KEPOR I'HR AND POST. K V KIJ V Tllli:s!>AV. I 1 JL KVKUV > 11-1' :VT VV'I . I ILI F 1' ' "V ' II.! II : •l I • •: i • .;'| , Jl i- 1 II • "I • •II I 111 I Jill | ' I; oil" ofli L' a i I ,'ot o iu. Keep a sharp look out Jack Frost TUo ao.ifVr Ins been warm enough for July (luring Iho last IV.v days. T!»o bofelat I'loi'mnit has boon clns' el m i Mi .1. S I'iiytur ha* returned to Din'oury. Mrs. L. K, 'initli auil neiua, Hossie More, rcnunoil Irotu a vi.-it to Winston as Saturday Now iliat tlio crop is off ofhanJ to some >*xtt:ut, Col. •). M Hook lias re sinned work developing his iron praper {y near Danbuty. I'lank land posters fir sale at tlii oflice in you Wish to pn-t vour land con # air! wli t you want, '.£o cents fur on i, 60 conts per huadred, \ in lie" ol I.Vaiocatlo Candidates v.'er ■ in town last Monday, ihey seemed to lie in lino spirit, not that kind yoi carry in n bottle either, wo wore told that it was impostblo to g?t eveu a drink hereabout. Rev. Job Atkins led tlic prayer moot ing at she M. K. church here last Sun ' day night Ho delivered a most ext'cl leul impropriate exhortation, which wis listoifd to at'entiv ly by the largest congroiatiou that we have seen ut prayer meet hi.' hero foi months. TlTs is what you to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life Thousand.! aro searching fur it daily, uud mourning because they find it uot. '1 housands upon thousands of dol lars arc spent onnually by our pccplc iu the hope that they may attain this boon And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and tbo use per • isted in, will bring you good Digestion and oust the dcuiou dyspepsiaaud in stall instead Kupepsy, We recommend Electric Hitters lor dpspepsia and oil diseases of ltrt-r, S'omaih and kidnsy... Sold at 50c and §l.OO per buttle by W. V. MoCanleas, draggiat. „v Prof. Atkins showed us sotue One specimens of iron oic this wjjek n new j discovery; says it seems to bi an overflow j of the formation, the indications are! oegins io look us'ii wua'i i'fU. nlAiiil said was true, that just Norib of Pied mont Springs Is tho centre of' values in the magnetic iron ore zone. • I'rof At kins is driving away at tho place think he kn iws what he is doing, as we have said before balievo hiiu to bi the best uitorined mining engineer >vo ever : m t, and do say iliat in our Opinion we never e more conscientious straight forward man. lie is now having a lot ol homo made cast steel picks nunufae tuied here with which to drivo his' work. • Commissioner* met last Monday, full: board in attendance. The regular routine of business gone through with. Petitions for public road ty way of Davis' mill, iu Heaver Island Towti>hip, also a potitiou for a new pub lie road crossiug l)an rivor at falchetis foord byway of A. Mil tin--, ordered by the board that Jas A. Pepper supe In tended the blasting on the new public road between Dan bury and FUtshoal meeting house, the work will be done by the convicts. It is ordered that the convicts work on the public road near Hawkins mill as soon as work is comple ted on tbo road near near I latshoal chnrch, provided suitable quarters cm bo procured, near tlio work in which to keep the convicts at night, sundry pro miscuous claims including stock law fen cos were audited. Judges for elections were appointed, a list of vhich will be published next term of .Superior court were drawn which list will also appear next week. HON. A. 11. A. Williams and Con gressman John M I!rower