The Danbury Reporter. * .'W »'!' " • %,-• *-', V.4 ' - 'I«V. . % . _. _ " . '■: »- _ - - t * JJEL I . voLtTirn xx.Kin. Annual Report Clerk su* perior Court, .ale of Nurtli Carolina. I ' Stokes iW»itnly. J n " fck s: 'ln-the lion. Chairman of the Board of Commi*- ' »r* of Sirtk»w (loimtv* •e underaignud M. T. Chilton, Clerk of the Su r Oowrl in ami for said County and State, begß IB(*V« to rcpmt ti« THU Hoard all moneys in hia hands Lj virtuu ur*H>l«r «»f hi* niKuu. oti the first Monday in I)««• I'.Ml.i. being the Ith d*y of Dec. ltjOii, show jug from whom received, when received, to whom ' «I it** Ijnw invented, rate of mterest and amount doe Per. I. jß'.xVi, (is follow# 10-wit: ( . - Re-'d Dec. 1, 1902, the following amounts, from N. (). Prtmi, ex-c. 8. 0., same being loaned W« h- & T. t'o.. at iJ per e»nt., figures on right showing Ami., of |irint-ipf«l 'and interest to Deo. 4, 1905: [Loaned Nov. 510, 02:] • tftujll for heir* of Harah Dixon - ♦* $71.91 11.82 " x "■ " Lvdia Spninliour ' > 12.35 fl.fll '* " u Miner?* Shackelford 744 70.82 " Mary Burge r 7727' 155,9 ft " " " Abe Bailey . J70.16 50.64 ' n " " Adaline Frazier 55.25 Ilt.tO, " Martha Martin 17.57 ( Loaned Nov. 20, and Dec. 10, 02]: - * s 48.02 " Irvin A. Boyle*, Noy. 2SC>, 1902 and . Dec 10,1902 # 4ft.92 Loaned Nov. 20,02:] . i 41.53 " John Walter Lnosford 43.8 L 42iU " WHliain O. Lunsford 46*>2 9.05 " J. C. Ferguson 10.53 905 " .E. Ferguson . 10.53 10.48 Edna Tutile 1 17.98 | Loaned Deo. 10, 02:] * ~ njß) " Ann in Isom, ft.Bs 25.18 " heirs of Nancy S. Allen " 27,43 [ Loaned Nov. 20, 02:] 8.54 " Mattie Hall 9.82 103.91 " . Naomi Carter Admr.of J. P. Carter 113.28 02.0U " Louisa Hill » 56.83 f Loaned Dec. 10, 02: J 5.11 Kli/.» Potter 5.16 5.11- " Begpie Potter 5.56 5.11 " Maggie Potter 5.5 ft I Loaned Nov. SO, 02p] \7.48 " Miirgafet T. Cromer 19.07 -M*4K* " Mattio W Crotrtw -i - ' -ttMH' I i.l s llattii! G. Cromer 19.07 "21 39 " Maud Reynolds 23.84 111,03 " Dillnrd Marshall 17.49 | Loaned Dec. 10, 02:] , R'.tHl " Nannie Taylor ft.l 3 * * , [Loaned Nov. 20, 02:] 7.36 " Kmtna All«y 8.02 7.3T1 •' KlizaJ. Alley , 8.02 U'.97 Harah Km ma Puarce 21.79 07 . Robt. Presley I'uarce 21.79 l»7 Georgia Laura Pearce 21.79 !3 Minnie Pyrtle 12.25 *4l " Hufus IVrtle 12.25 ft " f>avid Martin 7J05 'ij " James Martin 7.05 > " Savanah Martin 7.05 . " Children of Thompson Flippin 102.50 * " " '* Mary Cox 102.40 > " Reddick 25 37 " John ReddiOk 25.37 4 Mary Reddipt . 25.37 Nessic lieddiok 25.37 [ Loaned Dec. 10, 02:] " (ieoige Lash col. * 9.70 Sarah K. Lawrence 1ti.34 •' Robt. Watson 28.96 • Wni. t li9:i KluA Willis, col. B.fi7 ' it;o. Cuudlo • 8.(55) '7, 08, from estate of Jackson Guiding, ig amounts, same being 1 loaned on Feb |icr cent., figures on right ftbowing jrincipnl and interest to Dec. 1,05: rd (folding 51.31 »«• Golding 51.81 03, from estate of Wesley James, the \Vntß, same being on May 20, 03, estate at ft per cent., figures on principal and interest to Deo. 4, 05: • Hiinpson 8.98 "5, frorti estate of B. F. Bynam, the nla,same being oo May 20,u3, loaued t i per cent., figures on right ihow •id interest to Dec. 4, 0.": • . • l'. Golding 77.22 citta Golding ' 77,22 «' from .