1 Zr7Tt .i TV TO (Jlf iJi . I tttftt. HCit J . . . . -e: LThe Danbury Reporter, ii 1 TEAK... ....$1.00 iUBSCIurTION. MONTH 50 1 IIOXTU. ....... OCT. 18, 1881 Tkt Lament of the Slauffh In ancient time tliey ruled by Kings, Aul Dukcs'aiKl Czars and sk-.li like things. In modern days they've changed by Jmgs ! And boss with "FetnwCam,l 111 ngs !" Into the jaws of 65 rodo the gallant 800. Sad is tbe fate of him li Jjrss re aist the mandates of the court house ring." A an instanoo, take the ase of Mr. Kobert MorefioM. 8l aure to hear Hon. J R. Webster, lie is a fine speaker and talks facts and figures. There U sense and timti iu 'Speeches. See list of his appniatuieuta in Stoke. and go hear him. Ws learn that Mr. Robert Morefi 1,1, one of Sheriff Fulton's deputies, has been '-fired out." We " don't know hat the charges preferred against the officer arc, unless that he ain't "kin enough." Stokss county is a Democratic eonnty any day if the Democrats will turn oat and vote. Two or three hun dred, scattered bore and there, stay at Lome and give the election to the Re publicans. If the Deiuooratio ticket ware oora. posei of a msss oT kin folks brothers, brothers-in-law, undo, 'cousins, etc., the "family ring" would bowl itself hoarse.over it and call on the people to bory it out of sight. -Can Brother Nat Petree, Brother Right Petree, Brother-ln-lsw Voss or pi-"y of the Brother JCai roll j explain hy it wairtfiat 65 men controlled a Repub lican convention of 300 These are figures that dou't lie and facts that they ciu't dodge. Will Nelson waul to knnw why it is t'jat Mr. Fulton advertUed bis property for taxes and his nearest ueighbor, Will miullUH. was mtumail WJuWanH Mounce has as much property as N el- Aan. Wbv the distinction between the two-Billies 1 DemoobaTic prospects brighten ev. ry day. The papers are fa;; of no. lioc and cards from prominent Third party men and Republicans, who are disgusted with fusion (or b:ing sold ou by their leaders ) and who are coming to the Demooratio party as the only tarty which represents principles in this campaign. Capt. Kufus Amis, the Independent Republican for (Jongiess, will reach Stokes next week. He speaks . as fol lows : Wulout Cove, Thurday, Ojt. 25. !altou, Friday, Oct. 2G. Danbury , Saturday, Oct. 27. V. ostfield, Muuday, Oct. 29. l''uir Play, Tuesday, Oct. 30. Prestoovillc, Wednesday, Oct. 31. They hat 3 a good jnko on brother N. O. Petrci. A few diys ago he saw Jim Tillcy at Spot Ta)l.r'a store, and called biin out and infonred Jim that there was something wrong about his 1' registration. He carried Jim down to toe Registrar artd had ' matters fixed fight. Jisj says be is much obliged to Mr. Petree for getting him straight on tbe books, as he is very anxious to pat in a vote against N. O. Petree. Hon. J. R. Webster will address the people upon the political issues of the day at the following times and places : ' King' Kabir, Monday, Oct., 29. Wilson's Store, Tuesday, Oct. 30. Franuisen, Wednesday, Oct. 31. J.. E. Sbeltou's Store, Thursday, November 1. Preston ville, Friday, November 2. C: Mitchell's Store, Saturday, Ho Jerober 8. The appointments for Walnut Cove, Daitoa, Westficld, Danbury and Law son ' Store have been changed' and be sril address tl people at the above iamsd plaees iastid. , HEAL MERIT ta B- dander. of Hood's -SarsapwriOa. It awe even after other preparations