VOLUME XXV. tutt Mtft Wixxetpa- ST. O. Mia. 8. J. Hardy lias removed from Oor Old Town and Kotinh Sta., to Main Street, where slie offers to the traveling public al! the accommodations found at a first class tioardiiig house. Kooms large, welt furnished, and lighted through large windows, es|ieclally suited for salesmen to show their wares. Tahle furnished with the best the market a (lords. .Save money by stopping, when In trill ion, at the Hardy House. Mortgage Sale. By rh*M«» of tho pow«r contained In b | tnort#»ui* iUmml fxct iiUitl to me on tin* 25th dav of K jhrimry. by Squire Venabl«' and wifrt, (V. Venable, and recorl«»l in Ho«*k *»7, pu?»* .it 7 of tho reo»rd of mort gages of SLoke« f.'otmty, I will ttell for cash, oil i lie premhea, on the 19 HI DAY OF NOVEMBER 1807, at 1 o'clock,p. m.. the following described lt»al estate to wit : of Meadow, in F. Al. heiinbk'a limit, runs South 39 chains and >7 IIIIKS to a whin* oak; theuw tfrmt 25 «*hiins and HI links to a small black yiun, (Al«*x Venatdc's ( South-West corut'i ); thenct* Nortti |«i *-2 W*'Sl with said WitabJe's line, 1H chains Slid (14 links to a slake; theme Knl 7 chains and Ho l ini nto a stone in Volun teer road: tnenw North meandering with tin* said toad :14 chains to a stake; tl cnce West 2 1-4 thai ns to a stake; the nee .South G chains to a white oak; tlience We>t IN chains and 7>l linifs u> llie con taining 114 ;> 4 ac es more or lesf. To satisfy a bond ofs. r »'H).ot>aml interest, secured by the said tnorttfme de •»! This 12 day of Oct«.lter l^'.*7s W.J. HOYLES, Assignee of 8. 11. Ve lable, Moitcige. Land SALE! ltuving obtained an order and rie-iee fVoni N. ). t'eiiee, t;|erk of llie Su|».rior Court ol Moke.- county, for that pnr|Hisn in a picKwdlnis wherein J. 11. I'la'her, execu tor of W. A. Ksles, ami others .ire |iiaiiilills, uml (.'lial r e W. Estes Is del' ndaii', I will sell U> tlie highest bidder for i-a-sli al t'.ie comt lioiisc (Kor in die town of Daiihui), X. C., on Itlondßy, December ttth. W9T, tbe followliiK real estate Ih;loii7lii; to the estate of my tes'a'or, VV. A. Estos. all of said real estate iy int: and tieiii!! in the © unty of Stokes. N. C. First tia I—On the waters nf Dan river, one and one hah nrle' "rom Daub try. on tlie mod leading from Hei latter plin Buck Island ford on I'an river ami Krao. ciseo, containing one huinli-ed and flve acres, more or less. For a nice I'ett nate doscripj ion >ei. deed from I 'lea-ant TUley and wife to W. A. Ksies, on record In liOjiister's office of .St-.Jt«a county ill Itook JB, pay* Heeond tract—B-in:; two tots lu the town of Danbury kuowu as llie I,ash and Mo..re bouse au.l store lo's, belli'* lots N>s II and 7 (less 2(1 b> ltd feet sold off 01 one of s ild lots to A. M. Mack.) For location of lots see plot ol town iu Krister's offl •, Si iAvs county. Tliiril trart-B"ing lot In Danbury ai*- joiuliu the I'resbyterl in rtiuKh, lot ■> i the west side. For more certainty of descrip- Uou see deed on record iu ollico 4>f .Stokes con nty from .S. H. Taylor and wife to W. A. Esles, in ii k>k liß, page i. 'iiiis Octob-r jStli, IKU7. J. 11. PKATHEK, Ex. id W. A. Eslei. Before Niibsrilblug for a Magazine SEE TIIE BEST, jjemorest'j AN UNPARALLELED OFFER Deuiorest's Cut Ptpnr Patterns arc the most practical on the market. They are of any size that any member of a house hold could require. In each copv of the Magazine is printed a coupon entitling the subscriber, or purchaser, to a pattern (worth and regularly sold for 35c.), or any lumber of patterns for four cents each to cover package and postage. When the Value of the patterns is considered tin subscriber at ually gets DK IfOItEST'S MAGAZINE FREE And what a Magazine It isl Kor 1807 it