VOLUME XVII. Rccciter £"d Fcst prBI.HIIKD W EKKI.V AT DANBURY. N. C. Piil'l'Eß & SONS rubs. A- J'r.o H * I ».N Ol' NI'IMCKIPrIIIX i no Yotr. |>ni>iiblf it» mlvance, #l-*«n Mji'llS CATIM OK ADVKnTMIMMt One S |imre Mow line* or liw*) I Him* 1 'hi J-'-irOiich mtiiitkou tl liiMrtlou t—'* % Contract* for i»mo 01 more *|uu*** ciw U; IUMI«' in proiH»rtion to tWf above mtOM. i*rnti4t«iit mlvortirter* will lm uxpocted to rom tc to iliooomtvr til > * f "4 li*lr invnrx. Loovl elce# rill l»oohHrgc-l."»0|»orrO»»t.lilylnli ili.HI above rntoi». U unities Oarili will bo liiwloil nt Ten. I> tu'.ln NIIIIUUI. • •-Mi PROFESSIOXA ICARDS. it. l. n.iYMom:. ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Ail-j' N, O. ftp,vial attention jjiventotllccuUeellim of rlniiii*. 11: F. cjitwit, J£TTQTI,YBR'TFT-L>TF r. MT. AlltY, M'UltY CO., N. C Practices wli-ievo. iiis-htv tea arc waiitd VtIIKIIT W. ru Vllt*. IbllAK l>. lAVI.O It \V COW KUS .V CO. WHO L KSA Ltl Dli L U CIS f.S Dt-idera in PAIXTH, OILS, DVK.S, VAI»NI.SIIK> French and Amorican WINDOW t»LA*>3, PUTT If, &C MM iKIS'! AM CIIEWI.NG CiUAKrf, IC.'.ACOO A SI'KOI.U.Tt j 1305 Mum St., ItlcUmond, Vu .Itsli.ii.ti —. GEO. Si'EyVART. Tin aud Sheet Irou Manu facturer. Oj»)M»Hjtc runners' tV.iivhutiM*. m.xiiox, x. t . HOOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT 1 ING d(i;i'-* at s!n*i t i o!hv. Ict'its onMuntly •>;» lut 11 a lluu lot o #oufcii% tnil li lting Stove* OAK RIDuE IiISTITUTS.! DO v ('..K.'ir :i g.imt purniii ticnt iiml |>r«Kr«*l»• icbvitl, I>iiy,.i| « istl tu;v( .t cn 111 {lie I (> roil II d«il Do you w i*h lo learn t» be a Tt i\d>rr. co}> leioki, |n •p.ii'i' for t!»»? t'liiwisity. oi j «4«ii.ii*2i a good t our»o of study ? If *» adiln***s, J. I K M. 11. HOLT, OAK Ui:»ilK i Vs r!Tl* I t., OAK UIIM.I;, N. L. j Xext term be v A H. Ujivj?sii7 af Nsrih CaroHni. CIIAI'KI. lill.L, N. Tilt; NKXI I •MMimi begin* August al. Tuition rt- 1 iluowl tu t'i. l , u lialt ye«f. I'imr »tu tlciitt uiav.({ivc Holes. Faculty i.f fiftccli Kiclnn. Tlir«e full ciiurn s cf ; loading tiidcgroca. 'l'lifee sliurt course.. fur llio '.raining uf busiiiuas men, teuoli #r», [ihjsiei..ii!* t and |»liurmauiHt!* L:iv* «cbuul fully cquippjii. Write for cata logue to HON. Kkmp C. HAITI. k, 1'IC«. The Wilmington Star. UKIM CT.I X IX l'ltl l>. Attention is called to tlte fallowing te ducej rates of »üb»cription, CASH IN AVVAKCK TllK DAIIA STAK. One Year sii.W Three Monllissl.Ati 8n Mouths o.UU j One Mouths oU TllK WKKKLY STAK. "One Year SI.OO | Six Mouths Co Three Mouths 8" cents. Our Tck'jrapli News »"rvlc.i h.«« IT ftitl> 1 ■♦Veil largely Inere-wd, anil it is our ih'ter • uinaiioii Ui k'«p tlie StAu ii|kto the lilg|n'«t yinJnrU of ne«» |ui er exwilh-niv. Address, Wit. 11. ItKNAUI), Wilmington, N'. C. WHY GO OVTOF THE COUXTY FOR )'(Jl'/i SI'PPLIES II HEX You Can Get Them Of IV. B. VAI GHS, "VVulnut Cove, TV. C. JTOR A3 UTKLK WONKY AS IN ANY OTyKH MAUKKT. S\op and sec f»• yourself when passing b'/iluui ('inc. DRUGS! DRUGS! A lull line of I) R C ii S il the oh? rvliublc House oj DR. V. 0. THOMPSON , WINSTON N. C. b> th at \\iloLES.-I LE nu / UET. lIL, Put oiit MoilUmiio.-*. LCM]H siti«l ()il, 1 >l;lUKfliil Dvon. OtC. . Everything o t the very L'/irrst J'rices in 'he Win stun Mnket. ONWAED! IS THS WORD ! : 'l'll- !'I.U(;I:L..S>L VI-; KAUMK!:.i.t.|>iti ! I'M 11: i» v«»t.t M}, il llio lofli A\ inu i i*' > : 1 Mtll.ltirillV. I %«%»»• I. O ."y I MM! "'.Ol 1 > *t|ln TihiMS. I VIMI" lU.tHI O'. IMM I vjir r, . to i!.i »•..