THE DANBURY REPORTER-POST. VOLUME XVII. « 5» m a&i.rMt ». . Rsoorter aid Post* PriLIIUED WKKKLT AT MPPKR k SONS, Pvbi. 4- Pre* HTM or SiMH'UIPTIOX ; •Taar. Meabl*.|jLa«l?aßee U*m\k» UTM or invumuiui (kaUitli for teajer t imi or nuir* »p:i«e can l»e Made ta propertUu to the above rate*. JTrayi*iQnt ad verimur* will U* «s|»«ci«4 t* rn»u !« eardtug to U*«»« raUS At III# tint tbey »tiul kur fevers. VnUoi will be 4 i>»u mm f J . «»r4--HI ' *• •• -■■ *T j Ml - - ... J PROmSIOSfiii. L JKUS. Jt. L. HA i\ilOßE,' ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N, C. fly >rial iilMU«ii gma to Uie collection of JT. CARTER, r-£4si r. Iff. AlK¥, BIRKV CO., N. t Frieda* wli*i«v*rhi»survic«tt ar* WBIII! | HtlkT W. riVttl. "Mil D. TAT U*. ft W. fOWKRS & CO., WttOLSSALK DReVVISTx, Baalart ill OH.M, DTKS, TARHISMIfI, Fremiti and American WIIfDOW ULAttB, PUTTY , AC BM.LKIMG 4 K D UHEWIMK CIGARB, TOBACCO A HI'iCIAI.TI 1 1I0» Hals St., Richmond, Va. ~~ GEO. STEWART. TU and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. TICK BLOCK KU*T*>. M c . ISOfING, (UTTERING AND SPOUT ING do a a at short Katie*. I«ap* MMiAalljr *a hand * fin* iM u 1 Jxttaf i»J llaatln; manufacturer ot stills, utl all kiu«l of ' a, i i ■ » ■■ ITI TAT I A beautiful Reenter (illuatritedl of OAK ill IXaK INSTITUTE «ud JSCS- ! INKSS COIiLEG K telling all about the celebrated school FREE I | * f 4 •' | Teu aUou 1 1 »lo thla if you contemplate pat- I running any school next year. I'repaive for ISACMIIIV. NIMIXLhM, or (UULUK Z'M btudeuts last year. This brhool is fin#*- [ !y lecaU'4 in the l'ieduiout rvg on of N. I'., , ue*r where £*»ud board can U' Lad tow. It hit splendid buildings, tine atady hall», and elegantly furnished Society Halla, brau:iful Cliajxl. and is completely equipped. Oini of the Ice first-el aas lligh s*~hovls in tlie .South. Address J. A. & M. 11. Holt, • (Ink Kidge, N. C. UaAriraky of North Carolina. CHAPEL UILL, N. C. THE NKXT hnmi begin* August 20. Tuitiun re 4aoed to SSO, a lull jrear. Puor >tu iaaU maj £iTa notes. Kauultj of fifteen | Maeheri. Three full cour'ra of atudj Uadiog t* degree* Three short course* f»r tk* tr«iaiag of busioess men, teuik •r*, pbjiitUiu, tad pharoiacUts. I. aw a*b**i fally equipped. Write for cata laga* to llaw. K«mp P. HATTI.k, Pres. ' The Wilmington Star. BUIUCTIOX IN PRICE*. AMaalUa U called to the fallowing I*- i«e«d rttaa of sub*orij.two, 1 CA*U IN ADVASCI : THK DAILY STAR. Dte T*ar $6.00 I Three MOD11I»$1.&C . •ix Month* 3.00 I One Months 50 TUE WEKKI.Y STAR, a** Tur SI.OO | Six Month* 60 Vbre* Meoths SO eeot*. iirrira hM rrn-atly ke*a larf*ljr ianaml, and It ■* our deter «UaatfMla,kc«p the At A u up to tlx hi •>« m ♦aaiUtd of aews-papcr *xeell«nre. Mart**, Wi£. n. UKNAKI), Wilmington, N. I WE Y (?Q OUT OF THK COI'XTV FOR IV UR •SUPPLIES miE.V Vau Can Get Them Of JV. B. VAUGHN, I C«vi>, IV. C. *o* IS LITiLB MOKKV AS IN AXT OTUKR MARKET. &t/i and *r"e far yOitr#*/f %n»* V uliiu4 t '«>. c. | AT I ! TSOLCFSOXT'O ► f y | DRUG STORE Mr 'vfre*h st rden tcpfis are be- I ing recti red from Z.//..V --j FERR V " aful other reliable, dealers. YKLI.OW \ WHITE O >ION SKTd jJVATK l MKi.OXS I CANTKI.OPUS, A-o , Ae., 4 t DR. V. 0, THOMPSON , WINSTON N. C. ONWAJffi ! IS THE WOED ! Tin* rnOCIKE.'WIVE PA KM Rl! euurs its TUi Ktf VOI.I M*: at iLf follou iat* a : 1 anhaoriber. 1 year... £ 1.26 5 •nbaci ibers, I yeitr .VCO I Id »uWrth«*rs. 1 renr 10.00 j One copy. 1 ) out/ret to tbu mhv seadiiii; 1 a clnb ef tell. j Kight CAUI (chart* 1 ) prepaid) to L L. PUI.H, il.Kicn, S. C. I r ; I*- YOU WANT ' Oil or needles for any sew ing machine, ur the latest wunder ut improved ma chines, call ait SINCE R SEWING MACHINE C 0„ OFFICE OPPOSITE P. O. J vts vas. IT. CAUOLCXA. •Willis S»9S. k it A t .Manufacturer of and Dea ler in all kinds of Carry Combs, Kru.he* and nvor) tiling usually kept ill Ins liue. MeAdo ■ 1 Bull JlKg. GrcniiMboi'o, t O WALNUT COTS AJADEMY. A firsl-class high Selioul for B»)'S »nd llirls. Fall Term bigins August —7tl>. | Tuitiun fmm $1.50 to and SI.OO i extra fir each additional