will be more brilliant than ever before. •New management, new methods, new lileas Each copy contains an exquisite reproduc tion in colors of some celebrated picture liy a fltmous artist, worthy to adorn the wall ot' the most retined home. It la affirmed that DEMOREST'S ia the only complete Family Magazine published com bining all of the most excellent points of lis conteporarles, besides having Inlmstlble features of its own. DEMOKEST'S is atualiy'a Dozen Magazines I • one. It Is a Digest of Current Events and Ideas for the busy man or woman, a Ke View and A Store-house of Interest for all. Wives, mothers, sisters and daughters can Hud exactlv what they nued to amuse and Instruct them, also pract.cal helps in ever) department of domestic and social life Including the foruiahing and ornamenting of the home, embroidery, brl'va brac, urtl atlc and fancy work ot all kinds, etc., and suggestions and advice regcrding the well-belug and dressing of their own per sons. The scope of the articles for IMW and 1807 will cover the whole country and its varied interests, and Hie articles will be -iy nutrated with .lie finest engrav jflvi 1 in addition, will publish the best ami purost fiction. H trevts at length Ont-of-Door Sports, Home Amusements and Entertainments: It gives a great deal of attention to tlie Children's Department, and "Our Uirla," and has a Monthly Symposium by Celebrated l'eaple, lu which are discussed important quest loni of the hour ot Interest to the old readers fjcl us have your subscription at once. You get moit value for your mouey than It Is possible to secure In any otlier maga zine. The Nagaiiaeone year 94.00. Or six luoatbs far I DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO.. iIQ Fifth Amu, New Tork. THE DANBIIRr REPORTER. I'ROFESSIOML CJRDS. A. M. STACK, Attorney-at-Law, Dnnbury, - - N. O. OFFICE NORTH COURT HOUSE. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at-Law. DANHL'RY, N. C. Prompt attei.tion to nil business en tiusted. l*iactice In al) Mate courts. W. V. M ('All.ic*«. W. L. MCCajilkm. McOanless & McCanlecS, PRACTICING PHYSICIANS. Danbury, N. C. Also keep firs' oU.-s drug-store. I ileal in all kin ls of mar ble and granite monuments nr.d headstones, and keep eon stantly on hnnd a largo stoek to select from. I guarantee all my work first class and my prices are as low as those that advertise to be lower than anyone else. Cull on or write to me for prices. J. H. NEESE, GRLEMftDORO. - - «• C .•■WINTER MILLINERY -- AT ' MRS. L- K- STANTON'S' 209 MAIN ST-, WINSTON. • • • N C Mrs. Stanton now has in stotk a fina assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods which she will sell at very low prices. Look for yourself and you will buy. GEORGE STEWART. Dealer in tin ware, lin roofing, s/ov> pipe, stoves, etc., A LARGE STOCK OJS JIAXD- If your still has beeu cut by revenu officers, no differtuoe h«w badly, I «rill put still and worm in shape that they will do aa good work as ever. Come and set me, East side of Main Street Winston, N, C, VEGETABLE Plants. Tomato, Cabbage. Celery, and Other Eariy Vege table Plants. Sweet Pota toe Slips. FLOWEUS. Hortos, Geraninnms. Alys ziun Cstev Chrysanthe muiqs, and 50 other Varities- BUI.BS. Tuberose, Caladiiiiuus, (iladiolius, and others Flowering Kulba. SKEDS OF ALL KINDS, i Come and see us or write us for prioei | naming your wauts to ! GREENSBORO ; SEED & PLAN TOO. HOE- Market St. 1 GREENSBORO. N. C - ' \ NOCVRE-NO »>*¥- '* 7'liat Is the way all druggists set *• GHOVK'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIt for Chills aiiit Malaria. It Is sitnpljr iroi anil lu a tasteless lorui. Child n n love It. Adults prefer It to bltte ■muscatlog touica. l'rlea, 