI, 1; : .. N. 1 J»I xx j MMtnu begins v .a'. ; JIIOLU to ■ .1; VIMT. i*i,nr >: ■ j dtiili way jjivo MU ■ '■ >( -i". .t-n ; u»ch i- Tiirr fa'.' • jf .. iy I lra«!iu£tod •;»•««• ''' .• iJ •> '■'♦ i for the tt«imisg of bi-iii"'t n : i.s V «rit, piiV ' ill itsrl ij: . si' tii'lv j:ij.;-'il. Wriw '.fit ' t 'jiur. to HON ill 2 i'. iiAin.K, Ikv j The W! . / ..l-j r. runs i r 1 A 1•. 11 • !■ ic >1 - *i ji \ j s -.sui •! i. ■. n; i ■A ;s !.»' Ai.l AH ,i : • J THE DAI' 1 STAK One Year |&VO | 'lure.- Montlitsl |»X JA I j ' : : I I - THE WKKKI.Y ST.Mf Uue Tour il.'o j P:* M'IIIII.J CO Tuivo ) not». Our N-ws i vin» h.f- . • . . , boon largely DIIUIUOII to K«" |. tin* SiAu up U« the UlllliirU i»( BcW.s i" '* llriU**. A.Mivf#, WW H lilO Mill. Wih.tirigtou* N'>i ' WSYQO OlftOf THE COUNT V FCit' YOUR 1 SUIT lAEH WHEN You Can Cet Them Ofi W. B. IVAUGHN, , Walnut Covei N. C. -FOR AS LTIJitK MONHV AS IH ; AffY Orfliiß M.VKKKT Stop itr»i net' for r/r,n.rsty ' •vhen fhit.wn. I.' f- • iM? I y ".»■ \j is •i 44 V' * I" "j A il?is !;f" 7\ •.* ' i . 1 * ' K * • U ,■ ■ •f »''•••« r.diaV'i 'fou-z J ' .£. IH-i i'.r'. 1 A «*.' c.* - i' •at ; ■ 1£ t «, v .7 7 I ,7.'7 -' 7, -If ' i-'i ' • , . ; , r ~ 1 ' ' Vr.. ! I * - •••■-•- ' 1 75 v■ jnr. ■ ! 'I til- ?T.!Ki!.!> ivj:. .- •, • I ITI ■ ■ ■ il. • >i 1 • I ••• M'. . • • .. .. . . ' i • r > t 1. vi r* t . .. , » i" *w> •» . . ,1 J -# * i ) '., M . . • . v % .. • s a > i .« .>1 IUH•, pi- > :» i w i.K ii'Yoi; ; Oil or $ fur a»tj .,-rc | '«« Mftrh •«, in- Ih" ifilti*:*' j fWii• it. "• ttfipt'orei' ///. • , /i,vi.?r -fii I S't'.'.cn Ew:r:r vri: ; r.> J CF-iC.'.TOAii/!' ;j. . T IJSitO . V C AliOt IK A ' j s&#s, ' Jfa/w//c ."turf- of tanl Un it r in aV !ci,:d.t of , xiiiilif , n*iu -., Cn.iai-s. j ' -in y I oiitb*, I»ru;.!.cr' -11:1] .' i'i ')il '.. it. lii !•! MA■ ! I .... " I • ■ 1 i*' ■£. m 1 Cjl !%' 4 ;j >7U*; ; t« cov:' J. V+Ux. 1 - k ;•.•> !. - . Svf ' 4»t ' . . • -kllii J { i \ :•;!»••. U .1 .t *7th. j "i uiii«»i! fr.'wt > 1 ov.* ft- >.i> ufia>l.»''i ■ , 1..', It! tftiftfui 1 l!. uadi j |i iuf i {,-•!• . . • .. .. tli'T I -r - |?ij • T 1 "A K ;.j, 1 . • fi • > ii?!Ms» (• Vm.-I- 1 - > uijil av i 1 . | !.v, :K _• :l ' . 'I : »(4T 1 ! "r .. ■ . >. xi'. .v .; > .i.r.s -• : II M » • ""I'U.i. , i'jr ft it iff ti in-:' _ n hi; jinJ i' ■' ■ •."» ( r sit-idle. i':l. _ I ««r .proiitH iii ;«S " j I&truru. .CoihirK, (trittiMi S»iidlcj,|^ liiiliors, U hips, .-'|snrs, S.i.Ml.' C,lul !.>, j ( Iliiti's--msiilo Vi' ii " ! \V!ii;v. .«•' 1 ..1. lit-.-'. '». i-k !.urv , i 1:. . '. i( Sjsvusii'.- i , 1 NCL-, JJriislii- .V ir '. ' 'wral- . •-I t -ciy . 1 tlliug iu tliß ffnrnof i siml J.i'i- 1 .3. W. Mhiploy ! «. K. corner of Court HPIWO Sqanre, Wiai'.ou, - - - - • - N. C , Awnt for l'ut. Kitsted Setvin CA- Isirs, l«c«t colls".' in tlia worl J lisirr ; . cinni't ill) 'ifl- -punriatoeil not ' j t np- !; kN vjt i i >;•"» 1 rfiiL•.IJI :--l *. v lUSJSURY, N. C. THURSDAY, KKITKMBKU Tt, 1888. JV, GKWW*' I ■— ; SI ' - . .