The Danbury Reporter. VOLUME XXX.III COUNTY EXHIBIT. CLAIMS AUDITED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF STOKES COUNTY, N. C., FROM DEC. 1, 1904, TO DEC. 1, 1905—ALSO SHOWING THE SET TLEMENTS OF THE COUNTY OFFICERS. (CONTINUED FB()M LAST WKKK.) Alfred Smith, $ 6 00 Albert Tutt l», 3 00 F-tunic Robertson. 3 CO Luther Mitchell, 8 CO Peter 11 ix, Mary Fry, * 1 Nancy Smith, 4 00 Mickey Hawkins, 6 00 Joe Padget, 5 00 Fatiuie Plnmer, 6 00 Jane Smith, 9 00 Total outside pa'p'r claims $473 95 Total promiscuous claims brought forward, 5210 47 Total Promiscuous and pau per claims, $5687 42 Witness claims Jan sp'l term 1905, 128 19 Witness claims spring term 1905, 191 32 Witness claims fall term 1905, ,>s 00 Jury claims Jan sp'l term 1905, 530 15 Jury claims spring term 1905, 479 40 Jury claims fall term 1905, - 272 65 Total current expenses, $7354 13 Settlement of I M Gordon Ex Clerk Board County Commission ers May Ist l'.M)r> of receipts ar.d (iisbusements f the funds received from the sale of the Stokes coun ty court honse and jail building bonds. To amount received from tho sale of 58 bonfls @ ?:,00 00 each, -• )000 00 To amount of interest on bonds to date of delivery 120 83 To amount of interest on money while on deposit in bank, 534 25 Total receipts, $29(555 08 Disbursed as follows: By amount paid W A Blair for negotiating loan, 100 00 By amount paid express charges on bonds, 20 83 By amount paid C P Fetter for inspecting brick, 25 00 By amount {.'aid Mt, Airy Marble Works for corner stone, 22 50 By ninount paid J E & A E McCausland Ist payment court house, 7000 00 By amount paid J E & A E McCausland 2nd payment court house, 8(540 00 By amount paid J E & A E McCausland red mortar for jail, 40 00 By amount paid J E & A E McCausland part payment on jail, 2850 CO By amount paid Pauly Jail Co balance on jail, 5837 50 By amount paid Odell H'dw' Co 6toves &c for C H and jail, 10 30 By amount pai I Hooper Brooks H'dw' Cocpspidors f >r C H, 20 20 By nmount pail Huntley, Hill & Stockton foot mats , for C H, 6 75 By amt. paid Huntley, Hill 1 & Stockton fur carpet for I C H 87 12 By amt. paid Wall & Huske for cuspidors for C H 12 00 By amt. paid Benetield Fur niture C). for chairs, desks, etc., for C H 418 84 By aint. paid N O Petree, freight, carpet, etc. for C H 44 37 By amt. paid Art Metal Con struction Co. for metal furniture for C H vaults 198000 By amt. paid J M Reynolds County Treas. in part of balance on hand and due county, 725 00 By amt. paid J M Reynolds County Treas. balance on hand of said fund due county, 1844 07 $29(555 OH Sheriff R. P. Joyce's settlement of county funds for year 1904. Total amt. of county funds ree'd from all sources by sheriff during year 1904 after deducting sheriff's commissions, insolvents and relpaseq allowed, $7334 50 By Treasurer J M Reynold's vouchers examined and ap proved, $7334 50 This makes Sheriff's settlement of county funds complete. Sheriff R P Joyce's settlement of school funds for year 1904 : Total amt. of revenue col lected for school funds by Sheriff for year 1904 from all sources after deduct ing sheriff's commissions, insolvents and releases, $7904 83 By vouchers examin ed and approved $7957 59 By amt. overpaid and ' flue sheriff, $ 52 7(1 To amt. of order on J M Reynolds, Treas., for the above over payment in settlement, $52 7li This makes bis aettlomont of school funds complete. Sheriff R P Joyce's settlement of Roanoke & Southern railroad taxes due Sauratown township. Remaining in his hands on last settlement, $ 112 28 By vouchers allowed sll2 28 This makes Sheriff's settlement of Roanoke & Southern rail road funds oomplete. Treasurer J M Reynolds' settle ment of oounty founds for 1904: To the amount received from R P Joyce Sheriff taxes collected by him, 17334 50 To amount received from R P Joyce Sheriff for Saura town township, 112 28 To amount received from R J Petree Sheriff on taxes collected by him, 152 66 To amount received from M T Chilton CSC jury tax fees etc, 171 15 To amount received from R C Mounce rent for county home farm, 50 00 To amount received from I M Gordon Register of Deeds from sale of old jail 61 70 To amount received from I M Gordon Register of Deeds from C H and jqil bonds, 2569 07 To amount received from VV L McCanless for old C H fence, 1 00 To ninount roceived from County B'd of Education for old court house benches 600 To amount received from sale of old jail wire, 4 70 Total receipts, 104(53 06 By commissions on rc'pts, 52 31 10410 75 To balance on hand at last settlement, 2470 73 Total, 12881 48 DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1905. By vouchers examin ed and app'ved, $9175 12 By commissions on vouchers $9175.12 @ 2i 229 37 $9404 49 By bolance in Treas. hands Sept 0, 1905, $3476 99 Amt. belonging to Sauratown town ship, slll 72 Amt. belonging to general co. fund, 3305 27 $3470 