THEDANBURY REPORTER POST VOLUME XVIIf. Rooorter and Post PUBMIBKD wrfxKLY A* DAKBURY. N.C: - »rrut SoNij, _. . "PifbUAers. If. *. l'«PP*a, - Manager. i;, • * ; . • I ' * . . . >' T«»r, nwßiWe bu*4»»uca,..... .i!>• • • Month., TZT.y •; ",*■ utTiM «r Ai>mT»i»«i ... i-.V 'nJ«'or ■«■»)' 1 time,i» for etcl> additional I u .ertionf. ■ S'LS~w , a , si' li*| f N*n r «i«»llt t>e«a'ari«d»o Dll ' aap«««. " — I' l ' 1 P KOrESMOX.IL CMIPS. • ~mor E, ATTORNEY AT LAW * MtAlryN, C. Special to ih«i colievUou of claims. . , , , . W. F. CARTER, &rr+mx*r-AT'f4* ir. MT. AIRT, 6UKKT CO., N. 0 Practices whereVer hi* Servlc*. are wantd wsM. rasas r. r»Tte. A W. fOWERB * C 0.," WHOLESA LE, ' DR UG GISTS, Dealers in AINTK, OIU, vfcTBB, VARNISHBS, French »*d American WIHDOW &X.AMB, PUTTJf, &C bMOKINO AMD CIIIWISO CIHARS, TOBACCO A SfKOIAtM - Lio6 Main St.. Rlotampnd, V». • > (■■>K »ie— GEO. STEWART. lia and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. TICK BLOCK. Hissnix, s i , lOOFINO. GUTTERING AND SPOUT IMS done at abort uotiee. ceßaiauJj o.; lund i fi. 1 | Jeekiug aud Heating Stores. • " 'aaaaafsstMrer ot itilln, and all kiijd>fc ep per nark dene. A beautiful Register (illustrated! of OAK RIDOE and BUS. IN ESS COuLEdE telling all about the celebrated school FREE ! TN should do this if you contemplate po rosis! aj any acbool next ye»i. I'rejMres for ( TItCHIIU. •WHJIV-HH. or I'llll.lOK 1 Mi ktudants last year. Tills School is fine ly located In tUc Piedmont rei on of N. (■., (aear Urcetisboro, where e»u bo kad low. It has splendid buildings, line stud* halls, aurt elegantly furnished Society Mulls, beautiful ( lupel, at(d is completely equipped. One ol'ihe fe»' lirst-clais lligli fekv«le is tlie South. Address J. A. A M. 11. Holt, Oak Kiige, J*. C. The Wilmington Star. RIUUCTIOH IX PRICRM. AtteatUa ii sailed to the following 10 daeed rata* of (nbsoriptioo, CABU IN THE DAlLl' ST AH. Oae Year SO.OO | Three Montliss 1 .. r >o Bis Mouths 3.00 I Ono Months 50 TUB WEEKLY STAR, •ae Tear SI.OO | Six Months 60 Three Mouths 30 oenta. •a/ Telegraph N«Ws aervlco has reoemly keeia largvly Increased, and it is our ilcter •iaatton te keep the StAu np to the hltfhecv taaisrl of itews-paper excellence. Address, WK. H. KKNAItO, Wilmington, N. i. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WUUUnXSiTEUS. S3? *2B I;«? FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL l|«i 0M HOUtf BEFORE fOU P*T ONE CUT. High-Am M.cfein. w orir-aetSlßs; aMdl*. jilt |j| snllni aknttle, is stofioloaa ud llfSt««. aiai. 111. Ibml Hi .fatlarh. ■Mia, ieTrolret-llmed cake. Bmi !«» utat. Sjt m tha. btil for clmto. Kemtab*. «• iwun our audita* to any IMrpir' 0. tk« m.rkel. Addrwi . The C. A. WOOD CO., T *. iMftM* r»u«lel»ftla, Wk T . .1: .A. «» suSp- ' ••] W'iad . .•' • •-* • ' ;• MILLIMBBY MES, K W, MASIEN, Mlid Tjtf Doors Below Allen'i Old Stand. 'Latest New York styles a specialty. Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Etc. as aheap as can tie bought.' 'Spefcinj iaduceuieot*- tj the COUN TRYfRAUE. -ORDERS by mail promptly attended 'to'. Don't' f-Al to osll and ezsmiae . stofck. ' ' Liaad for S«l1#. 