-state of P. W. Robertson, j •-mints, aame being on May 20, 03, ' late at ft per cent.,' figures on ] ijicipal nnd interest to Dec. 4, 05: ! /jlolmtson 14.20 4KotM«rtson 14.20 Koliertson 14.20 RolMirtson 14.20 ' it>v and interest on same loaned fiHis 1776.05 . S.X), Pstree, the following nd interest being loaned Feb. at ft |>er cent., figure* on it of principal and interest to \priiigl* fU).SB 4. Pringle 6ft.68 Allowing amounts from estate of itolpnl and interest being loaned ircal estate at ft percent., figures Srincipal and interest to Dec DANIUJKY, N. 0., TIIUIiSDifY/JANrARY 11, 190(5 99.4 C* « f»earlßoaze 108.48 [ Loaned SejA, 19; 03 ]: M " Jajry/). Boaze 111.57 ( m4® " Lmiis 0. Boaze i 11.57 I Loaned Deo. 5, 05, principal and interest}: 99,10 " Roscoe C. Rec'd following suit. Aug. Bept. 7. Oil, and 05, invested principal and irttorest in bridge bonds at ft per »nt: JJVV'' " J 9H.40 Jaiues M. Boaze . 112.94 R&j'd Dei>.. I. 02, from NT O. Petree, samfe bfeing on Bept. 7, 08, nnd 05. invested principal and interest in bridge bftnds at ? per oent: • * 125.72 " Matt Covington 140.08 185.72 '' John Coviogion » 14ft.08 125.72 " Franois Covington ] 16.08 125.72 - Laura Covington 146.08 125.72 " Annie Covington - % 146.08 125.72 " Josie ('ovington 146.08 Rec'd Jau. T2 and Ajjr. 2, 02, from of • Thos. TilioUon, tha following amount, same being on Aug. 4, 05, loaned principal and interest on leal estafeat ft perceiit: ~ V" -> 64.29 " Isariah Reo'd on tlie dates specified the following' amounts , from estate of ft. L. Hartman,- same being loaned on real estate Nov, 1, }905, at ft per cent., figures on J lie right showing amount of principal and in T terest to Dec. 4. lWB! for Eliiotte Duncan, same being *on Ape. 26, 00/ loaned on r»al estate at 6 "per certt., figures on right showing amount of principal -Interest lo Dec. 4, 1905; A&tfo. 3, 03, from es«ate of A. P. Dunoan 36.40 Dec; ?2,04. " " y $6.44 Interest collected 51 Apr. 26, 05, from estate of Landon Duncan 66.Q0 . 146.48 Rec'd on the dates specified the following amounts for Oscar E. Dnnoan, same being on Apr. $6; Q5, loaned on real estate a{ 6 per oent., figured on right showing amount of principal and interest to Dec. 4, 1905: - . Deo. H, 03, from estate of A. P. Duncan 11.66 Deo. 22, 04, " « " 3644 Interest collected 51 50.37 Reo'd on Dec. 22, 04, the followiug amounts from estate of A. P. Duncan, same heing 6n Apr. 26, 05, loaned on real estate at 6 per cent., figures on ' * right showing amount of principal and interest to Vih'af'r i'MiWuTT - -- ;• -,'w' 26.K) for Henry J. Duncan • 27.56 Rec'd March 25, 05, fr«m estate of'Rufus Southern, same being loaned on real estate at 6 per cent., figures on right showing amount of principal and • interest to Dec, 4, 1905: T 121.25 for Ethel May Southern, loaned Apr. - 1,05,126.15 121.25 for Rufus B.»yd " " Aprs 1, 05 and Alig. 5, 05,125.29 Rec'd Aug. 16, 05, from estate of J, G-, Craw, '7l.B9 for Geiter Craig, loaned Aug. 16, 05; onxejafestatte, principal ar.d interest to D«5. 4, 05, 73.18 Rec'd on Sept. 6, 05, from estate of Ann Tilley, the following aints., same being on Sept. 6, 05, loaned on real estate' at 6 per cent , figures on -right shew ing amt, of principal and interest to Dec. 4, 1905:" 55.62 for Lockey Tilley - 56,42 55.62 for Bet tie Scales » ' 56.42 55.62 for Rella Benson 56.42 Reo'd on the dates specified the following amounts for Hhmcy Gravitt, same being on March il; 05, loanfi on real estate at 6 per oent-, figures on right •bowing amt. of principal amf interest to Dec. 4, 190fv Deo. 1, 02, from N. O. Petree, * , -10,00 " 15, 02, " estate of J. A. Coviftgton, J.Q2 " 18,02, " " H. A. Boyles, 23.18 Mcli. 11.05," " " 4.22 May -6, 04, " " Georgia Boyles, >3.52 Int. 011 above amts. to Mch. 11, 05, 3.86 , " 47.80 Rec'd the following amounts for Loony Gravitt, same