VOLUME XVII. Reoorter and Post PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT D ANBURY. N. C. PIGPPttR & SON 3, Pubs. fir Proo BATM «»' Ni iw( Hirii«x ; Yeir, p icablo In advance, #l^o " 5 RATKH OF AttTKRTISlBliit }>ne Square (ten line* or lew) I time tl 00 fr«»r each additional tuncrtion, .■«- .A* Contract* lor longer tlm® or mure *|>ac« can be (mute In proportlou to I be above rate*, i'raj talent :ulvertbMjr* will lie aborted to rem to cooling to tb««e rates at the tiu»* they »end loir fkvoTH. Lucul NoUuM will 1.0 char jod 10 p»r oent, U1;;H than above rate*. • tllaaineNM Cards wilt bo Inserted Pi leu IIU annum. PJt IJJpHiO V" l LC 1(1 Ui. R. L. HAYMORE, ATTORN EY AT LAW MtAiryN.C. Spoehl attention given to ilie collection of claims. TT. F. CARTER, ft wToa#Br-.-iT-La ir. Si r. AIKV, SUUUY CO., X.«. Fractions whereva.' blsserviecs arc wantd «08E»T W. SBOAS D. 14YLO. K Mf I'OW&KS £ CO., WHO I USA LE Dli UG GIS Til, Denlers in AiMTSj ' 01L3, DYES, VARKISIIRB, Trench and Ainonoan WINDOW QI.ABB, PUTTY, &C hMoKINCi AND CHKWIM. 11 -.A us, TOBACCO A 1805 Main Bt., Biohmoud, V«. HMUbH GEO. STEWART. fin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. TICK I* LUCK wixvioii s t'. OOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at abort uoticc. icpi coustautly on hand a fine lot 'Xbg and lieatltt* Siovt-.;. uaoufocturcr ot Mills, and all kind of •pper work U»o«. van east «t&i beautiful Keg'ilor (ill u>trat ctik of VK 111 DOB INSTITUTE and HI'S. KSB COLiLKQE tolling all about tb. lebrated fohool FREE ! u kliould do Uii. if you contemplate |>at ■ ixing any .clwol Ik'it year. I'rotor iACHI.tU. IIL'»I*E»4, or (UILLEUK . Btudefit* last year. This School in tine located in tbo i'iedmoiil on of N. C., *r Wmensboro, wftfr* good board call br t low. it lias splendid builditip, hoc d) bulls, and elegantly furnished Society lis, beautiful Oliaprl, and is coiupletidy dpi*'d. One oftlie lev liiat-class High iOuU in llw South. Address J. A. A 11. 11. Hull, Oak KMge, N. C. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. C. The next I i -aion begins August 80. Tuition ro • oed to S3O, a bolt yea. l'oor stu nt* may five notes. Faculty of fifteen i tubers. Three full courses of study ing to degrees. Three short courses the training of business inou, teaoh i, physic tans, and pharmacists. Law ] beol hilly equipped. W rito for cnt«- to « . Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Ifres. R The Wilmington Star. ' liKUUCTICX IX PRICES. attention is called to the following re duced rates of subscription, CASU IN ADVANCE : THIS DAILY STAR. One Year 96.00 , Three Montkssl.SC gix Months 8.00 | One Months 50 THE WEEKLY BTAIt. On* Year SI.OO | Six Mouths 00 Tfcr«« Mouths 80 sents. Our, Telegraph Mews service luia recently been largely Increased, and It >s our Jeloi- Hiiaatluu U> keep tlwe StAii up to the hl'.'lest uutdard ut *ews-pA|er excellence. Adirwu. tVM. 11. lUCX.\ni), A. " WALNUT CMS AOABEMY. A firH-»l»MS high School Fir Hoys and 4}irls. Fall Term b gins August 'J 7ill Tuition fr«ta $1.50 tu $3.00 and SI.OO *- «strs far oaeh additional languae. - —MUttIC $3 00 PKU. MONTH— Heard from $3.00 to s'£ 50. Fur fur ther pat tieulars uppiy to j. T. FAUItELL, Prin. Htss.Minnie 0. Leach, Music Teacher tstisUat. Or. V. 0. SJRTTGGIST. Mill sell you Drug* at the Lowest Prices either M'hule sn leaf Ret nil. Call for any thi/fg in the Drug Line be fore l/ou buy and be cmriir ted that the bottom prices are fuun d here. PA / ATS, OIL, ST A TIOMA It ICI GARS, SUVA WATER, if.. &c. Don t ferget the SOVTif Siva OF TBS court house sqr.u; v WINSTON N. C. ONWASD ! IS TH2 VTO2D ! Tlie ritOOUKSSIVK FAItM ten enters ita ruiui» volumk at tli«* following rat«*§: 1 aub#crH*»r, 1 year... $ 1.25 0 subscribers, 1 year 5.U0 10 sultKvTiWrft, 1 year lU.OJ On* copy, 1 yearJne ii> tin l wie sending a club of tell. Kiyht 40 coin in us, ucvkly. bfllwl CASH (chary*?