laiieuau. , MUBIC $S 00 I'KR. MONTH— , Board from si.oo to ji'i 50. For fur- | tlier pattieulars apply to J. T. FAR HELL, Prin. MM* Miunie C. Letch, Mu»ie Teaclior 1 and assislaut. M Le* lor in low prices tnni good goods ( —»iu HARNESS, BAHDLKS, BlllDl.Es COLLARS | i mi's. \ LAP ROUES, As., I stock in j ! }VIXXTO.Y X. C. | Couie and nee uie and be ennvin : oed. | J. w. Hliiploy NiXl to i. E Alleu'i hardware store I i "NOTHING WITCCEEDIH HITCCKSK." DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, .JANUARY 31, 1881). i -—• - •■• M'VTIIK S3IU ANOIIIC V I.AN'O. Mowers, woa-v ami br»*wna».d Wlitne. ' What in the wort! luethlnkf ye know, ; tii'llois o»er wor I ih.«t the sc/iiii •*! Sinner. •' " - .-.*.. iiiw, »M-.OW. Soy then l hat sHfng »n li e gi-ass and clover tomeihing, still tli *y »»y as th*v pass— j WJiat is the word lha', over and over, 1 Situ;* the scythe to the flowers and grass ? \ ilnsh. ah hush the si:ythes arc .-ayirig, i Mush and liee.l not and fail asleep; Htisli, tl.ov say to tlie .-waying, Hush, tliuy sing to »!ie clover tle^p! Hush, 'tis the lullaby Time i* sitiyiiiK— Hush and lieod i.ot, for all things pass, 11 tab, its hash, and thescytes are swinging. 1 \er the clover, over the craifc! »ATAAV*> WHISPER. Br MAltr KYI.K UAI.I.AB J CONCL.T'UKD. Whether it the air, or her great liappinex*— f ur the passiunaie love she hid ccimeivi'd fur ih* handsonie young I farmer had preyed upon her heart fur Ibrte loDg years—lsabella grew belter instead of worse. When they returned ; and took possesion of their handsome city house, she was br'glu ar.d handsome and charming. Stephen hud had un ex- I pel e> ce of such a wouiau. His life wa one of luxury, au lhe had perfeot free dom and he had as many blank checks as he wanted. Isabella put all her &f --i fairs in his bauds and ui-ked no account of thrui, uud Sn plicn managed them very well—.and this bad been goinc on ( lor three long years. When one day ' he took bis way, after dark, to a cettain fa-hiuiiuble restaurant, where be had or r Jered s upper, an t wit shown to a tk« jei ood 3o«r. A. lady sat t|cfe alone. She was elegunt ly dreaM-d, and wore a thtck veil. Neither of thciu spoke to the other un. til the waiter had served suppor and ; bac.i dismissed. Then the lady removed | her veil, and Stephen looked luto Kath riue s face, and >he stepped back and surveyed him from head lo foot. "What a swell you are!" said she "You di nt look as if you had ever hand), d a plough.--and so handsome." '•You ire very will ditpsed, too," ! lie ssid coolly. plic sighed. ; "I scud you plenty of nionjy, 1 hope?" said he. "Plent;," »hcanswered. "Hut I am tired of living alone and calling tuyfe'f Mrs. fuiiib and having mysteries." "Well, that cannot be IHped," he answered. "Remember, this nisetable plan was all your own. You wanted to be rich ; you liavo more money than you know what IO do with now. You need only to write to uic lor more. V\ is | the use of an iilcrview like Ihisi" I "Diuu't you want to «ee me, Stopli eu?" she asked. I He looked at tur with a ouiicu* smile, hesitated, and then answered : "No; but let us eat our supper while i it i* warm." "I do not want supper," said she, taking her place at the table. "I must talk te you though." He st down and helped her to the , contents of the dish before him. She | passed the coffee. "Likeold times," said she. He made uo response. "You rotueinber old times?" Kath j rine pleaded. ! "I try to forget them," said he, "1 am ashamed of what I have done, for | my part." She put out her hand and tsucbed his; he drew it i.way. ' "How mueh longer?" said she, "bow much Ini ger!" "What do jou mean?" he asked. "How Kuob longer will that woman I live?" said the. "She may oathve e'ther of us," said i Stephen. "It seemi that the oould aot have had eonsumption, aomtbing preyed upon her mind. Now she it very happy I and perfoctlp well " j -'Oh, good lleavtn!" oried Kalh ! rine, "Perfectly," repeated Stephen. "Oh, I told you we could not arrange the chances of life and death to please our. | selves " | "Hut