« .■MMHHH, • .... , i cltiU ol ten. | Kitilit |«r*rH. 40 colmunji, S-nM \*li |ur»|i »1ih..10 I. 1.. I'OI.K, LL.KM 11, N. ■ ; 1L Y V >1 • \.' A N T Oil or nei illr* /'.ir nuy sew j in J machine, or the latest : Iwomh'r in i;ti:troe,(l nut" i chwen. call (ft\ v!NGER cCWJiiC MACHINE C 3., ornc; OPPOSITE P. O. | VYiN :TON. CAUOUIHA. j I 'WiUia .\funufucturer of ami Den ter in ttI 1 kinds of Sudiilc.", 11 ui n--, lUr*. hip-, Spurs ' I'urrv tombs, Hrtt'lics and every thinji usually kept in his line. McA'Joo j liutljing. J i WALNUT COVS ACADEMY. A lirst-eli SS SCIKM.I f'>r '»nd | liirls. Fall Ti-rin b»giits August 'JT'h. ' Tuition fr-iu t.i uiol C'O • extr:i f..r ench uddiiiouil laiiL'Uao. —MI'OLI: SU 0 I'Klt. M N'TII— ! Hoard froiu YS.OO to 5- F"f lur ilier paitieulars uppiy to J. T FAIir.KIJ,, l*i"ui. I Mis« Minnie (I. I.eucli, Mu-1 u Te.ichei , and assistant. I j LOOK FOR THE jjlg lisfi fpM'!-, NKXT TO Mil. S. I". ALLKN'S 11 Alt I»\\ A I! K STOUB, i For anything l/oit intend bnyiug in the ha mess or sa tdlc line. Rccclu'd lli'hl premlatu >it Ulute FAIL. Harms-, l.ollars, Uridles, Saddles, ! Halters, Whips, Spurs, Saddle Cloths, lioiuc-iiiikdc Wagon Whips and l.aslies, l!a k Hinds, etc., I.ap Sprends, Fly ; Nets, lJrubbcs, Curry Couib*, aud .cvcr|r : thing iu the Harness and Saddle Li'i«. •I. A> r . ». K. corner of Court House Sijuare, Winiton, - • - .7 - - N. C. • Agent for Fat. Hive tod 3«aiu Col lars, beet colhrs TBJ world; harness • cntuint slip off- -guaranteed not to rip. ">'>TiUN(i hi 'CCKKPS i.irivii: si'i ci:ss." DAjNDUUY. N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER K ISBB ■:.fv ■">, IT::I.I 1:V 1: I\ 11 i\ .IOA »t J\ MM.I Kit. in in 1:1.nor i.i: n .iwny. 1.0 ! in in a'lfaiii'.-s v ti* l»y >•• at*; Thi»«' I»•»;»« 11 i 111 ii|»\v;ir I. i'»il j Ol lifts must liioinlou il i\ by ilitv. jLT *ll«*\*• in 111:111 with larp* IM*HI t' '!*>•«• n yiftMT*' 1 *4. ti 1 ' •;*-!! 1* trv • ttin l ll.it pi-oin m', roit pl it'is. an ! full |ui;u»* Foi all tin'iMiijuy rliall and nhi'af. I» lio\ > in in i i with protul l» •! rf: Tnrli k |Bl In* !»«Itoui ol hur w 11. ; Anil when llio llili'f |n»" h ilown, tl e lliict I'. rps Ii i« k a* Ii in. |.« 11 «•!ti:il. ! Faint not t'ia! this or Mi u ma • 1 11 : ! For one that fa ha t' «»it«in I iis' | 'l'o I f v liitc tcunsH to tin* *kir* ; j rmtli k • •{•- t!i- IH.UOIU oi h«r woll. j I'car f.ot fin man, nor iva.se t> de'.vw j F»r iM»l .i\viffL truth withlarui hvlief. I « • ! rhrht 11 iinl*" I'IIOJM* only iw*• I \it tnm «t ili -s. ttirnod«»i.t a thief. AN UNDKHUHorNI) UIYKU New bits been received that a great i sensation prevails . t Wlnteville, the c unity seat of t oluinbu-, over tlio dis i-iivery of an uudi'igrinilnl liver. What , !•> ulailiu'd t i be the roariui' and rush i f i ivatel, which ean be piatuly hoard and | hiiii lrc Is irl penph: are vi.»iiirg the spot. | Wlie-i in the vteinity of the supj nsiil s lea..i, tt ean be | lciuly hoald. bin 1 nhcu a | i i son li'-s Hut upon ihe ground, j the phenomena becomes really alarming. I Tlie 5..11H i indicates tl.ut llie Water is { imt any urcut distance down, and that ii j is ii..i a saiall .-trcani but a majestic riv jer l ii.it is eoui.sing its way unseen iu the I biwuls t.l liie eartii on its way lo tho sea. Vehicles pa sinj; tlie grnuii'l whole the phenomenon exists, croitn a hollow th», j and from below an! the earth in the vi ei.iily I : a great distatioj arotm 1 sums j ,o be eaveriious, judging Irouj ihe ( - ii.h-.