jPjy Articles not alone beautiful, but useful and durable, j| "1847 ROGERS BROS." W ''Fork I Tariety of sizes and designs, handsomely | Spoon yd Ms Only 38 Cents Per Box Other Things Just as Low Harness sail dies, bridles, cooking and heating stoves, paints, oils, ete. Everything you can ex pect to find in a first elas* iE|»-10-Kate hardware es tablishmcnt. A. S. MITCHELL, WAI.MIT COVE, IV C. L ______ e ! »MON'S Diva Sf OIK. WINSTON SALEM. X. .Stokes |>eople will not find a butter or morn reliable place to purchase their D/JIJOS tlian at lliis r> li.tb e house. W.t, KINDS OF , TOILET ARTICLES KEPT AT A 1.1, TI.VKS. 1 also keep the l.irui st and finest line of Trusses in the .State and guarantee satisfaction in both quality ami pi ice. \ COME AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. E. W. O'HANLON. BINE & SHIPLEY, Wholesale and Retail iManu - , faeturcrs and Jobbers of H A B H ESS. We wish to call the attention of our friends and customers to pur large Mid excellent line of Harness, Saddles, Hridles, Collars. Halters, Line-. Lap Robes, Iloise Covers and Saddle Blankets, Whips, Harness Oils and Harness Dressing, Axle Oil, Axle Grease and all parts of Harness, in I'-.-'t everything in the harness line. We have made special eflbrts In ess ami saddlery and we can sell v.u. stylish and sub stantial goods as low its the lowest, Your patronage solicited. HIINE BHIPLBV, 444 Trade Street, Winston, N. C. Sign, Gray Horse. mAS TIMES WITH SANTA CLA U 8 Is Drawing Near. Never before have we I wen Inkier prt • spared than now with (Quantity, Quality and I'riees to assist Old Santa in selecting i for mother, lather,son or daughter, j (J mmlm bought of us are always nppreel* ! ated by anyone for I heir usefulness, b'auty and durability. Visit us when in the city. HUNTLEY-HILL STOCKTON CO. HOME OUTFITTERS, Winston-saleiii,N (J. f StJu CHS A R E'daNCER I Signals, Stop Them With | Or. KingF" I lew Discovery /CONSUMPTION „ . | ForLSS s '" d ; THE CUHE THAT'S SURE for all Disea ses of Throat and Lungs or Money Hack. I'KEE TRIAL. R. MARSHA, Winston, IN. C. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of men's, women's and children's dress go od s. Lad ies' hats tri inincd are i th c latest New York styles. NOTICE. .State of North Car. I in the .Superior Couit Stokes Coin tv. | Helnre tli«* Clerk. I lll*' in liter of ihe settlement of lll*' | estate of Oeo. It. rouse. !«»«•«|. Notice lo ii- ii r>sid«'n!>» Whereas a pr i-v m|| I:II « !>» • I intitule.l intha Nijviior ('• urt of .Stokes ( o nily. lie fore the Clerk, for a settlement, of the esta • of Cieorjje 11. i!roiiM», i| »cd : ami whereas Eni'ly fiouse. ami her hiisbind. S. |j. (.•rotuse. Amanda Spainhower ami li rhu - Inml, Solomon B. Spainhower, ('. K. bow er.«ml her husband. .1. V. S'ptinh »W.T, are Interested in the «e (lenient of said e tile: ami when* is said proc.'e.ling has l»e*n set f irheariiv: lielote the CleiK o| the Superior I 'out/ oftftok*** County, at his ollite in Panhury, N. (on Thursday. .Vareb tin' 'J2ml, MK)S; ami where is, It ap jM'ar.i to the eotirt. upon allMavit tiled that a!l the pailies above nam fl. ar* uon res idents °l the Mat.* »t North ( aiolini, ami cannot* after due in, and cannot be jiersoually sirved with notice, ami are. nccessnrv'ies to (he said proceeding for settlement of the estate of the said Oeo" //. Cronse, dee 1., and havo an interest therein It is tbotefo** hereby ordered hy the Court, tiiat publication of notice be made for six successive weeks in the Daiibury Reporter, u newspaper published in I)au biu-y, N. c., notifying the said Emily (,'rouse ami her luusb.iud, .S. B ('rouse, Amanda .S'painhower and Iter husband. Solomon B. spainhower, (I. E. Spainhower ai.d her husband. J. V. .spainhower, to In* and appea it the office of the Clerk of the Btt|>erior court of Stokes County, in Dan bury, N cm Thursday, March the 2nd. l!»>5, ami see tlx promulings in said mai ler, ;'iid Ly take such action therein as they may In* advised: and let the said alatvc na'iied non-resident parties take notice, that if they fail to apocar at said time ami pl ic», the matter will be heard ex-pa - te,as to ihem. Tli's the 7th day of Dec., UMM. M T. c:ill//roN. c s. c. N. O. Petree Atty for Titos V. Croiue, Ex. rr.iwmmaKwmmmmuaammmmmmmmmmmmmm Administra tor's Notice ! Notice is hereby given thai 1 have this day qualified as administrator C. T. A. of the estate of FrarU I'. Stewart, der'd, and all persons having claims against the tie cedent art* hereby not Hied to exhibit the sa »-(' to the undersigned on oi before the .