will yeu let tier live!" oried j Kathnoo. "I pray that she may. I should be I wretched if A* did Mt," said Stephtn. j "For I adore her." _ "You soy that to yoir wife?" gts-.ed Kathrine. He laughed scornfully "You want"d money, you have monev, he said. "You shall always have it,l»it you are nothing to iu' now. I loved you, I was content, j-o mnde me the ruscal 1 htv become ' but having had the love of a we.uin lihe Isabella, it is tctrculy liKelv that I should pine for you—-you must make 'he bett of it." " Make the best of it!" cried the "No. I will cx| osc ."su. 1 will de. •' at w tCnt ciattn my i ight! ~ ' "It will be a pretty tale to tell."»nid he, "bu I jail forestall )ou. When | a woman loves a man Isabella loves uie, S'IO will believe ali be srys and do anything ht asks. Come, Kathrine, you wan ed money. 1 was content to I spend my lite « n the old farm, and be ono of you an 1 good to yon. You planned and plotted—.Heaven has frus trated you. But, for ali that, you hive fiid clothes, jewolry, good food. 1 have found love aud happiness suo i as I have never dreamed of. Were Isa bella to die tomorrow 1 would ntvtr'ive with you again as your husband. What you did made tits bate vnu, and she is au innocent angel—-.a lady, aouiithiiig too good for me >o ti uch. But 1 love her ,—she loves me. And it you grieve or burui bcr I will hill you." Kathrine suppressed a shriek. "Oh, Slcphuu," she said, "if I could ouly briug old tiui-s back Money is nothing to me without yo i. Oh, I love | you—l love you!" "I don't think you know how to love, Kathrine," bo said coolly"; "and 1 don't want your love if you do.'' She looked at hiui through her teara —he. grief disfigured her plain fuee so that it was hideous. He, though he flushed aud frowned, wis still hand, some. ' I must go," laying a chock upon her knee. You'll want to quiet a little before you go—then eall a cab. You know where to writy, and \ou can always a*k for all you wn.'c bet ter not SJ« each other agt.'u." "I'll expose you. I'll publish your trick! I'll crush that woiuau's pride ! I'll be revenged !" she gasped, lut he was gone. Trembling with wraih, she paced thu r ioui. Her mind wcut back to the in nocent dsys when handsome young Step en passed the prettiest girls in the place without a look, tnd chu.e her, plain as she was, fur his sweetheart; to the mar ried life in tlie shabby little farmhouse on the mountain top -oh, they were so happy. Why did she long for money? What devil put it into her head in plot i.nd plan as she had done !.—to Mice Siiph en to do what she desired ? "It was Satan, 'she said at last,"and ho has deserted lue." There was a fire in the grate. She crossed .he r >oui "ud threw tbe cbeek upon the coals, and uaicl cd it blaze and turn to tinder, an? still gated astli" red sparks that children eall "the parson, the clerk aud- the people," followed one another to the edge and went out. Then sho went to the door and shut it ) and cast herself upon a lounge which stood iu a recess. Later, a waiter said to tbe proprietor of the restuarant. "The gent and lady that had supper iu the blue-room had a row. sir, before he paid up; and as he went off alone, uud she is there yet, I (nought I'd best men tion it to vou; sit." For answer, the proprietor ran upstair to the blue-room. The wo i>un lay upou tbe lounge, seemingly asleep. "Madam," h« said. She mado no answet. He orosscd the room tnd touched her, and cried out: "She is dead !" At first there wero rumors of murder and suicide, but neither had happened Grie f , wrath, remorse and thepaugaofa guilty conscience bid ended Kathiine's life, by soma'.biug the dootors spoke of at "heart disease " She was buried a* an "unknown woman." Itabelle still liven. The aton will never reach her ionooent etrt. And the believet her husband to be perfection. Gov. Scale* during hit term of office appointed no less than 8 judges, an un. usut'ty largo number. These are Judge Davis, of the Supreme Oourt, and Judges Arnifiuld, Browu, lio, Lin, Bmum, Claik, Connor and MuUgninerv. Very good appointment they have heeu too, and eive satisfaction. The appointments of Judge Brown aud By nun wort made r»Uier tuddtulj.