Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc. We have now fin ished moving all our , niacnuierv to our large new plant on raiiroaa. we are tt.o w better prepared than ever to furnish all kinudsof building . material. We have on hand a lage stocl -of lumber, shingles, laths, moulding, bra ckcts. turned work mantles, lime, ce ment, plaster, hair &c- We are prepar ed to do ail ftind of shop or machin work at short no tic and at reduce pri ces. Give us a trial before buying else jwhcre. Yours Truly. Mil LER BROS , Winston, N.C. OVER 10 Years OLD. The old and reliable Thompson 1) u u g Store carries a full line ot Drugs, Pat en t Medi cines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Seed s, Trusses, Braces, Perfumcs&c Mail Orders promptly attended to. Call .. . and tee us. Witoi, X. d. UNIVERSITY OF N. CAROLINA. Includes the College, the University, tlie Law School, tbe Medical School, anil the . bmnrwr School for Teachers, ('ollege tuitii.u $(it 1. 00 a year: board $7.00 to 13.00 a mouth. Session begins Stit. Ctli. Address Pres. Winston, Chapel Hill, M. C. A. M. Stack. T. W. BlCKET- Stack & Bickett, Attornsya at - law, DANBURY, - - N.C. Will do a general olyll and criminal 'practlrs Particular attention given to the management of estates for executor, administrators and guar diana, . MOUNTAIN VIEW IX- ' STITUTE, , MIZPAn, STOKKS CO., N. C. Tbe Ml session will begin at Mountain View Institute, ob tbe Cth day of Aug. . ' oat, 189,. Prof.M. T. CAiUon.Jl.B., Principal, (Graduate of Guilford Vol lege and In. dianapoli Business College.) raranladeeiriiui to eend their buys and girls to a first-class pre;naory school would do well to pair mi ire this school. .For particulars, address, the PrincliMtl at llizpali, N. G. D. V. Cabholl, Pre. Board Directors. The Old-Friend And the best friend, that never, fails you, is Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the lied 2) ilint's what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded that any thine; will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines; is hotter than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and CalomM. It aets directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to bo taken dry or made into a 'tea. M-F.VERT PACKAGED 11m 1 fhe Z Stamp In red on wriniwr. J. H. ZK1L.1N & CO.,, t'V f ANIMAL EXTRACTS! Prepared according to the formula of : Dli. V3I. A. HAMMOND, in nt !imraioryi niuiiiictiu,u.t', ' rRRF.BRlKE, from the train, for dii ' eauct .r iii hntin ami nervous Kv&tpra. HlKUl'IsLlNK, from the npitial rord. for iit'HBt'B of the cord. (Locomotor-Ataxia. i ARlilNE, from the heart, for riiseaaea . of the In-art. ' TEftTlNlt, from the tcates, for dlsensea ' oi ineii-nieti. (Atropiiyoi me organe, sier liltv. PtC. I i VARRWK, from the ovaries, for disoasel oi in1 ovarii. ni'M'lLINR, thyrodtne.etc. Dww, Fire Drop.. Frkc J drtchaO, 12.. . The physiological trcU8 produced by a . single dose of fr'biae are nc eel era t ion . of ihR pulso with fcflt.tnuf fnllnwi and dis tention in the head, exhilaration of Rplrlts, liicrenaed urinarv excretion, miumvutmtioa of the expulsive forr tf thf bliuldvr and peristaltic i.ction of thi' intestines, Increase In Qiunrular strength mid endurance. In- and tncrprtsed appetite nnd dlgeiulre power. Whre local druggists arc not supplied wit tithe Htwnmoiiil Animal Kx tracts they will he mailed, locether with nil existing Merature on Hie subject, on receiptor, price, by xair. ronnRrt rurnicAi ro.. fWuhlnirlon,D.r. 1 X Blood and Skin Diseases Always - k ll Cured. D DD- BOTANIC BLOOD never fails to cure all manner of Dluod and Skin dis eases. It is the great Southern building up aud