(lib day of .low 1 l>ior this notice will lie pleaded In bar of any recovery of such elaims. This the lfltti day of Novemlier, IIMM. W. W. HAYWOOD, Admr. C. T. A. Charlotte, N. (>. Win. F. HARDINU, Atty., Charlotte, N. C. PILOT MOUNTAIN. (From I lie News.) We learn the Pilot Furniture Factory was sold Tuesday, and was bid off by the A. F. Messiek Grocery (Jo., the sale has been confirmed by the court, and the probability is that the factory will be started up early in next year. We hope that the enterprise will I be of yreiit advantage to the town and community. J. M. Mitchell, a former resi dent of this place, but now of Stokes county, was in town Mon day. Capt. T. J. Blackburn was in town Saturday, ('apt. says that he has the best school of his 45 years experience as a teacher. The many friends of our popular | Hebrew merchant, Mr. L. Levy, who is at a sanitarium in Balti more, Ml.. will be glad to know that he is getting along nicely and it is hoped that lie will soon lie able to return to his family and business here. We see from the report of the Grand Jury of the recent term of Superior Court of Surry County | that they recommended a change in the court house. BILIOUS COLIC PREVENT. ED. Take a double dose of Chamber lain's ('t>lic. Cholera and I)iarrhnea Remedy as soon as the first indi cation of the disease appears and a threatened attack may lie warded off. Hundreds of people use the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by all druggists and dealers. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Cooper, of Charlotte, spent Saturday and Sun day in Danbury. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the inucouslining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumb ling sound or imperfect herring, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamatiou can be taken out and this tube restored to its norma condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the m(iconssurfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. .J. CHENEY «.V CO., Toledo. ). Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for ; constipation, PEOPLE S NAT'L BANK. V. S. Government Depositary. Winston-Salem, N CJ This lianlc wants your business and the accounts of yc ur friends. Yoa can not do better else where. The (loverrv meat deposits here and yoa wilt not find a better /dace. Call to see as or write at on ce. JOHN W. FRIES, Pres. WM, A. HLAIIt, Vice I'res. THOS. A. WILSON, Cashier. / : »ippi'Rii. i.. n. e.. i' 1 * I ti.-itft Mi « NMli\r Hill*. \ JI n .1 . ■!..•••» ami i■ ml them to 1 > • . ric i •aiittiUilioii.' !! J A BOX of Bliss Native , } J-\ Herbs is a family doc- j tor always in the house, its use prevents and cures icc " Constipation, Dys- i | BLIjO pepsi a, Kidney and NATIVE Liver Trouble, Skin I iir-nnr Diseases, Rhcnma ntKDO. tism and many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable—contains no min- I eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes «r» QQ with a Guarantee to cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent 011 request. mkdicine mailed I'romi'Ti.\ by JOHN H. FAGG, Agent. Dellar, N. C. I THF. ALONZO O. BLISS CO.. W ASHINGTON, D. C. I ISCHOULER'S Ask the average Stokes county man or woman who understands buying to tlie best advantage, where one can find THE BEST GOODS and eight times out of ten the) will say at Schooler's Depart* incut Store at Winston where you can always find what you are looking for AT THE LOWEST PRICES Come today, whether you buy or not, twenty clerks will be glad to show you through their magnificent store—Shoes, llats, I Shawls, Cloaks, (guilts—any thing you want in Men's, Wo men's or Children's Dress Goods or House Furnishings. |Sc ho uI c r's v ohmmuh. ii mi—i ■■■»!■■—«——n Piedmont Warehouse WINSTON, X. (J --LEADS ALL OTHER HOUSES IX POI NDS AM) PRICES. To )ur Many Friends and Customers : We thank you most heartily for the liberal patronage given us last year, making it the biggest and best in the history of our business. Honest, hard work for the farmer and highest market prices for his tobacco is what you get at Old Piedmont. Bring us your first load. Every pile of your tobacco shall have our best atten tion. Hoping to see you at Piedmont soon, we are Your friends. M. W. NORFLEET CO. FIIiST SALE HAYS : FOU OCTOllKH—Tuesdays, Thursday*, SaUird;iy.s. KOK NOVKMISKII—MonI,i\>, Wednesday:), Fridays. FOU DKCEMISKit---'Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. —1 tn;— Slaughter Sale (iOING ON AT Joe Jacobs, The Leading Clothier. I have: slaughtered the prices in every department of my store. A trial will convince yon. This sale will last until DECEMBER 31st, 1904. IDE lAGOas, THE LEADING CLOTHIER, WINSTON, - - N%c%