XXXIII. [era More Argument To Show That The Negro Has No' Soul. ONTINI'ED FKOM LABT WEEK.) used of men. They refer also to groups or classes of trees, even the uloments. Secondly. Ethuos: n number of people living togeth er, a company, body of men; also applied to a swarm of bees or flock of sheep, etc. . II A nation, people. We find the expression taeshwe —the na tions i. o. Gentiles, all except Jews and Christians. 11l also used of a single person—a nation. Since the Greek terms abovo quoted have snoh a variety of op posing meanings, it is plain that the contention between Carroll and "Dog-Killer" should be in. vestigated, and that no mere sur. face view should be taken, we must go to the bottom of this question, which leads us to the creation. Mr. Carroll shows that God made the plants and animals in great numbers and variety; and that there exist such resemblances between certain plants as well as certain animals as to justify the in deciding tliqt they belong to our gpeoies, at the same time there are such differences between numbers of these species, whether of plants or animals, as justifies the naturalist in deciding that they are different races. Mr. Carroll also shows that species is the unit of whioh races are the ftence, to have |pefji«B }t |f)Hk\*fye poippoged of a greater or less number of races. Hence to have a race, it must be A fractional part of a species. Mr. Carroll also shows in his book that God treated man very differently (from the plants animals in this respect as in every other. Having made the plants and ani mals in species and races, after their kind, He created man in His own image—a single pair; and a single pair is not a species, ■ince races, the essential element of a species was wanting. Neither l|id (fod create man a race, since }jp wtyf Rot tj)e fractional part of a species. Man is a creation, dis tinct from the animals, but akin to God; and intsmuoh as man was not created in species and races it follows that he could never be. oomp BO; and there is not today there never was, and there can never be such a monstrosity as a "human species" or a "race of jjjen." tyr. parj-01l shows that Alter the Deluge, when the des sendents of Noah had spread from Ararat to every continent of the enrth and has grown rich and powerful, they forgot the terrible lesson of the Deluge, and descend- Ed to amalgamation with the negro, as their ante-diliufian an ' pastors did, These tjnoient peo ple realised that it was a burning •hame and disgrace for them to begot otT-spring by a * brute, and having violated the law of God in doing this, they went further and repudiated God and their kinship to him, and in order to bring the » negro and their progeny by him Jnto the I) tun an family, conceived ihe theory that man is a species of Ape composed of various races of men. This debasing theory and the amalgamation from which it sprung to whiolj leads, spread over all the earth until it swept whites and negroes from tfhole continent*, and populated them fith mised-blood&; thp few re maining whites and negroes were omitfned to certain nations of Asia, Africa and Southern Europe, and even in these this theory and the •malf**" "* carries with e*Ttf£,> ■'**' A %' • to raise up a nation which would be his chosen people, and would be peculiar in that they would adhere to ruonothism, the religion of Eden; and not aooept the theory of atheism, nor believe in evolu tion, and stoop to amalgamation and from this to idolatry. God then gave them his laws: "Thou shalt have no other God before me;" "thou shalt not lie with any beast," etc. But the Israelites frequently abandoned God and his law and plunged into the very crimes they commanded to oppose, and God sent prophet after pro phet to warn them of their wicked course, and often visited upon them the severest punishments; as a last resort he sent his Bon, Jesus Christ to redeem them from their atheism and the degrading theory that they were Amply a lot of highly developed apes, and they were akin to negroes and mulattoes, and that these base born creatures are Gods ohildren. But rather than abandon their negroism the Jews killed the Saviour, as they killed many of the prophets who proceeded him in this mission. This degrading theory which teachos that man is a speoies of Ap of whioh the white is the highest and the negro is the lowest, also teaches that the monera, the lowest form of ani mal life is the result of spontan ous generation, and from this small beginning, the higher orders of water animals were evolved, and that a branch of these evolved jntq fowls on the one hand, and jnto the land animals on