-* 11l iollo - s.iaip iiilWa, . i.i j »Vhitb*ilie fti plo aio pnssisfcd of a I very morbid curiosity. Atlanta Con ! shl ui ion. SKVSIIILH COI NSKI.S. i'ers verc against discnuragcuicnt. Keep your tcaipcr. Ivnploy leisure in study, and always hi vu some werk on ' hand. He t uuctual and methodical in I 1 bu.-iin.ss, and never | n.crai t rate. Nev 'erbe iu a liuiry. I ie-ervc self pos ; se.-si Mi, and do not be talked out ol ui.u --] viulion. Kiss euily, in i bean eouMo- ! mist of lime. Maintain dignity wiibout 1 the appearance of prido; maiiuer is some | tiling with everybody, aud everything with some. HJ guarded iu discourse. 1 attentive aud slow 10 speak. Never ae ! iiuiesce in i..u:ioral or pernicious opin ions. lie not forward to a.-s'gu reasons I t" tli'-se who have no to ask. Think j iioihiug ill ooiiduct uiiiiupurtdiit or ii diiTereni. Cractice striet tcmpurutier, ! and HI yia-'.r tr-insactioiis leuieinUor the 1 linal account —.Mi.'Jl.' iu. I * * | THE CKITK.iION OF CIIAKA *JKK. The truest criterion of a man's eliar. | net or ainl conduct is invariably to be i found iu the i. .inton of his nearest rel i- I lion-, who, Inning da ly aud hourly up. pottuuities of forming a judgment of i liiiu, will not fail Iu doing so. It is a I lai higher testimony iu his favor fui him | tu s.euro the esteem and love of a few I individuals within t bo privacy of bis own | home that) t lie good opinion of hundreds j ii. In. immediate neighborhood, or that | of times that number residing at a dis j lance. In fact, next tu a close und Itn ! partril silf-scrutinv, no i|uestio i comes !s" near the truth as t"r a man to ask himself, " W bat is thought of me by I lie ; familiar circle of my own Ii reside 1 Would that all reu.eiubvred this i A Hrueklyn niau who was look.ng a • : bout Dakota last fall collie across a de verted soil house, and on the door was written with chalk the following. "Two bundled and fifty miles to the Ueoresl railroad: one hundred miles to ;iuaro£t post office; six and a half ui'le to wood, three miles to water six inches .to licil. tiod bless *iur iiotite. Uanc to ■ live with wife's folks." \'olumes c uld not say mure. Ami yet that man wa it kicker. Hid lie expect t) have wati r ' I light iu his dei r \arll, and a ui ifurti d ' le'tcr ciirier to deliver his mail I—IK 1 —IK .- j vcr frih uu KANHOM THOI UH'S. The Komans called their my b «ii i cttge iinpiihmnilii, which lilerallf Ineaiis soinethilig that impeded tlniu Bl.en marehing. Our modern Illy dors not find baggage any iui| ediincnl "> her, • jinlgii p fr it: 11 n iilimber of Snrat"j;ii trunks, salelo l-. «r:i|«, miibrtdh, pr , ,s,ils, etc., tha' firm her traveling out. [fit. (Snobres is a term applied kv t : ie Mo, j bomiii'dan ooni|iiiuois of I 'el's,a t.i the disciples 'if - ; ally known by Europeans as fire »or. . shippers beeause a reveretieo for lite i and the sun is iu.'iilcatcd in their wor. ' ship, as fne and the sun are emblems . f the glutv of the Supremo lh;ity. We weio ti Id by our fri-nd Hr. 110 l /imin pnva'o secretary of the I'ritieess it j Wales, that he ha I been iuf lined by | polieeniait that there were soiue of tin s, et in Loudon who wor-hippeii firo and j the sun. We arc Mrry to nay it, but our p«0- ' I pie, according to our mind, have tint | generally good voices. Thocoiiyei satlnii id voiei , heard under ordinary ein urn stances, coiil I not lure us on to destine-1 tinas did the siren of my tin e>.v. Hut there are sweet, bland "oiees among lis, we ell know, and voices p tl.aps ia i lll'lsielil to till so will l.ear till 10 10l tic.' first tune, yet sweeter to us than auy we sleill hear until we listen to s ,me war bling clieru'dm or seraphiin in tin pre j hide lo "that eternity of blissful hnriiiu- . 