— Ex. TOO MANY NEWSPAPERS. We of-en wonder what opening the publishers mty feel assured uf ss wo see from nine to lime the too imiccu'cnt uf the I irth of some n. w paper for public patronage. We have alluded to this more thaw once and the Sanford Central Exp rem haa li'ely expressed itself oil the same subject thus . "The Stute has now nearly two hun dred papers certainly too many fur a sparsely settljd State, ia not a rendiug pc >plu in the stViet seiiM". The cuntrqucuce is, journalism is a very poor business iu North Cnrn tiaa. The best conducted journals inakn no siuuey and the others arc ekeiug out a bare liviug. Some of thu.u are a dis credit lo their owner: null the coiiiuiuiii. ; ty iu which they are published. The inorc.-ise of newpspers ought at least to be tfiteuuragod until the people learn to j read and l«ain how lo take a newspaper. At this time the supply exceeds thu de- 1 uiand and publishers in their eagerness to gut circulation, send their papcison a credit te persons who will uut cancel a • obattil mortgage. The increase ot pa- ' pern and the credit they give patrons make journalism a veritable drudgor ." GOOD ADVICE TO FARMERS, j WIL-U* Co., N. C - , Dec. 22, 'Bs COL. L. L POLK —.Dear Sir V—At Correspondent of this Alliance, I will row send in my first very brief lotter. We wero org mixed in April last, but' owing to the to ircity of materitl, and to the locatiun i f other Sub Alliai 0-a i i this Bounty, wo oniy number about | twenty. Bui among them are some of | as good as we hive in the community. We have contributed very liberally to i the Stato Agency Fund and hope to j do more iu th* futnre, as all tbe mem- j bert were not present it the last meet ing. The Wilsun County Alliance ia doing a noble work, and as a mo iber ef that body 1 would like tu say the ktrih run. (otolith th* org'n, i|.*t "mtttg io4 sickness in family, 1 hare bieu unable | to uttibd the last two meetings 1 have just read a part of the pro- j coedtngs of the National Alliaj.-e, and am very well pleaded with thi vork, and etpcciailp with the plan adopted 'or breaking up the speculation in ' cotton futures, and 1 would here eng. j gest to Alliaiics men everywhere to look close after home-made suppplies, home-made fertiiiiers, and every ih ng that will en.ibie thorn to hold their ootton crop to suit their own conveu- ! ience ; for let me reiuin 1 you of uuo fact, we are paving to the manufactur er of fertilizers one- fourth »f our cot ton crop every year. Just think of thit, one hundred thousand bales of Oueton every year to pay fur cummer, oial fertilizers in North Carolina alone four miliums of dolluri. In North Caroltlina we pay hoavy rent for our \ own land*. Brine your land up by soum j otbrr means, pea-e, oomposting, rye and j many other ways that would be more 1 lasting and benefiiei-■ I, at one.half th. ■ expense of buoiug fertilizers. Would j like to say lo all Alliance men every- j where to be punctual at your Sub. Alli liiuce meeting at leant once a month ; huve a regular timo for meeting and arraitgoyour affairs so tint you can attend. Do not lag ; we are only just beginning the work. Punctuality is otu of the great objec's of the orgaui zition. If you mglcet your uieotiugs you will be behind the work. Read the PitoaßßHsivii FARMER regularly end keep posted, and work as you hive njver worked before, or the grandest and belt organization that has ever been ttirted for tbe farmers of North Caro lina I oanu'it say more HI » letter. j LEVI WAT.