the other, and that form the higher land animals—the Apes, man evolved. This theory whioh de clares us all a lot of apes, put the negro aqd ir( the family of man, as lowpr races, whioh have not developed so far from their "animal ancestors" as their white brothers have, St. Paul violously assailed this atheistic theory at its vital point when he said: "All flesh is not the same flesh; but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh j Madron. Jipp 30 of beast, another of anf] Hinng » severe eleotrioal storm another of birds. I hus aooord- 01 , 0 j a y j ftß j week lightning struck jng to St, Paul, the tish never a stable on the land of Mr. Jesse evolved Into the fowls ou the one McCollum in Wentworth town hand, and into the land animals fhip, an( l killed a horse for John on the other; neither did a branch a hard working negro. There of the apes envolve into man. wnß knottier horse in the stable at The flsh and fowl and beast are but escaped uninjured, not akin, but are different kinds Mr Bil , Joneß) of Mt Airy hftß of flesh. If this teaching of the coin pl e tod the granite work on inspired apostle was univer.-aMy p r R oac i,' 2 reqidefice a»>d it ( accepted it would ijpstroy the q ji j| ie fj ne8 i pieces of rustio atheistic theory of Evolution from Brani t e i n the State, the minds of man, and with H the Mr Thomas Raker, who left debasing belief that map is a jjjjg uouufy 15 years ago and set species of ape that is composed of tled „ eHr D anvi || e , Vn., came in Ave or more races of men, aud the Tneß(iay on a short vißit to his elevating teaching of the Bible brot | ler) Alex Bakeri at Ellisboro. that man is a creation destinct Mr Baker - 8 wife vißitiny hpr from the animals and akin to God, Ripharcl A ,j eyi at Pine will at once become the belief of jj a j| men. The dootrine of Creation, Mr, Z. L, Wall, one of our old as taught by the Bible, and the opposing theory of evolution, as taught by atheists and infidels, are the only schools that propose to explain the origin of things, man included. Hence, if we accept the Bible we nuist reject the theory of evolution and this the inspired writers did; infaot we owe our knowledge of the Our Preferred Dividend Policy truth of Creation to the inspired aot on| y Provides an estate at writer, Moses; while we are in- y ,,nr flenth - bl,t nlso W 8 y°« debted to the inspired, Paul, for fro,n 00 to 125 00 in cas ? ° f the fatal blow dealt the theory of sickness or accident in addition to evolution, with its ; h H tpan i do « hle the amount of the P o,i °y apecies," and its "races of men." if y°" die withi » » I,iet y f,n y ß of On the other hand if we accept I ,uoh aco,dent - Write us for par the theory of evolution with its or better still let one of "human species," and its races of our representatives call on you in men," we must reject the Bible P e ™"' STOKES COUNTY with its teaching that man was BANK ( , )b STOKES COUNTY, created a single pair, "in the Insurance Department re of God " and this the called Walnut Cove, N. C., ' ! cal churches have done in : ng the negro and his AGAIN. *' '> f j ' *■ '' ANBURY REPORTER. 'El> NKXT WEEK I t -C > * Z. : : T DAN BURY, N. DEATH OF MR. JAMES AYERS Some Other Items of News From Pilot Mountain. Pilot Mt., June 28. We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. Jim Ayers, which and event occurred nt his home near Meggs, this county, yesterday morning about 0 o'clock. He lmd been sick with typhoid fever for the past few weeks, and his oon. ditions were considered serious all along until the end, and all that medical skill could do was of no avail. Ho was a well known and highly respected citizen and was esteemed by all who knew him. He was oncp a gtookljqlder in the bank at this plaoe and had many friends here who were made sad by the news of his death. He was twice married and leaves a wife and several ohtldren to mourn his departure, who have the sym pathy of the entire oommunity and to whom we extend our heart, felt sympathy, Died in Stokes county, N.C., on the 12th of June, 1905, Themer Neal, daughter of B. A. and Eller Neal, aged 28 years, 11 months and I*s days dt»y«. Messrs. J, H. Boyles, Wm, Hen ley, and Misses Anna Lois Henley and Francis Marshall went on the mountain Wednesday and all re port quite a pleasant day, although very warm for climbing mountains. Revenue officers J. T. Sheppard and Chas. A. Banks ftod dtsgtrqyecj two blockade distilleries in the Low Gap section of this oounty week before last. They consisted 75 and 80 gallon coppers, worm and doublers, 13 ferinenters and 2500 gallons of beer. One of the distilleries wqs running