* prepaid) to Is ij. POLK, 11.KK.11, N. C. It" YOU WANT Oil or needles for any .wiv ing machine, or llie latest wonder in improve- d ma china, at 11 all SINGS.R SEWING MACHINE CO., OFFICE OPPOSITE P. O. WltfsTOlf, K. CAROLINA Doors, Hash , Blinds etc. We are prepared to furnish doors, sash, blinds, newels, turn ed balusters, hand rail, brackets, moul ding, scroll-sawing of ail kinds, window frames, door frames, dre«sed lumber of all kinds, (louring, ceil ing, weather-ooard ing, etc. of our own manufacture. We alio curry in stock shingles, plastering I'xttts, time, cement, calcined plas ter, plastering hair and all kinds of builders' supplies. i'ieaae write aud gei our prices be fore ordering uUewhere. Special prices on oar*load bits, fiuugh iuaibcr takeu ID exehaoge for tiuiabod work wiieii ile aired. MILLEII BIIOS., WINSTO.M, M C. Greensboro Female College. GREEN Bono, S C. The kixtv seventh session ok this prosperous lustitutiou begius on tLs 2'2ud of Auoubt, 1888 Superior advantage! offered in all the departments of loarning usually taught in Female Colleges of high Grade. Instruction given in Typc-wrtting and Stenograph also. Terms modorate. For Catalogue apply to T. M. JONES, President jjpyi | .K* aii«.bi»- gyggj* I WUI Hm •• m* ssW to i Bill ss St 4® cviSvot'.ifcsr 53*TXIN5»mn w - "IVOTIIIIVG SUCCEEDS) LIKE SUCCEHS." DAN BURY, N. C„ THUIISDAYTI MOTHER, MOON AND STARS. W. A. I.OKD. ihe moon it l«cnlinpr o'er the *ra As I, my lube, over tlieo ; Sin* roc*s it go itly to ami fro, At 1 now rock joii, so ami s»; lUe wlml, her breath, sii:gM softly, •'Dear, bleepiwuely now. fori am near." Tlio stain loo* down ii|.rtu ! h • ivj, a I, nay labe, l-*»k 1 »»vn on th?:; Tli t •iMtli'H ut r»*st ; they vi ,i.'s ke'.'p, ah I w atoll o'er thy po.u»ful sl»-«*p. A'ul through ll«e silence I cm hear, swceily now, far wo are near." Cl»j ajo Arift. Through Fire. BY AIIIIIF. C M'liEKVhtt. ••Fire, Fire !" Tbe cry rang out, sharp and pierotce, uii the summer air, and f- oo ti arret turned laxily nu his pillow, and drowsily nondcrcd wliore it e >uld be. "Fire, Cre !" Again tliat iwrrildo cry. Surely it was near. Ves ; the smell or surnkc arouse I hi.j to the certainly that it was quite u ar. "Hullo hero ! Wonder if I hadn't belter get up and take a look out ! There uught bo such a thing as prudeace iu iu that tuove." And leisurely at was his wort, he arose mid approached the window, throw open the blind., and started back, with an exchnrition of iutco93 terror, for the building in which ho slept was on fire, and the (lames spreading rapid i). The engine had just arrived and began work but il wait evident at a glance that '.he house must go. Kvcii as he gni >d at a distant window in tie sixth story a white figure appear ed and leaned her goldeu head far out ii ppealingly. "Miss Nelson, the poor little dress, maker ! Heavens, how tan she escape ■ And ihero are her little brother aud sisict also !" Hut while his thoughts fl w ranid'y hn sine I his ulothes, da-ihod into a por liou of Iheiu, grabbed his waieh and rushed out into the lull. Once when the litllo baby sister had been lost, he had found her aud carried her up to their rooiu. Could he find tlio way now He meaut to try, haiar dous as seemed the attempt. Yes, he found the door at last, but the stifling air iu the passsag) rendered breathing very difficult. ho dashed withuut ceremony. "Ciuio ho demanded. "('ouio Iliie way ; do not wait ut the window ; tlie ladders will not loach. Give uio the children ! "You can not carry llictii both, sir "Yes, I can. Kobin, get upon uiy back. Now cling tbcro for dear life. Here Koiio, uiy pet - don't cry ; lot mo yju in Ibis shiwl. Now, Mig NeUon, 01l 'W iuo or wc will ill be 1 ut." Out into that narrow _ ptss»..e, now full of muolte, they hurried. What a way it was. On, on thoy prjssei, some, times almost sinking to tbe floor with suffoeati. n. ••Ob, I can't hold on, i can't !" wail ed Robin, dropping to the floor in a dead faint. "Give mc llosie," gasped tbo elder sister ; "1 can lake her." ''You cau not, but loan. 1 wiii car ry both," shutting his lips firuily and snatching ltobin up under his disengag ed aim. ■Y u take th« lead, Miss Nelson. You know the way to my room door ; once inside we are safe ; but for Heav sn's sake hasten !" On they pressed once more. Out iff the lower hall they found it full of half ol ad beings, and the wails jf tho women and children, aocoiupuniod by tbe roar of the fire, rendered the scene appalling and heartrending. "Miss Nelson ! Oh for pity aake, Mi-sNVson, help tue ! 