50c. DANBUIIY, N. C„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 189 T. TOJtIL F»K TAX KM. Mar* la Wlwl 11m Unl l.p(l»lnlar« lulMHtnl «• *to for Narlk enrol lun. Aliuost evrry one in this State has been pxeroiwd aDoul a now law regard ing taxes, passed by the In' legislature, where a delinquent is to be jailed Here it a can pic of the wsy it wmks in oilier Slater, just aa it w II work in North C»r..liu». It ia not overdrawn at all, lot is j'ist what waa intended lor the people of Nur«h I'lpilim. Ii is froui i hi- Philadelphia llccjrd, ai d ia aa follows : "Kiustol, I's , Out 2d —An old special law embraced in tbn charter of liristolborough baa been rsk d up by the lown •utboritie* and eufnTod by meatia of imprisonment to make de limp'Ut tmpajers settle their scores or hufler an indefinite term of impris onment in tbe oou'itv j.iil. Tie edi«t went forth from 0 'iinoila a few nights* iio ihat tbe law would be enforced, mil jesierduy a batch of tin' men who '.ml pusisteutly atood iff tho lax eol leetor were hustled in lie look-up. vVarrsnt" for the arte*! of 21 others aere i»aned by Huigies Joluisou. "All of (Lodo upon whom Chief nf I'olice Siijtnn l«'d bis li.n.ds wi re met. bavins; no property that 00-ild h«- legally allack«'t. Their tax only amounted to $1 50 em-h, levied on wlrit ia kimao as ' ooeupatioO," though some are «e' I in nnnipii"!. '•When tl.e Chief, who by the way is also tho tax collee'iir, had taken them in charge. 2 ' inoic was added to each prisoner's accounl for cosis. ••fi oi« of th" printers wto at first inclined lo look on their arrest b-i a bluff, but soon got over that idea, alien-h-wn tho «ay to rcll*. They were told nf a man who, some years ago, l.i y ill the I>OJ loali'Wii j tl f.r biue in'iiitbs boca no no would not or could not pa) hi* borough lux, ntid then only got out v iii'ii tlie m int y wis produced. "\Vitli tho prospect of beiujt "rai roaded" to cou >tv prison thus increas ed upou lho:n, tiioy lui^lor d Oi.cf Suxton lo aavo them Iro n su'll a 'ate. Thai i-fli.nal siar'ed out to find I heir fuimlies and t.'ieuds, who 111 tin end put up tbe I r fl i g tax d- uiand d to i-eunre all the |ri-on|V release. Several of llie di 111 quanta, l ow vrr. emaiiiad ill the louU-np until ueO. "«•" t Htw la a 4'navfiilliM lu lla,- cl*4. lialeigh special. The negro convention, cillod by Rev. 11. 11. W. Leak and others lo protest ugainst the white Republic in* nail Populists (.'etiing nil tllfl offices, wn.x lit Id in the oruri house to-nijeln About 300 were present mid there were lively scenes. C U. King was temporary chairman ; A. M. Moore, secretary I'lie report f the creicutinls commit the showed quite a long Ist of delc golil. Several of 'ho timid ones took their names Jsmes 11. Tonng «t»t in the reir nud ridio'tl'd the convention. Kdwird A. J h 'son, of Mulcigh, was permsnen' ch'iirman. T1 e report »f the commit teo on res | o!ntion« was rend by Ijesk. after ftmeh • quarreling. It embraced the call for till* meeting and provided that t 1 e name of the orjf»n : E«t|i>n be tho Jiin eoln Republican League ; the object, t secure to negro Repuhlicsn* j'ist recog ni'ion ; to have no «o|nr lino in mem bership ; to vote for no ni >n not • fiiend of tho negro ; to provide for county, town »nd township leagues and leaupues of Kepubliean women ; ooin mending the penitentiary director* for their rofu«al to obey Governor Russell's behest to leae tho penitentiary to out side parties ; pledging them not to vote for any man who will n it give a pledge for negro education. John H. Williamson, of Franklin, •pdte and raised > great clanvr. lie wm a*lled a traitor by Urint, Foster and Fletoher Lockhart. Hn termed them idiots, lie declared the negro I has