will speak in 6'okcs as fo'lowa: i'rostonsvilla, Tuesday, Oot, 14th. Danbury, Wednesday, « 15. Neatman,, Thursday, " Hi D.i I ton, F idav. « 17 Goruunton, Wednesday " 22 Walnut Cove, Sa'unlay \ov Ist Speaking to he >at 1 o'clock (Un ion Hill" i i ihe published Hit of ap pointment, wis intended for "Hill's Btore," or Wilson's Sioie.) Coventor Vnure Kc Governor Z. U. Vance is ndvor I i-t'd to speak at l>anbnrv, o the liOtli of October 1890. Let u" the peoplo of St okes oonnty como out to heir tbo gland old man, there will be a .iob treat for nil, then come and hear t ,c imprest of tbo county, and the Foroo bill, auJ tbn Tariff discussed, for it will bo done by tlio ablest man of North Carolina, and sot forth in a cloar unmistakable light. ■ .■ ■ ' .. ' . o ■Tssi '.,' •'.- : UNITED STATES SENATC)Ii ZEBULON BAIBD VANCK, WILL M'Jwi h-IX JK'INBUR Y, JUO.VD.(I YOCTOBEJI 20th, 1890. ••• COMIC EVERYBODY ! ! A Card. The busiucss of the l'iodmont Ware house, Winston, N. C. will be conduct ed by the surviving partners with no ma teriul changes in tho management. We have added 'o our house '23 x 151 ft. 30 new stalls have been built and with r ,ir excellent lights and auctionce-, we are well prepared to grt good prices for ihe new crop. The contract having all been mado from lo the death ot tho sen ior partner, tho partners interests a firm name remain the same us hereto fore. J. A. Scales. Jas. K. Noi fleet. Doing business as M. W. Norfleet k iJo. NOTICE! Sheriff D ilton will have a man ta re. ceivo (axes at Fair Play on the 2"th. Neither the . l beriff nor tho Democratic j candidates will attend, but will bo iu Danbury to heat V«uce, PUBLIC SPEAKING. A misunderstanding having arisen as to the a; po mount ot th candidates fur j -'Onion Hill" or '• Hill's'SSi- wb»U»«: «' j 10th of October, it is agreed and coo- I -eutod lo by the Congressional candi dal es that A. M. Stack, representing Urn. A. 11. A. Williams mid IV. A- I Estes, representing Hon. J. M. Browcr tfetllo the matter. We the undersign ed J agree upon Meatman post office as t .0 J pla-ie. Si. lkuii will lo at tlie residence of thelate 11. U. Cirroll. A M. Stack. W. A. Estes. HOUSE ANB LOl' POlt SALE. i j Ily V'r u- of iln Superior Court of Stoke* , CiMuity, I * i Is II .it t lies ecu rt-'i out door in Di nl.nry Monday, the 10th day Jof November, ISM, N - 12 o'clock u it I being UoirJay ot court) the rail estate of E \\. Rlalr, iloee S'j'l, consisttii of ouo lot, c»iit lining «bo it one and otio fourtli nrres jiu he town of Danbiiry adjoining A. 11. Joyce, 11. It. li. HI ami S*. M. rupper, 011 wh'ch is II up it cottage dwelling house with! two roms and luseweiit. i(no cabinet shop wlih t'wii rooms, a wall of good Ma'er on I lie lot l.i the yard, also :i uumUcr ol eli >ice frtu tree of diflfennt vailetles and H good g.udeti. Snid | in|K'ity |$ slcely and ton eniently sittia'ed on a street rtiniiitig ini n ediatcly in honl of said lot and is a good ' location for dualling or business. This Jc:ob'i (Itli, 1890. It 11. U. RI.AIH. AduTr. of K. \Y. Illalr, Dee d. NOTICE Having been appointed administrator j de houis non » t!i ilie wull annexed of | \wror Jack-on 1 will sli on the , premises to the highest bidder, on tho ! Sth il'ij of November terms ina c known j on *Jny of sale, a tract of land ia Stokes : county on the waters of Little Yadkin j adjoining the lands ofSijuiru \ enable j atiu others, the t-auie being a tract off iatid divided by Anier Jcosuu dee. and the same is