The Danbury F eporten VOLUME XXXIII County Exhibit. CLAIMS AUDITED BY BOARD OF COM MISSIONERS OF BTOKEB COUN TY N. C. FROM DEC, IST IVK) A TO DEC. IST 1905. I M Gordon, ®x-Itegister of Deeds, work and expenses in office. $ 18 95 R C Mounce, keeping home A. and I. for Nov. 1904, 90 05 R C Mounce, work done on home A. and I. in 15)04, 13 00 W P Sands, house rent for pauper, 1 00 J H Ellington, Chairman County Board of eleetion 1904, 12 SO H M Joyce, supplies for county, 7 57 R P Joyce, Sheriff, keeping court house 1 year, 20 00 J Spot Taylor, supplies for county, 10 70 J T Thompson, Jailor For syth county, board of pris oners, Nov. 15)04, 45 00 Pepper Bros, printing 1904 County Exhibit and 1 notice, 29 50 I M Gordon, Clerk Board, money advanced for work on jail well, 30 17 E P Cahill, lumber for bridges, 9 18 R W Hill, Sect'y for Coun ty Board of Elections, 2 20 Middleton, Withers & Co., lumber for bridge, 7 20 A £> Mitchell, nails and bolts for bridge, 6 15 YV U Stephens, locks &c for home A & I, 1 00 W It Stepens, keeping homo A & 1 Dec. 1904, 97 50 Pepper Bros, publishing notice Jan. special term Court 1905, 3 00 J T Thompson, Forsyth county Jailor, for board of prisoners Dec. 15K)4, 46 ;>0 EJwarde & Broughton, sta tionary for offices, 50 (JO Elijah Knight, repairing Hairston bridge, 4 32 Edwards & Broughton, 1 book for Register's office, 10 00 () W Hannah, Forsyth Co. Jailor, board % of prisoners Jan. 1905, 37 50 Pepper Bros, printing CSC annual report &c, 32 50 F T Tilley, blasting public road, 2 85 R J Petree, Sheriff, jail acc't Jan 1905, 33 91 W R Stephens, keeping homo A and I Jan 1905, 100 00 I{ J Petroe, Sheriff, serving Jurors etc. ami holding Jan special term Court 1905, 104 85 R J Petree, wood &c jail, 9 45 W R Stephens, keeping home A and I Feb 15)05, 79 35 W L McCanless, rent for houso used as C II 8 ino's, 40 00 A W Davis, jail acc't Feb 1905, 52 50 M T Chilton, CSC station eary and work in office, 21 80 L J Young, work on jail tower, 50 J hn Bennett, work on jail I. \ 1 25 Edwards & Broughton bal. fur pens, 25 Edwards & Broughton, for book No 49 Register's ( (lice, 7 50 R H R Blair 1 pauper cof fin, 2 50 A Simmons, conveying pauper to home A & I, 2 50 \Y R Stephens, keeping home A & I Mch 1985, 100 00 S E Smith, conveying pau per to home A & 1, 2 50 R J Petree, Sheriff, jail noc't for March 1905, 48 40 J C M Jones, am't advanced ' i for building rock wall CII lot, 53 96 - j J T Ransom, conveying pau per to home A & I, 2 50 W R Stephens, keeping home A & I April 1905, 93 25 !It J Petree, Sheriff, jail | acc't April 1905, 37 40 jA W Davis, lumber for jail 1 lot, 270 Pepper Bros, printing and I publishing Court calen i dar, 5 (X) R H R Blair, 1 pauper cof- I fin, 2 50 J A Neal, lumber for road, 932 Dr J W Neal, county physi i cian 1904-5, 100 00 i It P Joyce, Ex Sheriff, am't I paid to Stats fop indigent ' pupils, (50 00 j Hon Thos A McNeil, Judge, 1 holding Jan special term : of Court 1905, 200 00 John It Stephens, burial account pauper, 5 00 |\V L McCanless, board 1 Jurors & T Court 1905, 13 00 J B Smith, Md examination jof Tandy Smith, Lunatic, 2 .'SO W It Stephens keeping i home A I May 15)05, 5)3 30 j R H R Blair, 1 pauper 1 coffin aud work on C H, 4 00 R J Petree, Sheriff, jail i acc't for May and holding I Spring term Court, SHI 24 ' Edwards & Broughton, j books and supplies for ' offices, 13 25 I Edwards k Broughton, binding tax book, 3 00 W R Stephens, keeping I home A and I June 15)05, 84 20 j I H J Pell, conveying lunatic I to jail, 3 30 John R Smith, conveying lunatic to Morganton asy lum, 31 75 R J Petree, Sheriff, jail I acc't for June 1905, 23 60 R H R Blair, 1 pauper | coffin, 250 R J Petree, Sheriff, jail | acc't July 15K)5, 41 40; ' A \V Davis, conveying lunatic to Goldsboro asy lum, 22 30 A W Davis, wood and lime for jail, 2 22 J A Leake, Sect'y pension board and mileage, 3 60 J A Leake Sect'y pension board and mileage, 7 20 W G Slate, Chairman pen sion board and mileage, 5 86 G \V Goins, conveying pau per to home A and I, 3 00 ! W R Stephens, keeping homo A and I July 1905, 102 15 R H R Blair, 1 pauper cof fin, 2 50 C M Jones. 