760 aeres ef Bat tobaeee land fo sale in 150 acre traets ,er lots to sni the purchaser. Tliis land is oa tka Berth aide of Dan River ID dfokes county, some tun miles nearly east from Daobnry, and Dear the read leidiug fioin that plaee to Madismi; is well timbered, especially is the pioe timber aliaost anusually fine. The land ia well adapted to .growing no toaaoip, Thii Is especially a Ina tebaeeo sac tion, it is not merely an assertion, but will be bom out m it by ssase of the beariest buyers sn tbs Winstin utaiket, who see and handle tebaoeo irou all the tobacco sectious ia this state, as well as from a nuukber of counties in Virginia, tliaf Stokes produces as good tobueco as any oouuty in Notth Caroli na. ' For prices and terms apply to • FR.VNK'C. H\lßsi'CN, • Admioistrator of Peter Ilairston, dee'd. NValuut Cora, N C. | t . « Greensboro- Female College uucKiiiioao, .1. c fnit* wxrr hkvc.ntu auteio!* or tu * ;iroa|»erous Institution begins on the U'iml ofcAL'OUiiT, 1888 Superior advantages offered in all the departments of learning usually taugli in Female Colleges of high Grade. Instruction given iu Type-writing and Stenograph also. , Torms moderate! For Catulogua apply to .. T.M.JONES, V ifidehi Manufacturer of and Dea ler in all kinds of Saddles, lUroess, Collars, Whip*, Spurs Curry Comos, Brushes and everything usually kept ia bis line. MeAdo Building. Car I'OOllNb O fO C, ONWASD! IS THI UTOED! The PROGRESSIVE PARK ER enters iu rniKt) roi.L'M* at the following rates: 1 subscriber, I year $ 1.25 6 subsciibers, 1 year 6.00 10 subset ibers, I year 10.00 One copy, 1 year/re* to tlio one sending a club of ten. Eight p:i "M. 40 columns, week!y. Semi CASH (rluu-ges prepaid) L L. rcr.K, t , Ai.aisu, If. O. f). V.O. ZDHXJQOZaT. Will seU you Drugs at the Lowest Prices either Whole sal* or Retail. Call for any thing in the Drug Line be fore you buy and be oonvin ced that the bottom prices are found here. PAINTS, Olb, STATIONARY, CI GJ v HODA WATER, $.. f Dont ferget the pace. Swtm S/mm «r ram COURT IIOUSV SQUABS. WIN9TON N. C. "INOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKEHUCCESB. DANBURY, N. C„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 14 ISSl). •* tr - * r • >* • Cowertlng S nnere. HOVEL ASP MUSCI'kAR MOT HOP 8 09 TUK KDBIItN RIIHU CXEOKTtIU. * * . During a rjent recent revival at Nubbin* Ridge masting honse, tbs sbisf , exhorie*, old Dave Henly, was so sui | ocssful ia iiia mourners' bench 1 " sivenesf thkf but ono sionsr remained. This obdurate s'uncr was • brawny young follow uamed Calvin Hick*. One afternoon, while the meeting-hotue was crowded, a number of the brethren hsld a consultation with old' Davo Henly, and shortly afterward old Dave ar»s* and Raid ; • ... "Everybody that wants to go to hea ven stand up." Everybody except Calvin, who was sitting over in a corner, arose. "Calvin," s id old Dave," "don't yon want to go to heaven!" "Ain't hurtin' •go," Calvin answer- I ed. "Is it possible that yoa want us to leave yon behid 1" "Well I don't rocon I'll be ea might, ty fur behind when you fellarsgit tbnr.' 'Now, look here, Calvin, these folks have pat mo up as exhorter; they have coufidonce m me, and I want to to toll you rii'ht hero that yon've got te stand up. ~lf you don't shams Satan yoa shan't shame us. Do yon bear !" "Ain't deef." "Well, tlion hearken to my veieo." "Ain't out a harkenin' to day." "Calvin!" "That's what they call me." "Air yon goin' to .*tand np 1" "IV hen I get tird of settin'." Youni; uian, you air a cuss to this here community.' "Wall, the community is a cuss to t'lis here community.' "Calvin, yoa have been knowsd to git druuk.' "f o did old Noah git did drunk, and , I reokon lie's atl right now.' Calvin you po to shindigs and danse.' 