Briefs Adrift. Mr. John W. Young. of Dillard, was hero Monday. Messrs. R. J. and .J. G. Bowon, •of Winston, wore hero today. Mr. Z.i"k Moran, of Mwidows, was here a short while today. Deputy Marshall J. A. Petree, •of Walnut Gove, was here today. Mr. R. F. Fulk, of Perch, spent Saturday and Sunday in Danbury. Mr. J. Spot Tovlor visited; Greensboro and W inston this j week. About a dozen of Danbury's' young people visited Cascade Sat- 1 nrdav. Miss Mattie Taylor,of Winston,l is expected here soon to visit rel atives. M esars. J. D. and H. 11. Young,' of Hartman, visited Danbury Mon day. Mr. James Flippin, of Francis-' co, was in Danbury a short while Saturday. Mr. J. H. Prather and family, of Mount Airy, are voting rel atives here. Rev. J. T. Rat I edge preached' the first sermon in the new Meth odist church Sunday morning. /Mr. R. R. King returned to Roanoke Sunday after spending several days with his parents. Mr. S. H. Taylor, representing the Marler-Dalton-Gilmer Co., of Wi nston, was in town Tuesday. y M isses Margaret and Francis toi.Jgnes gpent last Wednesday night \ te the guests of Mrs. R. I. Dal held in • of listings will be inouroll hero be :cl Sunday »"d Mamie King, (home at MMk w«!rw«l. here '•* M • rcTifrned to their •Jliss I* annWT i' i+dison Sunday. Cove R. i'. Lr Tuttle, of Meii»* Voss, of Walnut Bercha I j, da nn(l ap/or Gideon, on here this week. oFhe family of Dr. A. G. Jones to their home at Walnut " Cove last week after spending several weeks in their cottage at Piedmont Springs. Misses Willie and Virginia Edmonds, who have bjon the gueds of Misses Nellie and Mary Joyce for some time, returned to their h- in i at Winston Friday. Mr. Walter Booth was in town Tuesday. Mr. Booth says he is curing some very tine tobacco, some of which he expects to realize 50 cents per pound for. Mrs. R. I. Dalton returned to her home at Winston Saturday, accompanied by Miss Sadie May and Mr. Me Rao, and the other children. They had been spend ing a mouth hero with relatives. Mr. T. Hutchens, of Madison, was hero Tuesday. Mr. Hutchens has severed his connection with the Levi Lackey Grocery Co. and accepted a position with the Pratt Hardware Co. A number of people from this place attended the burial of J. W. Hammons, the hanged wife mur derer, at Wilson church last Sun day. About 200 people were pres ent at the burial. Mr. I. M. Gordon, formerly of Danbury, went to Winston last week to accept a position with Piedmont warehouse. Mrs. Gor don, who is just recovering from a severe attack of fever, will join her husband at Winston in a short while. A good ileal of complaint from subscribers has reached this office about the failure to receive the Reporter of last week. The mails seemed to go wrong somehow. As wo had good many copies loft, all who did not receive last week's paper may receive a copy by call ing at the ottice. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. I Sheriff and Treasurer Make Settle ment Several Other Matters Be fore the Board. The Board of Commissioners for Stokes county, Messrs. John W. Gann, J. Matt Mabe and R. F. Shelton, wore in session at the court house Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The following business was transacted : It was ordered by the Board tnat Fannie Reid and William Manuel, paupers, be sent to coun [ ty home. A petition signed by Win. Cox | and others was presented to the , Board asking that the "Spanish j Oak" road, leading from the pub. I lie road near Rufus Covington's Ito the Volunteer road near Win. |Cain's, be made a public road. The j matter will be considered at next meeting. It was ordered that the new tax books be turned over to Sheriff Petroe, It was ordered that J. E. Slate sell the old lumber removed from the Germanton bridge, after using as much of it as is necessary for I repairing the public road. I Ex-Sheriff R. P. Joyce made I full settlement of all county, school and railroad taxes. Treasurer J,} *. Reynolds also niade settleme..v ..ith the Board, It was ordered that clerk of the court M. T. Chilton purchase for the clerk's office such of the Su preme Court reports as are not al ; ready in his ottice. A number of releases from taxes were granted. A petition signed by 104 citi zens of Suurfttown township was presented asking that thoy be allowed to apply the taxes derived from the