purifying KemcUy, and curds all mttnner of akin and blood diseases. As a building up tonic it In without n rival, and absolutely beyond eomparison with any other similar remedy ever offered to the public It is a panacea for all ills resulting from impure blood, or an Impoverished condition of the human system. A single bottle will demon strate its paramount virtues. &rSend for free book of Wonderful Cares. Price, $1.00 per large bottle; $5.00 for Six bottles. For sale by drupfrts: if not send to us, and roedtdno will be sent freight prepaid on receipt of price. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Qa. eftvhectli' cols PRICE BO CENTS PEIt BOTTLE :It3ll If VUUACLE liOJATi3S FREE. for Bale av nnitaoisTB. Wiaafcoia, XT. C. Old Town and Kurnli A'ts., to jS Main Street, M e oHnrs to the liimilhu; public nil ti c srccnin odalions t'otiml at a first class boarding liotise. - llnnm 1 ..11 r. i ..I 1 -...1 1 1 !.... .1 tliron;li laige windows, wpecUlly suited ot saii'suipn 10 nmw inoir wares. Table fi.rn hI oil m it 1. flip Lost thi. tn.i,-lcpt aflnrJs. arn inmiry by s'ip.tiig, tthen in K'in ato i, at tlw i,.,rdy Hoi se. I Tp A rnTTTo the desire for Jtfor JLJjirl. I Xlnliinc. Onliim. 1 s. kef or 't obacco. Proof free. $3 to cure morphine or whisky luiblts: S2 for curinc tolvo I'db't. Add w. D. WILSOS, FlcmlDgr, Texan. THE 8TRONC POINT the cures by Hood's Saraaparilla b they are permanent. They start thai the solid foundation Pure BlOOd. Hi fWll'ifA ft - . s Urn mm Ueuiucrutlc Platform. The Democrats of North Carolina submit to the voters of the Stale the following : doilarution of principles, viz : ' Resolved I, That we re affirm tbe doc tripes ot tbe party as enunciated by the Chicago cotiveution of 1892: and desire to signify as follows what U tbe construction placed by us upon tbe1 soc iou thereof relating to silver vi ; ' -. ' We hold that it ,is the doty of tbe lawmaking department of tbe govern ment, now in the bands of tbe Demo crticy, to take immediate steps to res tore by legislation the equal privileges of silver with gold at the mints, by the free aud unlimited coinage of botb gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, such being the ratio of coinage which hereto fore has held in the United States. Resolved U, That we urge upju the said law-making department of the goTerniiieiit the abolition of tlio uncon stitutional and prohibitive tax of 10 per cunt, upon the issue of State banks. Resolved 3, That, in viow of tbo de pleted condition in which tbe late He publican administration left the Trea sury of the lluitod States presenting as it did, such a lamentable contrast to the overflowing condition in which it was delivered by Mr. Cleveland's first admiuintratiou to its Republican succes sir we urge upon the said lawmuk iug department, the immediate enaot muiit of an income tax. Resolved A, That wo emphatically approve the tarifi dootrtue eouuuiated by the Chicago platform. Resolved 5, That whilo wo aro op. posed to the slightest qualification, in favor of the Federal Government, of the mpenl of the ten per cent, tax on State bank issues we nevertheless ad vocate as a matter of State policy such r gulatiou and restriction ot tl .s'w of bunks chartered by North Carolina as will secure a sound currency. Resolved 0, That, we aduiiro the cour age and lofty puririotisiu of the Presi dent ; that we west heartily commend his prompt und effeoiive action under i lie law ior tbo suppression of the efforts of alilu anarchists to disturb, by . force and violence, the tine relations of labor and capital; his sturdy efforts to secure the cuacttnent of tat iff reform as called for in the party platform; his