VOLUME XVII. Rcccrter and Post ri'DIHUKU WKKKI.V AT DANBURY, N. C. P A V I: E k SOX S, Pubs. 6- PrCM ■ i t'KM or HI itsi itirilo\ ; Y«»*r. |i:iualtle iu advance, tIJH T.' II ITlii OF AIIVr.RTIftIXU: Ouo S |iiare (ten lino* or ln«) I time «1 m P*»r each addition i) liimm imii,. :* Contract* lor longer time or nior* »|»nc«) tan l» Mad* in |iruiMirtiun tu tkr ahorc r itc*. J'r*ii*i«*iit advertiser* will iic *• xc*«l t«» retu t« onrdiujf to, rute* at thr timr tlii?\ -end Mr faw*r». Locvi Notice* will bo cuargc I jo p«*r cent .hljti i Ii than above rate*. t llu»ine«« - an num.* PKOFESSIOX.I 1. CARDS. n. L. H.i rSwitJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW' Mt Airy N, G. Bpot'i:tl aileiitiuu gitcll tu llic rt)IIoi*;ioli ill claims. W. /•'. C.IttTKU, jtTTQtI.Y/iV-rtT-L.i W. Ml'. AlltV, Sl'liKY CO., N. C l'raili.vs wUitii'Vu. liissi'i vio-a air wanlil >.IIKItT W. IMIYtIH*. KllliAM TATI.It. It \Y I'OW Kits & CO., whoi. USA l k du i a a/s r.s, Dealer* ill PAINTS, OILS, DVKS, YAt!XIKI!K.\ Fronch and Americ.in WINDOW PUTT Y, * t SM JKINft AND VHKWISti 01U VK.S, To.tAUCO A MI'KCI VLT) 1305 Mala St., Richmond, Va, ktvsii-M.;t.^ G£o. SIE WART. lin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. o|»|H»s|U! I'a; liieiV W .trvlioiN'. H I.VMI >&. 8.C.. 100FING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at *'iort initio*. oon» autiy mi L.i id a ti.i* loi t> and lii'iiltUi; OAK RIDGZ liTSTirurTjß. Do YOf «i»li in I'airttiiiiv .i no tin per in a II en: and |IIUK i-c-itlt«: Mt'tiuul. l>«««u niiU tugi-la Co Ull>l«'lc ruun dvd |>o yoit *i»ii t> learn to l»o .1 7*"i»/ht. !•• n*|i b'Mkt. t«#r llir I'uivemitv, or a I course of study :* If »«• a-ldnMft*, J. 4 X W. 11. HOLT, oak uimik i n.S r: rr ri., OAK Kiihik. N. c, ileal form A'JjjUil {'til. Univarsitj of North Carolina. CflAl'lil. Ull.Lt N« THK KfcXT ■Amnion begins (inceii ton halt year. l'oor btu dcuts may give notes. Faculty of fifteru Uueliers. Three full courses of html) leading to degree*. Three short cotir>e» fvr the training of business moil, touch ers, physicians, ami pharmacists. !:»w •*ehurtl fully equipjitid. Write for cata logue to HON. Kk.mp I*. UATTLK, Pres. The Wilmington Star. U.via*cTlCX IV I*llll ES. All.ntiou n onlluJ to tlie Minting 10- duccil ralcn uf mibscripliun, CASH IS AIiVAMCK : TIIK DAILV Sl'Alt. Uu Year : Tlncc Montli«sl.so Hix Munlbs 3.U0 | One ,>U TIIK WKKKI.Y STAIt. 0.« Ye«r SI.OO | Wix Month. Co Tfcreo .Months 30 cent*. •>tn Tt-Ugr.ijili N««f aervicc h.i» tfnitly V»n Urjfly in.-ivAM'.l, ainl it is nur 'liH.-r --niHAiittn io k. -piln' stAii up lo il>«* login's! iMHiUrtt .tC IM«t-|i»|wr rxtvll.Mitv. Afldr, «, IVi£, U. lIKNAHI), Wilmington, X. t'. WHYOO OUIQF THE cou.yt >' for yarn svri'rJKS WHK.V You Can Cet Them Of W. ii, VAL GUS, Cove, IS - C.\ »OR AS lATKI.K MONKY AS IN AN)f OTMKIt MAItKKT. Mo/rand sre far yourself •vhett pissin* Walnut i'ore. DRUGS! DRUGS! A full line of I) R U * S at the old reliable /lunar Uj DB. V. 0, THOMPSON , WINSTON N. C. 1. Ih at ii 7/ o L i:s. ■//./: inn/ UETJIL Patent Medicines, IjCnilii ami (>il-", Diamond Hyes, etc Ecert'thi nJ nl tin- rerij Lowest Prices in the I \'install .]firkfi. ONWARD ! IS THE WOBD ! Tim I'KnCiUKssi Vi: IWIIM KI» otitor* it TUIKU Vol.l MK It ll.n folluVl ill' 4 : 1 »ulwrilH»r« I yi*;ir $ l.i's 5 .Hiiloi-i ilh'i's. I ytsir *».oo 10 ->uhi rthi i.v I lu.oo OiiP co;»y, I ywir (V»y t«• tin- oiio mmiiUii A •*!llli uT tVH. r vhii ptcp.iid) to I. a., foi.u, U.KII ||, X. ll* vol M'A>T Oil vr tic ill 's for any sew inn' machine, or the lalcsi wonder in. improved nt a vhi lies, cull at I SINGER SEWIIiG MACHINE C 0„ Of FICE OPPOSITE P. O. "fHIUs pi&as, Manufacturer of am/ Dea Icr in al'. kinds of "uiiill Haim-si, (Vllar*. NN Spurt 'urrf Combs, IJnuliri and evert thiuj isuallj' kept in Ins line. McAdw lluilJinjr. Uro»iiwlM>ro, N, ' WALNUT COV3 ACADEMY. A tirst-class lufli School for !s«j> »n»l iirl*. fall Term b»).'iiis Anoint v!Tili I'uitinn fr'Ui §l..')U l> ami 81.