The Danbury Reporter. VOLUME XXXIII. Annual Report of Clerk Superior Court. Continued from last week. Reo'd March 12, 03, from suit Martin vs Martin due T L Wilkins 1.00 Rec'd Apr. 15, 03, from suit James vs Neal due C C Flynt 1.20 Rec'd Apr. 29, 03. from suit Pearce vs Lynch due J E Dod son to R L. Hayrnore *SO Rec'd April 29, 03, from suit Pearce vs Lynch due J E Dodson 10 Rec'd April 29, 03, from suit Peace vs Lynch due Martha France 3.60 Rec'd May 21, 1903, from suit Johnson vs Slate due W H Haymore 62 Rec'd May 21, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thomas due W P Ray in controversy 90 Rec'd'May 21, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thomas due W R Carter controversy 60 Rec'd May 21, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thoms due P W Bobertson controversy 1.20 Rec'd May 21, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thomas due J C Newsom controversy 25 Rec'd May 21, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thomas due P H Mabe controversy 75 Reo'd May 21, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thomas due John C Clark controversy 25 Rec'd May 21, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thomas due Jas. A Johnson controversy 3.36 Rec'd May 81, 1903, from suit Slate vs Thomas due M A White to Joel Tilley contro versy 2.00 Rec'd Spring Term 03, from sut State vs J L Martin due J B Webster 60 Rac'd Dec. 19, 1903, from suit State vs A H Durham due N G Belton 1.00 Reo'd Jan. 4,1904, from Buit Jno. M Reynolds vs Wall, Amr. due W F Moir 1.20 Rec'd Feb. 22, 04, from suit Southern vs Southern due J I Blackburn 1.00 Rec'd Feb. 22, 04, from suit Southern vs Southern due George Manuel 50 Rec'd April 18, 04, from suit Hughes vs Bryaut due James Flippin 50 Rec'd Spring Term 04, from suit State vs Webster due Phil Carter 75 Rec'd Spring Term 04, from suit State vs Webster due James Scales 75 Rec'd Spring Term 04, from suit State vs Jones due J R Covington 30 Rpo'd Spring Term 04, from ..suit State vs Jones due D F Tillotson 1.62 Rec'd Spring Term 04, from suit State vs Fazier due C S Cardwell 4.58 Rec'd Spring Term 04, from suit State vs Linville due Cephas Vaughn 32 ivec'd Spring Term 04, from suit State vs Martin due J B Webster 60 Rec'd Spring Term 04, from suit Slate vs Scales due R P McAnnally 75 Rec'd June 3, 04, from suit Joyce vs Railway Co. due D Poindexter Rec'd June 3, 1904, from suit Joyce vs Railway Co. due J E Crews 70 Rec'd June 7, 1904, from suit Southern vs Hall due J H Covington 25 Rec'd June 13, 04, from suit Ellington, admr., vs Ziglar due S A Thompson Rec'd June 13, 04, from suit Ellington, admr., vs Ziglar due C R Martin 50 Rec'd June 13, 04, from suit Ellington admr., vs Ziglar due W T Massey 50 Rec'd June 13, 04. from suit Ellington admr. vs due T D Howell 50 Rec'd June 13, 04, from suit Ellington admr. vs Ziglar duo S A Anderson 2.50 Rec'd July 9,04, from suit State vs Clark due George Price 1.58 Rec'd July 9, 04, from suit State vs Clark due Phil Carter 75 Rec'd July 9,04, from suit State vs Clark due James Scales 75 Rec'd July 9, 04, from suit State vs Clark due John Zig lar 75 Rec'd July 19, Oi, from suit State vs Mabe due Robert Lawson 69 Rec'd July 22, 1904, from suit Mitchell vs Bennett due J W Flinch am 1,20 Rec'd Aug. 2, li(04, from suit Hicks admr. vs Moody due W A Young 25 Rec'd Aug. 23, IM4, from suit. Wall vs Jones admr. duo W B Vaughn 1)0 Rec'd Aug. 25,1904, from suit Fair vs Jones admr. duo J L Parish to Fair 30 Rec'd Aug. 25, 04, from suit Fair vs Jones adiur. due W T Southern 30 Rec'd Aug. 25, 04, from suit Fair vs Jones admr, due M F Pinnix (50 Rec'd Aug. 25, 04, from suit Fair vs Jones admr, due R E Clodfelter 1.58 Rec'd Oct. 4, 1 ( .