prompt approval of the bill repealing the Fed eral electiou law; the uotublo reductions of the expeuscs of government under his administration, aud the freedom from scandal which has been such a marked feature o! his return to the head of affairs.;. ' ;" We point with pride to tho record of the Democratic party in North Caro lina and endorse the present State ad ministration. For eighteen years this party bas full cotitrol of the State gov ernment. It has administered it with the greatest eeouom and at all times with iin eye single to the best interests of all t le people. Coming iuto powei at the end of a reigu of dobauobery aud oriuie, it addressed itself to tbe work of re. habilitation, and its record is one which challenges publio admiration. It bas rebuilt our publio school system; ratal). lUbed asylums for the care of our un. furtunites; administered justice; pro moted our fublio works; fostered every public enterprise; reduced taxatioo and iu all rospects justified the confidence of those who have trusted it. It bas afforded security to lifu aud property, protected botb capital aud labor in its rights, and done all that government ouu do for a people, No scandal has attached to its administration of publio atfaiis. We congratulate oar eitizens upon their woU repo&ed trust in it; we congratulate tfieui upon the friendly relations existiug between the races; upon tbe prospects of bouutcous crops and returning prosperity. With tbe record before tbeni we appeal to them for a vote of confidence this year in the Demooratio party. .- Resolved, That we favor tbe aboli tion of the internal taxes on spirits and tobacco as soon as practicable. If this osnnot be done that tbe harsh and un just features of the law for its collec tion be modified. Summer Excursion Rates. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Co., will sell summer exour tioo tieketi from June 1st, to Sept. 30(b, 1894, inclusive, to all seaboard and mountain resorts in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virgiuia. These tickets will be good fqr tbe return trip until Cbtobcr 31st, 1894, with the privelege of atop-overa in each direc tion at all resort points. Y. K. Kvlc, 0. P. A. FOOD FOR RBPLEC riO.V. A (.'hinnrr.aG st Keaufort, S. C, Charles Chin Sang, has written a letter to tbu New York Uerald, complaining of tbe treatment received by hisoouotry I men in the United States. We were speoiully impressed with una idea brought out by this Chinaman and wo think there is in it food for reflection for all earnest Christiana who bold re ligion paramount Is sectarianism. He says ' Yon remember that some Roman Catholic missionaries, some Baptists, tome Presbyterian, Episcopal, Motb. odist, UniUrarian, Lutheran and somo Huguenot ministers go to China, and each minister triea to make the Chinese believe iu their religion, and that makes the Chinese all mix d up and they do not know who to believe, and that makes them fifiht. Chinese don't be. licve in confusion. They believe iu one God in heaven and no more; something like the Jews, who believe iu one God." It is no wooder that these heathen become confused uuder the preaching of extreme seotariau creeds. A new ro ligion is curried to them and if interest I bey arc told, perhaps, that in order to to reap the benefits of tbe glad tidings and to secure the salvation of their souls they must, after embracing Chris tianity, subscribe to the peculiar tenets of (bis or that creed, many of which ap pear conflicting to the unenlightened, aud confusion follows : . Now, tbe poiut is this : If the xeal of christaD missionaries of all denom inations was ennceutrated upon the one great essential priuciple that ralvation depends upon acceptance of Christ and not upon what church one joins, there would probably be less confusion aud larger harvests lui Christ iu the fortigu field. ; ' . It is well enough to have different de nominations and every christian should ally hi-nself with the creed that suits him best and through which he Cin get the most good and do the most good, but denomination is Wrong wiicuover it is exalt, d above Christianity. 