99 This makes Treasurer's settlement of county funds complete. Treasurer J M Reynold's set tlement of school funds for year 1904 ; To amount received from R P Joyce Sheriff, 7957 59 To amount received from R J Petree liquor license, 308 75 To amount received from Justices of the peace fines 63 11 To amount received from M T Chilton CSC fines &c, 754 53 To amount reoeived from Jasper Slate, 2 00 To amount received sale old school property, 98 27 To amount received for desks, 127 05 To amount received from County Sup't Smith, 33 00 To amount reoeived from State Treasurer loan funds, 200 00 To amount reoeived from State Treasurer for libra ries, 45 00 To amount received from State Treasurer, 1824 31 To amount reoeived from State Sup't for Walnut Cove Dis't, 50 00 To amount received from Districts for libraries, 45 00 Total receipts, $ll5OB 61 To balance on hand at last settlement, 1026 66 $12535 27 By vouchers ex amined and ap proved $11439.70 By corn's on vou chers $11439.70 &2perct. 228.79 11668.49 Balance in hands of Treas. Sept. (1, 'OS, H66.78 This makes his settlement of school funds complete. The foregoing settlements of R P Joyce, Sheriff, and J M Rey nolds, Treasurer, were made at September meeting of the board 1905. The report of I M Gordon, Ex- Clerk of the board, of receipts and disbursemants of the funds de rived from the sale of the Stokes county court house and jail build ing bonds was filed at May meet ing of the board 1905. North Carolina I Office Board Stokes county \ Com'sioners. I, C M Jones, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for Stokes county, certify that the forego ing is a true statement of county claims audited and allowed by said board of commissioners from | Dec Ist 1904 to Dec Ist 1905. | Also the amount of revenue re ceived from all sources for county Bchool and speoial purposes and the amount of oounty, school and speoial funds disbursed for the last fiscal year as appears from Sheriff'a and Treasurer's settle ment of taxes and I M Gordon's settlement of special court house and jail building funds for year 1904. Witnebs my band at office iu Danbury, N. C., Deo 4, 1905. C. M. JONEB, R. P, and Clerk B'd Co. Com'B. STOKES AND CAROLINA. CHRISTMAS IS HERE. Where to Get Your Presents for Wife. Sisters. Brothers. Children and All —Some Reliable Firms Who Treat You Right. The joyous season of Xmas i« here and this is the last issue of the Reporter that will appear be fore the holidays. And when you go to purchase your presents for relatives and friends remember that— If you want clothing of the best, types and latest styles, the old re liable N. L. Crauford «fc Co., of Winston, is the place to find it Also gents furnishing of ever) kind. When you want dry goods, no tions, groceries, hats, shoes, cloth ing, and beautiful presents go t John A. Burton, of Walnut Cove, and you will get honest goods at living prices. The J. W. Hester Co., of Wins ston, will furnish you tho most beautiful articles for Christmas at the lowest prices, S. P. Tesh, of Mayodan, is offering a grand array of pretty and nice things at unheard low prices. Santa Claus l;a9 already eomt to the handsome store of R. P. Joyce at Walnut Cove, and ho in vites all his friends to come in and make their purchases for tho holidays, The most beautiful articles for toilet, fine candies, cigars, etc., may be found at E. W. O'Hanlon's, i who invites nil his Stokes friendt to him this week and i see his elegant presents. O'Han lon will treat you right every timo. i Chas. M. Phelps & Co., the new clothing store at Winston, is of fering some great bargains in suits and overcoats. The magnificent store of the Huntley-Hill-Stookton Co, at Winston, is filled with every pret ty and useful home furnishing ar ticle that the heart can desire. Make your wife happy with a new ( piece of furniture. Fletcher Bros., of Winston, are ' offering some bargains in clothing, j shoes, and hats that will pay the purchaser to investigate before he buys Brown the Jeweler of Winston, is prepareing to move into new quarters, and is dealing out jewel ry and Christinas presents of all j kinds at prices that will make you smile. When you go to Walnut Cove don't forget that Will East has opened a nioe store and wants you to oome around and see his stock and get his prices before you buy. Capt. R. L. Murphy's store k ; j crammed and jammed with the 1 nicest goods and the greatest bar gains. The Capt. says he sells for cash and gives his customers j the benefit of his up-to-date busi ness methods. Everything nice j for Xmas. Kicked in the Jaw By a Mule, j Mr. J. W. Mabe, of Danbury Route one, wa3 a visitor in town Monday. Mr. Mabe is suffering with a mule-kick, in the jaw, re- j oeived while returning in a wagon from Winston last week. The mules became scared at the train, j The blow was about spent, or if would most certainly broke Mr. Mabe's jaw-bone. Mr. Mabe is a fine tobacco rais er. He has averaged 124 011 the total amount of tobacco which he has sold this season, some of it brought as high as 40 cents. ONLY NINE MORE DAYS. WHO WILL WIN THE HANDSOME PRIZES AND BE VOTED THE MOST POPULAR LADIES?