IHEMNBURY REPORTER POST VOLUME XVIII. Reoorterand Post fI'SLISHID A¥ • • DANBURY. N. C. - Hfppc« '& 50K0,., '' Fslblifliere. K. K. rirru, - Manafer. i . % 1 I ' , . M«ks or si «at!airrss t ' T»*r. KMoble ••••'k ~■ • • katim *# A»ymirt«»' , ii« jBO 9*uar«itenCni»'or ®»V 1 time,......01 j* for flftdi etluuiuiu*! ,ao tioatracts f r longer I l«o or mor. .»«V« can be Transient niverlbfr* wjU be eipocWw •e.rdi«"t« tfceU/rtes atU. tt». iill'tJe'i'eeawlll l»eaDarge4« par cent. hi{ be tasisrtod a.'Taa OU * % mim® %'.[ * ■ P R9riRSSIQX.IL CJtiOS* • t R. L. If A YMORE, attorney at law Mt Airy N. O. Special aiteutien-given to lUeCollut'Uvn of claims. . # W. F. CARTER, £rT99Jf*r'*T-&* ir. MT. AIRT, SURRY CO., N.O Traetices wherever lift services are wantd ssti. vseas » t«vi.o. ... A W FOWSRS * C 0.," wholesale druggists , . \ ' Drnlers in AINTS, OII.H, 'bTRS, VAPNIBHI3, Prenoh »»d Atnorican WIH DOW OLABB, PUTT If a &C 6MOKINQ AKD CIItWINO CIMARS, TOBACCO A hPKCIitTI ■ UOt Main St.. Riohmond, To; • (sastOinlS— GEO. STEWART. Til and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. TICK WLOCK wmsro.Vi 100FINQ. GUTTtRING AND SPOUT INC done at ahwt uoliee. KeCOßalauJy o.i Uand a S,> aud Heating Stores. • " >naaafaetarer ot stills, and sll likd v ap per work dono. A besntiful Register (illustrated! of OAK. RIDGE ftUS't'lTUi'E and BUS IN K»a COLLEGE telling all about tbs oolebrated school FREE ! Jmm should do this if jrou contemplate p:it reaiaing any acltool neat year. I'repares for TItcMIVU. «l'SlSi;iS. or ritilttn Mi OluOeuls last year. Tills School is fine ly located in the lledinouv if-i oil of N. C'., (aesr Ureonsboro, where can bn had low. It has splendid buildings, liim stud) halls, aud rlt-gaully furnished Society llalls, beautiful t l |iel, wml is u>ni|ileicly oqaipprd. Oue ul'tne lev' IHkIi OofeovU ia tlie South. Address J. A. & M. 11. Holt, Oak ltilge, C. Tbe Wilmington Star. REDUCTION IX PKICIW. Attoatioa it oallod to the following to daeod ratos of inbocription, CASH in auyaici : THE DAILY BTAII. Oio Year SO.OO | Three Months! 1.50 Six Mouths 3.00 I Ouo Months 50 TUB WEEKLY BTA II. •no Xoar SI.OO | Six Months 60 Three Months 30 oents. •or Telegraph NoWs service has reconi lt hooa largviy Increaimd, and it is our ilrter •laaMsa to keop tbe SrAn tip u> tliehlirl»'M 100 Sard of news-paper excel len-e. Address, WM. H. KENAItI), Wilmington, N. v.. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WiUiITD)iT)EAU. low • HIGH AJUt 1 ;> FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL '■CM CM NOUtf KFORE TOU Ml ONI COT. Hist-An* Macklu hu oeir-ooltlaj| stsdlo, ■•eto, i« > MITSI-llned calw. Dost t»f MMM it] or 16a, but tend for circular. Remember. w mumlm our auichHM eqwaj to any hi#h phco4 oe tK« m*rket. Addrui _ The G. A. WOOD CO., T MMM-.r»U«slcl>*la,l«s T f"tT>rMo . • p* " A K*»t ' ' '* I" '• W Wiuisr i • • ' 'vV* ' ' : MILLINERY ' ;■ •• • 'ir •MRS. l: w, MASTEN, M&iri Stiret, TDoors Below Allen'i •: " Old Stand. 'Latest New York »tyles a specialty Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Etc. as cheap as can be bought. " Spebiat iaduccuieuts- tj the COUN TRYfK A UE. -ORDERS by mail promptly attended to'. I>ou'f f-.Vi to oall and examine • stofck. Xiaad los OaX«. 