1' reach to the heathen "Christ and Him crucified," baling individual sal vation upoo rcpcutaiice and acceptance ot Christ and uot upon the prominent, dilieriug, non essential feature of any denomination. Teach him that he should oonneot himself with some branch of (. bristian ohurch; tint he can be a better man in the oburch than out of it, but that his choice is a matter of in dividual preference aud not of prime importance in the plan of salavatiou. Winstou Sentinel. Just so, lire. Scntiaclwo have feca it, you have seen it, you have seen it and what you say will in too many ca. pes apply to h mo pteachers. Yes we j have seen the euects ot a good sermon lost by the preaoher right in the midst of a revival opening the doors of the churoh tod in a long witrded talk such as most of bis congregation had listen ed to ten or fifteen times urge the three or four who h id professed the impor tance of joining "the church" of course bis oburch making tbe impression on the congregation that adding oumbeis in his churoh was of more importance with bun than getting sinners to put their whole soul uvnd aud thoughts into the subject of escaping the horrors of of hell, church passers see this and if tbey wiluot speak on it the similar press must, agreeable to the way we see it there is too muoh church mem and too little bible religion at this day. HOW THEY GATUII MONKEYS. A gentleman who bas spent some time at Panama tells a St. Louis man how tbey ca toll tbe little monkeys down the re, w b i e h a r e s o useful to the itinerant organ grinders. Tbey take a oocanut and out a bole in in large enough-te admit a monkey's paw. A string is then at tie In d to the nut. The monkey is a Tory inquisitive little animal, and when he sees one of these nuts be inserts bis paw through the bole to Cod out what is inside. When the paw is olosed it cannot be withdrawn, and as tbe monkey bas not sense enough to open bis paw, the nut is draws by the string and the monkey with it to within reaob of the eaptors, who throw a net over tbe monkey and in that wiy seeure him New Orleans Picayune. H OOD'S Sarsaparilla wins its way into the confidence of the people; by the good it la doing. Fair trials j-nute permanent CURES. Bead what the "Silver Dollar" says of Hon. Tom Settle then ask yourself whether he is the man you want to hold a place in Congress pretendiny to represent yoo. Poring tbe session of Congress just ended there were 308 offioial roll calls. It is tbe duty of every member te be present and vote at tbeso calls, and a large number are recorded on most of them as only missing from 12 to 60 times, but it was left to Congressman Settle to answer and vote only 25 times out of tbe 808 that be called. Mr. Settle failed to answer and vote at Two Hundred and Fiftt-bix calls, where tbe most important and vital interests of bis constituents were involved. . Tbe people are asking, where was tbe ring candidates at these numerous roll calls. It bas been currently re ported that Congressman Settle bas oc cupied his seat only about FORTY days during tbe entire session, and this seems to account for his miserable failure as a servant people. No man would keep another in his service and pay him for six days in