VOLUME XIX. How's Your Liver? Is tho Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in tho stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headache ensues; a tecling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how tho whole system is do ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on eartli. It acts with extraor dinary powor and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. A# ft irftttfrftl family remedy for dv«r» Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I haro anything clao, «nd liftvo p v, r»• • •ppolntt>d in the effect produce), it-.. t>e abnofct ft r>erf«ct cure fur all dine Dtomaeh and llowel*. W. J. IICELBOT. Macon. «; Money to Loan. For l : \. 5, irs at 7 |*r cent on im pmvoil t'lii - Loans repayable in small minimi u -tal'-moiils, thus enabling farmers t'» pay ofl tlieir jfldubtadum vKhovt oon •'tuiiu: il iii crup in any one year. This Janifaiy 7:h, 1N»I. •Apply to tt'AU'Eli W. KING, Uanliury, N. C. 1 7 OHIO THOMPSON'S MM I ffiSf. * t i y l y t * * r OWE FOll Cohls Bronchitis H no pin tf- (lough Asthma Coughs f'r/jutt Sore-throat #c. PHTCK Sos. Manufactured by V. O. THOMPSON. IN. C. Try it aud be convinced it is the fc«it cough-sjrup on the market. Yours respct'y., V. 0. THOMPSON. Whol sale trade solicited. ! A Household Remedy [ ' FOR ALL * BLOOD ANSKIN;; 0 DISEASES > 8.88. U Botanic Blood Bain !> * | li. Cttrt>» SCROFULA, ULCER*. SALT ' [ |> » uurg> RHEUM. ECZEMA, mr, ( > (I form ol malignant IKIN ERUPTION. »•- (> 11 ildat being offlcadout In toning up ttii .| ' . lyltim and tutoring tho constitution, '. ' akin Impaired Iron any caiiM. Iti (' 11 almoit luwirnatunt hilling propirtlM 11 1 I Ja«ttfy ut lit guarintiiln| a euro, II ,) ' | dtrcotlons an followed. j . i BENT FREE " ■Uik'aTwmiin." • i BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. 6a. (I YOU WANT OWE CELKBBATID JACKSON ; WV CORSET WAISTS/ J MAOI OMkV BV Jackson Corset Co 2 JaOKSOM, MIOH. usiii ~ |Mid Klgtd C'ornoU, Aro Uvlied to try the in. are approved by x» vkyiMaai, eutlorit d by Q *tll BiAkcri, »*i«l rec- * mended by erory Lady \X kw worn lb fiii. D FOR CIRCULAR. J) OSBCBN, Southern Agent, NieMANOBCO • LOCK, wiTuM. CHATTI*OOBA, TEBB, A TIIREKOnV From the Detroit Free Press. A bite ! a bite ! The line grows tight ! I feel a sudden thrill or bliss; A mighty swish Proclaims i fish At least as long as this : b Alia ! alas ! It comes to pass (Aioft it has with you, I wish), 1 pull him out; He is a trout As long, perhaps, as this : b b COWARD, OR HERO? A mortgage having swallowed up the dear old Roberts turn ed what little was left into money and took up one of the fai Was. tern Stales At firet the little two-roomed frame socmed like an upturned dry-goods box to tho bal.-dozen sturdy boys and girl who had bean accustomed to A wide, many-sided, old-ft>hiou&d house in the Kast, but by the and of the second summer thay bad learned the ways ol their frontier neighbors, and lelt fair!) establishad in their new home. l'he vast prarie seemed very lonely ■till to the patiepi mother, yet she sel dom spoke of it, and always kept up a brave heart before her husband aud the children. When alone, she had a strange fancy for olosiug the doors and blinds, in or. dor to shut out the sunny outoi world. "The earth seems so vast, it awes inc to see it stretching away ibto tho blue iky she would say wheu ral lied OD ncr queer habit. I said there were half a dozen sturdy boys and girls but ihcrn was one, Luk.