750 aeres «f fiae tobaeee land fo sale in 150 acre tracts, or lot* to sui the purchsaer. This land it oa the north lido of Pan Kiver in dtokee county, some tin miles Dearly rsat from Danbnry, and Dear tl.o road leading fiom that piaeo to Madisnn; is. well timbered, especially la the pine timbor aliaost unusually fine The land ii well adapted to .growing oa to'oacic. Thii it especially a laa tabaaeo aec tion, it is not merely an assertion, but will be bom out to it by snms of the heaviest buyers on the Winstjn uiaiket, I who se» and bandla tobacco I'roui ail the tobacco aectioua ia this state, as well as from i nuutber of counties in Virginia, that Stokes produces as good tobacco as sny county in Notth Caroli na. ' For prices and terms apply to • KKANK* O. U\IOSICN, • Administrator of Peter Ilairaton, dee'd. Walnut Cora, N C. • * . • Greens&ora Female College (iUGKSIIOIiO, Jt. c- Otxrr msven ru sueiox or tm -"• prosperous Institution begins on tbs Wntl ok Augl'st, 1888 Superior advantages offered in all the departments of learning uauslly taugli in Female Colleges of high Urade. Instruction given in Typc-wrttiDg and Stenograph also. , Torais uioderatdl For Catalogue apply to .. T. M. JONES, V ie«ideM Manufacturer of and Be, a lev in all kinds of Saddles, Harness, Collars. Whip*, Spnrs Curry lomos, Inrushes and everything usually kept in his lina. MeAdo liuilding. Cjr retinnb o ro O, ONWA3D ! IS THI WORD! The VROORESSIVE FAUM KR outers Its initio vol, in* at th« following rates: 1 subscriber, 1 year $ 1.2S & subscribers, 1 year ~6.00 10 subscribers, 1 year 10.00 One copy, 1 yea r/rat to the one sending a club of ten. . ■ ■ Kight p:v.-i. -to columns, weekly. Send CASH (charges prepaid) L L. rof.K, 4J.BISU, N. 0. f). V.O. DHTJQQZOT. Will sell you Drags at th e Lowest Prices either Whole sal* or Retail. Call for any thing in the Drug Line be fore you buy and be convin ced that the bottom prices are fou nd here. PAINTS, Olh, STATIONARY, CI- G.l v *ODA WATER, I „ * * , Dont ferset the pace. Smttrm Stmm f ram COURT IJOUBB SQUABV. WINSTON N. C. "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKKSI CCKKH." I)ANBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 14 ISS'J Converting 9 finer#. »' ') NOV 11. ARD MU3CCLAR MAT HOP 8 OF Till HCBIUN Ellrtiß tXlOMttu. * ] * ' '' 1 | During a rjent recent revival at Nubbin* Ridge meeting honse, tbe ebief I exhortee, old Dave Honljr, (U no sue. | eessful ia his mourners' beochf pefena sivenettf that feat one sinner remained, j This obdurate was a brawny | young fellow named Calvin Hicks. One i afternoon, while tbe was crowded, a number of th« brethren hold a consultation with old* Dave Henly, and shortly afterward old Dave ar,j* and said : "Everybody that wants to go to hea ven stand up." Everybody except Calvin, who was sitting over in a corner, arose. "Calvin," s id old Dave," "don't you want to go to heaven 1" "Ain't hurtin' ••go," Calvin answer ed. "1s it possible that yon want as to leave yon behid t" "Well I don't racon I'll bo aoMight, ty far behind when you fellars git thsr.' ' Now, look here, Calvin, these folks have pat mo op as exhorter; they have coulidcnoe :n me, and I want to to tell you right hero that yon've got to stand up. If you don't shame Satan yoa shan't shame us. Do yoa hear V ••Ain't deef." "Well, then hearken to my veieo." "Ain't oat a harkenin' to day." "Calvin 1" "That's what they oall me." "Air yoa goin' to stand up 1" "When I get tird of settin'." Young man, you air a cuss to this here community.' "Wall, the community is a cuss to t'lis here community.' "Calvin, yoa have been knowed to git druuk.' "fo did old Noah git did drank, and I reckon he's all right now.' Calvin yuu go to shindigs and daaee.' 