being on March 11, 05, loaned on real estate at 6 per cent., figures on right showing amount^of principal and interest to Dec. 4, 1905: Dec I, 02, from N. O. Petree, 10.00 " 15, 02, 41 estate of J. A. Covingtoft, 1.02 " 18; 02, " - n. A. Buy las, 23.48 ' Moh. 11,05, " " " 4.22 May ft, 04, " " Georgia Boyles 2.16 Int. on above amts. to Mch. ff, 05, 3.86 47.80 Rec'd the lolbwing amonnts for William Gravitt, same being on March 11, 05, loaned on real estate at ft per cfint., figuros on rjghft , showing amount of prinoipal and interest to Dec: 4, 1905: Dec. 1, 02, from N. O, 15,02, i'estate of J A fievington J. 02 " 18,02, " " H A Boyles, 23.18 Mch. 11,05, " " . - " . 4^2 May 6, 4J1, Georgia Boyles, 3.52 Int. on ab>> to Mch.'ll. o:», i! m; 47.50 Rec'd the following amptints for Grant Gravitt, same being ofi Marcli ll t J4K)S, loanSd' on real estate at 6 per e»nt, figures on right showing amount Of principal ana interest to Dec. 5, 1905: Dec. 1, 02, from N\ O. Petree, 10.00 " 15, 02, " entute of J A Covington, 1.01 " 18,02. "v H A Boyle*, 23.18 Mch. 11, 05, " " M 4.22 May t», 04, " " Georgia Boyles, 3.52 Int. on alwve amts. to Maroh 11, 05. 8.87 47.80 Rec'd the following amount* for Walter Gravitt, same being on Maroh 11, MO6, loaned on real estate at 6 per cent., figure* on right showing amount of principal and interest to December 4, 1905: Doc. 1, 02,' from N O Petree, 10.0Q " 15, 02, " estate of J A Co " 18,02, " " HA Bo Moh. 11,05, " " (CONTINI'KD Nsr - ■- w STOKES AND CAROLINA. FARMERS" INSTITUTES. How to Make Them More . Interesting —Written by R. P. McAnally at the Request of Prof. Tait Butler. Saxon, Jan. 1. Hon. Tait Butler, Raleigh, N. C. iSear Sir :—Replying to yours of Nov. 15th, I beg to make two suggestions regarding Farmers In stitutes or experiment station work for this year. First, since it is j claimed (Voohers in his book on j "Fertilizers" page 2(7) that "the mantle new going to waste on 0111 farma is' equal iii value to ten timoß the amount »ve pay t'or com mercial Fertilisers," this bei. g ( true and due to the want of know ledge by omr farmers regarding j the for saving manure,! would it not result in much more | good for you Experiment Station) people to turn your attention and time to this line of information and leave off if necessary entirely the Fertilizer control work as it is of only one tontli the importance to tis. Farmers, this is the way I ancl many thousands of farmers ; through North Carolina look at the Experiment Station work; you are leaving undone work that is of very'great information to us and doing a great ileal of work that never gets down to our level. Give us plaps for horto and cow stables and hog pens and chicken houses not especially for the farmer who cultivates his lt-KT acres or nitire ev j. "•■! .f HtooM.M plan faTtl e'nian who keeps onl) one male,, quo cow a cop pie of hogs and a dozen hq;is and then the two horse man can double plans so they will fit him, then I you will have come home to us and have put yourself and work in position to do the greatest good . to the greatest number. My sec- i ond suggestion is this: it is an 1111- 1 settled question as to what it costs ' us to grow our principal crops: j nobody knows what it actually j costs to grow a bale of cotton; the average 100 pounds of tobacco; a bushel of corn, wheat, or potatoes No we don't even know what it j costs our average one and two j horse farmer to grow an acre of i the crops wej grow every year. Now my suggestion is that