1 nies" we hope by unproiiil-ed grace to j enjoy. We soldi in bear tb" voice if it I f.uuilc that frightens uu by it- sweetues.-, or the voice of a male that st 111;- us by , its blalidn'ss. We did hear a female | voice, however, iu the town of Winston not long since iliat impressed us by its swoellto-s; but we heir sueli Voices among us at are intcivuis. ! Our late viiieri'de friend Mr. .1 >1 .MieUloy, "a man of singular simplicity i of in inuei and iirace ol in ! tCH'-te l biiuself inueli with s sjol (lie alt if ' lining, told us Iu bail d i twenty-one mints ri Europe nrd the 1 East dining the years I*7o-7-, and ]fu tlid the coining plant of the mint at I'hilade'phiii sup ii >r t" any oilier The ackliowled beauty of tho woli; iliausbip and noiseless running of tl 1 canine in the Cniladvlphla liiliit has la i n perpetuated iu history by Oliver W en i doll Holmes in bis "Autocrat at tie ISraakfast Table," in tliu fol'.Ko. words . "Hid you ever happen to so that most soft-spoken and vein t-bat d ud sie nil-engine at tie mint ' 'II,. smooth piston slides backward and f«r --! wa-J as a lady might slip her delicate tinker in an I out ol a itnj.'. The i it. it e ' lays one of its liugi i s calmly, but til u,!., upon a bit of imiia! it is a coin liow, anil will run ember that touch, and te.l i a new race about it, when the date uj I it isciustcdour with twenty eenturn i The season has i.omo when as (\di i ulgu has siung, u All nature aecins uh»- romini, r in lu;s of red ntid.jroM " Thib j Ouloratieli is not cau>ftl »H COUIUMHIV I tiupponud by the action of frost, for the haves change color some seasons weeks liidure frost visits us. It is du* t » a chctii i:al reaction vh h it woulJ not It ea>y to itltcll.potlllv « X|»l;ii > to tin SJ who ale not accju tinted with thut s ienc As .»ooii as the bap Ciiibts to tt •vv i;i ti l.» • >hc growth of tlio lico Miii oxi duiioii of its tis-U'- f tllowf. *1 he difler enco in tlie col r that ilie leave assume is due to tlie iilF« reiicc of llie original consulucnis ol tl»e u -uc, l»ut just why one ol luulici .t sitfl: t>) si 10, aud having ;1.0 .-aio..' c >ndiUobs, oliouid uHsuino a hi illiaiil red »nd the other a ycl!ew or way, as ltcn -ecu, otic biuuuU of a tree «h ul 1 ho lu 'i'ii ly colored mid t liis rest ol Ihe u*« hav'. « ulv ayt JUw tint, ale (jaesllt •• t-'»t as | yet solved hy ftCK iioe. flic e fining o! i our foribls i.s not an blilliatit 11 i- tall as on N) o yearn. A dry, cold s asoii i producis more v timed leaw.> than ; one that is dauip and warm, ai.d the pretfcnt unitAually wot tall iu«y then;- lore explain this condition of our foli age. SNOW IN Mlt'll Hi AN CHIOUGOJ 111., Oatobct \i. — V ui'|'at' !. from N| i uii'fc', Michigan t! n na.-.g iwy-: A heavy snow has lc tit iUuig lieie for the [u>t MS houis lU} rts fn.ui a number «-t points m the Upper peninsular »';iow th.«t the storiu i. geucr nl Tbi> ilit tomt of the svaH'ti. i NOUTII (VVKdIJNA PKMOI'HA. i'V . M ATKOIIM or I'AItTV AUOI'TKI» IN 'T.\TK'"NV KNTION AT It A 1.