'So did old David danoe, but 1 aint hsarn no complaint about him.' TIIEY KINO.A UYMIt. ■Brethren wo will sing a stirrin' hime and see what i fleet that will have on this here black s'ueep,' said tbo exhort er. They sang with swelling tumult. Calvin sat chewing his tobacoo and squirting through his front teeth. A young wuuiau, greatly excited, made nrwiy to til! stubborn stuner and, seizing him by the arm, implored bio to get up. "Kf you love iuo, Calvin, you—" "Oh, I love you well enough." "If you'll do ss they want yoa to—- if you will only go to Heaven,l'll marry you to-day." "Kniu't marry me if / go to heaven. They ain't give in marriage thar." "Oh, you know what I mean. Jnst see how they arc lookiu' at yoa." ■Yes, see how lam lookin' at them." "You'll break iny heart." '•!( 1 do I'll keep the pieces." "Air you goin' to git up !" "Yes, when / git tired a settiu'." "Yes, where I git tired a littin'." " aiviu," said the exhorter,, "J am tired t'ooliu' with you." "All light then stop." "I'll not stop yet, want yoa to un deastsnd that. Answer m > yes or DO. Do }ou waul to go to Heaven!" "Do you "Yes.'' "Why dou't you go, than 1" "1 am waiting to to c.illeJ tharo.' "Mout bavo to wait a long time." "Thai's all right, but 1 want yon to auJcratuud one tbiug. The bretbran have pat rour case in my hand. f hoy want yoa to repent and yon'vo gat to doit. You stand up now, or I'll whip yoa, sah." "You ain't chawed enough hog meat yit " ■ "We'll sec bef>' wegi» throogh who bus ohawod I lie most hog meat. Air you gotn' to stand up ?" "Am whan I git ready." "Bat will yoa be ready patty ooon !" "When I g i tired of settin'-" Old Dave brushed aside the pooplo aa be advanced, npproached Calvin, aud taking him by the oar, aaid : " Air you ready to stand np Calvin got up—got vp with a boand, catching Dave on his hip with a quick ness that surprised the old «aQ. Tbo congregation made room, tad, in n nor lea of irregular bounces, tbe oombaianto rcsehed me door and boun led oat na der the troe«. l'he congregation pon rod out; the two meu oa pored piot aresqnoly. C'alvjn got old Dave's bond nnder bis «rm; Dave bit him paiufuily in tho ihort ribs. Tbe cSoot of the kite was to notionble that an and tient thought Much interested brother rem berod : 'The old mans set diggin'.' Theeombatants dnnoed a schotishe, then softened into a w»lti with ehaittcs •hoot equal, hut when tho performance Ms ouddeoly thrown into that spetnes of danoe known as ■doing the bunch' bid Dave, aidee, aided by hi» great cx'pii* •neo. tripped alvin an 1 sprawli .1 hiui upon the ground. •Calvin,' said old Dave, as hu sal up on the sinner. «Tha»'s what they call mc.' •Do you want to go to heaven !' •B'l'eve 1 do.' •Will you profess '' •Ble've I will.' "Wall, then, coma on in here and go down at the beneh. Brethren, let us bar* ostrrin' time.' Calvin professed and instead of re gretting it be is now the chief oxlmrter of shs Nubbin' Ridge meeting house. WHY THEY STAYED Parson—There were few present at the prayer me> tin# yesterday evening. I suppose they were detained at home by the heavy showers. Deacon—That's what I thought at first, but 1 had my •uspicions and I determined to sift thejm-itter to tho bot tom, "What do you mean, ilea con?" "I mean I went to the circus and my worst fears were realized, for there were all the absent members, and thfy not only §taid uutil ihe peffori.t ance was over, but they atten ded the concerts afterwards. I never was so mortified in all my life—[Texas Sittings. In North Carolina wo have built great cities for other States. In North Carolina we have furnished great men —for