1 can't find iu) iiruieh." Janet Poison turned aside at nno* and threw lor strong Joiing a:ins nliout the |«»>r eicalure who hud appealed to h. r, ui;), lifting her almost bodily, run ou ard. The door was reaebal ut l ist—yes, aul the window, fur it was only tbe idoond story. A ladder was woo placed for thom and ready hands pullod them out of that nwful sea of fire. Crack ! .crash ' went the timbers of the building, aud louder roared Ihe flames •'Are all sate 1" anxiously inquired Joe, with quick drawn breath A mother's wild shriek rang out : "ilracie! Oh, my child ! uiy child ' "A ladder ! a ladder !" shouted Joe, and who the ladder was placed igainst" the buildiug, he ran tip its rounds with headlong haste. "They'll both be dushel to pieces— two lives instead of one Floy Nelson covered her eyes and prayed, while her poor little heart stood still wi h dread—pretty little yellow haired Flay, she knew her hca tut last. 7'he child stood quite still at that open wiudow. A'he was about ten years old and her bright eyes regarded Joe's udvanto earnestly. Eagerly he snatched her from her perilous position aud began to retrace bis steps. "I went back for papa's picture," she explained as they progressed. "That ia how 1 was left up there." "Yes—yos—.but cling to ma." Down, down, a* fust us possible but louder ami louudcr grew Ihe flames, their boi breath almost smothering them. They were within a few feet of the grouud when the building fell 111 with a crash, und Joj und bis little charge were Hung d 'mi on the bard stones with pitilos force. Hurt ? Ycf, a little. Grace received a broken orui and Jjo a brukun ankle, but both reoovered, and Joe dejlirod it tho luckist fire lie eve knew, fur it nan the cause of winning hiui a dear little wife—.MlM Ne was only too hapy in ministering uu:o hiiu. And Oracle's papa,\vao was abroad and h;ip pened to be rcb, sent Joe a present ol two thousand dollars. BUSINKSS KULH9. Pay as you go. Never fool iu business matters. Learn to thiuk and act for yourself l)o uot kick over i one in your path. Keep ahead rather thin behind the times, Use your own brains rathor than those of others, Have order systo •, regularity a»u also promptness. A man of honor respects his word as he does his bond. Do not meddle with business you kdnr nothing about. llelp others when you can, but never give what jou caunot affard. because it is fashionable. I,corn to Bay no. No necessity of snapping it out dog fashion, but say it (irmly and respeotably. * Above all things remember that bus iness success and inteinporanco caunot go baud in hand. Chimney Corner. HARMONY IX COLORS. I • Red and violet do not accord well. itlaelc never produce a bad effect when it is associated with two luminous colors. Giecn produeo an indifferent ! effect, but better when tho colors are • deep. blue, when placed by the side of or ange, iucre nes the lntter's iutentity, and vice versa. When two colors accord badly to gether it is always advantageous to sep arate them by white. Green aud violet, especially when light, form a combination preferable to ) green and blue. Red and blue accord passably, ospeo ailly if the red tnclrocs rather to a scur- I let than than a orinison. Orange and green do not accord will. I Orange and violet accord passably, yet | not so well as orange and green. While gray never produces exactly o bad effect in its association with two luminous colors, yet, in common easait its assortments are dull. Red and yellow accord pretty well especially if the red be purple rod, rather lh«n scarlet, and if the yollow rather greenish than orange. folh'W » .