The Danbury Reporter. VOLUME XXXII. THE EVIL OF STRONG DRINK. "At Last It Biteth Like a Serpent and Stingeth Like an Adder." Campbell, Feb. 19. k Mr. Editor: It 9eamß that ie drink and Vtlance subject is likely to continue Son in the columns of the Reporter. Weft* lam not hollering now be- Bloauae lam hit, but wa it to make 4 ja few remark# in regard to the r subject of strong drink, the great evil that is sweeping over this land b from sea to Bea and is depriving I. wivjs of their husbands, mothers of their sons, and on and on it ' is raging, this great deceiver that I makes a weak man feel strong and in the course of time makes the strong man weak. No wonder the old prophet spoke out and said "for at last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an addar." This great deceiver that makes a poor man feel rich and fetches the rioh man to poverty. Its evils never have been unfolded. The wise man Solomon aays ' Look not up on the wine when it is red, when it giveth its color in the cup and " moveth itself aright, for at last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder." It is a • great stumbling stone in this world, though the Lord tries the hearts and reigns of his people. There is no doubt but what it was put here for a good puri>oae, but how many use it in that way. The Lord says, be sober minded and to be temperate in all things. He was warning us against these things. He knew we would oorae in con tact with them. How often do we Hie mmr. sick and suffering men and Women almost at death's door, when brandy or whiskey is the last tmotl, and even the devil said, "yes, a man will give ; all that he hath for his life.'' We can go back to the days of the prophets and see where trouble followed strong drink just HS it 4ofta at the present age. On one occasion King David had sent to i [* Naberl for some kind act he j wished him to perform, and Na- 1 berl was drunk when he received the message and sent King David a rough answer back, on which David ordered his men to get ready to go with him and they , were on Jheir way to Naberl a home to take his life, and when Naberl's wife heard they were v comicg, she started at once to Fv m3et them and on she went until x she met them. A feri.l I she was to a King a*nd his ari;- v jted for her lius - -iw.TsTS life. She>stated the case to the King, and so great was her gpeech it melted the' King's strong heart and he sent her home to her . husband and he went his way home. How often do we see women truer than the men to the vowe they make before God when they are joined together aa man aud wife. Nine times out of ten the wife will stand by her husband and Jove, comfort and protect him to the end, while on the other hind the husband becomes care leas and unconcerned • and soon ' forgets many of the good promises he He" made. Oh, the trouble that strong drink has caused thia world. No wonder the proph et spoke out and said "Win# is a mocker and strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived there by ia not wiee." How often do we see good'middle-aged men who are moderate drinkers, who have made a good living in this world and yet keep indulging in strong drink until at last it "bitst'.i like a jgg gerpent and stingeth like tpi qd- j jer." There ara many nice young , BBen growing np in this country | who might hold good positions in I this life if they will turn their backs on strong drink, that great deceiver that has wrecked many young lives. The devil always offers his best first, and then it gets worse and worst. Now, I want the readers of the Reporter not to think the writer is measuring others' corn by his basket. The writer never has wallowed in the water and mud under the influence of strong drink. Well, I hope S. S. T., Kitty, Faith and Bachey will come again, I love to hear from them, and hope William has repented by this time sitting in sackcloth and ashes, and surely Mr. W. B. will never be heard from any more. With good wishes to all. BACHELOR NO. 2. SPRAY. Spray, March 1. Mr, Editor: As I have not seen a letter from this place in sometime, I thought I would write one. Spray is located on the west side of Smith River about one mile, north of where it enters into the Dan River. Spray is a hustling little place, with about 5,000 in habitants, the work here is all cotton and wool manufacturing. There is seven cotton mills and two woolen mills, all running on full time except the Rhode Island mill which is not quite complete, but will be ready for running soon, We have four churches in Spray, with regular services every Sun day and another one being built which