• • * '|(WWSV' ■ ■ i % ». !i. V on :\u U| v hi* iwnil -tnj' f i '' •' T'» tt* f f**H* •• tV. •• .*:; 1 V\ b: 1 (1*»1 : MT.i-i f SYhHV -j - • • ■ umin ! ft T-- ■ + 4* t 4».-» 4 » - - ■ ' •>)l . ' t t-. . i . \t id '» •«» ..«•; -r • ' '.V» i a.l i« iv\ \\i»V. /.!jov : i; H row ..N I ..I • . ] !(•' :. •' 'A :'vi j U* ; lA>*"' N V S WITL! A L\)|;R»K s aii il- nr" tur uioro con.'iion i.. ' n.l if;!• ■, U'.l.-IO tl.e !-uri::l 'alcos I ! ;».-i rvonfjf-fvsu liour.-* aiti-s ! il-;ss !, iii.-. tUrj urc- lioro, wi 1: one i.'ci si j si«ru! ■ v i». i-k ~ his j. .-pain j tlic b.l.i_v is .. ri niovrti in ti.e |mi . i-inkor'!. ilmp 1 !'iv hn.ju aftac I • -tls iti viii ni is. lurgest of t'. mo j T.t'i.i'i -l.i.ii ll'k in Mnijrid, .line vam • 11-JC, .SSI ..'stri-ordiistirj "ig'.s 1 W.I« w-tne."K --■ oil- A insin kb.- put in his"oa>ket' : one ! afscstir-in. in'l s-Ueeii in tbo room aut ' Bp»rt lor Um»l Ur*'. lit iii" bui-i- isa» I'F.R proprietor !:VBII ftvur h»r proiiusos, urO;- -n.i i'. umg ». • i*i■ r gnsi i Uill. Wbtti tbr ua'.; vrai at iU \ iitlo-.osiu iss 1 .: ■ v.. ..- .i.s ?■' 11 '■ joslio-s tl. ts ...; slj . ' IcdiHth tiw isito of i!.o ntnkrtaker, > lus ■ «..- -I wit,.; sii u . .vss s:1 • 1 ' 'os i'ltu.- tud ns m> 1 to l-r, tisoronj'lily 1 lonjoyi'ig liiinaiill' The tsmioiiaber -J .'.ii L e knew liip face, but didn't like to bi; tude ami si.«k lnui Lis uaiui-, but b)-iiii'_l-l y all the gucits d- pas i-.'d mid I tin-, s*range goudeiiuiu was the only on.; * H ' lii 11 I (MM ft r a cab iu: yi 1 I f-uJ tlia bo«t ht list. • N'o ti.siu!. you," 1 1.-I 'lie j; •ritl.isuin, "I'm staying in i tin ! H'l * • I- J I til. iiOtl-i i 1110 uudorfsker- '-i«.io in j yotr, sir f" M Wn»l, don t you ... I„J> j j I'm ttm j.S'j th.ll wai. brought in ti is- | j :f!ei'no3n." I l c undaitaker, iiori".s;l, ■ «.-! tol i Is •! mortuary rootn :-tui I'juint the Ooflsn ; i'liipty. !ii* wife ins I iJatis'hii i had been i •:>,{ with a .sorp.-c. An i v;, matioß i.-i OOVtp r. !■ d hi llj - SI. '. ' !wb i bsui only been it. » traiics, Ua I . ; -t." Becor-rid, i! ii, hi-ars!;>, ii.i -is. j | vovt lry -»bij-. -, i.'.nl* living h Jcoqii ■ - ( - '. -Ii > :.u • i .. wit- a i-. v,. ..' . 1 inc..i'' ;*i;i 1; • . :.. ' and j ii- . ... ; iva party ~ ■ , K ; V ; if:v Th" von i.?rtu! iuntitiit, Tom Bwd, ) iirisip r.vnui '.iid •Th-i-c 4;« • j wisy fit!! m:t p-.s i wis a friutid, bo. 1 -AUSS 'lsey ai-dry or at lunv' may be ft .-a suil bye v o( any otlicr reasi u why " I'lie !■ >1 is) pt-rbsu-si tbc moat coiuumri II «. on. .l-ioi ss I'uftoD'oisee in'udud MS ,11:11 -I. . "Wiii tl,c coming mail uiisik''" but a I- fu lt: to answor tin iciy we IVII «x{t .« ■» -d ipinii.n, tint ,ir tit tl.i I'oiiiit'S lli.'Ui lenni" tn puz- l otnc, iis'u! family above all otherc. will ti- ti a n.niit to abuHC bii' own organism. In March !«.