in full blast when the oncers arrived "but tlie operators escaped. Mr. W. A. Douglas, left today fur Aladiaon, where he goes to bid in or oontract some brick build ings. MADISON est citlitons, who lives just west of Madison, was in the city Wednes day and reports that the rains have not caused so much damage in his section, with the Reception of poqsjbly ft little to the wheat t»roj>, Dr. J. H. Ellington, of Sandy Ridge, was a Pqnhury visitor Saturday. • ( irV- v ;r ■ • C., JULY 5, 1906 OUR WALNUT COVE LETTER. STOKES COURT ADJOURNS Various News and Personal Items Was In Session Only Four Days Compiled by Our Correspondent Some Cases Disposed ol—Civil at that Place. Docket Barely Touched. Walnut Cove, July 3,-Mr. Pinkney Kierson, who holds a 1 position with the Charlotte Ob server, visitod his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Kierson, the past week. Wm. J. Fulton, an employe of' the Southern I{y., in General Manager's office at Greensboro, is spending his fifteen days vacation visiting friends and relatives at this plaoe. Mr. Jas. M. Young, agt. for the N. & W. is granted a 13 day vaca tions with pay. A Mr. Buck, who formerly acted as agt at Walker town, relieved him Willie Wheeler, who for the past year has been on night duty as operator for the N. & W at this station, has accepted the agenoy at Walkertown. Old Tnale Jerry Martin, of Dillard, has been making a visit to his grand children, MwJamos, Jno. and Ji«, T'uttle and A. S. Mitchell, Mr. Bedford Brown was in town last Thursday, Capt. R. L. Murphy aud family visited Dr. and Mrs Lash at Greensboro last Thursday. Miss Lelia Long, of Mt. Airy, visited the family of Mr. A J. Fair tle j,ast week, Mt. Tabor baseball team com-1 po#ed ohiefly of Germanton play ers were defeated on their own grounds Saturday by Walnut Cove. Nine games, 28 to 1. Southern Ry. agt , R. Q, petree, jfeceivod a f*in by mail reoently for which the souder demanded $50.00- roward. The pi n was not. the kind usually worn in neck ties. The attached note was written by some of the fair sex. Mr. Petree is anxious to know to what address to send the check., Among the visitors to our city Sunday, we note Mr. Frnnij, Rous and sisters, a} R. L Murphy's; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Petree, at J A. Potree's; Mr. T. G. Samuel, of Mt. Airy, at J. A. Petree's; Miss Katie Featherstone, of Rural Hall, at Mrs. W. I'. Landretb's; Mr Honry Leham, of Boon Mill, Ya., at the Misses Adams' Messrs Juo. A. Burton and Jacob Fulton are having a pecul iar disease. About four ago. it was dry weatherine, later wet weatherine developed. At this 1 writing they are hoth down with a disease known as crabgrassine. There will be a game of base ball here tomorrow, July 4th, bo tween Pinnacle and Walnut Cove. Mr. Chas. ' Morefield, the proud of a nice girl Meeting of the Farmers' Association Our next township meeting of the North Carolina Farmers' Pro tective Association will be held at Wilson's Store Thursday, July 12th, at 1 o'oluck P M. We will also have with us the Hon. J, O W. Gravely, the State's (Irai d Lecturer. Let everybody get their work in shape-till then and all come out and hear the speech and join the association. Bites Hog and Cow Which Die Of A MEM HER. Hydrophobic , Mr. C. V, Marshall, of Walnut Do not let an msurance agent j Cove Rmite 2> wag here Mo , persuade you into taking life in- and to , d the Reporter of the surance until yon have first seen havoc created by a maddog at the our Preferred Dividend Policy, p | ace of M r. Ed Davis. It first bit a containing special health and acci- llHrge birddog belonging to Mr .lent features all for the price most Davig which ruQ mad Rnd in turQ companies charge for the one- bit R hog and mUch CQW The ' xrlw*> r, i'VT dog and cow died in fits of rabies. BANK OF STORESCOI NT\, Mr Davi(J hftß 9evera , fiue mu , eg Insurance Department, whioh uis feared Woro bitten Walnut Cove, N. O. I will preach in Danbury on The foot-washing at Piney next Sunday at 3 o'clock instead Grrovo Baptist chnroh Sunday was of thd usual hour at night, largely attended. W. T. ALBRIGHT. The special term of Stokes Superior Court, with Judge E. B. Jones presiding, adjourned Thurs day afternoon after having been in session four days. The civil docket was barely touched, only two or three civil suits being heard and these were of very little impor tance. Oases disposed of on the State docket and not reported in our last issue are as follows: State v. Lum Edwards, retailing Case No. 2, judgment suspended upon payment of the cost. Case No. 1, nol pros. State v. Lum Edwards, retailing, judgment