- KUJM, MAY, 1> - W* ajrain ei ndjfi'Milate the peoj le of yorth Cirolina on the font in mil c»nj»'V incut of peace, good .md general proHjicriiy umi» i l>cm«n*r:itic | adiiiiut.strniion of tlin State which has • now bet n nnbroj;«Mi f.»r o many ye upi.ii the just and impariial enforcement of Ihe law. ii|i« u l lie i.icreasing efficiiMi* ley of our coiuinoii school s;, lein, und the |,t »vres* v tie in pcj»u' vr odn*' .M'-n: upon ihe iiuproveincnt and enterprise !iiatiite«»ed in all parts of the State We aj»aiu challenge a eompar'ison between the stuto of lliines an ! (he outrages, climes and s«. amlals w?»ieh attended lle ; l olilie in i»-een-l;. \ in »ur borders. We , pledge -tirselvi ti v« rt in the future as m the } ast our best efforts to pio inote the hi st interests of tin? people of ail eiions • I tin- Slate. Atlirniiug •ur adben iiec lo ileuieeratie prineij les as hcrtol' re enune ated in ilie platftrms of tlie j arty, it n hereby | lle>olveil. That no government has | the righi to burden its people with taxe hi \ nd the amount reijnired to pay its uee .-.-arv expense and gradually cxiin* I i; public dchr and ih.it when ever ti»ir r« \eiiti!.«•'. ever derived, ex* j ceetl thi- amount, they should be ruduo ' eij, .?> to avoid a -uiplus in the trea »- ury. That any system ol fixation whteh meessitali*- tl.c | • > iitetit of a premium ot by the j*o\« lliiuelit on each >*l iJUO of its bonds, taken up with the mil lions Iha t w« uld olhci w i-e lie idle iu its vaults, and paid !•• bondle iders who purchased iu in my instances, ul less i than par, is in i n i.ciutic, opprcs-jive and inioaitous and should be ieluinJ-.i. ' The course I ur ! (inocr itic llepre?eu i tativcs itH'oiigress, in their ifn its to i give relief to the people from buidcu • ?aine iuiernal revinue an I t ir.fi laxi tiou, meets with the approval of po- Peineciatit party of thin JStatc and we respectfully rccomiin nd thai i- tl tiud • it impossible t ' • t- c people nil the telle I they demanu-d, the;, support any just ami praciicai in-■■•sure presentcJ in tVugress tiuit will ui) id a practical re lic ,I, in oh x>st:ng Iu: Icti. It* solvi d, That while e« 'i ! ol 1 t!t • mesh' I v wl.ii ii lie i i.-'i tution il leveuiirf* tarill hall be i:s .niually I'e,idled aie siibjec.s which tloMepieaontaiives of .». ij .i ,0- »i i! !. • e .pi'.ai UIUKI be trusted ie adjust, v e think the custom iiu■;. - .should be lexici lor the piodncti'Mi of public revenue, and the discriminations in li-cir .. ijii>iinent should be such as will | lace ilie highest rates on luxuries and U•• lovvi.it on the net • i-ari of 111 •, distribute as equally pi the u javoidabh iuudens of tax » ion, an i emdcr in.; good on the f. i catesl nuuih i . 1 csolved That we, a heretofore, fa vor, and wni ncviM v a to dciuiiud, Hie !M t|idi'i« nal ahoiili o of tin: whole ill. ti rnal rev nue as a WUI tax, not iu h" jr. :ilii lii ti ntsof p aei as a -r evous burden to o*u people and a s-.nr e ;.n:jo\ nr.* in it piuctirul op eivtions We call Ihe attuiti ill ef tlie peop't: of ilie S a'c ;•» t' • l.vpoeii;ic.il pret»' ins of th I'epubliean patty in non pl.iiforms that they are in I ivor t tl c aepea (d this oiierou-syst' in t ixa tioii, cnaco -i hv tl. ir party, wlnl ' Ihe liepiblu in in «' ngros sire taxing tin ir «ie rific.s i • obstruct all l«!/».