-» n *r:i«r 111 the . Igt u.i.ilc siiui" praotieai r. marl up" th's* ibjii't afid Offered a i.wly Isint prohibili 11 advorit' .1 would d>i well to no to iii. nays, 'As i»r,gri the luipen'totiouH ot huiunoity remain unlit- 1 led to iu surroundings! ami onnditiunn, 1 so li Jig evil and rnimry will euntiaue ano timn'scvk refuge in atroiij; diiuk. Increase the PUIII of human bappinean by . wbatevor mcur -i possible, 1 B»sin the ln:r* 1 denti and ameliorute the woes of man- I kind, remote dUeasn ~nd pain 1 by a batter physical and moral edm.v tiou, atnl yon will have p'-ieki .si " 1, In- u dc- i.s i "ranee Am j >-oV: ri. CAi?i;i.i.N'a !»).• >-.;•• >1 w I• • ! ' j IT AVf C 1.. I'AHTY 'l'\ 1. ■ I . t -si 1. ' ■ ■■ '.. . ' ' 1 > JT I. (Vr I—l at) '.l,''*.-1V - - *|fl • . - go ti :'. il !U I I'Hiifrni pin ;•■■■ "v ■ "i- II- • - 'l t ,f, . , .. I . ' .' ■ ■ .Vl'ii tuxes | I bo) ud the amount t nlrod ti ;iv its j 1 mi ei.'&ry ex{ 11 .• lod erncttmily oxtin- 1 •1■" ■ -'i .■ iiilia !■ ■ . d ths' '"hen- ' •jvtr 'his si "-v.H s.. ii •• •- ."• derived i- : jo">i. s ii-.-, i-iii. ir-'■ -.1. i« roJii's 1, to si ■ •.. • -uiinif I- ih *l'.-.ii i T'. v. '1 of 11.- 1 ■ W'i j k. • s • 1 jni\ • ,-l t1- s is-1 ir.t'n. |of «•!( '• \ S'i: 1 1"• • - •..- ■ • j"" ' 1 1 i- -t .- tl . ...... ;. • ■ . . -ind «ii> .. *i 1- • i ••-. • r mndi 1 j Tin. ■. it -t IV. -, . iu- .-f-:.- 1 Utn »in ('. i' SMII, in bir tMta . ,Igivn yeltcft people front bttrden-1 - tki iv ■ -V- .... t. ■ . j M'.U, Is V 1 . .s . 1 ! l'l-Mocriiii Itv s • ■ n,- :si.ij ».■ j .-isSpe;tfnllj iiiusi ,i- ! thsit i« l 1 u.mifKs.-sible tugivo t . 1 peoj 0 aii ih..- 1 relief tin- ■ dcuniud d, 'I.-■ u| any ; :-t —id pme\ ai m. Wlii'j ~ri •AT, - ! J • . ' Co-ifri u that will it: ia . tactical ; llfi .Vi.lli .-.|l;l H'kl! 11 ■ 1 I-II•"!' Uo >olvriii, i iiat wbi- li i-t/., - n; : od wli ■ - .:..tiu.a ' - I til -it pi-op'.. .1 Mi - I .. •>•.' be 10b :•> wi.: placet ■ hijjlieati" r.'.titsM.U iii i-.---ulnl .r - lowest ..ii liie i neccsrarins ol liie, d.-'wi- usually 1 asi p-iM-ibit '.in" u ).-voi« ; atiie I I- : , o! taxation, nnd o'">i 'r tt " gn-ateft ■■■ 1 ou the ; i -.iii.-. number. lii'Molvod we, "in in ■!' s'» f vor, and will nevor««-. ato -. ■ ' • uno'inditi "mil abolition of ii -ti. in. ternai rev »ii( ayutctn, a« af ; ,l . t.' b.' jllstiii >1 ill I'm- of J-... 1 otit-Viii'.- b>i"ii'ii to oir fi.'opi.s ai.-.l sou. ji iilinoyiii.oc ;ti itf- pr-ii-ti.- ' op- -i j orat' W 3 'i tiii. .lit s.. ;i .. I j,Ci.|i! of iln- i-'iatt to list |i,j . n J jsret. ii..iu'. tlto llepublißai! , ->i. • in ' I I ir pliitfotin's t! ,t 'ey sre r • -.- f v tiio 4oj»oa: ot ibt> onerous >)■ t tasa- i I, >-iisi ; i.isii pnri "Repiblii usi '. v' ugii-..- , ■ 1. - ' 11 ' I t V..1. - ; » ' •:. "'' ■" . . . . il .1 ' . i I. ". • Vlisit 1 I ni'-s! S'atc •bej !a .j? is. , -i.... 1 i,.i' os M rational 1 w p,.rty ou ■ Ili-tis ot tin :j | K•" libit.... -1 ;.i tor. . . I'f.i i.'ii i-i . V;igi.. -• i i-:.-ii.l-v., si!. ! if | -i!u'>ti) dl.-.-e.Mi -ii.'l I.'. Vl.lbtiw- nth pp"- nl | pi., -if t' . luU. V : il.- of nr.- 'urn w nion eoin ir ; . ,1 KCMWU 1, Tlial * li"-' i; ' R. • . pi I f I .1 "I •I' • S. \»'.-I- il .Vi 1- ll*. I.''