PROGRAM OF THE S. S. CONVEN TION AT ELKIN- JONESVILLE AUGUST 4. 5. 6. 1905. First session Elkin Baptist Church. FRIDAY MORNING AUGUST I. 11 A. M. Song service. 11:11) Devotionnl exeroisos, Riv. 11. C. Sprinkle. 11 :!50 Remarks and announce ments, by district and county presidents. 11:50 Enrollment of delegates a id assignment of homes. 12:1") Adjournment. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. 2:15 Song service. 2:35 Reports from townships and remarks from township offi cers. 3:00 Some Marks of a Well Or ganized Sunday School—(four 10-minute addresses : (a) Cradle Roll—What It Means and How Secured. (b) Home Department—What j It Means and How Secured. (c) Organized Classes —What I and How. (d) Normal Classes—What and How. 15:40 The Value of County Or ganization, Its Relation to the J Township >rganization, and the j Individual School J. R. Lewel lyn. 4:20 Appointment of commit tees. 4:550 Adjournment. FRIDAY EVENING. ■:3o Song service special inn sio. s :4O Prayer—Rev. J. A. Bowles. 545 The True Estimate of the S S.—W. L. Reece. 9:15 Round Table—The S. S. Teacher. 9:30 Address, The Relation of the Home and S. S. to the Child -Geo. H. Cruwell. 10:15—Adjournment. SATURDAY MORNING. 9:00 Devotional exercises, Rev. JI. C. Fields. 9:25 Round Table : Organized S. S. Work, J. 11. Allen, leader. 9:45 Address —Geo. H. Crowell. 10:90 Conference, led by R. C. Puryear. 11:00 The Ultimate End to Be Attained By the S. S. —R. L. Pat ton. 12:00 Adjournment. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 2:00 Song service. 2:15 Prayer—Rev. Wade H. Adams. 2:20 Conference, led by Rev. C. M. Warden. (a) Some Weak Points in My School and How to Strengthen Them. ( b) Some Strong Points in My School anil How to Keep Them So. ,1:00 Address, the Civic Prob lem of Intemperance—Guy Carter. ,'s>so Duties of County and Township )tficers -N B. Brough t >n. 4:00 Conference for officers at d members, led by G. H. Crowell. 4:30 Adjournment. •"■ i 0 fi'ii 1 A-p«yy i TO DEUCATE WOMEN 1 You will never gel well and strong, bright, hap- I py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your I constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making I tonic, like It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It Is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable H Ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, §■ backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru- I Btlon, dragging down pains, etc. It Is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only I medicine that Is certain to do you good. Try it. Sold by every druggest in $ 1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER "YOU ARE FRIENDS freely and frankly, In strictest confid- of mine," writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of B! ence, telling us all your symptoms and Gallatin, Tenn.: troubles. We will send free advice "For since taking Cardul I have I (in plain sealed envelope), how to gained JS lbs., and am In better health H cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory than for the past 9 years. I tell my Kl Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., husband that Cardul is worth Its Bg Chattanooga, Tenn. weight In gold to all suffering iadieo." JBj SATURDAY EVENING. 5:550 Annual concert by ladies of the district. SUNDAY MORN [NO. 10:. ! 50 Song service, special mu sic. 10:40 Prayer Rev. .T. T. Rat ledge. 10:45 The Magnitude of the S. S. Work As Seen in the World's Convention —W. M. Oun diff. 11:05 The Recent Convention in Toronto N. B. Broughton. 11:45 Miscellaneous business. 12:10 Adjournment. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2:.'io Special music. 2:55 Prayer—A. Chatham. 51:00 Neglected Phases of Tem perance—Z. H. Dixon. 3:30 How to Reach and Hold Yonng Men N. B. Broughton. 3:45 Address— Geo. H. Crowell. 4:15 Adjournment. SUNDAY EVENING. h: 15 Song service—special mu sic. S:.'!() Round Table—S. S. Man agement. led by Prof. T. M. George. 9.00 The Relation of the De nominational to the Interdenomi national Work Prof. G. H. Crowell. '.1:30 Our Organized State Work - X. B. Broughton. 10:00 Miscellaneous. 