4$ days com paring tax books and re vising Jury list, 9 00 D H Petree, printing 1905 tax books and express on same 11 20 II J Pell, conveying lunatic to jail, 3 25 EdNunn, material for blast ing on road &c, 7 76 R J Petree, Sheriff, jail acc't for Aug 1905, 62 70 A W Davis, conveying luna tic to Morganton, 24 30 \V It Stephens, keeping home A & I Aug, 15(05, 73 00 i J E Slate, repairing Ger manton bridge, 74 10 ' J M Reynolds, postage and expense in office, 1 42 J H Hennis, burial ex | pense pauper, 300 J P Covington Jr, examin i ing lunatic, 200 A W Davis, repairing jail i well, 60 Edwards & Broughton, sta -1 tionary fir offices, 885 R J Potree, jail acc't for i. Sept 15)05, 71 60 DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 1!)0." | W R Stephens, keeping I home A & I Sept 1905, 88 25 M T Chilton, CSC station eary and blanks for office, 19 15 Alfred Williams & Co. Su j preme Court reports, 97 50 Edwards & Broughton Nol i pros docket, 350 The Dan bury Reporter printing Court calendar F , T 1905, 500 j D A Simmons, Court of i ficer &o P T 1905, 780 R J Petree, Sheriff, serving I Jurors and holding fall terra Court, 41 (50 J F Dunlap, Court officer | fall term Court, 000 Walter Bullin, Const serv ing 11 road orders, 6 60 | N A Martin, clothing for lunatic, 4 20 J E Slate, balance on old field Creek bridge, 186 50 R H R Blair 1 pauper cof ' fin, 250 I M Gordon, chairs and | desk for Register's office, 13 00 I C M Jones, making out 1905 j tax, copying Sheriff's re j ceipt books ifce, 253 55 i I G Ross, Registrar Nov election 1904, 6 96 | Thomas Martin, conveying j Jess Kent to county home 200 j R J Petree, Sheriff, jail acc't | Oct 1905, 540 ! R J Petree, conveying pris i oner from Greensboro and i laying off public road, 14 50 1 j W R Stephens, keeping county home Oct 1905, 96 75 1 1( H R Blair, 2 pauper 1 coffins, 500 H J Pell, Const., arrest ' Allen Britton, lunatic, 1 90 jDr L H Hill, conveying j lunatic to Morganton asy ; Inm, 23 65 J W Gann, Commissioner and mileage, 69 50 R F Shelton, Commissioner and mileage, 46 00 W Matt Mabe, Commis sioner and mileage, 57 40 H H Reid, list taker, Peters | Creek township, 1905, 17 C 6 J Frank Dunlap, list taker,- Snow Creek township 1905, 19 85 J R P East, list taker, Quaker Gap township 1905, 26 21 J W Young, list taker, Baaver Island township 1905, 16 52 C B Moore, list taker, Yad kin township, 1905, 2(5 86 Jasper Slate, list taker, Meadows township 1905, 18 21 H G Tuttle list taker, Saura town township 1905, 24 98 L J Young, list taker, Dan bury township 1905, 11 0(5 L W Ferguson, DS serving 3 election notices 90 Y S Smith, D S serving 7 road orders, 4 20 J J Priddy, D S Court of ficer Jan special term 1905, 900 A W Davis, D S Court of ficer Jan special term 1905, 18 00 John R Smith, D S Court officer Jan special term 1905, 18 00 D A Simmons, D S Court officer Jan special term 1905, 18 00 S W Neal, D S serving 1 election notice, 30, John Wilkes, DS conveying prisoner to J H Mitchell's 50 J W Joyce, D S conveying prisoners to J H Mitchell's, 50 J J Priddy, D