(X Xll'a f«r each addilimnl lalisuac. —MI Si:' *:! Un I'Klt. M i.NTII Hoard fri'iu sVi'o tii .'ill. Fur fur her paitienlars apply to J. T. I'AUKKI.Ij, I 'rin. Mt>« Minnie ('. Leach, Mu»ic Teaclici inii assistant. I.OOK FOII Till'. P:g flat ir.iMlr,, NKXT TO Mil. S. 1.. ALLKN'B 11AKDW AKKSTOUK, For (ini/thins yon in/end buying in I lie harness or saddle line. •-• • Kccelicil II i*n t pre in I hiii si t Hliilv Fail. — 1 Hanir**. Collars, liridle«, Saddles lluliers, Whips, Spur*, Saddle Cloth*, llouic-uiade Wagon Whips aud hashes Isa--k Hands, etc., Lap Spreadi, Fly Sets, lSrttehrs, Currj Combs, aud over) liing in the Harness and Saddle Lino .1. AV. Mill ». K. roincf of Court llou.« Square, Win Hon, _ - - - - . N. C Agent for I'at. liivctcd Seam Col' urn, best collar* in the world; harne*, :«uuot slip i If- -£uaranU'cd not t ip. »X)TIII>(i SrCCKKDS IJKK SI'Ct'KKH." DANBURY, K. C., THURSDAY, (JOTOIiKii 25. 1888 TIIGWnD4ir.TIIE LILY MAt'l.K tXI'KI.KT ASiDHIiWM. I'll- lily lift"! lit'r milk-white Id,mm. Anil she tr iiijlili il lilt 4 xir Willi a soft pr fiinm. Aii>l tlx- warm wltnl can e from HIP sultrj \al • Awl In.' kl»«eil lior (n-iaN sn soft aiiil | Wile. Willi al'e.ill'AS licurt sle M'llii'il Iter lit'ili For *hr thought I Ik'm wh naught from III* «iiul to ilm at Ami she rapped her rou:il in lier spotlest pride, And shed Lit liiiUTimt i' on every fil l •. Kill I'll* wind grew w inner ami »tro:igei Hill, And In' k.ssed ln'i" i up Willi all ardent will Ami IUT |n'tal* ll|'l»')N'.| in L!ic burring air While ln'r beauty waned with lini'i* de ►pair. liul 'ln l wind passed I'V with a eaiele.s Miiili', And iir sought nfw btidsiti a liiltc while Vi-i he *"iivi* no aealtli in tin' ji'ili'i'l flower ('ill lie iiiifk trulii lii'i lii'iiuly, prill* ami power. [I puii'ler the.lily ill tTII»■ I'»111f*i! fashion: 'I lie lily was tit lure—tin wind was lull siun] .'l '/illl'ii I 'n nx/tlnt in il. m m (. I TTINC TOKAI'CO. '•Cutting" tho crop. In thin, a« ii to) ping, » iii in of judgment, I'xpuiienci ami full-11ly is needed. All iiu-xperio. - ced hand, one without judgmeut, and p*i ticularly otiu who is indifferent to tin ' tut ere.ts of his employer, will slusl awiy, tight and left, not knowing ct tut eating whether the tobacco be ript or green, doing ni"re damage in a feu hours than liih whole year'* wage! would compensate for, cveu enuld they be garnished. "Therefore, be on haud to ie« fm yourself, and do not delegate the du'y to any less interested party, that a crop managed well, it may be. so far, freti the ini:ial plant-bed, shall not hu spoil ed HI the .dosiug work by an ineomps. tent or unlaitliful cutter. He there, ton, to see, ill this «u --pieum hour, that injur; from sunburn is «aide 1 off by tuo tiuiely romevvl to the shade of the plant* that have been cut or by a proper Covering, when ifcy lie, the scotching rays of the sun. The neglect of this precaution has play ed haroc with many a crop wli jn brought under the auctioneer's hammer.