>, who could lay no claim to the term "sturdy," for he was neither bravo nor strong. Though over thirteen he was a great coward, turning pale at any un usual sound, aud at night shrinking froin his own shadow. Hen and Cieoge, aged fifteen and seventeen, twitted him unmercifully on beir.g such a girl boy, declaring that Meg, his twin-sister' was worth half a dozen sncli babies when there was any rare sport ou hand. Ever, little Ned and b.ihy Janie, were heroej when compared with tho boy who would scarcely ventvro alone across the pra rie, even in broad daylight. Often he would exchange work witn Meg, for she was a genuine toui-boy, and nothing pleased her better thau a ehauce to help in the harvest field, or a regular frolic at snowball in the Win tor. Though tormented beyond enduranoj the poor lad hai never complained believing in bis heart that he was in. deed the coward his brothers made him out. One bright moruing, in the latter part of September, Mr Roberts started to the city with a load of grain. As bad been in poor health fur some time, he insiste I on her accomp i nying hnn, hoping that the ride would do her good. At the last moment the old grandfather declared his intention of looking unco more upon tho outside world, to the boys and Meg were left iu oharge of the house and child-ci. The fiiat night they were a little timid, for a wolf bad been seen iu the v.cu ;y a few days before, but as no harm came ta them in the dajkacss, they laughed at their fears when the sun rose, and by the next night they had grown won drus bravo. On the morning of (bo third Jay—it wn > a tbe 30th of September—tue iri'iti uihc with tie HUD, und an tbe DAY ndvauced, it increased iu violence, tbreatning, at timet, to overturn tbe little browo houao that rocked like a trail toy upon its foundation. JU4t at noon little .Ned rushod tuto tbo kitchen, crying : •'There's a black cloud of smoke comiug from the south." li it intly tbe dinuer-tablo «i.' de serted and eigcr faco* were turned gloomily in the direction of the appro, aching column of suioko •'lt a a prario fire, and on such a day !" criod Ucjrgc in terror, "We ik NOTII!!Ni SIJCCKEDS f.IICK KIJCCKSN. DAN BURY, N. C„ THURSDAY, JUNE 25 1891. luusr bitch old l)jn to t!io cart, and floe for our live*." "Hotter crawl into the cellar," sag gestad lien, in quivering voioe. •'No, the house will only be fuel for the flames. It we make Uaste we may keop in advauoe of the fire, and possi bly reaoh Prarieville in time to escape,' answered George, as be took Janio in his arms and started for the stable. " ft e must stop the fire," said Luke, in a hoarse Toica, stopping out in front of George. His face was white, and bis hand trembled violently, but there was a itiai.gc ri'-.g of (icsisiff.i iu his votua that biased George to stop and listen. "Wo can do cotliing, Luke, so what'* the use of sacrificing our lives," was the older buy's retort, as he broke awav from Luke's gra*p. More fleet of foot than his Brother, Luke reached tho stable fiist, and tho Mxt moment he was hitching old Dan to the plough instead of tho eart. •'lt i. fortunate tbat you had not re moved tho harness," he said, as tho other boys came up. "We must pluw a few furrows, and start a back fire. George and I wiil take chaaga of old Dan, and you Hen, bring our woolen coats from tho kitchen Meg, you must stay in the bouse with the ohilden. Don't leave thein on any pretext." Si lently and without questioning the boys obeyed, snd soon tho dull plow was turning up the baked ground, fuinung n line of safety for the imprisoned chil dren. T lie air was now full of cinders, and tho intense heat of the oncoming tire Htiged the hair of the lads who were toiliug mightily to save their home. Applying their matches in several plse.es, tho long grass was sent in little curling flames to meet the fiery current that was sweeping down upon it; an J then when the terrible danger was over poor Luke, weak and trembling, sank down upon the grouud in a death-like swoon. Kind !