S Court of ficer special term 1905, 9 00 D A Simmons, D S Court officer special term 1905, 10 50 John R Smith, D S Court officer special term 1905, 16 50 Mrs Bettie J Martin, housa rent for pauper, 2 00 STOKES AJTD CAROLINA. W P Sands house rout fur pauper, r, , S G Westmoreland, huuse rent for pauper, | (> J W Heath Ex hous rent for pauper, 5; > Airs Bettie J Martin, house rent for pauper, 1 .71 Mrs Bettie J Martin, >uso rent for pauper, ] ) N A Martin, house rent for pauper, Sti'll J Spot Taylor, freigh and hauling metal chairs 2 2 Odell Hardware Co toves for C II and jail, 49 07 R H R Blair, pew em's for C H benches, AS 7 J Spot Taylor, drain tiles for jail lot, 2-! v J Spot Taylor, laying drain tiles for jail lot, 21 J Spot Taylor, suppli and hauling for county, 21 ■ R H R Blair, (cor; .act) making C H tables, 7"> I R H R Blair, tin' hing material and freig' f on pew ends for C H bet- hes, 10 1 N O Petree, freigh and haqling carpet for C : i, 9 J A Neal, lumber foi H benches, 49 7 Crawford & llagland, drain tile for C H lot, 29 t R H R Blair, making C 11 benches j 73 j; RHR Blair, wood fil'-rfor C H Benches, 1 ! 1 H M Joyce, hauling tile • i-iSrber and freight, 14 C M Jones, am't pn.d for laying tile on C II lot, 9 J OFFICIAL COURT CLAD - JAN. Sl' TERM 1905 J J Priddy D S, 0 -j W V Shelton, D S, 5 I N O Petree, CSC, 6 1' S P Graves, Sol, 29 0i > R J Petree, Sheriff, ."> fx R P Joyce, Sheriff, 1 > A F Christian, D S, -J i > D A Simmons, D S, 2 30 L W Ferguson, DS, 1 0"> J W Young, D S, 6 10 M T Chilton, C S C, 125 2 S W Neal, D S, 7 > A J Barker, " 2 0:2 A M Smith, " Y S Smith, " 1 87 J J Coffer, " 2 92 J T Thompson, " H T Pratt, " 50 j T M Lawson, " 1 W S Watkins, " James Vaden, " t' R W Slate, " 1 Abe Jessup, " J Ham Mitchell, " L J Young, " 6'! A S Mitchell, J P N A Martin, " WE Willis, " 10.1 J D Card well. D S JT Wilson, JP J M Venable, " DS R Martin, " A J Essex, " Ii P McAnally, " OFFICIAL COURT CLAIMS S. T. 190 I M Gordon, Ex-R(;r. of Deeds, ( J Ham Mitchell, const t, 1 ] Oscar Smith, const, 2 V ZV Martin, JP i: SF Slate, " «>. Ira Jessup, " 6> J D George, " 1 Alex Flinchutn, " 1 .7.7 J J Priddy, " 6 90 j C C Campbell, " W E Willis, " (17 Dr E Fulp, " 1 ; R P McAnally, " 70' J R Caudle, DS 15 S C Hill, C R Flippin, " 15 A J Fagg. - " 1.7 F L Tuttle, " IV J A Flynt, " 17 S P Crutchfield, " J.V W N Houchins, " 15 j Tliompson, " 15 M* Peebles, " 30 I Clayton, " 50 S Voss, » 80 '.OBoyles, " fis 'V Neal, " 90 'V Joyce, " 80 i Gordon, " 95 D Linville, " 100 T Young. « 1 00 i Smith, " 2 35 nk Wright, " 125 'V Young. " 140 V Ferguson, " 305 f Barker, " 2 75 ' A r Slate. " 1 85 V Shelton, •« 522 i? Christian, " 570 V Simmons, " 590 I Lawson, " J 111 It Smith, " (J 75 Potree, Sheriff, 5 90 ' Joyce, Sheriff, 2 20 ) Petree, CSC, 4 93 I' Chilton, C S C. 150 11 I Graves, Sol, 49 00 ICIAL COURT CLAIMS F. T. 1905. r Chilton, C S C, 134 00 > Potree, CSC, 17 00 ' Graves, Sol, 15)00 ' Petree. Sh'tf, 3 20 ' Joyce, Sh'ff, 1 15 Priddy, D S, 4 85 V Simmons, " 225 V Sheltou, " 105 tt Mabo, " 30 Ross, ,J P, 70 • i ' Bessent, " 87 i. Gann, " 72 ' Riorson, 02 ' Sheppard, " 163 V Poindextor, " 83 Jam Mitchell, " 1 20 liter Bull in, Const, 2 28 I I Pratt, D S, 30 Jones, " 82 > Hutchins, " 50 T Thompson, " 15 H Spencer, " 15 ' Dunlap, " 15 1 Christian, " 15 V Young, " 45 V X Houchins, " 30 >t Smith, " 50 V Gibson, " SK) M Lawson, " (50 M Peebles, " 105 : V Slato, " 165 A J Barker. " 2 tiO Y S Smith, " 1 28 . : in R Smith, " 545 al promiscious claims $5210 47 SIDE PAL'PIiH CLAIMS DURING THE YEAR, c Manring's family, 25 45 i an Chandler, 15 00 l.t thy Caudle, 16 00 .' ■ mio Gordon, 8 00 i idah Culler, 8 00 ly Coon's daughter, 12 00 .'