•> j.-reeii frm »n tgreeal'le Omiiblllatl ill. Till airing ill Hi jt Vcl l.i* mid blue in in Te agreeable than that o" yellow and green, bu\'s less lively. , —l'uiliiddpbta Record AY U 1881), V A.\ DERIfILT'S IN VEST MEN I S. • Mr. V underbill, the New YorU in ill ■ lonairi, continues t» iucrcaso tbc ji/. of hit maguificent property near Ash ville His latest purchase is a tract of 0 : •(.' acres known » the I*. F. Potton Swatinntioa fur which lie |> ii > $87,00. The Aslivtllu Jiurnnl says Mr. Vau-- durbilt iyw hUs the most haulsoino es tate in ?. > South, ai.'d j»ki wha-. nil do with it. The investment uf «o intieh mon«y in land* in that part of thu S a'.- I i ho •shrewd a business man at \ unilerbil! shows that he has groat faith in its fu ty growth and development. It w.t» loportcd ut one time, we liiic\o, ih.it Mr. Y underbill intended to met a thoroughly equipped institution of learn mn there, that, in addition to thu ex cellence of o.s curricolium should com bine the advantages of beautiful iiiinu lain .ceilbfy, and that of a healthy, in vigorating climato. Whether tnis is true or uot is not known. It may be that he will use part of it. or poi-sibiy all of it, us asi'.o for a palatial ali-thu year round tiume or hotel patterned af. tar tho Ponce De Leon Hotel at St. Augustiuo. He lias fur more money than the standard oil magnate, who built thu former structure is aud could easily spend a half dozen .or so million dollars piofitahly and pleasantly in plan ning and construntuig a building id' this kind that would be the finest in the world. Tho building of the I'oiicc Do Lioou was the gratification of a whim of itsowner, 11. HI. Flagler; and Western Nor'h Carolina possesses advantages of the erectiou of u similar structure on r larger and more magnificent scale, »uf. lieeiit to gratify the desire of cveu a hundred millionaire. Whatever Mr. Vauderbilt intends to do with the property, however, it is quite safixto say that he bought it be came he kno«s irvc. tuicul wltco lie sees it, and expects to receive a handsome profit fioni the expenditure lie expects, if he dos'out have the mis. fortune to die soon, to see tho section become tho principal mountain resort of wealthiest people in the United States. He expects to see its mountain sides dotted witu liaudsouic homes and beau, titully laid out grounds. Ho expects to see its railroad facilities increased, com munication with the exterior world made easy, and the whole suction per faded with an ail of life and ind > -try. if Mr. Yaedorbilt doesn't see this him self, those who inherit his property will as the realization ot such expectation is only a question of tiuio. Mr. Van derbilt has doubtless reasoned somewhat in this way himself, and lie probably undo the investment lie has because, aiuid all the attractiveness of tho soi tiuii, oc wauted the finest and largest pice of property for bunselt. IN ANSWER TO A QUBSUPN. We have been askod for information as to whether the different races of man have a common origin;--vas ihe Asiatics ( Moguls), Caucasian ( Kuropean or] while tuen), Amotion Indians, Africans (in cluding tho Nubians, Abyssiuians, l'oo lulis. Ncgroas, Hottentots, etc.), fast /ndian or Malayan (Tolinguus, Malays, and Ncgridians), Australian (I'apuaus, Australia*}, and I'olynesians (S utli Sea /slanders). Wo cannot at'euint to di.'cu.-s the the ory of unity or diversity of origin of of tho races, or rather to give any out line of the twosidcs of thisgreal ques tion, for it would consume some tiuio in prepatatiim aud the subject would not interest the general leader. /nde« d proper treatment of the subject of tin unity or diversity of origin of the race." includes the great rjuestions which ar? intimately connected with it, such a-* the thuorics of tlie effects of physical agent.