—N. C. Farmer. V THK DAN 11IV1011 STBAUKU. On last Friday morning the thrill whistle ol a steamboat was heard, echo ing and re-oehoiiig from the hills and valleys of the Dull, and the jaunty lit tle steamer "Lily id the Pan'' hove in sight aud anchored just below the blidge at tli-j foot of .Murphy street. The nov elty of a real well equipped steamer in our waters stou attracted quite a crowd and a large number of our people has. tenud to the "wharf" to welcome the visitors. The hurt was oflicered by the following in mod gentlemen : l>r. I. 8. iiydnor, Captain ;G. W. Ilatcmau, Ist unit . J. T. Austiu, builder,-). V. Lindsay, edginucr. It was propelled by a 1:2 horsepower engine,and war "U bet long and S fen! wide, with a double deck mid was withal a neat looking craft. Hy invitation a number of la dies and gentleman, about G'>, boarded the bom in tiie evening and enjoyed n short ride up the river and return. It left about il o'clock for Danville, having on board liev. an J Mrs. J. W. Jones aud Miss Calliu Gabriel for Leaksville. I'lie officets say that there wis only ono place in the river which gave them much trouble, and that was a shoal above Lcaksvillc, which the Govern ment had passed over during high wa ter wi.hout dce|>ciiing the channel. Now it is made ported!)'evident to our minds that bv an additional appropriation from congress Pan river could have been made navigable, mid boats would soon boen delivering freight between this point and Danville. For this reason we arc more th in ever determined to send lirnwcr up Salt river, for ho alone is responsible foi tho failure to obtain the needful help from the Government.,— Madison I.ruder. Iho Aftors of New York own about 7,000 houses, aud keep several archi tects in contact* employment. - NORTH CAROLINA DKMOCRA CV. I'I.ATKORM OP PAHTY" AllOl'TKll IN STATU CONVENTION AT IIAI - r.mii, JIAV, 188 M. We again condgra'ulute I lie o North Carolina un the noiHnnn il enjoy ■in-lit of peace, good government im general prosperity unacr Deumcratii administration of the State which lia now been unbroken for so many years upon ilio just ar.d impartial cni'i teeiiirn of llic law, upon t!ic increasing ofliuion cy of our common sclioo 1 .lem, uu the progress made in popular education upon the improvement and ciiterrri.-i inaiiifesled in all parts of the State. \V again challenge a comparison bctiveei the state of things and the outrages crimes and scandals which attended Re publican ascendancy in our borders. Wi pledge ourselves to exert in the I'utun as in the past our best efforts to pto mote the best interests of the people o all sections of the State. Affirming ou adhercnoe to Democratic priiie j les a hertolore enunciated in the platforms o the party, it is hereby Resolved. That no government ha the right to burden its people with luxe beyond the amount required to pay it necessary expenses and gradually exun gttisli its public debt, and that when cyer the revenues, however derived, ex cecd this amount, they should be reduc ed, so as to avoid a surplus in the treas ury. That any system of fixation ivhtcl necessitates the payment of a prcuiiun of $-!"0 by the government on each ?>l, OHO of its bonds, takui up with the mil lions that would otherwise lie idle in it vaults, and paid to bondholders win purchased iu many instances, at les than par, is utidcuioetutic,' oppressive and iniquitous and should be refunded The course of our Democratic lteprescu lativcs in Congress, in their efforts i give relief to the people from burden sauic internal revenue and tariff taxa tion, meets with the approval of tin Democratic party of this Stale and vv respectfully recommend that is they tim it impoMsibU to give to the people all tli relief they demanded, they support arc just and practical measure presented ii Congress that will uff»rd a practical re lief from such existing burden. Resolved, That while tho details n the nirtliods by which the coustitutiona revenue tariff-hall be gradual,', i„achct aic subjects which the representatives o our our people at the national capita 11111 si bo trusted 10 adjust, we think tin oustoin duties should be levied lor tin pioducti nof public revenue, and tin discriminations in their iidjiislmcn should be such as will place the higlies rules on luxuries ami