-1 ith»u i!i anc"rated he ilie repn si'i taiives of tl e licmocr.i'ie party loiclieve ihe people ol all or a pHlt nl tnis • tln-us sysleiii, lU.solved. To .t liie e-iUlso of llio I> t n ratio p.f l is, in ful llk f alien o| poo iihii education, is a sullicn nt guarantee lllitl Wc la Vol' the cdli'Mtloii ol the peti ple, und we will promote and improi* the present educational advantages m» far us it call ht dotii witbeut th" people by (xcc.-sivc luxation. Hcsolved, That to tin t t an exis;ii evil, we will accept, fur educational pm jnses,fi> ui 'ho I t dei •I ti >\t rnmcnt oi «/o rtti* fiharc of tbo surplus m i- • tn i ,ur l'i .vided, that it be disbursed , till' i.gh Male agents and 1 1:0 hill for J tin; distsibutioii be free Irom ('bjeetion able t atUl'e.- llesolvi I, Tiial tin I'liitcd States be ing one government and ours a national par* v, vvu denounce the ertoii.- t l tl.c . J»ej üblieans to l uce sectional i>suus in ( oli/l'Cs.s :i!id (Isewln ic, anil to promote j ( niouand ill vvillbctWHU the ps j 1 ..I the diiVeictit • tious ol our com mon country. Itesolvud, That it is due to the pco- I !»• of oiii i iistt ru court ii who have .-•» c heei t.l ly b- rne their .•■hare of our com mon burden, that tie present c r some equally cflectivu s\s'eui ol eutinty croment .dial! to maintained. Kc.-oived, Th t the I h inoi i i'i_• party i> opposed to any further xtension of the *'No-fence'' law, unless such exten sion shall have first bull authored by : majority of the qunlilied voters vvithi:: the tenitory to be affected tin rehy. Hifcolvyd, That tho I cniocratie party has ever been the patty ot the mau, aud has nevt • font i« i monopolies, nor nave or "eombiTritions" i r ••pool?'' ( iti N.n up u! i • *•' aet« dby it. 'it « •t : th"> to- ~ trybeingbetw.i i •! ea;.il.»l. M il>itig to eiush out ail * -'i| ' i«, ai.d the indivm . . laboie.r, tho I* nr m a ie j •:! ty i«, as nha ever . ,u; ar. ' tow monopolist and in t iw r • . a just Uis ri . but ion nt' capil: I, ..:.u 1 i!o.-» tlot o*l - tiiiCi't ot laws 'hut will bear cjually upon all. Kcsolvcd. Tlral a.- all tax iiioti bears most heavily upon iho laborer, it is tlm duty of tin: l yislatur, ash direct benefit to ihe workinyman. t" heepthe expenses of our | uhlio ii.stiititi ins at tlu* lowest limit consistent with and efficient luauugciiicut. The j leiiiocrstic parly opposes auv com pel it H m hctm'CU free aud convict labor, but it insists tint convicts shall not reuiaiu idle at the ex pense of huiiest luber. liesolved, that otirs being an agricnl- | I lira I • talc, il is on duty as well as our ' pleasure to promote any and all legisla tion that i' best calculated lo advance tho interest* of agriculture, and that iu s ' doin«r we vi ill most effectually advance tla interest of mechanics, mauutactur eis ai.d laborers. olved, 1 imt l>t iiiocrasy'" iif North t'a •liu, cord ally approve the administration of lion. Alfred M. Scale as holiest, patiintic and conservative. 1! ■solved, That llio ability, wisdom, honesty, patriotism, uolepeiiijetice, I'-iith fiillicss in duly at d manly courage of I'rcsnietil t 'li veland luive won tlie ndtni - alt,in of all gund men: and the interests i of the country il. uiand his re-lioiuinatioii and re-elect mm (iI.E \ NTNtI.S. The log elioler iis breaking out iu differcnl parts of the State. In some sections Hourly all are dyuijj. Indianapolis, hid,. September 23. I'liaifiiian Jewitt of 'lie Democratic Slate i oiniiiittec charges that ncgiu vo ters arc til ing iuipurted to ludiuua in larifo numbers. Since the breaking out of yellow fe ver a*. ,1 acksouville, Flu., about six W'-ek ago. it is said ill it 1 1 ,01 >0 people liavo bit that unfortunate city, ami s. ught refuge in higher regions of coii 'ry. Wanton niisshief shall meet «nii woe ful misery, und those who harbor spite shall inherit sorrow. As there is a au-e wrapped up iu the wicked mail's merc.es, -o there is a blessing conoealcd in t ,i righteous man's clossev, losses and sorrows. Tl.c Mock,villi- Tiuifs sa\.