N. & W. and Southern railroads to the public roads of the township. The Board refused i to n r "nt the petition. The Board requests that all those who agreed to give anything to the bridge now being erected across Old Field creek, near Wal nut Cove, will please hand in their subscriptions by the first Monday in October, as the bridge will be completed by that time. PROMISCUOUS CLAIMS. The following promiscuous claims were allowed and paid : H. J. Pell, conveying luna tic to jail, 8 3.25 D. H. Petree, 'printing tax I books for 11(0.") and ex press on same, 11.20 Ed Nunn, for blasting ma i terial used on road, 7.7(1 R. J. Petree, Sheriff, jail ac count for August, 12.70 A. W. Davis, D. S., convey ing lunatic to asylum, 24.U0 W. R. Stephens, keeping county home for August, 73.00 J. E. Slate, repairing Ger manton bridge, 74.10 J. M. Reynolds, Treasurer, expense anil postage for ottice, 1 -42 J. P. Covington, preparing papers in case of Tandy Smith, lunatic, 2.00 'N. A. Martin, rent of house i to pauper, 1.50 Mrs. Bettie Martin, rent of house to pauper, 1.50 j A. W. Davis, expense of re pairing well pump at jail, .>o Edwards & Broughton, sta tionery for offices, 8.85 I'AUPKR CLAIMS. Monday being "pauper day" the following allowances were granted them : Asa Nunn and wife, $ 0.00 Susan Chandler, 4.00 I Lothia Caudle, 4.00 Mamie Gordon, 2.00 Huldali Culler, 2.00 Polly Coon's daughters, 3.00 James Wall, 3.00 Jennie Talloy, 2.00 Delilah Vernon, 3.00 Louisiana Page, 2.50 Frank East's children, 3.00 Nelia Barrett's family, 7.00 Susan Mabe, 3.00 Pleasant Oakley,( 3.00 Luther Mitchell, 2.00 Peter Hicks, 2.00 j Loathy Pruett, 2.50 j Lydia Sainmon, 2.00 DANBURY BANK OPENS. A Number Of Depositors On Hand Early—Walnut Cove Bank Nearly Completed. The Bank of Stokes County for 1 )anbury opened its doors for business this morning at nine o'clock, and a goodly number of depositors were on hand early to open accounts. The bank starts out with the outlook very promis ing. This institution will be a great convenience to merchants and business men, and all persons who want to borrow or lend money. The account of everyone, whether large or small, is earnestly solic ited, The bank has every con venience and facility for affording its customers any accommodation that can be given consistently with sound and safe banking methods. Four per cent, interest is paid on time certificates of de posit. All the friends and customers of the bank when in town are in vited to call around. The Walnut Cove bank is near ly completed and will probably open its doors by the middle qf next week. THE TEACHERS' ORGANIZE. Prof. J. T. Smith Elected President— Thirty-Eight Members Enrolled. At a meeting hold here last Fri day afternoon the teachers of the county organized a Teachers' As sociation, enrolling thirty-eight members. Prof. J. T. Smith was elected President, Miss Lizzie Adkins Vice-President and Mr. Oscar N. Petree Secretary. The association hopes to place upon its roll the names of all the teachers of the county. It will meet several times during* the coming school year. The object of the association will be to enable the teachers to keep in closer touch with each other end to dis cuss the educational ce&ditions of the county. The Wasp's Farewell Greeting Editor A. D. Jones, of Walnut Cove, left last week to attend school at Guilford College and on this account was forced to suspend his very interesting paper, The Wasp. The following editorial appears in the last issue: The oditor regrets to announce the last edition of The Wasp, but circumstances alter the case to such an extent that it will be im possible to continue its publica tion. This being the last issue we reserve the right to speak with , some freedom on various subjects, j If you do not agree with The Wasp, hand it to some neighbor | who don't need Morgauton as bail i as you do. If you received a sam ple copy and did not subscribe, we gave it to you. It affords us great pleasure to help those who are mentally weak. Polly Button, 1.50 Kitty Shelton, '">.oo Cindy Thompson, 2.00 Mnck Marshall, 5.00 Mickey Hawkins, 2.00 Nancy Smith, 2.00 Charlotte Manuell, 2.00 Gnbe Glidewell and wife, 4.00 w-i .i-i. ■ihhiw— lm Growing Gld And you know why, too. It's those gray hairs! Don't you know that Ayer's Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair ? Well, it does. And It never fails, either. It stops falling hair also, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Do not grow old too fast! M I hare nsed Ay®*'* Hsir Vlfcw for mwny yeun and I slmuld uuleml >»«• sorry to be ob llgod to do >t It k««p* my hslr from turning gray. uitd »l»o k««ps my scalp clean 9 Mild liealtliy."