the week when he only labored one day. Congressman Settle lias virtually missed five days out of every week that tbe people have employed him. He bas only pnrfomed 16 per cent of the work he was employed to do. He has squan dered 84 per cent of tbe time for whioh be has draadfull pay, lie bis claimed and collected full pay for oh i hun dred days when he has only woiked SIXTEEN DAYS. The people will still continue to repeat this question louder, and still louder, until it resounds and reverber tes (brought the the whole State of North Carolina. And tbey will ask again Bnd again, where was . Mr. Set tle when the roll was called t Was be in New York 1. Was he in Boston, Massachuscsests t Was be on board a ru'iLuuH Sleeper Was be at Greens boro cr Reldsviiicl Where was ho? Tbo people will perhaps neer know where Congiessinan Settle wys during tbe session of Congress, bt they do know that when be was present, and did vote, it was against their best in terest. He voted to destroy silver the people's money and helped the gold ring. lie watched closely aftor tbe interests of the revenue ring, by trying to stop appropriations to prosecut the law breakers. The people now know the reason he bas been renominated again by tbe revenue ring. It is because be has been their faithful servant, while ne. glectiug the business tbe people paid him to do. Will the people relect a Congressman who has made suob a dis graceful record? WOMAN SHOULD BE NATURAL. A woman never loses anything by being real. For a woman to be natural is for her to be an object of respect and and loye. She was created to sway, not as men sway, by strong pbysioal powers, but in her own way and by ber more gentle qualities. A natural wo man is tbe greatest power in the world. By ber very nature she oooquers, wheth er she be the bumble olerk or a ten time millionaire. "She is always so lovable beoause she is so natural," was tbe graoeful tri bute 1 beard a group of women a few evenings ago pay to a young woman a few evenings ago pay to a young woman who bad just left them. "Men are so fond of ber," said another woman in the grouk, "and yet no one would call ber pretty." Let artifice, sham or pretention enter into the nature of snob a woman and she would become at onoe an unwel come guest where now she is bidden and eagerly sought for. Someone may say : "Yes, the one you speak of is probably a rioh woman, and she can afford to be lovable." Not at all, my friend. She is the dougbterof a man whose salary is too meagre for him to give bis wife a ser vant, and this daughter helps the moth er in ber housework. She is the very consbioe of that borne, simply because she never tries to appear what she is not. Philadelphia Inquirer. Bill Nye's definition of a newpaper is as follows.' "It is an enoyolopedia, a poem, a history, a dictionary, a time tab! e a romaoe a guide to political resume, a ground plao of the civilised world, a low price malum in parvo mon. a song, a eireus, an obituary, a ship wreck, symphony in sold brevier, a melody of life and death, a grand aggregation of nan's glory and bis shame. In short, it's a bird's eye view of all the usirnaniinitv and meanness. the iovs and sorrows, tbe births and deaths, the pride and poverty of tbe world, all for few cents." COURT JURORS. Tbe following jurors have been drawn to serve at fall term of Stokes Superior Conrt ; FlttST WEEK. W. C. Philips, Joab Koigbt, . W.R.Stevens. . Joseph H. Covington, .. W. B. Dodson, H. T. Newsom, L. S. Grabbj, L.J. Duwn, J. D. Jackson, Wm. M. Turner, W. B Hutchinson, Charles Flinn, W. A. Bryant; Miohael Kiser, . J. M. Gibson, G. W. Hawkins, J. Calvin Southern, :' W. H. H.Nunn, J. McRay