will soon be completed. We have a mail train here three times every day, and also one horseback mail route daily. The writer is informed that Mr. Sanford Paterson will take charge of the postoffice at Spray about April Ist, and that Mr. J. D. Mar tin, the present postmaster, will take charge of the Leaksville post, office at that time. Dr. J. W, Slate, of Capella, and Dr. A. F. Tuttle, of Mizpah, are l )cated with us now, and are doing a very good business, The writer wishes them success, Mr. J. W. Kurfees, of German - ton, was in town recently on busi ness. Come again, John, we were glad to see you. Mr. Ed Cromer, of Mizpah, and Mr. W. C. Southern, of Pink, have obtained positions in the Nantuck et cotton mill at a very reasonable price. We hope the Stokes coun ty boys will do well. Mr. Frank Crews is wearing a broad smile today. He went with his best girl to church last night. Mr. Ed Cromer says that Miss Emma is the.prettiest girl in town. Mr. Neal, an employer of the Hall Furniture Co., says he would bo glad if that fellow that took his overshoes out of the store would bring them back. I will close with best wishes to the Reporter and its patrons. NEW SUBSCRIBER. Mr. Hardin Covington, of Mead; ows, spent a few hours in town Saturday. Mr. Jlf. A. Slate, of Capella, spent Wednesday night in town. He was looking after the Slate telephone lina. Mr. Isaac Bibey and family, who have been residing here for more than two years, moved Saturday to the farm of Mr. Thomas East, near Walnut Cove. Mr. L- Davis, who has beeq teaching near Prestonville, was in town Saturday. STOKES AND CAROLINA. DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1901 | THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK. Another Contribution From Rev. J. T. Ratledge, Pres. Of Stokes County S. S. Association. Mr. Editor: I wish to speak to the people of Stokes again this week through I the Reporter 'phone, upon that , subject which lies very close to my ; heart—the Sunday School work. My whole aim is to do good 1 while among you all, and I am convinced that a well conducted Sunday School is a blessing to any community—hence my inter est in this work, To scripture for an instant. In 2 Tim., 3:15, we find this from the | pen of St. Paul's amanuensis : "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which ia in Christ Jesus." Timothy's instruction in the scriptures was no doubt the work of hia mother Eunice and grand mother Lois, who were said to have baen women of faith, 2 Tim., 1:5. So we have here the noble • example of good women teaching a little child the holy scriptures; of which, wise St. Paul speaks with manifest approval. Then if the good and the wise pursuethis course in regard to their children, would it not be safe and right for all parents to do likewise'{ This example, then, of Eunice and Lois and the words of St. Paul clearly condemn the course of that mother who permits her chil dren to sow their "wild oats" in early life and ohoose for them selves Ih later life. Timothy in early manhood be came great Paul's right-hand helper in the gospel work. How much of this could be set down to the account of this mother and grandmother? The Christian world may truly thank God that while Timothy's father was a Geek, and perhaps heathen, his mother, backed by her mother, had faith in the true God to the extent that she instilled His holy truth into the mind and heart of her little son. Then, fathers and mothers, in the light of this powerful example can it be a mistake for you to encourage the instruction of your children to the holy scripture? What about your little Timothy? Can Paul and heaven commend you for the course you are pursu ing in regard to him? • This knowledge is said to make Timothy "wise unto salvation." Then as it instructs one "unto salvation," it is a knowledge that is very much to be desired. The wise and safe plan, therefore, is to lay clearly and forcibly before the tender minds of the young the saving truths of the gospel. To assist in doing this is the work of the Sunday School. Many of us today can testify to the benefits derived from this source of instruction. In view of these facts then and many others not mentioned here the Sunday School must be a blessing; and if so it will h3 a blessing to your children If you will encourage them to attend it. Then let no parent in Stokes county or any other county oppose by word, act or indifference this noble work of God. All honor to those Sunday Schools that have kept up during the cold rough winter. I under stand that some have not missed a single Sunday. You are an orna ment {o oause. Such determined work will hjy*%r^T"!