(04, from suit Venable vs Venable et al due J C Dodson 25 Rec'd Oct. 4, 1904, from suit Venable vs Venable et al due Sheriff of Stokes county I.QO lteo'd Oct, 29,1904, from suit State vs Crouse duo J L Parish 30 Rec'd Oct. 29, 1904, from suit State vs Crouse due J L Hatchings (SO Rec'd Oct. 29, 1904, from suit State vs Crouse dne W J Edwards SO Reo'd Nov, 28, 04, from suit George vs Caudle due J E Crews 25 Rec'd Nov. 28, 04, from suit George vs Caudle due W H Moore 4.00 Rec'd Dec. 22, 04, from suit Sheppard vs Lackey due J M East 30 Rec'd Dec. 22, 04, from suit Sheppard vs Lackey due Pink Hall 30 Reo'd Jan. 2, 05, from suit Tilley vs Nunn due Thomas Cardwell 1.00 Rec'd Jan. Special Term from suit State vs Vaughn duo Cephas Vaughn 32 Rec'd Jau. Special Term 05, from suit State vs Lewis due D C Cromer 30 Rec'd Jan. Special Term 05, from Buit State vs Hughes due Garfield Hughes 22 Rec'd Jan. Special Term 9105, from suit State vs Samuel duo L W Samuels 2.54 Rec'd Feb. 23, 05, from suit Gordon admr. vsHawkinsdue Pleasant Morefield 1.00 Rec'd March 13, 05, from suit State vs Moore due A S Mitchell 50 Rec'd March 1905, in suit, duo J T Johnson 25 DAN BURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. r >, 1900. Rec'a April 17, 05, from suit Simmons vs Smith duo Lin ney Roddick 1.16. Rec'd April 17. 05, from suit Simmons vs Smith due Geo. Pearco 1.60 Rec'd April 17, 05, from suit Simmons vs Smith due R L Hartman 30 Rec'd April 17, 05, from suit Simmons vs Smith due Bib FPriddy 1.24 Rec'd April IS, 05, from suit Wall vs Slate due R G Gentry 2.00 Rec'd April 26, 05, from suit East vs Simmons admr. due Emma Farmer 50 Rec'd April 26, 05, from suit East vs Simmons admr. due Tom Vaden 50 Rec'd April 26, 05, from suit East vs Simmons due R E Tucker 50 Rec'd April 2(5, Oft, from suit East vs Simmons due Eliza East 50 Rec'd April 21, 05, from suit East vs Simmons due J R P Hast 50 Rec'd April 2», 05, from suit East vs Simmons due Susan Kt iton 50 Rec'd April 2(5, 05, from suit East vs Simmons due O M Rutldgo 50 Rec'd April 2(5, 05, from suit East vs Simmons due John Sheppard 50 Rec'd April 2i>, 05, from suit East vs Simmons due Lilla Sheppard 50 Rec'd Mny 8, P.h)s, from suit Covington admr. vs Pearce clue J M Venable 25 Rec'd May 1(5, 05, from suit Pearoe vs Lynch due Luin Nunn 1.50 Reo'd Spring Term 05, from suit State vs Lewis due Jim Tilley 1.29 Rec'd Spring Term 05, from suit State vs Bowles due Willie Nelson 1.50 Rec'd Spring Term 05, from suit State vs Bowles due J D Lawson 1.46 Rec'd Spring Term 05, from suit State vs Harbor dne 1) S R Martin 40 Rec'd Spring Term 05, from suit State vs Harbor due Crenshiue Harbor 50 Rec'd Spring Term 05, from suit State vs Lewis due J L Parish 30 Roc'd Spring Term 05, -from suit State vs Lewis due W L Vaughn l.iK) Rec'd June 1, 05, from suit State vs Boazo duo Charley Essick 1.90 Reo'd June 7, 05, from suit State vs Hairston due J 0 Bessent 10 Reo'd June 10, 05, from suit Wall admr. vs Abbott due J F Smith 1.38 Rec'd June 10, 05, from suit Wall admr. vs Abbott due Clarendon Abbott 1.50 Rec'd June 28, 05, from suit Newman vs Joyce due A J Essex 25 Rec'd June 28, 05, from suit Newman vs Joyce due Ben Martin 53.25 Rec'd July 3, 05, from suit Stewart admr. vs Perguson due J T Wilson 25 Roc'd July 12, 05, from suit Crutchtield vs Galloway due J B Webster (50 Rec'd July 12, 05, from suit State vs Benton due B Wal ker 2.20 Roc'd July 27, 05, from suit Duncan vs Duncan due Bill llennis 3.00 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit King vs Harris duo James Hughes 3.42 STOKES AXl> CAROLINA. Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due Gid George 1.4(1 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due S S D Hall to J H Gravitt 30 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due W S King to J H Gravitt 2.27 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due Peter Johnson to J H Gravit 1.23 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due M F Overby to J II Gravitt 1.27 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due R I Dalton to J H Gravitt 3.45 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due James E Beunott to J II Gravitt 1.79 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall duo Y S Smith to J M Deatou 45 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due J E White 15 Rec'd Aug. M, 05, from suit Boyles vs Hall due W S King 4.OSS Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Barr vs Johnson due Y S 'Smith 1.20 Roc'il Aug. 8, 05, from suit Barr vs Johson due John Hampton 30 Uee'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Barr vs Johnson duo C H Ferguson 30 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Barr vs Johnson due P P Johnson (50 Rec'd Au'». 8, 05, from suit Barr va Tohnsou due J P Ferguson 30 Reo'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Barr vs Johnson due J T Thompson 30 Rec'd Aug. 8, 05, from suit Barr vs Johnson due R W Slate to W J Johnson 30 Rec'd Sept. 25, 05, from suit Stewart admr. vs Perguson due W S Watkins 30 Rec'd Sept. 25 05, from suit Stewart admr. vs Perguson due Walter S Wilson 30 Roc'd Sept. 25, 05, from suit Stewart admr. vs Perguson J W Young 30 Rec'd Sept. 25, 05, from suit Stewart admr. vs Perguson due E T Kapp 30 Rec'd Sept. 2(5,1905,fr0m suit Hennia vs Rakestraw due J T DeShazo 30 Rec'd Sept. 2(5, 05, from suit Rakestraw vs Hennis due C E Martin 50 Rec'd Sept. 2(5, 05, from suit Rakestraw vs Hennis due P D Nelson 50 Rec'd Sept. 26, 05, from suit • Rakestraw vs Hennis due B H Rakestraw 50 Rec'd Sept. 26, 05, from suit Kakestraw vs Hennis due .J P Price 50 Rec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Cardwell duo C S Cardwell 55 Rec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Mills et al due W E Moran 1.70 Rec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Mills et al due W M France * 8.40 Kec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Nelson due Lee East 2.72 Rec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Nelson due Ben Booth 2.(58 Rec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Corn due G W Smith 1.42 Kec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Spencer due Jas. Ingrain 1.58 Rec'd Fall term 05, from suit State vs Samuels duo C W Jones 1.20 Rec'd Full Term 05, from suit State vs Samuels due F H Morris 5.50 Rec'd Fall Term 05, from suit State vs Samuels due C T Webster 3.(54 Rec'd Oct. 1(5, 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte due J M Denton 1.80 Rec'd Oct. 1(5. 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte due J H Gravitt 1.60 Rec'd Oct. 1(5, 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte due P O Bennett 1.70 uee'd Oct. 1(5, 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte duo a A Bennett 1,70 uee'd Oct. 1(5, 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte due F A Hall 1.80 Reo'd Oct. 1(5, 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte due N S Boyles 1.50 Rec'd Oct, 1(5, 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte due it M Gunter 1.50 Rec'd Oct It), 05, from suit Albert Boyies Exparte due John Baker 1.50 Rec'd Oct. Its, 05, from suit Albert Boyles Exparte due E \\ Kisor 1,50 Rec'd Oct. 1(5, 05, from suit State vs Sinipson due J Ham Mitchell 1.90 Rec'd Oct.. I • i. 05, from suit State vs Simpson due Robert McAnnally 2.00 Rec'd Oct. Its, 05, from suit State vs •impson due Will Wilson 1.