Tuttle, J. A. Corn, B. H. Tillotson, S. M. Gordon, J. W. Hoosier, Thos. J. Tuttle, I. N, Stevens, Jno. W. Gano, J. M. Rutlcdge, ' W. R. Baker, R. R. Kobcetsoo, M. V. Mabe, . R. A. Bevil, F. J. Woods, A. J. T. Tuttle, J. D. nunley, A. J. Flippin. SECOND WEEK. D. J. Stewart, , W. J. Martin, Robt (Jverby, L. F. Fulp, Jao. W. Hill, Asbael Lewis, .', Joel A. Tilley, S. T. Kizer, , .. W. R Shelton, T. j. Gorden.' P. O. Bennett, R. G. Anderson, W. C. Moore, Jno. A. Flippin, R. Wade Shelton, W. II. Sheperd, Jno. H. Lawson, B. F- Pulliain. FORKORDINATION. Years ago an old hard-shell preach er who lived on tbe border in the days when the Indians were at war with the whites, was making preparations one morning to go to his oliureb, miles away. through a country infested with aavrges. He was carefully loading his old flint look rifle to take along, when a friend present remarked: "What are you going to take that gun along for, old man? Don't you know that if it foreordained for tbe In. dians to kill you, tbe guu won't save you?"" "That's very true," said the old man as be deliberately rammed tbe ball borne, "but suppose it is foreordained that tbe Indian shall be killed ? Now, how would the good Lord oarry out his pur pose if 1 didn't have my gun along?'' That olosed the debate. Summerville (Ga.)News. f ANSWER CHILDREN'S QUES TIONS. New York Ledger. Education is erroneously supposed only to be be bad at schools. Tbe most ignorant children often have been oonstant in their attendance there, and there have been very intelligent ones who never saw inside of a acbonllroom The child who always asks an explana tion of term of phrases it cannot under- stand, who is never willing to repeaf, parrot like that whioh is iooompreheni- ble, will outstrip in "education" tbe ordinary routine sebolar. "Education" goes on with children at home, on tbe street, at play every where. Do not refuse to answer tbe proper questions then. Do not oheok this natural in telligence, for whioh books can never compensate, though you bet to red whole libraries. 1 ' .-. Read what Mitchell, Fleming t Co., of the Star Warehouse, Greensboro, N. C, have to say to you in ibis paper in regard to tbe sale of leal tobacco. Then try them with a few hundred pound of your fine Stokes leaf. i LESSENS PAIN INSURES SAFETY to LIFE of MOTHER and CHILD. My wife, after having used Mother Friend, passed through the ordeal with little pain, was stronger In one Immht than iu a week after the birth of ker former child. J. J. MoOoldbiok, Beans fita.Tenn. MthM PrfcoS robt patai of am mii ahorna lix. 1 liav tins feeaatktat Has. I.. M. Ansx. Cochran, Qa. Ssat by eiwasa, chireesjiMiialrt. on feolj ot nrtos. Si JO par bottl. Souk "lu Mitthais auuladrna. mnnofymvo mouLKTOR CO., Vr.Sa3h7aiTbrucilu. ati.axu.a. torn tv Tints MA 9SX ' prattlers- -I is in voua cm n uaxv. k4tmkcttm It feiis wawMpyc . iT m i lung, TIm above uUirriua a'must v-i) ;.in lUvJ. T' 'o w which you wjji jive, i:ru muv Kijn rt yon thirty ycuro. Wi!' urfctul L'N-: f -SAD dcnutefl hram now or ' rlt w 1 1' . FOUTCME. fjune or nchoi. j;oih comttiticil ti.f i. uoceMisiji; torn you myf-t keep up Ub u -'n n Mew to via it. Ton win lica jtU iny of m a' ic ZeinoiM(.'fl Ksimiiy KagaiitK.. o ettwtircH . Mmtal tlmt every m aii r a ttov i m.t tind. It i n fioz. -it wmnjutH f in mv. A ( Lt...d LINK OK UK tl.T lc u iHkftxw. ir. j LINK OF KATK. rvunu !'; t-c.w if craotud. A wctt - drtmcd Ll.NR OF HKAlfll pftrfti yon docioV liiic so mil xitv kuh bhica in Demoreiu'B. No otlitr ni4nu:iti pitbtbri m nutiT nuriet to intrreM ttie tsuu! circl?. You wiB . b EUihyoct to ciircmc of hirn cpirii vr d-tonfl cney ir you Unxc the CUUtLiC UK VliMS" il BUrknl; keep up your yrtis Uy huvnrc Uciuorcfrt MaMitte ta TfJiA. By miU fibit? i il ftr ifrt fan will rooeive ft ? iUrrv ot exquicJif ork oi urt of (Treat value, brsitl- ut" wrrx-rli prt-tniuiit ttku rwjj tTxSiUtc.htn, ' I'm 3 D.y!" uUich i tinuMir mi b&try, and ta itui ihe ihifll 4I (aai'miD which eoa ibiWnititt ytt Mr'i 'If IU'vVk mTixtfcrriHi4 be tMjuaicd by nuy in f;;e vtJi f r its beau if til UltisHratmu mil uhht niMUT. that wilt ktrp Jo poe(( m u)l tiw or tiie day. a d all ism aria, mud difl'r r.