the lowest on tin necessaries id' life, distribute as equal 1' as possible the unavoidable burdens o taxation, and cooler the greatest gum on the greatest number. I{esolvcd That we, ns heretofore, fa. vor, and will never cease to demand, tin unconditional abolition of the whole in. ternal revenue system, as a war tax, no to be justified in tines of pi-ncc: as i grievous burden to u - ir people and i source of annoyance in its practical op erations. We call the attention of tin people of the State to the hfpociitiea pretetisins of the Republican pally ii their platforms that iliey are iu favor o lite aepea of this onerous system taxa tion, enacted by their parly, while tin Ilepil'lieatis in t' tigress are taxing then energies to obstruct all legislation iu augurated be the representatives of tin Democratic party to relieve the pooph of all or a part of this odious system. Resolved, That the course of tin Democratic parly, in furtherance of pom ular education, is a sufficient guaruutci that we favor the education of the peo ple, i*nd we will promote and improve llic present educaliuliul advantages so fai is it can be done without binden/ng tin. people by excessive taxuiiou. Resolved, That to moot un existing svil, we will accept, fur educational pur poses, from the Federal Government oi |i/o rnhi share of the surplus ill its trea sury. Provided, that it be disbursed llirougli State agents ami the bill for the distiibutiou be free from objection iblo features. Resolved, That the I"nitcd Slates be ing one government and ours a national party, we denounce the efforts of the lte| üblicans to force sectional issues in l/otigross and elsewhere, and to promote Jissention ami ill will betw-en the pso ple of llic different sections ol our com mon country. Rcsolvud, That it is due te the peo ple of our eastern couriies, who have so ;!ie»rfully borne their share of our com mon burdens, that the present or sonic •i|oally effective system ol' county guv. •rnmi-ut shall be maintained. Resolved, That the Democratic party is opposed to any further extension ol llic "No-fence'' law, unless such rxten iion shall have first been authorized by majority of the |iiiilificd voters wlthiu llic territory to be affected thereby. Resolved, That the I'eiuocratic party iias ever been the party of the working nan, and Inis never fostered monopolies, nor nave "trusts'* or "combinations" or •pools" ever crown up under laws en ict'-d by it. The contest in this coun try being between aggtegatcd capital, (Peking to crush out all coiiipction, and the individual laborer, the Democratic rrnrty is, as it has over becn.aghanst tlm imuopolisl and in favor of a just dis ri. nut ion of oapitiil, and demands tho en letiucit of laws '.hat will bear eipiully upon all. Resolved Tlut us ull taxation bears most heavily upon llw laborer, it is tha duty of tlie legislator, as a direct benefit to the workmguiun. to keep ill" expenses uf our finhliu institutions at the lowest hum vutisisient with ivi«e and efficient management. The 1 leuioci it it! party opposes any competition between flee ■mil ronviet Intwr, hut it insists 111-it convicts shall lint remain illle at the ex pense of holiest latior. ltcsolvcd, that ours beiii*r an agricul tural Mate, it is our duty u s well a« i'iir pleasure ti promote any and all legisla tion that is beat calculated to advauoe the interests f agriculture, ami that in »■' doing we will must elfeetually Ivancc the interest of mechanics, manufactur ers tind laborers. Host 11 veil, That the Democracy of North Caruhtiii, cord ally approve the administration uf Hon. Allied M. Scales as honest, patiiotic and conservative. Resolved, That tlio abiliiy, wisdom, honesty, patriot ism, independence, I lilh luluess in