.iii) t ill.- til e, -lltn .. ..I 111 .ll sii'iri iimd' ii.". tl.i- , 1- . lit ot .. 1.,1 «'|'i 1"' • .'iw • t ■.' -i n OS ..111-llt ■ : 11 I 1 Ills.ll ,|i. 1!' s-.i.vcd, 1". ■ ! !.'• 11 's.j-' in.opposed to r ,'urJi 1 lAiti.sior. '! tie •ii.r.i'. ' isi•• 1. I'.-h s,mh eiteu w siot. 1•' - . tir.i' 11 1 i.!:i.ii/.ed ly-ei majority • ! tin. I •r> w!t .-is ' ti. teriitjiy to be ss'i .ti 11! trcby. R-HO!. That tbo I'omotfratlo pwty haa eror bcin-tbv party ol t:ie w«!> 1,1 nt»n.imd L.u 11 -.'or • • s • 1 ui .in |« lie-, nor nave "trust 1" or "coni'.iniatioiiK" o- of "pools''ti for «rowii up under laws en- . aoteil by it. The eoniesl in this coun tr try being betwiei. si(/gt'.giitis i capital, iat aeokiug to crush out ;s!l coinpotion, atiH or tho individual laborer, tb# I•. mo.-rr.t: 'ni party is, as it has vcr litcn, agnanst the •». I.i -i polls t ai.d "i fan . f a jn>t di ri. lit button of i .lita!, mid d imis .- sj... ce. of .*1 in"Ql of law* v'*t wi : b. in- ~ :! I.J 1 II :l!l il.l ]i . I I'h'i' i f1 : itii-n '.. ir. •• ■ J - lin 1 ,1 1m > i'> —1 i • lal- .r>r, it is the ■ '■ I •■'.'! L'i 'iior, as a diru-t benefit '. iJL'lliall, to koop ttlexpi'llHCS I ' SIS- public iii'-titiili iiis at the iowodt inaietent aim mw and efficient • jit. riii Datoowitio party beuie MI fr-■> 1 * 1. . I-, but it insists tint ta .iii! not remain idle m ti.e. ex n iii b.'itiest labor, iii • . -11,1. iiar- boiltg «t> >l."i. ul «■ - '■ s our duly . iiweii uour ' , - ' v and til I'- i' 1 " ' ' to dvalr-o ' 1 • ' - I "llii : l'.tt ill ' ' ' - -i IM fvlMiv-. • . , \S . s -. •- I I. .'. '" '' ' d'i s .■ , ! lC mlim - : ' '1 oi'.id ISI. II; s.ii-l il - ..itor-r-ia . tin - -.nuisy djiiisinii i .. .1-111 |.i : 11 inn 1.1 re- i ;eiioa. lit>\V Slitn I.D IT H!{ H RITTKN ! We vmturod to express the (pin ion :cnso weeks as;o tie ' tho autlioiiib's 1 0 ' writing Jones' n.i'l piei-ornlora'e \er tbose for writing Jones'* mill; but '. s Wiimingtoii Shir .lifT- ri 'i >lll our • - -.i an J eommntita ..n wbnt we ; i .1 . i I tisiui: ' • iin ii. 's-i tbroi Kuolish (iram s't 1 -i!l su-stmtiL'd wkat wc said ' ' "ibl ri- ivritti T" ".l inns'* mill." A. sir Ito fur book anil tbo :-r ; i .: 1 copy of Hurfif->wo took .. .wiiii .I 1 -s,i ipiiio'il .-.',,-teli - l-'.ng r.iit.H) 111 which was wtitten ' 'sins. "• 1 I,il'o .if Hums." \Vo •t I ■ .VaoanlayV Kssi, -, and oui -1.1 •' >ii*wJaiii«i.V as we turtacd • We glnnood at the •'Globe .a favorite novi list snd it I ttkde 'iDickeoi'i Works." Our im-j . . i • 1.-st v;e have rarely seen it' sii. . .1- Mk. SitAt swooi>iuaiata upon I-.and ho i s scholarly—.in the above j , . itod paragraph in a long reading of j tini-:. authors extending through ijuito . I i'urty ' ■ y sua.'' V v aat dra"V attention to tho fact ■ 1 v 1 .1* we 1.1 ' sniil was confined to 1 on • i.'li: ot toner me: with. 'mill 0 lon w'i 1.. ill; and wa beg ' ipj.ret i. id a '.tor of the 1 ■ opi rrnit us 0 draw his attention 1 .