more enemies in the Republican party in North Caro'ioa to-day than he has in the Demo-rat o party. Leik said'«the Republican party ia dead »> nr as North Carolina ia coucerned." Williamson said rune negroes present were infernal ncoundrela. At this , Lockhart straok him in the uj'utli. A lively fight followed. Williamson knock * ed Lookbart down with a oluir, He was finally removed. Then the reso lotions were adoped. I IMEIIVOUS t'roubles arc due fa] I. impoverished blood. Hood'a Bar r aapsrilla is tl>> One True Blood Purifier and NERVE TONIC Horrible to lUltHflsU. I".. City l£-iiiiouiist. Tho Demo-raUi of North Carolina inu'i be made to realite thai if tbey ln«e the Siste a*\in n. *» and the 1 R pntilieans oarry tbe eountry aesin |in Itt'Nl, there will b«* ten negro office holder* in this State where there i« one now. The nrgroes of North Caro lioa ca«t about three.fo'ir*bs of tbe Ka put.licaii »ote of the State, and what ever they may bs»e done heretofore, ihey are now beiiiniiing to properly esiimait their power, slid, with oon. tiuued Kepuhlioan succesa, will mske demands of their white lesder* lo which llie laticr will be compelled to yuld. Wilmington Star. 'l'lltu eI. a woild of vtadom in the ab ive scntiblo words from the Star i'l.ey arc start ling in their siiioifioauue. Tliu llepiihlicau P'fy '• s..|»iui» lie "negro probl.' u" in all its c luplui* I nous with a 1 upid I*y I'iat if a|'palliuif. | if Ihe aft'iio |..jo|»'■» of Nor 'i Ctr> lio • I do n"t sri-a lilre the titruie 1111 in h'- I un-li .ro uiigl.i in the n«-tl Siate i-leit. ! tinu iheru will be no longer a negro problem to solv, the nigroes will bo iu the iisuend.ioey in N irth Oirs'.Di, •nd the while min will be tiie n'uier , |.>« in tlm problem, slid there will Ii" negroes iu »nei»l life, negme* in jndi c ill life, negroes in educaiinnil lite and in material life 111 North Csrolina. r or ibu orgrnes constitute tim grout bulk ■it the |ti'pub|iiM|i p'ir'y, S' d if I'M- Itepiil li.-atH eniitiunf iu power, llien white Fupri iuiov iu .\ortb Caiolin will be a iliin e ' of the psst, und negro s'lp-eiu'icy will h. at existing fie', and barbarism will be upon >s. 'I his is ht.riibl. 1., mil emplate but it is o t wort while to shut our ejoi to tl.e ''hiding f*v. All the startling plia t.>ui fse.s us. In llie coun'y of I'liKq i ilauk h tho last (fene-sl election lending It - puliliuaiis urg.ll llie j Isnilii of 11 »rui!» .111 thee unit, hoards of rdu'ition. and 11 was done in smiu eas-.s |i wis th 1 teriiiat wodje. It is ilie liist step iliat 00' lots. N w is our luui o s ilv.ition. K *ii:ucUy M.til ltsrj Ihh.l. Ve.wa-O'iser er. * T iere i« rejr'.t »nion Djino ra's i»v« yw'.or.- »t the def.-»i. ot Mr. Oir I.an. He has rendered his pnrfy and is o iiiutry servioe thai entitles him to I'rutitode. Il has ia t of a hit; 1 , order -tint lanl llist is e*"«o'ial to leadership. He has henn iruo to b i,! party's action sin-e ha first entered politics, unit in IbiHi aben those who hud b'-en honored by the party were 'leHeriinjf. tie stood true, though oon jgiiius 11n*I hist Sidle vfus not likely to ,'iidorsi» t > t'hiioigii platform. lu I lie lute campaign lu Mirjland tins Pi-iii >onits ad ileil a pVitf.irm »liioh •»»» termed n • strad«lle " It oon liiineii uo r iilßriimiuu ui t.u Uuicayj l>U'fiiiin itud Its d'ola'ation for h'nietil lirtiu fir fiom satiftiolory to tlie tree silver Di'moori's of the country. It wk b. lievod that a dcoUrati in in f-vorofbi metallism and ■ prrdinti u Ihv it wool.l com# waft saflioieot, m l that it tlie I'latform stopped there t'ie | toll Democrats would b-Ip redeem ib« | Stum. lu this noli.in, bouuaily uu. iortain-d. Mr (ioruian aud tbs Dem. Dir,iiio . party were mist The sold