(56 Rec'd Oct. 1(5, 05, from suit hlate vs simpson due Same Welch 1.4(5 Roc'd Oct. 18, 05, from suit Amos vs Amos due J A scales 1.33 Rec'd Oct. 18, 05, from suit Amos vs Amos due J T Joyce 1.33 Rec'd Oct. 18, 05, from suit Amos vs Amos due u L Pratt 1.33 Rec'd Oct. is, ().">, from suit Amos vs Amos due W L Brown (57 Rec'd Oct. IS, 05, from suit Amos vs Amos, due R L Brown, (57 uee'd Oct. IS, 05, from suit Amos vs Amos due J T Wil- son 1(5 Rec'd Nov. 05. from suit Rierson vs N ct W Ry. Co. due J R Blackwell to ny. Co. 30 Rec'd Nov. •!, 05, from suit Hooker admr. vs s Ry Co. due s s Brook to D M Hooker 50 Rec'd Nov. (5, 05, from suit Hooker admr. vs s Ry Co. due W I Brooks 50 Rec'd Nov. 17, 05, from suit state vs Joe France due 1) A simmons 1.00 uee'd Nov. 17. 05, from suit state vs Joe France due R E smith 3.55 Rec'd Nov. 27, 11105, from suit state vs Bullen due Walter Bullen 1,75 Rec'd Nov. 27, 05, from suit state vs Bullen due Walter G Mabe (50 Rec'd Nov. 27, 05, from suit state vs Bullen due E C sheppard 80 Rec'd Nov. 27, 05, from suit state vs Bullen due sarah Jane Bullen ' 1.(55 uee'd Nov. 27. 05, from suit state vs Bullen duo Robert Fagg 1.65 Rec'd Nov. 27, 05. from suit state vs Bullen due Walter Nelson 1.65 Total amount of official and witness claims to Dec. 4, 05, £284.17 MISCELLANEOUS. The clerk has in his hands in certain cases on cost Docket etc,, NUMBEK S2 more than is entered in said cases, to-wit: In case State vs J J Fry, de posit in lieu of bond 50.00 In case Alley vs Fallen 45 In case Watts vs Stewart 15.80 In case Sheppard vs Sheppard 15.75 $ 82.00 RECAPITULATION. Total amount of certificates of deposits including interest to Dec. 4, 1905 $177(5.05 Total amount loaned other than to banks including inter est to Dec. 4, 1905 7025.70 Total amount belonging to minors not invested 488.13 Total amount of official claims and witness claims not inves ted 284.17 Total amount of miscellaneous claims not invested 82.00 854,.'i0 Total liability of the clerk to Dec. 4, 1905 $965(5.05 Respectfully reported, Dec. 4, 05. M. T. CHILTON, c. s. c. sworn to and subscribed before me, Dec. 4, 1905. J. W. GANN, Chmn. B. 0. C. North Carolina, | Office Board of Stokes county. \ County Comrs. Upon the filing of the foregoing report it is ordered by the Board of Commissioners that R. F. Shel ton be appointed as a committee to examine the report and com pare the same with the records in the clerk's office and report his findings to the Board. This Dec. 4, 1905. J. W. GANN, Chmn. Bd. Co. Comrs. State of North Carolina, > Stokes county. J To the Board of commissioners of Stokes county: The undersigned having been appointed a committee to examine the foregoing report of M. T. Chilton, clerk superior court of Stokes county, with the records in his office respectfully reports to the Board that he has examined said report and compared with the records of the clerk's office and finds the same to be correct. Respectfully reported Dec. 4,1905. R. F. SHELTON, Committee North Carolina, ) Office of Bd, Co. Stokes county f Comrs. Dec. 4,05 Upon the coming in of the re port of committee appointed to examine the foregoing report of M. T. Chilton, C. S. C., of Stokes county, and it appearing to the Board that said report is correct. It is ordered by the Board that the report be and the same is hereby approved and it is further ordered that said report be recor ded in the record of official reports and filed in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds, and that the clerk of the Board post a copy of said report at the court house door in Danbury and cause a copy of same to be published in the Danbury Reporter. This Dec. 4th HK)S, J. W. NN, Chmn. Bd. of Co. Comrs MAY LIVE 100 YEARS. The chances for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mrs Jennie Duncan, of Haynes ville, Me., now, 70 years old. She writes; "Electric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl.'' Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Livor disease, Blood disorders, General Debility and bodily weak ness. Sold on a guarantee at all drugstore. Price only 50c.