• t ii,;.t if ho v, -11 li.ek in the -it m:i I 1 anottoer," I'hiiadolphiu, j 1 *i'i. he i .y'iisd tho tollowiri n uuitoi'in j xamplt'.s of writing the singular pos- j . e.ssivo of the word JIUOH-.- JOOOS' Mill , 11 1 l.oai: 1, Jones' Chapel, Jones' \ 1 1, ■!ones'Station ini-l r three 1 1-. 'sj - cs' Tan Yard. Tho cdt -1 • ts. St't finds a binirranhietil c'J 0: • in which is written : -. bimbon** Life i.f BtirEs,"bntstrangal as if • .ay com v". find an i sue of that ■ per f 1 later data than t'ic 0110 aon. ti»'tsi*i;» 1 ■ comiiiont on our article, in, ..11- ritten hainber.s' Journal." '.V •'.!« 11 the title page ot a Chicago ju'licution "Cliambi.s' Dictionary ofi -•> 'i ivnuwli- ! re," while Lippin -1 • • . "i-sti "t" an !ililii ' • . " ' the " OC-usic lis 1 tl 1 • I' -' 1 tl'.O , -sens:! 'lid: t!io ' -s ' V, i jut tl wo wri'.o J n o'' ' mill for tho ovular n«)mb«r, wc cannot j .! 1- • ira! i: "in it in wii: It.". ■. ry . Ovr— i', j 1 of. *oi i :w! i-Saxon Oi l ! nglishin -. or- j ' '.'niversify in a private letter to tin.-, j -. ,:r.i fays. "It is noiat all tho tondon to drop, tho .v in ts - |kmm«»SIVC singu- j t sir 1 1 nouns, I tbiiik. If dropped in j 1 written language, it ought of course to t ltd dropped in spoken language. ' Jones' - mill' in spoken language would becquiv- , , seal: Hales' larger Knglish I'ocins'; n-ould boi|Utto iitisloading il spokeu. lt-| li.»ild bo Hales's the iiominutive being 1 ! I. s not Hale. I always give the ad liii- nal »- in proper names." y 'iu'.lton* iu ids book cited, whiah w u ; *' ai'-.ti is pwnrds of forty years ago, in s n * i f tho omission of the s after tno , IV i;..-istioj a. in tho possessive singular: ' ,»ti - n tin nominative singu 10 r | m-.': in », or ; n letters of a similar I '.si unlet to avoid liirshne**, or tno j a . 100. i.sion of hissing sounds, ro- j II ir. s thus: 1 >•' l us. i i considerable diversity of, t .j iuie'i and usage on this point- f"oini) . w insist on rctaiuing s after tho apos rophe in every position . as, "Xantbus's p itock of patirnoo."— L'Eslrangc Otli- o >rs drop the » only befure a word begin- g ling with an ior v-sound, as above; viiih" otbfrs drop s wherever tho uso of 1 would produce b#r>hness, or difficulty . i pi'iuni". iti- Though iu this last, j. 'c 11 t .. .-.1, limits (in" sis lcsa prov i:t .. i l - . s-rn'o that "Which air---* * * * * * * " P'JPfiOENT S JUFF NO MONKV IN IT. Teacher^—llotr much doo.i five dol lars put out at two and one-half per cent par annum aiuiiiut amount to in i? years ' .''use Scliaiimburg, jr.—.X it enough to. make it wort viln. Dor was no to.'dlilll dot illiiiisaesliiiii.—iSifti'igs NCATING ADVAXTAOKS. A .'.-li.-st - Whyj mamma, is tins tin 1 i . ''..\. ■l' • oiinker's cbutoli'f How very ■ I'. 1 it i.- 11 alums— , t.-'i, it 1: siy 00 mall, inv ! d- 1,1 :t it is very high.— l.ifc II! v I -lii't l,H> IT. tor ,r ia tenth visit) —honi: i-hero how 10:111. more tunes do vou ' " .nit me 11 "nil with tlii* little accoti'it Hill Overdtp:—Why, man, I don't ' '-are if 3ou never call again.