10:15 Adjournment. GUY CARTER, Secretary of Convention. A Scattered Family—Singing School At Union Hill. Germanton, Route 1. July 24. Mr. Andrew Yoss will open a sing ing school at Union Hill church next Friday. We hope to have a good many students as Mr. Voss is an able singing master and we all need to learn to sing. Miss Essie Newsotn, of New bern, is visiting her brother and sister, of Germanton Route 1, this week. She is the daughter of Mr. I Sam Newsom, who died in i Nebraska about 1(5 years ago and ! left a wife and 5 children. Mrs. ; Newsom came back to Stokes I county and gave her children away. She gave one to Mr. Larky, of Newborn, one to Mr. Gone Idol, of King, (he moved to Ashe j county), two to Mr. Sid Carroll, ; and one to Mr. John Tillotson. of King. They all soon parted. One is now in Georgia, one in lowa, one in Newborn and the other two I are in Stokes. Miss Essie doesn't remember seeing any of her peo ple. Last Saturday was the first time she ever remembers seeing ' any of her brothers or sisters and I tliey met each other with a glad I heart. It certainly was a happy ! meeting. Miss Essie is now 16 1 years. She will spend 3 | months among her relatives and ! then return to Newbern. She is ! going from there to Wilmington whore she will live in the future. 1 We all wish her a happy visit. A JOLLY GIRL. MIZPAH ROUTE ONE. Mitpnh Route 1, July 23. Mr. Editor : Will you please alow ma space to answer Sunday School Girl's questions. I don't think that the word eternity is used but once in the Bible, if so 1 haven't seen it. If (his is not eoreect, will some one correct it. The verse is found in Tsa. 57th chapt., and 15th verse. Now T think you will find that the 119 th Psalm is the longest chapt. in the Bible. It Ims 17f> verses. i Now Sunday School Girl, you missed it on the chapter of the question I asked you. It is the 117 P. instead "of 111. The rest was correct. Now Sunday School Girl, you loaded your gun pretty heavy for a rover and you know that they don't have any time to read much ! but just let her go again, I won't dodge if you do hit me hard and maybe that will do us both good and others, too. as you know tlint others will read to see if we are correct Rev. Wilson filled his regular appointment at Friendship today. Large crowd out. Mrs. Nannie Ferguson, of Spray, returned home today after spend ing two weeks with relatives in this county. We hope to see her again soon. A large crowd from this section went to Mt. Olive this p. m. to preaching. We hope they had R nice time. Crops are looking well in this section at present. Wheat is turning out better than expected. The writer went to Walnut Cove today. It seems that there is plenty of firewater down there, as you could see some that showed the effects of it a great deal and some large jugs. Now that looks bail; it would look much better for those boys to be in Sunday School. Say, we were glad to see so tunny come out to defend the S&aday School, as Mr. Southern shot a pretty big gun at her. Now, Mr. Southern, I have lived where there were Sunday Schools and where there were not, where they did not know anything about them at all and what do we find in such places. We find young men drunk, fighting and gambling. Young women dancing and sorry to say we have seen them so drunk that it took two to carry them home ami that is one of the worst things we have ever experinced. Now, Sunday School Girl, will you please tell me what word is used most in the Bible and where the word boys is found anil how many times it is used? ROVING JOE. Jesse Duncan Cuts His Foot—Sunday School at Mt. Gilead Progressing. Sandy Ridge Ronte 1, July 21 We are having lots of rain in our section these days. Corn and to bacco is looking well. I hope it may continue so. The Sunday School at Mt. Gilead is progressing nicely. T think every boy anil ,*'' l should go to Sunday School. Threshing wheat is about il jne i i this section. Til! yield was bet ter than many expected. Hurrah! for Mr. Walter King ton. He has a fine baby girl i.t his house. Misses Sudie Flinchum and Emma Ball visited Miss Jettie Wilkins Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Jesse Duncan cut his ankle right bad one day last week. Wi ll ear he is getting on nicely. IL>po he may soon be out again. WELL WISH 1311. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green, are at Piedmont Spring;, visi.l Danbury yesterday. A SURPRISE PARTY. A pleasant surprise party my be given to your stomach mid live-, by taking a medicine which will eiieve their pain and discomf it. viz: Dr. King's New LifVt I'iIIV. They are a most wonderful rein ■dy, affording sure relief and cure, for headache, dizzness and con stipation. 2oc at all drug stores. SAMPLE PANTS! SOI) Pairs Pauls BTe. 119 Pairs Corduroy Pants l)8c. 2H> " " " #1.48. SOO " " " le9S 900 « •' " 2.4*. FLETCHER BROTHERS 430 Trade St. Winston, /VI. C. Sanitarium Specialties. Special Treatment -For chronic rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and chronic blood diseases. It cures. Special Treatment For catarrh of throat, nose, lungs. It cures. Special Treatment —For neu asthenia, nervous exhaustion and nervous dyspepsia. It cures. Special Treatment—For skin diseases, eczema, acne, pruritis (intense itching), face pimples, moles, warts, etc. It cures. Special—Birth marks removed, cosmetic effect perfect. Special Treatment —For sprains bruises and inflammatory joint affections. It cures. The Sanitarium has special ap paratus in every department. Such as is used by the best sanitaria and specialists, both in this coun try and Europe. Practice limited to Sanitarium work. No pain in any of the treatments. Call at the Sanitarium or write us. We will be glad to send you literature, I)RS. RIERSON & COPPLE, 127 S. Main St., "Winston-Salem. Winston Boys On Camping Trip. Winston Sentinel. July 22m1. On Tuesday next another cam ping party will leave the city to enjoy the charming summer resorts, untrammeled by conven tionalities of any kind. The follow ing will compose the party: Messrs. Charlie Albea, Hillard Chreltzberg, Jr.. McCray Dalton, John Goodman, Charlie Bailey, Gene Hill, Howell. Mangnm 1 Welib nn I Robert McArthur. They will start from here Tues ' day night with full camping out ! fit. Having a keen relish for the table, they will carry along an ex perience 1 cook, and, that their cots tnay be sufficiently down to woo sleep, they have been manu facturing them, according to a pattern of their own. Besides the tent, the young men have engaged a cottage at Yade Mcnim. One night during their absejee t the young men expect to cam > on Moore's Knob. Carrying »o.h fishing tackle and hunting out fit, they will load the table with the result of their skill. Chamberlain's COLIC. CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A lew (loses of thin reiiiOuv will Invariably cure an ordinary «t tack of diarrhea. It has been used in ntn« epi (ItiUiicg of dyseutery with perfect success. It can always bo depended upon, even in the more severo at tai ks of cramp colio and chol era morbus. It is equally successful for snmmer dfarrhea and cholera infantum ta children, and U tbo uieansofsavliigthe lives of miuir children each year When reduced with water and swivtened it is plca' .ist to take Kvery man of a family shonH keep this remedy tn bis hotn« Bay it now it may save I Mir. PRICE, *SC. LAROE SIZE. one. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ * j j We 0 ill in (ar Load Lots | ♦ Therefore we buy at lowest possible cash prices. We give X + you this saving and then make same profit as other deal- * '♦ ors. Our store is welt filled with anything yon can wish ♦ ♦ for to IK! had at an np-to-dato furniture stord Z ♦ ♦ ♦ WHEN IN THE CITY, VISIT ( T S. X | Huntley = Hill = Stockton Co. f \ Winston, iM. C. ! THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal nml Industrial College COURSES 1 .ili-iaiy ( i 'liissiCill I)nun's* ic .S* ii'iiiv .ViiMililii- Manual Waiiiiii; 1 "••il;isji».ui»i»! Mimic Tlhw HyiijM le :i.tinn ti itesreei. Well-cinilppeil Tralnluc f (u . Teaftiem. | Vacuity iiiiiul f-n fill JliKiiit, lauiitli v. Inilinii. anil fees fin n V nftcxl. lawk*, etc *i~li I i year. Kin- fiic l ii'ii'.ri ilmlentS For imnri'sulciUs iTllic Stale, V.«iir- I I""|I»I| .IIIIUM'I KXIIHII IM-({IIIS Scptcinlifr ai. I»C|. 