- in producing variolic* iu atliuial* | and man; the phenomena of hybridixi tion; tin 4 geographical distribution, uii-j grations, and affiliations of the ?p»v.e*; disputed poiuts in archeology, j»hiltdo- , gy, chrouology and physical gaograpli) ; and the bearings of the results of the J studies of men of science in these sub jects upon theological opinions of the day. Weiuuit the»ef«»re dismiss the .-u'l ject with the siiu|le statement, that so an aothortty as Agassii has given il as hi« opiuion that, ike races nrt. Mt ftJbt* » . >i JftMaußUMHMpi not uf am noil origin in thoc words, "that what are culled liuiutn races, down to their spociulizat on as nations, are diniuo: primordial forms of thu type of man." LOU XIA FOll'l VVK II M. '•Hilliger McSrf.it, remove your arm instantly tlreat drops of porspiraticu broke out on the broad, intellectual Irow of the vnung m ill to whom these words were addressed. "Dave / presumed too much upon to i. on and familiarity with which she lias tr.-atc ime 1" lid said to himself. ••II ;\ t; I lost her '! No, no ! 1: cavnot l'c 1 li must not bo!'' And he gave v lie the emotions that thrilled his soul . "M abulia Grnbbs," In; said, wiih the i I'.ariii'i". pi*siouute warble of a young pout tuiidor-ug she first paroxysms of his inusi to a red- whiskered, en its.eyed literary editor, -'hear what 1 have to say first." Clearing liis throat with couvulsive energy: "For t e love ut hstiren, Lobelia, do not not tell inj tint 1 hive boon'ui.sta keu in thinking tho uniform regtrd that has marked your conduct towards me during thu last six mouths to be a war mer sentiment than that of mere friend ship 1 Do uot crush tho hopes tint hate risen in uiy breast like a Milwaukee av enue tenement' hnusj erected on the oouiraet plau. He your own gentle, tender, p.liiul self, and—" 'll iliger MoSwut, remove your arm" '•One uumjut, Lobelia ! Thiuk of the happy, soulful hours we have spent over Dune, Drowning aud the beu and a hail' problem ! Call to mind the en joyment, the enthusiasm, tho - el—,;>a tience wun which wo have attended )ccHire after iocfurc'ou art 1 llcuicuiber the--s" 'Uillignr MoSwat; remove your arm!" "Aud listen to the pbadiug of your own gentle heart wlieu 1 tell you of the sorrow that a hasty decision on your part would cost mo now. i could not boar it. I came here this evening, Lo belia, oppressed by tho news just re ceived that I lotve lest my only uncle. In the breast pocket of this coat is tho letter that conveys the sad news. It is true he was a man of groat wealth, lie was worth, perhaps, a quarter of a mil lion, and iu the letter of which I speak 1 am informed by h s solicitors that I am hi) solo heir, bu'/—'' "Lost your only uncle ? Oh, I am so sorry ! J «:t it bo my mission to com. 'fort you, I'illigor !" w uily, forgivingly, the fair maiden be nned upon that sorrowing youagniun as-slio laid her bouutllu! head with its wealth of goldcu hair tenderly and con solingly on the breast pocket contuiuiug the sad letter. a a a a a a And Uiliigcr did not remove his arm. .—Chicago Tnl/unc. "MY SMOiCK HOUSiS." A man wo lives in Albany, and whose loudness is that ol a clerk, said that ho bad lately built a house that cost him $5,000 His fricuds exppressed iheir wonder lie could all ird to build so tine a dwell ing. "Why," said he, "that is tny smoke hou?e." " Vouf smoke hjusj! Whal do you 1110.1 II V* "I mean that twenty years ago I left oIT am»kiiig, mid I have put tlie moaey roved from smoke, with interest, into uiy house. So 1 call it niy smoke house." Youths ('omjmnion. ADVICKS P..OM SA.MO.VM represent the natives as quiet; Touusse will not ac cept terms of peaco without ho is rc c«'|uizod as Kicg. FASHIONS FOR MEM Rldorly men are weaving solid gold bands Miiiilar to wedding rings Men arc wearing more