—.Life. A vn;w. 1 "Ma," said Hobby, in slightly injur -led tone of voioe, ''there wore lots of : tb'i'gs you iet mo do boforc tho b.ihy can.o thft you don't lot mo do 1 now." "l)o yon ti.iuk so. Hobby '- V i s," asserted 1 lobby. "Still," li; went on with more pliiloso.ilsv, "I can't essoet you to be so good :i pinthcr with two children as y.-m wore alien you otlly had onc.--N, \ . 11 arte. Till' Rit!IIT MYNKRSHII'. Stranger liu lioitou street car. to •igod citiiou)^—lvxac-e ILC, tny vennr. 1 able friend, but I think you havo drop pod your speetnislcfc. - fc " v Aged Oi'iz.-u—That's something I ; 'ic\ er wear sir. I Young Laay-%They belong to 1110 sir. ! was about to ask tho conductor to i cotuo jto my assistance.—, X. V. | I lurid. A VKTHUAN. 1 "Yes, boys," said old Hollows, prond i ly beating bis breast, "I've been a sol | dier in my time, and, I do say it my self, like the wtirhorso of Scripture, 1 ; could over soent tho hnttlo from afar." "1 sposo," that on rcrj many oc asictis that save! your life . Life. CARKI'M l. OK HIS KNtiLlSll. ] "Now, Waldo," said a boston ladv, .. U..'minister is to dine with us to-day, j and 1 want you to be a good little j f qoy." " 1 cs, Mamma.'' • A.iS't if the subjci't of prir. .lighting ii inti'ixluced at tin tabic, you must bo . ore ind iay slogger not nuggar."- -1 Life. . 1 11 TKMI Kl?!N« TIU' WIND. ! d t 0 Wif. -V. a rule, my dear, aren't c ; i-.'uti ' aj.paaranqp ' Husband—.As a gotjeral thing thoy .ire, and 1 b">k upon it in tho if a # merciful dispensation of l'loviduiic.-. ; I lie Lord, you know, tempers the wind n to the shorn lamb .N. Y. Wo rid- RETURNING FROM TIIU 110NKY. 'j MOON. «• a a Mrs. Young.—Wan't you put away ( i your papar, and talk for awhile, y Jack ' , Mr. Young—Yes, my love, Just wait till wc got to tho tunnel.— c Life. ' o! ir LOSING HIS I'OI'I'LARITY. S( • si Fricml (to eminent barti-siornieri—. m How did you make out on your recoup hi trip Clioloiiinndoly ' Kmiiicnt -iaro-Stoimor—l play to poor business evcrylmra. 1 toll you ild man, Shakospearc is loeiug his Erip.—Life. # . Printing wa* mtro lnocd m 'England' n| in 1474. _ _ 1 Subwi ibe tor the Ri'.ruaTEK. j tl THr FLQWEItS COLLECTION NO. 11 PICKINGS From the Wilmington Greece is linving earthquake sbooks. r | iletiing m Now York on tlie I'rcti | djntial election is very rife. V ery disastrous floods have occurred .i iu Kurope, and Spain especiolly suf tars. ('lct-leston Ins sent to Jacksonville •j :i'i J ntli' j Florida sufferer* $54,8U0.38. i Suvit)u..b has sent more. nl omuson'a cirous mi tpn into by - irniu and four men «W hi 1 i.nny wounded. ' adopendant, vote of Massachu viii bogiven for Cleveland as it i wni in l?Si So tho leaders declare. Havana's frightful hurricane was cvi'i) more disastrous than at first rc- I ported, it it known that 147 perish ed. il r 'jti.i : frightful hurricane wan j even more .lisastroua than at first rc- I ported It if known that 147 persons j perished. ■ Wilmington should be at