— K. H. I'KKNBLD. Canyon Ity, Oregon. mm ji MxxJs by J. C. Ay«r On., l.owell, Mass. AH manufeoturers of 8 j£Jk J* SARSAI'ARILU. f flyers MORE |NEW SCHOOL HOUSES. The Stokes Board of Education Lets Contracts For Three More —Some Other Matters Before the Board. The Jsoard of Education for Stokes met at the court bouse Montlay, N. A. Martin and R. E. Smith Deing present. The follow ing bu.'jness was transacted : Contract to build a school house in district No. I, Quaker Gap township, was let to J. T. Moore. Contract to build house in dis trict N». 7, Sauratown township, was lutfto J, Wilson Mitchell. Contract to build house in tlis tri«t No. 8, Snow Creek township, was let ,o E, C. Sheppard, Board failed to confirm sale made by Jfiupt. Smith of old Pino Log school house and lot nnd sold saiuo to J. E. Slate, Several parties were before the Board in the interest of school houses and districts but no action was taken. The Board ordered the Supt. to have several school house roofs painted at once, BRIEFS ADRIFT. Prof. J. T. Smith opened school here Tnesdr.y. The attendance is very good, Misses Lizzie and Susie Ad kins, of Red Shoals, paitl relatives here a short visit yesterday. Messrs. H. M. Joyce and Willie Mounce each lost a nice milch cow Monday night from being foun dered. Miss Rachel Moore, of Smith, accompanied by Mr. Frank Brown, of Boxwood, spent a short while in town Monday. Mrs. Sank Galloway, of Elkin, and Miss Minnie RosS, of Con cord, who have been at Piedmont, were in Daubury yesterday. The jurors for the October term of Federal court at Greensboro htyre been drawn and four of them are from Stokes. They are Messrs. John 11. Jessup, of Westfield ; C. M. Bowman, of Germanton ; M..H. Robertson, of Jewel; W. Runis Tuttle, of Quaker. KING. King September 4.—Mr. Ernest Boylos, of Winston-Salem, spent a few days in King the first of the week. Mr. J. L. Truelove and family visited relatives near King the past week. Mrs. Tempie Lambert, who has 1 been visiting relatives in Stokes for some time, returned to her, home in Bristol, Tenn., Wednes-' day. Miss Bessio Oainpbell and Mr. Charlie Kirby were seen walking the streets of King Sunday. Mr. Ernest Newsom was sport ing Miss Victoria Posey Sunday. Mr. Thacker called on Miss | Pearl Boggs Sunday. Wonder! where Stace was? Misses Nina Houchins and Nan nie Boggs and Mr. James Love spent Sunday afternoon at the park. We are having a good Sunday School at the Baptist church, every body come and take a part in the good work. MYRTLE MAY. —————————— j Chamberlain's COLIC. CHOLEIA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has been used In nine epi demies of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp collo and chol era morbus. It is equally successful for summer alarrhjea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means ot saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take ' Every man or a family should kpepthis remedy In his home Buy It now. It may save life. PHIICE, «sc. LAROESIZE, 60C DANBURY WALNUT COVE I NH Of STORES (HIT Capital, SIO,OOO. President: Vice-President: J. 11. PRATHKR, \v. J.BVKRLY, I'rcxhle il llnuk i>l Mount Airy, Vioe-Pref. ISank ..I Ali-\»iiler, Taylorsvlllii, N r Prwlitont Niitloiml Fiirhlturo Vlre-Prr.-. lliuikol'PrtMicli Itroiul, M-mlinlt. N.C "I tu HI oi Prather ,v Wliltlock, (jAHhior untl Diroctur Bank ot Mount Airy. Tolincco Mumirai tiircrs. Dlruuliir II in!; oi l)«vi«. M.i. k«ville, N • C A S H I K R S KI'OBNE P UPPER, |{. U. RoDoEKS, Danbury, N. C. Late Asst. (Jusliinr Brink of French Broad, Marshall, N. C. Your account, whether or small, is earnestly solicited. Our financial connections are such that we are prepared to furnish our cus tomers with money at all times on approved security. COVE HOTEL Having leased the Bailey Hotel at Walnut Cove, I wish to announce that I will appreciate the patronage of the traveling pnblie. Give us a call. MRS. M. L. NEAL, Walnut Cove, N. C. F >K SAL I'] A good horse, five years old. Gootl for driving and fanning purposes. J. F. DI'NCAN, R. F. 1). No. I, Madison, N. C. THE greatest bargain ever offered in the South: SHo.OO organs for $42.75. Guaranteed 10 years, These are beauties. Send for cat alogue and songs free. E. M. Andrews Music House, Greensboro, N. C. FOR SALE—Eighty acres of land on Mill Creek, within one mile of postolfice at Walnut Cove. Adapted to corn, wheat and tobac co. Good buildings. Apply to JNO. M. TITTLE, R. F. D. No. !