-ia, (true n ini-nf alinut tL koaaWiokt, bHi-ji furuieliini; iniercsupr rrUo atue, both gnw ml cav. tU: n hole faintty and while DimoiVt' tt a faliion ti-acaci ' ha fashion page) are mirftrt, and y. u pftwiih iree of cwU, at the paitiTtit) y u w ? h ( cw nt . Mie year. jukI in nny nzc iu -ti' omi. ri-cJ yotir tutHcri)titn a nn'f, uriiy ?'?. ai-4 ui w really 1 met fifitU it v ie. A tir- th' pul ftalkcr. W. Jcimiuo lVcmorit, Vt Kit I4mi Si New Yorlc IT voii .- iiit:tcqini!ii with ta Mwt ''. P"d fra strhiwnc"iv t'n(IJAD. IiVMiLtC ti iwiv; .1 lr.'.- 'I Hl. T.I X fncrMtr: FtHST MIVISK'N C Tliriia MmiiL'wIli; UN4 s-T.i i vis ION, rvaaaav inif Tkvu'U. T.K-MOINT OK J( 1'ITKK lMiokM aiuhtr on ; ftia nf S ATt ftN. pntd-itro : 2ik ',. leveof fiilmior; M a1!S c -u a.c; M(mS. nnfrias- . tion: VKNL'S. I..v- .if .tu-nre ; oim) MkUi'l MT. krtel llffenct.'. 'I'-.L otir hI kv mk atwwe and jm atll he euro tu ptmr5 Uie ta( aad moat aiaaba . anaJUy. StRLOUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. A n a nt discovery Is hradaoh. :'.i;.'.i!nos , UnUnom, onfuUon of the mind, t ;. r.-o d:iu lt dcrauvtneiit of the ncrva t :iti'i! vhtcli supply tiio brain trlth nefre '.not-; lvi t:idlistl(ui, dr,pep)tla, neuralgia in.i 1 -ma Ut ri, arise from thu durmnR c. IhGiKrvocentorssupplylug these or- n- w!th nerri Ru id or force. This llkewlaj-. t ruo of many dlseaa of tho heart and lunrs. Tl.o i.crva'. ay Mi m isllku a tuluKrnph nystm, :i Vi Lo Meu by tliu luxomDuavlatsi ,i 11. Il t : . 1 w w , 'h('o II : u-s aro. iho n- r . s whi -h - ov y lue ui ' vii r o fiv u 1 1 o vc.y iK .-t uf tlio 'irty, .i'ir-r. tho ;c rU'iimn in .'nvyeil h o iiilp-rpd lr' to o very :iti "i, I'trn or ia!l. Ortlinnry iysi -i;Mi -i f . t lo ,;ar.l thh fact; si.- i f i.'i" 1 1 -utr ti c :iL.vt)i-t3ii- S lll-'i' i'MJ f tho di-onfiirs UUu : I;, ri'fnui) . .- 1 1 t! 11 t. Uie fc atn tt d. F.'ink1!n MilM, . (. hi. It., tho .irh.y cnl,-;.r;itca Vi t lui 1st nn-1 ei ;d ut of nervous riafee, ml atithor nf many nuled tteu iM- on tii latiraihjwt, l : .'''.o riaaeti llu truth of t!.e ftrst Kt.'timi iit, aid hi KostoruUvii NrTin 1-i fi'ep.tvd a tint principle. 19 auc'e. In runny nil d NAHM's urUiuif from dormntra mi'iit cf the Dfrvou-t system i wonder ful, an the 1 Iiou-Hiids uf unso.ictted tMlmo n!uU in no 'Hltn of tl:e t'ouiptiuy ouiuufac turlns the reinvdv kiiii y provo. It. Mi Jos' Kfstbrative Servinp in reliable remedy fur ail uervuir dijHUsM. such aa heud.-tche, nervous ucbllity. nMtr;itloo, ftieepleesnew, dlizim'tw hystwna, eexual de bility, St. Vitus dun.o, epliepr.)', etc. It ta old oy all drufrglttft on a poaltiTe guarantee, or bent direct by the fr. MMa Medical Co., Klkhart, I nd., on receipt of price, W per bot tle, six botllin for 9ft. expretts prepaid. eofvarsnirrtt. Tor bifocal tlf antN HsMSlwia wim OMot bnwa for aacortn MUnta In Am mrarr Mint tAkm Out h urn la bnuht bbM tha paUtf ar mmh gum first of aa ah LvTMt 0rral.t1ia ot nr cHmtlto 1111 n 9 world. SptadldlF llluiraud. ha Uiiaiumr BU honia ba without K. WMktT, lis Inn SIJO.IX mootha. adSraat MDHTTa 'CUUSIIHIl. fvl aUPSdwar. iaw tat " ir 1 v-.:i.:l I 8c4llAsrieaji

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