iliHy and manly courai:" of I 'resident (Cleveland have wun theadiui - Htiuti uf all good men and the interests ol the country demand his re-iioniination and re-election. MOW IIK lil YS AN KNGAGIi- MXNT K IN Is. "It's funny to sco the different ways in which vurious men select eugugruietit rings," sail! a jeweler's cleik, "and when a man comes in here fur ilia' pur pose every clerk iti the stoic cau recog nize the fact at olieo. "Ol course ho has only oouie in t look at some wit. hes or a pair of sluevi buttons, hut the very manner in wliieli lie uvoids the ring case betrays him ai once After a few minutes, when lit lei Is a little mole at his ciae, l.e usual ly takes the cleik into li s u>.uli dice and asks to be slli'.vu sum: a-ditaires if it is his lirst yt-uturc, anil lie 'Ji-esu' feel quite sure of his ground, he will gi Jo far as to ask if solitaires nri-ii'l -euie thiu- use I as engagement rings " l'lie clerk's answer ii-iia'.ly remove the last Vt'-iu.'f! of doubt and then tin piireim. er tarews aside all reserve am Selects it mil tie ioißorill.cut before hill the ring wliieli *ti:kcs il.c liapjy uiuuiun between the depth of his iffcotioti atul i his pocket. "Oilier men, again walk with tin tirwa jus', beaming from all over tluui 'Kngaged' is visible from the to| o their l.t ads to the soles of their feet The purchaser of this class makes tn secret of his errand, and departs on hi way rejoicing in a very short time."— Jtv'ler's Weikly. TKL I. N 01'R WIFK. If you .ire in trouble or quandary tell your wife—lint is, if you have otu all about it at onco Ten t" one lie 1 invention will solve your difficulty soon er than all your logic. The wil of wo man has been praised, bill her instinct; are quicker and keener thull her reason Counsel with your wife, or your mother or sinter, and be assured that light wil fla-h up.Mi your dinkti"ss. Women an 100 commonly adjudged as verdant in al but | urcly woui uiisli affairs. No philo sophical student of the xex thus ud judges thoiu Their iuMiition or itmgli is the more subtile, anil if they catmo HCO a cat ill the meal there is no ea there. In counseling ouo to tell hi: troubles to his wife wo would go furth er and advise liiui to keep nothing from her. Many a happy homo has been hap pilj saved and many a fortune reliever by man's confidence in his better half Woman is fur more a seer and prophe than a man if she be given a chance.— Kx. I>I:STKI CTION or TOHAGCO Ueidsville, Oct. I. Frost Saturday niglii destroyed a great portion of tht tobacco crop which yvas uncut. It it estimated that on'-third of the crop iu this seetioli was destroyed. Asneville, Oct. I.—lt is estimated that two.thirds of lue tobaeco crop lint been gathered. The one-third standing ill I lie fields was ruiuod by the frosl yesterday. A 150 V AGAIN. "Henry, ynu were talking in youi sleep," said Mrs. .louos to hor lIU.I baud. ',What did l talk abnu' inquircc Jones, anxiously "You spoke of'rnkinj. in the chips.'' "Vos," said Jonsa, with a relieved look : "early associations, my desr. dreamed I was a boy again. I wa: aiwuys the one *.o take in the chips " Detroit Frit /V i si. OLD MAIDS. S»-i*niific c* !»*•• lines have classified ce ii pcrsi iiM us women/ 1 According *o our way of looking a! tliiogs, t licj';' i'*u no su jli creatures a« superfluoui W'MU. H. Oman, in ne matter what numbers nature uiay sup ply L»er, never *3l:i be •♦superfl UOll.l. *' l»ut we reoogniiL J the existence of the pcrs ms WIIMIII the scientific follows in tend io describe bv this name. The* U»eun that part of tiuinanity which "lap* o\er." N iiurc supplier a certain nuiu* bor of boys mid a certain number of girl", but the girls are always HI »re nu merous th in the boys. flenerally the . xcrss of j.»ii