'So did old David dance, but 1 aint hearn no'complaint about him.' TUKY HINU A UYMN. ■Brethren wo will sing a stirrin' hime and see what ffcet thai will have on this here black (jeep,' said the exhort er. Tlicy fang with swelling tumult. Calvin sat chewing his tobacoo and s]tiirtiu£ through his front teeth. A youug wmuuu, gsoatly excited, made erwiy to tlu stubborn sinner and, seizing him by the arm, implored him to get up. '• Ef you lovo mo, Calvin, you—" "Oh, I love you well enough." "If you'll do ss they want you to—. if you will only go to Heaven,l'll marry you to-day." "Kaiu't marry, me if /go to heayen. They ain't give in marriage thar." "Oh, you know what 1 mean. Just sue Low they arc lookiu' at yoa." 'Yes, see how 1 am lookin' at them." "You'll bruak my heart." "/f 1 do I'll keep the pieces." "Air you goin' to git up !" "Yes, when I git tirod a settiu'." "Yes, tvlioro I git tired a sittin'." ulviu," &aid the exhorter,, "I am tired fuolin' with you." "All light tlion stop." "I'll not atop yet, want you to tin deastaud that. Answer mi yes or no. Dojou want to go to Heaven 1" "Do you "Yes.'' "Why dou't you go, then 1" "1 aiu waiting to te called there.' "Mout havo to wait a long time." "Thai's all right, but 1 want you to understand uoe thing. The brethren have put rour case in my baad. They want you to repeot and yoa've got to do it. You stand np now, er I'll whip you,sah." "You ain't ohawed enough hog meat yit " • "We'll see hefi' wegi» tbroegh who bus chawod the moat hog meat. Air you goin' to stand up 1" "Am when I git ready." "But will you bo ready patty sooa !" "When t g i tiled of settia'-" Old Dave brushed asids the people as be advanced, opproaohed Calvm, aud 1 taking hiia by tbe ear, said : > " Air you rsady to stand ap Calvin got up—got ap with a Wand, catehing Dave wu his hip with a quick ness that surprised the old man. The congregation made room, and, ia a sar ioJ of irrsgular bouneea, tbe oombataats rcaehed trie d ior and bounded oat aa der the trje. The congregation poa red out; the two taen oa pored pioi ureiquely. C'alv|« got «|4 Dave's head ■ 1 ' 1 . e ~ j under bis aria ; Dave bit hioi painfully »-th« abort ribs. The eftaot of lb« Mtawaa 10 notiea bit that an and ion t thought much interacted brother lum bal «d : 'The old manattt diggin'.' ' The eombatanti dtnoed a scbotishe, ' Am softened into t w»lti with tharices > about equal, bat whew the performance ' «as laddenl) throve into i-peSiet of danee known a* 'doing the bnuoh'tdJ ' Dure, midee, tided by hi» groat cx'ptn*' 1 enee, tripled alvin an 1 sprawled hitu 1 upon the grouDd. ' ■Calvin,' said old Dave, as ho sat lip • on the tinner, 1 'That's what they call me.' •Do you want to go to heaven ?' •B'l'eve 1 do.' 'Will you profess'' 'Bleve 1 will.' '"Wall, then, couia on in here and go down at the bench. Brethren, let us { taye astrrin' time.' Calvin professed and instead of re fretting it be is now the chief exhorter af she Nubbin' Kidge meeting house. WHY THEY STAYED Parson—There were few present at the prayer me tin# yesterday evening. I suppose they were detained at home by the heavy showers. Deacon—That's what I thought at first, but 1 had my suspicions and I determined to sift thejnritter to the bot tom, "What do you mean, don con?" "I mean I went to the ci reus and my worst fears were realized, for there were all the absent members, andthtfy not only staid uutil ihe perform ance was over, but they atten ded the concerts afterwards. I never was so mortified in all my life—[Texas Si flings. In North Carolina we have built great cities for other States. In North Carolina we have furnished great men —for other Commonwealths. In north Carolina