BOY KILLED BY A MULE. Ice Cream Supper To Be Civen Fri day Night—Other News Items. Walnut Cove, Sept. >. —Mr. P. W. Stultz, of Martinsville, Va., stopped at the Central Monday night on his way to Winston. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, who have been stopping at the Central for sjnie time, moved in the Martin house Monday and are house keeping. Dr. T. T. Watkins and family, of Advance, visited relatives at this place Sunday and Monday and returned home Tuesday. Drs. Fulp and Watkins perform ed a successful operation on Mr. L), S. Watkins Monday night by removing a fatty tumor. Mr. Charlie Gibson, of Wins ton, is visiting his father at this place. Mrs. Andrew Fagg, of Danbury, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Calla way, at this place. Mr. J. Spot Taylor, of Danbury. was in the city Sunday. The members of the Raptist church of this place will have an ice-cream supper in the grove near the church next Friday night. Everybody invited and especially that the young men should bring their best girl. Mr. Hedgecock's son, who has been seriously ill with fever one mile south oast of this place, is better. One of the saddest accidents tlmt ever happened in or near this place occurred on the hill just west of town last Friday when Mr. Lathe Knight's two sons, aged about 7 and 12 years, were coining to town driving a small mule hav ing on a load of wood, when a dog ran out and frightened the mule, which dashed to one side throwing both boys off. the larger boy es caped with severe bruisos while the other boy was killo«l utmost instantly. His neck, shoulder blade and arms were broken. He was also mashed in his body. Mr. L»wellyn, a neighbor of Mr. Knight, was going up driving a two-horse wagon when the mule ran into his team turning the horses completely around and smashing the wagon. Mr. Lew ellyn escaped with a few bruises. SOLOMON STOKES. Deputy Sheriff Priddy Gets the Clothes. Ex-Sheriff Joyce offered a suit of clothes to the deputy who came nearest collecting all the taxes in their township the past year. The accounts ware run up this week and Deputy Sheriff J. J. Priddy, of Snow Creek township, come out winner. ATTACKED BY A MOB and beaten, iti a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Buck len's Arnica Salve, and was soon s >urid and well. "I use it in my family," writes Gr. J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich, "and find it per fect." Simply grert for cuts and burns. Only 2~>a at all drugstores. Mr. Isaac Hill, of Meadows, was ill Danbury yesterday. The Better Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita tion—more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation—for a while. You take SCOTT'S EMULSION and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. 11 soothes the tiiroat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT & BOWNE. LETTER FROM GERMANTON. The Writer Thinks We Need Better Roads - Some News Notej. i Germauton, Sept. 4.—This i* a very busy season with the farmers. Tobacco and fodder a - e bu 'ling [ very badly and the farmers are . trying to save all they can. Miss Sallie Styers, one of Ger mantou's popular young ladies, left this morning for Raleigh to attend the R. F. University. M iss Minnie Marshall, of Wins ton, is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Reck. Miss Claudia Rierson, of Wal nut Cove, is visiting Mrs. L. M. McKenzie. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the congregation at St. Philips' Episcopal church yester day was rather small. Mr. Robt. Helsal>eck, of Pem broke, Va., occupied the pulpit at Corinth church last Sunday in Mr. Oscar Helsabeck's stead. An ex cellent sermon was listened to by a very good audience. We wish to congratulate the Reporter on its excellent editorial last week. When will we awaken? We have a court house and a jail that might make any county proud. We have splendid farms and com fortable farm homes and even some magnificent farm homes. Most of our farmers are using improved machinery, too. Rut when we look at our public mads we forget our pride. We do not seem to real ize the fact that if we had good roads through our ,county, our property in a few years would more than double its present val uation. Suppose we think of these things for a while and let's hear What the good people of the coun ty have to say on the subject. Good roads mean quicker trans portation to market