M. W. NORFLEET £ CO. PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. K&ti'blislieil IHS, TO THE TOBACCO GROWERSOFSTOKESCOUXTY: Wii ston, N. V., Nov. 18, 190">. are now selling tobacco Higher than at any timfor three years past—in fact we Hie getting old time pi ices Our sale today averaged $12.18 per hundred for every JMII ud on Hie floor. Our sales for the entire week averaged over 10 cents per pound. .AMI tl.eir was loth of common tobacco. We have large orders here not represented on any other matket within your reach. *Ve have manufacturers here who do not buy no ;mv ma? Act extept Whalon. We also have lactones who do buy on other markers, but as a sensible man you mint know they buy it enough cheaper, so that it isdeliv «'ied io tiifin a- Winston price*, thus limbing t|)a farmer pay the buying expenses avd f'eiuht. When tobicco is high you can Ret fair price* anywhere, but unless you soil it Winston \ou are certainly losing money and perhapv much more than you think- * ' »■» >• >II" ;ifliiid to stand this loss ? Come to headquarters and get the top of the in uket for your tobacco. Your friends, M. VV. NOKFLEDT X CO. I iT~u 1 \ GETTING # | 4 Per Cent | > FOII YOUIt MONEYS? \ | PIEDHI Mil® mi I % WIJYSTOA -SA LEM, JV. C. J > The Bank Of \ SStokes County* C Danbury - Walnut Cove > \ RESOURCES: $40,000 / Solicits the account of every person in Stokes County f M who handles money—merchants, farmers, business men, \ school teachers, men, women and children. Check M Jr books furnished free. PROTECTION —We are chartered by the State to the f extent of SIO,OOO paid up capital, with $50,000 author- f ized; charter recorded in the offiee of the Clerk Superior # M Court of Stokes County; we are insured against burglars % in the sum of $20,000; we have fireproof vaults and solid M M steel burglar-proof, time lock safe*. Our ca.shivrs are bonded in the sum of $20,000. M M 4 PER CENT—We pay 4 per cent interest on ceitifi- g cates of deposit. Any sum taken. This bank is the depository of the public moneys of W M Stokes County. J JESSE H. PRATHER, Pres. W. J. BYEKLY, Vice Pres. C C Cashiers: EUGENE PEPPER, R. R. ROGERS. > ANNOUNCEMENT. STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT. I dcsi- to say to the people of this section that I am now in the mercantile business at Walnut Cove, and will handle nil kinds of Dress Goods, Shoes, Notions, Groceries, etc. While I do not claim to have the largest and most complete stock of goods in the conntry. Ido claim to sell the best goods as low as the lowest. When you visit Walnut Cove look for the store with the BLUE FRONT, und give ine u call, whether you buy or not. Yours for Business, J. W, EAST WALNUT COVE Oyster Luncheon at the McCanless House New Year's Cay. An oyster luncheon at the McCanless House Monday, New- Year's Day, was one of the pleas antest social functions of the holi days. The spread had been ar ranged by the Stokes County Medical Society, which was to meet here Monday, and all the physicians of the county, with their wives, were expected. But owing to the severe weather and much sickness in the county, only a few physicians were present, the occasion nevertheless being a most enjoyable one. The 'guests present were : Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Moore, of Smith ; Dr. J, H, Ellington, of Sandy ttidge ; Drs. VV. V. and W. L.Mc- Canless, of Danbury, and Messrs. J. D. Humphreys and Eugene Pepper, If there was anything in the ar ticle in the last issue of the Re. porter regarding the disturbance of the negroes hero during Christ mas, that may have seemed intend ed to reflect on the officers or magistrates, this paper disclaims any such intention. The article was given merely as legitimate news, and the facts were printed without any editorial mention by this paper, and without any inten tion to tread on anybody's toes. Paid To October 4, 1912. Mr. D. F. Tillotson, of King 11. F. D. No. 1, has the honor of standing tho highest of any one on the Reporter's roll of honor, having paid his subscription in advance to Oct. 4, 1912. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. Wj Grove's signature is on ee.oh box Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —ODRBB-- Coufirhe, Colds, Group and Whooping Cough. Thl« remedy is fmmoua for ltacoreaoY«r • Urge i)art of the civilised world. It can : alwaya be depended upon It oontaina no opium or other harmful drug and may be given aa confidently to a baby aa to an adult Price 25 cts; Large Size, 60 eta. For sale by N. A. MARTIN. NOTICE! TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power contain ed in a certain deed in trust exe. cuted to me by J. O. Southorn and wife E. S. Southern on the 18th day of Nov., 1891, to secure the payment of a note therein recited, which said deed in trust is duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Stokes county, in Book No. 32, page 130, default having been made in the payment of said note, and the holder there of having applied to me to sell the lands conveyed in said trust deed, 1 will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., on Monday, the sth day of Feb. 1906, at 12 o'clock, M., the lands con veyed in said deed in trust, lying and being in the county of Stokes, adjoining the lands of Z. L. Wall, and others, and described in said deed as follows, to-wit: "Lying on the north side of County Line branch, adjoining W. B. Carter on the East side, Z. L. Wall on the North side, and J. C, Flinn and M. T. Glenn on the South and West sides, it being that portion of the Jonathan Flinn land conveyed by him to J. 0. Flinn, and by him conveyed to J. O. Southern, containing 20 acres, more or less." This the 2nd day of Jan., 1906, J. G. H. MITCHELL, Trustee. The Clothing Store wi; ell you your next «u? i* overcoat cheaper Than it r (loin; House In Mod When you come down, ome in our place and see fus yourself. Don't forget The -!' ' Clothing Store and 3d Streets, East side of Court House. One of your mnty hoys is here with us Will llierson. onie in and see him. CHAS HELPS & COMPANY ) / iston - Salem N. _C. . V . NC b/ \I»V FOR BUSINESS 2=B STORES =2 \AJ of UP-TO-DATE C >THING S )ES, HATS and UNDERWEAR. Our bnyei Us ju eturned from New York where he bought some big ba gains i . Nothing, Hats and Shirts and we have just gotten t'iroiigh > ening :ip same and are now ready for Ibusiness, f-ret cou; gets the pick. 400 fine Sample Hats all colors ai* i styh > zes (> 7-8 7, and 7 1-8. worth $1.50 to $2.50, our p ices visile they last. ELET : ER BROTHERS 430 lev. treet Winston, IN.C, | » a Cold in One Day ssiSU | I Take LaXat >B. I »■ ■ J Mcrcli xl business men will tills paper ndI«1 advertising medium. Try It.