fall. Ct Hood's and ONLY HOOP'S. DR. PRIXQLE S JtECQRO. The PopnlisU iu Slokea should ex amine the record of Dr. Lon Pringle aiid see if he is worthy of their suffrages. Two years ago, ha went as a delegate to the Demooratio Congressional and State conventions and helped to put out can did itej and make the platforms. Be eante home and advooated the election of those tickets for awhile, but at the polls roted against bis own nominees, Doinoera o He went into the Democratic Connty Convention and sought the nomination for the House, as a Democrat. He stated in tint convention, when called out, that he was a Democrat and wouldn't promise to vote for Mr. Cleveland because h (Cleveland) wus not a Demo crat. Failing to got the nomination, he went out of the convention and iu 1 liss tiian one hour called a Third pirly uotivt'ution, singing bis name as Chait -man of tbe People's party in Stokes. iVbat a sudden obange I He canvassed the oounty against the Democrats and after doing thorn all tho harm he could, then Dr. Pringle desert, cd those whom he had lei astray. He snvs that the Executive Commit, tee took him dowo. But we are reli ably informed that be went to the ohairmau of the Demooratio Committee and said if the Democrats would scad a man around with a petition, and if a good number of his followers (say 40) would sign the petition then he would withdraw in the Reporter. Dr. Pringle prepaicd or dictated tl e et; on and Mr. Tate Ferguson carried it around. Mr. Furgusou was to come to Danbury on a ccrtaiu day and make known the result. Dr. Pringle met him here that day and, a sufficient number having signed, he issued his card in the Repouter. Thnt is the way he came down, or raiher took him self down. If this is not correct, Dr. Pringle may have spaoe to answer. Liut all the above statements can be proved by at least five good witnesses. Dr. Pringle got mad because the Democrats would not nominate him and ran two years ago, and is running now, simply out of spite and for rcveuge. Will tbe good, honest men, who follow ed him two j ears ago, follow him again this J ear ? . OXLY A QUESTIOX. Will some Populist Democrat (you ard a Democrat; there will be no other I'opulists io Stokes, on the day of elec tion exoept "weak : ueed Democrats") please tell us honestly why you will vote a Third paity ticket io Stokts county next month except it be to help tbe republicans? Every Third party mm in Stokts county (if a man of ordinary sensr) knows as well as he knows his light baud from his left, that there is no earthly possibility of electing a Third party candidate, in this count. Al most every vote given a Populist lessens' (be Democratic majority that much. From the fact that they know that, white and negro, Republicans will stick square to their party, and all, or almost every vote givcu a Populist can dile, will be a weak kneed Democrat. Then we would ask Populist candi dates, why if you are so anxious to see the Republicans put again in power, carry tbe State and South once more, back to the dark, black, damnable days of reconstruction, when tbe Kirks and IIoldcBS without warrant or charge, ex oept from the lips ot the meanest negro es io tbe South, negroes who would swear a lie fur a ginger cake, could im prison, lock, bolt, and guard io filthy juils, the best men In the State. Wb do you waul to take from Lite Demo crats the privilege