-;. ••Ufti.i H Vis, ol \ adkiu uouutv, broke into Allg oil's cistern room list week, and •v is fout d dead it the uiormir.g. Ho put ■'MI Mi.l of ibe ypli nin t.lio barrel «nd the ot 11 -1 iu liis mouth an I lial there ui'iil enough nu into him to kill nun. New V rV, Sept, 'J').—Tho lltruhl siysthat tin Uev. (\ l! I'crry, rector of a prominent Epi- :opal chureh of New ark, and formei ly of Kaltimure, is iu trouble, lie is aocused of loading two Ii ■ - o| his congregation astray, ami has lei! the city. It i» believoi ke will nut return. Pockory vote! for a negro in llieh tiii i.d comity against n one-legged ex- Confedciatc soldier, 110 always goes lor the negro in prcfcience to the white man. No wonder the negroes arc tor loin. Hut call any seif-respucting white man support him ' Wo tli.uk not.— Carthage. Hindi. Tb- Siatosvillo I.iii Im-irlr say» that 1 •ri syirlieate has been formed by snine i of our citiz ns for the purpose of devel oping a v.iluabli eorutlduni find l.car in,ih. 1 tii sciciioe, capital, iner- I l»y und grip roprescnicd in *nis oouibi. mill in the cnierprise will prabaoly re. suit iu lowering the pi ioc of corundum and ■,rul ing a more direct anJ perpen. dicular route to t'iiiua." Not-l'i Carolina Hoaid of Health re ;, I'S that the; have giieu tllcir opinion t , lioveriioi Sean-, that no more lef-i gi S In, III the yellow fever distr et should I received into the Stain unless tli-y me pl.ie.-d in a sanit iy camp under guard. "Those sent to llendersi'liville." tllly say, "woio largely dependent po-i --ple, mtiiiy of wbom violated their paiole .iud are now ain uiacu to W llluiligtoi, Niofolk and Charleston. The report-Iroiu the districts damag ed by the flood und frost leave the mat ter iu doubt as to the extent ot tin inju ry llio viirio i.i report as oeiig p Hsiblv interested iu tic statements given, oi . tinVill•' lull limited means of knowledge The man «bo lives m Flint creek imag ines that the whole country is affected just a it is within the range of his vis ion some morning as he goes out to the field.—lireensboro Workman. '1 be l.enoir I'nnit ontains llio follow ing incident of the last frasliet: "Hur- j die licsliotof list Saturday night week | en |i bn'- river, when the water wa.- 1 nt I' ei about i! e prevt us high water | nil,.: . ' fnvul nlinost rose to Ihe coil. iag o: fir. t 11, r of tbo dwelling hot. Mr. . M Miebaux, near I'cr lons. , ad drove I)., whole family to uppi . siory. Mrs. Michaux's cries HIT beatil by neighbor, and -lie and tho children were saved oy moans of riding away eu ihe bucks fcfiwtuimiug hor?es. NO. 14 PICKINGS Kroin the Stitr. Democrats expect ti» gain two members of Cougresss in JlmoU. Tliiity thousand people partook of | tlir great burDeeue nt Waco, Texas, when Chairman Mills was renominated fur CONGRESS. HP uiide a speech and a pood OUR of course. TUc Kepublicun* in New York pro pose to hive a syndicate willi $150,000 t i liet on Harrison. I lie if'uriii says it will tn> promptly taken if it ia Irae. ( >ni' sporting man oHi ri dto lay slllO,. (W OU (lovelalid. .John Wain maker, the tig PhilaJel. p!ii.i clotting merchant, is a cantaukei ous UaJical. lie Lai just given $50,- ! 