>and« restored bun to consciousness, ami then, almost rever ently the light f'.iv:n was borne in the aruis of his brothers to the home made doubly dear bv the danger that had threatened. Soarcely had they reached the house, when the thud of hoofs was heard in the distance, it was their father. Ili had scon the .smoke, aud, unhitching the fleetest horse, had gal loped home, Loping to be ahead of the fire. When he saw Luke lying there, so limp and white, ho said, in pitting voice : "Poor boy, I was afraid he would be frightened half t» death." "He did not seem frightened until the Hie was subduod," said Gcorgo; and then he went on to tell bow Luke, the coward, had fought for the fafety of ths home and ths homo and the lives of the children. "My poor, brave boy," .-xclaimed the father, proudly, "bow w" have mis understood him. I hope ho willl never be called a coward again." And ho never was. A severe illness followed his over-exertion, and for a time his life seemed to hang iu the balance, but at last he was given back to life ; yet it WHS a long time before ho was strong enough to venture out of the house, and 1 aui not quite certain that his ner vous system ever rallied altogether from she effects of the shock he received tbat September day. 1 do not know that lift was really any braver after his experience, but bo wa9 much happier, for bo was never again twittod about bis lack of oourago; and to a sensitive nature liko his this was a positive relief. He had shown that be could put self aside in tuno of immin. eut danger, and ever afterwards Georgti and lien agreed tbat bo was a real hero.—Christian Observer. A brutal murder was committed three wiles from Lauriuburg, Saturday night. Soino ono on the way to church yesterday moruing was horrified to find lying on ttie side of the publia road the form of a man terribly mangled. It proved to be Andrew Smith, a farmer. Mr. Smith was lavtng on tbo lands ot Mr. Henry Farley, and was a sober, industrious inan ; near where the dead man lay was a fence rail brokoj in half. On ono edge of the largest portion of •f the rail, hair and blood were to be seen, showing that tins was tho weapon used by tho murderer, 'l'be dead man leaves a wife aud two children. A •oruuor from Hauilot viewed the body late yesterday evening. No olue to the murderer as yet has bccH establish ed. Ou the 'iOtli of July Statesville will bold an election on a $10,1)00 bond proposition for graded schools. 1 CHIT-CHAT. There is a hill in Ooonoctiout that walks. At leant that is what K. S. Root ; of Hartford (Inclined in the rotunda of ' tho Graod Pacific Hotel to a Chicago llerald man "On the farin of ■ Mr. Tuttle of Bloetu field, a few miles from llartfort" ; l>®gan Mr. Itoot, "is a bill that is gra - dually sinking into the earth This j ctniueoce is known by i very old settler of for mn: i'. i' them hive j slid down its snowy slop h in years gone by. lhero has been a cross.cut road j around the hill whioh has been u>cd for years, Hut no one goes ihat way now j for the ground Is said to be enchanted j A month ago Tuttle sent Ins hired j man out in the pasture af er some farm ing tools. In a feif moments tba man came dashing back winter than a sheet. He eould not find his tongue for awhile, but finally excla'oied that the old hill had sunk iuto the earth four or five feet, Thoy all laughed at tho servant, but he was so earnest that the fsinily followod ' I him to the pasture, ar.d, Id aud behold, j the h;ll had actually putbed its way j into the grouDd quito a distance. I Kvcry-one in and Blooul field j visited the lot all next day, «ud the j superstitious were