n w being sold for the pur pose of making partitions among the do i viters therein cntititk'd. George I'earee Administrator do buuit'D DOQ wife annexed of Arae Saukaoo. Oct 5tU 1890, liui:klci>'i (ruicti Salte. ') iti tu'.sL H.i've ! i ttie wo* Ul for Co' Ivu'M .i, so es. it'oo i, s.ilt ilico'.u, fever so'es. te.ier, clapped hands, o'.r'bu as, cc;n», and a'l sk a c. ip.'ons, aid pc» - tivelv cures p lei, or no pav rcquMcd. I It is gua .mteei to givo perfect satisfae ! t ioti, or money refunded. Price 25 ets. jer bos. For sale by W. C. AJtCau. J CSS. Vance To Speak.' j lion Zebulon 15 Vance. U. S Sena t tor, will address tho people of Stokos County at Banbury, Monday, October 20th." There is uo doubt about his com , ing. Two years ago, ibrmi&h mistake , he was advertised to speak at Dalton and Statcsvillc on the same day nud he did not come to our county. Hut he is coming this time. The following letters t which have beon shown us will reitovc every doubt. FROM THE SENATOR'S SOX' U. S. 3cna». Washington, D. C. Sept. 18, '9O. Dear Btaek: Vout lsltcr received this mnrninp. Father will arrange to inako one speoch in tour county. Where had he better speak! Very truly yOurs, , '.'has. N. Vance, 1 j ruoMTiiE SKOBKTAitr or the static ASSOCIATION OV PKMOCftAT -10 CLDES Raleigh, N. C., Sept, 24 '9O. Dear Stacki— i I have seen Seuntor Vanee r for ywx. He promises to speak in your » county. Arrangements will be made • | and we expect biiu to speak here tomor- | row. Very truly your friend. R. C. Reck with. FROM TUB BTATJS CHAIRMAN KOOMS STATE DEMOOttATIC EXECUTIVE ' COMMITTEE. Raleigh N. C., Sept, 29- '9O. j! A. M. Stack, Esq. Danbury, N. C. My duar sir.— An appointment has been ! f m ule by this Coramittoe for Hon. 55. Li , Vance to address the people of your ' county, at Danbury, on Monday, Oct. ' 20tb. Please advertise very libera \y. j ' Very truly yours, Ed. Chambers Smith, Chiu. j Let every body come to hear hint. ; Oont fret Fellow*. There-are men in this section who un like the dog which barks at the ox that waotcd to eat hay which wis no good to tho dog, but there aro men here who talk in a sly, roundabout, suspicious iway |so as to discourage enterprises which if | pushed forward, would not only be a benefit to parties getting them up and tho whole oountry at large, but those worso than little dogs in tho manger I themselves. As Bam Jones says, bark on little dogs, wo know that you have not tbo courage to bito unless you oau ;do so on the sly, with your head down and tail between your legs; a village would not be a villago without at least one such character, llark on little (logs bat you had better be trying to get some thing to carry with vou over tho river, whenyou get down yonder, vou can neither beg , nor borrow, so far as wo aro iuformed, bono of tho big dogs e. 'veil millions oaried oue cont with tbeiu. Hark on, this Country will bo here when I you are gone, aud noblo whole soul men I will develop what nature has placed here that tho wants of tho honest poor may be supplied. Tub Foree Uill U the gioat political issue Mere thu people, ax the tariff bill and financial reform are tbo absorb- iujr ecotiomio questions for tba county to pass upon- On all theso questions the Democratic party tidea *ith tbo peoplefigainst tbo tyrruuny of tbe Ite. piiblicau leaders So fyr us Morth Oar- j oliuians aro ooaceruoii, tltuir publio men have been faithful to their iutortatH, aud n > just complaints o*n bo made N'uwa ' 1 .Observer. I