is over tioys h in sucha pro portion that there out*lit to tie in these I ll itf*d States 3,OUU,I'U(J more women than men. These aie called "superflu ous " \i by ' Simply because there are no moro men to catch them, which i- all fudge, an 1 implies that there is nu use f«r women in this World but to get married. Nature Wis wise when s'ie thus provided that whatever else we should be without in this world wc should never run short of women. She intend these darlings for old maids, o| i maid si>ter* and old maid aunts, the treasures and delights of all families.— New York Journal, ♦•HAUL) TIMES IN THE CONFED ERACY." I uder iho above title A. C (iordou contributes to the September Crnturu an anecdotal article, from which we •juote as follows : "The tradition .1 rebel soldier HI the persimmon lite, w.o told his captain that he wax uatii.g thirteen persimmons m order to lit his umutli to the six ■ of his ratn ns, epitomized iu his cpigraiuuiatical speech the history of the economic uoiidittoun ot the Southern States, both 11. the and at home, during .tie war -ft HE K«IH*I1I*«II. Attei the sen|orts of the S-mth had onco b. c u;»e thoroughly blockaded, it was u c iitu.uoiis, and iu the end unavniling struggle on ilie part of the people of t!.c (Confederacy to accommodate the statu? of supply to that ot demand k After the war tndod, a motVy magazine dedicated to perpetuating the records of the war froiu a Southern standpoint, ami s*iou ponsbin* lu the vain endeavor, published a rudo wood cut, which, with its concomitant in. scriptioii, expressed with great pith and point the extremities to which soldiers and ho.uefolK alike wcrervduoeo in the latter days of t!ic contests. It repre sented t*o lawk, lean, lantornjawed Con fedora tes in a blackberry patch. Oiio of them, on his knots, the more Icadily to reach the palatable fruit, is looking upward at ins eouirade wiiu a grim smile, *ud saying 44 4 They can't .starve us, i»oh>w y a* long as Hackborries list.* 44 Thc vti>i of his sell.?rafetation and a»urance i« ivadily acquiesced in and re-enforced by the other, who refunds in •• spirit of apt conrnrD():itiot> and with an even larger and more * a'belie faith: 4 * *Naw, sit ! And not as Infrf as i bar's huckleberries, nutl er. And mben they're gone, come 'stiniiion*!' "To the uninitiated stranger wl*> saw and read,she rude cut and its under written legend, if corsidcred at all, doubt leas wt'l'c held coarse aud witless; out to him who knew the bitter meaning thereof, through his own harsh experi ence, they spoke with ihc emphasis of a stern and powerful significaLce." Dr. Noah Porters, who hss just it turned from Europe, expresses hit as. touishiucnt at the ignorance of some of the English people who believe that iu tho event of I'resident Cleveland's elec tion this country will make an advance toward V'ree Trade. This is pitiful e, notigh, but what has Dr. I'orter to say About some of his own Count lyiuon who ire talking tin suite sort of arrant nou tense, just as if they believe it *—Bos ton Ht rul J, In I, Ukp. • * ► • —- The Dunn Sifnhitnril «.)« ilio mean sat mail in tlio world i» lie wlio will run down his town paper wlicn lie doca lot jive ono .«inglc cent Inwards its .upport, Wc have observed, howovot, that '.hose ivlio contribute nothing to the mpjv>rt ol I paper aro ustia ly the one* to tiiil uiiwt fault mtli it. It is *aul that if people who are an noyed by the howling of dng« at night will pull off their rhoea and turn them ( i anl* down on the door, the liowlii.g will »• I I IN iiudiutely. —lit. MO. 15 PICKINGS Kruni tin' Wilmiii-twii Democrats expect to gain two u.