-ON, in | Progressive Farmer. We have known men of ed- | ueatiou and talouts at tho North who > votjd the lleniocratio ticket, though ! their principles wero Republican, l'bcy j voted th* Democratic ticket because they did uoi like the organization of the Republican party. The New York Herald iu tpaakiug of how Northern Republicans who come South to toitle, vote with th* Democrats soys : "Nmet*en uut ot twentv Noithern Itapublicans who come South and in vest their mouey in homes with the purpose of becoming citizens, in twelve months after they are thcro vole the Democratic tiokst, which is the white man'* ticket. They vole not because they aio D ■imtcrntii in pi inciol'e, but bvcause tiiey bc!ieee HI white loan's rult and »eu that il IS nil 1 M.irj is ihere any State but Xorth Caroli na where the Goveruur lives iu a rout ed house ! iTH li, STABLES OF A HERMAN PKI.vCE. I The Prince of Lippj Dclinold, who entcrtsinod the Kmperor William re cont'y, is one of tbe nclicst- Herman royalties, say* London Truth, tie po sesses an immense fortune and vast estates, wliuh lie in West i plialia. lie owns nearly tho whole of lit* dominions, wiiioli is "Wee for his ««IO». T . VLFLLK inal iu amount, and they are greatly envied by their IJIS fortnnatj uoigh- ! bora in tne atjuiuiog Stales. The Schloss of Petuinid is a magni ficent royal seat with an iiLUionsc round towur like that at Windsor. The gsr dei>t are beautiful an 1 the fountain* rival those of llerrauliauseu ; but tbu admirably arranged s.ablus are the graat features. They always conlnin tbout a hundred fine horses, all of tl.e famous Sc-nner blood, which are bred at th.i Piinoe's farm of Lopshorii. These Senner horses are very hardy and are remarkable for their poweit of endurance. Tlu breed is of Arab origin, aud thu .tud, w'oieh contains 150 mates, is probably 'he old est in Kurope, for it has existed tince the fifteenth century. The Teut jburg in forests areuiid Detmold, which belong to th« Prince, urofull of al: ltinds of gan e, and the ••siagr" run even heavier than those iu the Duke of Saxe.Cotiurg (Gutna's) Thuringian foraes's Ex. A MODEL COUNTY. No county in our State it lata knewn oast of the Blue than the little county of Clay. It nest let in the grand old mountains like a mod**t maiden an lap of a giant It hat a small popula tion hat it it the rich in resourees. It is po3r it money, but l* wealthy in virt ue. Sine* its organisation, it haa taior bad a rial on tbe doeket of its court for murder or maaaltnghtar. There is not a distill jry nor a bar roem ic tho ouunty. No arraignment f*r rape or other hideoua ciase hat ever disgraced the records ot its ccnrti. Grass clover, eorn, wheat, octs rye, buckwheat, fruits and veglablcs grow luxuriantly, while tti water tnd its tim bers are us fine as can be found in (he world. llayesville derived itt name from ear old frieud Hnyet of Cherokee, than whom no man was ever more devoted to hi* people, or wai a tmer patriot, and it beau ifully located on tbe south bauk of Hiwassse river,—Raleigh Prrgrcts ivt Farm'r. STORING CABBAGES. The tiei man town T /rgraph hat for a number of years recommended that jabb'iges be prcsorved ihrough w'titer by setting tiicui up in rows as they giew - that is, with the roots down. Thon fill In with soil pretty freely ; then make a covering by planting two posts where there is a fence to rest on, or tour where there is not, allowing for a ditch to carry off the water ; lay bean po'.js opposite the way of the pitch and cover with corn and fodder or straw or hoards In using . thiough the winter avoid as much as possible the tun side aud eloso up sguin. "We have not," says the ptper quoted, "found setting the cabnage upside down in rows, as many an, of an; advantage, at we have kept ours for more than twenty years in the way we nientioLed in a tonnd, perf?ct condition through the winter into the spring, and could even up to the Ist ot May if desirable." A rule, very commonly observed is to set the cabbages to bt kept over beadt down, when the beadt are firm aud fully fiown, and roots down whea (he heads aie loose and not fully ma tured. A fact tn relation to the death of | Washington, not generally kuown, m*y j be statyd. The day after hit death the cloek in the M atonic Lodge in Alexan- , dria, of which he was a Buuibtr, wis tet tt the hour of hit demise' Then the olock wit ttoped, and it hat uover been permitted to run, ner have the hands been rntved siuee.