c tate of North Carolina, Sii|Kviur Stokes lo mty. S Con t. JJ. • uxton. Jno a. frilmcr, , i and otlurs IMuintitU I At.AINST | j The Piedm>!. ? Springs Com pa- ! Nolle* of. , ny, S. It. Ta\ lor. .1 M Tav »r | Action, j mid otbflis, I)e!ei;da> ts. I This is an action brought I>y the plain- I tills a.'aiost the |"it: Intent * prlites Company | and such ol the stock holders I i Ai% t»f is have failed to contribute their share >r stid com- J pany's iiiaelAedncss and the reti of south' I id— I. To hnve a decree of estoy pel Against ; such delinquent stock hid itrs fbi«*v *r hart j /ng lun» from any claim of t tie t- the | |>ro|*irty of said company duly purchased I by the plaintiff} at mortgage sal thereof in I August I8JK), un'css they in.der he order of , tl»c court come in and con rll uto their share of said itidebiednoss. j 11. For a decree disannulling and v«tca i ting the existing chatter of the IMcduYmt I Spring* Company. The? action fs returna j hie to the Novutuber Term or* •hL* Supei i>r Court of Stokes county. Nortlj Carolina* | which begins on t!»e Kith Moudrav after t ti»» i Ist Monday In September IR9") :t the c »»rt house in Dai.bury, when and w here the j -def ndants are required to appeal* an ! an j Bveer or demur to the plai iftrs' com plain*, which will I>u depojit**l !> the ollice of the Clerk of said court withii the first | three davfl of satd tot in, on fa i hire thereof ' judgment pio confcsso will be e* „e ed ag«i- Dt them. N. O. TKT; C. S C i . Oi:i>Eß or PtTBI.ICATi (jx. i la the above entitled action it. np;»earlng to the undersigned that Geo. N. Wilson, t . G Moseiy, ft. W. Pcaiross t'.sr. of W. \V. Worsham, deceased, :md t*»c widow and 1 i»-irs at law of W. \V. Worshaio, doc 'd . whose names and ages are unknown are not, residents ot the tate i f North Carolina and cannot by due dil-gonro he found tlerein and that they are proper part ies lo this ac tion, cone, ning real and personal propeity situated in Stokes county, Norlji Carolina, in whid* they claim an iuterea, now on motion it is ordered a*d adjudHl tin' the above notice of act ion be puhlisled once a week tor six successive weeks inf the Dsn bury Keporter and I'ost, « newspaper pub' lished In said county and that slid publi cation when mule shall I deemed and he'd sufflchut service of su|d .se utnoes upon san! ; no - . shloiit defendants. Witness my hand and seal of office. Th\ . the LMK!I day of September IS9O* N. 0 P&THRE, Clerk of Sti per or k>m i, of Stokes County. Wat sou & Buxton,") Mebane it £c«itt, ! A orocvs for K. >l. Doujas*, j* the I'la'ntifls. Hoyd & Johnston. J sfrs. % W MILLIiVEII j « J^l, | Kust SiJo cf the Court House Square, W intiivn 2>J # C* divas notice to hor patrons and the public generally ' that she has now 'ft- b'tnek a j eery nice line of I MILLI YER )'GOODS, STA THKV.IIt )'ANI> ATKYKJ.YS, ET(\ She proposes to hare dress es put Up in the £»A*'& t st-> hn I aiul to sell win thing in her line a* low as the lowest con sidering quality lf goods oj f'crcd. ' I 1 w'll attend at the following times and places "f the purpos? of collecting the ttx •os ?or the year ISI 11 :~- j Fair 1 lav, Monday, October 20th 1S1H). 1 Sandy 1 tidily I'ne t4 2tst u Pie»tonvl!lo, Wed. " 22nd *' . | Carter's St are. Thi» * u 2'lrd " ! Wa'nut. Cove, Frl. u 24th 41 t ! W i soil's ?tore, Bat. u i. >r »th ik f«emia:iton, Mm. •' 2Tth " i Daltcn, Tne. 11 2Sth " ( j Cor. school wed" 20th " n Francisco, Thur. " HO Lb 14 (i - Mv deputies will bo present at the appoint j. w th their old tit Iwoks The Ctiinty cindidat'M vtill attend and ad dress the pe »ple nt the ab.,ve time? and pla 1 . ervs. U J. DaHon, yherlir. No Lh I n'o : '»n. i > 1t J* ipe or Court. 