other Commonwealths. In north Carolina we have built colleges and spent our money to sene abroad the Gosple—for whiee oilier States have got the credit. We have doue great things for onr sister States, and help to make them great ami prosper ous, and give them reputation. —State Chronicle. TKN GOOD THINGS TO KNOW. That eool rain water and soda will i leinove maohiue grease from war,ha bio | fabries. That ripo tomatoes will remove ink | and ether stain* (rem white clolb, also 1 frost tbe hands. That a tablespoonful of turpentine j boiled with white clothes will aid in the \ whitening process. That boiled starch is much improved by tbe addition of a little e[ eroi sail or gam arabae dissolved. Tbnt kerosene will softeu boots end sh>es that have been bardenod by water and render tbem pliable as new. Tbnt salt will eurdle new milk ; hence ia prepsuing nsilk porridge, gravies, etc. tbe eelt should net be added until the dish to prepared Tbnt eUar boiling water will remove lea staina and many fruit stains. I'eur tbo water through the staiu, and thus prevent it spreading ever tbe fabrio. That keroeene will make tin tea.ket tles no bright as new. Saturate a wuol oa rag and rnb with it. It wiil also remove stain* frosa varnished furniture. Tbnt blue ointment and kerosoue . sailed ia equal proportions and applied to thn hodstond* is an unfailing bedbug romody, as n eosat of whitewash is for a walk of a lag-house. That beeswax and salt will make rus ty Satirons no olesn and smooth as glass. Tio a lamp of wax in a rag and keep it fer that parpo** Whoa the iron* aro hot rub tbem first ' with tho wax rag, than acovr with a pa per or oloth, sprinkled with salt—Con rior Journal. FOK $2,500,000. ! Amortgs'M leed from the H'cli mond & Dsnvillo llailroad C!i,n p ,i„ ,• to to the central Trust Compaq; o." New ' York to socurc bonds to tho am unit of $2,500,000 wsi 6led from record st i Riohinnnd, Va., on Iho 30ih uUi'ho, | The object of tha I ji t.ey on bonds ditud th> third diy of ! September last, an Ito heuouio iluo r n til" fHSt ti%v of S.ipteiilSor. I9uU, piy. able in cold, an Ito b rt i' iit,'re a f rit tho rate of 5 per cent, per nn'inin, payable HBnu-tOn'n'lr. This !otd ij f.,r iho pnr|i«c ofm?ilins ii.ia .1 i » under oortsin car trm' and oontra ts, to the amount of $1,837,2'25. and for tho pnrchaS'3 of addionil cquioipent and rolling stock, as woll us to bo secure in the continued 'in of th-i railroa 1 erpnp | rnent and ro ling stock c iir. r-d by the c.tr trust leases. It ii alii prap->se Ito providejfor tha al.iin i'-! owner« l iip of all such railroad oq tic junl an I stock by means of the proceeds of the Bonds issued ui ler ihe deed or trust and mortgage,.—Ex oh in^e- PUNCTUALLY. Judge Walter Clark is punctual h'tn. self and requires punctuality in holding court, lie has, thoref ire, causod sixty -four clocks to be pluccl in as many oour't-housc? in North C'ariini There is a practicil less in in tnis. I'ho ole inent of mr.litv cnt ;rs in an - inent. if you liavesn appoiniincnt yi>u havo no moral richt to disregaid it. If yju hare an oppointuionl at 0 o'clork you havo no right t) meet it at ) : 05 or 9.30. If you arc to open court at 10 o'clbok you ire simply bound to bo on t me. If you are to begin a religious meeting at an appointed hour yon are morally bound to meet your enjirnent Five minutes sooner or firo ininntos later will not to di. You have Riolatcd a sileiun m;i,',.'mot, broken your word, forfeited eontiiunco, set a bid example, aud injured yourself. Whit a fine