of making I iws to govern white men, (young men who have recently got to be voters do not know that the day has been under Radical Republican rule, when tbe meanest negro in the south eould walk to tbe polls and vote, ( often for a tough) to make raws fur him, and his chil dren to live under, wbea tbeir own fathers bad to sit back, could not oven put in a vote as an offset against tlx mean negroes "flag." -'.. " ' Boys, Pop candidates, and voters, if yon are men, and want to belp the Republicans, oome out with tbem, link your destinies with theirs, unless it is a secret plan, ooooooted and agreed upon by wbicb you eao best wn tbe Republicans. I ;- TllASlo i Tut past year has been a pretty bard one for most folks; but, with it all, every one, if he will think the mat ter over ealnly, bat soma one thing, if no more, to be truly thankful for. tbe Thanksgiving, be i. only that things are nut worse- Those wuj . have not yet wade up the r minds what tbey have to be thaukfu! for should read the symposium iu Dc mores t's Msgaiioe for November, io which a number of well. known people give thr an-twers to tbe question "What Have We to (Jive Thanks For?" The answers are cha racteristic, aud will sot every reader "a-thiukiu." And this is truly a specially Interest ing uuuiber. Tbe article on "The (juecu ot Korea" e,ives us glimpses of wtuy uuitpo things behind tho scenes in tho p ttaues of "the hermit kingdom," and the numerous illustrations, mauy of (hem fiom diawings by Korean artists bring the far away little kingdom very near to us. Those interested iu get ting up church culertuiumeuts should uot lull to read "Liviug Pictures for Amateurs," which givts miuute direc tions how to srraiigo them easily and quickly ; auJ au illustrated uiliote ou "Harvest Dejuratiuus," fur churches, w 11 be found very useful at the Thauks giviug acasou AU the stories arc especially good ; la 'Society Fads" and "Cuat" one may learn air the latest doings of the "Four Hundred"; an ex cellent article on "Tho Breath cf life" is io SaoiUriau ;" ' Household" and "11 ime Art" will aid the housemother iu ber autumn preparations; the oharm ing illustrations sro a tieasure-trove, and the uil-picture, "Just My Pie," will appeal to every lover of pumpkiu. pie. Every member of tbe family is sure to fiud something of individual interest iu every number of Demorest's, which is published for ouly i a year, by W. Jknmmus Demobest, 15 E. I4iu St., New York. 'Do"wlTiiii LoxTfro w all SiREET! .Uessehgcr's Rrpott ot So:a;or Ransom's VViluiiiiglou speech. The people's party have said that we belong to Wall street; that : that great and good mun wus the victim of Wall street. Wall street is tho iiiouey wealth of this nation, the great street of American bankets; the money of the couutry is concentrated there. But what does tbe tariff bill do ! It puts a tax of 2 per ucut upou every income iu the United States over Sl.OUO. (Ap. plause Stuitor (Ml siid that 35 per cent uf tax will be paid by New lurk, priucipally by Wull street. Do you thiuk if we belunged to Wall street hat we would have taxed it $20,000, 000. Vet this is what we have done. THE lAUlir F. W'iUcsboro I'hionicle. Salt 55 cents per sack instead of 75 Ccuts , fertilisers have falleu from 40 to 30 per sack; clothing is a great deal cheuper; $5 suits for $'d, $10 suits for $7, and so ou: hardware cheaper, farm ing utcnils all getting cheaper, and markets for farm products beginning to open up; and the Democratic taiiff only becu in tffeot a little over a month. Aud yet, Col. Liunry says be wuuld destroy all these advantages to the people by re-enacting the MuKinley law in favor of the monopolists, aud so say the confusionists". too. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Cunujoliarie, N. Y sa)s that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery iu tbe house aud his I f.mily bad always found the very best results follow its use, that he would not be without it, if procurable. U. A. Dykeaiin Druggist, Castskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's Njw Discovery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy; that be baa used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at W. V. MoCauless1 Drug Store. Rogular size 60c. and $1. 00. DID YOU EVER. Try Electric Bitters at remedy for your troutde ? If oot, get a bottle now and get relief. This oiedioioe baa been found tu be peculiarly adapted to the relief aud euro of all Female Coiuplaiols exerting a wonderful direct iufiueooe in giving strength and tone to tbe oigans. If von beve Lose of Appetite, Con stipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled with Dixsy Spells, Eleotriet Bitters is tbe medicine yon need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at W. V. MoCaoless' Drug Store. 0ti rnwvHBiiwKiw, Sv r Vmkuext, aialaria, ludiswioa aaa RiUousnflew tti? It tcm tiuV-hlr. l-or . bf all wrtUrrs t vwdivk. ol ths itbkUM. AMLAOmcoLAi Fla., Feb. 17, 188. UB83KS uppman CE08. AavsDnab,Ua. IhtAB Bibs I will write to inform you that I as -afflicted with Blood Disease. L tried one bottle of " and it gave mo no relief. 1 was in bed seven months, t 'tried prominent physioians, and tbey Could Dot do me any good. 1 saw your adrartisoment of P. P. P. la the Apalacbieola Times, and thought I would try it. The bot tle I got to-night makes seven or eight, aua, on, bow good I reel. 1 have been tip ever since and at u business, turn ber inspotor. Yon may publish - this it yon desire. 1. have informed my friends that P. P. P. is life, heath and trend. " M. p. ROLDE.V Sold by all druggists and general stores. . LIPPMAU BR03., Proprietors and itruggists, '' Savannah, Gs Dueant, Miss.," Dec. 12, 1890. j Offici or J. S. Rosamond, i Messrs. Lippiian Bros., Savannah, Ua Oentlemkn - While in San An touio, lexaalast spring, I saw your advertisement of 1,1- i . (rrickly Ash Poke Root and Pobisiuni) in the pa per for the cure of rheumatism, and thought I would try a bottle, finding such great relief frntu it, oil my retutu home i bad my (tinggist, Mr. John MuClcllan tu order me a supply. Af ter taking, I think tcu. bottles, 1 have got had a pain or obe slucc, previous n that 1 suffered for twentyfive (25) tnars, and could not get the least bcue yeuutil I t::cd P. P. P., and therefore, fit e pleasure in recommending it to tak lours truly, J. S. ROSAMOND IF XOU WANT TO BE LOVED Don't find fault. . Dou't contradict people even if you are sure you are tight. Dou't be inquisitive about the af fairs uf even your most intimate friends. Don't underrate anything because you don't possess it. Don't believe that everybody else in i be world is happier than you. D.'D't conclude that you have never had any opportunities iu life. Don t bulifve all the evil