once quar— I antir.oJ against Decatur, llendersonvillo j ind Florida. If a ease couien it is too j late then ExKing Aumtleo of Spain, has mar- I ried his niece, daughter of l'rincc Na- I pnl»on, ot Prance, and kuown better | as "Plon-Plon." After all the Plaincitca did not hold their own in Maine. The vote if less it was in 1884. Illainc blowed but the votes were lacking. Tom Cobb Jackson, grandron of Gen lloiiry It. Jackson, of Atlanta, split open the head of George Martin, editor of tlio ,1v ihinc/ie. Shirtin is dying. The vote o- Maine this year should be compared with that of 1884, both Presidential years. A soiuparuon with the v .to of 188(1, an off year, is not fair. Florida is said to have a niusica' gen j ius the rival of Josef Hoffman. Ife plays the violin aud piano. lie is but? years old. His name is Thom as Kluiore. I'll* political outlook for tlio Dem ocrats in Illinois is reported favorable. Representative Spiinger is confident that we will gain several members of the l". S. House. Warner Miller, Republican car,li date £>r fiovernor in New Vork, de elates he will tight the rum power to tbe cud, and lie will make it a distinct is sue in the campaign. Washington Democrats do not scare wnrtji a cent over the Maine election. Repuelieaus are so depressed that they snatch at tho Plane morsel and are so glad that it is no worse. The Ptiilodclpbia Ledifcr gives the faith enro 'Joetors a dig after this way : "Jacksonville. Fla, offors a brilliant field for the faith cure people, but they have not been flocking there to auy ex tent." It is feared that tbe recent contin. ueil ;-uins—extending through seven d >_, s—have done very great damage *ll thorough the S'ate and the South. On one riv. r in South Carolina the lost is e -11 atod at §1,(KJO,000 Tin v aro. trying iu New York to find out it wan tint gave tbe $12,000 te -tr'ckoii .laeksouville. Ncvor mind, tl.t Lord knows, and ho will got his fe. ward. He is a true Samaritan, send ing hlsi-sings without parade. Democrats in Washington aro de iightep with the President's letter. Senatoi Kenna says it suits him ex actlj. The South Carolina Senator* are ti.ucli pleased. Chairman Mills is delighted. New Yorkers say it is the vcty best of its kind. Gov. Hill bad an easy time iu se curing his renomiliation, and he will bo elected, we have no doubt, llill is a ■nan of ability, a shrewd, sharp, un. scrupulous politician of the type that so abounds in New York. He is as sharp and cunning and unprincipled as any of tlio Republicans, and knows well how to pluy their game. Mr. L'ibounliorc, editor of .London Truth, gives it up thai American girl* ire handsomer than the English girls. Of oourse they art, aud tbey beat the world. But editor Ltbou nbero ought to sec tho Southern girls, nnd especially the North Carolina, and more particularly tho Wilmington girls, nnd then he would be willing In say that the halt had not beoti told. , • ' » 41

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