Pamocrats of Marj land, led by the Hilliuiore Sun, are Republicans on the money question and would accept nothing but an outright repudiation of the Chicago platform,' As the Mary, land Domooraoy would not that fttulti fy itself, iho goldite* determined to keep the State in tbe Kepoblioao ooluiun. They have now taken np their abode in the Republican camp, aud will remain there permanently if iboy wait to be invited back home on the oondition that the party wilt re turn to the advocacy of tbe gold stand ard The Ke tacky Democrats were j wiser than their brethren in Maryland. They reaffirmed the doctrines of tbe Chioago platform and fought the osmpaign upon the same issue as in 18915. I'bey gave no quarter to Carlisle, Watterann and tbe rest of the Paluiorites, telling them that they would be welcomed back into tbe party when tbey were ready to follow tbe Majority. Tbe boltera elected to stand op and be counted where tbey did not go over to tbe Republicans. Tbey were utteily ronted and have thrown up the sponge. Tbe wiadoot of tbe aetion in Ren. ~ tucky is denwostrated. Tbe hope of tbs ° Democracy lies in ataoding true te J everywhere just as tbe party did in (hit State. ■IFKK'N A MCH i'ANK I It Tatar* Uln of Ihi FlnM to RUM * U.xlleiil CoiajMtCM. Ksleigh, N. C., Oct., 27 —There was a queer oaso before the Supremo 1 Court recently. It was that of the I Sta'e no rotation of Harry Kpps, and ' flarry Kpps n. Wm. H. Smith, from Vance. This was a civil action tried before Jud e and a jury at Miy term I The plaintiff introduced the sworn statement of election expenditures, $127 iu amount, filed by Smith. It included the following items : To Chas. beoaune he asked uie for it $ 50 To )ilea Weir, two gallon* of whiikey, (to bo used as be saw proper) 8 80 To Lnvelioe Young, one gallon of whiikey, (to be utied as be thouitht beet) 1.90 'J' i Jim Gill whiskey to be used as he wished 1.00 To whiskey furnished another par. 1 ty, wliosi uame 1 have forgotten 2.20 !'•■ six gallons whitkey, used by rovnelf and friends, and any other person whu happened tu be pr- tot 9.00 Toons gallon whiskey furnished K. M. Towties, to be used as he pleased 1.75 To lulf-ghllon whiskey furnished Daniel HuHook, to be used as be 1 00 T • ••Hi* i| irt. Ocftgn lliit>hr>s 60 P« t«o "nll'ins whiskey u»td by myself aud It Muds and all others that might be preseut at i\r time 3 20 To one gsHou furnished J. A. virevuAitj, tj iic used as ho ir-t 'l 1 60 T.i one wallop Henry Turner, to be i.sid da iiu liked 1.60 "i tie yiiloti 'V. II Heayis, to bo n**d s« h" liked 1.60 I'o one gallon Aiiii'«w Wit kins 1.60 Smith (urtlie.- s r >re : "The par ties -i i nod th.ve are all Republicans, sn I were working for the straight He. pu l;u»n ticket I mi iuforuicd, ex eept Mt. Weir and Green*** (and per'iaps one inor-), and Joe und Phil Hunt, t treated slid drank with men of all pa-ties h-f ro aud during and •ineo the oatmcaign, bat not with a »«w of lutluoiioiui; their voles, nir in aid of tnv election ; w >u! I have done so if I nad .iot been a candidalu." I'nuuOrrrlu Belt *r rimn I'iielo Nnin'it a mm Fjr. St. Loul bUnalc'i. Counterfeit silver d Hum of greater weight and fineness than those turned oat fin n (Inula Sam's mints are the latest in the onniaoker's art, and St. fjouis U the first city to aufTir froui them. Kur the last week St. Louis hi ik toilers Irtve l»>en aooepting the counterfeits in question without hesita tin ti. It was only when they reaohed the St. Ij 'Ui* sub-Treasury that tbeir spurious ch'iraoter was detected. United States Treasurer Small sent •me to the mint for assay. He received i reply in which the statoment was uiade that there was no doubt that th re «i> more pure silver in the o lunierfnit