we have built colleges and spent otir money to sene abroad the Gosple—for whice oilier States have got the credit. We have done great things for onr sister States, and help to make them great and prosper ous, and give them reputation. —State Chronicle. TEN GOOD THINGS TO KNOW. That eaol rain water and Hoda will i leinove maobiue grease from washable fabrics. That rip* tomatoes will remove ink j aad other ataiaa (rem white cloth, also 1 from the hands. Tbat a tableapoonful of turpentine bailed with white clothes will aid in the wkiteniug process. Tbat boiled starob it mncb improved by the addition of a little sjerai or arabie dieeolved. Tbat keroseue will softeu boots and tbtat that bare bean hardened by water aad reader thaai pliable as new. Tbat salt will eurdle new milk ; henoe 1 ia pre paling Milk porridge, gravies, etc. ' tba salt should ■at bt added until the diabia prepared Tbat altar boiling water will remove tea stems and many frail stains. I'aur 1 tba water through tbt stain, and thus ' prevent it spreading evei the fabric. Tbat karoteat will uiake tin tea-kct tlaa aa bright as new. Saturate a wool aa rag aad rab with it. It will »Wo remove ataiaa firoas varnished furniture. 1 Tbat blua oiatmeat aud kerosene mixed ia eqtul proportions and applied ta the badttaada it aa unfailing bedbug remedy, aa a eoeat of whitewash it for a • walls at a lag-house. Tbat beeswax aad salt will make rus -1 ly flatirons at eletn and smooth us glass. " Tia a lamp of wax in a rag and keep it 1 far tbat purpose Wbaa tba irom arc hot rub tbem first ' with tba wax rag, tban scovr with a po • par or aiatb, sprinkled with salt.—Cou ' rier Journal. ' FOB S2,f)UO,'JOO. 1 A mortg»j-s Jeed from the R>c!t --• mond & Dmvillu Railroad Cotipw,,,- to to the central Trust Compaq uf New York to socure bonds to the amount of i $'1500,000 wan filed from record at Riohmnnd, Va., on Ihe 80ih uUi no. The object of the »s to niae 1 ui r.ey on bonds di(ud t'i» third dey of September last, an} to beumim due on , : tliH first day of S'lptamSer, I iK»U, pay. able in cold, aid to b"i • infi're't at the rate of . r > per cent, per annum, payable seiui-aonii'lr. This !ntd is for «lio purptsc of mailing obi vg'ti.iii ■ln under ccrUio oar trns' leas n and oontro 'Si to the amount of $1,337,225, and for tho pnrchaso of addion al equinipent and rolling stock, as w.■!l as to be secure ill the continued 'lie of the railrn I eqnip ment and ro ling stock cover :d by the car trust leases. It ii alsi priptte l to providejf .r iti j ul.iin i ownership of all such railroad eq'tic uaat an 1 rolTn' stock by means of the proceeds of the Donds issued uider the deed or trust and eh inge- PUNCTUALLY. Judge Walter Clark is punctual liitn- j self and requires punctuality in holding court. Ho has, tlieref >ro, caused sixty ■four clocks to be place 1 in ua many oiutt-hnuse.s in North C'arliui There is a practical less >n in tnis. Tim ole rnent of mr.lity emirs in an engage • inent. If you have an appointment you havo no moral right to disregaid it. If yju have an oppointinent at 9 o'clock you have no right t> meet it at 9:05 or 9.30, If you are to open cnurt at 10 o'clbok you are simply bound to bo on t me. If you are to begin a religious meeting at an appointed hour yon are morally bound to meet your Five minutes sooner or fivo minutes later will not begin to d>. Vou havo violated a s dcnia unit, broken your word, forfeited eonfilunae, set a bid example, and injured yourself. • • • « • * • Whit a fins oxa:ii t ile