1 y■'r ;Co I!'}! v. 1 " .t W. Dc t «e''i and ol'ne I rl 4 i is. i e \ | (i.W. Sni .h «*»d J.inic? J Vo'icefo non t lines, adm'rs of ' rne .V. j e .Men nt o 1 ' e.irmla, and I).her*, de- jlie • • fendtuta. • HdsjO'emec . In the ab >ve en 'tie lac 'on l » '•i ■"> ' that .lames Ilincn. Nen 'ietta Wi't'.sn.s. w t'e ' of Tin.h. T. Williann, Tito T. Lou Witliam'*. wife ofF. M.W : 'Mams. J ~ and F. M. Wi ,; jams, J-., heirs-al and I i !Vrfg'lt| lf,» ?|j.' Vu * tni'i debased,,ire n »'i rcsMe-ils oT n:» S'Ufe of N(»rih ('urolina. n;iJ a e y j tie.i to this action. I f 'H tbereforo o:'«lmvd that service oj uc :ice he made o s'x si*c?«sVive weeks in Ihe l>anhtt:*y Ueporter and Post, a novvapajic jiUi»Miedl i ilmtoivnof ila'ibitry, Stokc-i « > • '• N.C.. nofi the s.Vd dames U niM, He.» ie:ia Ww'fe of '1 hos I. i'l am«. I iti«s. T. W .liatus, Lou Wil uitns. w 'J of F. M. W : lliinn. Jr.. and F. M WJlliatiH, Ji . to appear at tlio ofll-e of the C'crk of [be Ntijw 'or Court of S oke* oiiv.'y. N. C., in Daubii 1 v o.i Satn, day. 'ie fir>t day o f Kovenio.- \ispi). aih! file a id cdule. oa.h of a" such s«un or sinus ol monev, or tithe.- p op;»riy wlia so-irer, as t'?cy may have ai an,' time he»eto'o e ie cclveil f 0111 the c late of the said James M.'u dc % »»ase»l, ad vane cits to be ac eotnile I for them upon a tin il sn'tleimmt of !he es ate i-the . d Jnmci M. Dc.i m'n. •li c'd, as he e. a: law and distributees of the o stale of the suil J rimes M. Dcarmiii. This the 12th day of Sept. 181)6 . . N. O.PETiiEK, C.S. C. Doors, Sanli, etc. We are prepared to furnish doors, sasb, blinds, newels, turn* ed balusters, baud-* rail, brackets, moul* d i 11sc col I -saw i i of ii»! Kinds, window frames, door frames, dressed lumber of all kinds, flooring, ceil ing, weather-board* ing, ctc.i of our own manufacture. He also carry in stacj; shingles, plastering l-iths, \ time, cement, calcined phis ter, plastering hnirand nil kinds of builders' supplies. MILLER BROS., tf inUo i, , N. C. 7 » I .— i l f \nuMpit up phloem, uiul are trou i bi.u] with a hacking cough, use l>r J II McLcau's Tar wine Lung Balm. A Wonder Wor cr , Mr Frank llutfmu i a young man of Hill lill£li*ll (VilU, - t !-«•■* t ||i| r ln» lu\'i in* ii ii 11 *I • f i!ih 'if«! i >*ii ur >hi ot) i fruM'-i iiid n-o 1 f i r Jr.*4!.ii nt m til In- *i- ii t u«»lo «o around Tlh'v j i ll iiiii'ti! Ilia ua*e lu bo OuUHUiUJliim n*i ' iiii M ir?i , ' , i' We i | , ti .I» i\lllu "iN •* !'• "«M»ver> fur con. ii fi'i.-ii «miiuiim itn.j i* i >ll *4 v»1 nt (hat t ... II . «ui • t.i w . liiii a- .a., tut; si root Aithout ivrtttui. 11 it* fmiii l>.»- fure he had timid' uf L dollar liniili*, \\ it ||f» V !M|»|»'| !, 1,1 £ l|,. % ,1,11,, *i» |» :|»ld Mf • - InV *ST".t'ifr fiHul (iHiihii. t' hi tv* i*• iy ■in mi. ii or • m*t tronnl' ir\ * itist if»f«Mii I'ritil • f !i* J . ii \V V. iMnUaiiifHH druj «'' r "'| SfrtHMt I M' «#?»« ,**.■■» *» B Tin and Sheet Iron j I Workers. — Winston £T. C. (OI'POSITH FA in KU> IV. 11. . f/'rr return n'J thews to « '/it' QOnil neo/ite oj »S7 liberijl share oj' /'•// (>/ h-iinc:c J/nt'x. nu ■ .■ cull theiralien iO Our /«./•_>( (i.ndivell assUtte/ se.