jewelry now than they have ever doue before. Very fow dudes now wear a silk sash iimle.id of a vest on full dress oeca totOtlH. Black poarls and black diamond* are very popular as studs for e veiling wear. Sub.cnbo for the RKPOETER. NO. 44 PICKINGS From the Wilmington -sViir. ' All ot' iho Now York KTclimg-s will be cli«oti ou Tuuduy and Wednesday , \icxi, and suuio uf (licui also on Mou ' d"y- Tlio (loorg'a watermelon crop will exceed tliat of 18SS, bv 5,000 cir ! load*, su t!iu nil road managers esti mate. Sir (harlii Knssel undo a great speech, conducted fur moutl s a great v ise, and ii nv charge* $5J,000 fur his j services. 7'lie IV 01 Id's Washington special of i the lltli inft. saya if Ulaiti "isuot ab ! xo!ut»iy broken do#u he is very badly | shaken." Maj Finger reporti that arrange iiienta fur holding Teachers' Institutes iu thiity live o mutics have been per. tested. Five instructors will bs select ed to coudtut thorn. ' A'J IU pound tunSsb is small fry, it seems. it grows to 38 feet in leugth. The liver ulutie i known to yield 600 or 700 pounds of oil. Iu Montgomery oouuty, Ya., accord ing tu wj Uoauoke Ttlegram, Mrs. Sa. rati tttruett nas Loan iu bed forty yours. Stie is uUahlu to work, lias fair health and good appetite. Uertv won the six d»jn' race, utakiug it'jj uitles. This is 80 miles belaud ..iitlewuod'a record, lierty got sl,- 000, Cannght $1,50, u'jd others lew sums. Oartrigtu uiade SSI miles. John Adam? uomiueudod Washing ton fur us.tig ruui ou bis table instead ot wiue. Uuelo George would hate nei ther if Dow at the bead ot luu couutrj. Customs ebauge. Tilt llichuiuuii 1 lines thinks that Mr. "iauiuol IV. Venerable, of I'eters turg would bs tliu uiau for tbe Virgin ia ilduijcral* to mine Cummin of tbe party. He is a good uiau for tbe place, doubtless. Tberc is auother walking match 'ou" iu .New l'ork. There are ten contest ants. At last report Cartright led with 1 'll miles, liegelniaii second I—o miles. Hotly is lourlU aud la tbe favorite ol ibe spuria. 7'tiere are ouly seven Republicans eleeied to the 61st House who are anx ious to serve as Speaker. Reod Can u o u, lturrows, McKiulny, Banks, lirowue, and auother we have forgotteu, are all caudidates. We aee it mentioned that Seuaior Hausoui is to deliver tbe Memorial Ora tiou before the Alumni at the Univer versity Centennial, if he will give his, nights to it he can deliver a memorable address, lie has the pieoise qualities necessary for such an occasion if he will diligently prepare biiu^clf. In th« class just graduated at West l'oiut tbe South pets two of tho first scveu. i'be seven are: "Kben K. Winslow, Massachusetts ; Albert MeD'Ariutt, Iowa; Chester Har ding, Alabama; Clnuient A. I'. Flag ler, Iowa; Robert Mctiregir, Michigan; t\ illiarn W. Ilartr, Illinois; Kiuiutid \V. lllaka, South Carolina." North Carolina has one graduate, Matt 11. Peterson, who stood 31 in a class of4B Tho South has the honor of furnishing the tail, in the person of E. L. Wiuston, Tennesse. Tbe time was before tbe war when the South made a better showing. Our young uion musi bo indifferently prepared suro- Its well enough to give some of the facts as mated by 001. Wu». F. Fox in lni rccunt book entitled "Regiment. I Losses in the War." North Caralina led. This is BO news to us, but it will be news to ibe outside wot Id, and a steru rebuke to persistent slanderers. As condensed the faots in pa-t are as follows: "North Carolina killed, 11,522; Vir ginia, 5,328; South Carolina, 9,18 , Georgia, 5,552; Mississippi, S.BOi. North Carolina also led the list in »lie number that died of wounds aud 2 ',- 602,0f her sons died of disease to 6.517 Virginians. The sons of other Sinn* did more talking, but North Carulina evidently did far the most fig li tin*. liar military population in 1861 was lli.- 369, but she furnished 125,000 my. to the Confederate oause." Let the ink slingeraquil luireprea.-nl ing the fasti of history.