exam do ai' paiutiuliyt Iter. K. G. Pearson gives to uitil aiidiencs. Tho late Rev. Dr. Wilbur! tiskejOno of tho ablest and moat learned of American Methodists, dc d or hvin '- gave this as his opitiiou : "1 give this as my dilibert and solemn conviction, that tho individual who is habitually; (uujj uieetmg his ' appointment will never tie roxpectid or' sucees-.ful iu life." '/' he giejte- of I Hriths eoumiaiidjrs, I.ord NoUuii, j boasted that by always being a quarter i.t sn hour befoic his tiuin he h«d li--. fi made a man. This will da in lighting,! no doubt, but it is not punctuality in | engagements of a civil or religious kind, j Lt it bo tha tiabit of your li'i i , hi | prompt. Punctuality is a vir: i>. Cul- ) tivate it. James Andrews, ul'l'tUliurg, wl.o h-as 'o.ion in New York several .'ay.-,, departed •n the night of tho *27ih, for the west, lie cninc hero in eonuecti. u M iiu llie ! (.reatest eaginci'ritifr pr jen i f iiMd. rn i liiues-the briding of'he Hudson river from thj New Jersey an I Now York shores. To u reporter to-mglit he Said: •'/lie bridge will certoinly be built, Tho plans have b.ion comblotc l be Ko. gincer Leudeuthal, of Pittsburg, aud pronounced by tbe best engineering au ilioritits as perfectly sound, t, sieue this structu.e the Brooklyn brid"o will tie a mere toy. The bill for permission totridgo the Hudson river lias already been draw up, and will be presented to to ( ongress by a Nov York member oarloy in thelcoming session It will he a wonderful structure giving a route to land all wcatern freight in thd heart of New York City. The bride will have six railroad tracks. The Broik'vn bridge is supporled by two ~n inch oabl. s : this will hove fr>ur OM)h r,f which will be four feet iu diaiuet'. i The span of the new bridge wiil be '2,800 feet iu tbe rear, aud will bo 100 fret above high water mark. Tho piers will be wonderful masses of masAuury, 500 feet high and broad and deep. Thu bridge will ojyt fbout $18,000,000, and the New York end will be located some where between Fourteenth and twenty sixth streets. Those who ato to build tho bridge are largely railroad meu from New York Philadelphia, and Pittsburg —Ex uhsagc. Mftfir Persons | Are hrofcen down from nvorwnrk or household llrown's Iron lUtte.ru upbuild* ihc eielem, eida rcmum ex -1 out* of bile, aud uuiev biaUria. Liic L'*-dulqo. DKATIIIX A LETTER. 0 Just a little wmle ago au oceurrence ,v took place on the other side of the ocean f winch, while by no means without a par t I alel, is still a matter -.hat will interest i, j oil who aro fond et studying, in an ame -1 leut way, thu irausui ssion of disease. A f p ioi fell >w diud iu London of typhoid , f vcr, aud Uiu wife sent to a friend in I l leitsr conveying the ncwi of . hia dectsso. While fever at the time ! was very prevalent in tho neighborhood . ! where the Loudon victim died there was n i sign of it in (jlascow then, but three , days after tho receipt of the letter the . i>lascow frteud grew nek with alt ty | phuid syuiptotig. The doctors who at teuded him so diagnosed the case, and and expressed the opinion that notwitb , standing the liug journey between Lon d >n an J Glasgow the letter had carried the germs of the disease. A '1 UNGUIS TUIPPKK. t Talking of pronunciation, oblige ns, says the Dotroit Free piess, by saying jap'.dly, sia times, tbe following sweetly | touching lines : Six sieves of sifted thistles, Six sieves of unsifted thistles, And six tlus.'le sifters. A TOAD'S INTELLIGENCE. I was one day digging up a