you bear. Dou't repeat gossip, oveu if it dues iuterest a crowd. Dun't go untidy no the plea that everybody kuows you. IVu't be rudo to your inferiors in social posith-u. . Don't over of under dies. Don't express a positive opinion un. loss )ou perfectly uuduistaud what jou sro tall; ing about. Don't get iuto the habit nf vulgarii ing life by making light of tbe senti ment ol it. : : ' j . Don't jeer at everybody's religious belie s. . : j Don't try to be anything else but a gentlewoman- 1 1 that means a.wouian who has consideration-' for the whole world and whose life is gnvorned by. the golden rule : " Do unto others as ynu would be done by." Within the last week there' has been a great Democratie revival in all parts of the country. The uecessity of coming together and working for sncocss is everywhere felt. Unity has taken the place of discord. Feotioo has gone into retirement and t'ie Demociatic outlook grows brighter with each day. Norfolk Virginian, Dm. Hon. Clement Mauly will speak on the issues uf tbe day at the following times and pluolt : Danbury. Tuesday, October 23. Walnut Cove, Thursday, Oct. 25, at night, Mr. Manly is a fine speaker and ev ery voter ought to hear him In Health y means sofmuch more than ryou imagine serious and i r latal diseases result lrom trifling ailments neglected. Don t play with Mature s greatest gift health. IfyoaarefMltac out o( sorts, and gcMrally a- hava uo appetite 1 and caat work, J befia at one tak- 1 bif tke awat ralU-J ale ttrenfftMntne' m mcdidna.wbich u J Mrs. A tew bot tles care bee. eSt comes item tbe very fim does ejMff Sim Jewr Httk, mmi It's ItiCures Dyspepsia, f Kidney tmi Liver 1 Neuralzia,' TronbUe, Coostlpatioal, Bad Blood Malaria, i Nerve tlwaato j Woanea'a coerrpaalaU. Get snW the teniae k kaa enasW nt nnesoa uie AU stltates. Oa receipt of two sc. sumps will aeod eel eS WerU's Pair View sad kewk trm. BROWN CHIMICM. Ca BM.T1MOKC, MO IseSeaeekesesaeeeAaevySkaBSM Poor : Browns Iron R.ttorc 'f v.iU mihiisl, tt,w i( , !free. ierrCT from r of interest social, points" ""., elicloiia, etc., but for tho views fxpreseed the eli tor of the RgiMuruK ui irt not b hold responsible. No letters will bs p th liahed unless the) are accompanied by tli author's real name. We will not pulillse your real mme, but must bavr it (nr. ou own pro ectiou in case trouole sh iulil arise Mikeyo ir cjgan iiiicitioiii s i i.t an I t e point. ..to, ......... .. . . - . t Culler, N. 0. Oot, 16, 1894. Mi Editor : As the election is near at hand and tbe fight is on, 1 would like to ssy a few words in regard to Hie "family ring" affair. Will the people of Stoava s'low their county offices to be gobbled up and di vided out among two families? rC; don't want such narrow-minded paitisan officers who think because they bav been io so long that the offices virtually belong to them and not to tbe tax pay. ers. We want to elect men that will advauce the interests of Stokes unti she stands foiemost amnng tbe other counties of the State. For tbe last few years it seems our oounty (since it has been under the power of Pctrettim) has been standing still while her sistci counties have passed ber by. Consid er this carefully houest voters and do not let your county offices full into the hands of these family i.fficj grabbers Tho Democratic party have always been for the masses and they have shown wisdom in placing