'l'll secure ln.:ir l i llic ilniiuiimii-*, nil fic«-:ii : li"ll a|i|»M«-j«tii>uri slinul.l lie mailt! lielmc .Inly l.i I ..prs:mi„|,. inviteii j l oin II n>e competent le.ielicist ami Mennm-aplier.s. I'u caul isr ati l ntli.T in formal inn mlilicsit CIIAKI.KS 1). MiIVEK, l'resi.lent, liltKKVSlllillo, N, C. X. I.XJ) SALE. )tv \ oi ttit* i oA't't* nf sal" «'•> itaino| i*i J. jii , ti .» l |,I mi*t. o»i th«" V'.tJ, «l ]!MM, Ity \rcli v ami lii.M wit . Alplii frv,l« flu* iiiiilfi ( Wa T'r \IR tru>l»*\ T«» WHMIIM I lit* pay jenf i«• Ml. tin 1» >II*I «f«n* f«» John [ i>. HUM. PIN in I!II» XOTII of > »unl I lift'oil' linvinu in** » »na li i in ib- p.ivin MI! • I aaH I'oiul i." tln* i«H|ii«*itt nftlm mln ./ i#». j )«. 1 hnn|>iii«»; :i) • I in NiiimUiiiv wlil» I I M ill », »io IS lll'l iil||i|lM" HIM loioij jo s.V .4 ID { will -.11 ,IT |)|||||| • ; : !i(»,i t«, t!|.» liliMi'i* for i i-rtftJl -• ilf IV I! KM!-• hi ill * IOW I I >1II i»u»v. ».(;.,«•» . /on A'lif. UMi IsW'i, tlv I 114J »tn "«• I i i #.tM in tru*f * I l*-l» ; ri* I I'MMVIO Hn I Jlnws 1 ■••wji: C Tt> II M. t,S I I Onl I I |J SIM I hi:; * . i • « ,ni • rsu *vk o r « 'ii I ;"» l •iloio ] 4 | i:nln« V ilev*rP»nl ai ' » w?«l I l '»•\v :l /« nil ! \v i IO Ii- to". N". hill / •»! 11 I i t*. Aivfi I'fv, « S V i ''•••ill- I J if' It . t lUltlV |1» *;j •|| i I I nut pi j ?i»* till-* orim n«». \ v I'IIS. t» ;t Jiii K- - MII li f k «»» p.iiiiiv*r *l. iv-* -l ov i 1 ?M* I n C if in •% iili»r-» -I > • »•» IN 'o I»- 1 lll**llll. *•' IVJHI' I I'tft'k, llH* lip i » I ui'M U* h : ••iit i• • i!>t | )sl'#|||l| ilf // ill's ItlJll.ill, t'MV.Cf 'f.'li'l • K T - #, !iai " l«» ix. n'n • ou «, I i «l ill' t • 11l« Oil ni I»"• 1-2; »v> Iftadithi 'suM -il lUi 1 . U'k l ' . "• I >HI IO II A* H'. ?..•!( Av / : s . ' I I* ; Rural HaM Sciiool To Open. II On September llth sell KJI will 11 open tit Rural Hall -vcndnmy, IJ. !|N. Heliab'sck jiri'ieipal. Ttiu ; course can include second uitin. j geometry, Lockwood's I essoin in I English and all studies leading up ' to them. ] Board can be had at SS.(X) per 1 iii jnth. | For further information write E. N. lIELSABECK, Rurnl Hall, N. C. I E. X/iCrriOA" SA LE. j /»v virtue of an execution iii my hamis • U-in-1 liimi tin* Supciior Court of ftokes wheiv ; n NV. w. King and T. M. ; I are plai-,tiflsami Samuel J. Harris, ( .I-** anil hush IIKI, s. A. Camp are . • -f Mlii Mis i »r tin* sum of SMMM) witli iu j I i- ton H>iiiif from Jan. 21), atrl the I t st.:II of 3WJ7.88 cwf, I will sell for i sh ii fin* court house iloor in D.inliury on j MCIKI.IV the 7tli ilay »f August IfMft, one ; ii. i.M-k I' M h fr.iri of laiitl contuiuiug ; I'H'ulii'il .tn'l ten acres on the waters "f s ";«w I'reek u.lj lining the lands of Itoht. ' }\ 1 '}*' .'*• H 'rrls, W. W. King and | I. •! I* cl*l: ill ami olhcrs ami IM»«I 11-I«*«1 ;IS t.illi»W>: lii*^lruling at an Ivy in King | ten* iin«*, southeast corner of lot No, I. (li. : !' Harris) runs mirth i\2 chains on lim* of ' h»l Ni. 1 to a sfnAo in line of* lot No. ,j i King ami KoiMrill) east. on that line 44 chains ton hickory in Thos. FoddriH\s line, M-nih ou Hi it !in«% 20 chains to a stake in H i k:us line west on that Hue 2*| chains lo I i«-i«i i'i?» formerly a lil.tck oak south on II ilkiuy Hue pj chains to a pine, west on Km line 17 1-2 chains to the beginning ii »•«-i tiu \o. 4 in iliviHou or the 11. 'i ir: tli il. Ititil; No, 41. !»!••»«• 57"» in tII iii Vf . Hi.-.* i,t" Stokes county, N. *•., »|,l i* | in* html of .Jennie lamp to satisfy j 131 h| • XHi'il'iou. J'hiS fhi* 2(19 h day of June |fKK». ./. PKTKEK. >hci iirof Stokes count y : SALARIED positions are the ro ki: 11 uf a thorough e.mrse at thu %'alMiml I'n.'ini'Hs College. UI.IIII i ke. \ it, 'l'hc I{h>i!iu';d livening ; Wi.rlil sHVf "Tlu» Niitiimal Uut,.- iii'bi (.'••i!i , ye uml .iilitcillv | Iwes j liinie httukmts i i iucriitivu pnwi ' li-.iis limn any other school in the I South.'' Tuko no chaiicCß with cheap srhiHila. Ijlegant new build , ing. new ctjiiipineiit, large faculty. Fall si-Hsiiiii opens September j 4th. Fiei ! tiin cat a j Itijflli* ever seul out in the South, lo those \»ho are really looking for the in hiitn'iitss ed.n-ilion. V\ ritii today. Address, LI. M. Coulter, ['resilient.