gcatiy alarmed. Since then the aid bill has slowly but ' | persistently faloti into the earth, and it j I is now now only three o:' four feet above the level of the pasture. It is, indeed a curious phenomenon." * * • "I waited thirty years for my Inn band and it was not until three weeks ago that ho came f«ir mo. If our mar riage were knowu it would create the biggest kind of a sensation all over Mis sourl, an my husoiui 1 haviiCeD a pro. liiiacnt man tu that State for years." This star tling piece of information, says the Chicago Ti ibuuf, was extended to William L, Rcmedith of Seattle, Wash ,by a woll-cducated woman of 50 when tho St. Louis limi ud was bearing a train-load of passengers Mr Kemcditb and tho refined-looking womau among tho number -from Col umoia, Mo., to St. Luuij at tho rate of sixty miles an hour one day last week. 44 The woman told uia that much of I the hietory of her life, but refused to toll much more," said Ur. Renieditb yesterday at the Grand Pacific Hotel when 6peaUing of tbo incident. "1 become acquainted with her on /he train, as passengers sometimes will, and sho was suoh a remarkable woman that I cannot get hor out of my mind. I have thought of her every hour since I left her at Bt. Louis several days ago aud I actually believe the woman hid partially hypsotiiod mo. She refused to tell nio her name, but said she was a sister of the rebel General Pi ice, and that her nistef had married a General Royal or Royos. Her home is at Co lumbia, and it was there, she said, she was married to the man for whom she waited thirty years. Everything she told me was without, any svlioitatian on my part, and 1 do not consider that any of the information was extended in con fidence. If the news of her marriage would create a seoi-atinn in Missouri' I aui pure the sleepy old town of St. Louis would be under everlasting obli gations to General Prioe's lister for anything that will vary the humdrum ex'stancc af that part of the country is alwajs welcome "Oh, no; the woman was not insane sbe was simply talking about having romance w«ven into a person's life, aud incidentally droppod the startling in formation about licrsolf. I should cer. taiuly lik'! to know the woman's histoiy for 1 knuw bur life has been a most r . :n iu; o one." Giaiul Ticasurj D. 3. Wait, of the Masonic Grand Lodge, died in llaleigh on die 12lh Ha was Col. Folk's Lro tber- in- law. Charles D. M civet was elected Ptc s'dent of tho Girls' Xnrmal School and K A. Alderman Professor of English and History. ■ -I ' -r itcthtnt . f-..l s *i • r i uj > lit- ns. libO fcOlO CALENDAR. OF C'IVIL OAV«E« T??IAL AT SPECIAL TFPM OF St't'KRIOR COURT TOR COUNTY, COM MK NCI NO MUM 1)A r, JULY, 2hH, 48¥1. Monday the 20th of July, will be devo ted to orga'iizitit; the court ana the hearing of motion*, and motions will also l>e hcird at any other time at tin? convenience of the I court. TUKSDAY, JL'I.V 21st, 18»l. | No. j 8 State v s Thomas ;0 Carroll et al, v i> IVpper tt al 14 llu trill ct al. vs Bennett 10 Mustln vs Carrol I 17 Dobsou sol. ct al, vs Hcnuettot al liOTurpin vs Tarpin WEDNESDAY, JULY 22NI>, 1891. 15 Collins et al, vs Smith ct al 21 Carter vs launders 23 Westmoreland, adrnx., ct al, vs Morris 20 (Sentry et al, vs Williams et al 29 C. F. and T. V. H. R. Co., vs Barr 30 Blackburn vs Fair 27 Kreegcr et al, rs Ki»jer et al TUTBRDAY, JULY 23RD, I*9l. 2S Hill vs Smith 48 .Vartha J liil. et al, v* Smith Ex. et al ! "*l> Klersoii vsFliucheui 00 Wall vs £outhern et al •M iioze vs Boyle* FRIDAY, JULY 24TH, lHiil. :>2 Vance vs I'm ton 3M Lovins vs \eal 50 Smith ?s Nickel sou 51 Bennett va Katon Trt Fieemttli v* Bailey bO Lackey ct al, vs Smith et al RATUIIDAT, JULY 55TM. IB9f. 1 ' George vs George !!