\ectnil stOck Oj I Cook and Heatipg STu)VES Also A'ccp a l«}rge assortment oftiniwa re, sheet copper sheet zinc, stove pi ping, &c RON Hug, gu(tedhig and repairing done ion short notice, Give I 7 as a call. |Good work and low prices. respe(v % r fir*, L fifMifflisi --IP YOU WANT A— Table, Bureau, Cha mber Set, Tablewa re Collins of all sizes, or -J[nnt!iing In lljd jfurmlurt|inc,- -Call on CICEKO TI&H East sjJg of court House Squa^, 'Wtestoa, %* #*\l)on i f.ii I io i»o his ?nam fit!■:!: t'siai'Us'riiHMii and s«- Wliorc bo lltatHiiaciUrCg It>S OWllgomU. C-F. & Y. V. HAILWAY Norlli Uoiuiil. Da'iy D.i'ly rv , t ceyl Sim.! >/. JS\i No. I. \ O . Lv I;. lIV v.'llo I ;1 m. I Ar .MM . mi. •Lv M r.. .i, j- .• Ar 1-.i\i. .-;v'!lo 7 :ir * Lv Km > ict mli'] soil •« At" vi.,'i(i> i! \i 5j «, io JU •« a* 7 a. in. Ar urvensiioro l l'O oo.) •• Lv (Juwiali i. o 14J » 1 n ifi , Ar Mi A'l'y B .7) •• Ar Had,vni...,. >lj,"m. South Ikiuml. U.iily fx. , )> a i|y •u- >n i«hjf pi ft int. lav. Ni». 2. .No. 10. Lv Mt.A y il:nj w A (.. ■ • iro 7 ;,0 * Ar wiun'V;, I 4 v iro.»iisij »-o 1«M»5 »• 4 'J ~ 4 » A. Millhoro j, "j j Ar Sanfonl 1 .jo •» liV v 'aiifnrd 2 0') ** A: t HyeiUivillti .» j L> -J 10 •* * • H 1 )•> .. Lv jMnxion ti ii> •* j Al' ««• ..t' s»|]M " t »t j W . E. K"\ Gou'l Pass. AuOMU J. W. Uon'j Si p'i. ; fcti tib & 3 a I U&L -, ' flJftft.Afll) j:n Q!V ill AWAY! Ol It I - ewall" f !o3JBei?iade SHOES Aro recognizo las the best an I easiest wesirintt oti tho market. T' "I'i'l" tV un old-fas'-* " . „ .np n i ll'lt'irr, liy - ... Jlta lc t.lll-i y,l w |„„. ' «:•!»• iVo ' Slip y||ol| S» •(, , V I' i>u cmi'itei'a aud p,,, er , ' dtv ler don't keep ST A fc!- jv. VIOMKMADB tlJOlO'. I hint u v thorn for you. and ir lie woot tin it, hc.uJ t«iM« /or ilietn Uu> ; souie o;lier s!>oe tW". of had biru\ I lea;her. Our StonhwY,. | Silons iiro t tie o i'v alloc? nit ilia j wail sof ilif fj' mer h's fa nil v. WQ j liavo iliti'ii .ill in wc^li's For al > nor's J»|e«-s Shoo we have h oico light kip sewed Shoe; »i*o a nice sewed kip uuiion Shoe for l:u)ie' dress. Yon can got double the wear out ot these Shoes for the money than you can froiu any northern shoddy trash. _ | —l: OUIt OFFER. To the Farmer's son »»-- 'nj-rner tweeo tin' ajfesVo!" HIS M, • will semi |iv largest nuiiibci* if wo' ds. ape from tho letleis coma nod in the wo/d, _ / Stonewall Homemade Shoes are te Befit WK WILL (JIVE in. and to tlio two scixJujg the next lurgnst Dumber wo will give to c.icli $5-..0 0 iii Cgoicl,, Tlion coiupptirjpfor Hie p.-*v ~ he between ibo. ago* o![.s x p lu l c'-.dijoen.. Kocli wo .1 m.iwt b-5 en. -ec: ly spoiled,' nulDflle; fl'i (tram „, 0(1 cs . JUnl those coolahtcd in the wonk, '•S:o.v> wai.i. Shoes a>:s the. Bevr." When your |i?t of wo-ds U completed. mini them to with youj uaiue, aid posioffieft. BEEHIVEBOOTS i ■ 1 T-.c.t Welt cjtinuprfj alone" and t.„> anoLl.e,- pair ,f ll t . (: ]| IVK j{,„, t wo elt jHve yon :is uiiich w«.ir oi '»».-Nowhere lor $8 no. »«u..r Sim.b ax;. Her s-ro-tq wu ■' v ' lO - ! > I'tie of fi Sim-. ae.l h:i _ 'ij it, o S. -.,e. ( >jr ~ . cci a c im low as eye . fie Vet tint wiioot have advanced Croay •> o 15 pur cc i,. Wheat Fertilisors — We are again sel'ing Unvstcr's Grade Au,d I'bosphj.lo, ibe 3 reat W!ie.i(, lc" tiiisor» l'l-ices lower, than otlie. , Wobavo sold this brand for two ve»r»] aud cv w y one who \l -nr., -t - * pood .many, ami mr,ny nay ;| )a t n \ moot). better to- clover ql'ler the wlitmi U cut than other brands. We t.rou-hl the price down and will bold it thnre. tfouis Anxious to I lease, W A. BAITY & BRO , ADJUSTERS OK LOW PIUCKi.