at" pinjtiuliyt Rev. 11. G. Pearson giva.s to bim largo audienes. Tho late Rev. Dr Wilbur 1* iskejOne of ihe ablest and most learooii ■ of American Methodists, dt dor livio r - ''' gave this at his opinion : "I give this as uiy dil.bort and solemn couviction, that the individual i wlio is habitually (aiil_y in meeung his ; appointment will never be respected or ! successful in life." The giejt« of Hritlis couiuiaud .'r*, I.urd Nalsui boasted that by always being u quarter et an hour hefoio his time ho had ho, n made a man. This will dj in i no doubt, but it is not punctuality in engagements of a civil or religious kind. Lt it bo tli3 habit of your li') i bi prompt. Punctuality is a vir: i \ Cul tivate it. James Andrews, uf'Pnsiiiirg, who has b.ten in New Ifork several e'ays. departed | 'U tbe night of tho 27ih, for the west. : lie enmo here in comicuti.'ii wiih the greatest engineering pr jo it if ii-oilei-D | iimos■ the briding ot 'b'j llndsoQ river ti-um thj .New Jersey an 1 .S' u w York J sliores To a reporter lu-uigM ho Said: "7'lie bridgo will certoinly be built, l'ho plans have b3on coinbloted be ICo. gineer Lendenthal, of Pittsburg, aud pronounced by the best engineering ,iu - illontiet as perfectly sound, .besieue this fttroctur« tho Brooklyn bridgo will b« a mere toy. The bill for permission to-bridgo th« Hudson river lias already been draw up, ami wUI be presented to to i ongress by a New tV'k member earley in thelcomiogsession. It .rill be a wonderful strteture giving a route to laud all western freight in the heart of New York City. The bride will have tix railroad tracks. The Brooklyn bridgo it tupporied by two Uji, ~JU loch oablua : thit will have four eiiflh of which will bo four feet iu dieiuetv. Tho spaa of the now bridge will be 2,800 feet in the roar, and will bo 100 fbot above high wator mark. The piers will be wonderful masses of masiiuaiy, 500 feet high and broad and deep. The bridge will ojyt about $18,000,000, and the New York end will be located some where between Fourteenth and twenty. sixth streets. Those who aio to build the bridge are largely railroad men from New York Philadelphia, and Pittsburg —Ex uhsage. t Mrvnv Persons An hrofcon down flrom overwork or honMhoid i Brown's Iron lUttorH fHkulldn iho «y»le»n, ftkls remove* e*- OOM of Mtoi AIM! VUKM ui&lnria. out Lac uaiuiuc. DEATII IN A LETTER. a little wnilc ago an occurrence took placo on the other aide af the ocean which, while by no means without apar alel, is stiil a matter '.bat will interest all who lire fond et studying, in an tine tour way, tho iraosin ssion of diseaoa. A p>oi fellow diud iu London of typhoid f, ver, aud liiu wife sent to a ftiaud in Gins .jo >r i letter ".onveying the ucwa of his dtceaso. While fever at the time was very prevalent in tba neighborhood whore the Loudon victim died there was n > sign of it in Glascow then, but ibrec days after the receipt of the letter the tjlascow fmud grew nek with all ty phoid syniptona. The doctors who at teuded him so diagnosed the caie, and aud expressed the opinion that notwith standing the lmg journey between Lon d >n aud Glasgow the letter had carried the geruis of the disease. A 'IONGUE TRIPPKIt. Talking of pronunciation, oblige at. says the Dotioit Free ptess, by saying japidly, sia times, the following sweetly j touching lines : Six sieves of sifted thistles, Six sieves of unsifted thistles, And six thisile sifters. A TOAD'S INTELLIGENCE. I was one day digging up a tree with Professor Bard wall in order to '.raat. plant it, siys Ttiomas Hill, D. D., in a paper read in an Eastern eity. Two or three other professors stood looking on, and 1 called their attention to an old toad near by and advised tbem to watch hiui. '1 hey laughed, but on my ques. tioning them confessed that they had never seen a toad eat. I throw biin some small eatbworms as we them up with the spade. The professors were as delijj'.ted as children to sao the dexterity with which he snapped them up. Prea. eutly 1 turned up with one spadeful of earth an einoruious earthworm, / threw it to the toad, and observed in him the most decided evidence of reasoningpow. j ei nud executive ability that I ever saw jn mi animal. At first he watehel it as i toad always wilt m the case of a large i worm, the swß ends alternately, in or j dor to see wiiieh was the head. The worm is rough ouo way and smooth the I other, therefore his head csu be put down the toad's throat easier than the tail end, and can not be pulled out lialf so easily. \\ hen ui; toad had decided whieh : was the head he transferred it oy one flap of bis to his etomaeh, and instantly nipped his jaws tight together. Ihe maj >r part of the worm beioif in the air, writhed and twisted itself around the toad's head ; the toad waited until the coil was loosed, and then gulped down half an inch more of the worm, and took a fresh nip with bis jawi. Bat there nero many half inches in this e. iiormously long worm, and when tho toad had succeeded by successive gulps in getting down more than half its whole length into his stomach, his jaws began 10 grow tired, and he could not prevcut the worm from working his way partly out again betwccu the gulps. Presently the worm wis working out much faster I" than the toad could swallow. My sympathies woro with the toad ; partly because he was higher in tho Bcale of bfting, but chiefly because 1 had pitted toads and felt as though my houor was at stake. I was beginning to foar lest I should have the mortifioa iion of seeing the worm escape. But I did injustice to ths toad ; his geniM roue to the ocetsloo. lie brought bit rigat hind foot up against his abdsiaen, grasped through the walla of bit abdo men, his stomach and tho worm within it, and at each successive gulp took a fresh grasp with his foot, tbua holding tho worm from coming out, and coin succeeded 111 swallowing jke whale. THE PROSPERITY OF THE SOUTH. The fact that we deaire to impress upnD all the newspaperi of ihe Nortb it that the .South is protperoua beeauso il s now, and has been for the paat ten or twelve years, under the control of itt ewn people. So long ta it ia permitted to exercise tho right of looal tel-gov ernmcnt it will continue to prosper. So soon ts Congrott begins to interfere 1 with the just tnd equal tdminittration of the lsws in this section the South will utaud siill or retrograde.—From tho Cbtr'eston News and Courier. j* :4. ....... .No is Tried to Kill Saiiiva::, A Boston dispute!) of the V.Tih mi. •taut says: "Tommy" Sbea r of Boston, bought a revolver yesterday tokil!