than in a genuine ooin and that its liueuea* exceeded that of the genuine. According to Col. Small, the ooin weighs 13k grains m ire than the gen uine. Its finoss is 91 por ceut., while that of a genuine is but 9J per cent. J. rtlsj to luMlor Hunt. A-heville Citizen, 3d. A few weeks ago J. Wiley Shook sent the fallowing telegraui to Seua. tor Marcus A. Hanna : "I congratulate you that the Pres ident, as announosd, baa the courage to speak for yott in yonr campaign. I, however, regret the apparent orisis that demands this effort in your be , half. Bay to him, wh«o he appears In. , Cincinnati, to make this speeoh : i All executive orders regarding civil servioe issued by President Cleveland , in hi* second term are from this date , rev iked, and all olouds upon your sue f oess will immediately roll by." This morning Mr. 3h>uk sent this r telegram to Senator Hantia. e ">«y instruction not having been ,} onrried out, please aejept tuv ooudo. t lenoe." y What the Senator said when be re. D oeived this can be only oonjectnred, and perhaps oould not be printed i . it were known. Ie 1 ■ [0 T ME ONLY True Blood Purifiei I prominently in the public eye to ' day is Hood's Saraaparilla. Tberefon get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. A. J. FAIR, I. 11. NELSON, S. WILL lURRSON. Farmers' Warehouse, WALNUT COVE, - - N. C. Come for nil th' are n->w ready. IHtli plentv of buyers, plenty of money, and several good orders from a distance, we feel safe in saying that we can net you as much for your tobacco on this market as yon can get on any market. We ask yon lo try us with vome of your tobacco, anil lie convinced. Our buyers handle all erailes. Every pile shall have our |>ersonal attention. tT"Hnle Every Day n.t lO O'clock, YOUR FRIENDS, WALNUT COVE WAREHOUSE CO. SLATES MILL MEADOWS, - - - N. C. If in nee J of LUMBER of aiij kind, Rough or Dressed, come and sec me before you buy elsewhere. lam located in a good Tlin'ier Section and can furnish you Lumber at reasonable prices. Will till your orders for FLO RING, CEILING, FRAMING, SfC. On short notice. Can also furnish Doors, Bunds, Sash, Mantels, Brackets. Maniels Shingles- Molding. Steel or Cement 1100/lng, #c., on short notice. I also do general Shop Work. Coffin's made to order. Come and sec me, I will do you right and price to you low down. Your friend, F. A. SLATE, .... €• —OVEII— -20 Years OLD. I The old and reliable THOMPSON DRUG STORE carries a full line ot Drugs, Pat ent Medi cines. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Seed s, Trusses, Braces Perfumcs&c Mail Orders promptly attended to. Ca and see us. Wii\stOi\, Tetter, Salt-Rheum nnd Rczema. The intense Itching aiidamartiiir, Inci (lenttothesediseaaes, inlnstaritly allayed, by applying Chamberlain's Eye and BWn Ointment. Many very bail cases have been permanently enri dby It It Is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remMy for sore nipple* chapped haml* ehllbhiHta, frort bites r and chronic s*« eyes. SJrcts. per bo*. Rr. Csdy'i GoudlUen Perdrr*, jast what a horse needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifnge. They ai-e not food bnt " | medicln" and the beet In nse to put a • J horse In prime condition. Price 25 •nts per NO. 37 ARK YOU UP TO DATE ' If you are not thr NEWS k OBSER. VER in. Subscribe for it at onoa and it will keep you abreait of the times. Pull Assooiated Press Dixpatohes. All tba Dews— foreign, national, stats and looal all tbe time. Daily NEWS & OBSERVER $7 par year, $3 50 ais months. Weekly NORTU CAROLINIAN $1 per year, 500 aiz months. Address, NKWS & OBSERVER, Raleigh N. 0. Wanted An Idea Wfc^DE I KnI'US*A iSfiSmSS^^sSJfi EST^

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