~ May all our hearts activity in thiß work w "fH SWINGIN' LIM. Stokes County, ** N. C. Mr. Editer I didn't thot that when I sent my tation that it ud cdfe a contraversy. but Mr. Ed iter 111 have to ax a little more spasa in yo sheat. tur have a chat with friend an Bachey. kos tha is good chillon. specks if thad pull off tha Jackets youd see little wings under tha arms now friend said that if Ids read three verses of scripture Ide go to heven if I lived, this ole worl ben stanin a long time an I never heard of but too gwine that way. now I reads the Bible an I bleve ever word in it. an I hope friend dos to. now I want to ax friend a few questions do you hate your Mammy and papa Brothers an Sistera wife and children an so forth ? Lisen at Luke 14 an 26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple, 111 let three flitter cakes that friend says that that verse dont mean what it says, But lam afraid yuse are left out in the cole, goodby ole boy. Kose Ise got to talk to Bachey some. Bachey Ise offul sorry that yuse didnt come an joy yoself. if youd only come an flung yo arme roun that Rag gal. youd thot youse was on the sunie side of a house a cole da in March with a liitle angel poorin lasses down yo Back, now Bachey youse ought not to fling off on the inny. sent, for in the language of Sain Jones, our gals dont hug chaw to backer smoke segars or drink lick er. but tha do dance an take a little wine for the stomach kos the Bible says tha ken. Say we only ment the Rag gai. an I didnt thot since youse had pented an on yo wa to the temprate Zone, an sot yo self up as a mouth piece for God. that youse would tell fibs, no no them gals that come to Pun ken senter. wont frum Swingin Lim. kose it dont skribe um atall, now Bachey bein youse giv me sum vice I wants to giv yuse sum long as youse a goodun. cum out and an declar the whole counsil of God. Lisen to Luke 14 an 33 (So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that, he hath, he cannot be my disciple) until youse do that it is no use to holler the wolf is cumin the wolf is cum in. for peple wont bleve what youse say. tha only put yon down as a groun Slide Preacher, that jes picks sich pints as sutes youse. now Bachey cum yu no that the Bible dont say that it is rong to dance, say Bachey youse ax me what Ise gwine to tell st Peter at the gate. Ise gwine to say Brother Peter when 1 was down yonder in the worl I red in the goxl Book whar it sed train up a chile in the way it should go an it would not stray when ole. an when I was a chile mama use to whip me to see me daqcp an I danced, now Bachev did you ever reed bout a ole getleman named David that danced, an did youse Reed l§oth Psalms an 4 verse Jeremiah 31 an 13 an many others, if not start iu Gen an reed through to Rev it will do you good, an quit shootin off your lip till youse git yo fut on the Rock, say Ide like to no who Sal is. bein youse a Bachelor, you minds of the ole made that got i Ligon an she was dreswn her sun da skqle claw on the sin of fasion an sed^ffjt^lijpj'"" to war Brace jj ~V rings an al that it was she to IVnnw I dear Bachey take up the whole catalog of sin an I aint got a word |to say agin it. now I hope that I | didnt offend the gals, if they never ! took a han in a frolic what do tha |no bout it. when tha or any body | els gits on my tose 111 let um no that lin a little disfigerd but still in the ring, who raw for Bachel or Campbell, now to Punk ; en senter Bachey agin say ole boy King shoddy has got his Kingdom sot up in the worl. an I bleve hes got counterfit ever thing from preachers down, liein youse on yo way to the temprate Zone an a mouth piece for God. gouge that ! ole mote outen yo eye turn loose j this ole worl an cry aloud an spar ! not an giv my love to Sal an the ■ chilun an rite soon as posble if I not sooner From yo Chum WILLIAM P. S. youse sed tell Sook that you had yo Bar trap sot. an she sed tell youse that she had that ar Rag gal sot, an you culd bus that ar Rag gal too. for it was bout al youd ever git ter hug or Buss. Wm SLATE. Slate, March 3. As I havent heard anything from Slate, I will put in a few words. Seems that winter lias broke and the farmers are hustling around preparing for another crop. The school will close at Oak Grove March 18, and on Thurs day night before they will have a spelling, and also on Friday eve ning, nt the close of the school. Everybody is cordially invited. Mr. W, L. Smith's daughter has gone to Pinnacle Institute to finish her studies. Hezekiah Ashby, who was acci dentally shot by Thurman Ben nett, is getting about straight again. Miss Georgia Smith is looking quite sad these days. Think Mr. J. B. is going off to school. Cheer up Miss Georgia, lie will come back. We are glad to note that Mr. B. N. Smith and wife are getting along as well as can be expected for a fresh married couple. Look out for bad men, they find themselves locked out some times by playing cards. Hinith, MoGee & Co., have near ly completed their store, and I am confident that they will put in a nice lino of goods. Mr. C. O. Boyles says he has had the best order at school this winter than he has ever had since he has been teaching. Good news. MEAN SNAKE. Shooting Affray In Patrick. Danville. Va., March 3.