—SOME HEROIC WORK LIKELY TO BE DONE WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS—A SUGGESTION TO THOSE WHO WANT TO WIN BAD. Only nine mure days, and the great voting contest to determine who is the most popular lady not only in Stokes county, but among the many thousands of readers of the Reporter, will be over. The premiums have arrived, and they are beauties. First, the splendid New Home Sewing Machine, which is fit to adorn any home, and a thing of joy and usefulness to any lady. This goes to the young lady who roceives the highest number of votes. Second, tie elegant parlor lamp, one of the prettiest ever shown in Stokes county, and which would grace the parlor of any home. This will lie present, od to the lady receiving the second largest vote. Third, the beautiful umbrella, with handle of pearl and gold, rili lie given to the young ; lady who receives the third highest vote. Everybody is invited to call at the Reporter office and see the pre miums. They are enough to make anyone work hard that his sweet heart, sister, daughter or friend may win them, to say nothing of the honor that goes along with them, and which is worth more than all. ONE MORE ISSI'E OF THE REPORTER BEFORE CONTEST CLOSES. Remember that one more issue of the Reportor will ba printed be ; fore the close of the contest. The paper will bo printed on next \\ ednesday, December 28, in which the vote up to the hour of going to press will be given. But the voting will go on until sundown, Saturday, December 30, 1905, when the ballot box will bo closed and the vote counted. WHO WILL WIN ? This is the question on every tongue now—who will win the Grand Premium? At this writing it looks like the honor will lie between ; Miss Mirtie Wall, of Meadowsj»and Miss Lottie Sue Brown, of Box j wood, but no one can tell now what turn the balloting will take. The I friends of the candidates are working hard, and even some of the young Indies nro canvassing for themselves, as to win will ba an honor not to be despised by anybody. If you have a friend anywhere, write to them at once, without de lay, and toll them to send us a dollar by return mail and to cast their vote for Miss . One young man last week mailed over 200 letters on one mail to his frionds. and the result was a flood tide of v.tes for tho girl of his choice. If you are already paid up, you can pay as many years in advance as you wish, and every dollar paid counts twenty votes. The parents or brothers of the contestants can well atford to pay a good sum out of their own own pockets from a business standpoint, to say nothing of the pleasure to the lady and the honor of winning, for the machine is worth SSO, the lamp $5.50, and the umbrel'ass.oo. For the benefit of those concerned, the publishers would say that they would like to sell to anyone as many subscriptions as they would like, giving them a receipt for same. For instance, you could pur chase 1(1) subscriptions, paying us SIOO.OO for them. This would entitle you to 2,(XX) votes, which you could oast for the lady of your choice. We would then furnish you 100 cards, signed by the publish ers of the Reporter, each card good for one year's subscription. Ycu could then sell these cards oasily getting SI.OO a piece for them, and thus get hack evory cent of your money. Cheap Holiday Rates. Commencing December 22nd, to 25th, inclusive, December, 3oth and olst, and Jan. Ist, the Norfolk and Western Railway Company will sell cheap excursion tickets on account of the Christmas Holi days limited to January 4th, 1906. To teachers and students of schools and colleges holding cer tificates signed by the principal or President, excursion tickets will bo sold December 17th, to 24th, inclusively limited to Jan. Btb, 19oG. For full information apply to Ticket Agents Norfolk and West ern Railway. W. B. Bevill, General Pas senger Agent, Roanoke, Va. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreera of fad dism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25c at all druggists; guaranteed. NUMBER JO DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. by local applications, as thoy can uot roach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammatioifccan L> taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are caused by Cattarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for oirculars free. ' F. J. CHEN FY & CO., Toledo,O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family L'ills for constipation. Mr. J. F. Shelton, a prominent citizen of Sandy Ridge Route 1, was here Friday on his *ay home I from Winston. w. ■'U J