before the people of Stokes a strong ticket, that all class's may give their undivided support on the 6th of Nov., and then gu home and feel that they bavo done a duty that they oe to their connty and countrymen by breaking up this family organisation to get office. Yours for reform, A.NTI-RlNOSTER. HELL, H ELL, BUT Tim IS XERVY! ' . To the E litor of Ths Xew York II urld. 1 am a poor, bar 1 working man, and I want some help from' the Dcmjoratic party or else I will have to go over to the Republicans I will tell you what 1 want, and I think you can help me to get it. 1 want a buggy and harness 1 trave a fine horse but I have not gut money to buy a buggy. . If you will send me a good buggy and harness I will stay in the Democratic party and work for it all 1 can. My father is a r ler of your paper, and, I tell you, the party needs all tbe help it can get. Mycxpie; iffiee is at Hickory, Ca. tswba County, N. C. 11. T. JONES Oxford Ford, N. C. Mr, c. Fisher Of Baltimore. Sciatic Rheumatism 8overe Pain and Stiffness 4 Bottle of Ilood't Perfect Cure. I am not only willing, but nn-lous to recom mend Hood's Banapartlla. I Was taken wita Severe pain and stillness In my limbs ; at times b9ingb.ardlyei.let3 v.al':. I consulted a pliy- slclau, vvlu a.onoun-c I my troulilo aciatlo rhcuimlUsi:!. Kotwith. Lin tinir 1 took Inf-dlclue. I became none InsteaU 01 better, luadreadso Hood's Cures much of Hood's Sarsapar ilia's wadcrfal care tliat I conclude I to clva it ft fair trlr.L When I v;:s t:.k!:i tli? jirst botUo Icon! Iftcla chmiga for tba better : mv apptlti- increased auj my limiH heoanva 'l-hs tiil. I luivc now t;ikea lour bottles and am happy to :.ay I cs:t work tu well u ever 1 could lefore. I recotrmended Hood's Sarsaparilla to my cousin, who ans recetved squally good effects froiu it. I caouut spcuk too liibry of Hood's BareapariUa. Mna. Clara Kibheu, N. K. cot. Carollus and MnHlilorry BU.. ltaltl more, Md. ll iiuo to get Hood's. HOOD'S PILLS an liand made, and perfect Id proporUon and appearance. 26a. per bsx. A FPtiF. TRIP 70 THE WORLD'S FAIR, and (ountleti it!ur, attrnctm pre. Miami, frottt u 4M A a mtltk, iuycJt, trgam ir rifle, art cffertJ far a IHtlt pltatant work ntnr home, tr tkt puilulurt f WDR AWAKE. For full farficulars, ret, it Jrea Ii'. F. XeJ.'oar, Bos iS8, Bnton. Matt. ICxeiition Hole. By virtue of an execution In my lutnds. issne.1 by tlie Clerk of the Mupeii r court of St4ikes county, returnaMe to- the fall term of Uie &iir!or court f said county in favor cf J antes it. Kiser an.l against Jihu A. Tlmimnis and Isaac Timmona for the sum of S14H.14 (one hiinflred ami forty niue Inllars ami fourteen cents) and Interest ou same rrmu Uie 15th of lleeeuiber and costs; 1 will sell to the l.iidiest bidder for rash at the court hiiusc d.Hir In llanhury ou Uoiidiy, October ti, at I o'ckictt, one tract T laud !n Yadkin towuahlp, Hhritea county, belonging to the said Jolm A. TiinnK.ns eontaiiiing S u-io acres, more or leas, adjoining the lands of R. L. Watts, IVter Kiser, 1. 