• Sprier admr., vs Ross ct al 4J E K Smith vs Cflw trds ct al 43 t'luiikntt et al. vs Boles ■l9 (.'rile vs Dodd 70 Isom vs I soui MONDAY, JCI.Y 27th, JS#l. 30 Veal vs Nelson •'•S Tllley ct al, vs Kmi; et al 40 Tilley, admr , vs Tllley -40 Taylor v Talaiferro ct al 50 Taylor vs Call ill ct a I •)0 Tllley vs Tilley K.\- 15 Dulton vs I.eak et al Ti EsltAV, .ifl.v 28TH, 1891. 31 Martin, Trustee, vs Flippin etal Jessup v.- Francis ct al •41 Lmvsoii et al, vs Jessnp ">:J Turner aud wife vs Kallau 58 Pickering tt al, vs Wheeler et al WF.DNESIUY, JOt.Y 291'«, 1891. •'>2 Tlllotson vs Carroll 02 Varies vs Nelson (•7 Sarles vs Moreliald "ti I. aw son vs Sarles HI Johnson and wife rs Edwards II Martin vs Hall 111 llall vs Martin Tut tisnvY, .itii.v SOrii, iroi. 54 Jackson aud Hro. vs Tlllotson et al 55 Shelton vs lialton et al 01 Slawter ct al. vs Smith et al 68 Motley vs Waddill 77 Troxley ts Troxley 78 Harston vs Stultz 2.' Martin vs Hughes Fltl DAY, .riTI.Y 31ST, 1801. 57 Boyles vs Slate 04 Vaughn A Pepper vs Robertson et al 72 Reilman vs Lovins 78 Roberta vs Fair 74 I'atton vs Fair 75 Jones vs Fair 82 CampVll admr., vs T.awson MOTION •OC'KKT. No. 1. Griffin admr., vs Grifliu, et al L'. Carter adiux., vs Poor 3. Winston vs Winston 4. N'l-wsom adiur., vs Ncwsom 5. Mome etal, ex parte 0. Myers and wife vs Golding et al 7. l'epper, guardian, cx jiarte Francis, admr., et al vs McKioney et al ' 12. Lawaon vs Pringla 1:1. Lawson u Pringle 24. Keynolds vs East ft al 23. Lash vs Fly nt 44. Ashby vs Tage 4"J Wallet al, vs Hall et nl ■l7 1111 l vs Hill (10 Davis ex pail* (Ml Smith vs Pepper bS ISuxton et al va Pimlmuut Springs C»et al 71 Lash Ex vs llairston, Guardian In HID rail, an y CASE not leached on the ■p|i itnteil day will be nailed in order on next IIHV, MINI in precedence of caws set for next day. Ativ cause ••diningon by appeal will be lieanl nl foot of docket. Witues-e? will b allowed pay for atten dance only front tlie day cases aro set t»r trial and atler that tiiac until tli« case is disposed of. CAl.KltnAlt ('OMHITTHK. D anbury, N. (;., May 2Sth, IMMI. Suniiscr visitors Lave oommraccd cooiiug in. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK AND A NEW MAN i have opened up in the The OH Stand :j corner Fourth and Main streets, with a i FULL AND COM PLTE LIME OF GMjrss&i, M C£iy*siA'&is£f (-'•\SISTIVQ OF j Dry and Fancy Goods, Notions, GrOceries, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Chinaware, Willow Ware, Hard are, tS'c, Ajlne ass I mint of Co nfecliotiarits, Cigars; Tobxioo, f A!so'*ny kinrl of Jtwslrj »nd anything kspt in a Merchandise StorE.^j My ilock will be STew and Glean. And I proposo to load tbe town in | v 6 ! ATT 1 s * a ' s * 1 sli:iH makr good a'l I premise. All r«»ds «o!4 XV UUuturt b- asocrimnandtd. FAUMEKS it will he to year «wn |n r '■ to call ani siih when io Win.v«,u. ; oli wui mid with iu« the paliie cUrfc riios. P. Ward of your co-inty who is ready to give all hisfciokes the politest utttniia*. cm VVINSTON BARGAIN HOUSE • M LEVI. Proprietor. I Browir« I- Warehouse, WINSTON, NORTH C'AKOI.IN A. FOH TIIKSAI.IU OP *• L BA F T OBCCO. i amaßUsassmm Last year, as usual, the leading house in pounds. The annual report to the Tobacco Hoard of Trade gives tlie market average as j $1*2.37, while The Average at Brown'* was *13.7*. We can present no stronger claim for your patronage than the Highest Average Prices, and promise our best efforts to get full val ue for every pound of Tobacco sold with us. Brown & Carter. *S2T A fs^si 1, *2m* FO« CAI.L BY NO 48 A pamphlet of Information ndib-AV r«cf. of the I»w«, allowing Quo tojV Patent*, o*re*f., VfisLMArta, Copyright*. ami /rM.J^V f^^" 1 "R N fw*