and quicker transportation means less expense, l«s« oxponse is the great fry of economy. If our county bad a good road system, it would soon take its place with the foremost in the state. •LOOKER ON." DEATH OF MR. JOHN WHITE Expired of Consumption Sunday Night and Buried Tuesday Machine Shop Being Built By C. A. Mitchell —Child Dangerously 111. Dillard, Sopt. Much rain in this section the past week. Lots of fodder and hay destroyed. Hard wind did some damage to crops of tobacco near here last night. Mr. C-. A. Mitchell is having him a nice machine shop built. There were several went to the big show at Madison from this neighborhood yesterday. Among those who went were Messrs. Wes ley and C, A. Mitchell, James Head, Nick and Russell Mitchell, Ed Lasley, Wirt Mitchell and family, G. \V. Roberts and family and Miss Eva Mitchell. Mr. John White, who has been previously mentioned as being very low with consumption, died Sunday night between 12 and 1 o'clock. He leaves a wife and several small children to mourn his death. He was buried this afternoon at the old family grave yard. Mr. R. S. Ward's three-year-old girl has a very severe case of erysipelas. She is though to be dangerously ill, but hope not. The bnrial of J. W. Hainm >tis, which took place near here Sun day p. in., was largely attended. He was hung in Winston, Satur day, Sept. 2, for the murder of his wife. N. Miss Pearl Pratt, of Madison, and Miss Smith and Mr. Smith, of Greenslxiro, who are at Pied mont Springs, visited Danbury yesterday. Messrs. E. C. Sheppard, J. I. Rlackburn, L. W. Ferguson, Tlios. Tilley, Z. R. Sheppard. J. M. Rey nolds, Dr. J. W. Neal, R. E. Smith and W. R. Stevens were among those who visited Danbury Mon day. B ___ ■*■'■ ■ in*——mmmmmm mmmmmm— TIIH i t 3 HARVARD PIANOS ;pj| : ' Delivered in your home, complete with stool and If There IN no better piano-value §111! Ithan tlie Harvard, style 41, at #3,50 ll r or nly le 4* at $275. ckb-b banded veunurs, extra hen" -.' 1 >«|> and Initio..! moldings handsome earvwl pi.n.-er-i. lull ' I' I l ' desA' t exquisite raised carvetl p.inneis, patent folding full hoaid, eonliuuotw hinge* " 1 'I l's ami in fact isc*ipletein every tletti 1, and lias a TKN • All UIJA/f A.NTKK printed u> 'acii p' ui •. The ONK of the //A/»wAKl> pleases e\eryliody. lis action is >ght and responsive. , .... t „ H , .. i. Oilier dealers aharge 3w|o lor the same j.iany and otlierpi alios I ei|iial grade, /iow do we do it 'f li'e leiy tV*m inci-' l*»a-l I h*. 'd I,l ' low vI" '" ■ ' ' . '*jj (Unlit s itisljes lis. We have other pianos a low ss sl7.j. And we aloo carry perhaps the largest *toe' of organ* t" I"' found anwhere in tlm South. i ruing m I"" " P* I'lenty of time given to pav for an instrument if you haven't the cash to spaiv. Write for catalogue slating whether you want one »i (.iaiius or or l , - '"'*. R J. KOWFiN fc BKO. Winston, N. C. PINE HALL. Pine Hall, Sept. s.—Miss Mary I Lou Withers went to Washington j to-day where she expects to attend j school this session. If the present destruction of ; timber continues long what will ; the next generation do for build ing material ? Bev. Mr. Kirby, of High Point, j preached an excellent sermon here i last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flinu attend- i ed the District Conference at j Leaksville last week. They report | a splendid conference. Mrs. Spicer, who has been visit - j ing friends here for some time, | left for lowa Wednesday. Miss Lena Dalton is very nvnah I better. Her friends hope to ate lier out again soon. M. Miss Bessie Davis 's visiWrg Miss Bettie Davis at this placft. Miss Emma Williams returned \ to her lirtrne in Frit) ty. " J Mr. Ualloway Carter, one of our ! young courting characters. Ed from an extended mount Sn trip last week. I ~ g The Kev. Mr. Kirby and family, of High Point, is visiting at Mr. W. M. Chiaman's. .1 Another young man in trouble j from being drunk at church. Yon > had better look out young tuan. The time has come when such stuff as this is no longer toler ated. "The hand writing i 3 on the wall." The young man that drinks whiskey must take the conse quences. The positions of honor and trust are fast closing against! him. I II >w to net on much longer I without a bridge at Pine Hull is becoming a s.