01 0 to the llntriMin corrupting fund. Quay fried that iiincli "fat" out of this unjuiit Protectionist. A journalist has returned to Wa»h ingron from a trip of observation in tbo \Vest. lie.sums up Michigan is the only state that will go Democratic be. yoiid Illinois. Ijoud enough. He thinks Illinois will go Democratic. Bel- I ,M Another drumuicr is missing. His ! name is not given, but he represents I the hardware house of Wallace A Sons, | New York. He disappeared at Nur folk. That is the third one, the two 1 other having evidently been murdered. I.r. I.cwis was made way with in Nor folk, ad a North Carolmiau in Haiti. iiioro. WHAT FAIJSK IIAIii COSTS. "What is the iuugest piece of Uair you ever handled!" inquired a Saa . ! Francisco reporter of a hair dealar. "I sold a jiiejc of liaii in Now York 'to Mt. Dibble, a denl-r th >re, that was I .seventy.four iuel.es long. For this 1 ro- I | ccived an ouneo. There was ten i ounces in the piece. Ho made it into a I | switch and sola it to a customer fcr $750. I have some buir now t'lat is fifty odd inches loug." Here Mr. Sic oardi showed the tepor'.er a tress of dark Lirown liaii ilia' reached iroin the shoul der to the floor when held perpendieu i laily. "'This," ho said, "is worth S2O an ounce !" "Cimi. loNieihing, don't it'" "Luip, that's not a circumstance. 11i>ro is a packet of white hair—lift it." It weighed a ton,comparatively speak ing, as it was a very small bundle. "That," he emit.nued,'-is worth SSO an ounce, wholesale." "You can stow away a good many llioustnd dollars' wortn in a suiall sto/e " .Veil, I should smile. Ile'e is a row ol switches hanging here that )on could pack in a small valise that aru worth at least 'SJjtOO. Here is a shelf tnl of small boxes of hair that is impor ted in small tides ready to work inta WIJ.S, etc.. that are worth on an average 312 an ouuee.—Kxchatige. \\ IIKN A MAN BKCOMKS OF I.KGAL AGH. * The i|tioi>liod sometime* arises wlieth cr a m HI is entitled to rote at as election held on the day proceeding his twenty first anniversary of his billy. We an swer ICJUII. iilacksiono in his Com- I mi nln / ii'.i, Look i, 4l).l, says "lull ago in male or female is tweutyuiue years, which age is completed on the day pre | eeeding the anniversary of a poison's birth, who till that tiiuc is an lutaut and so My led by law." The lata Chief ! Justice Sharsirood . iti his edition of Blackstotie's Commentaries quotes Christian's note on the above as follows: "If ho is born ou the 10th of Feb. 1 (ii(B he is ot age to do any legal art on ihe m ruing of the 1 sth of V'uti. Hi'2'J. I iliough he may not have lived twenty. ! ono years by nearly forty eight hours. ' The reason assigned is that in law there is uo traction of a day, and if the birth were nu the last second of the proceed, log day twenty-one years after, then 1 twenty one years would be complete ; and in tliu law it is thy same whether a i thttij: is di ne upon "tic mow nt nf the duy or another." Thee HOC T'igli nu tl.i-ritv ad : in a note of i hi' T ILL, «A pels .II is of full age the day Oeloi 1 ih' twenly-first niiuivcrsary ofli'i ! birth day." It is now known that 174 persons perished in the recent drcatfut liurri cunc at Havana.

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