suspended upon pay ment of cost. Defendant to give S2OO bond for his appearance from term to term until .spring term 1908, to show that he has sold no more liquor Statu v. Oscar Smith assault with doadly weapon, six months on public roads of Rockingham county. State v. Oscar Smith, casQllß, judgment suspended. State v Julius Carter, disturb ing BCIIOOI entertainment, fined $5.00 and cost. State v. Hayes Flinn, retailing. Case No. 132, twenty days in jail. Case No. 36 judgment suspended. Stete v. Banner Joyce, retailing, fined $lO and cost. State v. Sam Williams, retail ing. In case No. 55 fined $50.00 and ooat. In oases Nos. 5(5, 57, 58 and 84 judgment suspended upon payment of cost. Defendant to appear from term to term until 1"'07 and show that ho has neither mati ufactured or sold any liquor. State v. (>scar Sisk, retailing. In case No. 59 fined $50.00 and cost. In case »>0 and 61, judgment suspended on payiuant of cost. State J. J. Fry, carrying con cealed weapon, 60 days on Rock ingham roads. State v. Juo. knight, cruelty to animals, judgment suspended on payment of cost. State v. Nulan Martin, assault with deadly woapou, fined SIO.OO and cost. State v. Jno. Young, retailing. In caso No, 98, ninety days iu jail. In oases Nos. 95, % and 97 judgment suspended upon pay ment of cost. State v. Bob Lankford and E. W. Tucker, assault with deadly weapon, fined $5.00 and'half the cost each. State v. Chas Fowler aud S. A. Westmoreland, affray. Fowler fined SIO.OO aud half the cost. Judgment suspended as to West moreland upon payment of half the cost, State v. Jas. Durham, (bill aineuded) forcible trespass, judg ment suspended upon payment of of cost. State v Rufus Cardwell, (bill amended i forcible trespass, judg ment suspended upon payment of cost. MADDOG CREATES HAVOC Briefs Adrift. Mr. Jesse Wall, of Madison, spent Friday night at the MoCan less Hotel. Dr. Nick Rierson and family, of Bluefield. West Va., are visiting relatives in Stokes, Messrs Y. F. Sams, of Delk, and J. T. Wilson, of Heareford, were among us Friday. Miss Emma Shelton, daughter of Mr. (i. G. Shelton, of Danbury Route 1, is quite ill. Mr. Robt. Critz, of Winston, was in Danbury Thursday enroute to Piedmont Springs. Mr. R. R. Rogers, cashier of the Bank of Walnut Cove, spent Wed nesday night in Danbury. Mr. R E. Smith, of Francisoo, spent a few days here the past week with his brother, Prof. J T. Smith- Mr. Charlie King, of Roanoke, spent Wednesday night with his sisters, Misses Minnie and Annie King, at Pied -ont Springs. Mr. J. W Hutchens, of Sandy Ridge, was here Friday. Mr. Hutchens reports the illneßß of his father, Mr. J. H. Hutchens. Attorney F. H. Petree went to I'restonville Saturday to look after the sale of the land in the case of "H. J. Scales vs. G. M, Scales et al." Dr. E. Fulp, of Fulp, spent Wednssday night and Thursday here attending a meeting of the Board of Education, of whioh ho is a member. Mrs. R. I. Dalton, Miss May Dalton and Mr. Mcßay Dalton spent Friday night here. They were returning to their home at Winston from a visit to Stuart, Va. Mr. Thos. Lawson, who resides just a short distance south-west of Dan bury, shot a very large rattle snake the past week right near his home. About 12 rattles were found 011 the snake. Miss Andrews, daughter of Mr. Robt. Andrews, who lives at the Moir place on Snow Creek, died of consumption at the homo of her father Sunday, and was buried Monday at North View Mr. O, L, Pulliam, of Pink Grove, is convalescent from a serious illness of typhoid fever, appendicitis and other complica tions. His many friends hope to see him out again soon. Rev. W. T. Albright and family, of Stokesburg. came up Saturday, Mrs. Albright and children spent the time at Danbury while Mr. Albright went to Sandy Ridge to till his appointment on Sunday. Misses Pattie Chisman, of Pine Hall, and Jeanette Austin, of Tarboro, returned to Pine Hall Saturday, after spending Bome days here and at Piedmont Springs. They were accompanied by Mr. VV. M. Chisman. Messrs. B. F. Pulliam, of Pink Grove, and J. S. D. Pulliam, of King, paid the Reporter a pleasant visit Saturday while in town on business. The former has about re covered from a long and severe at tack of typhoid fever and rheuma tism, but yet walks with a lame ness in his back. Register of Deeds Jones is busy these days recording con tracts or mortgages for the Norfolk & Western railway. He has receiv ed two during the past two weeks, the consideration of eaoh being a million dollars. These instru ments, which are very lengthy, have to be recorded in eaoh ooanty in whioh the railroad owns pro- Iperty. fjm NO. 22