1. Barr and thers. This 27th of Aigiistlhtri. . J. H. FL'LTON.' Sheriff of Moiee feuuty. j LJL? b - ' .. . Makes frlarvelous Cms in Blood Poison Rh8un.atism and Scrofula V-' P. P. P. partflfatSebioaJ.belMenp the- wbkS anj ueiill.tiuod, aires ecrenrrh ut wvzkt tod nerTos. expeU aWSei dlw.f;otf,ciTln7thopitlet:thealrli Hnd Ti, liiip.inc.5 whers sloioeM, '"mr as1 teellnge end leaaUnde flt prsVelleS. -orprlniirT.ooniry and tortlnry ' e 'la, iorhloo.1 io:e. .otna. merco , In all bio.. " i.t (.hmnip ulcere. . -- - - , niu roroiiic uifTrrsta ?;. "45Ssi j blood purlllrr In the wortd.ane l fiolllTO. npeedr and permansat carvi a aU cejea. - Boot and Po:s!am. , spMiTunrt.9, Mo., Anic. 111. '. I cm apnsk io the hlftlieAe ivrms ttt oar medicine from my own pt-ronl uowledice. I waanfifctt wltr. Bear; disease, plenrtsy anU rlituuiMtinn I F B5year. wm trenrr1 by th tery be; phTSlclaui ana tpent hudrt of d(i ' lars. tried every known remetly witn ontflndinKrl.ef. Ibive only UkJO , one bottle of yoar P. P. P. and oaa eheerfally say It baa done me rare arood tbananythlnf I have evertakon. I oao recommend yoor medicine to aU sufferers of the above di sen see, MRS. M. M. YKABT. BprlDffteld. Oreeo County, Uo. .Siihl by Kichsrdsou & Furris, Wholesale and Retail Agts ,' Grronsbi ro, U AUn Hurwell & Dunn; O F &. Y'iV. R R CompaDy coMJKjfsnrrstTir I S 1 t-'I'IXT tK'E BKK 3, No.?. DaMy Kxre 2umt:ir. , 7 Ml ll ra ......mis ......lo-.iT " Iii:ui ......II " 1 11 1. m 2 1.1 ...... ir.it 3 i " ...... i :n " ...... 4.l ' ...... sni " ... . es No. I. D.B'v Kerapl SiiimI-'V. !.M n m N"KTU IIOfXD. i.' Y 'n ttjrtnn )... Mill- - ' :iM-...vHtc - f -'I' I'-JHT'lCViHo .IHIH-IWMI. . I., s.in r.l. l.v riiuiax ? t:,i-ril'liito l.v :r-4'n Imrit I V Kf.tl.c l:tU' . W I'mil Cove.... .... l.v Walnut 'VP. ............. l.v i.rrsl itiill..- ArSll. .Wj..... ; SOI Til IIl'St. l.v "lt. Alrv ......... .......... l.v Umal Mall...... , r Wn'ti nt t'ove. ............ . l.v ll'nWiut i'oe l.v Kmkc-dale ,vr i:n-n uui. ...... ......... l.v IriH'ii-ttor l.v -,;m i..: l.v Su'1-..i.l..;.. Ar 1--iM'tlcvi'lo .1 ll in-1 on..... .r ! :iv.-i:m site. l.v I'.iv. iipviHe , Ar V iilaii'jliii... . , SOUTH COI.'SD. t.V t'rnorlNvil'.', ............. l.v V ,i.ni l.v l.v ! v-i'ici... l.v M l'- , lr l'..ct:iv'Hc Sot'TIt I'.rtCSU. I..- Fvi'i'i V He..... I.V I ' V iu... l.v I..J Sprigs. !:, Mi or. Ar lir::np I ..mI.o. X 'ItTIl BOttNIK I., ltii'cnr.... ...... II OS ......11 3S 1112 ...... I'. ol p in .....l-ff i ;r 3 ! ....... 4ii ....... 4 .M ...... 1 11 . t a- No. 1. Iw'iv l-:-.i-pi numi-iv. ...... ! : a in , a 17 ll I i !M No 3. lai- Kvrepl biMMiav. 4 ' f ni n i.i c nt ; c 17 , soo No. 111. lia 'v K-.rept MJi.ll.IV. ...... tiWii m I.r I I in i , sin Ii t(l ......II AO , .IIV) No. 1.1. I)'lv Km- , Hiiiiilav. ....... p Ar Cn.. .i. I.i lin-i-i' imro I.- Vm'.i 'a'o..., Ar .V.i ' .ii S'lfTIl tUUXU. l.v Mait'ioi.. I.. S'uL -.I.i Ar Cwii'.Iiiitm.w...., .o lirrfil .l.oio I... riMi.-iv.... Ar Haul fur.. . , Execution Sale. l!v virtue f sundry pjtoptitions In my bards Isw-V by the C'Wk - of SupcrhT (viinl ! I. mil. m ! tu ; mid returnable to Miw 'crier I nf sni lcmirt III favnrof IS. I'. W fmi .iit. uvo i.t ll'ni. K. Worth au I t!:"'S.au. a-i:list tirecnslxiro L'oul aud Miiiiimr.'! iKtnv. f ! t'ie sunn alt'Wther aiuiiiiuil I; I , two thi'iuuud live hundrvd '. i i$ tut'ii (! llnnt and thirty three cents, (S.oi ,:;:!,) a td th i fiirthor sum nf cms cost a' d n.Rriist : 1 will sell by vir- 1 1 ii- -f 1 1 Neciitiniis at cmii-t ftuiise ducrln tiiwi, 1 1 Pu'ilmry, to the Idt-tiest bidder for :-, ni. -U..II.UI tlie ziim ot ui-t. im4, at Ii i'cl:.l- hi. thtf dluwiiig descrlhod prop i rty to wit : .Ml th luiwiral int. rest In a tract nf land on OI ' l'ld en- k adjoining ibn lands of Mrs. Vali'i'tine. the I oinaexter piopeny andntliers d'HUlniiig l-J" acres inure nr lusa ; ulsoa lot i f tj.lK, railioad iron and mliiiii'' ini lini'-nts of varimis I'imIs lie- Ikiiiii' t .mid (ireenslwio cod and mining cniiiptny : and imw in inu town 01 nainui Cove V U. . Thk September 21st, 1804. . .1. II. FULTON, gheiitf of Sokes count. V . TIIENORTU CAROLINA COLLEGE OP AGRI CULTURE AND MECHANIC .: i ARTS- OFFERS THREE TECUX1CJIL COURSES.