-rious question with our people. The river ut this place has not been safely crossed but few times this summer, People living in one-half mile of the station Imve to drive 15 miles to get to the rail mad. We are human like the peo ple of other sections of the county, and we are tax-payer.-*, possibly as la-ge as any other section of the county; and the time Iris come fur us to let it be known that wu are tax payers and demand fair treat ment. The bridge question has become a public necessity with us The public highway is being ob structed for months at a time by not being able to get across the river. Will the commissioners hear our prayer '( We have been calling on you for years. Qui people pay their taxes as cheer fully as any other people in tin state. Now, we ask you to let m have some advantage of out money. The Chairman f tin Hoard is well acquainted with the situation at this place. Miss Sallie Brent, wh ■ has been the guest of Mrs. A. 11. Joyce foi several weeks, returned to hei tome at lireenslioro Tuesday. GOT OFF CHEAP. He may well think, he has got off cheap, who. after Laving con tracted constipation or indigestion is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headace, constipation, etc. 25c at all drny stores; guaranteed. SAMPLE PANTS!. 300 Pair* Paul* 87c. v -\ v r llil Pairs Corduroy Paul* 98e. \ Ji 200 " " " #1.48. tfOO " « " 1.98 I 200 « •' " 9 F LETCH ER BR(5#^ R 5. I - m C. J 430 Trade St. Winston, Mi„ Two D.ys. "1 To Cure a Cold in on every I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ r?i f/ 'y, 25c 'J Seven MHUon boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, NOTICE. Having Ihis ilay !aly | it'lltetl a« ml iiiitiiMr;itni nf \teii Kry, 11 . 'ln. wan-Mi, nil IHTMIIH sr»i I I! •• will |I TYW'T' 11111 fotwanl *ml mak>* in HM!I:II» wttli-ni" it. •a it all (i-'nuini li »l'l m r *' *'a i»»-*» * iiil estate .-ir« to me jm»|ii'i'lv MIIIIIHIII e»'i" • for pay in*' in on or I'l-r.ire !i • lOih liv - I •- >i . .IHW. Hl* this initio* will IK* p'.'.i I■ I i nftlmir IIM-IIVKIV This S |it»* ll'>-:- r»ih, Inn* VVAhTri; 1.. \le WI.K-iS. A lnn.-r -I K It . ILRMUL. •I. I*. Iliinipli|vv% all y hi' a line. SANDY RI3GE. Sandy Ridge, Sept. 4. The farmers are busy pulling fodder and cutting to.brcc > through this section. Miss Nellie Crews, of Reids ville, is visiting relatives here. Wonder why Misses Lillie and Jessie didn't bring their fellows int to Sunday School yesterday V Perhaps they were afraid some one would cut them out. * Mr. Harry Brown called on Miss Kate Joyce Sunday evening. Miss Aetna Tilley, of Bluetield, W. Va., who spent last week with her cousins, Misses Kate aid Lucy Joyce, is expected to retu n o her home soon. Misses Lola Martin, Jesde loyce and Messrs. Evie Price and Irover Shelton attended services it Buffalo yesterday. Mss >s Lucy Joyce and Aetna Til ley visited Miss Nellie Amos •iaturdty. They report a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. D.tyto i La n as te-, "if Leaksville, hav • been visit ing Mrs. Lancaster's mother. Mr. lieo. Wilson called at M*\ J. T. Joyce's Saturday night. vVomler what Jessie will say about it ? Mrs. Annie Brown anil daugh ter, Lonnie, and Miss Bessie Richardson called at Mr. J. W. Juyoe't. last Thursday DORCAS. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* i i I We Buy in (it load lots j J Therefore wo buy nt lowest |x.ssiI >]c rush prices. We jjive ♦ ♦ yi.ii this s.tving m I then nmke tii.uu profit us i/lhur tleul- * « ers. Our store is well filled with anything you OHII wish t f for to he luitl id an up-to-ilste furniture stord. 4 I WHEN IN THE CITY, VI J T U. | | Huntley = Hill = Stockton Co. 1 » Winston, IN. C. * : GERMANTON ROUTE 1. Germantnn Route 1, Sept. 4. People in this suction are very busy cutting and curing tobacco. ' Mr. Ernest Uoyles, of Winston, visited his iiH'ents Saturday and i Sunday. Master Floyd Boy lea i« 7 years i old Hint has been to Siintluy School every Sunday for two years. Why can't everybody attend Hun day School that way. Who can l>eat it? Miss Agnes Johnson took a flying trip to Winston last Friday. Site reports a nice time. Master Clyde Ferguson, son of M rs. Rosa Ferguson, is very sick. We trust he will soon recover. Miss C. A. Royles visit -d rela tives and friends at King last Sun day. We hope she had a nice time. Misses Elcy and Minnie Gor don visited Cora and Lula Royles last week. Come again, we enjoy your company. A JOLLY GIRL. Mr. John E. Slate, of German ton, was a Danbury visitor Mon day.

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