-m* ber« if ("ingress in Illinois. The I'oinm Catnolic cathedral in \ew Vurk has spuo-i3lO feet !ii|{b and that cost a i|>iatter uf a uitUi.m dol lars. The Democrat* uure than lield tbair own in tlic town el tctions in t'onuttti. cut las Monday. It is believe J they will do I'kowiso ill tlie c' lUfNumul Districts. I'rnfcssnr Curlew, f-iriuerlv Superin tenduiit wf the Charlotte tjradfd S-jhool, is now a waiter iti a New York restu ratit. lie gut ill to tmuble at Charlotte —.'on much married or something of the Hurt and left. Tlie proprietors uf the glue worki al Elizabeth, N. V , inform.d iheir work, ingiuen that if tin: Mills bill passed ilia House tliey would suspend operations. Hut they didn't, an I now tliejr ar» lighting'lie Hoard of Health bee use it is tryiug to cau»e the removal of their works on tlio scru of health. The owners are Republicans of course. Democratic stock is rapnfly rising in. the Northern market. Look at New- • ark. Then look at the confidence with, which the members of the Peiuocratio . Executive Committee express them, selves. Some seventeen of thetn hare recently met in New Vurk, and tliey are ab ulutely united and cvnfidont iu the certain triumph of the Democrats They are so cident that tliey are cveo , talking that New Y irk may not b* nec- • cssary to elect Cleveland. All the re port* were encouraging. Even the Philadelphia /Vc.»«, a Pro- - teotion organ of extreme type, admits, the Republican Tariff bill still relaias ■ the Sugor Trust feature. It n-ys ■ "The (Senate bill) reduction i:>a*i» n~i su.'ur, heavy as it is, aiuaum M(t '» half the onerous lax levied on . i'-t« t:. tielc of food, eon'inuci Iho j re lection extendud the iiKinu'aMjrq of ie tiued sugars ii this country,, ,f a»y 'lung slightly increases it." Jess so' It leaves tie ( «'sßst fellows undisturbed. And Ihc' «t»iJ!adicalis*> , a!! over. A new i or!; »i~*ls -Mir Norfolk r u calculation m wlttth hegivos llarnsoii 'SSL.jiwui and,. Clave, lanti l«l«. Hut 'iiw daea ho. cleat liar-, rison ' Hy giv Oinettiout, \ ir-finia, India)«», I'lijiuvj, Nevada, Orcg>*a» and , Calotte*... l(f s concedes I hat C t *veiUC'.dii(viU qarqi aware, M icings N.«o»„ Jej*ey( H Wml,, Viiginia and Ns*w. I'ijrk . , Mr. Cleveland p.'ts 'U>v;. : w.e.s.!.o,m;!|jtar;, »itli I HI) voies.. Then lni,.»:».'\nt> dm.^t tl Virginia, ll! v-»:n- U"Con.,_ netticut, li,—this, is eertajr.,. Add to. IHO, and we hare 2li:J.y«U:4 to. Flat, rison'a 16'-»—. .'l'aijri'.y, fi/r, 'ilevuland, ft!. Hut Ouvo'auA lua a lighting chalice in and perh.ip»jllieevStUes. In i( to bo a grind grtramL-mrell The bird law in this- State ran, last Monday. All kinds of pM-ve,.rj-.if so«ic ft Ah, »r« protects I by >ae,» i«i IfiHa*}'vaaaA, and, it requires • |>i te a nstcnl'Mc memory for a person to know rai.i eurh kind! may be shot and eaagk:. Thus turkevt limy hi shot or caiipVl trum October 1(1 to January 1, duek» September I to. May l.'i, plover July li tio. Jan wary woodcock July 4 to Juu* ), lake ttoiw, October 1 to Jananry 1, squirrels Sep, tcuiber 1 to January 1, elk and iicer Dctobrr 1 to December 10, parttidgoa nr ijuail October lo to January, hares "id rabbits November 1 tu January 1, ruffed grouse, plioasant October 1 tti lonuary I, rail and rcod birds Septem. nor ) tu Deoeuibor 1, salmon ot speck ed truut April 15 to July lft, black, ii.iss, pike and ptckeral June Ito Jan, ury 1. l'onalticf Ijr infringements, S'l to Woman (to country 'lsihorc anythin' fer ino to-Jay ' I'm i it on lioarin' from my ditftcr, Mirandy.' l'iistiuistross,wTliiiro's a postal. Mi atid writes she's enjiin' hersefl an' • von't bo hoinc till lie*' liftings. • •«««..- One man is ordered ''i '•it ogs» bo-, lay-e tliey uro uuliitiuus. and unother s ouutioucd to leave thciu ulune tk>- lauso tlioy produco bilo. JaytJould lus deelnred himself itt "auor of thj re-elactioa of I'rosideqj, Cleveland.