- . Tkt Course im AgnatHurt ; Tkt Court tu tcieact ; lit C our Me inMeckanicai and Cstni - Enirin trig. Each ennrse Is bmail and tbnronab, and Um institution ia now equlppod Sir excel- Jent work. Expenses vers awilerate. Session tipeiis Si-ptcniber fltlu For Uatialogmv, address. AT.TO.tt. SOLLADiT. . Prat.. Ealelli. XT. Q and Old Sores Hi jtt'JI f (Ll-1" anniuaney i roup.es -g Prtektr . Po 'f ssd Peeu' ' lam. tks (MM btei4 ariW esk i ana. aasnmaw, O.. iW tflett, , Tawne. IMrrUJtM Baos. , SaraettsSV Oa. i DBAS sine 1 bMUjrbc a. bottle eff 1 Tuar I. P. P. at Hot Bprmsv .Ar(.,ana , It haa dons me more rood thaa three) DioDthi' tre.-rznentat the Hoi Saauss. ' Dead tbree hottlra O. O. D. slJttrd)ka sVrowa Ooisi, o, ' Capt. J. D. JLkXmi JV mil tfAow U mmf encrn! f ker ' by testify to ibe wonderful properUee , of P. P. P. for mptloiu of tbe fcln. I affered for sereral years with aa na- ' in-hrlv itrf dimSarisuhla arDDtloD oa . i 9 tni Iu Tain. until P. ,m DOW esUrely ci air faxes. I tried erssry knowa reme cured. JOHHBTOir, juvauaaa. Oa. klsi Caaesr CarseV nttmntJnm a Iferer tfSil,Tts. Shqthw, Tar. , January 14, ISO., sasas. LirPMAM Baoe., SevaBnah. Oa. t w..iicfa 1 faBTe tried roar P. V. p. tur a diea of the akin, nasally .a al-ln Miioar.rf thlrtr Tetira and feel ooanfieut ItaateatAarcowa , will enem a vure, 11 in -uo ro.ie mm me from ladfwetloa aa4 anomaoa troab.ee. Tooiatroiy, . , CJUPT. w. V. RTTJT, attoroey at Lew. M n Diseases tM fmi. ' ALL SRUOOISTI SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. ' PBOPBIETOBS, Upraaatt'saUvekdHtVBaiBUila,.) ' Charlotte. N. C GEI8EII TliUESIlEH POWERS, and EBigincB. Biclifunl Hutr man's 'Fannors' Favorite Grain Drills. None better, few, if any, as good. M e C ru i e k M owers ami I ea ie rs. Hay IaAe. Cutaway Harrows. Oliver Chilled' Plows and many others. 'Ye Olden Times eoo Stoves. We. have sold great . numbers. Belting, Oils,-' Var nishes, &c.. &c.' 4P. C P " Paints (Slier ma n-Williams Co.'s, more -sold than any other on this marAret.)- Hardware for Ev erybody dou't -forget it. Also, KcntucKy Cane Mills and! . Evaporators, DROWn.ROCERS&CO, m.Nsrosi, k. c. JAPANESE CURB A Wew and Cknplst Treatsnul, eeaaeatlni et. UPPOHlTilltlEH, Ceenles ot 31ntaiiBt aad to Bum or Otnnnes. A llover-ULIne Cere tor Vlloe -of every snlmra eaj drrce. Iteoakee aa opwatliea. vita the knife or lnleoUoei. of eartootto sclrt, vklca. are painful and eebken s peraiSBssa enr, snd ertea- tenoiunt m aeaia, naDrosaaarT. Why ewMture Wh SMUM box to aura an m ws swnatM.i banaAai raoMTd. 91 a box. fhr ftaa hj muO. jo our p1 ax- CONSTIPATION S..ffS 0erretLrVi;neaS8TlliCiI RauUlTOB VLOOOI pnuismu. Bmeil. BlM end -' v- lie. mytcd-t eUa4lta4 lot cUuinn'aasav etliMik Btlliuma sasaeil saty by Sold and Guarantee Issued Onlyyq, Riehardsna A Karri n, VhiIeaale and Retail Droggwts, Greens-, boie, N. C. . Iloedlnaa mnHl . ! j . ft t. pt'-v-r 'iirvalaiU S efWatldlle,