—Meager details of the serious shooting of Mr. A. C. Powers, a prominent citizen of Patrick county, which occurred in that county on Satur day, were received in the city yesterday afternoon. The woun ded man was shot by a young man whose name is Boyd. Boyd escap ed and had not been apprehended up to yesterday. It appears that the wounded man and young Boyd were intereated in one way or another in a law case that was be ing tried before a Patrick county magistrate. During hia testimony Mr. Powers swore that he would not believe the evidence of Boyd under oath. This angered Boyd and he armed himself and after wards shot Powers. Mr. Powers received two balls in his thigh and the third in hia left arm. NUMBER fi j THE TRUE SPHERE OF WOMEN. 1 Discussion Of Female Suffrage Raited r By Our Wamedot Correspondent. Wamedot. Feb. 27. Mr. Editor : You all have been discussing the two questions, dancing and drinking, which I think are very important ones. . Yet there is an other which I think is fully as good, which is female suffrage. We have no sympathy whatever with any movement looking to the removal of woman from her proper 1 sphere, ancffre willing to go on record here and now with the pre diction that the time will not soon come—if ever—when North [ Carolina will join in this move ment. When the creator in His in finite wisdom made the world and when He had looked on man and was pleased with his work, He said, man should have a compan ion, that he should not be alone in the world. Then He created a woman, but not to drink whiskey, chew tobacco, vote, plow in the field or become politicians, but for a grander and nobler purpose. Hers is the sweetest mission that God gave to creation. He made her a very queen, the em bodiments of love, affection and tender sympathy. About her wai to cluster the brightest happineea of mankind—sweetheart, sister, wife, or mother. God created her to be loved and in turn to bestow the sweetest love on earth. In no manner did God ever indicate that woman—the fairest, sweetest and purest of all creation—should go on the stands, or become a leader of man. There is every reason to believe that His purpose was exactly opposite to this. Tra dition tenches the truth that men and women have different sphere. It was so when our Saviour was and so it will Vie. The very mo ment a woman leaves her true sphere she leaves her sweetest character. In the home circle around the fireside her power is omnipotent, there she may purify politics, but at the ballot box never. It has been truthfully said ■ that "the hand that rocks the crable rulei the world." At home women can exert a wonderful in fluence, but as a politician, mixing in politicial affairs, singing the praise of some politician, or try ing to turn the vote of some can didate, this is a sight that would put fo shame every advocate of female suffrage. But they tell us it will come to this. The very 1 idea must be provoking to our ' southern women. May God forbid that the time will ever come when our pure hearted southern women will clamor for the ballot box. Standing collars and cravats are masculine enough, heaven knows, but female suffrage would be the r greatest mistake the world ever p saw. t POLLY. 1 The council of state Tuesday granted to the directors of the State Normal and Industrial Col lege at Greensboro authority to borrow SBO,OOO with whioh to pro , oeedonce with the work of repair ing the dormitory, dining hall and I laundry that were destroyed by fire . on the morning of Feb. 21. This is in addition to the $23,768 that is already in hand as insurance on the property destroyed. This insur ance money has been paid by the companies that carried the insur ance into the State treasury and the State treasurer was instructed during the meeting of the council to turn over to the president and j directors of the college this in* surnnoe money.

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