you ! Experiment Station people look I into this matter; it might persuade j the American Tobacco Company to give us at least cost for our to- | bacco besides help us to know ■ more of our bn sin ess than we now i know. The question will perhaps be ! asked how could you get at the j true cost of growing crops" by the j average farmer? I 1 iow it cannot be done on the experiment station , farms because your labor is too I expensive, and plot work is rot \ comparable to field conditions, and is a consequence you must go to the country farm and get the facts, select representative farm ing districts for the various crops say one, two or more amonrr the truckers of eastern North Caro lina several then where cotton is | the money crop, then more in the j tobacco belt, have a practical 1 farmer or representation of the ] experiment station in each of these districts and let him select | say a half dozen average farms near him whoso owners will agree : to give labor reports cost expend ed and all data relating to the 1 crops of all kinds. Let your special agent visit his half dozen 1 farms at least three times a week and take the reports of what Imr \ been done Bince last visit, how the fields in the various crops payed ! and know what it cost per acre, then we will know what wo are doing and not till then. , Respectfully, R. P. McANALLY. I MISS BERTIE BOWLES KILLED. Went Into an Old Eu.lding When It Fell. Breaking the Young Lady's Neck—Death of Mrs. Gaston Allen, North V of Germanton. (rermanton, Jan. (>. —Miss Bertie Bowles, daughter of Mr. Burges6 Bowles, who resides on the farm of Mr. (Inston Allen, six miles north of this place, met, with a sudden and sad death last Thurs day. M iss ljowle3. who was a estima ble young lady and 17 years old, was i i an old building, formerly used as a kitchen, when tlia wind ; blew it down. Sowtfof the tim bers fell on her, breaking her nock and causing instant death. Mrs. Allen, wife of own er of the lard on which Miss Bowles was killed, also'died Thurs day of typhoid fever. Her age was about .'55 years. Mrs. Allen and Miss Bowles were laid to rest yesterday in the graveyard nt Friendship, near German ton. SANDY RIDGE. Sandy mdge, Jan. 4.—Misses Kate and Jennie Ilntclierson re turned to school at Winston Mon day after spending Christmas at their home, Mr. and jfrs. 11. L. Nolson gave a dance Monday night, which was i a most enjoyable event. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. French, oi Cornell, (Hdiv., are spending some : tune w;t h" rclal ivos h re. Mr. and j Mrs. French and Mr. 11, C. Thomp son spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Virginia. They , report 21 r. D. A. \ ernon very low which will be a regret to his many friends in Stokes. We think one of ou v consistent members ul the church broke over Christmas. Last year she was hoard to remark that she consider ed it an insult to be invited to a dance but this time sho came in (>. K. She not only was invited i but attended a dance and after- I wards went down in Rockingham to one./ (Jiris, don't let the old j widowers lead you as. ly. Mr. Robt. Hutcherson, of May berry, W . \ a., spent Christmas with relatives here. We think that two more of our girls are getting very anxious as thoy didn t only meet their young men on half way grounds, but in fact they carried them home in a two horse wagon and spent a few days. Wed out blame you though girls for it's real dangerous for those two boys to ride horse back along t ho