tree with l'rofeswr IJurdwell in order to trans plant it, siys Thomas Mill, D. D„ in n paper read in an Eastern eity. Two or three other professors stood looking on, and 1 called their attention to an old toad near by end advised tbem to watcb him. 1 hey laughed, but on my ques. tioning them confessed that tbey had n. vur seen a toad est. 1 throw biui some small eathworms as we them up with the spade. The profosaors were aa delighted ss children to see the dexterity with which he snapped them up. Pres ently I turned up with one spadefnl of earth an eniuruious earthworm, / threw it to the toad, and observed in him the , most decided evidence of reasoning pow. ei aud executive ability that I ever saw nmi aniiual. At first he watehel it as i toad always will in tho case of a large worm, the swß ends alternately, in or- I der to soo which was tho head. The worm is rough ouo way and smooth the I other, therefore his head csu be put down the toad's throat easier than the I tail end, and can not be pulled oat half I so easily. M ben ui; toad had decided which «»s the head he transferred it by one tlap of bis to his stomach, and instantly I nipped his jaws tight together. Ihe j uiaj >r part of the worm beioif in tbe air, 1 writhed ab rnt and twisted itself around ! the toad's head j the toad wsited until the cuil was loosed, and then gulped down half an inch more of tho worm, and touk a l'rosli nip with his jaws, lint there ttcro many half inches iu this e. noriuously long worm, and wlieo tho load had succeeded by sucoessivc gulps ! in getting il iwn uinrc than half its wbole | length into his stomach, his jaws begau to grow tired, and lie could not prevent j tho worm from working his wny partly J out again betwccu the gulps. Presently j the worm was working out much faster than ihe toad could swallow. My sympathies woro with tho toad ; purity because he was higher in tho ] scale of bbing, but chiefly because J had pi tied toads and felt as though my houor was at stake. I was beginning to fuar lest I should have the uiortifioa iion of seeing the worm escape. Hut 1 did injustice to ths toad ; his gem : i rose to tho occasion, lie brought bis ngkt hind foot up against his abdomen, grasped through the walls of bis abdo men, his stouiacb and tho worui within it, and at each successive gulp took a fresh grasp with his foot, thus holding tho worm from coming out, and so iu succeeded in swallowing |ho whale. TIIK PROBPEIUTY OF TIIE SOUTH. Tbo fact thai we desire to impress upno all tho newspapers of ibe North is that tho iSontb is prosperous beeauso il s now, and has boon for tbo past ten or twelve years, nnder tbe control of it* iwn people. So long as it is permitted to cxcroise tho right of looal sel-gov crnmcnt it will continue to prosper. So soon as Congress begins to interfere I with the just and equal administration of tbe lnws in this seo"lion" the South will stand still or retrograde.—From the Cbnr'eiton News and Courier. ISO is Tried to Kill Suliiva... b A Boston dispatuii of III# V.Tih 111. 1 Itautsaya: "Tommy" Sbea,ol lioston, . bought a revolver yester.iay tn hi]! John t L. Sullivau. To-night Su.a at ,iUu. • liuspitul a fearful gasli up4v*9,,|ui throat, L (utile by a razor iri the band* nf ona of J Suliivsn'a'rieuds. The a;jeiu| i, i| uiur dor took place in a barV*r ju»i Gmsljtu a UirMV|Mn a term in tho state prio jn higlWey I robbery. 3«iice liii loiuase out t« a i intiniats with Lrjoiii l T,. . lyn, who was one of Biili> • i in the tight with kiira.u. • ... ajiprovcJ of this lutiiua-- toy a few days ugo to let ,S'v i|,,i , I he was a miserable jail bhd and not li cjmpauy for a gentleman. 