.noes Wall, 12 00 uiie Tally, 8 00 lilah Vernon, 12 00 tie Shelton, 24 00 lisana Page, 10 00 nk East's'children, 12 00 ithy Prueft, 10 00 lia Sammon, 800 irlotte Manuel, 8 00 lliam Manuel, 17 00 ia Barrett's family, 28 00 ■an Mabe, 12 00 asaut Oakley, 12 00 ick Marshall and wife, 16 50 ida Thompson, 8 00 bo Glidowell and wife, 16 00 uiie Manuel, 6 00 lj. Freeman, 12 00 !|y Bullen, (5 00 rk Johnson's sisters, 18 00 sail Foddrell, 3 00 ! i i rden Dodson, 1 50 VV Newsom, 12 00 nry Hawkins, 12 00 ; ttio Hennis, 600 a Nunn, wife and family, 18 oo leline Harris' 2 children, lo oo ltou Burrow, 6 oo utiie Reid, . 9 oo (Continued.) NUMBER 45 Briefs Adrift. I ' Mr. C. W. Kay, of Francisco, ' was a Danbury visitor Monday. ( Mr. N. O. Petree returned Sat urday from a business trip to Winston. I Mr. R. R. Rogers, of Walnut , I Cove, spent Monday night in i Danbury. 1 Register of Deeds CM. Jonc a 1 went to Winston yesterday to look 1 after some business. Miss Lizzie Adkins, who is teaching here, spent Sunday at her home at Red Shoals. Mr. R. F. Fulk, of Perch, one of the county's prominent citizens, was here Tuesday. Mr. N. O. Petree killed two tine porkers Tuesday. They both weighed in the same notch—3s6J * each. Mr. Jno. G. Fulton, of Walnut Cove, was here Monday on his way to the northern part of the county. Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith, is attending a meeting of all the county superintendents in the State at Raleigh this week. Mr. P. IT. Young, of Sandy Ridge, Route 1, was here a short while Tuesday. Mr. Young drop ped in and paid his subscription to the Reporter to March 10,1H0N. Such subscribers as Mr. Young are very valuable to a newspaper. Messrs. W. Hardin Flinchum. of Piedmont Springs ; J. Gid Gordon, of Pinnacle, and Squire W. Goff, of Dalton, have been drawn to serve as jurors at the special term of Federal Court to be convened at Greensboro on January 2nd, liloO. Madison. Route 3. Madison, Route 3, Dec. 4.—Rev. Joyce filled his appointment at Cases Sunday eve. Large crowd out. Mr. Alexander Brim has been right ill with peumonia, but is improving, we glad to note. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Grnn and son are spending a few days with Mrs. Gann's sister of Reidsville. Misses Lillian Johnson ami Cora Joyce visited Misses Delia and Mamie Martin Sunday even ing. Gann's school is progressing nicely as we have a lovely teach er. TWO LUCKY GIRLS. Agreed to Leave the State. Floyd Venable, who was tried at Dobson court for assault on W. F. Carter, of this city, was senten ced to jail for thirty days. He appealed to the supremo court and later got the sentence changed to banishment from the State. The Judge gave him five days to leave and if ho over returns he will at once be arrosted and be made to serve the term in prison. We learn that he went to Oklahoma where he owns land.—Mt. Airy Leader. SON LOST MOTHER. "Consumption runs in our fam ily, and through it I lost my moth er," writes E. B. Reid, of Har mony, Me. "For the past 5 years, however, on the slightest sign of a cough or cold I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, which has" saved me i from serious lung trouble." His , mother's death was a sad loss for » Mr. Reid, but he learned that lung ' trouble must not bo neglected, 1 and how to cure it. Quickest re > lief and cure for coughs aud colds. Price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed at all druggists. Trial bottle free.

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