-lohn L. Sullivan. To-uigbi at. .tho, . bospiial a fearful gash Ufltviia, U.i itnfuai, uiada by a razor in tiic baud*of one of Sullivan's frieuda. Tbo stapled uiur der toot place in a barber 'Ho ha» just Ciiishiiu a t-r war term in tbo state priuun bigtlWgy robbery. Suico hii icica-»t; oa.: b u intimate with Lejuard Tru orlSAir-!; lyn, who was one of Sulii. in (be tight will. Iviirn u. • , approved of this lutimai-y, , . oy a few days ago to let She aim . a be was a miserable jail biid. dud not li cimpauy for a gentleman. He „ he was as g"od unim a - J., . . tt uv day, and tlut b& did tioi jmp >se tj b abused by him. He said be woulJ shin Sullivan on sight, aod bought a revolver. About 4.30 o'clock Shea went into Uogirty'a barbar shop on Dover street. Sullivau wa« seated in a chair; near by was To.o tny Kelly, tbo light weight pugilist, and an intimate friend of Sullivan. Shea began abusing Sullivan, caliiog hiin all tbe bard names he conl 1 think of and brought in Kelly's name. Kolly, who bail been glow* 1 tit;; a Shea iu ill-restrained iuipn'ii-i.oo, grab bed a razor from the shelf, ct i dashed straight at Sh»a, and sliis'kJ the razor across his throat. Tbo bl - I gushed over Shea's olothing, and lie s ink ba :k. Sullivan rusncd upon tbo iutvriuiud Kelly, wrenched tbe razor from bi« bauds and kicked bim out oi' tbe door. Taking a hnndlul of towels tbo biar fellow attempted to stauuee the (low »1 blood. His animosity toward his revi ler bad all disappeared and he roundly condemned Kelly for bis act. Tbe alarm spread quickly, oliijers en tered, an atrbulauee was sututo'iut'd • ndSliea •«*» -rut) (ws t I. At first the dootWtboujibt he mi. r live, but a violent Leuiwor'iiage cam.; nn aI) jut'lo o'llock, aud !iu wi.t .!;• by, fore morning. • Kelly has been arrested. Sullivan refuse? to talk. west vIuuIS! v i 1: A; A Wheeling, K'est Virginia, (li 00 the l!9ih ultimo, says • l.ui/> county, or at leust thot r .rl 1 r ".111 1 tbe county seat, is nov.iii 1 tVrn. at of excitement concerning fearful trag. edies enacted within tbo bur I fr » of tbo oouoty Thursday niylit '.ust, weeK 1 here is quite a degree ol ist 111 u ifested to get accurate detail.* of the double killing at tireeu shoals, -,u U.e above nigbt. Intelligence from that section is meagre, but enough iv kh'non to satisfy the most iocrcdu!. l, U' th at Uroen McCoy and Milt llalay were riJ died with bullets 011 tlie li., ~. m ip. - tion by an organized fore.. uatiibcrin-; sixty detennioed men. '!" • lit„*st re port received, aui from .1 i :i.veiu.i in ,n who was detained sav.r;.! • ,i, to t!,j effect tiiut Mo''oy and linloj, m lp'itcd other prominent parties i- tl; l», • 1 tragedy, alleging that thi y, MeOy and Haley, were hired to kill li!'! - Alßruiu tield, his wi c and Par's Britoi:' 1, and that they received sSoOi', or wore n be wbcu tbo job was Cotuj I .. !'lu at tempt on little A 1 aud hi- wi 0 is well known, and that the i.uiiin wiia noi fully carried out was/*b-.,-nuiw lb,: Brutuflolda were too hot &■ t: ti i:l;s of tbo assassins. r 'JHi e report I':»rt|j-r says that tbe,result of these disclosures bas brought about open hostilities, mid that tuey are congregutod, well arm j, aod the aspect uiost threatening. Kx ebange. Commenting oi> t'oha L. SullivanV latest spree auH its consequences, tlia Boston Journal says.- "There is la* enough on the statute book, :f nufo cu( j to pot a stop forthwith to 110 violation of the peace nuw being jra 'uoed by John L. and bis vigwd. if it is possible for a man and bis eroniea to go about disturbing tbe quit of ibe 0 "unity taking almost absolute postssi. u c a hotel by brutal force, aui being tbe cause ot riot aud Ulocddind in bai ber sbopa, without feeliug thj band of the law, then it is time that wo bad a special law to crush out s iuh rowdy tu), Tbe distriet attorney could no doubt, procure an iulictuicnt from tbe gra id jury undei tho law ag.-.i ast. r>.,„ou brawlers? Will be do it ?" Subscribe to the U.fOHtau, $1.50 per ttnnuoi *