}., J Walnut Cove, N. C. FARMS FOR RENT I have 2 nice farms, all fresh land, near Pine Hall, which I will rent either for standing rent or part of crop, renter to furnish \ stock, (lood houses on both tracts.*-For further particulars address J. T. REYNOLD 3, 5" Madison, N. C., R. F. 1) *No. ii. SALARIED positions are the re sult of a thorough course at the National Business College. Roan oke, \a. The Roanoke Evening World says "The National liusi ness College undoubtedly places more students in lucrative posi tions than any other school in the South." Take no chances with cheap schools. Elegant new build ing, new equipment, large faculty. Fall session opens September 4th. Free! the handsomest cata logue ever sent out in the South, to those who are really looking for the best in business education, Write today. Address, E. M. Coulter, President. THE OLD RELIABLE Brown's Warehouse Leads the market every year in the highest average prices lor toll.icon. Talk is cheap, but It take* work to make awrages. Hring your tobacco to Ilrowirs ami every pile shall have lose attention ami bring tlx* vt»ry highest market price. Our new Auctioneer, Mr. .lark I'almer, slays with «-vi , ry pile till In 1 gets tin- very last bit) possible on it. Firs Sale Days for January IUO."> Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays " " " " February, 11105—Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays " " " " March, 190">—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays We thank you lor your liberal patronage tor the past :52 years, atul hist year especially, and hope by hard work to have the same in the future. Brown's is Headquarters for I'riees Your friends. BROWN & CARTER. A Biy Crop of Tobacco —Primings Selling Well. From all reports from every neighborhood of the county there is a very large crop of tobacco be ing out—something above the av erage. but the weight will possibly fall a little short. The crop grew in the shade largely, and for this reason will be light. Many farm ers are cutting prematurely, on account of the leaves tiring up. A majority of those who have cured any, say it is curing very nicely. Farmers who have sold prim ings are |uite well satislied with the prices received, and this is hoped to be an indication that all the markets will start oil' with good prices. NOTICE. I lavinu as executor of Matthew Phillips, demised, I h'Teby give notice to all persons list villi* claim* against tin* estate of said deceased t'» p the u to hip for payment on or before the r»th h of»Sep lemlier, P.»O(J, or this notice will Im» pleaded in bar of their reeovery. And all p'raoii* Indebted to slid est.iv jie hereby not ili *«| to make iiuit filial!' p.iyment of the same. 7 his August 31.41, itMK>. •/Oil \ . I'll! !>• ■•cutor of Ma/: hew Phillips, deed. For Woman's Ills Kvery woman sufTerinar with Weakness, Bladder. Ovaries. Uterus or Vaginal Troubles. Delayed, Suppressed. Irregular or Painful Mensti:ition. should take Dr JUDD'S "FAMOUS" TONIC The tn-'st. reliable nudieim ever compounded FOR DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN It cur« s and pro . nts Female Wi-aknesr.. Falling of the Wmnb, Ifladder. and Urinary Troubles. Dr. Judd's* Famous' 1 finale Tonie Regulator, Health and Strength l'rodueei retails everywhere for SI.OO a botth*. T«» introduce and demonstrate t-» every Woman its gratifyinK results, wewi! upon ri-ceipt of this advertisement and fifty , in stamps ©rcoin, send one #I.OO bottle prepaid in plain wrappertoany addns. It never disappoints. Wi ite promptly. Address. The Stevens Med. Institute and Chemical Co. 747 W BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. UMFRTit?TOLIIGF OF MEDICINE n °. n a° MEDICINE —DENTISTRY—PHARMACY {Modern Laboratories ir charge of specialists. Quiz System, Superior Clinics. Bedside teaching in our own Hospital. FniNtelaileiHnfonTuiion^ritvTh^^^ROCT^^L