roads, especially in Christmas when people have stock on the roads. Now, dears don't get mad for people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones you know and we haven't forgotten I what "WeltH" wrote about two girls about three weeks ago. Misses Lillio and Jessie Joyce wont home with the Price boys and spent the latter part of Christmas. We guess Prices were not quite so high this Christmas as last as they eouldn t atford to attend but oue dance on Sandy llidge, but wanted to hasten to dear old Rock ingham where they didn't have to' | pay for music and their sweet hearts like good little girls carried them home. Boys, don't come to Sandy Ridge without bringing some money along if you expect to dance, ( i. e. if you have any.) FROM ONE UP TOWN. |. • - The leaf tobacco sales on the Winston market amounted to 2fi!1,42.'l pounds last week. tfUMJiER 40 Briefs Adrift. Mr. P. H. Martin, of / yereville, was here Monday. Air. Ollie Hicks, of Meadows, -as in town Tuesday. Mr. H. McGee was here from Germ an ton Tuesday. Mrs. A. J. Fagg visit. 1 relatives at Walnut Cove this we k." J. N. Lasley, of Wa'not Cove Route 3, was in town M iday. Mr. Jno. R. Smith, ..f Hard Bank, was in Danbury last Mon day. Mr. R. M. Brown, of Moore's Springs, was a visitor here Tues day. Mr. Julius Lawson, of Camp bell Route 2, ivas a Daubury vis itor Friday. Rev. J. H, Robertson, of the Forsyth circuit, spent a few hours in Danbury Monday. Four months uf lUOG will have * five Sundays eaoh. Thase are: April, July, September and De cember. . Ex-SherifF J. C. Wall, Dr. J. Walter Neal and Mr. To n Frank Newsoin were in town on business * last Thursday, Postmaster H. M. Joyce will conduct an examination uf R, F. D. carriers here next Saturday. Nine applicants will stand. A large number of negroes are preparing to leave Danbury for the coal fields of West Virginia. Their families will remain here. Misses Mattie Taylor, of Win ston, Judith Pace, of Danville, and Grace Taylor, of Winston, were the guests of Mrs. J. Spot Taylor | soveral days the-past week. Tho usual inner sheet is omit te'd from this issue of the 'leporter. This arrangement is only tempor ary. We expect-to give our pa trons plenty of interesting reading soon. I he Bank of Stokes County now has $35,000 deposits. This shows that the people of Stokes county have confidence in it, nn . believe' in patronizing a worthy home in stitution.^ f \ Messrs. Jno. T. Hicks and J. W. Tedder, of Meadowy iave re cently removed iron tie county. Mr. Hicks goejßo Hig Point and Mr. Tedder Forsy! county. Both are gcitizens, and will be missed, jp* There wjll be services at Davis Chaipel next Sunday 14th, at 11 o'-»ock A. M., by the pastor, Rev. W. T. Albright. He will also preach at the M. E. oh ireh here at night of the same tiny. There will be preaching at P 'myra on the third Sunday at 11 o'clock A M. A MODERN MIRACLE. "Truly miraculous yearned the recovery of Mrs. MolMe Holt of this place," writes J, O. R. Hoop per, YYoodford, Tenn., "she was so waited by coughing up p.iss from , her lungs. Doctors decided her end so near that her fu-nily had watched by her bedside forty-eight hours; when, at my urge, t request Dr. King s New Discovery was was given her, with the astonish ing result that improvement l>e gan, and continued until she final ly completely recovered, and is n healthy woman today.'' Guaran teed cure for coughs j. id colds. 50a and $.30 at ad Trial bottle froe. m

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