— Waehington Star. - - a»» • ~ Fa>inert'childien acquire a knowl edge ot' botai.y easily, oi ing much a- , luoug flowers, and as they will find the 1 knowledge ustlui liter, (hoy shi uid b« eneouragid iu the ob'tiuing uf it.—Ex changt. NO. 28 ■--■■ » " " « PICKINGS Front (be Wilmington .S(«r. I The small-pov is among the stuJ.'nta at Cornell University. Four thousand miners ID West Vir ginia are uti n strike, One-fourth of the Legitlative session | is gone and but very little done. I the great fitter, chal giants «T:'%4>.lr i.OT I in a fasting contest. ! There were eight !yaehmgs by Moby in North Carolina in 1888 A ihamu fui and uujuntifiable record. *lt i» thought that Blaine's struggle to gel the Secretary»hip of State will kill eff Reed, of Maine, for c pjakoi. A foolish negro in Louisville made a wuger aa to his driDking qualities He took a lull'gallon of whukcy and it look liiui off. In n Kansaa lobool election a fight between faetions ensuud, who i knives and revolvers were used aid several men serintuly wounded. Her* is the populur vote for Presi dent . Cleveland and Thurtuan, 5,534,- b67 ; Harrison and Mortou, 6,436,t5i7; Majority far the DamoeraU. 94,180. Kui[>eior William mad* his speech at the epeuiog of the Riehatag and it was disappointed ai it contained nothing s a tally important to the peaue o La rope. \\ e»t Virginia politicians are grow ng nervous aboat the election case. Silly more indictments have been issaed, mainly for illegal voting. Nellie Bradley, agml nine, died at Albauy, N. Y., from choking. She swallowed a toy bailee* whistle. Tba bailooa bad become iafiated by her breathing audjit choked Iks? "to death. The war between the raeea atiU m titiuea in the North* oat, 1m Uhic a li.'b* be w*m fctaaketviMte has oeaurred at tterea College. Uow i* it that the races will not mis amica bly in Ohio, and yet Obioane are foiliab and unfair enough to demand the mix ing in the Soutb ! Here ia a specimen, of how a mob complies with a death-bed request. The New York H'oiW sayi: "James Baoks shot Butler Banks ii> Newberry county, S. C- Butler re taliated by wounding Juiue* uor'.ally wbon lie had recovered sufficiently to shoot. 11l au aute-moi teui Matou-eut James begged his Irieudg to aveuge hi in, and they have just done so by burning Butler Banks propeity, Dot withstanding the effutts of Mrs. Banks, who was alone with her children, to prevent them. Suob_ are the chief events up to date of a South Carolina feud." The Senate Republican Election Committee have uecidsd thai all bill* littering pnrity in elections must be potponed and that it is no time fer "buglo calls." There was never a time with tbe Republican party fer a "bugle call" for an hooest oount, a and there will uevor be such a time " Our Wilmington corresp odeat thua replies to our inquiry as to why there ia DO Leap Year in 1900 : "Cioaar's allowance was too muoh by say eleven minutes, and Gregory XIII decided that every stb yl-«r should bo Leap Year, except when the centuries come ill, and that then every 4th oer tury shoufti ba Leap Y«af—lToo » 1800 were not Leap Years, neither wilt 1000 be, but 2000 will be. ID other words, every year (not a century year) in whioh the last two figures ate divis ible by 4, and every eentury year in whith the first two are divisible is Leap Year." We sappoao we could have learned all this from the klncyclexlaUe.a Srilmntcn, bat we failed te look. But thanks fur the information. It is now begiening to clear up that V('eat \ irgiaia will have a Oemoeratio Governor and U. S. Senator. Excel, lent if true. The political situation in West Vir ginia is bcooving grave and trouble ia feared. It may be that theje will bo two State Goremmtntt for a sbo. I time- President Cleveland has uominated a successor to the late Judge SettU, but the Republicans in the Senato not M-em disposed tu fill vaeancius. he Democrats are trying to bavn new Judicial Districes created In several | Southern Statatee so at to limit th« I power* of the J idges now ia offioc.

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