11 -■ ~v , H . be was us good a tnun as -..! aiV | day, andtlut be did not ] : >p .su u b abused by him. lie said bo woulJ glint Sullivan on sight, and bought a revolver. About 4.30 o'clock Sboa wont into liogirty'a barber shop ou Dover street. Sullivau ; "»« seated in a chair; near by was Tn.o --| toy Kelly, the light weight pugilist, auji an intimate friend of Sullivan. Shea began abusing Sullivan, oatiiog biia till the hard names ha ooul I thiols of and brought in Kelly's name. Kelly, wbo bad been glowninj; a Shea in ill-restrained bed a razor from the shelf, c: i dashed straight ai Sh»a, and elasß :ii. , inn across bis throat. The bl. I gushes over Shea's alolhing, and bo tuik ba k. Sullivau rusned upon th, iulvriaiod Kelly, wrenched the razor from Ins bauds and kicked him out oi tin do jr. Taking a hnndiul to M , Un,. bis fellow attempted to stauune the flow 1 blood. His animosity toward bis revi ler had all disappeared and lie ruundly condemned Kelly for his act. The alarm spioad quickly, otfijera en. tercd, an aabuUuce was aututbouinl and Shea **» tttVt«^frt!i»cit } fens, At first the dooOTs though: la i„j_ , • live, but 1 violent Lcunuor-bage oatiM on about'lo o'llock, aud h i..l i.o |. . fore momiug. 1 Kelly has been arrest, d. SulL.au refuaes to talk. WEST Vnti.lN! v 1K ■. .. A Wheeling, West Vif;' :iia, .1i on the 'J9ih ultimo. • I. Ac county, or at least tbot ; u ; t the county seat, is nor. n excitement concerutug var.'il irag. •dies onacted within tho b '• ! r of i 1 oounty Thursday night st « t >, I here is ([iiite a degree'.l t •, u. ifested to get accurate 1 !. •! ! double ktlling at tireen xh'iala, on ~tlie above night. Intelligence )>• :ii that sectiou ismeagro, bat enough u kmo-n to satisfy the most in - !u!, ms thit Uroen McCoy and Milt ll«l:> wero ii.l died with bul'ets on the (iig... in ques tion by an organized fori:.. uun ; sixty detcruiloud toon. '(' ln.,st i-- port received, aud from .1 1 :.ivtrul 111 n> who was detained tsov>r..i , ;1 1 effect that Mo''oy and !i , ,1, ; other prominent patties :i it • l, ; .;.j tragedy, alleging that th, y, McCoy „ IIC J I Haley, were huud to kd! 1: • Hruiu ! field, his wi c and Pars lir• 1 • I, an 1 1 that they received or v. 10 n he wheu the job waa con,; I. !'h.. a t tempt on little Al and 1 \. e is w* U known, and that the j s ,-i.o.i.r J not fully carria-i out wa lirunifields were too itot ;; ti i,-;,s of the assassins. r 'iHi e report 1' irt:, r says that the rosult of llieso disci • >Mtres has brought about open hostilities, nnd that tney are congregated, well ai- i J, and tho aspect most tbreateumg. —Kx cbange. Commenting 01. .'OJI3 li. Sulliran's latest spree auH its couseqiietieos, tii. ; Boston Joarual says : "'i herc i» |» * enough on the statute book, f n.,f,i , ~j j to put a stop forthwith to the vU.i.uii : o the peace now being |.ran;oed by John L. Sullivau and his ciowd. It' it is possiblo for a man aud In* to go about disturbing the quit of the aunity taking almost absolute | istssn a c a hotel by brutal force, au> being tbe cause ol riot aud blood-li.id iu bai ber sbopa, without feeliug thj hand of the law, thoa it is time tliat wo had a apecial law to crush out such rowdy .■ u t, Tbe district attorney could no doubi procure an iaiietmont fro at tiio ({raid jury undet tho law agaiaal e, „ „,, a brawlers! Will be do it ?" Subscribe to the K roiu rat, $1.50 per untmic